HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ~j u Olle Cil/ic Square Cannel, IN 46J32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: p~;~ Fax: ~ S' R- 0 -- 'I R-.s.5 jJ , From: ~....(-<---" Pages: c:2-- Date: h -/3 -0 2- Phone: Re~ 18---0 2- /rDL~ o Urgent ee: D For Review 0 Please. Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle DREWRY SIMMONS PITTS & VORNEHM. LLP ATT~IfINI!:"':; y Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner ~~ ~U}~~ p-t,./t. / :~' ~~S' r:u0~ ~'\. ~<() \. ~~ ,:>\:J~S '-0/1 cS~y~ .,1, C-tfYTl1 rIA ~AV T. , , ..\ \ \ _:/ '; -"""',,' /.' ' 'J <~-~;>/ mmonroe@drewrysimmons.com 317.580.4848 telephone 317.580.4855 fuc,imile 8888 Keystone C:ro~~ing Suite 1200 Indianapolis Indiana 46240 'U u One Civio Sq!~rare Carmel, IN 4€032 (317) 571 ~24i 7 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: y~~ ~~,~ S-~-- t.{OsS- Fron1~ ~~ ~ o$-~-a~ Fax: Pages: Phone: Datel . oRe: (;; -.f ~""'''L "':::...... 1::>, = CC: , ~~~ o Urgent 0 ForRevie.w D Please C(Jrnment o Please Reply o Please Recycle ~'.. ~. ~~ Schneider -\ ~~~., ~~~~ "-) -1 ~' r,,^ >:""j , c:2 v ~G> !_- ~ 22 ~ i-' -.-\ ~ ~ ';;.); '<~t> )"/ ~~y May J 5,2002 Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Cam1cl, IN 46032 RE: 1120 AAA WAY TSC # 4029.002 Dear Jon, Please find enclosed one set of site construction plans for the 1120 AAA Way project. The plans have been revised per comments made at the April 17, 2002 T AC meeting. I have also attached copies of our response letters to the appropriate T AC members. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORA nON ~ S ~+-- Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services S :\4k\4029\002\docs\correspondence\Dobasicwi csO 5-15 -02 .doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com :- May 15, 2002 ~~ Schneider Dick Hill City of Carmel Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmcl, IN 46032 RE: 1120 AAA WAY Dear Dick, Please find enclosed one set of site construction plans for the proposed building located at 1120 AAA Way. The plans have been revised to include comments made in you letter dated April 29, 2002. Revisions and/or comments are as follows: 1. A copy of the Site Drainage Calculations are enclosed per you request. 2. The statement above the engineer's certification on the title page has been removed. 3. The right of way line for AAA Way has been labeled and dimensioned on sheets Cl 0 I and C I 02. 4. Existing sanitary manholes are not in the immediate vicinity of the site. The nearest manholes lie approximately 100' South. and 265' North of the SE property comer. S. Notes and details related to the removal and replacement of the existing walk in the vicin ity of the sewer lateral connection have been added to sheet C 1 0 1. 6. Additional flow arrows have been added to sheet C 102 to clarify drainage patterns. 7 _ .An additional 15' wide electric line easement has been labeled along the West property line. 8. The note on Sheet C 1 01 regarding the notch in the curb is intended to serve as a gutter turnout to allow drainage into the swale along the West property line. Additional notes and a curb turnout detail have been added to the plans for clarity: 9. There is an existing swale along the South side of the property, however it's horizontal and vertical location will be altered during the construction of the building. 10. There is an existing swale located along the West side of the building. 11. No landscaping will be allowed in ; orthe immediate vicinity, of the flowline of the swale located along the West property line. 12. The swale along the South property line has been revised to lessen the slope as it approaches the existing storm end section. Please note too, that an erosion control blanket is specified in the swale on sheet C103. 13. No landscaping will be allowed in . or the immediate vicinity, of the flowline of the swale located along the South property line. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional infoll113tion, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, (5:Elj ;ORATlON Dave Sexton, R.E. Director - Residential Development Services \ \i ndyc i s\jo bs \4 k\40 29\002\docs \corrcsponde I1ce\Hi II 0 5-1 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 WWW.SchfiDfdercorp.com .. / May 15,2002 ~~ Schneider Paul Pace City of Cannel Waste-Water Utilities 130 1st Avenue SW Cannel, IN 46032 RE: 1120 AAA WAY TSC # 4029.001 Dear Paul, Please find enclosed one set of site construction plans for the proposed building located at ] 120 AAA Way. The plans have been revised to include comments made in you letter dated April 9,2002. Revisions and/or comments are as follows: SEWERS: 1. The 90 degree turns in the proposed sewer lateral have been removed and replaced with 45 degree elbows. 