HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact -:. +.:? ('j 'w' F~INGS OF FACT FORM'FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Conunission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmencINAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Mdition 'lONER: Bruce & Dorma Ikbste~ , Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and ,certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat , complies ~ith standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ,,' I reby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. "'!"'.o- COnd;tiOnl'~d~-L?~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3, DATED THIS a,1 DAY OF COmrniSSl 5: \p lancomm \app Ii etn. pe \primp 1at. a px Rev. 111712000 ,. w U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NAME OF SUBDNISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce &. Donna Webster ._ B~~ed upon all the e"idence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and clrtifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat jomPlies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. * ~ hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. \ . ,r--...,. ~.- Condition 1.L1~CX L~____ ~-r~ ..;/ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove ofthe primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: L 2. 3. DATED TIllS z/ DA Y OF at.,..-- ,20 . s: \p lancomrn \applictn. pc\primp la t. apx Rev. 111712000 Ie u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02b SW NA1vfE OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition ,PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster . _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat ..complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordiliance. / I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ...... I - Condition 1. .(J~>>~~ / Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 2/ DAY OF s: \planc omrn \a pp li ctn, pc \primp la t, a px Rev. 1117/2000 J.. FI~INGS OF FACT FO~OR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NAME OF SUBDNISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER;' Bruce & Donna Webster ~p"" all the oviden" presented hy the petitioner and npon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development. I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2, Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DA TED TIllS ~ / DA Y OF Rev. 1117/2000 s: \p lancorrun \app lie tn.pe \primpla t. apx " u U FTh1J)INGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Conunission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP ArnenciNAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the pl.at complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ hereby approve ortbe primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to ~ by the p,etitioner. __. Condition 1. J Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS d-..\ D..!., Y OF ~ ,20 oG. ~-~ C'r.>>>t- Conunission Member Rev. 1117/2000 s :\planco mm \app I ictn, pc \primpla t. apx u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel; Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Fanus Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ..... .... Condition 1. q~~c-. ~ ---.:::> ~.o Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED TIllS J1.1 DAY OF ~ o ' 20 D ~ (f-...-... ~ ~ Commission Member Rev. 11/7/2000 s: \plancomm\applictn.pc\primplat apx u U FlL'\fDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Repla t DOCKET NO. 49-02b SW NA11E OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;L Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications ~f the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. -~-- I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ~~- ... Condition 1. O:~~ \~~ .r-.. -. p ~ ~\-R Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the foUowing reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 'Q...\ DA Y OF ~ "'- ~ :0- ,20 b <-, ~~,_ ~o.V Commission Member 6 ~ Rev. 11/7/2000 s :\planeorrun\app hetn. pc \p rimp lat. apx / , \ FI~INGS OF FACT FORM~OR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Fams Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster ..- ~sed upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the folJowing reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATEDTHIS ~\ DAY OF ~ ,20 0~. ~ Ch,,~ ' Commission Member ---- s:\plancomm\applictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 1117/2000 .{' . U FMINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmenciNAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster ,/ Based uJ><ln an the evidence presented by tbe pelinoner and upon lbe represent.tions and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ hereb~' approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ..... ,,"-- condi~~ ~~di r!) ~ d ~ .~~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED TInS ,;;I/ DA Y OF ~'1' . .20,1.2-. rt!:lLfi~ /p~ /Commission Member s:\plancomm\applictn.pc\primplat.apx Rev. 1117/2000 ., U F~INGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel; Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NA1\ffi OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Fanns Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r ~ased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies 'With standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~'herebY approve oftbe primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ~.- ,",-. Condition!, LtlhLJJL~~ t:~ d~ ~. ~. ~~ JuI -ff ~7I I Condition 2, Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. s: \p lane amID \appIictn. pc \prim pia t. apx L 7;11 ' 20 . / . ~~meA# Rev. 111712000 DATED THIS ;2.1 DAY OF F~INGS OF FACT FO~ FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Cannel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02b sw NA.ME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r Based upon all the e\idence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~'I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the follov.ing specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ,..,. .." Condition!. A!.J~ 6J A~ 4~' (f2~ ~~.