HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarmel/Hanilton Co./Hazel Dell Pkwy EXHIBIT "B,1 PAGE I OF 8 ~ _ _ )3- DO / rd (J) . 'JOtlt- HAJ\.HLTON COUNTY CITY OF CARMEL HAZELDELLP~AY f l~. ~91W7~~~gt (;,\~E0V 97n9741B67 in Flied for Recot~d INDIANA HRI.lIL TON COUNn, MARY L CLARP, On 10-02-1887 At 04:18 pm. AGREEMENT 23.00 . INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT This Agreement is made pursuant to I.C. 36-1-7-9 and entered into on the dates set out herein by and between the CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, acting by and through it.s Board of Public Works and Safety, (hereinafter referred to as the "City") and HAl"lIL TON COUNTY, INDL<\.NA, acting by and through its Board of Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the "County"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City, pursuant to the 2020 Vision comprehensive plan for the City of Carmel and Clay Township, is planning a thoroughfare project in eastern Clay ":'c' Township to be known as Hazel Dell Parkway (hereinafter referred to as the "Parkway"). WHEREAS, the purpose of this project is to reconstruct and extend the existing Hazel Dell Road from 146"'StreeUo 96'" Street in order to provide an additional north-south thoroughfare and bike paths and sidewalks for existing andfurure residents of the City (the "Project"). WHEREAS, when completed the Parkway will provide a safer and more convenient road for residents of the adjacent neighborhoods and other parts of Hamilton County, and will serve to reduce traffic congestion on all north-south thoroughfares in southern Hamilton County as well as reduce the probability of accidents. WHEREAS, the County, also pursuant to the 2020 Vision comprehensive plan, is engaged in or is planning thoroughfare projects that will.improve 146"' Street, 116'" Street, and 96'" Street where such streets intersect with the planned Parbvay, hereinafter referenceg individually, the "146'" Street Intersection", the 116'" Street Intersection" and the "96"' Street Intersection respectively, and, collectively the "Hazel Dell Intersections"~ WHEREAS, the City and County have previously entered into an interlocal cooperation agreement entitled "Intergovernmental Agreement", coded HCHD#M9600 11, providing for cooperation between the two parties in making construction improvements to 116'" Street (the "116'" Street Intergovernmental Agreement"). . WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City and County to cooperate in causing the City's construction of the Parl-..-wayto be coordinated with the County's improvements to the various intersections along the Parbvay. 'EXHIBIT "B" 'PAGE 2 OF 8 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ohhe premises and the.mutually dependent covenants,lierein~ contained, the Ci ty an,d Cbuntyagr.e"e ,!s'foll()ws: Section 1 a. Parkway Plans and Specifications, ---" The City'shall prepare, or cause to be'prepar!"d.epl'!l1s, specifications, ffiJd, sjJecialprovisiOns for s~id reconstruction and extension ohhe'Parkway in Hamilton County'and the .City of Carmel, Indiana.Jroffio,theexisting intersection of Hazel.Dell Road and 146th Streetto'!pproximate1ythe.exis,tingjriter?ection dfRiver Av~nlJ,e and.96'" StreetinclUsive.o(theHaze1 Del\.Ihtersections (the "PatkwayPlans and Specifications") attached hereto as ExhibitnA". Upon the Effective.date!ofthis Agreement, the City shall.reqllest'its engineers torede,sign'at tne County's expense ,the 146"' Street Iiltersecti6nso thatitis consistent with the.County's' current: speeifieatlons.for 146"' Street at 'least,3'50 feet..eas,rand\vestof thel':enterjine'of the Parkway:. Exc~pt ~s otherwisespeeifie:illyprovided,theParkway and the lnters~Ctionssha(rbe designed. and constructed inaecordance with the current iNDOT Design Manual.andStandardSpecjficati()ns and with current Feder,\l Funding Requirements" ,f aRplleable'. b. 146"' Street.Intersection Improvemim(CosCReSjionsibi1iry, The City shall pay .only the east of improvipg t.l)esouthern ajJpr:oilcli Ig the 146"' Streepntersection, The.. County slii1l1pay tl;e:cost or the'si gnal d;sign as weli as the signal installation costs 'and all other necessary improvements inclu<:Jingthjo western, northern andeastern'aRProac1}esJ9 the l46",cStreet Intersection. The CO!,lnty ,:,!pl b)1l the Cityfor'thereimbmsementofany costs as described in this Section within 60 days after any reimbursable costs. are incurred.' The CitYl,lgrees to make the reimbursement'paymentwithin'ASdays after receiptoh detailed inVoice from the CountT 'c. 1.16'" Streetlntersection Improvement Cost Respollsibility. The COUlity, shaH modify. its plans for 'fhe.improvement ofU 6th~Street tb accommodate:theconstruction ofthe 11,6'0 St~eet'Intersec:tioQ acc:ordingto:the 'Parkway Plans aii.f! Specific.aticjns: However, the:City agrees to. reimburse, the CountY :tor the~documehted andd~tai1ed cost;(if <lny) ofillLnecessaty ,l,l';ld reasonable design modifications,.and the CitY shall pay the cost ofthe'signal design and .all 'othernecessary'itnproveinents'respecting'lhe 11.6:'>;Street Intersection as set; fbrth o~ the 'Plans;nd Specifications. TheCoLinty wi II bIn. the City for the reimbursement of any costs !Is dessribedin this,Section within 60 days after any reiiilbursable.costs are incllrred.1heCityagrt:es,'~0 make the reimbursement pa(ffient within 45 days..after receipt ofa d,etailed lhvoicefrom the County. d. 96'" Street Intersectil;m1il1proveme,nt Cost Responsibility. ,EXlwn'r "E" PAGE J 01" ~ , The County shall:permit aroad cut,from the _Paibvay onto 96th Street'according to theParkway)'laps and Specifications. The. County will make modifications to theportionof96'" Street, which,extend's'westfrom the eastempoint o{ihe,' " ,intersection aC9.6"',Street abd the Parkway,Jo accolI)m9dateth~ Parkway Plans ~nd,Sp,ecifitations which can be accommodated given'the,status of construciion of that portion of 96'" Street. The County also agrees to modify its plans/or constructiofl,of its Pr6jecl.#5'beginnirig:eastofthe,eastem boundary of the 96"' Street IntersectIon', The County also hereby agrees,t~ install a signal althe, intersection at 96'" Street and the l?arkway..The City hereby agrees.to reim)JUr~e the County for the docunfehted'!ifid detai lea cost (if any,) ofal! necessaIyancl reasonable.modifications [orithe 96"''St~eetInterseetion withthe}~arkway, includiqg theeostof the signals; The County wilI'.piIl th'e City for tlie reimbur,s'ement 6f~y costs -as descfibediiT this 'Section within 60 days 'after any reimbursable eostsare.incurred, The City agrees'tomake',tl1e reimburs~merit payment within 45 days ,afteh"ceipt oCa,detailed ihyoicefroT!1 the Gounty, Section 2 a. City's Acquisition Responsibiliry: 146"' Street Other thanias set fortb in Section 2b below, the City shall acquire, all right-of- way to construc't ihe Parkway, SuchacqLiisition responsibility iIlcludes, buris, notlimi'teg to, right-of-way engineering, 'abstraetin,g,' appraising; review appraising; buying;,pr~pertymanagement, relocaii~n assistance, and condemnation(ifrequired) , b. County's Acquisition Responsibility: 146~ Street~ Except ,as otherWise, specifically proyided below, the,Courityshall ac.quir~,the right-of~way'for all parcels,contigl!ous'.toI46"'St.reet necessary to construct the 146'" Street Iritersection pursuantto the Park'W3yRlans.and Specificatiohs, The G'ity'shail.acqulre ,the parceU,?cafed. 01) tlie'sotitheast comer of the 146'" Stree.l Interse'cti,Oll as depjcted:6n.the Rarkway Plans and Specifications, " However,JheParties agree'that they wilI,share"equaJly the'to.ta'! Pllyrrlentsto landoymers forthe ri ght-of-way contigllous to the'lA6,h S treetintersection, Jhe'Gity'snall acquire'and pay the costs"ofalrIand acquisition.so\lth o.ftl1ose parcels which are contiguo.lIs'to the 146"' Street'Ihtersection: 'The.acquiring party wilJ billtne'otlier,party'for the reimbursement of any costs as, described in this Seciion.within60 days after any rein1bursable cqsis' ~e'incurted, The ,billed party agrees to nlake "me teimburs.ement payment within 45 days after receipt Of ii detailedihvoice from the:acquiring.party, c. City's Acquisitio!) Re~jJonsibiiit:t 116""Street The City shall.~cqu,iie a!ly addition!!l riglH,of'way necessary to c,onsl1;uctthe r16~ Stteet Intersection pursuant to the'Park'Way Plitps,ahd Specifications Should the Countv~s.modi ficati oo'to its plans Jor the.improyementof 116'" ~ - -" -." , Street pursuaht [0' Section 1 (c) above,require the acquisition of additional EXHIBIT "B~' PAGE i:.OF. 8 SeCtion 3 Section.4 SectionS right"of-wayfrol]'Uhe centeflilJe'of n 6'. Stre.et s6uth:t,hroughthe property owned or controlled by James Steckley, the 6ity shall also'acquire ihatright- of-way on behalf o(theC~JUnty. Once..\heCoUllty p~ovidei; to the City the legal descriptionsoftlie fight-of'way required from Steckley, the City shall use due diligence to complete'such acquisition. However, the County agrees to reimburs~ the City'for thecost.of any such rigl)f-of-way that issltuaU:d out~ide ortlle City 'sboundaries'within4S'days a'fteueceipt oran invoice fromthe City. d. C;ty's:AcquisitionResponslbility:,96~h Street. The city 'Shall aC:qliire any additionalrlglit'Of-waY'necessary to construct the '96th.Streetlntersec'tion pursuant to,the Parkway Plans and Specifications, Utility Relocation coordination and CosiResponsibility, 'a The City"and C('airily shall cO,ordinate:!he'relocaiionofall utilities within the.Parkwaypursuant to 'the .ParkwayPlans .and$peci lications. b.Tl)e'City sh;l1l pay the'costs of all necessary' relocation of utilities south'of the'existlng:centedine of the 146," Street.Iritersectioil, TjJe County shall pay the costs ohhe relocatiOn, of utilities north of the existing center-line.ofihe 146" Street.c1'he City will.bilHhe County for the work-described . in this Section upon,iue executjpn. of a utilit'yrelocatiotl,agreement by the City witheachaffeCted utility. The County shall make paymeritJO:lhe City,for th~ costs set forth.in this8ection witllin45 days after receipt of,an invoice.from the City. Proj eet Manager. The City shall act as the Project Manager of the projecLand in doing so sl:Iali beresponsiole loobtainanyandall neCess8ry,govemmentapprovals and pertnitsfor const1uction o [jhe Parbvay. Coilstrlictiim Monitoring, The Cily shalJ provide competent and adequate.engineering;testing, and inspection servi'ces:to:monitor work on the;Pa,rlhvay. During constiuctiiln, the County. may inspecf,((lt its own expense) the improvements within the I'arkway forwhich,theCounty'willbe responsible'affer.completiop. thereof. The. County shal I' promptly notify the City, inwritiri'g,ofai1.y deticiencies'in the work within the Parkwqy.Failure to so:noti fy theCityshal1"be:deemed.acceptance by the County, The City shall deliver to. theCOllllty a ebpyof all inspection .reports Tor'the'Park-..'{aj'. EimIBir' '!B" PAGE 5 OF8 ~ Section 6 Section :; Section 8 Section 9 Section.IO Section 11 .- Nqtv{ithstlmding th~ foregoing, the County,shall.notifythe City in writing of . its selection of-an engineer and the C"ity'herebyagrees'that such e~gine'er'shall. .at the City's.expense, performjnspections,ofbridgestructures which are :within the Parkway and which stiucfiJIes are' in excess oftw.enty ~20)feet. Annexation arid Mile'age.Credit. The City and County. agree that, on or before ,completion of the construction or. t11e I'arkway, th:eCiiy will annex-into the City of (aITl}el all right-of-way tq be used.for.the.Parkway Should the City'.s,annexationoftheParkway be delayed,.the City hereby agrees to mailitain.the ParkWay.right'of-way and the County hereby. agrees' to executeall.ctocuments necessary to transfer the Parkway right-of"way to the Gityfor State, funding purposes. TheCounty shall ifnecessary,.'appropnate a specifiedpait of the distribution from !lie motor.vehicle highway account or the loealroact and street'aeeountor both to be made to the City. Recordation, This Agreement shall be recorded.oy,the City in theHamilton County Recorder's Office'after approval by toe fiscal.bodies'of each the Ci!)' and the CountY, spall pe filed. \.'{ith the Mayor of \he City of C~el and.the Hamilton County Auditor and.'filed .with,the. auditor of state,.aIl pursuant to.IC 36".\-7-9, andshilll notbedeemeUenIorceable and binding until th,esiiine is sO recorded apd'so fiied. Teiminatii;Jl1. The obligations ofthis. Agreement shaLl)w-viVe completion .ofthe cO!1structioh andfinalin~pection.oftheParkway anticipated tobe less than four years from the Effective Dare. Mediation. Both parties agree to'attempt'to mediate any-dispute under this Agreement prior.toinitiati,ig any legal action. . Exhibits. AIl exhIbits referenced and attached hereto are incorpoT'!ted herein. Effec.tive Bate.. The Effective Date.o(ttiis.Agreement'shall be,thatdate on which the.last of'Jhe parties hereto approves and exectite.s this' Agieemtmt. .EXHIBIT "B" PAGE 6 OF 8 -- ~ r.: lNSOF AR AS authorized by law, this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors or assignees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HAMr;;UC();p;IANA Sleven A. Holt k C_~m. Steven C. Dillinger ~ ~~ Sharon R. Clark ATTESTjJ ~ ~.?vJ j ~ Jon MiZ'gle Hamil n County Auditor COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CI% ~EL, INDIANA Diana L. Cordray Clerk-Treasurer, City of Carmel ACKNOWLEDGMENT ST ATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF f/qlm'/-/o..c SS: . EXHIBIT "B" PAGE 7 OF' 8, '--' " ,. - .. Beforem~, a Notary Puglicin an(foYsaid,CouT\tY and State, personally'appeared Steven c: Dillinger, Steven A. Holt, and Sharon R,Clark, Merl1b,~(s.of the H,airtilton ColihryBoard of Commissiol1ers,and acknowledged, the execution orilwforegoing Agreement. Witness my hand and NotarialSeal this "2 f1d1lyof ~,,-tI-,' 1997. ~q~ Signature My Conunission E:02ires: ~r,'1 A; m'1 Printed ~,""-/ At. ~ v_~ NotalyP:l1bli~ R.esiding in ~t")f...,Co,unty, Suite ofIndiana ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF INDIANA SS:, COUNTY Of //;,;,:/ I-e~ Before me, a Notary Pub.lic)n.apd'for said Gounfy and.State, personally appeared, and Billy L Wlk' ,'! ';- ; a er, ~\~rl!,,-Flr, t. (.",.-11" r , !,:..- r . S;l":I"Ii!-r , -A,',; '.. J;\{), C"ltc , /?;.h.<I:;" /~:-//.,i.F r'...., ri, . di;~ft~;f,:m~~6;o~';~~~diheex~cution of theX~:~:i~; ~f;~~~~:ron Council-of the Witness my hand andNotariaI:Seal tl1is ,3,.1 daxof 5,,/d.<NL~iC, \997. My Commission Expires: "/F)' .;. -'! (C' SigpJture. _,II ;t., l-:'Jl":.c...t). yo;: /()/Jil Pririt!"d Notary,Publi'c ;}{ L- .., .. " 1. L'i>/F' Residing in /.,(;;g,'-'/h'>I'COUnty,.State ofIndiana This instrument was preparced'byJohn R. Molitor, ;jllomeyatLaJii, -1/ 71} Noral Meridian Street Suite 200,. Catcme/; Indiai{a46032. J ,_ _ '. ._' __ ,_ EXHIBIT "B" PAGE 8 OF B '........-'- Approved and Adopted this 7,/4 day or >1;;1'11-;,,4 v 1997, CITY OF G:ARMEL, INDIANA by and through its Board ofPu~lic, Works and Safety BY: EXHIBIT "e" PAGE 1 OF 11 PROJECT Hazel Dell ParkwaL-PARCEL I ~ PARCEL NO.1 RICIH OF WAY A porl 01 the Soulhwesl Ouorler onu 0 porl of the Sou\heosl Ouorler 011 ill Seclion 9, Town:;hip 17 Norlh, Range ~ Eosl, Homillon Coonly, Indiona, descrihed a, follow,: O"'Jinnin<] 01 0 poinl on Ihe eosl line 01 said soulhwesl quader seelion Nodh'O dC(Jfces 1'/ minule" 'j,/ second, Cost (assumed bearing) 65,00 Ceel from the saulheasl corner of said southwest quarler seclion, said point being 0\ the interseclion 01 saiu easlline and lhe north houndory 01 961h Slreel; lhence .saulh S9 degrees 44 minules 17 seconds West 296,~7 feel along lhe north boundary 01 said 961h Slreel; Ihence North 67 degrees 56 minules 12 second:; [051 53.U5 leel; Ihence Norlh 09 deqrees .H minu les 17 seconds Eosl 1.35.00 leel; Ihence North ~'I deqree" 06 minlJles .35 seco"ds Easl 49.70 feel; Ihence Norlh 0 degrees 05 minules 41 seconds Easl p66.26 leel; lhence Nar1l1eoslerly 679.54 lecl olong on arc 10 Ihe righl and havinf) 0 radius of 622.96 lecl and sublencJed by 0 lonf) chord hovinf) 0 bearing 01 Norlh .31 degrees 20 minules 41 seconus [osl and 0 Icnqlh 01 646.35 leel; lhcnce Norlh 62 degrees.35 minutes 41 seconds.r:asl 202.::>U feel; lhence Norlhco"lerly 629.51 feel along on orc to the lell and having a radius of 666.20 Ice I ond suhlended by 0 long chord hovincJ 0 bearing 01 Norlh .35 def)rees .31 minules 213 seconds Eosl and 1I lenqlh o,'GOG.35 leel; Ihen,:e North 8 degrcc~ 27 minules 16 scconds Eosl ~15.1!) leel \0 Ihe north line 01 Ihe 54 acre Iroel ollanrJ described in Oeed Record 150, paqe 552 in lhe office 01 lhe Recorder of Hamillon COlJnty, Indiono; lhence Norlh 89 dcqrees !)l minule~ 01 seconds [051 101.11 leel olonq ~aid north line; Ihence Soulh e deflrces 27minules 15 seconds Wesl 431.51.1 Icel; Ihence Sou\hwe~lcrly '/24.00 fel)l along on orc 10 lhe righl and having 0 radius of 766.20 leel and sublended by 0 loog chord having 0 bearing 01 Soulh .35 degrees 31 minules 2S seconds Wesl and a len()lh 01 59'/.:\'/ feel; lhence Soulh 62 dcqrecs .35 minutes 41 seconds Wesl 202.!)8 leel: Ihence Sauthweslcrly .329.94 leel olonf) on ore 10 the lell and having 0 radius 01 522.!l6 feel ond ~ublHndedby 0 loor) chord hovinr] 0 beorinf) or Soulh 44 degrees .31 minules 14 sccands Wesl and 0 lenqlh 01 324.!)0 (cello 0 ~oulh line ollhe owner's land; Ihence Soulh e9 degree~ 28 'minules 32 seconds We"1 '/~.65 feol olon<] ~fJid ~oulh line 10 ltie cas I lioe of said soulhwest fluorter seelion; lhence Soulh 0 de'Jrees II minules 57 seconds Wesl 1250,78 leel oloog said easlline 10 lhe pain I 01 beqinninq ond canloininrJ 6.1'31 acres, more or less. PARCEL NO.1 A RICI-IT or VIA Y A pori 01 Ihe We~1 Half 01 Ihe Northeosl Oumler of Section 9, township 1'1 North, Range ~ Easl. Homillon Counly, Indiono described os follows: Ocqinning 01 0 poinl on Ihe soulh lin,c of said quarter. see lion Nodh 13!l degroce. 51 minules 0'/ ~econd~ [o~1 (os,lImc;u bearing) {J42.67 feel from Ihe southwesl corner 01 said quarter section; Ihence Nodh I.l dcgrce~ 27 minllles 16 seconds Eosl 767.98 leel 10 Ihe north line of Ihe 22.1'/ acre Iracl 01 land described in Deed Record f51. Page 260, in Ihe of rice ot lhe Recorder oll'lomillon Counly, Indiono; lhence North U9 deCJfees 54 mioules 49 seconds Eosl 10\.12 feel olanq "aid north line; thence Soulh U de<Jreec. D minulec. 16 seconds West 767.81'ecl 10 "aid sOlJlh line; lhence Soulh U9 dogree" Slrninulcs 07 ~econd" Wesl 101.14 leel along said ,oulh line to lhe poinl 01 beginnin'J and containing I.1G3 acre~. more or 1055. LEGAL DESCIUrTlONS l'EltMANI~NT IUGIIT-OF-WA Y PARCELS 1 & lA EXHIBIT "c" PAGE 2 OF 11 I'RO])!,CT ,1Iml Dcl! P,lrkivi!LPARCI!:L I PA6:CEL NO. 1 B r~IGI-IT OF WAY A porI 01 lhcSoulhcoslQuoiler'o[ Section 1, '[ownshi('i J 7 NorJh.J"lon.]~ 1 losl, HOrt'l,lIon CO~U(\\:y. Indiorio,described as lollows: Deginning 01 a poi,n! on lhe ,soulh line 01 soid scelion Soul):> 59 degrees.S'1 minulos 49 seconds Wcsl (TlSSUn'lCU beorintj) \ 292,00 Icc.\ \rom Uicsoulhcost corner 01 soia secti9.n: lhence conlinuing S,o,uln 89de<)rees 51minula~1'J 'second,s WesS \5.Q,()8 feci along soid soulh I'lno \qthe soull1eo'slom botJnda'ry ol,River Rond: Ihonco.North 2:' dCCjr,c.cs':'>S mihu\c, 53 se'conds Eosl S.17,j3 reel along Ihr. sOLJlhaaslcrn boun,Jory ,01 saidl1iver Jload 10 lhe"enslern boundofy'(J1 soidnivar nood:\i,encc North 21 de(]fces9G ,;,inlJie~ 0.3 ~;~~0'.'9S [051798,.1\ Iccl olong the caslc.in boundury olsoid River noad 10 Ihe north lihe 01 the 40:7~ ocroC,\rdc,t ot,tand described in D~cd Re"cor,d 2GB,pag" \.B() in the,'oHicc or thll Recorder oll!{!rt'lilton County.. Indiana:, thence Nodh 8<) degrees,54 mii'lules 10 sccon(!fi[osl 90,31 fco\ olong soid n,orlh line: thence,SotJlh 5 de,yees48,rninutos 36 sec'ondsWcs\ 17,O,GJcel; !hcnc9 soulh 1.2 de,)rce" IOminu\es 4'a s~coniJ5 West 208,94 lee\: thcne_c, Sou IIi 17 ,degrees 0:\ rriiPJu,16" .36 sr-conds Wesl 312,87 leel: thence Soul~ 25 degrecs 13 minutas 1fsccQn(h West 4011.46. 'e~\: ,Ihc'nee Soulh 25 dcgrees ~J__!<1lii'lute~ Or, seconds Wosl 293,57 leel: thence Soulhwes'\erly 343, \ 2 le~1010rilJ on ore 10 111Clpl,l and hov'''Q 0 radius 01 220 un fe,al and ~ubleml,cd by 0 long 'chord huvin'] olkorinfj 01 ,.c,ulh G iJcg(ee~ lei ' . m)nules'04 .seconds Was 1 ond a lenglh 01 ':11 2, n (cel to \h,e po;n\ ,01 bO'JiM'lnq, and C()n\innin~ ~,., 31 oef.es, mora or less ' r> /\ ReF L NO. 1 D RIGHT OF WAY Aport 01 Ih8 [05\ 110 If 01' Seclion ~, Town:ih'ip j,., Norlh, I~oniy ~ [0% II00mill,on County. Indiona. described 0" fo\lowS: C(')mmcnci"9.01 the cenlp.r 01 soid,,\ec\ion: thc~c" .Soulh ,(Soulh 0 <Ingleo:; 01 minI/res 4\ seconds West (or.:;umCd,beu'in(])) \ \67 :00; reel (deed)i 16'112 leCl (cofe,) alon(] the west lino 01 \he soulheos\ <1\)o..ler'o'l so;d5Cclion 10 Ihe sOl/lh line 'of (j 90,2,\ acre I(ocl ollond oescribcd in Deed Rer,ord' 0001, nJG, P09,!.80 in Ihe ofiice or Ihe f~ecofdcf ol Ho;~il.l[)n Courily.lndio'lo:lhoncC florlh 89do<],oos'54 m;nules~'9 seconds lost \5i\~.20 .lcctoIM<) said liFe 10'lhe eoslern boundary of River Roodond lhe,point ofbc<J',nning of Ihis description: Ihcn'cc ~lor1h 2.1 deqiees 05 minules OS seconds Ea:;l 1.57.25 recJ afM') Ihe coslernbP,up'uory 01 "piu l\iV2f l~ou{J; lhence No(~h'cuslcrly ,-187,25 leel olong on arc 10 Iha,!el} 01'\(1 huving 0 rodi~5 cL41~UO rcel (JfHJ su}lend'cu I'IY n,lonq chord hoving 0 beorin'g o(Norlh U Jegrecs, t8,mirlUip.5 oil second,> [i;s,1 and n IC')(llh of L?5 71 lecl olon(] soid eastern bound!'Jry, IhehceNorlh 1 degree, 2Bmi'wlcs ,U :ie<;onu5 vicst 1/,33 lecl ploo,} :;oid easlern boundary; IhenGC,c.0ldh 10 de0rr.c,~ 09 mjnu\cs"4'l seconds [0,:;1 \58,97 loe\: thence Soulh 5 degrees ~(\ n"iiriiJlcs 36 socond? Wesl 1)l2.03 led 10 sgirJ 5,ou)l1li<1e: Ihenc.c Soulh 89' iJclJfces5~ minules ~9 saconus We~l 'JO,:'l\ 'Ioel (llof)'l,soid 50uth line \u \h,,'poinl 01 bc<jin"in(]oQJ <;an\'oininfj 0,330 ocrcs. rt'l'OfO or ,Ie"" ' . ' - Ll~Gi\L DJi.5GJuJYrIQNS IlEHJ\-r~j:{nUGHT-OFcWA y 'nARCELS In & 'ID EXHIBIT "c" PAGE 3 OF 11 IjROJECT Halel Dell Park'Y1!.Y..