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8RC MihUles,July:IS,2006: 7:00 p.m, Meeting
July 18, 2006 .
President Ron Carter called the "ineetingto order at 7 pAri. €ommission member~ c;arblyil
Anker, Jeff Worrell, 'William l-Iammer'and,RickSharp'were'present, constituting a
(junrufn. Also"present. wereMa~6t 'Brainar,9.. Les'Qlds, KiJ-JIH~as, Sherr:.' Mielke, Jeff
Meyerrose, BillRuthhart, Dan MotiaritYi Ernie Steiner, Darre.ll Noms, Evan Lurie,.PiJ-ul
Rei~, Joe Downs, Tim Dchs; Ariore':1Stumpf and'Mary Usher, Phyllis,Momssey as
Ap'proval of Minutes
Mr Sharp moved for.approval of theminutesofJ une 20,. 2006. Followingast';coni:jby,
Mj-,Ha.mITler, the motion was, unanimously approved.
The first presentation wilJ"be"fromJoe Downs forClav Terrace, Phase It
Mr. Hammer recused himself because an affiliate,ofhis employer'isa partneri'n the Clay
Terraceprojcct: Be then left tlieropm.
Mr. Down,S gave ail overview of the project, noting it was planned tol:iea multieuse area
to'inClude retail; o'ffice andresidentiaLThis.proposedph:ase 'ipoadd the condominium
style residential' and,struCtured.parking garage in exterior areas.
The main streeHhrough the site was 'a county.TI:F district Maintenance"of the roacJ~as
since'peen transferred to the City of-CarmeL .
MrHaas pointed,out that the current retail bUildillgs.wouldTemainin the county'TIF
district a'l1d"coritinue to produce the.incrementrequired to servicethosc;bonds on the
roads, The,new areas of construction wauld.become,a ea,riTiel TlF;d.istrict. Thene'w;al:eas
woUld.be.removed fromthefIamilton County:EbA,
Mr.- Downs,statedthey did"not.ha\1e,al1 their numbers projeCted'yet. ApjJt()xim~te square
feet to be constructed,is 300',000. . '" - . .
Mr. Sharp stated he was-not enthusiastic about cOlltributing;tax,doUars toward the project,
but encouraged the contiimallce o.f the project wi~li priyate,dollars. General consensus.
Mr. Downs,was thanked farhis'presentation. HeJhen left the.meeting room.
Mr Hammerrethrn'ed ta the meeting.
.Mr Dchs stated he aid not want ta make a p,resentationat this time. They ate still deciding
some design. iSSUeS, I-Ie asked.'that the CRC.move:quickly on some parking decisions. Mr.
CRC Minutes. July 18.2006.7:00 p.m. Meeting
Olds stated there would be a meeting this coming Thursday with Mr. Haas and Mr.
McComas. A special CRC meeting will be scheduled later.
Report from Architects and Enl!ineers
Mr. Moriarity reminded everyone of the Thursday mqrning PAC meeting.
Mr. Sharp asked for a status report on the screening on the Parcel 2 buildings. He asked
about the paint in the reflecting pool. Mr. aIds noted this will likely be an ongoing
proj ect.
Mr. aids: Regarding the constmction next to the antique mall, on July 31, the driller for
the Lurie building foundation will start drilling which will take two-three days. The
construction manager will install a device oil the side of the antique mall to measure the
amount of energy transmitted to it. The renters in the mall on that side of the building will
be asked to remove fragile-items from the wall for.those construction days. If damages
are claimed, Mr. Olds stated they will hopefully come up with a satisfactory resolution.
The notice will be sent to Mr: Chang in writing and also posted outside the buildings.
On Parcel 13, the developer has confirmed they will be done with phase one by October
15. The developer has notified the purchasers and has negotiated a settlement with each
one of them to help cover cost of the delay.
Parcel 12 will be started in September with the underground foundation work. It is
anticipated it will be a 12-14 month project. Excess fill material will be used to fill the
basement of the demolished First Indiana Bank.
