HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC-06-2004 Amend & Expand North Illinois Street RESOLUTION NO. 6 -,r21'd t RESOLUTION-OF THE CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AMENDING AND EXPANDING THE NORTH ILLINOIS STREET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA AND ALLOCATION AREA WHEREAS; the City of Cannel Redevelopment Commission (the "Commission") by Resolution No. 2-2002 adopted on February 28, 2002 (the "Declaratory Resolution") created the North Illinois Street Economic Development Area (the "North Illinois Street EDA") and the North Illinois Street Allocation Area (the "North Illinois Street Allocation Area"), and approved the North Illinois Street Economic Development Plan (the "Original Plan"); and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 5-2003 adopted by the Commission on August 13, 2003 (the "2003 Amendment Resolution") (the Declaratory Resolution as amended by the 2003 Amendment Resolution, the "Amended Declaratory Resolution"), the Commission expanded the North Illinois Street EDA to include an additional area (the "C210 Area") and approved an amendment to the Original Plan known as the C210 Amendment to the North Illinois Street Economic Development Plan (the "C210 Plan Amendment") (the Original Plan as amended by the C210 Plan Amendment, the "Amended Original Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Commission now desires to amend and expand the North Illinois Street FDA and the North Illinois Street Allocation Area, to amend the names of the expanded areas, and to approve the incorporation of the Amended Original Plan into the 2004 Integrated Economic Development Plan _& Amended Redevelopment Plan (the "2004 Integrated Plan") in the form presented at this meeting; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission as follows: 1. The Commission hereby expands the North Illinois Street EDA to include the additional area set forth in Exhibit A hereto (the "2004 Expansion Area"); provided, however, that the inclusion of any unincorporated area of Hamilton County (the "County") in the 2004 Expansion Area is subject to assignment of such area by the County to the Commission pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-25-4(I). The North Illinois Street'EDA, as previously expanded to include the CM Area and as expanded herein to include the 2004 Expansion Area, is hereby re- designated as the "Illinois Street Economic Development Area." 2. The Commission hereby approves the incorporation of the Amended Original Plan into the 2004 Integrated Plan, and approves of the amendments to the Amended Original Plan as set forth therein. 3. The Commission hereby finds that the 2004 Integrated.Plan for. the C210 Area and the 2004 Expansion Area promotes significant opportunities for the gainful employment of its citizens, attracts a major new business enterprise. to the City, retains or expands a significant business enterprise existing in the boundaries of the City, and meets other purposes of Sections 2.5, 41 and 43 of the Act, including without limitation benefiting the public health, safety and welfare, increasing the economic well-being of the City and the State of Indiana (the "State"), and serving to protect and increase property values in the City and the State. 4. The Commission hereby finds that the 2004 Integrated Plan for the C210 Area and the 2004 Expansion Area cannot 'be achieved by regulatory processes or by the ordinary operation of private enterprise without resort to the powers allowed under Sections 2.5, 41 and 43 of the Act because of lack of local public improvement, existence of improvements or conditions that lower the value of the land below that of nearby land, multiple ownership of land and other similar conditions, including withoutlimitation the cost of the projects contemplated by the 2004 Integrated Plan and the necessity for requiring the proper use of the land so as to best serve the interests of the City and its citizens. 5. The Commission hereby finds that the public health and welfare will be benefited by accomplishment of the 2004 Integrated.Plan for the C210 Area and the 2004 Expansion Area. 6. The Commission hereby finds that the accomplishment of the 2004 Integrated Plan for the C210 Area and the 2004 Expansion Area will be a public utility and benefit as measured by the attraction or retention of permanent jobs, an increase in the property tax base, improved diversity of the economic base and other similar public benefits. 