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CRC Mihules, FcbroUl)'21.. 2006
CkRMEL,REDEVELOPMEl"iT"COMMISSION Meeting, February '21, 2006
PresidentRon g~rter ca,lJedthe rneetingto order at 706 p,nt Co[hrnission members'Jerry
Helliser, Rick Shul"B and Bill Hammer werepreseni, constituting a quorum, Also present
were, Karl Haas, Les,Olds, Sherry'Mielke"EvanLurie, DmeIl Norrjs ilOd D,!ll Moiiafity.
PhylJis:Morrissey as,support staff
Mr, Hammer moved the CRCapprove the January 17:2006, minutes, Following aseconcl
by Jerry Heni~er the inotiOn was ,unai}imou$ly'apjJTOVed, '
Mr, Hammer moved'the CRCapprove,ihe February 6, 2QQl); minutes. F(]llOwing,a,segond
by'Jerry Henisedhe,molioh was un~a:nililOlijly aRproyed,
Rel.lortsfrom ArchiteetslEnl!ineers
After reviewing the,bidsreceived at the February 6; 2.001S,;meeting" Mr. Moriarity
reported that CSO ,Scherikel Shultz recommendedthit CRC awa'rd 'the biC! for,allihree
'demol~tions [Oeur!y Exca~ation for a,ccimbineqbid or'$107,Hio.oo: Mr.81d~ stated the
water Ii'ne relocation on Parcel'#12 in ,the bid'will no,longer'need'm occur because the,
welLis.being de-commissioned, At a later date, the w,(te(liI1e wilJ~till need to be done on
Parcel #:330'
After discussioh. Mr.~hafP mov'ed the CJ~C awtifd,the demolition contraCts'forPr?jects
A, C and D to .Curly EX.cavatidn and thaUhey be,ordered to proceed with Parcel 12
immediatelycand Parcels J4 and.33 upon written directionJrom"'the~CRC'Director:
Following a second byMr~ Hamnier,'the,motiQr1 wiiS;llnaI1fmOlislyapproved,
Update on,Pronerties
Parcel #2
Mt. 01dsreportedthat Pedcor will. bring i:Iesignconcepts to the March meeting. They are
anticipating a summer'!;tiirt'ort ,construction,
Mr, OIds'is,researching theputchase ofa sound ,system for the plaza at the requesrofthe
CCVMC. !tis assumed they will pay forthe sound system,Qiscussion,followed.
Parcel #3 ,
Mr, Olds'reported the'drawings for;the stairway are nearly comple!~,.He has been
reviewing Hand doesn't think itwiIIJ::Qsta~ inudi asoriginal1y anticipated. Mr. Carter
asked iffixing the fountain will be pari of'the'work, Affirmative, DiscussionJol1o,wed, II,
was decided to bid theprpject buthold:lipon, the construction if need, be,.
CRC Minutes, F'ebruary'2'1,2006
Mr.'Sharp moved the CRC authorize the constl1lctionmanager to bid the stairw~y project
from pty Ceiit~r Qrivetb theNonoi! TraiLatRotary Plaza. Seconded;by Jwy Heniser.
UnanimouslY approved.
Parcel #4
Mr.. Haas, stated' a.resolutionwas needed which authorized the CReto acceptifroni,the
City (he'.c,ortveyance,of right-of-WflY necessary" t9 copwlete Parccls,.M and #J I so we can;
dose with Pedcor, Bill Hammer moved'for approVal cif Resolu!16nSc2006. Follo.....ing a
second bylvlr. Heniser" the motion was unanimously,approved.
Parcels #5 and'#T
Mr. Olas, Mayor:Brainard, Ron Carteria!ld Dan.Moriarity were at a design meeting'with
DavidSwarz,athisWashington,D.C office. B~ceCbrdingIe:y and Steve St,-\rtZwere
also present as'well as representatives from Artec'and,Donnell &; Associates, There.was a
great deal o[discu~~ibn.at th~,meetii)g ~f ttJs,rer~ti9nship between .the two parcels al1d 'of
Pedcor's offer to build..the theateL ThePAc.builCling wiILbe'a';square.Asa resuIrof
:mucli discussio.n",theJarchiJed call1eawayfrom the meeting with a desigr construction
budget of$92;640,OOO (,lYl{ich :will include don!!tioils from'theprivate sector). This
amountallowstheCRC'to make deletions to lowenhe cost to $so,Obb,OOOor increase
the cost'to malclithe fundraising. Included in thatbudgetnumberwill be a series of
-- ,- - > -- --.- . -' <- .,
design alternates toaffectand,j:>Qssibly redLlce orihcrease the price. This will alsQ rais,e
the feesbeing,charged,
Atthe design meeting,the,Mayor cmphaslzed,to Mr.Swarz that rl'iis.has'to bea.world.
class concert haJl.froma sound ,standpoilit, .01' we.sho111dn't bother building itThe next
meeting will be:in March,
Mr; SIi.:irj:J'asked ifthei'e was'l.mupdiLte on the actual amol11it ofd9n'!tionsreceived. Mr.