--PARCEL PARCEL ~~O. 1 C RIGHT OF WAY A parl of Ihe [051 Hall of Seelion 4, Township 101 North. Rong" 4 [051. l'lomillon Counly. Indiana. described os lollows: Commencing 01 thc northwesl corner ol said hall scclion; thence South 89 degrees 42 minules SO seconds (051 (assumed bear in C)) 579.12 feel 010"<] the norlh line at said section; Ihence SOlllh 0 dogrees 17 minules 10 seconds [osl 45.00 lecl \0 lhe [loin I of beginning 01 lhis descriplion. which poinl is on lhe soulh boundary 01 1161h Slreel; Ihence Soulh 89 degrces 42 minules 50 seconds Eosl 317.'1i leel along Ihe soulh boundary 01 soid 1161h Slrcel; lhence Soulh l.JI degrees 10 minules :)9 seconds Eusl :l0:l.24 Icel alan') said sOl/lh boundnry; lhence Soulh 89 degrees 47. mioules 50 seconds [051 132.01 leel olon~1 suicl 'suulh bouiuJory to Ihe we,;lern boundary of River Rood; Ihence Soulh 4 degrees 30 minules 36 sccondsEos\ H21.0 leel along the weslern boundary 01 said River flood; lhence South 4 degrees 43 minule 46 seconds [o~t 500.0J leel along said weslern lJoundnry; Ihence SOlllh ~ degree's 43 minule:; ':;0 second~ [051 4'.)0.91 leel olong soid western boundory; lhence South 4 degrees 7.9 minutes 45 seconds Casl 40<).95 lecl along said we~lern boundory; thence Soulh ~ dO'Jrecs 3S minule~ 01 seconds [031 500.00 leel olong soid weslern boundary; Ihence Soulh ,I degrees '7.!J minulc~ 1"/ seconds Eo"t 872.47 leel olong said weslern boundory; Ihence Soulhweslerly 14'/.Ol leel alonf) on orc 10 Ihe riCJhl nnr! hoving o radius 01 32a.40 leel ond suhlended by 0 lon'l chord hovin'J 0 I)corin,) ill Soulh U degrees W minules 41 seconds Wesl ond 0 leng!h 01 H~).(JG leel olonq said we~\ern bounrlory; Ihence South 21 degrees 06 minules OB second" We~1102.1~ Ice I .olon') soid weslern boundary 10 0 "oulh !ine 01 99.23 acrc lrocl 01 land desc.rihed in Deed flccord lB6. pOfJc BO - 81 in Ihe ollice of Ihe i~ecorder 01 Hamilton Counly, Indiono; thenco SoulhBO degrees 5" minule~ 49 second,; Wesl 1 .1.95 feel along said soulh line; thence Narlh 7 degrees 27 minutes 54 seconds [0';1 20'1.34 leel; lhence North S degrees 02 minules 08 seconds East 96.30 feel; Ihence Norlhweslerly 216.72 leel along on orc 10 the lell and having 0 radius 01 220G.83 lecl ond ~ublcn(Jed by 0 long chord having 0 heoring 01 Norlh 2 degrees 00 minules 12 second~ Wesl and 0 len'llh 01 216.6'1 leel; IhMcr. Norlh ,1 degrees 49 minules 00 seconds Wesl 4'/'1.9.3 leel; Ihence Nodh l ,Jc'lrees 40 minules 45 scconds Wcst 100.12 leel; thence Norlh 4 degrees 49 minules 00 second:; Wesl /00.00 feel; Ihence Norlh 10 degrees 3\ minules 38 seconds Wesl 100.50 leel; Ihcnce Norlh 1 degrees .19 min,des 00 seconds West 400.00 leel; lhence Norlh .3 de'Jrecs 40 minules'I'1 seconds We:;! 35H.9/\ leel \00 soulheosl corner or 04.00 ocro lrad or land described in the Cor[lorole Warronly Decd recorded 0' Inslrument No. Oi00070G~62 in soidl.~ccorder':; Olrice; Ihence Nnrll1 4 ,kgree~ ~)I minutcs 59 seconds Wesl'253.67 Icel oloog IhC).cosllinc or'soid 4.00 ocre Iroel ollond \0 Ihe northeosl corncr 01 said 4.00 ocre lroc.l of lond; Ihence North II de'.lrec:; 01 minule 2'1 :;econd Wesl 7.01l.G6 reel; lhence North 4 degrees 40 minulcs 00 second:; Wr.sl 11.23 fer.l; lhcnc'e Nnrlhwe:;tcrly ~62.S0 leel alon<) an arc 10 lhe 1ell C1nd hovih'l 0 radius 01 2'1~~. 79 leel Gnd s"lilended by 0 10"'] chore) hCJving 0 bearing of North 9 degrees 3[1 minuleG or, ~ecand~ We~l and 0 lr.ngll1 01 '161.96 reel: thencr. Norlh 14 degrees 27 minule~ 13 soconds We~1 30G.~7. leel; lhence Norlh t\~ degrees OS minules 27 seconds West ~S6.85.leello Ihepoinl of bel)innir\g ond conloinin'J 1l.212 ncres, more or Ie's. LEGAL DESCRII'TJON PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY 1'i\,IlCI!:L Ie EXHIBIT "c" PACE 4 OF 1 J riWJECT _~ialet Dell PukwU-.PARCEL PARCELNO.1E f\ICHT or w^ y A porl at the [051 Half 01 Ihe Southeast Ouorler 01 Seelion :.n, TownshiJ1 IU Norlh, ROM)e ~ East. Homillon Counl y Indiana. do.scribed oslollows: Deqinninlj al a point on Ihe eosl li,)e of said seclion North 0 degrees O~ minules 00 so.conds [asl (ussufTIed tJcorinrJ) 16.50 reel Irom the southeasl corner of soid seelion. soi<.l poinl being 01 the inlersection 01 said eoslline and the narlh boundary 01 116lh Slleel; lhence Norlh on e1eljrces -\2 minules. 50 seconds Wes\ 245./6 reel olonlj the norlh tJountlury 01 soid 1I(;lh Slreel; thence Norlh GU decJ",e5 :;~ minules 25 seconds Wesl 80.2,1 reel alonlj soid norlh boun<.lory; thence Norlh 89 dcgrces ~2 minutes 50 second.s Wesl 53!)./!} reel olonlj said norlh tJoundO'y to 0 weslline 01 0 GG,G3 ocre Iroe! 01 lond described in Deed Ilecord In. pUljC n. in the ollice 01 Iho. Ilecorder, 1.lomillon County. Indiana; Ihence I~orth 0 degree" 01 minule I!) seconds West 22:\.00 leel alan'] said weslline'lo a south line 01 said GG.GB ocre Iroel.ol lond; Ihence Norlh 119 de'lrec:; ~2 minules 50 sec'onds Wesl D.19 leel olonl) said soulh line; thence Norlheasterly \J19.11 Icel alonl) on arc 10 the righl and havinC) a radius 01 199U:lG Ice I and 5ublended by 0 Ion'] chord hovinlj 0 bearing of North 6 degrees 02 minules .3'1 seconds [ost and 0 Icn<Jlh 01 1295.26 fcel; Ihence Norlh 24 degrees 59 minules 11 seconds C051 101~.61 reel 10 on co,.lline 01 50"id 65.GB acre lroel 01 land; thence Soulh 0 dc<)re~s 01 minutes OB scconds Wesl 103.111 reel alonCj said eoslline; Ihence Soulh 21 dCljrccs 5n minules 1" seGonds Wesl 151\.3\ leello 0 norlh line of said 66.68 acre Iroe! 01 land; Ihence Nodh !l0 deglccs G\ minules In seconds ;;",:;1 '/1.\.30 leel along soi<.l norlh line 10 on cosl line 01 said 66.68 acre track 01 lund; thence Soulh 0 degrees 04 minutes Oll seconds Wesl 168.6:i leet alor,'] said cost line; Ihence Soulh 2~ degrees 50 minutes \I seconds Wesl 3.3~.56 leel; thence Southeaslerly 1256.21 reel olonrr on arc to the leri having 0 radius of 1821.UG feel anel ~ublcnded by 0 lonlJ chord having 0 beuring 01 South 5 degrees 16 minules 02 scconds West ond 0 lcneJlh 01 12.31.5~; leel: Ihence Soulh 14 degrees 21 min1ltes 1:\ seconds [051 162.79 leel; Ihence Soulh GO dc<]rees 52 minules 26 seconds Cost ~~.26 reel; Ihence south 89 degrees 42 minulcs SO secunds [05101.3.0-1 leel to Ihe eoslline 01 said seclion; thence Soulh 0 derJrees 01 minutes 05 seconds Wes\ 63.~)0 feel along said easlline 10 Ihe [loinl 01 beCJinnin<) and conloining IQ.16~ ocres, more or less. LEGAL DESCIUPTION PERMANENT RiGHT-Oil-WAY PARCEL 1E EXHIBIT "c" PAGE 5 OF 11 PROJECT Ilalcl Dcll I'arkwav PAIlCEL I PARCEL NO.1 F TEMPOI"lMIY R/W FOR WORI(ING AREA Also. on casemcnl in ond 10 Ihe following de~crill<:d relll c~l"le. In wil: ^ rorl 01 Ihe Soulhwe,1 . Quarler of Sectian n, Tawn,hir 17 North, l?on<Jc ~ [osl, Hamillon r.ounly. Indiana. de,cribed a, fallows: Commcncin'] 01 Ihe ,0ulheo,1 corner 01 ,oid 'luorler see lion; Ihence Norlh 0 de']rees 17 minules 57 scconds [051 55,00 leel alan'] Ihe eo,1 line 01 said Quorlef scclion; Ihence Soulh.IJCJ degrees. 44 minute" 17 second, Wesl 2!)5.~i' leel; Ihence NDrlh 5'/ (Jegree, 55 minules 12 seconds Eosl 53.85 feel; Ihcnce Norlh 89 degrees ~~ mlnule, 17. "econd, Eosl 135.00 feel \0 the poinl of beginning of the descriplion; thence Norlh 8 degrees ~9 minule" 02 ,econds West 120.3~ leel; thence Norlh 0 delJrees 05 minules ~1 seconds Eosl lJO.O~ leel; lhence North :, degr~es ~8 minutes l!l seconds Eosl 301.50 leel; Ihence Soulh 0 del)rees 0;) minutes ~ 1 seconrls Wesl ;)35.00 lecl; Ihence Soulh -17 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds Wesi ~!l. 70 Icel 10 lhe poinl .01 begin~inlJ and conloining 0.575 acres, more or less lor the rUfro,e of workl~g orca, wh'ch eosemenl Will ieverl 10 lhe owner u[lon complelion 01 Ihe. (Jbove-,Ie~I']noled rrolec\. PARCEL 1\10. rc TEMPor~AI~Y R/W ~-or< WORKING AI'\EA Also. on easemen\ in nnd 10 Ihe following described real ~,Iolc, 10 wil: ^ pori o/lhe 50ull1eo,,1 Quorler 01 Sedion n. Township 1'/ Nodh, Ilungc ~ [051, Hornillon COIJOly, Indiono, described o~ follows; Commencin'] at the Southeosl Corner 01 said the Soulhwe,l Ouorler 01 ~nid seclion; lhence Norlh 0 degrees 17 minules 57 second" eosl 55.00 leel olon'] Ihe eosl line of "aid soulhwesl quorler section to the norlh boundary of !lGlh Slreel; Ihence Soulh un de']":~s, ~ ~ mioule~ 1 i second" Wesl 296.47 feel along Ihe boundary 01 said !)Glh Slreel; lhence North 67 uel)recs 56 minutes 12 seconds Eosl 53.U5 feel; lhence Norlh ti9 degrees ~~. minule~ 17 ~econd~ Eosl iJ~).OO leel lhence North ~7 degrees 05 minutes J5 seconds Eosl ~9. 70 feel; Ihencc Norlh 0 de(J'ee5 05 minules ~ I seconus [osl 966.26 lecl; Ihence Northeasterly 579.5~ leel along 00 orc \0 Ihe ri(Jhl and hovio'] 0 radius of 522,96 feel and sulJlended by 0 10nC) chord havin'J 0 beorinC) 01 Norlh 31 de']ree" 20 minules ~ I seconds Eos\ and 0 len'llh 01 6~5..3S leel; Ihence Nodh 62 dC'lree:; J5 rninuk~; ,11 seconds Eos1 202.58 leello Ihe point of beginning of Ihi~ descri[llion: Ihence Norlh 2'/ de']ree, 2~ minules 10 seconds Wesl 25.00 lecl; Ihence Norlh ~7 degrees .37 minulcs 24 ~econds [os I 212.~:) leel; lhence Narlh 31 degree, :,n minule, 53 second" [o~1 17\.80 '",,1; Ihence Norlh 5rl dc']rees ~5 minules OJ seconds [051 53.00 feel; Ihence Saulh 56 degree" ~ 1 minu\cs :)1 :;~contl~ l:osl 7.5.00 Ice\: Ihence Southwesterly ~55.ti7 leel 010(1) on orc 10 the rilJhl and having 0 rodius of 565.20 leet and sublcnded by 0 Ion'] chord having 0 hcorin'] 01 Soulh ~2 lJc']",e, 55 minlllcs 55 5(;COnos Wesl and 0 lcnlJlh 01 447.97 leello the poinl 01 be']inninl) and conluinin'J 0.~6l\ uc"~, mor~ or le~s lor the purpose of working orca. which eo~emenl will reverl 10 lhe owner uron complelion 01 the obove-desirJn(Jled projecl. LEGAL DlLSCRU'T!ONS TEMI'ORARY RlGHT-OF-W A Y l'A1lCELS IF & IG EXHIBIT "e" PAGE 6 OF 11 I'ROJECT I-la7.e\ Dell Parkway PAnCEL I P /I.RCEl f\IO, 1 H T[MPORARY r~/w FOH DRive CONSTRUCTION Also. on eosemenl in and 10 lhe following described real c~lo\c. 10 wil: ^ porl of Ihe Soulheasl Quorler o( Sed ion 4, Township 1'/, Norlh, Run<Je 4 ((lsl, Homillon counly, Indiana. described as lollows: 8e<Jinnin<J 01 0 poinl on lhe soulh line 01 said seclion Soulh l'o~ dcgree~ :)4 minules '1~ seconds Wesl (ossumed bearin'J) \1\ 't, ll\ Iecl from Ih" soulhell,;1 corn"r of soid see I inn: lhence continuing South 8n dcqree~ ~4 minules 4n second~ Wesl \ 74 ,32 lecl along said soulh line; lhence Northeasterly ~4.90 feel along on ore 10 lhe righl and hoving 0 radius 01 noun feel and sublended by 0 long chord having 0 beorin!) 