HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Sub 06-05-07
City of Carmel
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
CARMEL, IN 46032
Those Present:
Representing the Committee:
Jay DOffilan
Rick Ripma
Carol Schlief
Sally Shapiro
Representing the Department:
Angie COlli
Mike Hollibaugh
Of CounseL:
John Molitor
Rick Ripma, Committee Chairperson, called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 P.M.
The Subdivision Committee will meet to consider the following items:
] . WITHDRAWN - Docket No. 06010005 Z: Shelborne Property PU D
The applicant seeks to rezone 20 acres from SQ/Residential to PUDlPlanned Unit
Development for the purpose of deveLoping single-family residences. The site is
located on the west side of Shelbome Rd. north of 121 5t S1. Filed by Charlie
Frankenberger of Nelson and Frankenberger for Indiana Land Development.
CONTINUED to JUNE 28 - Docket No. 0605020 PP: Clay Creek
The applicant seeks to plan 30 lots on 29.971 acres. The site is located on Hoover
Road north of 116th Street and is zoned S!. the applicant seekds the following
subdivision waivers for the proposed plat:
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June 5,-2007
Carmel Plan Commission Subdivision Committee Minutes
Docket No. 06050022 SW: SCO Chapter 7.05.07 Orientation of Home ~ reqiLest to U.
allow dwellings to face internal street.
Docket No. 07020023 SW: sca Chapter 7.05.07 Clearing of greater than 15% of
mature woodlands.
Filed by Charlie Frankenberger of Nelson and Frankenberger for MHE Development
3. Continued to June 28 - Docket No. 07010008 Z: 116th and Guilford Rezone
The applicant seeks to rezone approximately 9.5 acres from I-1/Tndustrial to the R-
1IResidence District Zoning Classification. The site is located at 1441 S. Guilford.
Filed by the Carmel Dcpt. of Community Services.
4. Docket No. 07020014 Z: Westmont PUD.
The applicant seeks to rezone property from S l/Residence to PUD/PlaIined Unit
Development for the purpose of creating a single family detached residential
subdivision. The site is located at 2000 West 136lh St. Filed by Charlie
Frankenberger of Nelson and Frankenberger for Platinum Properties LLC and
Pittman Partners, Inc.
Charlie Frankenberger presented for the petitioner. He \vas accompanied by Steve
Pittman, Neal Smith and Nick Churchill, of Pittman Partners.
Weare requesting approval of a low density, upscale neighborhood known as
Westmont. The real estate as shown on the aerial photograph is between Towne Rd.
and Ditch Rd. on the west and east and 141 st and 136lh on the north and south.
Westrnont's density is 1.23/acre that is less than the densities of the surrounding
subdivisions and the expected price range is from $650,000 to $1.5+. As mentioned
in the informational brochure the original Plan Commission meeting was held on
March 20, 2007. That was followed by two Sub-Division Committee meetings.
During the subdivision committee process we received and incorporated many helpful
suggestions. These many revisions are enumerated under Tab 4 in your informational
brochures. That is just a summary of some of the more relevant changes that resulted
from the Sub-Division Committee process. Since the May 15th Plan Commission we
continued to closely analyze the site plan, primarily due to concerns expressed over
the fact that the site plan had not been revised as discussed and agreed to at the Sub-
Division meeting. We have continued to closely analyze the site plan and we have
revised the site plan as indicated under Tab 3 of the informational brochure. We will
refer to the printed exhibit, in place of poWer point slide. The site plan has been
revised to incorporate these islands as traffic calming devices, and also by altering the
northern most intersection and the roadway to reduce speeds attainable on the
previously straight roadway. So these are the revisions we have made to the site plan.
In addition, per the Department Report, we have agreed to the following:
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317 / 571-2417
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June 5, 2007
Carmel Plan Commission Subdivision Committee Minutes
8 The ponds will not have long, unbroken segments of strait
shorelines. This was a concern of Carol Schlief and we
have included this change.
o As requested by the staff we will commit that fountains and
ponds will be provided at the developers' discretion.
III The reference in the PUD to cultured stone has been
characterized as a reference to a particular manufacturer's
description. We are changing that to manufactured
synthetic stone.
o Steve Pittman and Steve Broerman have provided the City
Engineer with written acknowledgment requested in the
Department Report regarding outstanding engineering
issues to be resolved and the project continues into the
secondary plat. Also pertaining to the road improvements
that are required under the thoroughfare plan for segments
of 141 sl and 136th adjacent to our northern and southern
It Saine additional changes were recently requested. Kevin
Heber is attending the meeting tonight. He sent out an
email with 3 suggested revisions. First subject to
Committee approval the path through the forested area
would be surfaced with crushed limestone. Second, also
subject to Committee approval we will provide up to 6 bike
route signs along the roads. This will be the first
conununity to have such signs indicating the official bike
route. New signs will be developed for bike routes through
neighborhoods - the developer will install signs on existing
poles, if approved by the City. The signs will be small and
subtle and will fit into the neighborhood.
