HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 10-01-07 #2 City Council MEMORANDUM TO: Carmel City Council FROM: Adrienne Keeling .AV- Department of Community Services SUBJECT: Item forwarded by tbePlan Commission for action by the City Council DATE: September 21, 2007 Please find information on the following item forwarded by the Plan Commission attached. This item will appear on your October 1 st agenda. Forwarded with favorable recommendation: Ordinance Z-511-07 (Docket No. 07020020 OA): US 31 & 421 Overlay Architectural Design Amendment Petition to Amend the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 23B: US Highway 31Corridor Overlay Zone and Chapter 23C US Highway 421 - Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone, in order to amend the Architectural Design Requirements. Filed by the Carmel Department of Community Services. Please find enclosed the Plan Commission-certified ordinance to amend the Zoning Regulations. The proposed amendments strengthen the architectural design requirements along both Meridian Street and Michigan Road. To summarize, the amendments propose the following: US Hil!hwav 31 Corridor Overlav Zone 1. Delete reference to the Golden Section (determines building scale and proportion). 2. Require exterior comer~ to be offset by at least 8 feet. 3. Strengthen the roof design requirements to better integrate parapets and penthouses and to eliminate box-shaped buildings. 4. Specify commercial fence standards. US Hilrhwav 421 - Michi2anRoad Corridor Overlav Zone 1. Delete reference to the Golden Section (determines building scale and proportion). 2. Require red brick or stone as the primary material, with up to iO% of other selected materials as trim details. 3. Further specify building height requirements. 4. SpecifY commercial fence standards. The information on this item has been arranged in the following format: 1. Copy of PC Certification 2. Copy ofthe Ordinance Proposal (Z-511-07) 2007-0921; Z-51 1-07; Council Report CERTIFICATION OF TIlE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION ON THE PETITION OF TH,E CITY OF CARMEL TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO INDIANA CODE 36-7-4-605 ORDINANCE Z-511-07 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 23B;, US Highway 31 Corridor Overlay and Cbapter23C: US Highway 421 - Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone of the Zoning Ordinance. To: The Honorable Common Council Of the City of Carmel Hamilton County, Indiana Dear Members: The Carmel Advisory Plan Conunission offers you the following report on the application to the Commission (Docket No. 07020020 OA) to Amend Chapter 23B: US Highway 31 Corridor Overlay and Chapter 23C: US Highway 421 - Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to amend the architectural design requirements. The Carmel Advisory Plan Commission's recommendation on the petition is FAVORABLE. At its regular meeting on September 18, 2007 the Commission voted eight (8) in Favor, ze.ro (0) Opposed. zero, (0) Abstaining, to forward to the O;>rnmon Council the proposed Ordinance Z-511-07 with a Favorable Recommendation. Please be advised that by virtue of the Commis,sion's Favorable Recommendation, pursuant to Ie 36-7-4- 607(e)(3), the Council has ninety (90) days to act on this petition before it becomes effective as Certified by the Conunission. Ninety days from the date of the original Certification (September 20, 2007) is Tuesday, December 19, 2007. BY: \ Le.o Dierckman, Pres.ident R mona Hancock, Secretary Carmel Advisory Plan Commission Dated: September 20, 2007 Received SEP.~ Carmel Cler!.-. rrel1.mrer 2007-0919; Z-511-07; US 31 &421 Architectural Design Amend PC Certificati n Sponsor: Councilor Seidenstickcr 2 3 ORDINANCE Z-511-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 ]3 An Ordinance Amending the Architectural Design Requirements of the US 31 Corridor and Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zones in the Cannel Zoning Ordinance WHEREAS, pursuant to the Advisory Planning Law of the State of Indiana (contained in IC 36-7-4), each unit of local government that wishes to adopt land use and zoning ordinances must first approve by resolution a comprehensive plan for the geographic area over which it has jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the 2020 Vision Comprehensive Plan (the "Comprehensive Plan") Docket No. 16-96 CP was given a favorable recommendation by the Carmel/Clay Advisory Plan Commission on August 20, 1996, and duly approved by Resolution No. CC-09-03-96-03 of the Common Council on September 24, 1996, and is therefore the official Comprehensive Plan of the City of Carmel and Clay Township; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to maintain an orderly, consistent and streamlined Zoning Ordi nance; and \VHEREAS, pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4-602 the Common Council is authorized to amend the text of the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4-6] 0 and City of Carmel Ordinance No. D- 1600-02, the Carmel Zoning and Subdivision Control Ordinances are incorporated by reference into the Carmel City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, that, pursuant to IC 36-7-4-600 et seq. and after Docket No. 07020020 OA having received a favorable recommendation from the Carmel Advisory Plan Commission on Tuesday, September 18, 2007, it hereby adopts this Ordinance to amend the Carmel Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. Z-289, as amended), as amended, to read as follows: Section I: 14 15 16 17 18 ISl 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :n 34 ZO CHAPTER 23B: U.S. HIGHWAY 31 CORRIDOR OVERLAY ZONE a. Amend Section 23B.09: Architectural Design Requirements to read: 35 23B.09 Architectural Desi\!n Requirements. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 In reviewing tht: architectural dt:sign of huilding(s) proposed to be built in tht: U.S. Highway 31 Overlay Zone, factors to be considered by the Commission shall include but noL bt: limited to the following: A. Context: All buildings shall be designed with respect to the general character of the U.S. 31 Corridor and. particularly, with due consideration to buildings located on lots that abut the project site. B. ~ea)e ElFIE! :o:orti6n: /.11 BuilE!ing fa~aE!es, iRcludin;; l'113ers, '.viRdow5, eeluffin spaein;;, and igRage sa 1 e l'1esigRe6 \:Ising t-ke Gelden SeetieR, represeRteEll:ly tJ:Ie ratia ): I.~ ar 1.6: I. 0912112007 Ordinallcc Z-511-07 I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (} 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 IR 19 20 21 22 13 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 11 32 33 34 35 36 37 b. 38 39 23B.16 40 41 42 43 44 45 09/21/2007 G~. Materials: A minimum of three materials shall be used for huilding exteriors, from the following list: stone, brick, architectural pre-cast (panels or detailing). ElfeRiteetl:lfEll metal f}ElRels, glass, ornamental metal. Large expanses of glass an: allowed. up to seventy percent (70%) of the fac;ade area. The building may not be constructed entirely of a metal and glass curtain wall. Concrde block is not allowed as an exterior finish material. ~. Footorint: All buildings shall he designed with a minimum of eight external corners, in order to eliminate hox buildings. Each external corner shall he offset bva minimum of eillht (8) feel. I;~. Roof: Modulation of the roof and/or roof line will be reauired in order to eliminate box-shaoed buildinlls Paranets must be fully intellrated into the architectural desilln of the huildin!l and nrovide seamless desilln transitions, includin!l exterior materials hetween the main buildinll mass. mechanical nenthouses and other roof structures. Should they be used. oartial oaraoets shall have a return that extends inward to at least the first structural hay. or twentv-five (25) feet. whichever is {!Teater. BHilaiRg ~eRthouses mu.st Be iRee~eratea iRts ~e lmilding fa~ade E1esigR, iRsll:lding exterior materials speeifieatdsns. P. Sloped roofs shall not exceed one hundred ( 100) feet without a change in roof plane, or gable or donner. Sloped roofs shall be either standing seam metal or dimensional shingles. G~. Exhihits: The following architectural exhibits shall be provided to the Commission in addition to normal submission requirement or any DP or ADLS application. as reauired by Chanter ~: (I) A Site Plan showing the proposed building in the eeR~ext of adjeiningand nei!!hborinlZ huildings. including buildings across U.S. 31. (2) Perspective computer-enhanced color renderings showing the proposed building, signage. parking areas (shown loaded) and any displays within the context of the actual existing site conditions. including how it will look from any adjoining residential areas, as well rrom as three locations, whose distance is no less than three hundred (300) linear feet away nor more than one thousand (] 000) linear feet away (from the property I ine), along U.S.31: (a) U.S. 31 Southbound lane (h) Immediately across the highway, from approximately first floor level (c) U.S. 31 Northbound lane (3) Colden Seetion aRalysis, J9rsyiding building elevatieRs ';;hiea denne hov; the flrspaseel b\;liIeling has BeeR aesigRed l:Itilizing the preper ratia. Hf. Waivers: The applicant may request a Plan Commission Waiver to the dimensional and quantitative standards of this Section 238.09 by not greater than thirty-five percent (359'0). consistent with requirements set forth in Section 23B.02(G). Amend Section 23B.16: Other Requirements to read: Other Requirements. 23B.16.01 Outside Storage of Refuse: Unendosed storage of reruse (whether or not in containers) or display of merchandise shall not be permitted on any project. All refuse shall be contained completely within the Principal Building or Accessory Building. Any Accessory Building for refuse storage shall he: A. Designed to include a roof structure; and, B. Architecturally compatible with lhe Principal Building. Ordi nance Z-S 11-07 2 23B.16.02 Loading and Unloading Areas: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Loading and Unloading Berths or Bays shall be designed as specified in the underlying primary zoning districl(s), except that any Loading and Unloading Berth or Bay shall not be oriented to U.S. Highway;' I. Loading and Unloading Berths or Bays oriented toward any other public right- of-way, shall be landscaped/screened using masonry wall(s). plant material, or a comhination thereof, subject to Commission approval. 