01 Narlh 13 deqrccs 34 minules 0,' ~econd~ [051 ond 0 lenqlh 01 ~4,()0 lecl: Ihence Soulh 133 deejrees 22 minules S3 seconds [0,,1 lGG,GI leel: Ihence Soulh ~ degrees ~n minutes 53 seconds West 34.0Q leel 10 Ihe poinl 01 beejinnin'j ond conloining 0, \ nacres. more or less. lor Ihe purpose of conslruclinq 0 drivewoy lor service 10 llie owner's privale properly. which easemenl will reverl 10 \he owner upon complelion 01 lhe above- de:;i!)nolerl pro jocL PARCEL f\IO. 1 J T[MPOI~Ar~Y R/W I'OR CHANNel Cl[AI~ING Also. on eosemenl in ond 10 Ihe lollawint) de:;cribed real c~,lolc, to wiL ^ pori 01 the [051 I-loll 01 Seelion 4. Township 17, Norlh. Ronqe ~ [0:;1. Homil\an count y. Indiono. de:;cribed 0:; lallaw:;: Commencing ollhe narlhwest corner 01 50icJ holl :;eclion; thence Soulh [)Q de<)rce:; 42 minules 50 seconds Eost (assumed bearin!)) 13"/Q. \? lee\ oloof] lh" norlh line 01 soitl seclion: lhence Soulh 0. degrees 17 minules 10 seconds [051 '1~,00 lecllo lhe ~oulh boundory 01 1161h Streel: lhence Soulh tl1 degrees 05 minules 27 seconrls Eosl 4~6,B~ leel; Ihence Soulh \ ,\ de!)rees 27 minutes 13 ~,econds [ast 306.92 leel; Ihence Southensterly 462.~0 lecl olong on orc \0 the rifJhl hoving 11 roditJ:; 01 2-/4Q:/() leel ond sublcnded by 0 10nt) chord having 0 bearinq 01 Saulh n derl'ees :Ill minules 06 second:; [0:;\ ond a lenglh 01 ~61.% leel; thence Soulh 4 det]fcDS 49 minute:; 00 second:; [0:;136,23 Icello lhe poinl 01 beginninl) 01 Ihis dcscriplion; lhence conlinuing Soulh ,j defJrec:; 40 minutes 00 sccond:; Ea:;\ '/5,00 feel; lhence Saulh II degree:; 01 minute 2'1 :;ccands Eo:;l 100,5n leel; lhence Soulh 8~ de!)rees I I minules 00 seconds West aO.88 leel; thence North 4 de<)rcc5 4n minulos 00 seconds Wesl 175,00 reel; lhence Norlh 85 degrees II minules 00 second:; [051 -/0..00 feel 10 the painl 01 betjinninf) onrl conloining 0.2Q4 ocros; more or less lor Ihe purpose o( chonnel c1euring. which casement will revert 10 Ihe owner upon complelion 01 lhe abave-dcsignoled proiecl. LEGAL DESCRll'TlONS TEMl'ORARY RIGHT-OF-WAY I'ARCELS lH & 1J EXHIBIT "e" PAGE 7 OF 11 I'llo.mcr .-Jlgcl Dcll P"rk\':2'L-I'AIlCI~I, PARCEL NO. 1.L<. RIGHT OF WAY ^ pori of (he Soulhwesl Ouader or'\cl 0 nod of the Suulhcosl OlJod~r (.JII in Scclinn n, l(lwnt;hip 17 Norlh, r~a"<J<: ., [o~l, Homillon Coun\y, lndio,:o. dcsc:r.ibcd C1~ lollow~: CommcnciF"lC') 01 \he Southeo5l t.ornCf 01 soid soulhwesl quorlllf seclio,,;lhence Norlh 0 dCtJ"'cs 1/ mil1ules 'j/ secon,)c; [0,;1 (,5.00 fo:!)1 UIOn,) the efJsllio<:: of soid soulhwesl quarlcr scclion 10 Ihe 110rth hOllndory 01 0GIII Slrc.,!: thellc!) ~;ulllh BfJ de']rccs 4,\ minules \ 7 seconds Wesl 2fJ6.4/ feel 01011f) Ihe houndory of soid 'lGth Street: Ihence North 67 degrces ~6 minulcs 12 :icconds [051 'j,UI5 feel; Ihcnce Nodh 5fJ oJCljrcc:; 41 ,ninulcs 17 seconds [051135.00 leel; IhenceNorlh 4/ dC'Jrces 06 minutes X, seconds [u511;l.53 leel la lhc .poinl of beginning of Ihis dcscriplion; lhence NorlhO dcqrces 05 minvlc:; 41 second", Cost aSn.56 leel; Ihence Norlheoslerly 70J.7.i lee I olol1lj 011 orc 10 Ihe riC)hl and hovin,] 0 rodiU:i of 074.96 leet and sublended by 0 lonl] chord having 0 beoring of Norlh 31 de<Jroe:; 20 minulc~. 41 sccondS Co:;1 ond o lenglh oJ 6'72.29 leel; Ihcrlce North 62 del)"ecu 35 minu\e~ 4\ sccono.s [0:;1202.55 feCI; Ihencc Northeoslerly 605.1.19 feel 01011<] on orc 10 Ihe lofl ond hnvin<] 0 rodius 01 6"11.20 leelnnd sublcndcd by 0 long chord having 0 bearing of Narlh ,,5 dO'J'ces 31 rninlllcs .21J scconds Eor,1 on,Jo len')lh 01 583.60 feel: lhence North 1.1 do']roes 2'/ minules 16 seconds Car.l 412.(,'/leel 10 Ihe norlh line ollhe 54 ore Irocl of land describod in Dccd Ilccord \;,0. [HllJe ~;)1. in lhe ollicr. 01 Ihe Recorder of Hamill en County. Indiana: Ihcnce North IJfJ de<]reGs ;1I minule:; 07 s<:con,I:; Eosl ;1:',.21) (ecl olon'1 soid nQrth . line: Ihence Soulh 1.1 degrees 77 minulc!; 16 secnndr.Wosl 411;.45 feel: Ihence Southwe:;ICrly G2a.51 leet alan'] on orc 10 lhe rie]hl and havin') 0 radius 01 666.20 lecl and :;uhlcnrJed hy 0 10''') r:hord having 0 beorin') of Seulh 35 dCl)'ees)1 minutes;W sccond:; Wesl ond " icn(Jlh of GOr,..};) leel: thence Soulh 62 degrees 35 minule:; 41sccon05 Wcs\ 20~.58 f~el: II,cnee Soull,weslerly 67Q.~)1 leel along on ore 10 lhe leI I and having 0 radius of 622.96 leel and sul;lcndeo by a long chord having 0 bearing 01 Soulh 31 degrees 20 minules ,11 sccond:; Wc~1 ond 0 len~Jlh or 616.35 Il;e\: Ihence Soulh 0 degrees 05 minules 11 sccond~ Wesl 066.2G led: thence Soulh 1-/ dCIJ'''C:; 06 minules 3~l second:; West 31.17 "Jel 10 lhe poinl 01 beginnin'l and eonloininlj 1.62\ acrcs, rnore or less.. LEGAL DESCItIPTION l'I~IU\'iANENT RIG 111'-01'- WAY l'AHCEL IIC EXIIITIIT "e" P^GE 8 OF 11 I'IW]u:c:r..-Unc\. bell !':nkwav . !'AHCEI. I , PARCEL t':IO. 1 L RIGHT OF WAY ^ purl '01' Ulc;~ouJhco~-,1 Ouo.flcr nl.$et.lion 9" TOvinstiip IQ'Nodh, Ilonf)c ~ 8oc.I.,Hilriiillon Co,jnly. InJi"nu, ikGcr'ibod 0" follows: Cory,~rncncin9. ut'1I1C sou\hwcsl corner Ol31Jid ~Ii}odcr"::;ctlior"o';.llhcncc ~Il)rth~ O~dr.1'Jrcnt. "7 min\Jlr:5'S'-~ seconds [051 (~'s:',urii'ed be9rin'<)) 131 J. '/[\ Iccl, nlon.<J .lhe w,,:;lli;,c ol,501(j qumler ':;eel.ion.loo :;oulli line or I~c llwno"s lelnd; Ihcnec i}orlh U9,dC<Jr.Ol?" ?p:minulqs ::})'susoods [o,;l 'r~.I;J leel ,!In"f) "aid soulh line 10 \I~e poinl 01 bc']innin<) 01 Lhis <.lescrip!ion; Ihencc'N.udheoi;lcdy ";;19.,0'1 IeGI oloriq "i, (liS \" Ihc righl and huving (J rodiDs 01;]22.% leel find sl'hlcndr,d by 0 long chord h.ovinr] " be"ri!'l) oJ Nodh H deorc~'s JI minutcs 11 scr.onrls,[o,,1 ond 0 10,,<]lh or J2'lriO leei,; thcncc..Nor.th (d. deweas JS.minll!c; 11 seconds [05\ 202.58 fcel: thence Nodhe'J~IEi"y"/2,1.00'rcd "IO,'H) an ore 10 lho lall und hoving aradiuG of 766.20 I~.ol- o'nd sulJtcniJcd by Q lof','] ellol<J hovinl) <! b-~,j"rHJ 01 North :\~ "C(J"~cs 3'1 n"'nlllcs 28 seconds [051'0,,"0 Ic'n<Jlh of,G!J7.J/lccl; thc"C,e, Norlh B demccc ~rmimj~c~ I.G "ceond; (0511;',1.'S./J leel 10 the nodh line of lh~ 5..~ oe(o Irucl 01 land described. in Deeu Rceord I.GO. p.(J(Je 552 i"lhe.ol.liecol Ihe.Rceorder oHlomillon Coun I y. In diono; thence. Norlh 59 da')rec5.[)1 ",inu lcs 01 seconds ['0.3125.28 leet along sgiu.'ior.\h.linc; Ihence Sou \Ii B dawec" 2"1 mi,iu!c~ 15 .Sl,cOnib WOol 43::<% ',;cl: Ihc"r.~ Soul~...,c~lerly ?'L'I.6\J Ice.1 ulo'l'1 qn qre, 10 \lie riiJhl Ofld huvi,,~iJ Hldilj~; C)I i'fJr'3P Icr.1 ,and s"blench:ir hy o Ion'] chord hovi.ng o.bearing 01 Soulh'35 'lcgr.ees31 minu~os_;W.:~cr.o"d:;'Wcs! ond o.lcn'Jlh 01/20,12 leel; thence Soulh 62 dcgree5 .:IS minulc5 4\ seconds Wc:;l:lOZ.,S5 kd;- thenCc Snulhwc51'crly 30LJC) 're~l olong on OiC 10 lhe leltandhdving oro,u;iJs 014')7.% leel. ond,~tilJl~ndcd Ii)' o,lon<) chord h('v,og 0 beor;"lJ 0150ulh 1.5 degrees 15 minulc5 .l..G se(;onvs WQs,I and 0 Icnql~ o!"29G..7p 19c1 ID o,soull.' line 01 Ihc.,ow;,cr's land: lhence' SoulhB!) <lcgrecs'-ZO: minules 32 SCCO!,d5 We~1 28. 2,1. leal along soidsolJlli linc 10 Ihi! roinl of tJCl)inningond con\ainin.<] 0.D60 oeres. more or IC33, PARCEL NO. 1M. RIGJIT Or WAY ^ porl 01 the, Wesl 11011 of the Nodhcosl auorlcr 01 Seclion 9, Townshii) I'I'Nodh, l1onf)e ~ '[-001. rlomil-Ion Counly. In,Jiano. described '(I~ follows. 8_~.ginoinl),'~1 0 floir:d on lha soUlh liria 0150;d q\)orlcr"cc\io" North 89. degree; 51 minulesOI seconds (os 1 (os,sume.v b_co[intj) 111/-J9 fC:ul Irom Ihe.csovlhwesl eor,ner 01 SOld quorier seel ion; Ihence'Nor I h 5 uel)rees 2lTni~IJJ cs I 6 ~~cl.l"d~ [psi 7Gl3.0 1 leel 10 Iha' norlh line 01 Ihe 22.77 aeie Irod'or Idndllc:;erilled in Deed neeordIG-/, Jlngc 260, in the oUico ollhcl1ccorder 01 Homillon Counly. l~uiono; thence NorTh 1.\9 uc<)rccs ~y~ m,nulci5 ~9 sec;onus,[oiiI2S_.2iJ1cc( olon.CJ said norlh line; lhcn.:cSoulh U dc<]'eo5 21 minyls:s 16 :5eC()n,);; Wcel '/G7,!HJkol lo said c,mlh \In,,: Ihence South 89 degrees,~I((IinlJlcsOY s.e.~oll(Js' Wesl 25.:!!]"I.eol rilonrj ';oid~oulll line 10 Ihe po;,,1 01 be"girining and con ~oinin~ O.,.,.n acres" rnor(~ .O( 1c!i3, 'U~'e M_.OESCIUPTlONS ,1:lmM-1-Nl.DNT JUGlIT.:tW-W AY ..-...".......- -"---.-.-----.-..---".-- PARCELS II, & 1M EXflITIn "c" PAGE 9 OF LJ I'ROJ(i;ET lIald Dell l'ark\i,~v j'1\HCEL PARCEL NO, 1 H 1~IGHT OF Wt:..y ^ pod olll1e We,l 11011 '01 the Norlljco5,1 (luader 01 Scdion ~, Township \) Norlh, Ilonrjc," Co:,I, 1:I"rnillon Covnly, li1diono" desCfioedo~'ollol'ls Oeqinnin<] 01 0 p.oint ontii,c 501llh line 01 soid Q,,.",If.:r seclio..,Nodh a<] dc<)rc~s 5\ rt:liny_les, 01 St;(;oncl5 Go!',1 ,(o:'!sumcd L),9Qrin.g) 9-1.'dJll ,Ice\. frbrn the :JOI!.U1W:C51 r.o_rncr of said quader sccliOl1; Ironee No,"lh e d'c9recs2J min\}\eslG' sn~ond~,Cos\ }(;I:O'l- led 10 il.lcnorlhlinc 01 lhe 22. n ocre lrocl OI.'lond de ~cribcdin OccJ,llccord ,lG;}, p!,J,~.r 2f,O,. inlhc:cil!i,.c 01 Ih~ llccgrdei 61 Homillon,C;ounIY, Indiund; \hcree Nod~ ua dC'J,ecs S~ minu.le.s ~.~~c:(.,!od:; ~osl 2S.2fJ ('lcl along soid norlh line: lhence Soulh8 dc<)rces 2'1 min,uTes If) seconds We:;! I(;J,f).4fccl 10.5aid soul.l, line; thence South 8<] dlJ<)rccs SI minules OJ seconus Wesl 25.28 lecl olon'J ::;oid ::;oull~ line 10 \h.e poin\ 01 beginning.ond conloininl] 0,44'1 acre::;, more or less. PARCEL ,NO lP {~! G 1\1101" WAY , ' ^ po' I oflhc, [os\, 11011,01 See lion 4. T ownshi'pll ~Iorlh. I,~mjc:" [oj I, l'IOI'()illon (nun I y. Indin"o. di:::'.crilied ris lollows: Common~in'l 0\ ll,e center ,0,1 spid .scdion;lhC"Cc.Snu Ih (SOl! II] 0 dC(Jrcc~ 0 I minu Ic' 41 SCcond5 Wesl (O$SUn1<:o bca,inrJ)) '1Iu7.0,G leo\ (dl~cd) 1'lul....12 leol (cole) ,,\,,"'.! the wco,1 line ollb'o 5(1ulheoo\ quorlec 01 ooid seelion In Iho 50ul11,Iine'of b 9<},?,~"ocrc lrod ollund dCOUibed in Deed Record '1I;\rJ,. page BOin [he ollicc ollhe 1?('corderO:I !I~';iillori cbullly. 'IndIOnl)', l'II,o;pceNorlh sa del]'o,,'; 5,~ minules 4!J sc.conds [osl 1<J24.51 ',(~d along ooio soulh li~c; \I1Cf'DC ~Iorlh 5 rJr,'J'cco ~8 miOljlcs 30 seconds Eool 192,03 lecl; IhcnccNorl" I,D dc()'ccn OO'minulesA,\] s"eoods [os'L It)S:<}'I lecl 10 Iho poinl 01 beginring 01 Ihis description, whic.l~JJoin,\ or beDinni"<J 'IS on lhe..eoskm boundary 01 fliver f,ood InenceflorlhA degrces21l rn;nulcs.,~7 seconds West JI~.ll\ fee) (Jloni) [he eoslern iJOllOUOry 01 said Rlvor(l(lod 10 .Ihe soiJIII.l'inC of Ihe (.00 dcre Irorl ollond dos..:r,ibed in the Corporolc Waer,only Dced recorded os lnslr:uplcnINo, DJmPI.O/IO;n SOld 'Ilecorods Oilier.; Ihence Horlh BF) rJ~.~rccs .,1 minul~s lJ 5econd'[osl I [i.OO lcel along said ::;oulh lin.c; .l!lCnCC ~!ovlh ~. degrces~lj mirt'lic~ ~ 7 seconds Casl 315.24 loci; lhcncc Sc,nlhB\] dC9'oCS 33 n1i"u\c::; Jr. ~cconds West 15.0'~.lc<:\ 10 [he roin I 01 berji",ilog on,dcon toin in!) 0.1013 ocrc'5, m,,;-e or less., 'LEGAL DESGRWnONS )'mtMANENT'ltlGIlT-OF-WA Y _ __.._m"" ,__"_ . ., - 1'^I~CELS IN & 11' EXHIBIT 'I.C" PAGE 10 OF 11 l'ltOJEc-t Unlc\ Dell P;\rkwav\1AltCEL I PAFKEL t"-IO. .1 Q .... ..... f~IGl-IT or wf:..Y A pori 01" Ihe [051 I I till 01 Sneliun ~. To"nohip II ~I<)dh, I~iln<i"'~ [Oei\; Ilo,,,illo,,.Co,,,,ly, Ind,,,no, descr.illed. O~ ,16110wS: Commencin<) 0\ Ih'c,cenler of o,,,<J c;cr.\ion; Ih,enre ShIJlh (Souli, 0 (lcqi,ec'5 01 rriinulc '41 sccon'oo WeCoI (o:;~\Jmcd'bcdrin<J)) ,11fl"l,QG !cd (deed) II G,:!' I'~ icc! (calc) ,q!on''l Ihe ,wesl line 0 I.