Report from Director of Arts District
Nothing additional to report besides the written reported sent in the packets.
Update on Properties
Parcel 2A
Mr. Sharp moved the CRCapprove the project agreement for Parcel 2A and authorize the
president, Ron Carter, to execute the agreement and other documents as required, subject
to the approval of the budget. Following a second by Mr. Worrell, the motion was
unanimously approved.
Mr. Sharp moved the CRC approve the project agreement for ParcelS and authorize the
president and the director to attach exhibits to the agreement and authorize the president
to sign the agreement and documents required by the project agreement. Following a
second by Mr. Hammer, the motion was unanimously approved.
Parcel 8
Staff has recommended that the CRC accept the conforming bid for AMLIOld Town for
$20,000.00 fee title for Parcel No, 8. Mr. Hammer moved for approval. Following a
second by Mr. Sharp, the motion was unanimously approved.
CRC Minllle~, July I 8,2006, 7:00,p,m: Meeting:'
Parcel. 14
Discus~ion,followed abouUhe proposed tlliJity subCstation, Tlie positian of the staff is
.tliat it is,impefative'thatJhy gesign be changed. from the,standard utility enclosure of a 6
foot chain linkJencetoa.two storymasol1ry struCture'vii,th windQ\vs'and no,roof,which
"Youlg allo\v access.to sef\~ice theequipment'bythe utilhy company.
Mr. Sharp moved the CRe expecliriouslymoveto .expand theiIifluence ?f the ,
redevelopment dis,trict toen"compass Parcel 14 andadjacenLsubjectland:to.be defined by
the directar. This wilf be presented to the City Cou,ncil as saonas' possitite. Seconded by
Carolyn Anker, FUlther discussian follawed. The motion was: llnahiino\!sly approved.
Mr, Olds'stated the c(jhstructjonis;going'fulLspeed,
M r; Oldsreported thatCity Utilities;is requiring,the CRC to. replace'~unk',' waierlineson
CRC.projects in arderta get permits. This same palicYilPpli~s.to priv.ate bilsinesses with
builgihg,prajecfs inwhich waterlines need to'ber~placed.
Parcel 24
Mr. Oldsstated pfahning ,ieeds td.b,," staned,iorelocate overhead 'power lines. Discussion
foHowed..!t was noted that this does no.t.iflfef tli~t the CRCwould..be paying/or the
relocation. This iSJo get the data put together ancr:toJearn how long it Would take,
Mr. Sharp moved the CRC approve the.fimcting'estimate cWup to $30,000.00 for design
costs associated'with Ihe,relocation,pf overhead power lines to'new easemeinsalong east
side ofMonon RJW.Secohde9 by.M(. Hammer. Unanimouslyapproyed.
Discussion abouuillocation,o{money'fot:relocaticiri ofpClwer lines onAifferent'parcels,
Mf:,Sharpmo\o'ed theCRC approve the ,construction cost estimate of$120,000.00 to
include share of utility felociltion.,s~ec(lnded qy Mr.,Hammer. Unanimously approved.
Parcel 51
Concept design for northeast cotner ofMain:and'Ra'nge~Line was discussed..,Parkingwas
'; ., ~ - - .. -. .. - ..
also discussed. Mayor.Brainard:noted no one,is parking'in thedty lot behindtlieLions
Club, This should change 0!lC9 Parcel ,13 and'16 are completed since merchants there
have been tdid they'and iheiremployees will be" eXpected to use if. ~Signs ne~1 to. be
installed)n'the A1{LlIots indicating. it is pulJlic parkirw. Mr.Olds noted'pai'kingsigns
have been ordered for the: whole district. .
It was noted thele is som'etonfusion on'the parcel numbers. New master plan maps will
be ordered.
(me Minutes, July 1"8',2006, 7:DO p.rn. Meeting
Financial Matters
Ms. Mielke reported theJu.n~;ei1d qfm[lnth operating-balance was $4,391.890.00.