~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DA TED THIS ;). ! DA Y OF 7A~ ,20LU t(ld1to // ~~ / Commission Member ' Rev. 1117/2000 5: \p lancomm \app lie tn. pc \p rimp la t. apx " F~INGS OF FACT FoRMoR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster /:ased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ~/ DA Y OF >1L-~ ,20 tf ~~ j)~~~ /{' A4 Commission Member Rev. 11/7/2000 s: \p lancomm \applictn. pc \primpla t. apx .1< ". u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmendNA11E OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Fanns Addition ,~, PE, T,ITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. .Qj!. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. _.. ~. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DA TED THIS ;.' I DA Y OF '/l . /l /OL~ Commission Mernoer s: \plancomm \app lictn. pc \primp la t. apx Rev. 11/7/2000 "","7 .. u W FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel; Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NA1\.ffi OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r rcdiBased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and " '. ,'ccrtifioatiOM of the s'aff olth.Dcpartmcn,. of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. .oJ:) \/ I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to ~hYth'P'~~ , COnditI.'onL ~ ~ t~ ~~ -t~ ;W~~ if' Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS V-( DA Y OF ~ ~ '20~ lM Commission Member Rev. 11/7/2000 s :\p lancomm \app Ii c tn. pc \primp 1a t. apx ~ -. ( ) W FI~DINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02b sw NA1ffi OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Dorma Webste;r Based upon all the e"idence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development~ I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. Xl hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to ('-by the petitioner. _. ' Conditionl. (V~ ~ ~~ ~~.J.4b ~~~.~~.~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ~ I DAY OF 5: \p lancomrn \app 1 ictn, pc \primp 1 at a px Rev. 111712000 -. F~INGS OF FACT FO~OR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster . . V1ased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and r~ertifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine tbat the plat , complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 'vi DAY OF Mif --~ coQ,mb" s: \plancorrun\applictn,pc\primplat. apx Rev. 11/7/2000 ;:"":" .-:\0 ..s u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmendNA1vfE OF SUBDNISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r I' n/- I Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and T certifications of the staffof the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ,~ I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ~.' ""!.. Conditioo!. ~IJ;~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3, DATED TIllS 2r ~"J DAY OF , 20 () '2-- ~ s :\p lane ornrn \a pp Ii etn. p e \primpla t. apx Rev. 111712000 ..c:""; u U FI1'IDINGS OF FACT FORM: FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Fams Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webs te;r Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development; I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. /' I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. -.- -- Condition 1. . /~~i ~;;~ I--L JJ-L- ~ I <;)c5' Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove orthe primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DA TED TIllS ). ) $: rDA Y OF fv/ 7 ,20 ,,1- #"~be;' ~ s: \p lan C omm \app lie tn. pe \primp la t. apx Rev. 111712000 u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan COl1ll11ission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02b sw NAME OF SUBDNISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of CommWlity Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. /' I hereby approve ofthe primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ~. ... Condition 1. F~ .:...:Z:.L._~ ./~ J~ :.-J~ -7 bt!.,,~ :l Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED TIllS ;2..1 sr DAY OF 1'17 ,20 ;,~ . O&J Co~ssion Member Rev. 111712000 s :\p lane OI11lll \applie tn . pc \primpl at. a px --.. F~INGS OF FACT FO~~OR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. #- I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS tLi DAY OF 117 ,20 oL aa~" -~ F . Commission Member '-... Rev. 1117/2000 s: \p lanco mm \applictn. pc \primp lat. a px .. .~ u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmenciNAME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Fanus Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webs ter I Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ~- COnditiO~~dV P',....~ ~ ,.... Dt2S - t-;,,' , ./ ....~~ . Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DA TED THIS 7--( DAY OF /Yl'eYy , 2 0 t/ -::2..- . 