HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC-12-03-07-01 Ham Co. Interagency Pub Safety Bd.Sponsor: Councilors Richard L: Sharp and Ronald E. Carter RESOLUTION CC- 12- 03 -07 -01 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, APPROVING AN INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENT RESOLUTION REGARDING THE HAMILTON COUNTY INTERAGENCY PUBLIC SAFETY BOARD WHEREAS, Hamilton County, Indiana, has adopted ordinance No. 1- 23 -06 -A which creates the Hamilton County Interagency Public Safety Board; and WHEREAS, certain interlocal agreements are necessary to implement the programs of the Hamilton County Interagency Public Safety Board; and WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Interagency Public Safety Board had decided to implement a program relating to the interagency communications,and information sharing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The foregoing Recitals are incorporated herein bythis reference. Section 2. The City of Carmel Common Council approves the Agreement Among and Between the City of Noblesville, Town' Arcadia, Town of Atlanta, Town of Cicero, Town of Fishers, Town of Sheridan; Town of Westfield, Adams, Township, Clay Township, Delaware Township, Fall Creek. Township, Jackson Township, Noblesville Township, Washington Township, Wayne Township, White River Township and Hamilton County, Indiana ".attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit A. SO RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this day da of 2007, by a vote of to ayes and 0 nays. Page One of Two Pages The INFaI draft of NB document was prepared by Douglas C. Haney, Carmel Clly Attorney, an June 7, 2007. My M anges Nereatter made to this document are the sole responsibility of Ilse (tocmtent sponsor. r LMBa tafyDrcroc4Nnoletlau.CCCVeofU.vloc l HClnanr ry Panic SKUY}l ridaclrrsa'007 4.47P:4) 1 COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL; INDIANA s •.eph 7. Griffiths, Presid-r'ro Tempore J. j-- R .r Fre nald E. Ca r k.7. ase Presiding Officer Kev' ATTEST: Diana L Cordray, IAMC, Clerk- T??surer Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, .Indiana, this S day oftl-f—tra-e.k. 2007, at CI, t•t l O'clock, AA M. Diana L..Cordray, IAMC, Clerk- reasurer Approved by me; Mayor of the City -of Carmel, 2007, at 1.00 O'clock, P M. ATTES Page 2 of 2 Pages Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk -Tr urer Ordinance D- Sponsor: Councilors Richard L. Sharp and Ronald E. Carter Nor P2 Mark Ratterinann ticker W. Eric Se 1 Richard L. asp ti es Brainard, Mayor The INSS draft of Nis document was prepared by Douglas C. Haney, Carmel City Attorney, on June 7, 2007. My changes thereafter made to this document are the Se responsibEty of the document sponsor. we Earthly DOnamlaaelueon- CCO2o0:eetalcial RC lerr gmcy Poky Shay HJatdacIU s4R007 4 47 PM) 2 Interlocal Agreement Among and Between City of. Carmel, City of Noblesville Town of Arcadia, Town of Atlanta, Town of Cicero, Town of Fishers, Town of Sheridan, Town of Westfield, Adams Township, Clay Township, Delaware Township, Fall Creek Township, Jackson Township, Noblesville Township, Washington Township, Wayne Township, White River Township and Hamilton County, Indiana I. Purpose gicW Page.1 of 22 '.The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the coordination of the Hamilton County Public Safety Communications and Information Sharing Program by the Hamilton County Interagency Public Safety Board (hereinafter "Board II. Authority Authority for cooperation in the area of public safety services between the governmental entities within,Hamilton.County is provided for-in Indiana Code, specifically IC,36 -1 -7. et seq. and Hamilton County Code, Ordinance Number 1-23-06-A The Hamilton County Ihteragency Public Safety•Board has been created and is operating as per the ordinance. The enabling ordinance outlines the authority of the Board. The Board shalt have the authority to effectuate the purposes of this ordinance; such authority shall include, but not be limited to, the power to' 1. decide •policy.and procedure for governance of the Board. including, but not limitedto, adopting by -laws, providing such by -laws conform to applicable law 2• manage and control the activities necessary to effectuate the purposes of this ordinance 3: identify or. develop interagency programs that would benefit from coordination of .the 'Board', and develop policies and ,procedures for the operation of Such programs 4. create 'advisory committees related to the coordination of interagency programs 5. enter into interlocal agreements related to interagency programs of.. public. safety agencies whenever such program has been identified by the Board 6. do any other act necessary or desirable in the:cbnductof the affairs•of.the Board. subject to the limitations of local and state law 7. all information and data sharing must comply with all applicable federal and