CRC-06-15-04 , ,. CRC Meeting;.June 15; 2004 CARMEl.. REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION'Meeting, June 15, 2004' . President,Ed:Burke called the meeting to ordei-,at7'02 p.m. Commission n1etnbeYsRick Sharp, Bob.BN!reall:andTilTI~arshill \verepresent, constituti'ng a qllolLHn. Also .present were Mayor Brainard, Les O1ds,_ Karl Ha-as" ShcrryMielke, CounciIQtJo~Griffiths, GijQriel.GrarH aiidMark Boyce.' Approvalof,Minutes /Vir. Sharp moved 'for appl'oval bfthe May 18; 2Q04, minutes .Following,a,second by Mr.. Marshall, the minutes 'wereunani~ously.approvei:l. [Ron Carter arrived at?: 1'8 p:m, during'the t'oIlo\ying~pre'ief)tati6nJ Presentation. ,Mr..Olds'remlnoed- the.Commission members that-anhe lasC'meeting-Mr.. Boyce was gra"nfed a,90 day ':blackout''.periodonParcel #U. liotingit isa~enOlm~us'dH;Ilenge "design-wise" to build lin;:Mark Boyce thank;ed)he C()mmissi6n fQr'givinghimand Gabriel Grantthe'time to 100kat,the property: Mr._i3oyce,hasbeen working \vith David. Oliyer, an archit~ct. from England ivtr. BQyce distributed packets ofinfonnation showing architectural ideas forthe1property. Theaesign featPreda,two"story colonnade 011 the four story abQve-grade portion ofille builhing, "PhebuildingwilLpossibly have a three- stoty wing.6neach en'd; r;arking will'be (mdergro_ynd, entered from the north side.'there might also'be,an areadf diagonal parkfng:infront o(the'building,separatedftbiTI.Gity CenterDrivc'bYil'narrow median. Mr. Boyce,suggestect, moving the location.ofthe pelformingarts building'to a site east-of theMOllon witli a' plaza on i!s nQrth side betweefI if and City Center Driv~. Mr.Boyce-sailfhe,wasaniicipatingservice, office or boutique type retail, such as a financial tnpker, 'be,caiJse qf the parhngrestTaintsfbr true retaiL '''Upper end" condominiums would be;on life nppefflo,ors_ Mr. Boyce)nortsponse to,a qtlestibl1;. saitl iqlie peIfonl1ing aits c<:;,nterbuilding ",ere not moved to the'east, his"'hopes wonld notbe dashed,bllLwhataoes happen direttJyacross to, the:s6ut!1 and ea5ti~ very, very i mpof.tani." He would .not finaJize;any'plans until . --- --. definite,plans were in pi ace forPatceI:#5.; - The Mohawk j?laza"'site to Hie north Wij,S di,scussed.as well as.the c()rner parceleast.of Parcel # i 1. Mayor,Brainard sllggested,thatlVl)lrkBbyce, Bni~e Cordiilgly ana Steve SI\lrtzaJl.be invited to a meeting.Mr. 010s said' he wouict,pnt t'ogether a,work'session. Members'were pleased with.Mr.Boyce'scoIicept and.tJ~an~ed him fOI'(:omiil~ , " eRe Meeting, June' 15; 2004 Financial ReDort Ms, l'y1ielke r~ported)he c.orri.biJl~dtota1fu~d f;lalaili:e'as6f'Ji,lfle I" i,s,,$4';;:iJ 2,231. T6\al reso urces. avail ab Ie. i s..$ 5,573,205. Aporoval of Invoices' . Invoic~s;submiJteli'from theCRC.fund.totaI$196,I 13.02. Discussiowfol1owed about consttllCtioh costs'for thebuildifig of Molioh Green Dri ve; extension ofVeterafls;Way" , , ~, . - - . .... ' .r., ~. .', -' and parkingsurfa<;es and arepart-of the agreement with Shapiro. Mr. Haas'said these c6sts can ht) billed to Sll~piroJas tlle)i'are lhClhTed Mr, Sharp,asked.when we were.,ger.ting out ofthe.retlc<;tingpool expenses. Mayor' Bniihardsaid the expeJlses,shouldnowJle;bill~d totheCity~ 11r. 01~lsaid.the$p28 will be withdrawnJrom these.invoiceS.and'resuhmihed.to'the City. He willlet'Mr. ,Eng~lking' know of the.change. Mr..Marshall.asked.how'.the expenses.weretrackiogwith,the projected budget. Ms. Miell<eillid Mr.. aIds s~id they \vere \yjthm thfP[9j~cFons Mr. 019s.Qote~l. rhereare I]iore surveys and'apprai'sals being done than anticipated. Mr. Sharpsuggested'this'budget inf6['maiionbepnJyided't9.th~Cqmft1ission on a quarterly basis. Agreed. ' MLMarshallil11ovedJorapproval of,the invoices minus the.SIl28. Following.a second.l)y Mr. Bllttreilll, tncmotioIlwas unahimo~sly apRrovdL Electric bills are,being processed.,under Qperating. These-will'bepaid by the City'from now on. Ms, Mielke presented two invoices: one from HOJ..1jmbaugh,for $56, 193.00 and',one frOlll Barnes&'Thornburg for .