HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence TAC .. ,"- -\ October 25, 2007 ]AlVIES BRAINARD, MAYOR Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead Stoeppelwerth and Associates, Inc. 7965 East L 06th Street Fishers, IN 46038-2505 RE: Westhaven Primary Plat-Project Review #1 Dear Mr. Olmstead: 0/05002 9. Pf We have reviewed the plans submitted for review at the September 19,2007 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. We offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's first review ofthe primary plat for this project. 2. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting the requested revisions. Failure to provide written responses may resuLt in the delay ofthe review process. 3. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised pLans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission. BZA or other committee meetings. 4. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. If you have not already done so, pLease provide a set of drainage plans and calcuLations to their office for review . We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. When construction pLans are submitted for review for this deveLopment, pLease provide a set of drawings and drainage caLculations directLy to Crossroads. 5. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until: a. All Engineering Department and Utility Department and Hamilton County Surveyor issues have been resolved. b. All bonds and perfonnance guarantees are posted. c. All Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvaLs (if required} are obtained. d. All off-site easements necessary to install utilities to serve the deveLopment are secured. e. Digital files have been submitted. f. Water and Sanitary Sewer availability fees have been paid. 6. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based upon subsequent reviews and on the grading and drainage system upon receipt of drainage calculations and more detailed construction drawings that provide grading elevations, pipe sizing and invert elevations. These comments may affect the drainage system layout presented on the primary plat. 7. If individually or collectively, the area ofland disturbance is greater than 0.25 acre, an approved Storm Water Management Permit is required prior to connnencing any earth disturbing activity. 8. An approved right-of-way pennit is required prior to corrunencing any work in the public right-of-way. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEEIUNG ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFlCE 317.571.2441 FAX 3175712439 EMAIL engineering@carmel.in.gov ~ , -' ,. Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead October 25, 2007 RE: Westhaven Primary Plat-Project Review #1 Page 2 of6 9. If it will be necessary to relocate existing utilities, the cost for such relocation shall be bome solely by the Developer. [futility poles must be relocated, they must be relocated to within one foot of the proposed right-of-way. 10. The Department requires that the construction drawings be developed in accordance with the City of Cannel digital submission standards and that all required submittals for primary plat, secondary plat, and construction drawings be made. The digital files must be submitted to the Department of Engineering prior to the approval of the construction plans. Please contact the City GIS Department for the requirements. 11. Jurisdictions: a. The project site is located within current City of Cannel Corporate Limits. b. Streets and Right of Way - City of Cannel (136lh Street) c. Water - City of Cannel Utilities d. Sanitary Sewers - Clay Township Regional Waste District e. Storm SewerslDrainage - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office/City of Cannel. f. Legal Drains - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 12. Drawings submitted for approval: a. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. b. Due to stonn drainage dual jurisdiction with the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, a total of 8-sets of plans will be required for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and will be signed by the City Engineer and Director of Carmel Utilities. The 8-sets will then be delivered to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office for approval. Final distribution will be 2-sets to Cannel Engineering, I-set to Carmel Utilities, 2-sets to the Surveyor's Office and I-set each to the Developer, the Developer's Engineer and the Contractor. 13. Carmel Utilities will provide separate reviews of this project for water issues. Please assure that copies of all drawings are sent to: Paul Pace City of Carmel Water Utility 3450 West 131 st Street Westfield, IN 46074 14. Carmel Utilities does subscribe to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted directly for all water main locations. 15. Copies of the following Engineering Department development documents will be forwarded upon request: a. Subdivision Project Approval Procedures b. Performance Release Procedure c. Subdivision Building Permits d. Permit Data, Contacts, etc. e. Water Fees BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY 16. I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. 17. Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (If applicable). ; Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead October 25, 2007 RE: Westhaven Primary Plat-Project Review #1 Page 3 of6 community clubhouse or community bathhouse is planned for this development, approval for additional Water Availability must be obtained from the Board. 19. Commercial Curb Cut Approval- Since the entrance and internal drive appear to be private, the 136th Street entrance curb cut will require Board approval. Please provide an exhibit of the curb cut with your request for curb cut approval. The 8Y:z xl] exhibit should include all pertinent dimensions including width, radii, acceleration/deceleration lanes, stone shoulders, pavement striping and symbols, alignment with existing opposing curb cuts, etc. 20. BPWS approval for a Temporary Construction Entrance will be required if the location is at a site other than the location of the proposed permanent entrances to the development. 