HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC-12-16-03 " .. CRC Meeting, December t6. 2003 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Meeting, Tuesday, 'December 16, 2003 .. Pr!'lsidentEd.Burke callecl the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Commission members present w~re John Koven, Ron Carter, and Rick Sharp constituting a quorum. Also present were' St~veEngelking, Karl Haas, Sherry Mielke, Mike Shaver, Bob Olson, Bill Ensign, D9reen Squire Ficara, Paula Eaton, and Dave Arrensen (from Baker & Daniels). Phyllis Morrissey as support staff. Loren Matthes arrived at 7:15 p.m. Approval of Minutes Mr. Sharp moved for approval of the NovClllber 18,2003, minutes. Following a second by,Mr. Carter the motion was approved with three in favor. Mr. Sharp moved for apIJrovril of the November 25,2003. niinutes. Following a second by Mr. Carter the motion was approved with three in favor. Mr. Koven abstained from voting on both motions because he did not attend those meetings. Presentations Mike,Shaver, Wabash Scientific distributed maps and information about all the Economic Development Areas to integrate the planning and update it to make it conform and comply with the current status of the Redevelopment Commission. There'are five EDAs anp one Redevelopment Area which require attention between now and February 27 in order to make the deadline [to capture increment back to last March 1 Sl]. 126lh Street Economic Development Area The different recommended EDA amendments; beginning with the 126'h Street EDA, were demonstrated by Mr. Shaver using the maps. Findings of fact will be coordinated with each area. Adjustments and amendments will be included on the Economic Ddvelopment Plan Project List At:the January and February meetings, it is important that CRC reiterate thatthe increment captured and the projects captured in the 126th Street Economic Development Arb, as amended, are directly b~nefited by developments in City Center. "You have several development areas and now they are 'feedilig' one another. A healthy City Center core benefits, the 126'h Street EDA, the Illinois Street EDA and the other ones.''' This is to enable'the increment from different areas to flow across boundaries. CRC members ag~eed. Actual assessed value of the amendments is not yet known. but approximate assessed val,ue would be $4,000,000 for the 1261h Street EDA, according to Loren Matthes. Citv Center Redevelopment Area M( ,Shaver pointed out there is a coiTidor going up Range Line which should be added to City Center to capture some areas for redevelopment thatclln'ently exist. The area designatednceds to be removed from the Old Town EDA and placed in the City Center I Redevelopment Area. He said there are !WO separate actions which should be done in this ,. eRe Meeling. December 16.2003 arpa. The first on is to designate the area to the plan and that has been done. Then the CRC has to Jollow up to designate an allocation area so the TIF can be captured. (The se~ond part needs to be done on the Illinois Street and Old Meridian EDAs also.) Discussion followed about other possible parcels to include. Mr. Carter asked if some of them should be included in the area of influence instead. Further discussion. , Mr- Shaver reminded the Commission that in a redevelopment area, using the power of imminent domain, the CRC could condemn a parcel to acquire it and then sell it to a second private entity. Mr. Haas noted in an economic development area as opposed to a redevelopment area, it is much more difficult for the CRC to expend funds to improve a property in an EDA. Mr. Koven suggested the parcel which was the old Cannel Concrete property should be in~luded in the City Ceuter Redevelopment Area. That and other parcels were discussed ag~lln. i The.area all the way up the Monon Trail from present north boundary [of City Center Redevelopment Area] and the Carmel Concrete parcel will be examined. Old Town Economic Development Area This amendment to change this area adds an allocation area so the tax increment can. be captured for new development in this particular area. Illinois Street Economic DevelopmentArea Mr. Shaver described the proposed amendment which runs from 136'h Street to I06'h Street and is to include the proposed Illinois Street corridor. This area needs to be amended because when it was first done, part of the area was not in the City limits. (The same thing happened with the Old Meridian EDA.) The portion south of l16'h Street will no\be pari of the City of Carmel until after the next set of annexations. Tfthis is app~oved, Ms. Mathes will go to the County to. request designation authority from them so the City can capture increments for any development that happens between l06'h Strpet and I 16th Street. Mr:. Carter asked if residential was planned for the west side of the Clm-ian site. Discussion followed. Mr. Shaver said his report will note thaUhe EDA is to exclude the residel1lial portion'ofthe Clarian site. Mr. Shaver: You will be getting two separate amendments tothe.TlIinois Street EDA. One is for the C-2l0 which will not be an allocation area, the second amendmentwill be the so~thern Illinois corridor which is specifically for capturing the TIF. 2 CRe Meeting, December 16, 2003 Hazel Dell North Economic Development Area and Hazel Dell South Economic Development Area These'two areas were not originally designated as allocation areas. The proposal is to' expand the Hazel Dell North EDA to include the.road north to 1461h Street and the other commercial area on the southeast comer of 1461h and Hazel Dell and declare iran allocation area as well. The south Hazel Dell EDA should be declared an allocation area because of all the new commercial construction and multi-family recently built. The area should also be expanded to include an area west of Keystone along 96th Street. This will. necessitate the County ceding designation