Olds was unsure of the amourit, Discussion..fbllowed,
Mr. Oldsilskeq ifthe eRC would:jJfovi~ea iQ:an!of.$5Q,OOq to the Herforming Arts
Center Foundation to lielp with 'their bills.until they srarl'-getting some actuaLdonations.
Mr. B.ral)s [;;'irtec I will be; paid out orthat money, Discussion followed, Mr. Haas said,
"Actually to' gett~e'con~ultants fOt the, PAC paid W,e need to ~et rhendl-fbr-prOfit lip as
the manager of the PAC. As,ihe manager,.theywould.haveabudget,and until the
douatiou's;cQl11e'i!1. thatbudget willli~Jl.Jnded by rheGRG. The,n6t-for-profjt will be
fesponsibleJoractuaJly:ri.mningthe PAC sc5 technically,this isfl'tagJ'ant; this'is Y{Jurfirst
paymentto your PACmanager:"
Mr, Sharp proposed the eRC issue'a.$50,OdO grantto,theCarmel Petforrhing Arts
Foundation, Jerry Heniser seconded the motio'o.1yliHammef'askedifrhis gran I, will
offset.certa;n'ejqjensesthe.commissi~m'hns been paying, Mr, Olds responded Jhal the
invoices.we are paying this month will bethe;last.ones paid directlybythe:CRC. The
CRC,had signecla contract for this wor~ (witD Artei:). Mr. Hammer offered,llll
am~ildment'to the resolution that the 'CRCassign the conlTact'to the.foundation and.that
CRC Minu!es;' February 21, 2006
Ihey accept it. Jerry Heniser'seconded tlie'amendment. UnanimOLfslyapproved. The
motion a:~ amended was 'then unariimo,usly!approved,
Mr, Oldsreported groundbreaking on Parcel.#S, Pedcor'.s'project, will be, March 23;11
MI', Oldsi,ndl\1r, Caner explained about,some onhe issues:discussed auheWashington
D.C. meeting, Me Carter recommendedd\her commission Wembers attend one otniore
of the meetings,.noling only.two could'attend at,a,time,Mr: Moriarity said to contacLhim
if interested ,aiiCl;CS.o would helpniake tHlveI arrapgenienh., '
With the sale of AMU Old To",T1 to Ban;ett;Stokely. theJaYOlit alollg,First Stt'eeti$.being
Parcel #10
Mi'. Carter,will have lunch with,Brian'Shapiro on February 22,and will ask him about the
Parcel #12
Me Haas stated a resolution Was needed to autho'rize !I1r. 01dqo give SESGOa notiCe tp
proceed if weare lInabieio reach settlement agreement with,EP.in time forMr, OldS'to
get work uricjerway in'til11e tomcet our opligati6:ns with Pedcor wi,th respectto Parcel
1112"Somoved by Mr,Sharp, Following a secondbyMr, Hammer, tliemotiori was
unanimously approved,
Parcell/ 13
'Me,Olds,reported,all.six,units are soW. Second round of payments are coming due,
On Rarcel#-,J6,tliree ofthe fou'r'Ullitsaie committed, Site ,work will sfalt next wee~.
[8:00'p,m, Exit Rick Sharp]
Parcel #2 I
Mr, Haas stat",d we need it resohlrion to do the'f(JlIowing:
Approve the Purchase Agrecmenl'wit)jLurie,~LLC. in substantially theJonTI'presented
and executed by Lurie, LLc,.subjectto minorrcvi~ions that,the President~maY,approve,
Approve Lurie,CLC, a;;signing to Stenz Construction (or its affiJiate) the bid thai was (a)
submitted ,by Luri,',; LLC,;V!i~hfespect to Parcel 21 ; and (b) .accepted by the ComJnissio,n,
Approve StenzConstmction. (or,its affiliate) as .the' Developer o[Parcel 21, subject to
completion ~ndapp'toval WtheCoillmissicln oniProject Agreement betweeri the
Commission and;StenzConstruction (or'itsmffi'liate) with,respectto the redevelopment of
Parcel.ll, whiCh Project agreementmay,proviae,for payment of a developmentfee,not to
exceed $200;000.00.
'CRC Minutes. Ecbmary 21,,2006
Approve Stenz Corporation (orits.aIfiliate) as the Construction.Manager with respecHo
theredevelopmehtproject to tie, completed o!IParcel21, subject to thecompletion ana
approval by the President.ofa Construction Management Agreeinent betw,een ,the
eommis~ion 'ah(LSt~nzConsrruction (or: itsmffijiate).as'conc'einplated bylhe Project
Agreement, whieH Cpnstr!fetion'Mll'n;\geinent Agreefnerifm,ay providef()r payment of
standard; fees .for co n stnteti om manag emenL services,
Authorize the.President to execute, the Purchase,Agreement(anClall of thei nstfunients
and agreements required by Jhe Purchase Agreement)mpon: (a) completion and'approval
bythe,Director'of the exhibIts to,be attachegtb the Pu'rchaseAgreeineht; (b) executiohof
the Purchase Agreement by Lurie~ LLc, and.Stenz Corporation (or its affiliate); (c)
appp'wat of,tl)e'Proje9 Agrccmentby theCorrirriission;arid (d) ex.e,cution by'Stenz
Corpon\lion(or'itsaffili'ilte) of the, Project Agreefnent.
