HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket o o o U I' U U ~ ",.~ !~, f\-e:~01 6'1zi;~'~;~'~ ~,;:-,rt;~:~/ . '- ~~{>~.. A~ ,/ \p10S Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex New Accessory Building/Office Building and Other Upgrades 'l U U U U U U U J J U 1120 AAA Way Carmel, Indiana Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Docket No. 48-02 ADLS May 21, 2002 : I U , U u u I I U u [J u u Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex New Accessory Building/Office Building and Other Upgrades 1120 AAA Way Carmel, Indiana Docket No. 48-02 ADLS May 21, 2002 u I ~ LJ r 1 LJ u , I U ( " j I U u ('- . u I U I U , I U I U u Table of Contents 1. Project Narrative 2. Area Map '"' .J. Photographs of Existing Buildings 4. Site Plan and Landscape Plan Info1111ation 5. Building Elevation Drawings 6. Sign Elevation Drawings ,- \ i U I I U u r- U u J LJ U U U u LJ u u 'J J :i U u I LJ TIPTON ROAD, LlC OFFICE COMPLEX PROJECT OVERVIEW Tipton Road, LLC is the owner of an existing two-building office complex located at 1120 AAA Way, just west of the Merchants" Square Mall. Tipton Road, LLC is proposing to construct a 3,600 square foot accessory building to be used for storage purposes that can be converted to in the future to office space. The accessory building has been designed to complement: the other approved buildings in the office complex. Tipton Road, LLC is also planning to upgrade the site by painting the buildings and replacing the roof shingles. New landscaping and signage is also proposed that will enhance the site"s appearaRce. This property is located in a B-8/business zoning district and the accessory building and other upgrades have been designed in compliance with the B-8/business district development standards. u [j u 0 U 0::: 0 Q) c .- - Q) u c {) 0:: 0 U 0 [J , 0 0 u 0 0 u 0 u C .....J ""0 0 \.t- O) -+ -+- ..::( 3: j <( ..::( Cr mso Me I (- NOT TO SCALE Q Q u u u u u u D u D ~ u ~ j Q u u ~ ~ u IU I 'u u o I~ IU u u ~ u ~ u u D ~ u ~ ~ )> (j) --\ nl 7G ---0 I )> Z Z -1 UJ 1- - ~u~wn Gardens I ~';:'-""'i ;: ,~- . .~ r I '~ I ;-- ~ ~ JJ ~ ''::':::'" :l -, r)r<' rr ~ t '" t'~\ Sf rJCJB Ii~ ~ /-~\ tJ I'.r) \~- l~ ~ ~ ~, . ZfI,'J., I ~ ~ ...>'-,~ . l!') \, €I" / L &., .I ',~./ "-, .,,/ II . ~r=-r~'i ~, _.~~~~'}f-1 181 '- . .,.., ,..,. 13400 N. Meridian St. Cannel, Indiana 46032 phone: (317) 846-0620 fax; (317) 846-4950 CLIENT: TIPTON RD. LLC 1120AAA WAY CARMEL, IN., 46032 PROJECT: LANDSCAPE MASTER PLAN Scale: SEE DRAWINGS Date: 03 / 25 / 02 Designer: ADG fiR Drawn By: ADG I (--( I) T"\.AIi1-Ltnrt::"JM.'\Ilfl'M~, - ~ .li=[~ I . I) I-~--. I I I J Lu_ *' rD~('mjIleG, \ o -~ !fa .