authority again since it is not yet in the City liniits. Mr, Shaver recommended the CRC draft a preliminary rule for the Plan Commission noting that their role is specifically defined to determine whether the Economic Development Plan or the Redevelopmenl'Plan conforms to the overall approved Plan of Development for the area designated [the Comprehensive Plan]. The rule would also.state that if the proposed. plan does not conform, then the Plan Commission must tell the CRC why it doesn't and give them a chance to correct it and send it through again. Discussion followed, Mr. Shaver will bring a proposed rule back to the CRC. Mr. Shaver will come back to the CRC with proposed amendments to the plan and tlie re" integration, There is an integrated plan that over-lays all the sub-plans in DOCS office, Veterans Memorial The estimated cosrfor the,site work is $220,000. The estimated cost for the architectural and engineering fees is $31,000. Mr. Sharp moved the CRC approve the $31,000 for design, architectural and engineering fees. Following a second by Mr. Carler, the motion was unanimously approved, Mr. Sharp moved the CRC include the scope of work for site preparation and walkways for Veterans Plaza in the February 2004 streetscape package. Following a second by Mr. Carter, the motion was unanimously approved, Mr. Ensign expressed appreciation on behalf of the Veterans Memorial Corporation for the contribution toward the project and for the [use of the land]. Brief discussion followed about what will be on the site before the monument is in place. Director's Report Mr. Engelking reported the final invoice has been received from Gradex and this exhausted the balance ofthe BUD grant. It has been suggested that the CRC have an annual budget which would be managed by the executive director. Mr. Engelking distributed a preliminary budget for discussion purposes. Purchase orders against expenditures over $250 would be required. Mr. 3 , CRC Meeting. December 16. 2003 Engelking asked the CRCmembers to consider the proposed budget and come to the next meeting with comments. Financial Report Ms. Mielke reported the fund balance for November 30 was $4,238,671. Debt service of $489,345 was paid on December 15. We expect to receive $1,350,000 by next month from TIF revenue. Approval ofTnvoices The three invoices from Bingham McI-Ialewere withdrawn pending further investigation. Brief discussion followed. Mr. Sharp moved the remaining invoices in the amount of $194.607.93 be approved. Following.a second by Mr. Koven, the motion was unanimously approved. Attornev's Report Nothing to discuss. Architect's Report Mr. Engelking reported in Mr. aids' absence. A reviscd City Center Master Plan was sent out in the packcts. Two issues have arisen since last meeting. The first was a lime stabilization requirement on the site for Shapiro Phase II which had to be done so the parking area could be installed. The cost of this was $35;060. It was approved. by Mr: Burke. . The reflecting pool winterization process will cost $5,399. Parts were ordered for this which can be used in future years and training for city employees cqmpleted so they can do it. Discussion followed about which department should be paying for this. especially in future years. Mr. Sharp wanted the record to show that the CRC will not pay these \\'intenzation costs in future years. It was noted the agreement needs to be in place which turns "common areas" over to a property owners association. Mr. Haas said the property owners [in City Center] are all obligated to be members of the association but the association doesn'tapp]y to the reflecting pool. The pool and areas like the amphitheater will remain public spaces and the City will have to maintain those areas. Mr. Haas will draft the documelits for the transfer of mai ntenance of various properties and bring them to the next meeting for CRCapproval. Motion was made to approve the winterization expenditure by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Carter. The motion was approved with three in favor, Mr. Koven opposed. Mr. aids has been trying to find someone to maintain the pool but has been unablc to find anyone willing to bid on it because it is such a big job. Reports from CRC Members Hoosier Realtv 4 . CRC Meeting, December 16,.2(0) Mr. Carter asked the status of Hoosier Realty's project. Mr. Haas sent them a letter but has' nOI received a response. It was noted if they don't stiut construction by a certain dale. the CRC can buy the property back. Mr. Koven Mr. Koven noted this is his last meeting. He said he thinks Ciiy Center is going to be a real asset to the community and is pleased with the overall work beingdoneby the Commission. . He expressed disappointment about the skating area of the pond being built with the obstructions in. the center, stating he felt the archilects should have corrected that when the ice~skating was first proposed. Old Business New Business A contract with Les Olds was presented for consideration, which proposed the CRC employ him on a consulting basis as. executive director of the CRC at a rate of $100 per hour for 1,000 hours per year. . Mr. Koven stated he would abstain and expressed several reasons why he thought the contract was inappropriate, however notinghe had nothing against Mr. Olds. After further discussion, Mr. Carter moved the CRC accept the agreement for Les Olds to work as a consultant for the Commission during the next year with the,attached job description and scope of services. Following a second by Mr. Sharp, the motion was approved with three in favor. Mr. Koven abstained. Next Mectinl! The next meeting was scheduled for January 20, but will be changed to Tuesd.ay, January '13,6:30 p.m. Executive'Session, 7 p.m. regular meeting. Adiournment Mr. Sharp moved for adjourilment. Seconded by Mr. Koven and unanimously approved: Meeting adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. 5