2. The proposed building is not intended for restaurant use. 3. An additional cleanout has been added to the sewer lateral line. WATER: I. The water service line is now denoted as copper rather than pvc. 2. Notes have been added to the plans denoting the installation of aI' curb box, the meter and backflow device must be located inside the building, posi-caps or equivalents are required on water valve installations and that asbuilts must be provided prior to water service being turned on. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional infoIn1ation, please feel free to contact me at your convclllence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~S~a- Dave Sexton, r.E. Director ~ Residential Development Services Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz - DOCS Mark Monroe ~ Reis S :\4k\4029\002\docs\correspondence\Pace05-15-02 ,doc Arl ~/j ~2-l()()l THE SCHNEIDI:R CORP()RATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569'8112 Fax 317'826-6410 'tWIW.schne i dercorp ,com u ( \ U City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES May 12, 2002 Mark Monroe Drewry, Simmons, Pitts, & V ornehm, LLP 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex, 1120 AAA Way, Carmel Dear Mark: I have reviewed the landscape plans submitted for this project by Sundown Gardens, and my comments are as follows: 1. There are 3 existing River Birch (Betula nigra) that are to be removed to make way for the new building. These 3 trees should be transplanted or replaced on site. Hopefully they can be placed along the west perimeter of the southern parking lot. The rest of the plan is acceptable. Please reply to these comments in writing and by amended plan. If you have any further questions, please contact me by phone at 317-571- 2478 or by email atSbrewer@ci.carmel.in.us. Sincerely, ~~~ Scott Brewer Urban Forester, City of Carmel cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, DOCS File ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 F 'i u ~ {~;:jt\ ..~ ~ ~~ - I'~! ':, <\~~~;oN-c6~~Q, >' u City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Mr. Mark T. Monroe, AICP The Reis Law Firm, LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032 z-- ~$' 6 ~ !f;,r- ..( tf;JrS:?u -... A 't:.::\....I~'~) 4P/1 ;; "!';~(jJ D i') DeS April 29, 2002 RE: 1120 AAA Way-Project Re\'iew #1 Dear Mr. Monroe: We apologize for the delay in submission of our comments for this section. We have reviewed the plans submitted for this project and offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMA nON 1. The proposed site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. The City of Carmel has jurisdiction over all site infrastructure improvements. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: III Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability III Temporary Construction Entrance III Consent to Encroach Agreements for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated right of way andJor dedicated easements, If an irrigation system is planned for this project, additional Water Availability approval will be required from the Board. I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to the placed on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or the BZA. 4, Water and Sanitary Sewer Cormection Fees: Connection Fees are based upon the average user factor tables from Section 9-35 (water) and 9- 200 (sanitary sewer) of our Utility Ordinance. The Connection Fees are $1,31O.00IEDU for water and $7951EDU for sanitary sewer. Please provide tlllS office 1\'lth the total square footage of the building to be constructed on this site and the building usage (i:e. office, retail, etc.). I am enclosing copies of our Average User Factors for Water and Sanitary Sewers and our current fee schedule. I have also highlighted Ule Average User Factors that might apply to tIus project Note: Any deviation from the Connection. Fee calculations listed in our Ordinance will require Carmel Utilities and Board of Public Work..o; and Safety approvaL 5. T.A.C, Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that an comments and conunent letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issue have been resolved, including Carmel Utility issues. The design engineer must certify all dravtings submitted for fmal approval. TIus office will require a minimum of 5-sets of approved and certified drawings after all issues have been resolved. The ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2441 .. u u Mr. !\1ark T. Monroe April 29, 2002 Page 2 dra\'iings will be stamped approved and will be signed by the City Engineer and Director Cannel Utilities. The Developer/Owner '\\ill receive I-set which is to me maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive 2-sets. Our Public Works Inspector will receive 1- set and I-set ",ill be maintained in the Department of Engineering. !fmore than 5-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets must be submitted with the 5-required sets. 6. Please be advised that any installation of signs, \\'3l1s, irrigation systems, fences, etc. within dedicated right of way and/or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner/Developer and the City of Carmel. This agreement requires Board of Public Works and SafeLy approval. 7. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all water main and sanitary sewer main locations. 8. Carmel Utilities ",ill provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer related issues. 9. I am including copies of the following ",i.th this correspondence: " Commercial Project Approval Procedures. " Permit Data, ContacLs, eLc. . Commercial permitting Procedures I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirement upon request BONDING REQUIREMENTS 10. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements will apply to this project: Street CutfRjght of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in the dedicated right of way of AAA Way will require a Right of Way Permit and a License and Permit Bond. The bond amount wiU be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way (curb cut, water/sanitary service line cOIU1ection, etc.) @$2,000.00per instance. Pavement cuts in AM W~ will require Board of Public Works and Safety approval Please identify any proposed pavement cuts on the drawings. PROJECT COMMENTS 11. Please submit drainage calculations that indicate the effect of this construction on site drainage. We reserve the opportunity for further review and submission of comments regarding drainage upon receipt of such calculations. 12. For your information, the statement above the engineer's certification on the Title Page must be removed prior to approval of the drawings by this office. . 13. Identify and dimension AAA Way right of way line. 14. Show location of sanitary sewer structures if there are any in the vicinity of the site. Retail/commercial structures are required to discharge directly to sanitary structures. Deviation from this requirement will require approval from Camlel Utilities. 15. The sanitary hook up may involve the placement ofa new structure, but it appears certain to involve the removal of sidewalk. Please identifY the limits of sidewalk removal and notations to cover its replacement. 16. Please show drainage patterns in the parking area with spot elevations and flow arrows. 17. Are there any easements within the property boundaries besides the portion of the 25' Utility Easement inclicated on the east side of the property? 18. Regarding the notation on Sheet C101 "Cut Existing 6" Standing Curb to Create 2' Curb Notch". What is the purpose of this cut? Will this "notch" be intended as a curb lumout for parking lot storm drainage? Please clarify (and include on Sheet C102). 19. Is the drainage swale along the south side of the property an existing swale or \vill it be constructed with tllis project? " u u Mr.tvlark T. Monroe April 29, 2002 Page 3 20. It appears the drainage swale along the west side of the project exists. Is this a correct assumption? How does the swale function across/Wider the existing fence line? 21. It appears that landscaping is being pl3lllled in the swale flow line. Please relocate out of the flow line. 22. The swale along the south perimeter has goOOlaverage slope, but as it comes around corner of building, the slope increase to over 8%. Please include appropriate slope protection or deepen swale along south side of building. 23. It appears the Landscaping Plan includes trees along south side, close to within the flow line of the swale. These must be planted so as not to interfere with the proper function of the swale. Please show clearly their location. Please share these comments with all persons to be associated 'with the project including the OvmerlDeveloper, Engineer, Contractors, elc. The above conunents are based upon the Engineering Department's initial review. Please provide our office with a follow up letter and revised plans, indicating all revisions. Second and subsequent reviews will focus only on revised items. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new' or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions, please contact Kate Weese, Mike McBride onTIe at 571-2441. &~ Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures Cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer (w/o encl.) Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer (w/o enel.) Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services (w/o encl.) Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services (w/o encl.) Jolm Duffy, Carmel Utilities (w/o encl.) Dave 8e:\1:on, The Schneider Corporation S:\PROJREVQ2\1120AAAW AY u u NA TURAL RESOURCES PLAN REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org Proj eet N ame- 1120 AAA Way Building Sec. 31 T-18N R-4E Owner!Developer- Tipton Road LLC 1120 AAA Way Carmel, IN 46032 Engineer- Mr. Keith Lash Schneider Corporation 12821 New Market Street Suite 1 00 Carmel, IN 46032 Reviewed By: John B. South r.E. Certitied Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Review Date: March 22, 2002 Soils Information: N! A - Site was previously disturbed. I have reviewed [he plans for this project and have the following comments: 1. The erosion control plan is adequate. An NOI for Rule 5 is not necessary for this project. Should you have questions concerning these comments, please contact me. Cc: .lon Dobosiewicz, Carmel DOCS Steve Cash, Surveyor Steve Broermmm, County Highway File u C&JrJmieJ u / - t I 44{t((j~ 1.