state.privacy. laws 8. the Board may not obligate funds without approval of appropriate governmental executive and fiscal bodies The Board shall have no control over internal operations of any public safety agency. III. Implementation of Agreement The implementation of this agreement is demonstrated by the signatures of the necessary executive and legislative bodies of the various governmental.entities in Hamilton County, Indiana that 'provide public safety services and wish to participate in the Hamilton. County Public Safety Data and Communications Program. IV. Activities As per the enabling ordinance, the governmental entities of Hamilton County: Indiana agree to cooperate in allowing the Hamilton County Interagency Public Safety Board implement a public safety data and communications sharing program and to develop policies and procedures for its operation. Additionally. the Board may appoint advisory 'committees related to the operation of this program. Any rules, policies.and /or procedures adopted by the Board shall be consistent with those adopted by the Technology Oversight Board of the Hoosier Port Authority or other general guidelines of the Hoosier Heritage Port Authority. The'policies and procedures adopted by the Board shall be generally applicable to all of the public safety entities in, Hamilton County. 'Additionally the policies and procedures will be developed. so as cooperate with interoperability guidelines required fo r interaction with public safety entities in other counties of central Indiana. V. Financing There is no financing or budget for this project. VI. Effective Date This,interlocal agreement is effective upon the signature of the parties and will remain in effect unless and until terminated as provide under .Article .Vlll: Page 2 of 22 VII. Amendments This interlocal agreement may be modified or amended by written agreement among the parties hereto. Vili. Termination This interlocal agreement maybe terminated .upon a vote of the majority of the parties: Any party may withdraw from the agreement upon sixty (60) days notice to the other parties. Page of 22 ,Approved and adopted on this day of 2007. ATTEST; Linda Williams Adams Township Board Joe Bilby Page 4 of 22 Sharon Wilson Mark Raines Approved and adopted on this day of ATTEST: Betty Shields Arcadia Town Board Page .5 of 22 "William Cook Glenn Shrock Maurice St. Louis 2007. Approved and adopted on this ATTEST: Robyn Emmert _day of Atiaiita Town Board Abe Evans ans John Larry Page 6 of 22 2007. Board of Public Works and Safety: Mir `Runt Mayor James ainard Mary ATTEST: on, Member Diana L. Cordray, Clerk Treal!irer _Approved and adopted on this cQ da of Y ,.2007. ATTEST; Diana L. Cordray City of Carmel Common Council Eric Seidenstick t% 0-77 .Peas Mark Ratterman Page 8 of 22 on Carter Approved and adopted on this day of 2007. Cicero To Board ATTEST: Jan .Unger Brett Foster Jerry Cook Carl Harvey Wilma Ross Sylvia Kay Hartley Page 9 of 22 Approved and adopted on this ATTEST: 'Judy Hagan day of Clay Township Board Paul Bin James Mary E az d Page 10 of22. 2007. Approved and adopted on this day of 2007. A1-1BST• Debbie Driskell Delaware Township Board Roxanne Kehl Ron Kincaid Ed Pierce Page 11 of 22 Approved and adopted on this ATTEST: Marion Hensley day of Fall Creek Township Board Mike Reuter Victor Wenning Page 12 of 22 John Zerbo 2007. Approved and adopted on this day of ,.2007: ATTEST: Linda Gaye Cordell Fishers Town Board Scott Faultless Eileen N. Pritchard Stuart F. Easley Daniel E. nenke Charles P. White David C. George.. Arthur' J. Levine Page 13 of 22 Approved and adopted on this day of Y 2007. Al 1 Duane Hiatt Jackson.Township Board Marie.Back _Page 14 of 22. William Conde': Barbara Inman Approved and adopted on this day of ,2007. Al 1EST: Janet Jaros City of Noblesville Board of Public Woiks. and Safety John Ditslear Lawrence Stork Jack Martin Page 15 of 22 Approved and adopted-on this day of 2007. ATTEST: Janet Jaros City of Noblesville Common Council Brian Ayer Mary Sue Rowland Terry Busby Alan Hinds Dale Snelling Kathie Stretch Laurie Jackson Page 16 of22 Approved and adopted on this ATTEST: Billie Caldwell day of Noblesville Township Board James Cox Jeff Reveal Becki Wise Page 17 of 22 2007. Approved and adopted on this ATTEST: Connie Pearson day of 2007. Sheridan Town Board John Snethen Thomas Burtron Michael Harwood Page 18 of 22 Approved and adopted on this day of 2007, Al1 David Gill Washington Township Board Page 19 of 22 Jim Carey Jim Peyton Carl Steele Approved and adopted on this day of 2007, ATTEST: Ralph Mussellman Wayne Township Board Page 20 of 22 Oscar Halle, Jr. Jerry McDonald Diane Nevitt Appr oved and adopted on this d o f ,,20fl7 ATTEST: Phyllis Jacobs White-River Townsiiip 'Boarci. Charles Burkhardt, :Donna Gentry SteveMoshaugh Page 21 of '22 Approved and adopted on this ATTEST: Cindy Gossar day of r Robert L. Horkay Weitfield To Ron Thomas Page 22of22