HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 10-16-07 CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION OCTOBER 16, 2007 Minutes The regularly scheduled meeting of the Carmel Plan Commission met at 6: 15 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Carmel Indiana on October 16, 2007. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members Present: Leo Dierckman, Wayne Haney, Kevin Heber, Rick Ripma, Carol Schleif, Eric Seidensticker, Sally Shapiro, Steve Stromquist, Susan Westermeier, thereby constituting a quorum. DOCS Staff in attendance: Angie Conn, Adrienne Keeling, Mike Hollibaugh, Director. The Minutes from the September 18, 2007 were approved as submitted. Department Announcements, Angie Conn: Docket No. 07070037 Z, Dixie Highway Addition, lot 5 pt, was published as a different docket number, but all of the other infomlation was correct in the public notice. We should perhaps poll the remonstrators to see if anyone has been inconvenienced by that slight error. Items 21 through 31, Chesterton Woods, have been tabled for this evening. Item 2H has been tabled (531 South Guilford Road;) Items 3H through 6H, Kousa Street Cottages has been tabled; Items 7H through lOR, Lakeland Subdivision has been Tabled; Item 41, The Legacy has also been Tabled. Additionally, there was a slight error in the Department Report regarding Item 20H, Ordinance Amendment for US 31 Overlay - this item did indeed meet the 25-day notice requirement. Also, the Department is requesting that the Plan Commission move the December 04, 2007 Committee meetings to Thursday, November 29th due to Hanukkah Holiday. Legal Counsel, John Molitor recommended that ifno one objected to hearing item IH due to defective notice, the Comm ission should suspend its Rules of Procedure to allow this item to be heard this evenmg. Pre"ident Leo Dierckman called for remonstrators present to speak up if they had an issue with the Conunission suspending its Rules of Procedure in order to hear Docket No. 0707037 Z, Dixie Highway Addition, Lot 5 pt; No one appeared. Susan Westenneier made formal motion to suspend the Rules of Procedure in order to hear Docket No. 0707037 Z, seconded by Rick Ripma, Approved 9-0. Susan Westermeier made fonnal motion to move the previously scheduled December 4. 2007 Committee meetings to Thursday, November 29. 2007 clue to the religious holiday, seconded by Rick Ripl11a, Approved 9-0. S:!PlanCOlllmission/M inutes/PC/2007/oct 16 1 Sue Westenneier asked what precipitated this proposal. Adrienne Keeling responded that there was a request from a member of the Plan Commission and the City Council that the Department look at tightening the uses in the corridor. The corridor is full of offices and it IS really the "financial machine" in Carmel and the City wanted to fUliher protect the corridor and clarify that the cultural and entcrtainment uses, including restaurants, would be limited the same way that retail uses are limited. Susan Westerrneier made fomlal motion to suspend the Rules of Procedure in order to vote on Docket No. 07090002 GA, US 31 Overlay - Hotel/Cultural Entertainment uses, seconded by Carol Schleif, Approved 8 in favor, one opposed (Seidensticker.) Sue Westemleier 'made formal motion to forward Docket No. 07090002 OA, US 31 Overlay- Hotel/Cultural Entertainment uses, to the City Council with a positive recommendation, seconded by Steve Stromquist, Approved 8 in favor, one opposed (Seidensticker.) I. Old Business Add-On Item: Docket No. 07080028 OA: Carmel Drive Range Line Road Overlay Sunset Amendment The applicant seeks to Amend the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 23F: Carmel Drive- Range Line Road Overlay Zone in order to extend the sunset clause. Filed by the Carmel Department of Community Services. Adrienne Keeling, Department of Community Services appeared before the Commission representing the applicant. The Subdivision Committee met in a Special meeting prior to the Commission meeting this evening. he Subdivision Committee voted to send the Camlel Drive Range Line Road Overlay Sunset Amendment to the full Commission with a favorable recommendation, provided that the Department would mail some type of written notice to the property owners within the Overlay notifying them of the City Council meeting date so that their opmions and thoughts on the expiration date can be heard. Rick Ripma, chairperson of the Subdivision Committee confirmed the action of the Committee-Docket No. 07080028 OA was forwarded to the full Commission with a 4-0 recommendation. Department Comments, Angie Conn: The Department recommends that the Commission forward this item to the City Council with a positive recommendation. Eric Seidensticker made formal motion to forward Docket No. 07080028 OA, Carmel Drive Range Line Road Overlay Sunset Amendment to the City Council with a favorable recommendation, conditioned upon written notification via first class mail to property owners in the Overlay ofthe City Council hearing date, seconded by Rick Ripma, APPROVED 9-0. lI. Hocket No.