· The third revision is illustrated by a path between lots. It is
a side lot path - Steve showed the Pedestrian Access Paths
on a visual to the Committee. Kevin Hebner showed a
visual on his computer (Tom Claridge Farms where such a
pathway exists. Steve Pittman indicated that there are still
some constmction issues to be worked on for the path, i.e.
drainage issues, etc.. They will continue to work through
this. Fencing of this area was discussed. Steve indicated
they may want to set these paths off with landscaping
shrubs, etc, but this will be determined at a later time.
Angie COllil - DOCS - the petitioner has addressed all the issues that the Department has, and
we recommend that this be sent on to the Plan COlllillission with a favorable recommendation.
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CARIvffiL, INDIANA 46032
June 5,2007
Carmel Plan Conunission Subdivision Committee Minutes
Carol SeitHer - spoke regarding her concern with the speed of the traffic on the lower end of the U
development. Now that bikes are in there, there is a larger need for traffic calming devices.
Carol asked if there was any way to make the initial entry island more of a roundabout, .
Charlie Frankenberg indicated that it was the position of the petitioner that an appropriate
number of traffic calming devices have been installed. Charlie indicated on a visual the
difference between Westmont traffic routes and other nearby subdivisions. There have been
complaints of speeding in these other neighborhoods. Pittman Partners has significantly broken
up that straight road as a through way and has put in islands.
Carol Schleif indicated that she thought the roads could be tweaked so that no lots were lost.
She indicated that she felt it was important to reduce the speed levels that could occur. Carol
indicated that the Committee had approved a roundabout and not an island.
Steve Pittman indicated that he is building the roads to the residential street standards that we
are required to build to and have coordinated with Engineering Department.
Carol Schleif indicated she has spoken with engineering and that they do not think: that this is
going to work and will not slow traffic.
Steve Pittman - reiterated that Engineering has approved it, however, like all other plans it is
subj ect to further review as you continue forward with construction.
Several ideas were discussed by the Committee.
Carol Schleif indicated that this is what the Committee is entitled to review. Their concern must
be health and safety issues.
Steve Pittman stated this is the way Pittman Partners are going to go - when we go into the
construction phase and we are asked to stick that island out a little bit, it will be reviewed, At
this time they are comfortable with the plan and we are not going to move roads and we are
comfortable with the safety, building according to the residential street standards
Mike Hollibaugh - indicated it was his understanding that the Engineering department is ok
with this project, conceptually. They thought it was adequate. They will look for refinements as
we go further into construction.
Sally Shapiro - is there a way that the island could be made a slightly different shape to help
slow down the traffic -perhaps a green way or meridian to help slow the traffic flow.
Charlie Frankenberger indicated that this might be possible - there is a statement in the
Department report. The petitioner has agreed to review the configuration of the three way
intersection at the southwest side of the 120 ft. lots. As the project moves into the secondary plat
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June 5, 2007
Cannel Plan Commission Subdivision Committee Minutes
Jay Dorman asked Mike Hollibaugh what can be done to help the petitioner connect to the
Saddle Brook Path cross the large estate lot and the little house right in front on the creek. Jay
showed the area being discussed on a visual. Will need a footbridge over the creek, same kind of
limestone path, the big house has plenty of frontage, the problem may be the small house,
rust/mustard colored house.
Mike Hollibaugh we have had some success over the years where utilities need to be extended.
If .T ohn Duffy can negotiate the easements, that allows a water or sewer line to go through. He
and I talked about it and he is going to look into it. Mike will follow up with John Duffy.
Jay Dorman - this path would be added value for everyone who lives in the area.
Steve Pittman - we would like this amenity to be there right away.
Jay Dorman -indicated that if the City is able to give Pittman Partners the right of way, then the
biggest expense would be getting over the creek, He asked ifperhaps the City could pay for the
limestone, and, the developer pays for the footbridge. The footbridge should be at least 3 ft.
wide to keep the path contiguous.
Steve Pittman - indicated that ifthe City gets the land issues resolved before they do the street
improvements from Ditch to Towne, Pittman Partners will install the bridge.
Jay Dorman stated it was his impression that the road improvements are years off. He clarified
with Steve that if the easements can be procured that Pittman Partners will make these
improvements - Steve agreed.
Steve Pittman indicated that he was hesitant at first about these changes being brought up this
late in the process, however knowing that both Kevin Heber and Ron Carter were keen on having
these added to the plans, he made the decision to add them.
The Conunittee agreed that since this would be going to the City Council, it made sense for it to
be added at this time.
Carol made a motion to approve Docket No. 07020014 Z: Westmont PUD
Jay Donnan seconded the motion.
All were in favor
This project will retum to the Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation.
Meeting adjourned: 6:30 p.m.
Resp :~n~
Lisa M. Stewart
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