5: \plan COllUD \a pp lictn. pc \pri..nlp la t. apx f~~w4 Corrun.i.ssion Member Rev. 11/7/2000 u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-028 SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NAM:E OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster Based upon all the evidence presented by ~he petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. -/l- I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ~-' ,",-. Condition 1. .MfA"'-.J,/ ~ d"~ /~#~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove oftbe primary pla.t as submitted for the foUowing reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS jn.l DA Y OF /~ ~~ >/ r: , 20 8;L . ~~4! /~~ Commission Member s: \p lancomm \app 1 i em. pc \primp 1a t. a px Rev. 11/7/2000 ... u U Fli\fDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PlUMARYPLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02b SW NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Dorma Webste;r- Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. + Condition 1. /lb/:;-,.d4 AkL/~P'" /~;;/~.,.4 Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ~. ) DAY OF s: \plancomm \app 1 ictn. pc \primp lat. apx /!F1 &y ,20 GJ 2 ?: ~/e?!; ~~ Commission Member / Rev. 11/7/2000 .. FI~INGS OF FACT FO~OR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW NAME OF SUBDNISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster -}l Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS j! DAY OF /4-10,,/ ' 20 c!J 2- . ~ ~~/~ Commission Member Rev. 11/7/2000 s: \p lane omrn \applictn. pc \primp la t. apx '.. u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Cannel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmendNAME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster .:L Based upon all the evidence presented by the petiti~ner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. f/L I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition!. o~i?~ff Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the foUowing reasons: 1. 2. 3. ~ ~ DATEDTHIS~DAYOF 07- ,20 , co~---: '--f) Rev. 111712000 I./~OY'--- s: \p 1 ancornm \applic tn. pc \primp 1a t. apx FI1~INGS OF FACT FO~FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary PIa t Amendment & Repla t NAME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webs ter Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ...,.. Condition L SUPlict to ~~ ~ &sW?5r4 C~ I~ ntepl'1 ! It /" 0.---- Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DA TED TIllS 2{ 1>'b DAY OF M~ \ s: \p lane o nun \appl i ctn. pc \primp I at. apx Rev. 111712000 ~- -.. FI~INGS OF FACT FO~FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02b sw NA1\.1E OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster Based upon aU the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. "t I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the fonowing specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ~ Condition 1. 'Sub, ec t In (C~t~ {l,'S J( )cJ)s5ev1_ 1\\ tk-\ CIJ'WJMMloY- 1Mth1 sf Ji{()L . Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 2--f9c DAY OF ~~ ,20 (fl. c~ rttlf~ r s :\plancomm\applictn.pc\primplal. apx Rev. 11/7/2000 ~~ ." FI~INGS OF FACT FO~OR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Connnission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 49-02c SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NANIE OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition Bruce & Donna Webster ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdhision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ';1)[ DATED THIS g DAY OF M~ \ ,20a. c~~ . Rev. 111712000 peMSOv- s: \p lane omm \applictn. pc \primpla t. apx ~ "'\') ~\ u U FlL"WINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmenciNA1\.1E OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce &. Donna Webster Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies ",ith standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. 12 I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to bYtbepetitione~ ' - . - "" i ~ '\" -.., ~....._~~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ht DA Y OF m . ill ~~~ ~S5ion em er s: \p lancornm \a pp 1 ictn. pc \primpla 1. apx Rev. 11/7/2000 ...... /j u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel; Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Fanus Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r- Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of tbe staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. _' \ condition1.~~ 15. OXS. ~LL ~{ ~~. 0f19~. -~~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DA TED THIS 21 DA Y OF , 20 b~ . '" lilil~~ s; \p lancornrn \app 11 c tn. pc \primp la 1. a px Rev. 111712000 .. , u' U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Conunission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02b SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NA!vfE OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste~ "-li Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. ....... Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ~i DAY OF ,~o~: r~L~ 5: \p lane ornm \app lietn. pc \p rimp la t. a px Rev. 1117/2000 .~ FI~INGS OF FACT FO~OR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW NAME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster ~ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel CLay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the prima111 plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS ~.{ DA Y OF 5: \p lancomm \app lictn.pc\prirnp la t. apx Rev. 111712000 ,o. -i u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM: FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Conunission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmenciNAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Fanns Addition Pz: Bruce & Dorms Webster . _ B."d npon all 'he ovid,",e pre"n'ed by 'be petitioner and upan 'he ''Pre,en.atiou, aud certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine tbat the plat ~comPlies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. 1M J hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to V I ~ by the petitioner..".. ~, con':!/~I'''+f11 ~ .t.,~~t;-jJA?k~.M, .J mtf~ a~--:ii;~ z1 V () C: ~ -______ 7av..