( t9 ~@ \,'~\ \ bOCQ'~?2 / 7 \\ . . \~ / '. ~."''''....., ~ i"-'/-.,. _ ~,<. ,,,/ ~~.~I \ ~_/ .\ \ , , - , April 5, 2002 Mr. Mark T. Monroe, AICP The Reis Law Firm 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Monroe: I have received and reviewed the plans for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~)).t~ Michael D. FOgarty"1 Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: v6ept. of Community Services A Nationally Accredit (:>17) 571-2500 rcement Agency Fa", (317) 571 -2512 w u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 40032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (3i 7) 571-2426 To, );>Jl\U\.- ~ 10''5- F.uc E ~ t? ~ Lt ~ q1 Phone: From: ~ ~. __ Pages: i Date~ ~- ~ - O~ Re: ~,# f7te..-r-4\L ~l4~~ CC: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 P.[ease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle ~L 5.p..,,~ ~~""- ~ ~'A D t:>..........., \N_~~....... Q~ V ~'.S'C> Y'M... ~.~ ~D~ \\ u u TIHIE REiS LAW FIRM, LlC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 mmonroc@rcislaw.com March 29, 2002 /. . It ~~t~~~~1 ',\~\\ ?~ \:lOCS Via Hand Delivery Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Cannel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Jon: 1 have enclosed two (2) copies of the ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site constructIOn drawings and building elevation drawings for your review. We are anticipating having this project placed on the April 17, 2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our oftlce address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REIS LAW FIRM, LLC -w,MIr "(7'. '1vJ~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosures 12358 HANCOCK STREET D CARMEL, IN 46032 0317-848-4885 0 FAX 317-848-4899 D FIRMraREISLAW.COM u u THE REIS LAW FIRM, LLC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 mmonroe@rcislaw.com March 29,2002 i ~~\e~~~~[i) t'~AR 29 2002 i_~; \ \ DOCS.r/ \(,:", /1:;; '~-DlYt\[-c\\ 0, \;?' ~z~..- Mr. Steve Cash Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton Square, Suite 146 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Cash: On March 29, 2002, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC,an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are anticipating h.aving this project placed on the April 17,2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address lIsted above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please [eel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reisat 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REfS LA W FIRM, LLC ~~ '(/. Vn~ Mark 1. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City ofCan11el 'I 2':: 5 II H i\ N f; !:i C \\ ,,; T R E E T C l\ R [>,~ E L. ~ i r.i Ii::' [I :~ :;~ ~. :~~ 'i '{' - 8 il_ ~3 - ,~~ ~ 6 S " ~': /\ }:. .~- '1 7 - D4. ~J - .~ S '-"I 9 riP i\( i-~-) ~~ F ~ '7': 1_\ \I'.}. C i~'lr,) u u THE IREIS LAW FIRM, LLC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 mmonroe@reislaw.com March 29, 2002 Mr. John South Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, lndiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. South: On March 29, 2002, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existjng office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are antiCIpating having this project placed on the April 17, 2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Cannel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address listed above. If you have any questlOns regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your coopeTation and assistance. v cry tnlly yours, THE REfS LA W FIRM, LLC '1n~ 'i?1 '1rJ~ Mark T. Momoe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel '; .;:5:';8 H/\I'>.!COCf<: S"rhEET ' U\::;:MEl, IN <:,fJO:L: .] '17 8 4-g-~,f~d!:I F J\ j:~ ::. '\ L? - t: /: 8 - /~ 8 {.;i -7 f I h' {'.1 [i) h! ~: i :: \~ /~. \iv' . I~. ~,', I','i u u THE REIS LAW !FIRM, LLC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 mmonroe@reislaw_com March 29, 2002 Mr. Dick Hill Dept. of Engineering One Civic Square Call11el, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Call11el, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Hill: On March 29, 2002, we filed with the City of Cam1el Department of Community Services, on behalf of TIpton Road, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, lndiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are anticipating having this project placed on the April 17,2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 2 t, 2002_ Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter m the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance_ Very truly yours, THE REIS LA W FIRM, LLC m~~ w,~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City ofCarrnel I :" J '5 i. !