-/ c 1M 8 d Bit- @ AM WAY PLANT LIST PLANTI NG PLAN 5CALE-1 J I (;"- I'-a" AC Am~I.I(1ci",ler canad~n$l~ 5hadbL:lwS~NIC~be.~ry " ~' BG BW~U5 'Grl":efl V~i\l~c' Green v'el\i~t BOlo'.....ood 51 12-15" BN e~tlll,l niBr;o ~V~I ~jt:;h 3 10- ! 2' dump fIT wberl~ tt'lllnb~"'~11 <A. ~.llt:llI' Cr. p)'~rrty l3.;rberr'i I , C:l CDrt.:ld~'I.;l:s.. plJr~,d.. '1llwim.i 12.15' f'~mpil~~ Gr..llo~ 2 .S fA F~;I;'::,1W~ oiJ11C'lCOlffil 'Aut. Fl,lr-pte' A.l,ItLlm~_ Purple A!!in S ~. fG fQth~r~lll; ~ara~11 D~,;1Irf fotherglilJ 13 J'5-le' GT Glec;ll!iO-,-" tn..~, 1I1errr" '5~ycoJ=t 5kylll1.e'Hol1eyiocusL' 4 3-S.5' HP l"',yd~.an.::lc!:J f"r'flcu-lat:J 'Crsndllk)('a' r .:lrdlv-il H>:,driln~c.a I I 15-1~' 1M IV Ilu ~ m.e~eI"J...~ 'BhJe eo! 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V> U s: -" V> () ~ 2 /U 0 rn (il ~ C " 'U '0 ~ () ~-:\ ~ 0, l~ '" 0 ~. :r I I I- . : = ::....:: ::J~ =-.. .:' ===.: ,n ,- n1 <: l J!t:= po =! 7' nl r --- 0 -I z en Z -1 (J'o 7U ( , \0 ~ r " -" n (\ 0 ... (J . . 0 ry-D \---'( -. C \ '-. u1lf ~ (~ r11 CJ -l (5 -< \ \ Z -~'>< )> /- 7U 0 r 0 ~~I III .~, -\ ....--~~ )> I -0' r- J> Z ,.a.S lIn down. [~arC1ens 13400 N. Ivleridian SL Carmel, Indian8. 46032 pholIe (317) 846.0620 fax: (317) 846-4950 I I Ie ., "I ~o~ r"ll -/ C' ~~7[ o-;~ zo-,.... III ::T (;, ~~2 'u5~ ~~ ~~ ~ (/,c \~~ ~~0 '\ .~'-.,'-"-.. '-- '-, ~ "\ :\>, :c,."':::"~_ ~ ~o'~=:~~~-::~:ll rl~ -?J::iZ::;~?:<";::'>>:;'\y [1,.:).' rv..../... <c. ...."..",,.-'....,,..<.' ",t. '. \ (;~:::>'~~;;;t:<~~,:::>~~I{:~': 1 \"x' .(J"'-;~ ',;".. "", "( 'k-" , F;~, I ,,<,)v.,,:. f 1 -1-" i.. 1<0:'-'" I '.. '" I "-'-1 I t-~~)' -' l~_ I l J:.: r\iil~l @13 CLIENT: TIPTON RD. LLC U20AAA WAY._ CARMEL, TN., 46032 PROTECT: LANDSCAPI~ MASTI2R PLAN j u.,~_ ~8 ~ s ~~ (j'l :::,rI1 Z rR~ ~~~ '~~~ 0)> -, :)!~~ ~g ~(J', "'--; '~~ !.~.Q~, I~~JI -4 " f -;i ,., ~ii ~ (i S': [J) 'J> " ~ r !I '~I I ~ o '0 , r" '- ! I \ \ ///r-I-- ( ~- Scale: SEE DRA\VINGS Date: 03 / 25 / 02 Designer: ADG J J R Drawn By: ADG -,- ~ ..~t. North Elevation 1/B" .1-0" ': ;c West Elevation 1/8" - 1'-0' -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -:.- JOHN MOSELE ARCHITE CT ~ClUT1lCTURE PLlNNlNG INTIlRlOR ARCHITBC'TURJ ""- :_:::'-, East Elevation 1/B" . r-o' South Elevation 1/8" - 1-0" Tipton Roadl LLC Proposed Storage Building !,.."n);" .. . ':, '-"~~ ?;; =-~, ~ ' .:~ ' .~ . li>i East Elevation of Proposed New and ExistinQ BuildinQs 1/16" - r-o' EJderior Sevallon8 del.: IoIcre~ 22. 2002 ::troject: .cc.., 1/8-~ I"-G" or;g.o.rd.; JUA Or","": JIJ.' A-1 :;h'lPC"ed: JU-' \. --" ~" ;.' ~~A~.~;'_' =r~? .;;-:;.-;~t:tJ SiQn Number 1 1/2' - [-D' SiQn Number 2 liZ' - 1-0' SiQn Number 3 1:2' - r-{J' ~. 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