(/t:::} Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATEDTIlIS 2/0 DAYOF 4~ ,20 02-. ~dI~M~L s:\plancomm\applictn pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 , u U FL~DINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan COl1ll11ission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & DonnaWebste;r . _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of tbe staff of the Department of Community Development,. Idetermine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ hereby approve ofthe primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. . .. CI~~~rii;~!r ~~wfkI~+ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the folJOV1'ing reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 2.,./ J DAY OF ~c21J ,20gC ~~~d/.,?t7~~ SSlOn Member s: \planeomm \app hetTI. pe \primp 1 at apx Rev. 11/7/2000 u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Conunission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02b sw NM.1E OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Fanns Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r- . _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. - ~ I herebyauprove of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to c;--- by the petitioner. -~ CO;;-~p5& ~~Z7//~/tb~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED nus 21<1- DAY OF /t ' ,2002- .~4~~~ ConnmsslOn Member s: \p lane amID \appli etn. pc \primp la t. apx Rev. 111712000 F~INGS OF FACT FoRMoR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster ~d upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff ofthe Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the foUowing reasons: 1. 2. 3. s: \plancorrun\appli etn. pc \primp lat. apx ~ . ,20a:L ~4v/~ Co ssion Member Rev. 11/7/2000 DATED TInS 21 ~rDA Y OF I-A,. ~ w U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Conunission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmendNAME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Fams Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and cer:tifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat /mplies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. JL.. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS rr- ].. ! s DAY OF s: \plane 0 rnm\applictn. pc \prunp la t. apx Rev. 111712000 ~I u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Conunission Carmel; Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amen&nent & Replat NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Dorula Webste;r _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. V:herebY approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 11 Sf DA Y OF 5 :\plancorrun\applictn.pc\primplat. apx Rev. 111712000 .... u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02b SW Primary Plat .Amendment & Replat NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & DonnaWebste;r '. Based upon all the e"idence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. .... .." Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. ::r- DATED THIS 2/ '7 DA.Y OF s: \p lancomm \app lietn. pc \primp la t. a px Rev. 111712000 -. LJ ' ) FINDINGS OF FACT FoRMoR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Conunission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW NAME OF SUBDNISION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster Based upon aU the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications (If the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve oftbe primary plat as submitted witb the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DA TED THIS ;- 7( S DAY OF s: \plancomm\applictn. pc\primplat. apx Rev. 111712000 .. U' U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02 PP AmendN"AME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r V~ased upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ I hereby approve of the primary pM as submitted witb th, foUowing spedfic conditions as .grecd to / ' by the petitioner. "'.' . ~- Condition 1. /1~b Yf;;'Zf~D~f&/1>~-r~ZJ- Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS (1..-/\ DA Y OF f~--I,\-\ ,20 01..______. ~)/;~~// ~!nmfS~iop...Me'ffiber ,.-- 5/f~/^';T- Rev. 11/7/2000 s :\p lane omm \app lietn. pc \primp 1a t. apx u U Fli'ffiINGS OF FACT FORM: FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Cannel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02a SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NA1\.1E OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r Based upon all the ,evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development) Idetermine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. L I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. .... . --- ----- {-:>. ..., S:.. . Condition 1. ",.1" .......-,;.0 ~1 ~ \ \~() C:j Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS IA , DAYOF1\~~Z/~~ - Comillission Member // Rev. 11/7/2000 s: \p lane 0 mm \app Hetn. pc\prirnp la t. apx u U FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana Primary Plat Amendment & Replat DOCKET NO. 49-02b sw NAME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webste;r Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat /omPlies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I bereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. "..", Condition 1. tJ,<~ c::\D ~,-,\"_J')-I 5' i )i.o>.J~\ (c- ~d\.'I 'l-~ ..1)\' \) u Cj ; \ \ \ Condition 2. Condition 3. I bereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. s: \p lancomm \appli etn. pe \p r imp I at. apx I \~jyJ( ~ ,20 0'-- . \J ~--. / ~ .' / ~:;/~-- ~ ommission tfember ./ Rev. 1117/2000 DATED TIITS 'l./\ DA Y OF F~INGS OF FACT FO~OR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 49-02c SW Primary Plat Amendment & Replat NAME OF SUBDMSION: Lot 26 - Little "Farms Addition PETITIONER: Bruce & Donna Webster Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner and upon the representations and certifications of the staff of the Department of Community Development, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the foUowing reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS '-'vv" DA Y OF ~.~ , 20 () '- (c~....// ---~ Co ~ -Mion Member Rev. 11/7/2000 s: \p lancomm \applictn. pc \primp la t. apx