-j ,~\ N r; 0 C ~\ S I i-<: i:-. I:: 1 CAR M [ L I ! N, ~r -6 0 J :;: ~ 31 7 .. 8 ~ g ~ l ~ e ~ I' ~ ),', 'I. ::.j 'j :/ co fr ~~, S' ~ /~ 8 9 ~) ,", r- ~ h~~ ,...'j (j F: E l ~~, ,~_ :~\ \/",f . I,.~,' i~-~ u u THE REIS LAW FIRM, lLC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848.4887 mrnonroe@n:islaw.com March 29, 2002 Mr. Gary Hoyt Office of Fire Chief, Fire Station #1 Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Hoyt:. On March 29, 2002, we filed with the City of Carmel Department ofCommumty Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at ] 220 AM Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the .two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. Weare anticipating havmg this project placed on the April 17, 2002 agenda of the T echnica 1 Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please fonvard any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Rels at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assIstance. Very tndy yours, THE RE1S LA W FIRM, LLC 11/]~ ~ 'h1~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Cannel "; 1..1 5.8 H j~. [<c- 0 C v<. ~. Tnt" I: f -.I C /-'-. R h,j E L. ~ I\~ ,'.'~ '~~I 0 3 / " ..~ 'i'rr 8l) H ~ L~ t,' 2; G l,. .~~~< . ~ 'j 7, ;f. ~~ G ~ i~. ~1 ,~,; .:? ,~ F! ~':. I'll !(. H ~ t ,.:,.1_ ,':\ V-/. 1.~:.1 I.! u u THE REIS lAW FIRM, LLC Writer's Direct Dial (3 17) 848A887 mmonroe@reislaw,com March 29, 2002 Mr. Bill Akers Cannel CommtmicatlOns 31 First Avenue NW Cannel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Akers: On March 29,2002, we filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at l220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are anticipating having this project placed on the April 17, 2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Cam1el/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul RelS at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REfS LA W FIRM, LLC m~ oif. WJ~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel 1 :i~ ~:.: ,j.3 H f;., i;~ C Q C [\ ~i 'r E I: r; T ~ C let. H r.il ELI ; i-,J 4 rS- 0 ~ ,;:~ "t '.I' - :j /[, g 4 r~ 3 ~j .. r .~\ ~'~ ,~'! 7 t:l t~ ('; ,- ,~~ E.~ ''-.J ~/ ,I r I :-.~ J.:] jc~ p ~~ i ~j L ;'~', {J :~_~L (~- H u u THE REIS LAW FIRM, LLC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 rnmonroe@reislaw,com March 29,2002 Mr. JcffRice Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, TN 46220 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Rice: On March 29,2002, we flIed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Roau, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to constlUct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are antieipatinghaving this project placed on the April 17, 2002 agenda of the Techmcal Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please forward any comments you .have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much fur your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REIS LAW FIRM, LLC M~~.~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City ofCarme] 1 :: J 5 B H II ;'~ C G c.\ :'j T I": E to r. C .A I~ !-l, I~ l, II'! i, ii iJ J .:: '31 7 .. 5 4 fl ,- L, 8 B I:; FA:< ~~. 1 ;7 - 13 ,"~. t1 " f... (. I) 'OJ' t F ! f~ j./~ k: H E I ~,l' L.l\ \1,,1 . ;~.; f) t-/j u u THE REiS LAW FIRM, LLC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 mmonroe@reislaw.corTI March 29,2002 Mr. Chuck Shupperd Indiana Gas Co. P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Shupperd: On March 29,2002, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC, an ADLS Appl1cation and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to constmct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office huildings an the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings far your review. We are anticipating having this project placed on the April 17,2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please fonvard any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886 Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REIS LAW FIRM, LLC -1rJ~ ~-WZ~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: lon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel '1 i:3~jn 1--:l~,NCllC ~;'THEET C; l>. F\ !-I, f: 1_ _ IN;; ie, 0':, ? 3 .~ '7 - 8 ,~- t~ - 1;, ~,) n!) Gl F I~'- X ~~ '/ 7 .. S .4 2 ~ /: 3 '} q ~ I n 1"! r:r~ ~ E I ::. L ,I~, \N. '_" I) u u THE REIS LAW FIRM, llC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 mmonroe@reislaw.com March 29, 2002 Chief Fogarty Office of Police Chief Tlrree Civic Square Camlel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana Our File Nunlber: 2084/1 Dear Chief: On March 29,2002, wc filed with the City of Carmel Department of Commumty Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general otlice buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that WIll complement the two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are anticipating having this project placed on the April 17,2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul RCIS at 848-4886. Thank you vcry much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REIS LAW FiRM, LLC 1vztult 1rt~ Mark T. Monroe, ATCP Land Usc Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel IL::!'S8 H.'