2]. The installation of any permanent, privately owned andlor maintained improvement (signs, decorative street signs, walls, streetlights, etc.) within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements requires the execution of a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Carmel. Such agreements are executed by the Board of Public Works and Safety. The City Engineer may approve irrigation system agreements. 22. Secondary Plat approval ifapplicable. All performance guarantees must be posted prior to submission of secondary plats for Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 23. Dedication of Right of Way if not platted. 24. Any open cuts of 136111 Street require BPWS approval. The plan does not indicate any cuts nor are any anticipated based on utility layout. Please verify. BONDING REOUIREMENTS 25. Upon initial review, it appears performance guarantees shall be provided for the following: a. Right of Way Improvements. This could includeaccelerationldeceleration lanes, passing blister, pavement widening, thermoplastic striping, stone shoulders, curbs, etc. b. Water Mains if applicable c. Perimeter Asphalt Path d. Erosion and Sediment Control and Storm Water Quality. Please contact Amanda Foley, Engineering Department Stormwater Administrator, for details regarding engineer's estimates/performance guarantee requirements for these items. e. Storm sewer extensions as required by the County. f. Sanitary main extension as required by Clay Township Regional Waste District. 26. The amount of the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual improvements, to be provided by the design engineer. Please provide Engineer's Estimates for each improvement including quantities, unit costs, pipe sizes and materials, etc. Additionallv we request that vou provide these estimates to this office for review at the same time or before tbev are Drovided to the Develooer. 27. Upon completion and release of individual Performance Guarantees, a three-year Maintenance Guarantee will be required. The Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% ofthe Performance amount for Streets and Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. 28. Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of Credit. 29. Please reference the documents referenced in Item # 16 for more detailed explanation of our procedures and requirements. RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT AND BONDING 30. Any work in the dedicated right of way of 136th Street will require an approved Right of Way Permit and a License & Permit Bond. 31. The bond amount is determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way at $2,000.00 per instance. However, if the work is included in the scope of work ofa required and posted Performance Guarantee, the Performance Guarantee may be used to satisfy the bond requirements of the Right of Way Permit. Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead October 25,2007 RE: Westhaven Primary Plat-Project Review #1 Page 4 of6 32. Please contact our Right of Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right of way permitting and bonding. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 33. The Availability and Connections Fees are current as of this date but are subject to future revisions. 34. Availability (acreage) Fees must be paid after aU other Engineering Department requirements have been satisfied and prior to approval and start of construction activities. Availability Fees are based upon total platted acreage or legal description acreage for the development at the current rate of$I,O]O.OO per acre for Water Availability. Based upon the indicated acreage on the primary plat, the following preliminary Water Availability Fee would apply: a. 5.0 Acres @$I,OlO.OO/Acre = $5,050.00 (if the platted acreage changes at the time of project approval, this fee will be re-calculated based on the secondary plat acreage) b. A Development Application Review Fee of $300.00 for developments with more than one customer requiring a water connection will be due with paYment of Availability Fees. 35. Connection Fees are paid when the infrastructure has been completed, satisfactory test results obtained and the development has been released for building permits. Connection Fees are paid on an individual-lot basis. Based on the drawings submitted, there appear to be 2 residential lots or 2.0 E.D.U's. The current Water Connection Fee is $1,396.00 per EDU. 36. If an entryway irrigation system, other community irrigation system, community swimming pool, community clubhouse or community bath house is planned for this development, additional Water Availability Fees and Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage ofthe system and upon the recommendations of the Director of Carmel Utilities. PRIMARY PLAT COMMENTS 37. Please label the right-of-way of 136th Street as proposed. 38. All lots adjacent to side yard easements must be wide enough to accommodate the anticipated house model and any planned driveways such that there is no encroachment in the easements. 39. Please add the Department Standard Swale Sub-Surface Drain detail. 40. Please verifY that all 136th Street drainage structures (bridges and culverts) are indicated on the plans and extended, replaced, or improved by the Developer to accommodate the new drive and the asphalt path. Section 304.01 of the Storm Water Technical Standards requires the capacities of each existing pipe to be verified and replaced if such culverts are determined to be undersized or in a state of disrepair. 41. This project is subject to the Carmel Stormwater Management Ordinance, which was adopted February 6, 2006. 42. Please review storm water quality requirements for this project with Amanda Foley at (317) 571-2441. 43. Please provide the primary plat drainage calculations required by Section 102.02 (xi)(m) of the Storm Water Technical Standards Manual. 44. Please verify that all existing easements are shown. Please verify proposed easements (including any necessary for rear and side yard swales) satisfY the Subdivision Control Ordinance and the Storm Water Technical Standards Manual. 