HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-11-21-07-05 Medical Escrow Fund RESOLUTION BPWll~21-07-05 WHEREAS, 0rdiilanceD-I04~8, passed by the. Common, Council of the c;ity of Carmel, Indiana, on,February2], ,1994, established. the City of Carmel Medical Escrow Furidi to be.used - <,.,'" '"," . " _ "~.' 0< to.accumulate empJoyeeand employef.inSl.ltancepremium payrh'ents for'qualified' City employees andPatks Qep,artt1)ent erriployee~,andto pay benefits andaclministrative costs related to the City oeCamiel E,rriployee.Healtn ,Benefit Plan; and WI~lEREAS,[)-'1 048 autl)otize,s exces~ fpnds in .rhe Meiiical Escrow Account to be utilized to provide ,additional benefits fot.full'tirne'Cityemployees, by resolution of the Board ,of P.ublic Works'and Safety,and ~ . WHEREAS, tte ):>oaidof Public Works arid Safety wishes to offer finanCial assistaneetb employeefwho are buildihg f~mi1ies through, adoption as weIhs through 6hildbifth;aild WHEREAS, as' a matter of efficiency lind equity; it is appropriate to pay adQption assistance benefits from the. same account }hat!functs medical benefits for childbirth; and WHEREAS, the Medical Escrow Fund has ai' a.lIlimes a~ s).ifficleiit balimce' to pay adoption assistance . benefits, as -outlined in the attached, Adoption Assistance, Program, which paymelltsshallhave .no signific:aIitfi.sc"arimp'act onJhe Fund. .. NO\\!, Tt-IEREf'CiRE,BE' IT .RESOL VED that the. Gily of Carmel Adoption Assistance Program is adopted effective JaniJary'l ,)()Q8. BE IT FI;JRTHER RESOLVED thaltheClerk-Treasurer'is a,\Ilqorized,mi.d airectedto pay adoption assistance claims that are apprgved by the DireclClr of Human. Resources from the Medical Escrow.Fund. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA By and through its Board of Public Works and Safety \ .T /1!.21/0 ').. Date /1-:J/-tJ7 Date Date '/ I ~l/n7 , City of Carmel Aqoption ~ssistanc,e Program Effective 1 hloB Policv OVerview This City of Calmel,Adoption Assistance Program provides,cfinancial assistance to employees who are Duildingfamilies through adoption, The program is effective, January '1,2008.' Benefit The CrtI' of Car'ill~1 will reiinb~r,se an eligible emplpyee.'for quaiified adoption expenses toa maximum 01.$5,000 per.child (lifetime maximum $10:000 per. employee). If an eligible el11ployee: and his/her sp(>~,se or aomestic partner, boUl work'for the. City' of Carmel, orily one emllloyee'c~n:utilize the'benefit for each adopted. child. The two together are eligible for reimbursementup to'$5,000per child (lifetime maximum $20,000) . In ihecase ofihe simultaneous.adoption df two (or more) children, .an\eligible einplpy,!,e (and his/her spouse or domestic partner, if employed, by the. City) will be reimoursed to a'm'a'xlmum of $10';600, ..' . .... . .. Eliqibilitv.. . . Afull~time employee is e;ligible,for adoptibnbenefits immediately uponhire,,tbr expenses incurred after his/her hire,date.An,employee must be aclivel(employed by'the.City at the time.a claim for reimbursement is'presented. No claim willpe consideregafter an ernpI6Y'eediseparation. .. The adopted child must,be u_nder.tlieage ofeigQteenand cennotbea child oflhe.employee's spouse:or O:ornestic partner, Qualified 'AdbDtionExpens'es QUalified 'expenses are reasonable:arid necessilly,expenses whichare'direclly related 10, and the principal p'~rpose of whLch'ls, the legal ~doptiori of an 'eligi~l.eG~fld.. ' Qualified expen~es'inc:lu8e. . Home studies '.f\gency and pl!lc,ement fees, . Legal fees and.court'costs . Temporary foster caie costs . Medical,?xpensesofthebirth molhe'r ,(if 110t sovered oyinsurance) . MediC<'lI,e_~penses'ofthe child (if noycovere'd,by insurance) . Immigration, immunization and translation fees .nansportat[onand'lodg'lng relating to travel necessary'forJhe adoption Qualitied adoption expenses shall NOT include, . Surrogate parenting arrangements . Adoption arrangements't~at viplate state'or feder'!ll\lw . Expens~s In?! are p~id o.r (eii-nbu!s~d by, any either' P'Lblic .o[ privateadoptiol1 assistal1ce p(ogran"i Other adoption expenses.not specificallyallo:v:ed or exCluded,abbve.snali..bereimburs<l~le~Hhe sole discretion of the. City, which' decision'shall be final. i_f\n empl_o~~e w)1ofinali.::ed.~rI'3d.optjon;~_e~~e~ Jal1i.!.ary '..1"" 2007i -~nqJ)ecembet 3}.-, 2007;-.}s"elig!bl~.fo!,'o~e:~0!If q~2) of the,t'JtaLacloptipnbenefit($2,500)._ Thl.5 w~I_I.be ,a TAMB~E ben~fitt9'th~.empl~yee., p'mA_doptlon.Assl_s!am:eCI~lm 'Foml,'includin~. all;req~ired docum'entairon~ mu"st'be"submit1ed ncHater'than Marcn 31 ~,2008; Reimbursement Procedures An eligible <::m,ployee rTiay apply for re~rl)but~.e:m.eritofqu9-lifiedexpensEls up.to $2;500.($5,600 in tnecaseo(n16ce)h.~~.onechilcl):..after the cnilClis pJac€;)d In t~ehome. The balance (jf the benefit is..payable attne time,the adoption is: finalized. No expen'ses connected with a foreign adoption . " , ~., ~c - . . .., . .. _ - . .... " - :" '. -' - . -,. . - _ '_. (Le" qnein which tne'child isn'la U.S cilizen or resident) will'be reimburseduntillhe adoption becomes,final. All reimbursements made through the 'City of Carmel Adoption Ass)st,ance. pc.ograrTiwill be reported 'on tl'Ye employee's 'year-end W-2form for the; year in which the tien",fit is: paio.. Reimbursemenlswill be shoWn ih Box 12,'with tne.code'''r,'' Qualified adoption expenSes reimbursed by'the City'bfCarmel Adoption Assistance RrograQ1 may not be also used to claim a tax credit, deduction,' exclusion or ;6ther benefit under any other federal income tax.rule' . .., Cc ..