.HCCJCi' srl~EET C/~R;~\lIEL, fN .~.60~j2 ~) 'l '7 ' t1l~,;J ~ If H 8 ~~ l:1 F l:\ ,\;: '} 'I 7 ... J~;; /.;:. ).'( 2, ~~: ~.<~ ' :: i ;~' Id /eJ F"l. ~~, I ~; i. \ 'V'. , .:~~ I) r, I 1 2.:< ':) 3 H 1>. N C C- <: I':. S T PEE: T u u THE R IE I S LAW FI R M, L L C Writer's Direct Dial (3 ] 7) 848-4887 mmonroe@rcislaw.com March 29, 2002 Mr. Paul Pace Carmel City Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Cannel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carolel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Pace: On March 29, 2002, we filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LIE, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Cannel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office buildings on the site, Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are anticipating having this project placed on the April 17, 2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REIS LA W FIRM, LLC w,~ r.(/~ i11~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Cam1el C A H I,~ EL, I f.: ~ (:) (! :,l:.' 'j "I "7 - H L ~:: ,- 4. '~_',~ d ~l . 'F /~.\ :_; 'j ') -- (~ 4 8 I~ g ~. ~r, ;:-' ! f~ \'1 {i~ ~-:~ f ! '~ L.), 't/, C ell 1'''~ .; [. ~~ I) B Ii j~rJ ':; CJ C 'Ii 5 T r~ E E T u u THE REIS LAW FIRM, LLC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 rnrnonroe@reislaw.com March 29, 2002 Mr. Rick McClain Cinergy 1441 South Gilford Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Cannel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. McClain: On March 29, 2002, we filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are anticipating having this project placed on the April 17, 2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding thIS matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THEREIS L^W FIRM, LLC 111ow1t '(j .Vv1nuK Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Cannel C; Ml !V\ E L, d~ C;, ,S O:.~;' " ::; 'I '/ 8 U\ - ,~ 8 e. s ~: <~ );: :j 'j'7 _. B ,~,~" is .. .~, 8 "; ;,) ,~' ! E f'-1Ir ~....: t: . ;-~, L ,;} 'IN l' (J \.,,~ u u THE REIS LAW FIRM, LlC Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 mmol1roc@reislaw.col1l March 29, 2002 Mr. Scott Brewer Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Cannel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Brewer: On March 29, 2002, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to construct an accessory building on the site that will complement the two existing office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are anticipating having. this project placed on the April 17,2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Cannel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please fonvard any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our ()ftice address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your coopcration and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REIS LA \'-1 FIRM, LLC '1t1ew1t 'd~ ~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel I ,;_~3'~:',8 t,iJ,\\l,:'OCi< STRt:ET C .i~, R ~t E L ~ I r,1 l~ be:]. ~~ '. :_~,"!? - n Ii l3 - L, i~ ~~ !;;. ." tt-" /~. ): J ': <-l - ':'~~ !~ <~~ - l.. ~~ S' s' .. c ~ F:' ~.~.r i;j r; f i :~. !. .i: \i'J . t " , I 'i of , u u THE REI S LAW FIR M. L L C Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4887 mmonroe@reisJaw.com March 29,2002 Mr. Jeff Kendall Building Commissioner City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Tipton Road, LLC Office Complex 1120 AAA Way, Carmel, Indiana Our File Number: 2084/1 Dear Mr. Kendall: On March 29, 2002, we filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Tipton Road, LLC, an ADLS Application and corresponding plans for the professional and general office buildings located at 1220 AAA Way, Cannel, Indiana. Tipton Road, LLC plans to .construct an accessory building on the site that WIll complement the two existing .office buildings on the site. Enclosed herewith are the site construction drawings for your review. We are anticipating having this project placed on the April 17, 2002 agenda of the Technical Advisory Cornmitteeand the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for May 21, 2002. Please fonvard any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Paul Reis at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4887, or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, THE REIS LAW FIRM, LLC ~ "(/. "1r1~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner Enclosure cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Cannel 'j ?:~ :; (:.; H ~\ hi C 0 C v~ 5 r- f',' r-:_ [~r r- c)~ fl j'''l t-~ ~~, ! N Ir (:. 0 ~~ :'./ J 'I 7 " d '~I' [1 t.J, g B ~! ,:- /1.)~ ~~). '1"/ b I:. ~~, - ,(, u I;j i;.; " I r, kt fi: f< E I " L " Vv . .. t..',