45. All paving within the existing and proposed City right-of-way shall conform to the requirements of the Department of Engineering. Revise the existing note on the primary plat to require: "Contractor shall contact the Department of Engineering to schedule a pre- construction meeting to review the Department's construction requirements, staff notification requirements, required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the authority of the Department as it relates to work within the existing and proposed City right-of-way." 46. Please provide a maintenance of traffic plan with the construction drawings for the construction of the entrance. , ;- Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead October 25, 2007 RE: Westhaven Primary Plat-Project Review #1 Page 5 of6 47. Please include the note "THERE SHALL BE NO WATER VALVES OR MANHOLES WlTHfN THE PAVEMENT, CURBS, SIDEWALKS, OR ASPHAL T PATHS" on all appropriate sheets. 48. If individually or collectively, the area ofland disturbance is greater than 0.25 acre, please add a note to the grading plan and all erosion and sediment control plan sheets and any demolition plans that no earth disturbing activity may commence without an approved Storm Water Management permit. 49. Current City standard backfill specifications and cover requirements shall apply to this project and shall be considered as the secondary plat design effort progres,ses. 50. The City has adopted a new paving policy. Please revise any notes, specifications, and details to accommodate this policy. The language of this policy must be added to a specification sheet on the plans. 5 I. Please provide monuments at all external comers. 52. Please align the proposed drive with Abercom such that the left turns are aligned. 53. Please indicate building pad elevations. 54. The D.U. & S.E. cannot overlap with the L.M.A.E. in common area #1. 55. Please verify if any existing external easements cross this property. 56. Please label the shared drive as "PRIVATE." 57. Please provide the location of all existing utilities with top curb/casting elevations, invert elevations, pipe sizes, and flow directions noted. 58. Please label and number all proposed sanitary and stonn structures. 59. Please verify that submission requirements per Section 102.05 of the Storm Water Technical Standards Manual have been satisfied. 60. Please provide dimensions ofthe proposed driveway. Drive may be asphalt or concrete in right-of-way, but shall not exceed City standard width in the right-of-way. 61. Return radii shall be in accordance with City standards in the right-of-way. 62. Please verify that on-site drive is sized for, and all radii are appropriate for emergency vehicles and moving trucks. 63. Please verifY that any unnecessary easements have been vacated. 64. There shall be no direct discharge areas. 65. Please verify the sight distance provided at the requested drive location (aligned with Albercom). 66. Please verifY that all existing fire hydrants within 300 feet ofthe property have been indicated. 67. Please verify that all power, gas, telecomm, CATV lines, poles, ducts, vaults, transformers, etc. on-site and adjacent to the site have been indicated. 68. The 136th Street cross-section on the primary plat does not appear correct. The Department has not requested auxiliary lanes or widening on north side and is uncertain if what is indicated on south side as existing is representative of what is installed at this location. 69. As this development intends to utilize the Westmont detention system, the Westmont detention system shall accommodate detention of the fully developed right-of-way across the Westhaven frontage. Piping shall be extended to the right-of-way or roadside drainage shall be utilized to direct runoff into the Westmont system. The flood route shall be analyzed for either case. 70. Please indicate all existing pavement markings on 136th Street. 71. If drive is to be asphalt, the portion in the right-of-way shall meet the City standard section (1S' H.M.A. # 11 surface on 2" R.M.A. #8 binder on 3" H.M.A. #50 base on T' #53 stone on 4" #2 stone). 72. Please delineate. City standard pavement (concrete or asphalt) in the right-of-way with hatching and on appropriate legend for the hatching. 73. Please verify that all existing curbs, walk, and pavement in the right-of-way is indicated on the plans. -~ Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead October 25, 2007 RE: Westhaven Primary Plat-Project Review #1 Page 60f6 74. The City is requesting the installation ofa 3~foot #73 stone shoulder, 6 inches in depth, with City standard subsurface drain under the shoulder, across the frontage. 75. Please add City standard subsurface drain detail for shoulder subsurface drain. Subsurface drain shall be double wall Hancor Hi-Q or equivalent. 76. Indicate ADA ramps where the path crosses the new drive and provide City standard ADA ramp details. 77. Provide City standard Rep installation detail for storm sewer extensions. 78. Drive culvert shall conform with minimum cover, minimum diameter standards and shall be RCP. 79. A plans and profile shaH be developed for storm sewer extension. Requisite notes from the Storm Water Technical Standards Manual shall be added to the profile. 80. A construction erosion and sediment control plan shan be developed. The construction entrance and concrete washout area must be shown. Please coordinate with Amanda Foley. 81. The off-site sanitary sewer and storm sewer easements must be secured prior to Department of Engineering. 82. Please label Abercom Street. 83. Maximum swale lengths and minimum swale slopes shall apply. 84. Thank you for indicating a shared drive. Has an access variance or waiver been obtained? 85. Is there any off-site runoff draining through site? 86. Grading on site cannot violate Stonn Water Technical Standards Manual 104.02 or Property Maintenance Code 6-227. 