\;11 ,025':19 to.b~.paid. f(o.m,the BANprQi:eed~': Moved foY approvat"by r\tIr. Battreall. seconded by,Mr. Sharp, unanimously approved. UildateoirProDetties. Parcel #1, no activityaNhis time. ParceJ#2. , Mr. aIdS reporied.rilJ three projeetsare under:way, Fedcol'will st.art framingtheir.phase IT buildingin,allbthe't'\veek or tw'o. Kbs,ene is proceeding'with'treir project. S6 far they have sold eight oUhe-first.44 nnits. They have'expressed:concern about the unsightly. buildings to ttie'south of it hem. Veterans PlazaconstrLIction is'nnderway in. conjunction with theTestrooms that.are bei ng 1:milt.Compkii91l datefor..rhe iestro6ms i:SSeptem]lei 3D,. ComjIljJsandrunn6rseCllrity cameras were inclLldect.in the project at an aclditional cost. T.heicameras will need,to be handled as a separate outside proTect. AJ] the median cuts'on Third Avenue and City centeriDri ve,haveall.been completed. 2 CRC Meeting, llind5,2004 Parcel #4 Design concepts for First liidiima Bank wjIl be:pres~nfed ,to .the high!"r'echelonsometime in the nexnwo weeks. Parcel #5' Noihing to report on ,Goodyeat.. . Mr Olcls is putting together a demolition bid package for Goodyear buiiding , .. ' Mr.Cartcr askedoif-the Commission could do sometliing:abotit,tiie area around Goodyear because'it) becoming,an;eyesore"Mr. Olds wilr:follow through on this. Parce1.#6 1VIi': HaaS'received notification from Rylan.dthatalltheii' units [iave lleen.sold. Only one soldabove,.the base. price. . Parcel' #7 Mr. Olilsreportei:i'Woolpert Erigineers:has completed thestormwater study'Jor the.site which includes Parcel #5. T1}eir conc1u~ionis UiafS acrdeeLofcte'tention area will l?e needed. This translatesto one acre five feet deep.. In their initial. repon they 'arc, proposing several solutionstobe considered: differenttypes o{.undergrollnd,deiention within the p'~r'c.els,)offsite.d~t.entio:n m'ea ill an exi~tiiig'we.tlands area C!Jsl estifuate.s.n;mge from $1,600,000 to $400,000including'PUfchase<of land. Actual design camiot'M decided'lIntil the'CRC.has,aeceptei:Hinal designs"on Parcels 5 .and 7. Parcel #8 Mr. Olds reporte<;lJh<<y "fe, v.:orking,qticQl1lp.\etionpfstreetscap"e...hy enctofmorlth. provision was made for:access.fot the..reterlt grand opening, of a'retail :snop there.. .. Mr.Thori1a~'s.po~ition istl\at the rent levels'he heeds forreqliU'paceis;in'the..$2Q range. He'isstl11 foc\lsTng.Oh their retitil to,beamenity type,shops forthe'apartments. Mr. Carter eXjJressed:cbhcernabout the ATvTt:I afea.retailbeinglease4 so slowly . "Do \ve need a-realltycheck?';'biscussion followed. Mr..,Olds projected'leasing7rates of'$12"J3 per squarf:f()9tciriParcelj3. He,noted the desirability (if 1l1eJive/work.Utiits Mr. Carter also l'aised ille questiOn aboutparKing,in..Old Town, DiscussionJollowed. Mayor..B.rairiar9. and tAr: Qlds,said,parki~g. is b'eing\v6rJ(ed,on and loqked a(from'mapy different directions. Mr. Olds descfibed different options being considered. Mr. Battreall suggested having'parking.on the west side only of Rang<< Line.Road,.by moving the center Jin:e o,\er. . M.rCatterwasconcerned Shere 'Yasino !~sial!rant y~i on the i'yest side ofth", AMLl pl'ojett,ontheMonon 'Frail. Brief discussion followed. 3 CRC Meeting; June 15,2004 Parce1.#9 Buiiding.shouldbe eoinpleteClby cndoC year: Pos~iblYl11cireparking heeded. Anew ,eonce-pl, reverse anglq:,arking,cmighibe plaeedon Autumn Drive. The <;::hywill have to park somc;ears lhereso ()lhe{s ,viII understa.od l)1e eoncept. Pareel #10 Flagstar Bank's eertificateofsubstanlial completion sh9uld be is'~lI_ed next week. Shapitci'~Jronr:sidew<llk issue needs to be resolved. CSO has,paid.