~.oid, cosl holl 10 " :-,0'.'1 h linr. 01 (,: ()(), n <lr,l.c Irllcl 01 lond ,i,nDc,c<ll~cco"J \ l:I(j."iJoqc 1:10 in II,,) olfice vlll.wl,,,,;,,,,I,,' oll'lulfI,I,I,,,. 1;",,,,ly, h,,1illr,,': II"",','" H." II. 1:!1 ,1<,,1"""'; :;~ !l,i"\I";~' 4<) ~cconrlti[oS\ ID~~'::;I leel "iow.l,,:.oi<l ::;0,,1" Ii"":; CI";,,,',i:Hd, I" ~ deIJr"",; '\1', <",i",di::; ';\G seconds Cri:;1 192,03 leci: Ih""r,c ~Im\" 10 di"I,,:<:e. 00 rn'",,,ll:o. '1\) e.en,,!d:; Wr:,,1 !::ill,r}'; kef In lhe coslr:'" boiJnuory 01 "i,vr.r IWnd; Jhr:r;c',~ Hoill. l' (!<:'J'r:r:,~?11 rnirilJlc:i ~ '; """"Hid:; Wi::;1 1~'):'/'J I~el olonl] e.oiu r.o~lcr"holJ'1d<HY' In Ihr: ,nor,lh ,liil~. 01 !hi: ';1,1)0 OCII: Idlel 01, I""d d:~:;r.r'I\)r:d in lil" Corpora,le WnrriJnly,j)r;cd rcr:ordcil'o:; In:.II\"u,~nl,~lo ')/O!1'!!C1/\Oin ~,,,,d 1~r:cord,,(~Of,I;c'c,ond Ihc point o(beginnifl~ 01 Ihis de'jcr;I'ILonj thenc.e conlin\Jirl<] Nnf[l. '! t1e'JdcCo' ~tl minule," ~l ~,eeoniJ5 Wesl 105, H leel alo'1'J!;oid co,,1 cr,,, ,bnUrirl(ir y: \hcncr: Nor Ih 1 delJr,ce" J~i minl.res O/sr:conrls Wesl 4!lS,}\0 leel \00 nor\l1' ,;"c olsoi<l '!l[L7S ocrn "<Iel oJ lond; \hl~r1CC S,ol.\h .eo Jcwccc. 47. minules JO s'econUS r.(l~,1 IOJ,05 Icel olonl] Ihe no"ith Ii"" ol:;,,!il !l'l,;>::n,err:\rocl: ,\hi~,ir:c SOlJ\h 1 degrees 35. rf,;nule!; OJ secomg Lool ~oA,J1 Icer; IhdlCr:~oulh'~ OF.')Iee'i :Ill,rn;nu,I,,;. 1) Gceon,'!;; (qsl 105,~) (ee~ 10 Ihe nodh line of 1)'002,00 oue -"ocl; Ihence .soul," 55 dcrJ'ces 3.1 rf"ou\c,; \3 seconds We">1 \::',00 'Leet olon!) \he narll, linen( .oi'u ':'>,p,b or,relrU.cl 10 llie.poii,\ 01 br;rpnniiHJ cind conloirinq 0,,207' ocres,morc or lesc,. LEGAL Dl~SC1UI'TION , i'EilJ\lANE'NTill(;li:r:oli~\v ,\y- ...:---" l'(dtCEL lQ EXHIBIT. "e" 'PAGE [.l OF n l'ROJECT~, 1\;\101 Dell ParkwavPA:ltGEL \ PARCt:L 1\10 1R T[MP, I( jvJ rOI'i O!~IVE CONSTR' ^bo. on co~c,nenl in on'" 1i),lh" IlIlInw~r)rJ ,kc.nihod relll 0;.1,;1'", In,wil: ^ Wid 01 II", [(]~II'I,,1I 01 Se,ti,on~; Townsl1ip' 17:,N6r,\h.,I~iJrHjc ~ ~od. 1I06,il\on r,oll"iy. rnr1i,JI,Io. dc;icriilcd ef" 10110wo Commendn'] al lhe.cenlcHj(soid i:cdion. Ihcnce'Spuil; ('SOIlII, 0 dr:rJ'cc~ 0.] mJnulcc. ~I seconds West (as5"rM~d bewin']) 115'/,06 icel (deT1d) I If,/.:'I, iI:T1I(;,ul,c) olon,] n,T1 wec.\ Iln" 01 50ld cost holl 100 s'oulh line 01 0 Q9,7.il df'''': \I,;'cl 01 loau in I)p:d:llcco,'d mG, po~c l)Oi!l. the ofllce 01 Ihe Recorder 01 Ho'rriilloo COllo'ly. lo}I',~,"o; \'hr.(lCT1 Nor\h II,], c1r,0rc"',; ~1 min'idec. ~~ "c,[.onrl:; Gi1~1 \~2~,:)\ Ice\ olqn"j s6nj 50ulh line, Ihc:ncc,Norlll ') dC'Jrcr'~ ~:l O1in~k'. :JG ,;cconrlc Cor,\ 192',0) Ice\; Ihen'co Nod" I.Q degrecc. 00 O1lnlti"5 ~0 ~,ccnnd~ We~1 l:.ie a'llc~1 1'0 1!'T1 co"lcrn bnuncJory 01 r,ivor Rood: [hence Horlh .\ iJc~'ces 2fJ mi(1lJlc~ ~ '! ~CCQnd:; WC3t 1.1 G0:r.O Icel nlon') si'",j co~\crn ~qu,mJory 10 the poird oi lle'jiDninej or I hi~ iJe~c"pl.ion: Ilkner) co,.,tinuin')f;\qr\'h, ~ d6jrch 28 minutes ~7 ,5econds We,,1 ~5,O.o leel; Ihence ~Iodh .[lS ik!Jrce511 rnlmjles OO~ecpnd3 [000;1 2355 feci; Ihence South ~ e!cryae" ~'l, mlnu\c~ 00 5ceond:; [osl +S,oo;thence Soulh IJS, de']recs 1 \ minut~s '06 seconds Wesl :23,9'1 feel \0 Ihe 'poir\" 01 iJc'Iinning ~ll}(l C:on\ninin't).O,O'l:J ocrq.more or le~~ lor, the, purpgse of co"Slruclinrj 0 (Jrlvcvioy lor ~ervi<:e 10 Ihe ,owncr', privolc'Peopply. ...hich eo~cmeol will rdverl 10 lhc owncr upon comrltlioM 01 the cibovc'iJe"l<jn"ted rrojecl.. Ll~G!\.1c DESCRIPTION T.EMP8RAj~::y lUqIlT-8)?-WA Y !)AHCEL. m APPRQVED~S TO FORMBY: , ~ifv HazelDel1 Parkway American Af!!:!re~ates,Corooration TEJ\<rr'OIt...RY GRANT OI'RIGHT OF ENTR'Y This Temporary qra'.1t of RighI af'Entry is; hereby grant~d on tlle dateese,t authe(dfi, by' American, f\,ggregaJ~s Corporation. a Del~wa.re,corporatla.n Ole~~in~fl~rcQllect_!v,~,ly r~Cerred'.tqas':"Granlor,'~), to the CityofGarmel,Indiana (hereinafter referre1 to as ':Grantee"j, This RightiJcfEntry shallbeupon the fOllowing'parcels of real property. (herdnafter reterr~d 10 as "the,Subject Parcels") lacated'in'Clay Township; Hamilton, C9unty, Indiana: PARCEL NO.,] PARCEL NO. IA PARCELNO.IB PARc:;EL NO IC PARCEL NO i D PARCEL NO. IE pARCELMO. I r PARCEL NO. 10 PARCEL NO. lH PARCEL NO. lJ PARCEL,NO.IK PARCEL N.O IL PARCEL NO. 1M PARCEL NO, IN PARCELNO.IP PARCEL NO, I Q PARCEL NO. lR Righi'of.Way(See attacbed Exhibit "A") RightoPNay (Seeattac!ied.Exhibit "A") Right-of Way (See,anached Exlubit "A") Right.ofWay (Swanached Exhibiti'N') Righto(Way (See attached Exhibit "An) ,Rightof>Way(Sec,attached Exhibit'.,,;") TemporaryRAV far Working Area (See attached Exhibit "B'') TemporaryRJw far Working Area (See'attached,Exhibit "8") TempmaryR/W fm, Driveway Cbnstruction(See ana~hed Exhibit "B") Temporary R/W for, Channel Clearing (See,attached,Ex)u!,it, "Bf) Land,cape &'DrainageEasemen!,(Se"all,chedE{hibit "C") upon the terms and conditions described;in,allached'Exhlbii "E" ' Lands~ape &'DraillageEasement (S,ee:al1achcd Exhibit "C') upon lhe termS and conditions described - in ,attached! Exhibit.nE~~ Land,cape &.Drainage Easement (See attached Exhibit "C") upon Ihe, terms and condllionsdescribecl in attacbeWExhibit "E" ' LaIidscape&'Drainage Easement (~ei:'attached,Exliibit ':C') upon the,tcm1S,and c'o'nditibnsdescribed 'in' attacheoExhihi! "E" Land,cape & Drainage E"ement (Scc'altnc!,ed .ExI.ibit'''C.:) upon the terms'and conditions' desciihed,:in attached Exhibit:"E!t , - Lan~.?cape ~.br~)n~g~.Eas~ry1ent:.cS~e"aH~S!H~9 ~xJjibit,."C'!).upon thqterms,and condltions.described-'in,auache.d Exhib!~ "E" Tempo,ary R1.W for Driveway Ci:msim,ction (Se.e allachcd;Exhibit'''D'') I. Thi, Temporary Grant o(Rlght'o[Entry (hen,inafter n]!,ogn upon~leSllbject Parcels is granted !o Grantee f<,>rthe purpose a[cons!rllclion ofa'pubhc Iiigh",aythrough the S!,bject Pnrsels !o be known as HaZS]Dell'Parkway, lliis RQg is granted !a\he'ornntee'parli.lly'inconsidcration ofthe SUIll of $1,579,760.00 (here;nafler'''ROE Price") and partially;inconsideration' of the Grantee' fOrJemporarily EXHIBIT "D"PAGE 1 OF Iq (To Agreeme.nt 'dated 11/5/97) .foregoing the exercise.ofthe fightof,einirient,doritain and any'funherbenefits;thal may'be derived by both 'panies by extending the negotiations (0 resolve compensationand-olher.issues related:to the terms by -. ; '" ".'-. - - . -. "/ - -. which Grantee sh~lI.olitain.from Grim!or tlie fee simple or otherabove'teferencedintereSl'o(tiie Subject" Parcels. 2. This ROEshall permit Grantee"throughhsemploxees, agents and.contractors, t.o pro,eed with,the consrroction of Hazel Dell'Parliwajl'throtigh and'across'(he'Subject p'arcels~aod to.do such.acts thereon as would be permitted if Grante"ha(jacfuilll~ obtainedtheJeesimple or olher ab~ve.'rererenced prOPerty ihter~st oflheS~bject parcck This ROE.shall be'effect]ve lIpo~ the e~ecution of this ROE:by both panies herelo, anti'cipated to:.beno,hiter than Septel11heLt7, 1997 and terminating not less lhanthirty (30) qays th'ereafter, (Ihe "Teml"). '3. In theevenHh.tlhisROE tel111inalcs.withoulthe Gr~nlee having oqtained fee simRIe and theC!th~.r above~referehccd iriteres"ts to:t1kSubjei:1 rarcels~ Grantee"s~aIJJ~l::e.~irnn:edi_ate,step~.to, retu.r::nlhe ~ubjec.l Parcels.as close asprodically possible to the'eondition they wer.e':;1l as oflhe commencement.or' ihisROE. ~_' Grantor.'w2ives,rlo righls"to'makc:aclaiin for-.any damages orforalJ.Y acts occurring .out~ide t~eSubjcd Pa'reels whiCh \vQuld normally'be',lhe:hasis:for anaction:'[or dan!ag~s:-'G.ranior\ya'iyes no rights 10 wliicll it'may be ciliitled'for any actspcrformed.by or caused to b~;performed by Grantee. Within the,"Su!Jject Parcels'ifH1i'srROE'terminates without Grantee!s haYlngt_aken ,to the SllbjeC;i': Parc:~l.s. .05. Grantor'arid Grantee li'ckllow'iedge'th~nhe' rights c.q~\'~ye_d; 9y.'Gr.ant9r~o Gr:mte.e !iDder this RqE ate ultimately 5ubjett"to'aetennination tfuough'ncg~tiati~m~_,or_legaLpr.o~eed~ng~_pursmmtto Ie 32-l1, onhe amount, to be' paid by Grantee~t9 9rant9f f6rtlIe.fee,si~lplejntere~~;of the Subject Parcels: Grillltofugiees tnat tl,e'ROE Price'shali be;deductedfrom the'amounJ;"jf any, .ullimatelYcle\emlinea tnbe due to Grantor,a"rid.to.he:paid by Grantee ~ponthe closing,o"f'the llr;:quis'it~qn oJt!1e..f~e.si!l1ple; iniere~t -of tll e 'Subj e e( P aree Is, whethers'uch amount 'is' III tima tely determi n,ed, through, negotiJtl9 ns' or: lega I ,proceedingsptirsuanlt?'IC 32- n. 'Fuither, Grantor, agrees that,ilshall,use:duodiligence.to i?entify any 'claims arisi~g outof Grantee's use 6fthe StibjecfParcels'.pursuallt to tbisR!ght of Entry and to nQ!ify Grantee.lhereof<)ri or before. December 31 ,I 998. 6, The parties hereto 'agre'e.that this iustniment shall be:recorded in tlleoflite'of the Recorder of-Hamllto;l qou'nfy-~ ,Ind"ianr and,~i.s'bindin_g'on Grantor's..successors'of,assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,. Grantor has ex.eculedtllis ROE on.the date:sel out below, aud Grantee 'has accepted said Righl)iy its:Board'ofPublic Works'and'Safety oullledate S~l'out"below. GRANTOR: // 0~~ Signafure ~~,-a primca R If}, {J;::L~I-Jc.7 ' c- I Title tAu, -lRbidi'a/-L)'.J1, f)alfcl' JCpJr'i11hi'r /.f; FHI MWleri-lpROF.9_,l.J Signamre. hinted Tille EXHIBIT '.'D" PA9E 2 OF I q (To Agreement' dated .1l/5/97) < 1 STATE OF INDIANA ) <'!A J',f-rt1) SS: mUNTY OF 'tIu {))! Tv ,~;) " . Before fIle, .:NotplY P!l~I\C inenMor saiO Co, !lnry~~dSt.te, personnHY'.ppeare,'d /.., " ., DfI Q: , y lee) r.f':,,4iJ'/ -OJ\/! of Grantor mthe.bove conveyance; who .cknowledged. th execution of the:foregoing.Granl'ofRighf ofEntiY fot the'Uses .ndpurpnses'herein thentioned,' If /'uYk b Witness myhand'and.NotarialSealthis . , day of 0, , . ;()1 (r,1997, 'SIgnature &ff7L\J/1/l~ jj Ji1iL~ Prinled I2.YI<.J/ilzl\ l 6!l(6)::,r.; M)\ Commission Expires: 1t;9 Notary PUblic Residing. in ,~'/)7! (let.. Counly"State of Indiana ACCEPTANCE BY GRANTEE: BOARD OF PUBLic WORKS AND'SAFETY CARMEL,INDIANA ATTEST: /f!"M'''o/ tU~ ~ Diana L Cordray tJ Cleik'Treasurerof Il'-e City of Gar me I EXHIBIT "-D" PAGE 30F I q - ~ ., ",(To Agreemen.~ dated Ill5/97) ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF [NOlANA COUNTY OF ffim:/!rr. SS: Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared, Mol 01 lal".' C ~BFaiRard, Mary Ann Burke, and Billy L. Walker, Members of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Cannel, and acknowledged the acceptance of the foregoing Grant of Right of Entry. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this ;}~,-",I dayof.-cSt ""Lr-:-,,,, ber. ,1997, I Signalure .t!1J'-G<'-<'-ct /- /; JI':~ Printed ,M her-tiel L. L/o f{' Notary Public My Commission Expires: 8-,'1-00 Residing in )du","; 1/5 n County, Slate oflndialla This ;lIs/rument wasprcpnred by Johll R. ^,folitor. Attomey at Law, J /7/1 North A.feridim,f StreeI. Suite 200, Carmel, Indiana 46032- EXHIBIT "D" PAGE 4 OF 1'1 (To Agreement dated 11/5/97) 11.' I~:" " , ;:. . 'J, f.. " ." '.: ~.:; t, ~. .X !I; [)( HI g" "A /. PROJECT HazelDcllParkwav PARCEL I PARCEL 1'10, 1 RIGl,n OF WAY .' ;:: A parl allhe Soulhwesl Duorler and a porl of lhe Soulheasl Duarler all in Seclion 9. Township \ 7 Narlh. Range >I Easl. I-Iamillon Calml y. Indi(]na. described as [ollows: Beginning 01 a poinl on lhe easlline 01 said soulhwest Quarler sedion Norlh 0 degrees 1'/ minules Si seconds Casl (assumed bearing) 65,00 lee I from lhe soulheasl corner of said soulhwesl quorler seclion, soid poinl being 01 lhe inlerseclion 01 said eoslline and lhe norlh boundary 01 <J6lh Slreel; lhence Soulh B9 degrees 44 minules 1/ seconds Wesl 296,>1 7 feel along lhe norlh boundary of said <JGlh Slreel; lhence Norlh 57 degrees 56 minutes 12 seconds Casl 53,85 leel; lhence Norlh 59 degrees >\>\ minules 17 seconds Easl 135,,00 leel; lhence Narlh >Ii degree~ 06 minules 35 seconds Easl >\9,70 leel: thence Norlh 0 degrees 05 minules >I 1 seconds Easl 966.26 leel; thence Norlheas\erly 6'/9.5>1 fee\ along an arc \0 lhe righl and having a radius 01 622.96 leel and sublended by a long chord having a bearing 01 Norlh 31 degrees 20 minules >I I seconds Eas\ and a lenglh 01 6>16,35 leel; lhence Norlh 52 degrees 35 minules >II seconds Casl 202.58 leel; thence Northeaslerly 529,51 Itcl ulang an arc 10 the lell and having a radius 01566.20 leel and sublended by 0 Ion,] chord having 0 bearing 0'1 Norlh 35 degrees 3\ minules 2B seconds Eosl and (] lenglh 01606,35 feel; thence Narlh B degrees 27 minules 16 seconds Easl >\16,>\5 Ice I \0 Ihe norlh line ollhe 5>\ acre lrod 01 land described in Deed Record 150. page 552 in lhe ollice 01 lhe Recorder of Hamillon Counly, tndiono; lhence Norlh B9 degrees 51 minules 0'/ seconds East 101.11 leel along said norlh line; Ihence Soulh B degrees 27minules 16 seconds Wesl >131.58 feel; lhence Soulhwes\erly '/21.00 Icel along on arc 10 Ihe righl and having 0 radius 01756,20 Ice I and sub\ended by 0 long chord having a bearing 01 Soulh 3S degrees 31 minules 28 seconds Wesl ond a length of 697.37 [eel; lhence Soulh 62 degrees 35 minules >\ 1 seconds Wesl 202.5B leel; Ihence Soulhweslerly 329.91 lee I along on arc 10 lhe lell ond having 0 radius 01 522.96 [eel and 5ublended by a langchord hoving 0 bearing of South ~>I degrees 31 minules 1>1 seconds Wesl and 0 len9lh of 321.50 leel 10 a soulh line 01 lhe owner's land: lhence Soulh B9 degrees 2B minutes 32 seconds Wesl '/>1.65 reel along suid soulh line 10 lne easl line 01 said soulhwesl '1uorler sedion; lhence Soulh 0 degrees 1-/ minules 5'/ seconds Wesl 1250.78 [eel along said cas I line \0 lhe poinl 01 beginnin9 and conluining 6.13\ acres. more 0, less. PARCEL 1'10. 1 A RIGHT OF WAY ,< A porl 01 lhe Wesl Half 01 lhe Norlheasl Ouarler of'Sedion 9. lownship 17 North. r-onge >I Eosl. Hamillon Counly. Indiono described os lollo\'is: Beginning 0\ 0 poinl on Ihe saulh line of said Quorler section Norlh 89 degrees 51 minutes 07 seconds [051 <ossumed bearing) 8~2,67 lee I Irom Ihe soulhwes\ corner 01 said quorler seclion; lhence Norlh !l degrees 27 minutes 15 seconds Easl 767.98 leel 10 Ihe norlh line 01 Ihe 22.n acre lrocl 01 land described in Deed Record 15"1, Page 260. in lhe ollice of Ihe Recorder 01 Hamillon COlin I y. Indiana; lhence Norlh U9 derJrees 54 minules >19 seconds Easll01.12 lee\ ulon9 said norlh line; lhence Soulh e de<Jrees"J.7 minules 15 seconds West 767.B7 leel 10 said soulh line; lhence Saulh U9 degrees 5lrninu\es 0'/ seconds'Wesl 101.1>\ leel olong said soulh line 10 the poinl 01 beginning and conlaining 1.763 acres. more or less. 'I ., " f LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PERl'vlANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCELS 1 & lA .' EXHIBIT "n" PAGE 5 OF iC) (To Agreement dated 11/5/97) .. PROJECT Hazel Dell Parkway PARCEL I PARCEL NO. 18 fliGHT OF WAY A porl ollhe Soulheost Quarter of'Seclion ~, Township 17 Norlh, Range ~ Eosl, Homillon Counly. Indiana, described os lollows: Beginning 01 0 poinl on lhe soulh line 01 said seclion Soulh 89 degrees S~ minules 49 seconds Wesl (assumed bearing) 1292.00 leel Irom the soulheosl corner 01 said seclion; lhence conlinuing Soulh 89 degrees S~ minules ~9 seconds West 189.68 feel along said soulh line 10 the southeastern boundary of River Rood; lhence North 25 degrees 35 minules 58 seconds Eosl 817.33 leel olong the soulheoslern boundary 01 said Iliver Hood 10 Ihe coslern boundary 01 said River Ilaod; thence North 21 de(J'ees 06 minules 08 seconds Eosl 798.11 leel along lhe eoslern boundary 01 said River Rood 10 the norlh line 01 the ~O. 79 acre Iroel 01 land described in Deed Record 208. page \86 in lheolrice of lhe Recorder 01 l'lomillon Counly. Indiana; lhence Norlh 89 degrees S4 minules ~9 seconds Eosl 90,31 leel along said north line: thence Soulh S degrees 48 minules 36 seconds Wesl \/.06 leel; lhence Soulh 12 degrees 10 minules ~8 seconds Wesl 208.94 leel; lhence Soulh 17 degrees 0,) minules 36 seconds Wesl 312.87 leel; lhence Soulh 2S degrees 13minules 42 seconds Wesl ~01H6 leel; lhence Soulh 25 degrees 43 minules 06 seconds Wesl 293.57 feel; thence Soulhweslerly 3~3.12 leel along on ore 10 lhe lei I and having 0 radius 01 2201.83 leel and sublended by 0 long chord hoviMJ 0 bearing 01 Soulh \ 7 degrees 19 minutes O~ seconds Wesl ond 0 length 01 3~2.n reel 10 lhe poinl of beginning and conlioning 4.731 acres, more or less PARCEL NO.1 0 RIGHT OF WAY '. A porI 01 lhe Cosl hall 01 Seclion ~, Township 1'/ I"orlh, Range ~ Cosl, Hamilton Counly. Indiana. described os lollows: Commencing 01 lhe cenler 01 said see lion: lhenee Soulh (South 0 degrees 01 minules 41 seconds Wesl (assumed bearing)) 1167.06 feel (deed) 1162,12 reel (calc.) along lhe wesl line 01 "the soulheosl Quorler 01 said seelion 10 lhe soulh I,ine 01 0 99.23 acre Iroel of land described in Deed Record Book 186, page 80 in .lhe oUice 01 lhe llecorder 01 I-Iomillon Counly. Indiana; lhence Norlh 89 degrees 5~ minules 49 seconds Eosl 183,1.20 leel along said line 10 lhe eoslern boundary 01 River Rood and lhe poinl 01 beginning 01 Ihis description; thence Norlh 21 degrees 06 minules 08 seconds Cas I 157.25 leelolong lhe eoslern boundary 01 said River I~ood; lhence Northeoslerly .187.26 leel along on arc 10 Ihe lell and having 0 radius of ~ICI.~O leel and sublended by 0 long chord hoving 0 bearing of Norlh 8 degrees 18 minules ~1 seconds Eosl and n lenglh of 185.7\ leel along said eoslern boundary; lhence Norlh 4 degrees 28 minules 47 seconds Wesl 1'/.33 leel along said eoslern boundary; thence Soulh 10 degrees 00 minutes ~9 seconds Cost \58.97 leel; Ihence Soulh 5 degrees 48 minules 36 seconds Wesl 192.03 leel. 10 said soulh line; thence Soulh 89 degrees 5~ minutes ~9 seconds Wesl 90,31 lee I olon<) said sou'lh line 10 Ihe poinl 01 beginning and conloining 0.330 acres, more or less. 1. ': J. i ,. " LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PER.I\'IANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCELS m & 1D ; EXHIBIT "n" PAGE 6 OF I q Agreement dated 11/5/97) .. PROJECT Hazel Dell Parkway PARCEL 1 PARCEL NO. 1C RIGHT OF WAY ". .' . A parl 01 lhe Easl Hall a[ Section 'I, Township 17 Norlh, Ronge ~ Eosl, Homillon Counly. Indiana. described os lollows: Commencing 01 Ihe norlhwesl carner o[ said holf seelion: lhence Soulh 89 degrees ~2 minules SO seconds Easl (assumed bearing) 879.12 leel along lhe norlh line or said seclion: Ihence Soulh 0 degrees 17 minules 10 seconds Eosl ~5.00 leel 10 lhe poinl of beginning 01 lhis descriplion. which poinl is on Ihe soulh boundary 01 1161h Slreel: lhence Soulh 89 degrees 42 minules 50 seconds Easl 317.47 reel olong lhe soulh boundary or soid 1161h Slreet: lhence Soulh 51 degrees 10 minules 59 seconds [051 202.24 feel olonC) saiu soulh bOllndor.y: lhonce Soulh 89 degrees ~2 minules 50 seconds Eosl 1.32.0\ Ice I alon<] said soulh bounuury 10 Ihe weslern boundary or River Road: lhence Soulh 4 degrees 39 minulcs 35 seconds Easl 821.43 leel olong lhe weslern boundary 01 soid River [load: lhence Soulh 4 deC)rees ~3 minule 46 seconds Eosl 500.03 leel along said weslern bounuory: Ihcnce SOlllh 4 ueC)reos 43 minlllcs 3D scconus Eosl 499.91. [eel along said weslern boundary: Ihence Soulh 4 ueC)rees 29 minules 45 seconds Eosl 499.95 lecl along said weslern boundary: Ihence Soulh 4 deC)rees 35 minules 07 seconds Eosl 500.00 leel olonC) soid weslern boundory: lhence Soulh 4 deC)rees 28 minules 47 seconds Eosl 8"/2.47 reel olong said weslern boundary: lhence Soulhweslerly I~'I.O'I feel alonC) (In ore 10 lhe righl ond huvinC) o radius or 329.40 feel and sublended by 0 long chord havinC) 0 beoring o[ Soulh 8 dowees 18 minules 41 seconds Wesl and 0 lenglh 01145.85 leel along .saiu weslern boundary: thence Soulh 21 degrees 05 minules 08 seconds Wesl 192.14 feel olong said weslern bOllnuory 10 0 soulh line 01 99.23 ocre Iroel ollond described in Deed r,ecord 185. pO<Je liD - 81 in the olliec of lhe Recorder of Hamillon County. Indiana: lhence Soulh 8r1 de<)rees 54 minules ,19 seconus Wesl 1~.95 leel along said saulh line; lhence Narlh 7 degrees 2'1 minules 54 secondS Eosl 20'1.3~ leel: Ihence North 5 degrecs 02 minules 08 seconds Eost' 95.30 leel: Ihence Norlhweslerly 215.72 [ecl olong on orc 10 lhe Icll ond hovin<) 0 rodius of 2206.83 leel onu sublended by 0 long chord having a beorinC) 01 Norlh 2 de<)rees 00 minutes \2 seconds Wesl and 0 lenglh or 216.6'1. leel: lhencc Norlh 4 degrees 49 minules 00 seconds Wesl ~7'1.93 reel; IhcnccNorlh '1 degreeS ~O minules 45 seconds Wesl 100.12 lee I: Ihence Norlh ~ dc<)rees ~9 minules 00 seconds West 700.00 reel : lhence Norlh 10 degrees 3\ minules 38 seconds Wesl 100.50 feel: Ihence I,orlh ~ degrees 49 minules 00 seconds West 400.00 leel: lhence ~Iorlh 3 degrces 40 minules'I'1 seconds Wcs\38U.98 lecl loa soulheosl corner of 0 4.00 acre lrael of lond described in lhe Corpora Ie Warronly Deed recorded os Inslrumenl No. 9-1009706562 in said "ecorde's Ollice: Ihence Nor\h 4 degrees 51 minules 59 seconds Wesl 253.67 leel along lhe easlline 01 soid 4.00 acre \rocl of lund 10 Ihe northeasl corner of said 4.00 ocre lrocl of land: lhcnce Norlh II dCfJfees 01 minule 2'1 second Wesl 208.56 feel: lhence Norlh 4 degrees 49 minules 00 seconcls Wesl \ 1.23 lecl: Ihcnce Norlhweslerly 452.50 feel olon<) an arc \0 lhc le[1 ond hovin<) 0 rodius 01 2749.79 leel und sublendeo by 0 long chord having 0 beorin<) of North 9 de<Jfecs 3S minules 06 seconds Wesl and 0 lenglh o[ '151.95 leel; lhence Norlh \4 degrecs 27 minules 13 scconds Wesl 305.92 leel; thence Norlh 34 de<)rees 05 minules 27 seconds Wesl 455.85 [cello lhe point o[ beginning and containing lI.212 ocres. more or less. ,. '. ::. ~; . :: ,. \' '" ~, f. K t t~.EXHIBIT "n" PAGE 7 OF I q ~'(To Agreement dated 11/5/97) ~: . ..' , LEGAL DESCRIPTION PERMANENT RIGHT-Of-WAY PARCEL lC '. or (: .). I ~ f i ~. H. ill' PROJECT Hazel Dell Parkway PARCEL I PARCEL NO.1 E r~ICHT Of WAY A pori of the Eosll-lolI 01 the Soulheosl Ouarler 01 Seclion 33. Township III Norlh. Range ~ Eosl. Homillon Counly Indiono. described os follows: lJeginnin'1 01 0 [loinl on lhe easlline 01 soid seclion ~Iorlh 0 degrees O~ minutes 08 seconds Eosl (assumed bearing) 16.50 leel Irom lhe soulheosl corner 01 said seelion. said poinl being at Ihe inlerseclion 01 said easlline and Ihe norlh boundary of 1161h Streel; lhence Norlh 89 degrees .12 minules. 