- O~050013 PI): FOFestalEstafes:Minor Subdivision The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 3 lots on 2.33 aCres. The applicant also seeks the following subdivision waiver request: Docket No. 07050019 SW seo Chapter 6.03.19 Access to Collector Roads The site is located at the northeast corner of l41 st S1. and Ditch Rd. and is zoned S- l/Residence. Filed by Badger Engineering & Assoc. Inc, (formerly filed by DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc.) S:!PlanCommission/M inutes/PC/2007/oct] 6 11 ~ e Chris Badger, Badger Engineering, 117 Elm Street, Lebanon, appeared before the Commission representing the applicant. The applicant is requesting primary plat approval for 3 lots on 2.3 acres located at the northeast comer of 141 st Street and Ditch Road. The waiver being requested is for access to a collector road, since the driveways \'liould connect directly to an arterial road. The applicant considered installing a cul-de- sac, and a trontage road, but both took up so much of the property, it was deemed of no benefit. There are two existing drives that were installed approximately the end of 2006 or the first of 2007. There is a newly constructed round about at Ditch Road and 141 sl Str"eet. The applicant is proposing to do no improvements along Ditch. The City Engineer took additional right-of-way in 2005 for the roadway improvements and recently requested an additional 2,000 square feet in right-of-wayl The petitioner agreed to the additional right-of-way grant as wen as a right in/right out, due to the close proximity of the round about. The petitioner has also granted a covenant that the tlrst lot on 141 sl Street would be subject to the same right in/right out lUle. The property will have a wet detention pond that will connect to the existing rear yard drains. Again, there were two buildings on the property and two drives; the current proposal is for three buildings and three drives-not a huge difference in terms of calculations. The property is ringed by very coiorfullandscape and the landscape requirements have been met. Regarding tree preservation, the petitioner is preserving the existing north fence line and east fence line. The west and south fence line will be preserved as well. Regarding utilities, the petitioner is currently requesting a sanitary easement that will go to the north and connect into Kingsborough Subdivision. The petitioner has been working with Clay Regional Waste and has worked out a solution; this will come during the construction process. The lots will be "Estate Lots," half-acre minimum. Rick Ripma reported for the Subdivision Committee. This petition was reviewed thoroughly; the drainage was examined, the fencing was removed, the petitioner committed that the person who buys the middle lot will be made aware that his drive may be blocked by the boulevard. The subdivision voted a positive recommendation. Department Comments, Angie Conn: The Department is recommending that this item be approved with the condition that the last few outstanding comments regarding the tree preservation plan are addressed with Scott Brewer, Urban Forester. Carol Schleif asked if Scott Brewer had reviewed the landscape plan. Angie Conn responded that Scott Brewer had spoken with her today and there were only a few, minor tweaks required. Carol Schleif commented that she was really disappointed in the preservation attempt. There are a number of very large trees on the site and they are not on the drawing. Chris Badger said that Scott's comments were that some of the preservation areas should have been tenned conservation because the trees were on the lot. The petitioner has agreed to stay away from the tree line and those were the only trees that Scott had major concem with, both on the north and east side-nothing will be disturbing those trees. The petitioner will be removing the old fence along the north line and any dead trees. Scott was not too keen on keeping the Silver Maples, but that will be up to the homeowners to decide. The very large Oak on the 8i te will be conserved. S:fP]anCommissionfMinutes/PC!2007!octl () 12 ~. '11'- ,Il Rick Ripma macle formal motion to approve Docket No. 07050013 PP, Forestal Estates Minor Subdivision, together with Docket No. 07050019 SW, seconded by Susan Westenneier, Approved 9-0. 2-31. 'i;"~'ii,J:'~~"';;;~"ii:ln"':1:~~'if;tJ!ftJ'~~'t;'?~:~'-;(~~i.',t''i.1l'.:r-:::0;tc ~,~.I!~;:ti\J!I~!I~;;~.~j~1~,,"Q.: Docket No. 07070040 PP: Chesterton Woods Subdivision The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 14 lots on 9 acres and also seeks the following subdivision waiver approval: Docket No. 07070042 SW SCO Chapter 6.03.15 street curvature radius The site is located at 2405 E 99th Street, near Haverstick Rd. and is zoned S-2/Residence- Rosa. Filed by Matt Skelton of Baker & Daniels LLP for 561h Development, LLC. 41. TABLED TO NOV. 20: Docket No. 07070058 PP: The Legacy (Residential Phase 1) The applieant seeks primary plat approyal for 126 lots on S3.34 aores. The site is loeuted at the 6600 block atE. 116m SL. and is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed 13y Ed Fleming of Stoeppc1werth & '^Lssoe. for PlutimLRl Properties, LLC. There was no further business to come before the Commission and the meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. Leo Di_e~ckman, Chairperson Ramona Hancock, Secretary S:/P!:anCommission/Minlltcs/PC/2007/oct 16 13