So'moved by Mr. Hamtrer..Seconded by Mi. Heniser.Mr.l:laji1ll1er as!ced, iUhe
assignment was in effect'a,financing vehiCle, Affirmative, The motion was'unariimously
Parcel #22
Briefdiscussilln followed an UPCHllCbYMr. Olds on the negotiatibri(topm'chase First
Indi'anaBank 'Mr. Hammer moved' we go back to the:original arrangementofoffering
$100,000 down if$50,000'is rejected, Seconded 1JyMr, HaDlmeLUnanimously
Parcel #26
Mr. Olds'reported.he has met with National CityBank'and is.hopefuLthey'wiJI agree to
give us a50; x.50' arewfor a',scul[Jture area on the corner (If,Maln and Range Line,
Mr.Carter asked what woula happen wit Ii the Rotary'clock, Anothedocatilln will be
found, Mr, Carter suggested we ask Rotaiy where they would'like:to have it placed,
Sign Package for Arts & Design District.
Mr', Luriesuggested the.two-hou(parking' b,e li.nited to.regul<l![jll~iI1ess hours only with
no limits on. evening hours,
Discussion followed, Background co loYwas questioneiL Mr. 0lds '\-vas authorized to get a
quote on the signs and ,get prototypes ,made, He wilLask the Street'Department,to pay for
Mr. Lurie.asked,abllut .the possibility of getting signs on US:31 and'USA31 indicating the
Arts & Design Disrrict.Mr. Oldswill'lllok ilito: that.
First Indiana
Mr. Carter askeclif the property could be cleared and the parkif]g lot,in place by the
International Arts FestivaLin,ihe 'fall: Mr. Olds s,(id that'should be'noproblem at all since
CRC Minules. Febnmry 21. 2006
we already have a demalitian can tract in place. Mr. Carter reminded him af the bicycle
parking and the landscaping.
Reflecting Paal
Mr. Carter asked what shauld be dane abaut the reflecting paal. and the problems keeping
the water clear. Mr. Olds said until canstructian is campleted we will have dirt in the paal
and.filters. Discussian fallawed. Mr. Carter asked if it cauld be kept clean naturally. Mr.
Mariarity will make same calls.'
Arts Dishict Gateway
Mr. Carter reparted same af the lights are still nat working. Mr. Olds said there seemed
to. be a problem with the wiring. It's still under warranty. Mr. Olds will fallaw up.
Street Lights in Old Tawn
Mr. Carter reparted street lights are Qut an Secand A venue alang the Manan just narth af
Main Street. Discussian fallawed. Mr. Olds will ask Dave to. check.
J. Seward Jahnsan Statue
Mr. Olds said the damage an the statue appears to. have been caused by vandalism. Mr.
Lurie said repairs wauld probably still be cavered at this time by the artist. Questian was
raised whether the damage was caused by skatebaarders. Mr. Carter asked Mr. Olds to.
check the.reccnt ardinance to. see if-"na skatebaarding" applied to. all CRC properties. If
not, it needs to be amended.
Street Names
Mr. Lurie asked abaut changing the street names in the Arts & Design District, using
names af artists, paets, etc., from Indiana. He suggested if thIS were done in canjunctian
with the lnternatianal Arts Festival, one ar mare af the artists cauld be invited to. attend.
Financial Matters
Cash Flaw
Ms. Mielke reparted the January end af manth balance is $3,311.829. We did receive aur
$1.9 millian reimbursement from the PAC band. The expenditures, ance again, came in
under budget.
Invaices were submitted far payment. The CRC aperating fund invaices were
$446,835.7]. Mr. Hammer maved for approval af these invaices. Secanded by Mr.
Heniser and unanimously approved.
An autharizatian is needed Jar the disbursement af funds fram the PAC band in the
amaunt af $409,507.25 (Requisitian #2). Mr. Hammer maved far approval afthe
authorizatian. Fallawing a secand by Mr. Heniser, the mati an was unanimausly
CRC Minutes, February 21. 2006
Old Business
Mr. Olds reported Hearthview is moving ahead with negotiations on the "Tuesday
Morning" block. Mr. Olds will be meeting again with the YFW on March 27 to present
I-1earthview's concept and the YFW merging of their property into the I-learthview
project. One problem to be resolved is the VFW's barbecue area in the back.
Old Town Renovation Grants
One recently received which Mr. Olds will be checking into.
Mr. Moriarity said Shiel Sexton is donating the lift for the students to use while painting
the mural. Legalities are being taken care of.
Mr. Carter read a note from Doreen Squire Ficara thanking the CRC for the newly
installed corbels.
Mr. Carter received a questionnaire about City Center's image. He asked Mr. Moriarity to
have some sent to the other commission members.
Mr. I-1eniser moved the meeting be adjourned, Following a second by Mr. Hammer, the
motion was unanimously approved and the meeting adjourned at8:40 p.m.