50 seconds West 245.76 lee\ along the norlh boundury ul soid \ \6\h Stred; lhence Nurth GU decJrec$ ~~ minules 25 seconds Wesl 80.23 leel olong said norlh boundory; Ihence Norlh 89 degrees 42 minules 50 seconds Wcsl 8Y).78 leel along said norlh boundary 100 weslline 01 0 66.68 acre Iroel 01 land described in Deed "ecord 172. [lu<)e 72 in Ihe ollice 01 the Ikcorder. Homillon Counly. Indiana; Ihence Norlh 0 de']rees 01 minule 19 seconds Wesl 27.:\.00 leel olon'1 said weslline 10 0 soulh line 01 said 55.68 acre lroel.ol lond; lhence Horlh 89 degrees ~ 2 minutes 50 seconds Wesl 9.19 Ice I olon'] said soulh line; lhence Norlhea:;lerly \319.1'1 leel olon<) on arc 10 the ri<)hl and hovin'] 0 radius 01 1994.85 leel and sublended by 0 long chord.havin'1 0 bearing 01 Norlh 5 de<)rees 02 minules 3"1 seconds [051 and 0 len']lh 01 1295.26 leel; Ihence Norlh 24 degrees 59 minules 17 seconds [u,1 10~4.6\ leello on euslline 01 said 66.6B acre troel 01 land; thence South 0 degrees O~ minutes OB seconds West ~03.~B leel along said east line; lhence Soulh 24 de<)rees 59 minutes 17 seconds Wes\ 158.3\ leel to, a norlh line 01 said 66.68 acre lrael orland; Ihence Norlh 89 degrees 5\ minutes 19 seconds West '/8.30 lee I along said norlh line 10 on cost line of said 66,68 acre (rock 01 land: Ihence Sou Ih 0 degrees 04 minutes 08 sec'onds Wes1168.63 lecl along said cost line; thence South 24 degrees 59 minules 17 seconds Wesl 334.56 leel; Ihencc Southeasterly 1256.2\ leel olon'1' on arc to the Icll having 0 radius 01 182~.85 lecl ond sub tended by ,a Ion'] chord having a bearing of Soulh 5 degrees 16 minules 02 seconds Wesl and 0 len'1th 01 123\.55 leel; Ihence Soulh 14 degrees 2'1 minules 13 seconds.Easl 152.70 leel; Ihence Soulh 50 deC)rees 57. minules 26 seconds Eosl 44.26 feel; lhence soulh 89 dC<J'ees 42 minules 50 second:; Easl 913.0~ leel 10 lhe cost line 01 said scclion; thence Soulh 0 deryces O~ minules 08 seconds Wesl 63.50 leel along said cas I line to lhe [loinl of'becJinning and cantainin']1~.15'\ acres. more or less. .' '. " !<i' f' & ~. ~) ~; EXHIBIT "n" PAGE 8 OF , q ~~ (To Agreement dated 11/5/97) ~ LEGAl_ DESCRIPTION PERlVIANEN'T RlGHT-OF-W A Y PARCEL 1E ,. \ k " ~. f r h': ?'-~ h,:... )1' :Y , ,. ~: , f:. .' ~;. . r.' ~'. c" ~. .. '"' , r.- i: E' ~. ,t_ - f; i' ,. i' ;~ ;. , l'itOJECT liard Dell l'arkw:\Y I'AHCEL I €:)l-l-t\ g (I "B" - PARCEL NO. 1F TEMPORM"<Y R!W FOR WORI(I~IG AREA Also, on eosemenl in ond 10 lhe (ollowio<) de~cribcr! reol eslo1e. 10 wi!: A.rort o( the Soulhwesl Quorler 01 Seclion 9. Township \7 Norlh. 110n<)c ~ [0$1. 1.lornillon Counly. Indiana. described os lollows: Commencin<) 01 lhe soulheosl corner 01 said 'luorler seclioo; lhence Horlh 0 de<)rees \ 7 minules 57 seconds Eost 55.00 leel alan') lhe cas! line o( said quarter $cc\ion; lhenee Soulh 89 degrees. 44 minules 17 seconds Wesl 295.4";leel; Ihence Horlh 5"; degrees 55 minules 12 seconds Eosl 53.85 leel; Ihence Harth 8') degrees 4 'J minules '7. seconds Eosl 135.00 (cello Ihe point 01 beginning ollhe description: lhence North 8 degrees 4') minules'02 seconds Wesl \20.34 leet; thence North 0 degreeS 05 minutes 41 seconds Eost 150.00 (eel; thence North 5 degrees 48 minutes 19 seconds [051 30\.50 (eel; lhence South 0 degrees 05 minules 4\ seconds Wesl 535.00 leel; lhence South 47 de<)rees 05 minuLes 35 scconds Wesl 4').70 !eel \0 Lhe poinl 01 beginning ond conloining 0.575 acres. more or less lor lhe purpose 01 working orca. which eoscmenl will reverl 10 the owner upon complelion 01 lhe obove-dcsignoled projecl. PARCEL 1\10. fC TEMPor~ARY R!W FOR WORI(ING AI'\EA ~. Also. on easement in ond La lhe lollowing describer! real csloLe. 10 wil: ^ P.orl 01 the Soulheos't Quarter 01 Seclion 9. Township 17 Horlh. l~un<Je 4 [051, 1.lornillon COllniy. Indiana, dcscribed os lollows: Commencing 01 Lhe SouLheost Corner 01 said lhe Sou lhwe"i Ouar ler 01 said seclion; lhence North 0 degrees 1"1 minules 57 seconds eosl 55.00 leel alan') lhe eosl line 01 said soulhwesl quarter section 10 the north boundary o( ,)Glh Streel; thencc Soulh 59 degrees. 44 minules 1"1 seconds West 296,47 leel along lhe boundary 01 said 95lh Slreet; thence ~lorlh C-; ue')recs 55 minules 12 seconds Eosl 53.85 leet; lhence North 89 degrees 44 minules 1"/ seconds East \3S.00 leelthence ~Iorth 4"; degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds East 49.70 leel; lhence ~Iorth 0 dcrJrees 05 minules 4\ seconds Eosl 966.26 leel; lhence Northeoslerly 579.~4 leel alan') on arc to lhe right and having 0 radius 01 622.96 feel and sublended by 0 lon<J chordhovin') 0 beorin<J 01 ~lorth 31 dc<)rces 20 minutcs 41 seconds Eosl Gnd 0 len')lh al 545.35 leel; .lhcnce North 52 deqrce:; 3S minule" 4 \ scconds Eosl 202,58 reel 10 lhe poinl 01 beginning of lhis descriplion: thence North 2"1 de')rces 24 minules 19 seconds Wesl 25.00 leet; lhence Harth 4"; degrees Y; minutes 24 second" Eosl 212.45 leel; lhence North 31 degrees 5') minulc" 53 seconds Eool \";L80 lecl; lhence Norlh 50 degrees 45 minules 03 seconds Eosl 53.00 (eel; thence Soulh 65 degreeS 4\ minules ~)\ scconds [051 25.00 leel: thence Soulhweslerly 455,87 leel along on arc \0 lhe ricJhl and hoving 0 rodius 01555.20 Ice I ond subtended by 0 lon<) chord having 0 bearing 01 Sou lh 42 ue<Jrees 56 minu \c$. 55 seconds WC$1 and a lenglh 01 447.97 lee\ to lhe point 01 beginning and containing 0.458 acre. more or less lor the purpose 01 working orca, which eoscment will revert 10 lhe owner upon complelion 01 lhe obove-desi')noled projecL ~ ; ~. .~, ;: ~. ~;. ,. , ~': LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS TEMPORARY RIGHT-Of-WAY PARCELS IF & IG ,. !.: EXHIBIT "n" PAGE 9 OF iC( (To Agreement dated 11/5/97) ~:. 'i,' ~,. ~.:' J}: r-, - " ' ;.~: .f, r. ( ~:: ~.. ~ r 'f !.I~ \, .~ . ,. L . \ 1, ,. f ~ ,', , ~::. f ;. " , , i ! , i. , I.' t z: , " , PROJECT Hazel Dell Parkway PARCEL 1 PARCEL NO.1 H TEMPORARY R/W FOR DRIVE CONSmUCTION Also, on eosemenl in and 10 \he following described real eslole, 10 wit: A porl 01 lhe Soulheosl Ouorler 01 Seclion ~. Township 17. Norlh. Range 4 [oc.l, Homillon counly. Indiana, described os lollows: Beginning at 0 floinl on lhe soulh line of said seclion Soulh e~ degrees S~ minules '\'l seconds Wesl (assumed bearing) 111'1.llllccl Irom Ihe soulheasl corner 01 soid seclion: Ihence conlinuing South 89 degrees 5~ minutes ~9 seconds Wesl 1'/4.82 leel along said soulh line: lhence Norlheoslerly 5~,90 leel along on arc 10 Ihe righl and having 0 radius 01 2201.83 feel and sublended by 0 long chord having 0 beorin'g 01 ~forlh 13 de<)rees 3~ minu les 0'\ seconds [051 and 0 len<)lh 01 54.nO leel: lhence Soulh 83 derJreec. 22 minules 53 seconds [05\.155.5\ leel: Ihence Soulh:, degrees 59 minutes 53 seconds Wesl 3.\.09 leet 10 lhe poinl 01 beginninrJond conloining 0, I nacres, more or less, lor lhe purflose or conslrucling 0 driveway .lor service 10 lhe owner's private properly, which eosemenl will reverl 10 lhe owner uflon complelion ollhe obove'designoled projecl, PARCEL NO.1 J TEMPOr~ARY R/W FOR CHANNEL CLEAI\ING Also, on eosemenl in and to lhe lollowing described real eslote. \0 wil: A porl 01 Ihe [osl Hall 01 Section~. Township 17. Norlh, Range ~ [051. Hamillon caunly, Indiana, described os lollows: Commencing 0\ Ihe norlhwesl corner 01 said hall ser.lion: Ihence South 8'l (Jegrees ~2 minules 50 seconds [osl (assumed beorin<)) 1379.17. leel along lhe norlh line 01 said section: Ihence Soulh 0 degrees 1'7 minutes 10 seconds [051 ~5.00 leel \0 lhe'soulh boundary 01 \ \51h Slreel: lhence Soulh 54 degrees 05 minules 27 seconds [osl ~55:85 lee\: lhence Soulh 14 degroes n minules 13 seconds Cosl 305.92 lee I: lhence Soulhenslerly 452.50 lee I olon<) on arc '10 the rii)hl hovin<) 0 radius 01 2/49.'/9 leel and sublended by 0 lonl) chord having 0 bearinl) 01 Soulh ~ degrees 3ll minule:; 06 :;econds [051 and 0 lenglh 01 451.95 leel: lhence Soulh ~ degrees ~<) minules 00 second:; [0:;1 36.23 lee\ 10 \he rninl 01 beginning 01 Ihis descriplion; lhence continuing Soulh ~ degrees ~<) minules 00 second:; [051 75.00 leel: lhence South \ 1 del)rees 0\ minule 24 seconds [0:;1 100.5'l leel: lhence Soulh 85 degrees \ \ minutes 00 seconds Wesl 80.88 feel: thence Norlh ~ degrees ~9 minules 00 seconds Wesl 175.00 leel: lhence Norlh 85 degrees \1 minules 00 second:; Easl 70.00 lee I 10 lhe poinl 01 beginning and containing 0.2~~ acre? more or less lor the purpose 01 channel clearing. which eosemenl will reverl 10 lhe owner upon complelion ollhe obove-designoled projecl. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS TElYlI'ORARY RIGHT-OF-VI' A Y PARCELS lH & IJ EXHIBIT "n" PAGE 10 OF ICf (To Agreement dated '11/5/97) PIWJECT I'bed Dell Parkway PARCEL 1 fXH18/r "C, " '. PARCEL NO.1 k LA~lOSCAPE & DR^\~I^CE EASEMENT Also. on eosemenl in ond 10 the following described reol. eslolr., \0 wil: ^ port 01 the Soulhwesl .' Quorler ond 0 pori 01 lhe Southeosl Ouorter 011. in Seclion n. Township 17 North, flonge ~ [osl. Homillon County. Indiana. described os lollows: Commencing 01 lhe Soulheost corner 01 said southwest quorler seelion; lhence Norlh 0 de<]rees \ '/ minules 5'1 secontb Cost 65.00 leet olong the eostline 01 said soulhwest quarler section to the north boundary 01 96.th Slreet: thence South 89 .: 'degrees ~~ minules \7 seconds Wcsl 2<JG.~'1 leel alon<] Ihe boundory 01 said <JGlh Slreel; thence i Norlh d6 7 Edegre~s55 06 mf inutes 12 second:; ~ast 53.B5 lecl: thence Norlh 89 de(J'ces H rninu lcs \ 7 \. secan s ost \J . 0 eel; Ihence Nodh 4/ de<]rees 06 minutes 35 seconds [asl \5.53 leelto the' . painl 01 beginning 01 Ihis description; thence Norlh 0 degrees 05 minules ~ 1 seconds East 98<].56 leet: lhence Northeasterly 703.73 feel olon<] on arc 10 the righl ond hovin<] a radius 01 6'/4.96 leet ond ,sublended by 0 lon<] chord having 0 beoring of Nodh 31 degrees 20 minutes 41 seconds Eost and o leng\h 01672.29 leel; thence North 62 degrees 35 minules ~I seconds Easl 202.58 leel: Ihence 'Nodheosterly 605.89 leet olong on orc 10 the Ie [I and having 0 radius 01 6~1.20 leCl ond sublended by a long chord hoving 0 beorin<] 01 Norlh 35 de<Jrees 3\ minules 28 seconds Eosl and 0 len<]th 01 583.60 leel; thence North 8 de<]'ees 2'1 minutes 16 seconds East ~ \ 2.6 'I leet 10 the norlh line 01 the 5~ arc lroel 01 lond described in Deed I<ecord 1 'lO, p(HJe 55;> in the of lice of lhe Recorder 01 Homillon Counly. Indiono; thence North l.\n de<]rees 5\ minules 07 seconds Eos\ 2S.2l.\ leet olonq soid norlh . line; thence Soulh 8 de<]'ees 27 minutes 16 seconds Wesl .