87. Residential sump pump discharges cannot violate Storm Water Technical Standards Manual or Property Maintenance Code. 88. Flood route across Foster and Westmont must be analyzed per 303.07 and any minimum flood protection grade on site and on Foster and in Westmont shall be established. 89. Will drive be gated? City has standards if this is the case.. 90. How will water get to stann inlet? Assume swales will be installed. Cannot install swale in L.M.E. or T.P.E. Swales must have subsurface drain. If you have questions, please call me at 571-2441. Enclosures Cc: Angelina Conn, Department of Community Services JaM DuffY, Director Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities Distribution Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engmeers Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Steve Pittman, Pittman Partners Engineering Department Review/File Copy \ \Apps2\user dam\eng\shared\DHiII\PROJREV07\ WESTHA VENPRIMPLA T.doc City of Carmel October 12, 2007 Mr. Brian K. Robinson Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc 7965 E l06th St. Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Westhaven letter 2 Dear Mr. Robinson: The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative transportation. I have reviewed the drawings dated October 8, 2007 and offer the following comments: ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION REVIEW COMMENTS The comments from the Alternative Transportation review have been satisfactorily addressed. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay ofthe review process. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings. The Department of Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If you have questions, please contact me at 571-2417. Sincerely, 92~~__ David Littlejohn Altell1ative TranspOliation Coordinator Deparm1ent of Community Services cc: Angie Conn, Deparlment of Corrununity Services Engineering Department Review Project File ONE CIVIC SQUARE Page 1 C\RlvJEL, INDL\NA 46032 317/571-2417 David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317 .849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS October 5, 2007 I' ;.J;1 REef/VEl! -.U' OCt -7 -_ . . LJ t DoCS City of Carmel Alternative Transportation Coordinator Department of COlmnunity Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: David Littlej oIm Re: Westhaven Docket No. 07080029 PP Dear Mr. Littlejohn: Please find enclosed a Preliminary Plat which was revised per your comment letter dated August 22, 2007. Those comments were addressed as follows: REVIEW COMMENTS 1. ADA crosswalks have been labeled on the plat. If you have any questions or comments regarding these revisions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 570-4701. Thank you, STOEPPEL\VERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6~\L.~ Brian K. Robinson Cc: Angie Conn Steve Pittman BKR/meb S:\5 5 84] \Blue _l3ook\Agency _ Correspondel1celCarmelTrallsporatiollCoordlnatorUttlejohn I 0-4-07 .doc David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C, Huff Vice President, COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849,5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS October 5, 2007 I) RECfPffG 01'" . - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ;.~~r~~,~ ;..,. L"... Attention: Greg Hoyes Re: Westhaven Dear Mr. Hayes: Please find enclosed a Preliminary Plat which was revised per your conmlent letter dated September 5, 2007. Those comments were addressed as follows: 1. His understood that this project falls in the incorporated area and MS4 jurisdiction of the City of Carmel. 2. It is understood that tills project does not fall in the Carmel Wellhead Protection Zone. 3. It is understood that this project is in the Stultz and Almond Regulated Drain Watersheds. 4. The subject site will comply with the Hamilton County Stormwater Management Technical Standards Manual. 5. The drainage calculations for Westmont have been adjusted to detain the drainage from the subject site. 6. The construction plans will show all SSD "laterals" as requested. 7. The developer is working with the Eastern adjoiner to acquire all required easements. 8. Noted that adj ustments may be needed during the construction planning stage. Hamilton County Surveyor Greg Hoyes October 5,2007 Page 2 of2 9. At the required time we will submit complete Construction Plans with Secondary Plat and Drainage Calculations. 10. Acknowledge that there may be additional comments at a later date. If you have any questions or comments regarding these revisions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 570-4763. Thank you, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. b \i.~ Brian K. Robinson Cc: Angie Conn Steve Pittman BKR/meb S: \5 5 841 \BJue _ Book\Agency _ CorrespondencelHamiltonCollntySllrveyorHoyes09- 5 -0 7 .doc David J. Stoeppelwerth President. CEO Profess;onal Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice Presid..nt, COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Found er ProfeSSional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 1 06th Street Fishers, IndlarJa 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317849.5942 www;Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS. LAND SURVEYORS October 5, 2007 .\ City of Carmel Department of Community Service One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 >-.... I..:.;:-r:~:"'" r:D I:~....... '...!i \'1 P... ~, :~C7 ijQCS Attention: Amanda Foley Re: Wesiliaven Docket No. 07080029 PP Dear Ms. Foley: Enclosed please find a Primary Plat which has been revised in accordance with the comments listed in your letter dated September 12, 2007. Those comments were addressed as follows: 1. The overall drainage for the subject site and Westmont is being treated as one project. All drainage from the subject site and Westmont will be treated per standards and regulations. A hooded- snout BMP will be placed at manhole on this site; which is an extension of the storm sewer from Westmont Section One. Drainage calculations have been adjusted to account for all drainage from the subject site. 2. We have shown all items under the STSM Section 102.05 that are possible at this time. Further information will be provided with the construction plans. If you have any questions regarding these revisions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 570-4701. Best regards, STOEPPEL ~V ASSOCIATES, mc ----=6 ~ ,L. \J_ ' Brian K. Robinson Cc: S. Kurt Menner BKR/meb S :\55841 \BIlle _Book\Agency _ Correspondence\DeptOfEngineeringFolt:y09-] 2-07 .doc City of Carmel September 13, 2007 Mr Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc 7965 E I 06'h Sr. Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Wcsthavcn Dear Mr. Olmstead: The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative transportation. I have reviewed the drawings dated September 19,2007 and offer the following comments: ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION REVIEW COMMENTS t) Please indicate ADA compliant handicap ramps at all crosswalks. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written rcsponses may result in delay of the review process. It is criti cal that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous rcvicws. Please provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings. The Department o[Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reVieWS, If you have questions, please contact me at 571-2417 Sincerely, 0J~ David Littlejohn Alternative Transportation Coordinator Department of Community Services cc: Angie Conn, Department of Commun ity Scrvices Engineering Department Review Project File Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE C\RlVIEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 89/85/2887 15:58 317775%28 HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR PtlGE 81/82 , 'y I -:0- ^ ....~_ ) .J: ._:...~""'''- ..)~.\,;.. ,~-. ". - r., , C' -. .-' \-. :Xl'1TtmJ c. 'l,rlal'd, C'F.\f S(It/l('!'or 4:J-lami/tf1/1 Cmll1l)J 'Pfimli' (3'71 '77~-S4.')F '1'11.1' U 17l 77l';'~'(';2~ ,~Pljlc l8S 0",' :Horrri{fnll (I",n',' l~qPlarr .:'>,'~blr~l'iIlL', l/lrlimlll 'l(ic'(;,~-Zljl' September.5,2007 Stoeppelwertb & Associates, Inc. ATTN: Dennis Olmstead 7965 East l06th Street Fishers, IN 46038-2505 VIA FACSIMILE: 849-5942 0: Westhaven Dear Mr. Olmstead: We have reviewed the primary plat submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on Augu$t 20, 2007, for this projeet and have the foJ.lowing comments: 1, The proposed project fall!! in the incotporated ~a a.nd MS4 jurisdiction of the City of Cannel 2. The proposed project DOES NOT fan in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Zone. 3. The proposed project falls in the Stultz and Almond Regulated Drain Watersheds. 4. ~lease note this site will be required to comply with the new Hamilton County Stormwa.te!:' Management Technical Standards Manual, along with any additional requirements from the City of Carmel Manual. 5. While HCSO .is acceptable with the required detention being provided in Westmont, my interpretation of the Westmont Drainage Calculation. Sununary and basin maps is that the off~site water is passed through, not detained. This appears to be presentation and not what the actual calculations show. Please correct the summary and basin maps to show that the Westhaven discharge is detain off-site area and the release rates for the acreage are correct 09/05/2007 15:58 317775%28 HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR PAGE B2/02 6. Hamilton County Ordinance 4.26.99-C(7)a requires each lot to have access to a drain for sump pump discharges. To comply with the ordinance, in the construction plans provide a SSD "lateral" to lot 1 from the proposed m.anhole. Also provide a lateral stub to lot 2 from the manhole or off the other lateral. I would recommend covering the lot 1 lateral, across lot 2~ with a general 20' drainage easement to protect the future OWl)t;l! oflot 1 in ease future issues arise. 7. The ea.sement across the parcel owned by Foster will need to be acquired by the developer with conveyance rights to Hamilton County and City of Cannel (governmental entities). 8. Although the Hamilton County Surveyots Office has revi.ewed this primary plat and issued a comment letter. this office will not be limited by the primary plat in regards to the pond sizes or location. drainage easement widths. storm sewer locations, lot layout, landscape layout, or any other drainage related issues, Insufficient information is presented to conduct a complete drainage review and changes may be required during the construction planning stage. 9. Please submit cOmplete construction plans~ the secondary plat, and drainage c:aleulations to thi$ office when they become available. 10. Please note that further comments may be necessary at a later date. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317.776-8495. Sincerely, ~.~ Plan Reviewer cc: Christine Barton-Holmes - Cannel DOCD Amanda Foley - Carmel E.ngineering Dick Hill -Carmel Engineering Greg IIko . Crosl5T'Oads Engineering Dave Lucas ~ HCHD Steve Pittman - Pittman Real Estates Services CBurmeR August 22, 2007 Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 7965 E. 106th Street Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Olmstead: The plans submitted for the above-mentioned project have been received a nd reviewed. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~hdb4,-~- Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: vDept. of Community Services (,317) 571-2500 A Nationally Accredit forcement Agency w Fa" 1317) (7)j-2[)J2 David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Prolessional Engineer Prolessional land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vie,; Prasid,;nt, COO Protessional Land SurJeyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 Veolia Water 1220 Waterway Boulevard Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Attention: Jennifer Marlett Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Ms. Marlett: Please be advised that a Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision has been filed with the City orCarmel. The required plans and supplemental information will be forwarded to you under a separate transmittal at a later date. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~~)) bQ,-Q Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/5584 ] PIT/Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Prolesslonal Engineer Prolessional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff VIce President, COO Professional Land Surveyor A.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land SUl"\leyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Sloeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17,2007 Duke Energy 16475 Southpark Drive Westfield, Indiana 46074 Attention: Shirley Hunter Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Ms. Hunter: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of 2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~ 'I).U..Q Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/5584] PIT/Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Voce President, COO Professlonal Land S.urveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Prolessional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 1 06th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 -2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 31is49.5942 www.Slaeppelwerth.cam STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17,2007 Department of Community Services One Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Scott Brewer Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Brewer: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy ofthe Primary Plat forWesthaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 1 36th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of 2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. SwQ,P Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/55341PITIApplications David J. Stoeppelwerth PreSident, CEO Prolessional Engineer Prolessional Land Survayor Curtis C. Huff Viea Prasidant, COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoep pel werth Fou-nder Professional Engineer Prolassional Land Surveyor 7965 East 1 06th Street Fishers. Indiana 46038"2505 317-849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 INww.Sloeppelwerth. com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 Indianapolis Power & Light 3600 NOlih Arlington Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 Attention: Ron Morris Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Morris: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Tovme Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL \VERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~v,~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/5 5841PlT/ Applications David J. Stoep pel werth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President. COO Professional land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 4603B-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 CrossRoads Engineering 3417 South Sherman Drive Beech Grove, Indiana 46107 Attention: Gregory Ilko, P .E. Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Ilko: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and ""ill consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELVi/ERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~,~O-~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Gary Duncan Enclosures S/5584lPIT/Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President; CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice Presidenf, COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 1 06th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS" LAND SURVEYORS August 17,2007 Clay Tovvnship Regional Waste District 10701 North College Avenue Suite A Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 Attention: Ryan Hartman Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Hartman: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~'1)~,~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Conununity Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/5584] Pff/Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Prolessional Engineer Prolessional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 1 7, 2007 CarnIel Post Office United States Postal Service 275 Medical Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Dale Sparks Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Sparks: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of 2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL \VERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. B~ 9,Qs:0 Del1l1is D. Olmstead Cc: Depmiment of COl1ummity Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/5584IPIT/Applications David.J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engjneer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers. Indiana 46038".2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Sfoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 Carmel Clay Parks Department 760 Third Avenue SW Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Mark Westermeier Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Westermeier: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westbaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL\VERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~'D~~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/55841PIT! Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional Land Surveyor RM. Stoeppetwerth Founder Pralessicnal Engineer Prolesslcnal Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 -www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 City of Carmel Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Gary Duncan Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Duncan: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat or Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt ofthis plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~~Q-D Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Dep311ment of Commwlity Services Steve Pittm311 Enclosures 5/55841 PIT/Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land SUrJeyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional Land Surveyor RM. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 wwW.