$6800 t()conlractor to repiaceplastlc;pip'e w,ith conc.retepipe' as reCjuireclWCiyy inspector. Their revised sign packagehasbeen resubmitted IO.Mr. Olds: Hehas'apprdlied'the,sigris on IkhalJ'oI the; Commission, and~eilt them Qn,to'Mike Hollibaugh,-in:OOCSwhere'they will be- reviewed and then,presented,ata-pllblichearing al6ng\vith spme ()th~r'City Cenier;sign issue's which have beeD overlooked, Bllildingthree unthe site, . ., .., The contraejor.ke.epssaying,they will be;starting;in a,week'. The Harde,board siding 'recently pJacedon.lhe south side of thebapk seems)o iridk.ateifwill be some time yet, b,efore the center bllildingwill be started,' P(:rhaps'thesiding Was rei] uested b'y Flagstar. No definite,answeron the start date has' been feceived,;Mr, Sharp said he will:.talk with " _., - ,- -.- _'___0" . -. - Brian ,Shapiro. . Parcel # 12' Mr.Haas reported theO!Malia closing isschedulecl.ror,June 29, [Brian MayoJias asked for pefmi~sioll Cpr-Jhe Fire Dep~rgnenl to l\se the; building for non.destruetive work.Mr. Oids told [!iem.to cOntact O'Malia's'siiice iris stilI their'prop~fty-rOnee eRe oWlisit, Mr. Olds will give']lermissionto,the Fire DepartmenUo.use,the building'f6t training, ParceI.# 13 Mr. Haas,reportecl a counteroffer was sent to !vir. Anclich, Mr.. Haas suggested the G;RC authorize ~he comrrlencement ,Of c(}lldenination on'thepi'opcrty, So,movecl byMr. Marshall, Following a second,by Mr,Sharp,themotioll waslinariirhqi.tsly'aiuirovycl, Mr. Olds'will prepareah RFNor,ParceL#13,Q,\ltlinin}l CRe's desires."wants,and nyeds, Developers must,eommit:to'builcl fOllr"folsale"'live/workllnits'of approximatelY 3,000 square feet, mininlumrhree,stories;laI1.())1',the balance'of the:pl'OJect the developer can do a number of c1ifferent:things, witl1 CROhavihg'design-approyalS, The RFP w,iIl'itI5o p.;fledthe other proposed expansion for the whole Glock. Mr. Haas: asked.that the completecf'RFP be.brougl1t to the Commiksion Iorreviewand approvill Mr Olds also has proposals-for the environmental review'once we,have the clearance, 4 , . CRC Meeting, June 15,2004 Old Business Old Town Arts Disirict Mayor Brainard'suggested to Mr. Olds that he go ahead and get the gateways bid to find out the real cost. Estimated "broad scope" would be $250,000 for the first one, which includes engineering and other soft costs, Renovation Grants Mr. Olds reported two businesses have contacted him about the grants: Ferrin's Fruit Winery and Ball Cards Unlimited. The Commissioners agreed that Mr. aids only needed to email information to them because he has already been given authority to distribute the grants at his discretion. Veterans' Wav Cutoffs for off street parking will be part of the later bid package. New Business Nightingale property owners (located just south of Rich's Furniture) have met with Mayor Brainard and expressed an interest in expanding their property and building a larger three-story building. Mr. aids has 'gotten two appraisals for the Schenkel property next door south of Nightingale and the average of those is $825,000.. Mr. aIds has encouraged Nightingale to contact Mr. Schenkel directly. Mr. ,aids has offered to show Nightingale how the land layout works as part of the City plan. Traffic Patterns Traffic patterns in the City offices area are being studied. Mr. Olds will bring ideas to the CReand the City. Citv Offices Expansion Mr. Sharp asked if any thought had been given to expanding the City offices. Mayor Brainard explained the up.coming changes and possibilities at this time. Next Meeting Tuesday, July 27, 2004, 6:30 p.m. Executive Session, regular meeting following at 7 p.m. Adjournment Mr. Sharp moved for adjournment. Following a second by Mr.. Battreall, the motion was unanimously approved and the meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. 5