\ \5AS leel; thcnce Southwestcrly 62<].S! feel olon<] on orc to the ii<]ht ond hovin<] 0 radius 01 666.20 lecl and sublcnded by 0 lon<] chord hovingo beorin<] 01 South 35 de<]rees .31 minulcs ;>B scconds West and 0 Icnglh 01 606.35 Icel: Ihence Soulh 62 de<]rees 35 minules ~\ seconds West 202.58 Icet; thence Southwcsterly 6'19.5~ leel olong on orc to the leI I ond hovin<] 0 rodius ol 622.96 feci ond sublendeu by 0 lon<] chord having 0 beoring 01 Soulh 31 degrees 20 minules .\ t seconds West and 0 leng\h of 6~6.3S feel; thence South 0 degrees 05 minulcs ~\'seconds Wes\ %6.26 fee\; thence Soulh ~'I deqrces 06 minutes 35 scconds Wesl 3-\.\7 1.,c1lo the point 01 be<]innin<] ond conlainin<] \.621 acres, rnore or less lorlondscope and drainage eOsemen \. EXHIBIT "D" PAGE 11 OF 1'1 .(To Agreement dated 11/5/97) LEGAL DESCRIrTION LANDSCAPE & DRA.I.NAGE EASEI"IENT PARCEL IK PARCEL NO.1 L LANDSCAPE & DRAINAGE EASEMENT Also. on easement in and \0 Ihe lollowing described r.-:o1 e~lole. \0 wil: ^ florl ollhe Soulheosl Quarler 01 Section 0. Townshifl ,-; Norlh. Ilon<Je 1 Eosl. Homillon Caunly. Indiana. de"cribr.d 0' lallow,: Commencing 0\ the southwesl corner'ol suid q\Jurlcr ,cclion; thence No,lh 0 dr.rJrees 17 minules 57 seconds Easl (assumed bearing) 1315."/8 feel along lhe wesl line 01 said quarler section \00 saulh line ollhe owner's land; lhence Norlh 89 degrees 28 minules 32 seconds [0,.1 "/4.65 leet along said saulh line 10 lhe poinl 01 beginning 01 lhis descriplion; thence Nurlheuslerly 329.04 leel along un arc 10 Ihe. righl and hoving 0 radius 01 522.96 feel ond sublended by 0 long chord having 0 beoring 01 ~Iorlh 41 degrees 31 minules 14 seconds [asl ond 0 lenglh 01 324.50 leel; lhence Norlh 62 degrees 35 minules 41 seconds [asl 202.58 lee I; thence Norlheuslerly 724.00 Ice I olon<) on arc 10 Ihe lell und having 0 radius 01766.20 leet and sublended by 0 lon<) chord havin<) 0 bearing 01 Norlh 35 degrees 31 minutes 28 seconds East and 0 len<)lh of 607.3"/ leel; Ihence North 8 (lcgrees 2"/ minutes 16 seconds Eas\'431.58 lee I 10 Ihe norlh line 01 lhe 54 acre lrocl of land described in Deed Record 1 SO. pogC 552 in \he ollice of lhe Recorder 01 Hamillan Counly. Indiana; lhence Norlh 80 degrees 51 minules 0"/ seconds [os\ 25.28 leel along said norlh line; thence Soulh 8 de<Jrees 27 minules 16 seconds West 435.36 leel; Ihence Soulhweslerly "/4"/.63 fee\ ulon<J on arc 10 1110 rieJht and huving 0 rodiu~ 01 "/91.20 lee\ and sublended by o long chord hovin<) 0 bearing 01 Soulh 35 degrees 3\ minules 28 seconds Wesl and 0 length of no. I 2 feel; lhence South 62 degrees 35 minules 41 seconds Wesl 202.58 leel; lhence Soulhweslerly 301.36 'feel along on arc \0 Ihe lell and having 0 radius 01497.06 leel and sublcnded by 0 long chord having 0 bearing 01 Saulh 45 degrees 15 minules 26 seconds Wesl and 0 len<)lh 01 296.78 feel 10 o. south line 01 lhe owner's land: Ihence Soulh SQ degrees 25 minules 32 seconds Wesl 28.24 leel along said soulh line \0 lhe poinl 01 beginning and conlaining 0.069 acres. more or less lor the purpose 01 landscape and drainage easemen I. PARCEL NO.1 M LANDSCAPE & DRAINAGE EASEMEN T Also. on easemenl in and 10 lhe followinf) described real eslo1e. \0 wit: ^ pori 01 \he Wesl Hall 01 lhe Norlheasl Quarler of Seclion 9, Township \"/ Horlh. Range 4 Easl. Hamilton Counly. Indiana. described os followS: Oeginning 01 0 poinl on \he soulh line 01 soicl quarler sec\lan Narlh 89 clegrees 51 minutes 07 seconds East (as,umed bearing) SI"/.3Q led Irom the sou\hwesl corner 01 said. quorler seclion; lhence Norlh 8 degrees 2"/ minutes 16 s?conds Eos\ 768.01 lecl \0 \he norlh llOe 01 lhe 22.77 acre lracl 01 land described in Deed Record 16/. page 260. In the oflrce 01 the Recorder 01 Hamillon County. Indiana; lhence Norlh SQ dcgrees S4 minules 49 seco~ds Easl 25.28, feel along said norlh line; lhence Soulh tl degrees 2"1 minules 16 seconds West /6/.QS leel to SOld soulh line: thence Saulh 89 degrees 51 minules 0"/ seconds Wesl 2S.'2Sleel along SOld saulh line 10 the pOln\ of beginning and conloining 0.441 acres. more or less. lor landscape and drainage easemcnl. LEGAL DESCIUPTIONS LANDSCAPE &. DRAINAGE EASEMENT PARCELS 1L & 1M EXHIBIT "n" PAGE 12 OF iCj (To Agreemen~ dated 11/5/97) i: ,., ,. . . , ." L", ,.' , .' 'f , ~.' f 1". I. . . i: [ l f ~ I ! f: I L ; , , I ;. ; \. " , I t. I (: ; ,. r l- I r t 1;' ~:. [. t l'll.OJECT Hazel Dell Porkwov PARCEL \ PARCEL 1\10. 1N LANDSCAPE & DRAINAGE EASEMENT Also, on eosemenl in ond 10 Ihe lollowin<) described real eslote, 10 wit: ^ rod 01 Ihe West 1,1011 01 lhe Northeosl Quarter 01 Seclion '1, Township \"/ North, l~on<Jc ~ [05t, llomilton County, Indiana, described os lollows: Geginnin<) 01 0 roinl on lhe soulh line 01 said quor ler seclion North 1:l9 de<)rees 51 minules 0"/ seconds [osl (assumed beorin<)) 9~3.81 Ice I Irom lhe sou\hwesl corner 01 said . quarler seclion; lhence Norlh 8 degrees 27 minules 16 seconds Cost '/6"/.87 leel 10 lhe norlh line 01 lhe 22.77 acre troel 01 land described in Deed llecord 167, po<)e 260, in Ihe ollice 01 lhe Ilecorder 01 Homillon County, Indiana; lhence Norlh 89 de<)rees,54 minutes 49 scconds [os I 25.28 lee I along said norlh line; lhence South 8 degrees 2"1 minutes 16 seconds West 76'1.8" leel 10 said south line; lhence Soulh 89 degrees 51 minutes 07 seconds West 25.28 leel olon<) said soulhline to lhe point 01 beginning and conloinin<) 0.441 acres, more or lesS, lor landscape ant! drainage eosemenl. PARCEL NO.1 P LANDSCAPE & DRAINAGE EASEMENT Also, on easemenl in and 10 the lollowing described rcol eslote, to wil: ^ parl 01 the [astl'lall 01 Section 4, Townshir \'/ North, I'on<)e ~ [051, l'lomillon Counly, Indiana, described os lollows: Commencin<) 01 lhe cenler 01 said scelion; Ihence Soulh (Soulh 0 dcrJrces 0\ minule 4 \ seconds Wesl (assumed beorin<))) 1167.06 leel (deed) \\62.12 Ice I (calc.) olonr] lhe weslline ollhe soulheasl quorter 01 soid seelion 10 lhe soulh line 01 0 99.23 ocre lroel 01 land described in Oced Record 186, page 50 in Ihe ollice 01 the Recorder oll'lomillon Counly. Indiono; lllence North 89 de<)rees 5~ minules 4Y seconds Eosl 192~.51 leel alon<J soid south line; thence Norlh 5 rJe<)recs 45 minutes 36 seconds Eosl 1'12.03 leet; lhence ~Ior\h 10 dC<Jrees 00 minutes 49 sccon'ds [os I 158.97 Icel 10 lhe poinl 01 beginning 01 lhis descriplion, which point 01 bC<Jinning is on lhc eoslern boundary 01 River Rood thence North 4 degrees 28 minutes 47 seconds Wesl 3\4.18 leet along Ihe eoslern boundary 01 said River Rood 10 lhe south line 01 the 7..00 acre lroel 01 lond described in Ihe Corporole Warrant Y Deed recorded os Inslrumenl No. 9709'/10'/10 in said Ilecordcr's Olfice; thencc Norlh 85 degrees 31 minutes \3 second [os I 15.00 feel alon<) said south line; thence :,oulh ,\ dC<Jrees 7.8 minules 47 seconds [osl 315.24Ieel; lhence.Soulh 89 de<Jrees 33 minules 36 seconds West \5.04 {cello Ihe poinl 01 beginnin<) and containin<) 0.108 ocrcs, more or less lor Ihe londscape and droino<)e eoscment. LEGAL DESClUPTIONS LANDSCAPE & DRAINAGE EASEMENT PARCELS IN & 11' ; EXHIBIT "D" PAGE 13 OF 1'1 t 1To Agreement dated 11/5/97) PROJECT Hazel Dell Parkway PARCEL I PARCEL (\\0. 1 Q LANDSCi\.PE & DRAINAGE EAS[MENT A porl ollhe Eosl Hull 01 Sr.eliun ~, Township ,'; Norlh. r~onCJr. ~ Eosl. Homilton CDunly. IndiDno. described os fDllows: Commencing 01 Ihe cr.nler 01 snid seeliDII; lhencr. Soulh (Soulh 0 deCJrees 01 minule 41 seCDnds Wc,;1 (assumed bear in'))) IIG ";.06 led (dced) I I 6~.12 led (calc) alan') Ihe wesl line DI said CDS I hull 100 sDulh-linr. DI-(I 9'J.2J acre lroel 01 land in Deed I~ecord 186, po')e 80 in the of lice 01 Ihe I~"curuer alllumill"" COIlIlly. IlIdi","': \1I1,n<:" N,,, \1, II'J d'''J''''':; ~)~ min"lce, 49 secDnds Eusl \92~.51 leel olollq :;oid :;OIJ!h line; Ihence Norlh :.ideqree,; ~p, rninule,; ;j6 secDnds Eosl 192.03 leel; \hr.nr.r. Norlh 10 der.l',,,,e. 00 .milllll"" ~9 second:; We:;! IStl..9'; Ice I 10 Ihe eos\crn boundury oll~ivr.r I~ood; Ihellc,,~lorlh ~ de'Jrr.c:; 2K minule,; ~.; :;c,colld:.; We,,! ';~'J.';~) leel DIDn') soid eoslern boundary 10 Ihe norlh line of Ihe 1..00 ocre lrocl ollund dr:,;cribed in Ihe CDrpDrule Worrunly I)r:ed recorded UJ In~.lrumenl No. 9/09/10"/10 in ~,(lidllecorder's Office und Ihe poinl DI bC'linnin') 01 Ihis descriplion', thence conlinlJin') Norlh ~ defJreeO 28 minules ~1 seconds Wesl 10S.~~ leel olon') said eoslern bounoory: lhence Norlh ~ rlcCJrees .J~) minules 0"; seconds Wesl ~gS.tlO leel 100 north line 01 said 99.2J ueer. Irocl 01 land; Ihence Soulh 89 dr.')rce~. ~2 minutes 50 seconds [oe.l 1:::'.OS Icel alo(\~ Ihe norlh lillo ofsoid 90.2J ouc lror.l; lhence Soulh ~ de')rees :is minules 0"; second:; Cosl ~~H.5'1 reel; lhonce Soulh ~ dcrJree:; 2ll rn,nllle:; ~"/ .second:; Easl 105.45 feel 10 lhe norlh line 01 lhe 2.00 ocre \rocl;lhence Soulh e5 de<]rr.es 31 minulr.:; 13 seconds We:;1 1:::'.00 leel olon<) lhe norlh linc of said 2.00 acrC Irocl 10 lhe poinl 01 be')innin') and cantoining 0.207 acres. more or less,lar landscape and draina')c casement. (1;- "., ,:' EXHIBIT "n" PAGE 14 OF I c1 ::;(TO Agrecment dated 11/15/97) LEGAL DESCRWnON LANDSCAPE & DRAINAGE EASErvmNT I'ARCEL lQ PROJECT Hazel Dell Parkway PARCEL 1 ~){ H IBlf "j)" PARCEL NO. 1R TEMP I~ /W FOR or~IVE CONSTR. ^Isa, on easemenl in and 10 Ihr. lollowi,,') dcscriilr.d reol e"lo\c, 10 wil: ^ rorl 01 Ihe [001 I-loll 01 Seclion 4, Township \7, Norlh.l~onrJr. 4 Eool,Homillon counly, Indiono, de"cribed os lollows: Commeocing 01 Ihe ccnler 01 soid. seclion; lhence Soulh (Soulh 0 de'J'ees 01 minules 41 seconds Wesl (assumed beoring) 116'1.06 leel (der.d) \16~.1:! leel (cole) olaneJ Ihe wesl linr. 01 soid cas I hall 10 0 soulh line 01 0 -00.~3 ocre I'ocl ollond in Deed I~ecoid I B6, roge 80 in Ihe allice 01 lhe Recorder all.\omillon Counly, Indiono; Ihence Norlh H'l de<]rec; 5.1 minules 4'1 "eeond:; Cosl 102~.51 Ice I olonrJ snicJ soulh line: Ihence ',Iorlll :i de'Jree" .\iJ minuleo 3G "ecnnd" Cool 1'l2.03 leel: Ihence Narlh 10 degrees 00 minules 4'l sec,?ne]:; Wesl 15B,')'I leel 10 Ihe eoslern boundary 01 River Rood; lhence ~Iorlh .\ de<]rees 28 minules 4'1 second:; Wesl 1160.80 leel alan<] soid easlern boundary 10 lhe poinl 01 beginnin'l 01 Ihis tleocriplion; Ihence conlinuing Norlh 4 de'lrees 28 minules 47 seconds Wesl 45.00 lee\; lhence ~Iorlh 3:) dC'lrees \1 minules 00 seconds Cosl 23.GS leel; IhenceSoulh 4 degrees 4'] minules 00 seconds [osl 45.00; IhenceSoulh B5 de'Jrees 1\ minules 00 seconds Wes\ 2.3,01 leel 10 lhe poinl 01 uee]inning anti conlnining 0.025 acres, more or less lor Ihe purpose 01 conslruclin'J 0 driveway lor service 10 lhe owners rrivole rropcrly, which easemenl will reverl to lhe owner upon completion 01 the ouovc- deoi'lnaled prajecl.. EXHIBIT "D" PAGE 15 OF I '1 (To Agreement dated 11/15/97) LEGAL DESCRlPTlON TEl'vU'ORARY RlGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL 1R