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS II LAND SURVEYORS August 1 7, 2007 City of Cannel Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Nick Redden Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Redden: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a Jetter acknowledging your receipt ofthis plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, me. ~0.~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of COl1umutity Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/55841PITI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth Presiden!. CEO Pmlessional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President. COO Pmlessional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Streel Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 ,^'Ww.Stoeppelwerth.cam STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 1 7, 2007 City of Cam1el Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 4603 2 Attention: Amanda Foley Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Ms. Foley: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter aclmowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~(!).D-~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/55841PIT/Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President,CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice. Presidenf, COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Fou-nder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 1 06th Street Fishers. Indiana 46038-2505 317_8~9_5935 Fax: 317.8~9.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 Cannel Clay School Administration Director, Facilities and Transportation 5185 East 131 sf Street Carmel, Indiana 46033 Attention: Ron Farrand Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Farrand: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on l36th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~ J),QJ~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures Sf55841PTTI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Profess.ional Land Surveyor R M, Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax~ 317,849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 Carmel Street Department 3400 West 131 st Street Westfield, Indiana 46074 Attention: Dave Klingensmith Re: Westhaven 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Klingensmith: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy ofthe Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC <bh~ J)-.Gtl~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/55841PITI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President. CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional Land Surveyor A.M. Stoeppelwerth FDunder ProfessiDnal Engineer PrDfessional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax; 317.849.5942 www.Sloeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS" LAND SURVEYORS August 1 7, 2007 Carmel City Utilities 760 3rd Avenue SW Suite] ] 0 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: JOM Duffy Re: Westhaven S-] Primary Plat Dear Mr. Duffy: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of 2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~.,~,Q-rc2 Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures 8/55841 PIT/Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers. Indiana 46038-2505 317.8495935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 Vectren Energy 16000 Allisonville Road NoblesviJle, Indiana 46060 Attention: Chuck Shupperd Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Shupperd: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEP PEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~1> .Q.E:::J Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Depariment of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/55841PITI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Prolessional Land Surveyor A.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers; Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.649.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAl\TD SURVEYORS August 17,2007 Hamilton County Sheriff Department 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Brooke Gajownik Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Gajownik: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy ofthe Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of TO,^,l1e Road and will consist of 2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELVv'ERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~,75.~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/5 5841PITI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional La~d Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professionai Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317 .849,5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 Carmel Clay Communications 3 1 First A venue NW Carnle!, Indiana 46032 Attention: Bill Akers Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Akers: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~~~R~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/55341PIT/Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, GOO Professional LMd Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Foun.der Professional Engineer Professionel Land Surveyor 7965 East 1 06th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 City of Carmel Office of Fire Chief Fire Station No. 1 Two Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Chris Ellison Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Ellison: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter ackl10wledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL\VERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~I Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures Sf55841PlTI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Enginaar Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President. COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Englrieer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS II LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 City of Carmel Deputy Building Commissioner One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention:. Bill Hohlt Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Hohlt: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt ofthis plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, ~PELWERTH ~~, Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures Sf55841PITI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional'Engineer Professional land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President. COO Professional land Surveyor A.