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CRC Minutes, August 22, 2006, 7:00 p.m. Meeting
August22, 2006, 7:00 p.m.
President Ron Carter called the meeting to order at 7: 14 p.m. Commission members
present were Carolyn Anker, Jeff WorreiI, William Hammer and Rick Sharp, constituting
a quomm. Also present were Mayor Brainard, Les Olds, Karl Haas, Sherry Mielke, Dan
Moriarity, Jason Ellis, Darrell Norris, Dave Arrensen (Baker.& Daniels), Evan Lurie and
Bill Ruthhart. Phyllis Morrissey as support staff.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Worrell moved for approval of the minutes of the special meeting on July 18,2006.
Seconded by Ms. Anker and unanimously approved.
Mr. Hammer moved for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on July 18,2006.
Seconded by Ms. Anker and unanimously approved.
Ms, Anker moved for approval of the minutes of the special meeting on August 2, 2006.
Seconded by Mr. Hammer and unanimously approved.
Resolution 15-2006
Establishing Certain Funds and Accounts in Connection with the Lease Dated as of July
I, 2006, between the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission and the City of Carmel
Redevelopment Authority Relating to the Authority's County Option Income Tax Lease
Rental Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, Pledging Certain Revenues to makeLease Rental
Payments under such Lease,and other Related Matters
Mr. Hammer moved for approval of Resolution 15-2006. Seconded by Mr. Worrell and
unanimously approved.
Report from Architects and Engineers
Mr. MOliarity presented a proposed site plan for the performing arts center mechanicals.
The recommendation is that a separate building be placed south of the garage area on
Parcel 7 ancl have the mechanicals serve both the theater and the PAC. Piping of chilled
water and steam would be placed along the Monon Trail. The equipment is moclular so
more could be added later if needed. An additional advantage, besides cost savings,
would be that construction on this building could start sooner than the PAC and be ready
to go as soon as needed in the PAC. The emergency generator for the PAC would also be
located in this building. Duke Energy will be asked to move the utility boxes
underground at the comer of City Center Drive and Third A venue SW.
Discussion followed. Different suggestions were made for making the building attractive,
especially on the east side which fronts on the Monon. The noise abatement was also
Mr. Sharp suggested that as Mr. Moriarity brings suggestions to the CRC, absent any
objections at that time from members, that he has approval to continue.
CRC Minules. Augus,22, 2006, 7:00,p,m. Meering
Mr. Carternoted tfie village.greerilayout as shown ;vouldnotbe compatible for the
fanners' market:
:Rcpottl'roni Director of Arts District
Mr. Lurie rep0l1ed;meeting with numerous peopie, both,al'tists,and restaurateurs about
different lo~a:tions in the Arts Djsmct The~M(:rchanfs A.ssociationis growing"Asmallel:
, .. .-<-. . . - - . -. . . . . -. .,..
group ,needs to be,elected.fromiheassociation'to enable beil]g,niol'e proa"ctiyery invo!\:ed,
inpl,!l1ning,and d~cision-making, IMQCAl'ypresentatives al'einterestedin getting
involved with this district' .' .
The gifLOll the bicycJcsculplUl'e is being repaired and should beback,inplace.before the
-International Arts Festival.
A ne;v'galleI'Y; Deborah Lyons G,!lIery; will.be'operiing'on M,ainStreet.
Nancy Irsay is havi[Ig:anevenLThursgay night,for her.foundation,
An actors' studio'will ,be opening soon,
The website,at this time is basicaliy, a cover.0nce thebudgel is l!Pproved, it \\filll~e
Update on Properties
Mr. Oldsexplained the agreement with'Pedcor.Mr: Shiltp moved,for approYfllfor'
President Carter to ,inform Pedcor thatihey have.mettheir financiairequirements for:a
lal)dcre~it5ii.tl1e amoul1tof$4S0,OOO,OQ. 'Seconded bYML Ha.mmeranct:unanim^ously
Parcel 2B
A thirty minute'parking limitregulation,has beeh established:in front ofthe Veterans
Plaza. ThesculptufCWill ,be unveiled' ib mid, Qciober.
Parcel 3
Bids, for the st~iiway'arid fouritaih ai Rotary Plaza I'Je(ecipeiied.this morning.