7. The Commission hereby finds that the 2004 Integrated Plan for the C210 Area and the 2004 Expansion Area conforms to other development and redevelopment plans for the City. 8. Based upon the findings set forth in Sections 3 through 7 hereof, the Commission hereby determines, designates and declares that the each of the C210 Area and the 2004 Expansion Area is an "economic development area" within the meaning of the Act. 9. The Commission hereby finds that: (a) the amendments to the Amended Declaratory Resolution and the Amended Original Plan effected by this Resolution and the 2004 Integrated Plan are reasonable and appropriate when considered in relation to the Amended Declaratory Resolution and the Amended Original Plan and the purposes of the Act; and (b) the Amended Declaratory Resolution and the Amended Original Plan, with the proposed amendments thereto effected by this Resolution and the 2004 Integrated Plan, conform to the comprehensive plan of the City. 10. The Commission hereby ratifies and reconfirms all of the findings set forth in the Declaratory Resolution, the 2003 Amendment Resolution, the Original Plan and the C210 Plan Amendment. 11. In support of the findings, determinations, designations and declarations set forth in Sections 3 through 10 hereof, the Commission hereby adopts the specific findings set forth in the 2004 Integrated Plan, including the Original Plan, the C210 Plan Amendment and any other reports, studies and plans incorporated therein by reference. 12. The general boundaries of the 2004 Expansion Area are those set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. While the 2004 Integrated Plan contemplates the possibility of future 2 property acquisition in the 2004 Expansion Area, the Department does not at this time propose to acquire any land or interests in land within the boundaries of the 2004 Expansion Area. If, at some future time, the Department proposes to acquire any land or interests in land in the 2004 Expansion Area, the required procedures for amending the 2004 Integrated Plan under the Act will be followed. 13. The 2004 Integrated Plan is hereby in all respects approved and adopted, and the secretary of the Commission is hereby directed to file a certified copy of the 2004 Integrated Plan with the minutes of this meeting. 14. The entire 2004 Expansion Area is hereby designated as an "allocation area" pursuant to Section 39 of the Act for purposes of the allocation and distribution of property taxes for the purposes and in the manner provided by said Section 39; provided, however, that the inclusion of any unincorporated area of the County in such allocation area is subject to assignment of such area by the County to the Commission pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-25- 4(1). Any real property taxes subsequently levied by or for the benefit of any public body entitled to a distribution of property taxes on taxable property in said allocation area shall be allocated and distributed as follows: Except as otherwise provided in said Section 39, the proceeds of taxes attributable to the lesser of (a) the assessed value of the property for the assessment date with respect to which the allocation and distribution is made or (b) the base assessed value shall be allocated to and, when collected, paid into the funds of the respective taxing units. Except as otherwise provided in said Section 39, property tax proceeds. in excess of those described in the previous sentence shall be allocated to the redevelopment district and, when collected, paid into an allocation fund for said allocation area that may be used by the redevelopment district to do one or more of the things specified in Section 39(b)(2) of the Act, as the same may be amended from time to time. Said allocation fund may not be used for operating expenses of the Commission. Except as otherwise provided in the Act, before July 15 of each year, the Commission shall take the actions set forth in Section 39(b)(3) of the Act. 15. The foregoing allocation provision shall apply to all of the 2004 Expansion Area and shall expire on the date that is thirty (30) years after the effective date of this Resolution. 16. Said allocation area is hereby incorporated as part of the North Illinois Street Allocation Area, and such area as so expanded is hereby re-designated as the "Illinois Street Allocation Area"; provided, however, that nothing contained in this Resolution shall be construed to affect any previously established "base assessment" or "base assessment date" in the original North Illinois Street Allocation Area. 17. Each officer of the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to make any and all required filings with the Indiana Department of Local Government. Finance and the Hamilton County Auditor in connection with the creation of said allocation area. 18. The provisions of this Resolution shall be subject in all respects to the Act and any amendments thereto. 