HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC-19-2004RESOLUTION NO. /?7-2004 RESOLUTION OF CITY OF CARMEL REDEVEI:OPMENT COMMISSION CONFIRMING.RESOL`UTION.NO, 7-2004 AMENDING AND EXPANDING THE"PLUM CREFKIRAZEL DELL PARKWAY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA AND CREATING ALLOCATION AREA VaIEREAS, on February, 10, 2004, the City of Carmel Redevelopment :Commission (the "Commission"), being the governmg'body of the City'of Carmel Department of Redevelopment (the "Department" ); ,approved and adopted Resolution No. 7-2004, entitled "Resolution of the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Amending and Expanding the Plum Cieek/Hazel Dell Parkway Economic Development Area and Creating Allocation Area"(the "Declaratory Resolution");,-and WHERFAS, the Declaratory Resolution expanded the previously designated Plum Creek/Hazel, D611 Parkway Economic Development Area (the "Original Area") to include additional areas in the=City- of Carmel,. Indiana (the "City'.') (such additional areas,, collectively, the "Expansion Area"), designated all of the Original Area and the Expansion Area as an allocation area pursuant to IC .36-7=14=39 (the "`Allocation Area"), and approved the 2004 Integrated Plan (as defined"in,the Declaratory Resolution) for the area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 16 of the Act, the,Cityof:Carmel.Plan, Commission (the "Plan Commission"),- on April=20,2664,, adopted and,approved a resolution determiniiig that;.the Declaratory.Resoldion and the 2004-Integrated Plan conform to'the,plan of development for the City, approving the Declaratory Resolution ,and the 2004 Integrated Plan,,and designating such resolution the written order,of the Plan Commission approving the Declaratory' Resolution and the 2004 Integrated,Plan (the "Plan Commission Order")-, and W1ll RVA.S, pursuanfto Sections 16 and 41 of the Act, the Common Council of.the City on"May 3,,2004, adopted aresolution approving the Plan Commission Order, and approving the determination of the Commission that the Original Area as expanded by the Expansion Area is an economic development area; and WHEREAS, pursuant. to 'Sections 17 and, 17.5 of the Act, the Commission, published notice of a public hearing on the proposed projects set forth in, the;2004jntegrated Plan and filed a copy of "such notice in the offices of"the Plan Commission, board of zoning appeals, works board, park board and building- commissioner, and any other departments, bodies or officers,of the City having.to do with-City planning, variances froni zoning ordinances; land use or the issuance of linilding permits; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 1.7 of the Act, the Commission filed 'a copy of such notice,, together with a statement disclosing the impact of the Allocation Area, with each taxing unit thafis wholly or partly located withim the Allocation Area; and WHEREAS;,at the public hearing held by the Commission,on May 18, 2004,; at 7:00 p:m. (local'_time), at the Caucus Room of the.Cannal City Hall, One CMcr`Square, Carmel, Indiana, the Commission heard all,persons;interesied in,or affected by the,proposed projccts set forth in the 2004 Integrated Plan, or the proceedings pertaining thereto, and received any written remonstrances and objections that had been filed, and considered such remonstrances and objections, and all other evidence presented; and WHEREAS, the Commission now desires to take final action determining the public utility and benefit of the proposed projects set forth in the 2004 Integrated Plan and confirming the Declaratory Resolution, in accordance with Sections 17 and 17.5 of the Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission, the governing body of the City of Carmel Department of Redevelopment, as follows: L After considering the evidence presented at the public hearing on May 18, 2004, the Commission hereby finds and detennines that the proposed projects set forth in the 2004 Integrated Plan are of public utility and benefit. 2. The Commission hereby confirms, without modification, the Declaratory Resolution. 3. This Resolution constitutes final action, pursuant to Sections 17(d) and 17.5(0 of the.Act, by the Commission determining the public utility and benefit of the proposed projects set forth in the 2004 Integrated Plan and confirming the Declaratory Resolution. 4. The Secretary of the Commission is directed to record the final action taken by the Commission pursuant to the requirements of Sections 17(d) and 17.5(1) of the Act. Adopted this 18th day of May, 2004. CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 2