No bids werere~eived'f6r the street expansion. Ii willbe'ret1idimmediately and
construCtion fij-msthat;dci;stk~tw()j:KT9( the. City will be encourMeo'to15idonthe
project el'en'though ;t isa'smal1 job,
Jason Ellis, Trom Keystonr@o~struttjon, reported tliar Smock F;lll~ler subrniH~(j,a bid of
$34,21SY6rthe:stairway.L & W Construction submitted.a bid.of$54,700 fordhe'
.fountain, .Mr: !,:llis recQmme'nded the, CRC;atceptboth th,ese bid~,
CRt ~Iinutes. August,22,'2006,'7:pO.p,m,.Meeling
Mr. Hammer,movcd, the CRC accepfboih bids as,submitted'and award the conti'acts.
Secori(!ed i)y Ms, Ankeran(! uhanimo,usly apprgved.
Thdountainbeing,removed from Rotary Plaza will be savedand',useiUater,somewhere
Parcel 13
J\,k Olds'reported they are making good progress'., SIdewalks andstreetwork\<im start'
Septeniber I :utility I\loi'k is all cOITlpleted,. . .
Parcel 16
Masonry'workis'scheduled to staD\h.is'we~k:.All units'ih both, Ph,\se,I aBd~I'thase [rare
committed, The onlY'thing that couUlhappcn is:if someone couldn'l get'finanCing,
Parcel 41
Mr, Olds,explained;the problem, with this property which is the: parking qy the
Corilll'lunicaticihS qenter, Ih ledcsigning the parl):.ing,36 additl,jnal'.spaces:have,been
realized. The CRC-pl'oposal is,that i8 ofthepatkirfg spates !\eaIlotted to the
Communication Center'and the,'remaining18 betransfelTed to. the CRCtogo along,with
theI;Iirie building area, This y,oquli:l be done'il) ({chiulge fofrei:orki!1i~the enlir,; parking
area. This petition wil11:ietaken to the City Council. Mr.. Oids already,hag,agreement with
Coullcilors Glaser and Rattemiann, '
Mr. OIds has'also discussed with~Councilor Raitermann.lhe old Street.bepartment
facility_ ~rep_arations'are being made to. have tl1afbe,rI)adeavaila~blef9Esale.
.. - .
Financial Matters
Ms. lVl,ielke reported that the July ~i1d:l:if monthfll~d balance >>,a.~ $3,(572,870.00, A third
quarter report'will be presented at the;October meeting.
Invoices were presentedlOtaling $425,617:39, Discussion followed. M'r; $harpmo:ved
< .
IOl' approvaloftlici,ilVqices as. subJnitted. $e96ndeclp)iMr. H,!mmer;and unanimously
PAC Disbursement
Approval requested for clisbursementfrom thePAGfund in the amount'of,$775,f98.75,
.So moved'hiMr. Hammer, Secohd~d by M( Sharp and;!Inal)jinouslyapproved,
Report from Di'rectorofFi nance
M~, Mielke.reportecl thepffice it gettiitg,lotS:6ftrafficaitd isa,g(jod presel1cein \he
A wotksheetr(lg~rding.the TIF arc1l5. ,,:as explained by Ms, M ielk'e il.nQ'Mr: Cirter, ,CR~
-is dec1ining a repfacemcntlevy.
eRC'Minutes, A.lIgust22, 2006, '7:OCtp;m.-,Meedng
Old Business
Security Cameras
Mr. Oldsexpiainect'the actual cost of purcl,asing'the cameras arid equjpment is $18,360
and.$ IS:QOO'for,electrical work There was, some question,on. the. number of cameras, but
icwas decided there will be five"The plan is t61iglit ea~h piece of s<;ulptllre. Mr,
Hammer moved for approval offuncting fodive cameras and' instailation in the amount
of $32,400,OO,Seconded'15y'Mr. WorrellJhese cameras will work in a mesh
environment.Mr. Carter'gaveabrief;explanation, Tile',motion Was llnanimOllsly
Old Town Grants
Mr. Olds)"eported h'e isslill gettitigmany requystsfor gr.ant applications;butfew have
been submitted. Mr.,Lurie.said.many merchants;are waiting:until the'design~over1ay for
the District is Gompleted,
Ms. Mielke reported the organizers of thi: International. Arts,pesti vaLhave requested some
financial helpJrom the CRCrar a'wine'ilI1d chee'~e tasti1]g partytci Welcome the:'artists on
Fhday eyening,(SeptembcF22) before'the festival. Discussion-fcillowed, It was decided
that Mr"Olds and Ms'Mielke haye the alJthority t9follow'through wiih'thi~,
Next Meetini!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Mr. Sharp movedJor adjoumment.,Foilowing a second by.Mr: Hmnmer,.the,rnotion was
unanimously approved and the meeting adjourned at 'S:33:p.m.