M~', Mielke sfatedlhfJ rn.iscellalfeOlls income,questioned:Jast-rnonth wasfrom.a.bid bond
in whiClithebiddercouldnotfolloYdhrough. There wasalS()~,Barne;s '& Thornburg
Ms, Mielkealso,reported.thereis some.question oftheexact'~mou!Jt'of TfF received
.because sdrne dii'e~! payments. wel'e.also made, The,Clerk-Treasurer will have the correct
Budget RevieW Report'
Discussion followed.
Mr. Sharp'moved to-approve ihe'invoicesin the amount of $561,575,76 as submitted,
Seconded byMs Anker.and unanimouslY apprQ:ved. .
Mr.Sharp moveofor appiov~a! bfRequisition #8. eolIo'wiiig_as~condbyMr, Hammer,
the motion'was unanimously'approved.
ReportJromDirector of-Finance
.Ms. Mielke reported the:officedsgetring busier with merchants'andcitizensmow,that:we
are open,. There is an e:vennhis, weekeiid, He,lrtAw~reness 'Health for Women, and the
office will be a screening center:
New trash rec~ptades have been ordefed'foYthe.district. Sculptures are being cleaned
Five merchants met with Ms, Mielke and navneqllest~l(l the CRC'shelp with flindiIig in
the amount of $12,000 to advertise in Travel Host"a magazine'.placed'in 'local hotels,
Mayor Bi'ainarg suggested the HCCVB be,cOlitac.ted first. Discussion 'fol)owed. Ii was
decided thaUhemerchantS'\vilfbe told that thi:: CRC mcfubers,are glad they are thih19ng
about;yays tomarkel the area and that the CRCwill woi'k with..them. The.marketing
needs, to be c1arifiedand focused. More research i(needed,
Old Business
Arts'&,Design District
Mayor 13rainard met with a c9mpanywith an innovative'way to handle garbage.
Discussion followed. ..
More beilchesneed.tQ be p].lrcliased fodhe district. Discussion followed, Il,wasdedded
othe{bench types will be'priced,which will not tJe s6 easilydaimiged]jY9~atJel:loarder$.
Those.,like the ones at'Ciay'Terrace'were'suggested,
eRe Minute,;J""ly 18,2g06,7:00 p,m.,Meeting
The propos"a] fmm the'CommunicationCenterto install secuiitycameras at all the
sculptures fs$18;OQO "$3Q,00Q Qis:cussionfgllowed.
Old Town Renovation Grants
Mr. OldsTeported he had received.sevenil inquiriesbut;the.allowingJhe public parking
.on the indiviqual merchants'property.is all Issue. He .is checking. with 'Steve Engelking.
and.the City's insurance carnerregardin"g' tlie.liab[lity gnpatkirig is'sues.'
New' Business
.Breaking News
Mr. C;a!teueported Andrea Stumpfiwworking on a communication vehiCle for
merch;mts of the distriCt, tha\\Villkeep.them fnformedabouP9a.d constT1tcti6n,new
merchanis, special events, etc. It wil\,come'outeverYlwo weeks. CROmernbers will be
el11aiIed copies also.
Mr. Carter. and..Mayo(Brainard were ,contacted by a.personal injury attorney who
requested a'I1elmet De placect'on the little gitHsci.Jlpture. As a comptomise,Jhe CR;C will
have one-or two.bronze plaques.placed.near the sculpture, stating that the sculpture
repteselllS a ti!f1e,when t1lejmportance of safety heh-nets was!lot recognized aniLthat the
City:of CaImel urges all bike riders, espeCially thildh;\n,"lo wear bi~ycle helniet~,
Next Meetint!
The.meeting.date'has been changed.'The.nexVregular meeting will be Tuesday, August
22. There will also be a.biietmeeting,lliat moniingat.7:'30 a.m. in DOCS.. c{jnf'erence
room for opening of-bids.
Adiourmrient ."
Mr; Hammer movedforadjournrneilt. Seconded'byMs, Ahk'etand i.ll1itnimously
approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:41p.m.