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 1 06th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17,2007 Brighthouse Networks 3030 Roosevelt A venue Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 Attention: Jason Kirkman Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Kirkman: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of To\vne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt ofthls plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~'D.O~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures 5/55841 PTTI Applicatjnns David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, CDO Professional Land Surveyor RM. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land SUf'Jeyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS August 1 7, 2007 City of Carmel Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Michael Fogarty Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Fogarty: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of 2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt oftills plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~ '!). O-j~ Dermis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures 5/55841 PITI Applimtions David J. Stoeppelwerth President. CEO Professional Engineer Prolesslonal Land SUNeyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Professional Land SUNeyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038.2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 'Nww.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS" LAND SURVEYORS August 1 7, 2007 Hamilton CQunty Highway Department ] 700 South 10tl1 Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: David Lucas Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Lucas: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Tov-me Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~~ 'D<QJ..D Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/5 5841PITI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President. COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Enginesr' Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317,849.5935 Fax; 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17,2007 Hamilton County Health Department One Hamilton County Square Suite 30 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Jason Lemaster Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Lemaster: Enclosed you will find one (l) copy ofthe Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging yom receipt of this plat. Thanlc you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. 8==1 'D.a, CJ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures 8/5 5841PITi Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth Pre.ident, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President, COO Profe..ional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engjneer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17,2007 Hamilton County Surveyor's Office 1 Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Greg Hayes Re: Westhaven S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Hayes: Enclosed you will find one (I) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and'will consist of 2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Storm water to be collected by a series of swales and storm sewer, which will discharge into an extension ofa 24" pipe from Westmont, Sectionl. Please review the plat and SUPPOliing data and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat along with any questions or comments regarding this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, me. Rl>~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures S/55841PITf Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth President: CEO Professional.Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President. COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor 7965 East 1 06th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038~2505 317.84g.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 www.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0 LAND SURVEYORS August 17,2007 City of Carmel GIS Coordinator Three Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Terry Krueskamp Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Ms. Krueskamp: Enclosed you 'Will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision. Westhaven is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and will consist of 2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt ofthi5 plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. u,j).~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures 8/5 5841PITI Applications David J. Stoeppelwerth Presidenl, CEO Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor Curtis C. Huff Vice President. COO Professional Land Surveyor R.M. Stoeppelwerth Founder Professional Engineer Professional Land Survej.'or 7965 East 106fh Street Fishers, Indiana 46038-2505 317.849.5935 Fax: 317.849.5942 wv>!w.Stoeppelwerth.com STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS August 17, 2007 City of Carmel Transportation Systems Coordinator One Civic Square, (Engineering Office) Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: David Littlejohn Re: Westhaven S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Littlejohn: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy oftbe Primary Plat for Westhaven Subdivision.. Westhavel1 is located on 136th Street approximately 1600' East of Towne Road and \-\lilt consist of2 single-family homes on 5.000 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ I)Q~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Steve Pittman Enclosures 5/5584] PIT/Applications