HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC-15-2006 (B)RESOLUTION NOi 15-2006 (P) RESOLUTION OF THE.CITY OF CARMEL. REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CONFIRMING RESOLUTION.DECLAIiING AN AREA IN CITY OF CARMEL AS AN ECONOMIC.DI VELOPMENT AREA, AND.APPROVING AN ECONDMI,C. DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SAID AREA WHEREAS; ;on July' 18, 2006,, the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission (the "Commission") , being thegovermng,bodyof.the City of Carmel. Department of Redevelopment (the "Department''), approved and adopted its. Resolution No: 14-2006'entitl'ed "Resolution of the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission -Declaring an Area in City of Carmel as an Economic'Development , Area and': Approving an Economic Development, Plan;for Said Area" {the "Declaratory Resolution"); and WHEREAS,'the Declaratory Resolution found and determined that a certain area-in City of Carmel (the 'City"), designated as the "`Gramefcy` Economic Development Area" (the "Economic.Developmgnt Area",) is, an;economic developinent-areawithin,the meaning of Indiana Code 36-7-14-1 et. seg:; as amended (the- "Act"), designated a ,portion of the Economic `Development, Area, wan "allocation area"under Section :34 of the Act (the "Allocation Area"), sand,approved„ the "Gramercy Economic Development Plan" for the Economic Development' Area (the;"Plan"); and WHEREAS, on August. 15, 2006, the.Carmel'Plan Commission (the "Plan Commission") adopted its Resolution No. 08-15-06 constituting the written order of the Elan.Commission appiovmgth Declaratory Resolution and the Plan,(tbe "Plan Commission Order"); and WHEREAS„pursuant;to Sections 16 and 41 of the Act,. the-Common Council of the City on September 18, 2006, approved the Declaratory Resolution,. the.Plan Commission Order;, the. Plan and the deterntination that the Economic Development Area,is an, economic development,, area;;and WHEREAS,,,pursuant`to Section.17'of the Act, the Commission caused to bepublished a Notice of Public hearing with respect to the Economic -Developinent'Area.:and flied a copy of saidNotice'm the offices of all:depattrnents,,bodies or officers of the City having to do with City planning, variances from zoning ordinances,.land.use or t}ie issuanoc of building"permits; and. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 17 of the Act, the Commission also filed' with. each taxing;unit-located wholly or partially within the Allocation Area -a copy of•thc=Notice of Public Hearing and a statement disclosing;the impactof the area;,and WHEREAS, at the.bearing-held bythe Commission.ou the. 5th day of October,.'2006, the Commission l6rd all persons interested in the. proceeding's. and considered written remonstrances and objections; if any; and WHEREAS, the Commission now desires to take final action determining the public utility and benefit of the proposed development projects for the Economic Development Area and confirming the Declaratory Resolution, in accordance with Section 17 of the Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission, governing body of the City of Carmel Department of Redevelopment, as follows: I . After considering the evidence presented at.the hearing on the 5th day of October, 2006, the Commission hereby confirms the findings and determinations, designations and approving and adopting actions contained in the Declaratory Resolution. 2. The Commission hereby finds and determines that it will be of public utility and benefit to proceed with the Plan in the form approved by the Commission in the Declaratory Resolution. 3. The Declaratory Resolution is hereby confirmed. 4. This Resolution constitutes final action, pursuant to Section 17(d) of the Act, by the Commission determining the public utility and benefit of the proposed projects and confirming the Declaratory Resolution pertaining to the Economic Development Area. 5. The Secretary of the Commission is directed to record the final action taken by the Commission pursuant to the requirements of Section 17(d) of the Act. Adopted the 5th day of October, 2006. M er Member INDS01 BDD 886001v1 -2- CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT