HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC-10-17-06 CRC Minutes; OClober 17.2006 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Meeting, Tuesday, October 17, 2006 President Ron Carter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Commission members Carolyn Anker, Jeff Worrell and William Hammer were present, constituting a quorum. Also present were Karl Haas, Les Olds, Darrell Norris, Sherry Mielke, Andrea Stumpf and Cory Wilkerson. Arts & Design District merchants: Shane Harthe, Joanne Kouris, Chris E. Campbell and Bill RuthhUl1. Phyllis Morrissey as support staff. Approval of Minutes Ms. Anker moved for approval of the September 13,2006, minutes. Seconded by Mr. Worrell and unanimously approved. Mr. Hammer movedJor approval of the September 19,2006, minutes. Seconded by Mr. Worrell and unanimously approved. Mr. Worrell moved for approval of the October 2,2006, minutes. Seconded by Mr. Hammer and unanimously approved. Ms. Anker moved for approval of the OctoberS, 2006, minutes. Seconded by Mr. Hal11l11er. Mr. Hammer asked that the tapes of the meeting be saved since it was a public hearing. The motion was unanimously approved. Ms. Mielke noted a correction needed to be made on the September 13 minutes due to a math error. Ms. Anker moved the September 13 minutes be amended to show the approval of the communications budget at $28,200 rather than $27 ,800. Seconded by Mr. Worrell and unanimously approved. Resolution 17-2006 A Preliminary Bond Resolution of the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Mr. Haas explained this is relative to a refunding to obtain a better interest rate. Mr. Carter read an explanation from Ms. Matthes, noting the net savings would be approximately $250,000. Mr. Hammer moved for approval of Resolution 17-2006. Seconded.by Mr. Worrell and unanimously approved. Report from Architects and Engineers Mr. Olson reported the work has begun on Veterans Way, the street extension between the Fire Department and Police Department. Mr. Olson will check on the lighting on the Veterans Plaza and the gateways later this evening. He said the lighting of the gateways is being investigated to determine the problems. CReMinu,c"Octobe[ 17: 2006 Update,onProoerties Mr.:Oldsrepotted there,wili be a'meetingtomoITow [October 18] regarding thd'htionaL City Bank propetty. Parcel 13 and 16 are substantially completeand'ontargetJor, meeting their completion dales arthi:-i"tirhe.Pieces,'of limestonearesti1l inissing s9 !he cOllstru9tion is continuing around that arcauntil,they arrive. Base coat ison the parkingintheirear. FinanCial Matfers Ms. Mielke.reported:the September end of month, CRCfund,balance,is $3,621,720. DiscussioriJollowed. !v1s; Mielke will fpllow')lp with:the C1erk- Tre,!sur~r' s'offic~arid requeslto'oe'incIudedin thefinanciai transactionnvhich go between the ClTand trustees. She will repqrfback t()the:<:RC nexkmonth, Mr, Hammeduggested any future trustees on bond issiles .oe instructed. 16 ,provide Ms..Midke\Virhteport's, .. , . ,Third Quarter Budget Comparison Repoit Ms. Mielke noted the CReisapproximately$85miilion under budget on'the construction line;item, Sherequested a,transfer of funds in the amount of $365;000 from the constl1!ction line item to the following line items~$2~.O,000 fortegal fees and $1 OO,OOO'for other professiomil.fees, $25,000 for miscellaneous ana contingency. Discussion'followed. Mr, Worrell,moved the budgetamounts'beincreased.as reqllestea. Seconded,by Mr. Hammer. TJ.nanimousliap'proved. . ,. Invoices Total amount Df invoices:su15mitted ((jr P~Ym.ej!U($655,77814.pisclJ,ssionJonow~d Mr Hammer moved fonapprovalotinvoices as:submitted, Seconded by Ms, Anker and unanimously approved. PAC Disbursement Ms. Mielkerequested approval of" disbuhetn'enl:ff6futhe PAC fundsiil theam<:lUnt:of $749,170,67, Mr, Hammer moved forapprovai astequested. Mr. Worrell seconded and the motion was unanimousl~ approved. Other Ms. Mielke presented a,request from the. Arts & QesigirDistnct rherchanJs forfinancial help wlth'cooperative advertising, Theproposal'(s that:for the.remainder of i006"proof of an ad and invoice be submitted. The ad',must.includethe A&DD logo. The,merchant wi1lbe reimbursed 25<)'0 lip 19,$250 with,a m'axi(iiuntper Ye~ar'9f$500, Ful1ding ..yould be allocated on,afirst come"firstserved'basis. Ms, Mielke requested $.5000.budgetline,item for 2006.. AUhistimeit would just beJorprinted;ads. 1i12b'o7 thetirogiam inight be e~pal1ded to include direct mail arid riidiospots. 2 CRC}.1illme_s. Oc(o~er' 11" 200.6 .Mr. Worrell moved'the,CR"G proceed.as:outfined in Ms. Mielke's'proposal. Seconded by Mr Hammer. Discussion foljowedapQut the ArtS'Fc~tjvJllit'npact 6n tliedistrict. CallJor the.question. The'morion was.unanimously'approved. Thc merchants were.asked their opinion of tlie:cooper~live advertising prgposal', The three present noted tlie:signifi'cant Impact of the roaclclosi ng'on their businesses and.one merchant statei;l because ofthis'it'was \;jllikeIyhe'hadany extra. funds for,advertising.at thistime. The,merchan"ts didJeeLit would be'helpfulnextyear. Once tlie website'is:.up'and runnifig'iLwiIl.inclllcte:links' fof anyA&DD busines;;es' " '"" -", ,."', -- websiies. 'Nlr. Wilkinson reported itsl10ulCl be fUllY:funCtlonal'bymid,November. Discussion followed abom whadnformation wiII be'included on the website, Old Business None New Business Nohe Next' MeeHnl! Nexrregl)lar,iTieetihg' will ge TuesdaY, N gvernber.21. [The eRG has two ,speciaL meetings: one'ati7 a:m..on October 24.for aclbsing.and one at:S:'30p.m. on November 6, This will.be a public hearing.] Adjournment Mr. Hammer moved foradjoumriJent. Seconded'by Ms. Anker, unariimouslyapprovedat 7:48 p.m. .3