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City of Carmel
April 17 , 2007
The regularly scheduled meeting ofthe Cannel Plan Commission met at 6:00 PM, April 17,2007 in
the Council Chambers, City Hall, Carmel, Indiana. The meeting opened with the Pledge of
Members present: Leo Dierckman, Jay Dorman, Wayne Haney, Kevin Heber, Brian Mayo, Rick
Ripma, Carol Schleif, Madeleine Torres, Susan Westermeier, thereby establishing a quorum.
DOCS Staff Present: Matt Griffin, Christine Barton-Holmes, Rachel Boone. John Molitor, legal
counsel was also in attendance.
The minutes of the March 20,2007 meeting were approved as submitted.
There were no announcements from either Legal Counsel or the Department.
Leo Dierckman reviewed the process for public hearing for the benefit of the public.
H. Public Hearings:
IH. Docket No. 07020003 DP/ADLS: Carmel Orthodontics
The applicant seeks to construct a 2-story mediL:al office building on 2.59 acres.
The site is located on the southwest comer of Carmel Drive and Guilford Road, and is zoned
Filed by Ashton Fritz of Schneider Engineering for Carmel Orthodontics.
Paul Reis, attorney, Bose, McKinney & Evans appeared before the Commission representing the applicant.
Also in attendance: Dr. Ronald Miller, Carmel Orthodontics; Ashton Fritz, site engineer; Tony Grimes,
project architect, Ratio Architects; Gary Murray, Sclmeider Engineering.
The applicant is seeking approval to construct a two-story medical office building located within the Carmel
Science & Technology Park at the southwest comer of Carmel Drive and Guilford Road. The site is zoned
M-3; permitted uses in the M-3 District include professional offices, therefore, no rezone is necessary.
The building has been deslgned by Ratio Architects. The building elevations were shown with various
bUllding materials to be used. The windows are masonry, aluminum frame. The building materials can be
discussed in greater detail at the CommIttee level.
The trash enclosure is complementary in design and nature to the building being proposed.
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trees, sometimes thins happen in the course of construction. If some trees next to Lenox Trace happen to be
disturbed, there should be some ratio in place whereby whatever is destroyed would be replaced with an
agreed-upon planting. Also, the parking looks like it comes really close and this should be explored. Even
though there is a traffic light at Carmel Drive and Guilford, and City Center and Guilford that should slow
traffic, when exiting this development onto Carmel Drive, particularly making a left turn, it is hopeful that
the developer will allow cars to stack in a left turn lane as opposed to those wanting to turn right to exit the
development-hopefully the width of the roadway will accormnodate. Perhaps the volume of traffic would
make it an issue that would need to be addressed. At any rate, the petitioner and Department should review
this situation.
Carol Schleif: "This is a very attractive project, thank you."
Docket No. 07020003 DP/ADLS, Carmel Orthodontics was referred to the Special Studies Committee for
further review on Tuesday, May 1, 2007 in the Caucus Rooms of City HalL
21-1. ~~~1~~otZ:~lOZ12~r02;f8:iN~r-th~Midhigan~Ro~d._ReiM~,_~J .
Tne applrcanJ seeks to rezone 8.91 acres from Tl to B2 to allow for medlUm-denslty
conunercial retail development.
The site is located at 10212-10218 North Michigan Road and is withm the US 42l/I\1ichigan
Road Overlay. Filed by Joseph Calderon of Bose McKinney & Evans LLP for Thomas
English Retail Real Estate LLC.
Paul Reis, Bose McKinney & Evans, 301 Pennsylvania Parkway appeared before the Conmlission
representing the applicant. Also in attendance: Tom English-developer.
The proposed project along Michigan Road will re-develop some existing sites. Mr. English will be
re-developing for a variety of commercial uses. The rezone from 1-1 to B-2 will bring the property in
line with the uses contemplated in the Overlay Zone as well as the Comprehensive Plan. The 1-1
zoning district actually allows for retail uses, but it also allows for a lot of other uses that are not
compatible with the re-development of the overall corridor.
The initial conceptual plan is shown in the infonnational booklets, however, the ADLS and
Development Plan will be refined when the petitioner returns following the rezone of the site.
Members of the public were invited to speak in favor of or opposition to the petition; no one
appeared and the public hearing was closed.
Department Comments, Matt Griffin: The Depaliment has no comments at this stage. The Rezone
to B-2 from 1-1 will limit the list of uses and the Department supports the rezone. The Department
recommends review by the Special Studies Committee May 1,2007.
Brian Mayo questioned why the petitioner would go through the process of changing the zoning if
the current zone already allows the proposed use.
Paul Reis responded that there are other things in the B-2 zone that could be used on the site that are
not in the 1-1 zone. The I-I zone is a pretty intensive district. The intent is that there will be more
retail possibility of a hotel; some other uses commonly found within the B-2 district versus an
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CARlYIEL, INDL....N}\. 46032
industrial district are much more intense.
Jay Donnan questioned access to/from the site - 421 - there is no rear entrance at all?
Paul Reis responded in the affirmative, there is no rear access at all.
Matt Griffin said the Department would require access easements going north or south so that in the
future, there could be an access street that mns parallel to 421 through the properties.
Susan Westermeier made formal motion to suspend the Rules of Procedure in order to bring this
item to a vote this evening, seconded by Rick Ripma, Approved 9-0.
Susan Westermeier made fomlal motion to forward Docket No. 07030001 Z, 10212-10218 North
Michigan Road Rezone to the City Council with a positive recommendation, seconded by Rick
Ripma, approved 9-0.
I. Old Business
II. Docket No. 07010009 DP/ADLS: Sunrise of Carmel
The applicant seeks to construct a 4-story, 150,802 square foot independent and
assisted living facility on 4.10 acres.
The site is located at the northeast comer of Old Meridian Street and US 31, and is
zoned B6 within the US 31 Overlay.
Filed by Mary Solada of Bingham McHale LLP for Sumise Development, Inc.
Docket No. 07020006 Zoning Waiver: Sunrise of Carmel
The applicant seeks a waiver to increase the Floor Area Ratio from 0.70 to 0.84, a
20% increase, in the construction of a 4-story continuing care facility with
underground parking.
The site is located at the northeast comer of Old Meridian Street and US 31, and is
zoned B6 within the US 31 Overlay.
Filed by Mary Solada of Bingham McHale LLP for Sunrise Development, Tnc
Mary Salada, attorney, Bingham McHale, 2700 Market Tower, Indianapolis appeared before the
Commission representing the applicant. Also in attendance: Tim Hedges, Sunrise Communities,
Tim Fennel, BeeryRio architects, and Gary Murray, Schneider Engineering.
This particular docket had public hearing in Febmary and was reviewed by the Special Studies
Committee on March 6th and March 29th. The petitioner received a favorable recommendation from
the Committee on March 29th.
The site is located at the northeast comer of US 31 and Old Meridian. The petitioner is proposing a
140-unit senior facility-78 assisted living units, and 62 independent living units. There are two,
four-story buildings with an underground parking garage.
The petitioner is seeking approval this evening for Development Plan/ADLS, and a Zoning Waiver
317 /571-2417