3 19. This.Resolution, togetherrwith any supporting.data,'mcluding the 2004-Integrated Plan, shall be submitted to the Cannel, Plan Commission (the "Plan Commission',) and the Common Council of the City (the "Common Council") -asprovided in the Act, and; if approved by, the Plan, Commission-and the Common Council, shall be submitted to:a public hearing and rerrionstrance as,providedby the:Act, aftei public"notice as required.by the Aef: 20. Each officer of the Comnission is hereby authorizcd and, directed,, for and on behalf of., the Commission, to take any action determined, by such officer-to be-necessary or appropriate to. effect this Resolution, such determination "to be conclusively evidenced by such officer's having taken such action, and any such,, action, heretofore Taken ishereby-ratifed and approved, 21. 'T'his Resolution shall be effective upon its adoption. Adopted thisaOth,dayof February, 2004. CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION President V' e,President Secretary ber ,Member Exhibit A DESCRIPTION OF 2004 EXFANSION.AREA TO Amendment to the North rilinois Street Econbmic Development Area to include TerritoryRecently Annexed Beginning at the point of intersection between the western boundary of parcel number 17-09-26-00--00- 003,000and'the north. rght_of'way line of Meridian Corners Boulevard (which point,is contiguous with the existing boundaries of the North Illinois Street Economic nevelbpmentArea), 'then proceeding northward, along the western boundary.of parcel. numher17709-26-00-00-001000to the tar. northwest corner of.said parcel (the intersection of'the northern boundary of said parcel with the western"boundary of said parcel), then proceeding northeastward, along the northern boundary of said parcel number 17.09-26-00-00- 003.000 to the point of intersectionwith the souther right of'wayline of West 136'h Street,' 'than, proceeding eastward, along the southern right of way line of W136.1h Street'to.the northeast corner of parcel number 17-09-26-'00-00-003.000; then continuing eastward,-across the northern boundaries of,parcels numbered 17=09-26-00-00-001.000 & 17-09-26-00-00-001.001 to the'northeast corner of parcel number 17-09-26-00-00-001.001, then proceeding southeastward along the eastern boundary of parcel'nutnber - 17-09-26-00-00-001.001 to the point-of intersectionwith`lhe r orthwestem right of wayline of Highway`US31, then proceeding•southwestward along the northwestern right of way"of US31 to.the,pointof intersection with themestern"bounderyof parcel,number'17-09-2600-00-004.000; then: proceeding 'northward along„the western boundary of parcels numbered 17-09-26=00-00-001000'8 17=09-26-00`00-004:000 (wl ic6 lines corresponds tothe eastern boundary of the North Illinois Street Economic Devel'opmerit Area); to" -e oint'of beginning.. Amendment to the North Illinois Street ED Area to include the Proposed Illinois Street Corridor Beginning at the current boundary of the North Illinois Street ED Area located at the point of intersection of the northwestern right of way line of Meridian Corners Boulevard and the northern right of way line of 131St Street, then proceeding southward on a curvilinear alignment, along the western right of way line of Meridian Corners Boulevard to the point of intersection with the eastern right of way line of Tennyson Lane, which is co-terminus with the northwest corner of parcel number 16-09-26-00-00-017.000, then proceeding southward on a curvilinear alignment along the western boundary of parcel number 16- 09-26-00-00-017.000 to the southwest corner of said parcel, then proceeding eastward along the southern boundary of parcel number 16-09-26-00-00-017.000 to the southeast corner of said parcel (which also coincides with the southwest corner of parcel number 16-09- 26-00-00-016.101); then proceeding eastward across the southern boundary of parcel number 16-09-26-00-00-016.101 to the northwest corner of parcel number 16-09-35-00-00-007.001, then proceeding southward along the western boundary of parcel number 16-09-35-00-00-007.001 to the southwest corner of said parcel, then continuing southward along'the western boundary of parcel number 16-09-35-00-00-009.001 to.the southwest corner of said parcel, then continuing southward along the western boundary of parcel number 17-09-35-00-00-010.001 to the southwest corner of said parcel, then continuing southward along the western boundary of parcel number 17-09-35-00-00-006.000 to the southwest corner of said parcel (which coincides with the northeast corner of parcel number 17-09-35-00- 00-005.001, then turning westward along the northern boundary of parcel number 17-09-35-00-00-005.001, to the northwest corner of said parcel, then turning southward along the western boundary of parcel 17-09-35-00-00-005.001, to the southwest corner of said parcel (the southern boundary of said parcel coinciding with a portion of the northern boundary of parcel number 17-09-35-00-00-042.000), then turning westward along the northern boundary of parcel number 17-09-35-00-00-042.000 and proceeding to the point of intersection with the eastern right of way line of Spring Mill Road, then proceeding southward along the western boundary of parcel number 17-09-35-00-00-042.000 to the southwest corner of said parcel, then proceeding southward across the right of way of 116th Street to the southern right of way line of 116'' Street, the turning eastward along the south right of way line of 1161" Street to the point of intersection with the designated future right of way line of the future Illinois Street corridor (which includes approximately the eastern half of parcel number 17-13-02-00-00-001.006), 6 then turning southward along the designated western right of way line ofthe-future Illinois Street corridor (crossing parcel number 17-13-02-00=00;001 000) to the point of_inlersection with themorthern right of way line of111'h'Street, the proceeding. southward across the-right,of way of 114" Street to the.point of intersection with the soulherwrightof way line o i l 11'h,Street,, then turning eastward along thcesouthern righf"of wayline.of IOP Street to lhe•pointof intersection with the western boundary of parcel number 17-13=02-03:01-001,000, then turning southward along; the western boundaries of parcels numbered '17-13-02-03-01-001.000 through 17=13-02'03.01-010.000lo the; southwest corner of parcel number i:7.13-02-03-0`1-0:10:000, then proceeding southward along'ihe western boundary ofparcel.number i7-13.02=00-00=023.000 to the southwest corner of said parcel, then proceeding southward.along the western boundary of parcel number 17-13.02-00-00-024.000 to the point of intersection with the northern right of way line of 106`h Street, then, proceeding southward across the-right, of way of 106th Street to the point of'intersection with the south right of wayline of 106th Street, then turning; eastward along tFie.south right of Wayt1ne of.,, 061h Street to the point of intersection with,the western right of way line'of US31; then proceeding, northward along the western rlghtof way line of'US31 to the point of intersection with the northern boundary of parcel number l7-13.02=00-00-023.000 at'the northeast corner of said parcel, then turning westward along the northern boundary of parcel number 17-13-02-00-00-023.00.0 to the point of intersection with the eastern right of'wayline of Liverpool Drive; then turning northward along the eastern right of way line of Liverpool Drive to the point of intersection with the?southern right _ofway line of 11'6`' Street, then turning eastward'along'the southern right of way line of 116th Streetto the point, of intersection with the western right of way line 6i us3) 77 then proceeding eastward across.the.right of`way'of`US31 to the point;pf intersection with the eastern right -ofwayline of US31, then turning northward across the right of way of "1 i(h Street'to'the point oflhtersection with-the northern right of way line of .116" Street grid tiie eastern right of wayline of'US31„ then proceeding northward aiongthe eastern right of wayline of'US31. to, the point of intersection_ with the northern boundary of parcel number 16-13-02-00-00-006;00 - 0 at, app[oximately the4ndrthwest corner of said parcel), then turning west"ward across th_e- US31 right of way to the point of intersection with the western right of way,line-of US31, than turning southward t.6 the,point of, intersection' with the northern boundary of parcel number '16' 13-02- 010-00-005.000 (at appioximately1he northeast corner of said parcel), then turning westward along 'the 'northern,boundary of parcel'number.16-13-02-00-00-005:000 to the northwest cornerof_said parcel, then continuing westward and northward along the,irregular eastern. boundary of parcel number 17413-02- 00-00-A1,.000ao,the point of intersection with the southern right.of way line of 116'h Street, then turning eastward along the southern right of way.;line•of 116°"Street to.the'point >of intersection with the western right of way line of US31, then proceeding; eastwardtacross the right of;wayof US31+tothe eastern right of way Jn6.cfUS31,. then turning northward.,along the eastern right of way tine of US31 to the point oYintersection wfhjhe southern right of way line of 126`h Street, then proceeding northward across the right of way of 1261h Street to the pdinf of intersection. with the `north right of,way line of 1261h Street, then turning westward and'northward on of curvilinear alignment along the northern right of way fine. of 126'h:Streetand the eastern right of way line of Meridian Corners .Boulevard tq the ooint_cf intersection with the southern right of way line of 1316'Street,, then proceeding northward across the right of way of 131" Street to the point of intersection with the noithern•right7of way line of'131s' street (which coincides with the boundaries of the North Illinois Street ED area, then turning westward along the exist[ng boundary of the North Illinois .Street. ED Area to the point of beginning. tNDSO) aoi]. 645442v3 8