HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-11-21-07-05 Medical Escrow Fund
WHEREAS, 0rdiilanceD-I04~8, passed by the. Common, Council of the c;ity of Carmel,
Indiana, on,February2], ,1994, established. the City of Carmel Medical Escrow Furidi to be.used
- <,.,'" '"," . " _ "~.' 0<
to.accumulate empJoyeeand employef.inSl.ltancepremium payrh'ents for'qualified' City employees
andPatks Qep,artt1)ent erriployee~,andto pay benefits andaclministrative costs related to the City
oeCamiel E,rriployee.Healtn ,Benefit Plan; and
WI~lEREAS,[)-'1 048 autl)otize,s exces~ fpnds in .rhe Meiiical Escrow Account to be
utilized to provide ,additional benefits fot.full'tirne'Cityemployees, by resolution of the Board ,of
P.ublic Works'and Safety,and ~ .
WHEREAS, tte ):>oaidof Public Works arid Safety wishes to offer finanCial assistaneetb
employeefwho are buildihg f~mi1ies through, adoption as weIhs through 6hildbifth;aild
WHEREAS, as' a matter of efficiency lind equity; it is appropriate to pay adQption
assistance benefits from the. same account }hat!functs medical benefits for childbirth; and
WHEREAS, the Medical Escrow Fund has ai' a.lIlimes a~ s).ifficleiit balimce' to pay
adoption assistance . benefits, as -outlined in the attached, Adoption Assistance, Program, which
paymelltsshallhave .no signific:aIitfi.sc"arimp'act onJhe Fund. ..
NO\\!, Tt-IEREf'CiRE,BE' IT .RESOL VED that the. Gily of Carmel Adoption Assistance
Program is adopted effective JaniJary'l ,)()Q8.
BE IT FI;JRTHER RESOLVED thaltheClerk-Treasurer'is a,\Ilqorized,mi.d airectedto pay
adoption assistance claims that are apprgved by the DireclClr of Human. Resources from the
Medical Escrow.Fund.
By and through its Board of Public Works and Safety
/1!.21/0 ')..
'/ I ~l/n7
City of Carmel Aqoption ~ssistanc,e Program
Effective 1 hloB
Policv OVerview
This City of Calmel,Adoption Assistance Program provides,cfinancial assistance to employees
who are Duildingfamilies through adoption, The program is effective, January '1,2008.'
The CrtI' of Car'ill~1 will reiinb~r,se an eligible emplpyee.'for quaiified adoption expenses toa
maximum 01.$5,000 per.child (lifetime maximum $10:000 per. employee).
If an eligible el11ployee: and his/her sp(>~,se or aomestic partner, boUl work'for the. City' of Carmel,
orily one emllloyee'c~n:utilize the'benefit for each adopted. child. The two together are eligible for
reimbursementup to'$5,000per child (lifetime maximum $20,000) .
In ihecase ofihe simultaneous.adoption df two (or more) children, .an\eligible einplpy,!,e (and
his/her spouse or domestic partner, if employed, by the. City) will be reimoursed to a'm'a'xlmum of
$10';600, ..' . .... . ..
Eliqibilitv.. . .
Afull~time employee is e;ligible,for adoptibnbenefits immediately uponhire,,tbr expenses incurred
after his/her hire,date.An,employee must be aclivel(employed by'the.City at the time.a claim for
reimbursement is'presented. No claim willpe consideregafter an ernpI6Y'eediseparation. ..
The adopted child must,be u_nder.tlieage ofeigQteenand cennotbea child oflhe.employee's
spouse:or O:ornestic partner,
Qualified 'AdbDtionExpens'es
QUalified 'expenses are reasonable:arid necessilly,expenses whichare'direclly related 10, and the
principal p'~rpose of whLch'ls, the legal ~doptiori of an 'eligi~l.eG~fld.. ' Qualified expen~es'inc:lu8e.
. Home studies
'.f\gency and pl!lc,ement fees,
. Legal fees and.court'costs
. Temporary foster caie costs
. Medical,?xpensesofthebirth molhe'r ,(if 110t sovered oyinsurance)
. MediC<'lI,e_~penses'ofthe child (if noycovere'd,by insurance)
. Immigration, immunization and translation fees
.nansportat[onand'lodg'lng relating to travel necessary'forJhe adoption
Qualitied adoption expenses shall NOT include,
. Surrogate parenting arrangements
. Adoption arrangements't~at viplate state'or feder'!ll\lw
. Expens~s In?! are p~id o.r (eii-nbu!s~d by, any either' P'Lblic .o[ privateadoptiol1 assistal1ce
Other adoption expenses.not specificallyallo:v:ed or exCluded,abbve.snali..bereimburs<l~le~Hhe
sole discretion of the. City, which' decision'shall be final.
i_f\n empl_o~~e w)1ofinali.::ed.~rI'3d.optjon;~_e~~e~ Jal1i.!.ary '..1"" 2007i -~nqJ)ecembet 3}.-, 2007;-.}s"elig!bl~.fo!,'o~e:~0!If q~2)
of the,t'JtaLacloptipnbenefit($2,500)._ Thl.5 w~I_I.be ,a TAMB~E ben~fitt9'th~.empl~yee., p'mA_doptlon.Assl_s!am:eCI~lm
'Foml,'includin~. all;req~ired docum'entairon~ mu"st'be"submit1ed ncHater'than Marcn 31 ~,2008;
Reimbursement Procedures
An eligible <::m,ployee rTiay apply for re~rl)but~.e:m.eritofqu9-lifiedexpensEls up.to $2;500.($5,600 in
tnecaseo(n16ce)h.~~.onechilcl):..after the cnilClis pJac€;)d In t~ehome. The balance (jf the benefit
is..payable attne time,the adoption is: finalized. No expen'ses connected with a foreign adoption
. " , ~., ~c - . . .., . .. _ - . .... " - :" '. -' - . -,. . - _ '_.
(Le" qnein which tne'child isn'la U.S cilizen or resident) will'be reimburseduntillhe adoption
All reimbursements made through the 'City of Carmel Adoption Ass)st,ance. pc.ograrTiwill be
reported 'on tl'Ye employee's 'year-end W-2form for the; year in which the tien",fit is: paio..
Reimbursemenlswill be shoWn ih Box 12,'with tne.code'''r,''
Qualified adoption expenSes reimbursed by'the City'bfCarmel Adoption Assistance RrograQ1 may
not be also used to claim a tax credit, deduction,' exclusion or ;6ther benefit under any other
federal income tax.rule' . .., Cc ..