23B.16.03 Additions to Existing Residential: Uses and Detached Buildings accessory to single-family dwelling units are permitted provided that the use and/or structure meets the requirements of the underlying primary 7.Oning district. Additionally. any detached structure: 12 13 14 A. B. Must be of compatible architectural design with the Principal Bui Iding: Must he set back a minimum of thirty nO) fed from the right-of-way line nearest to and running most parallel with U.S. Highway 31; and be accompanied by the minimum applicable perimeter buffer per Section 26.04: Perimeter Buffering. Waivers: 15 c. 16 17 IR 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 The applicant may n:quest a Plan Commission Waiver to the dimensional and quantitative standards of this Section 23B./6.03, by not greater than thirty-five percent (:l50!r:), <.:onsistent with requirements set forth in SecriOfl 23B.02(C). 2",B.16.04 :~~:~;r Fences Perimeter Fences shall he ocrmitted for nrivacv. buffering and screenin~ _-_--~s and shall he identified on the DP. When used Derimeter fences shall be c:a~~tr~~~d ~: ~ood and masonry materials. he solid as viewed from any angle and shall be at I _ e~o t fi t J~') i~ height. Primarilv cedar fences are oermitted' however. twenty-four inch (24") ;;d~ red hrick or stone columns shall he incomorated into the fence design at least every ~w~;::-if~fe~ i~6'). Alternativelv. metal fencin!! with landscaoin!! is oermitted ,uch that 100% lan __a_~_~ s r __~ i~ achieved within three ('2,) vears. All fences shall he nrooerlv maintained and reoaired as necessary. 27 28 ZO CHAPTER 23C: US HIGHWAY 421 - MICHIGAN ROAD CORRIDOR OVERLA Y c. Amend Section 23C.09: Architectural Design Requirements to read: 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 23C.09 Architectural Desit!I1 Requirements. In reviewing the architectural design of building(s) proposed to be built in the Overlay Zone. factors to he considered by the Commission shall include but are notlimiled to the rollowing: A. Design Theme: Buildings shall be designed with an overall Corridor Architectural Theme consistenL with or complementary to the Federal, Georgian, Italianate, or Greek Revival Periods. New buildings are not required to be imitative, but must incorporate the salient features of these architectural styles. Pre-existing buildings on adjoining tracts shall not be a factor in the design of new buildi ngs unless they arc consistent with the architectural objectives of the Overlay Zone. Buildin~ Pro~ortion: Buildings within the Overlay Zone sRall be desigRea as a eompositisR ef related -erfll.- geverRed by the apfllieatien of the Golden SeelisR (1: I.~). BliileiRgs should generally avoid long. monotonous, uninterrupted walls or roof planes. The design and placement of building ra~ades, doors, windows, and architectural design details shall be through use of Regulating Lines. B. C. Building Height. The height or new principal buildings shall be at least onc and one-half ( I V2) stories, or be designed to appear so from lhe front and sides. Retail and of!i<.:e buildings are encouraged to be two (2) stories or more in height. with office or residential uses on the second tloor. The minimum height for all buildings shall be twenty (20) feet, either at the roolline or at the top of the parapet wall. The maximum heicrht shall be thirty feet no'): however an additional 09/~ , n007 Ordin:mcc z. 51 J -07 l I 2 3 4 5 6 D. 7 g 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 E. 21 22 n 24 ')- _J 26 27 28 29 30 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4] 42 43 44 F. 45 46 47 48 49 09/2112007 eight feet (R') shall be oermiued to accommodate mechanical nenthou~e~ or other inner roof ~. Building heights for orooosed buildin!!s that are visihle from residential uses shall be no more than one and one-half (llf.z) stories or 20' on the facade nearest the residential use. hut may increase hy one additional story for everv 25' inward. or fir~1 structural hay. whichever is larger. Building Facades. Fa~ades shall have a defined hase or foundation, a middle or modulated wall, and a top formed by a pilched roof or articulated cornit:e, in each instance appropriate 10 Ihe building style. Buildings with continuous fa<;ades that are ninety (90) feet or greater in width, shall be designed with offsets (projecting or recessed) not le~s than eight (8) feel deep, and at intervals of not greater than sl xty (60) feel. Fa~ades constructed of more than one material shall only change material~ along a horizontal line. or alonll a vertical line of an architectural element (not a verf:ieal ar diagonal line). The material that aooears to be heavier ff1B:terial shall always be placed beneath the lighter material. PraHt aBi:l sidetill fa~ades of buildings leealee eH eerHer IB15 Elf flareels ~hall be of the same materials and similarly detailed. Design elements of the elevations shall he organized such that onenings line UD horizontally and vertically with other ooenin!!s. Ooeninlls in a facade shall he arranged in a halanced. relativelv uniform fashion Oneninl!s of yaryinl! sized are often centered vertically alon" the center line of the oneninl!s above or below. Roofs. Roofs shall be simply and symmetrically pitched and only in the configuration of gables and hips, with pitches ranging from 4:] 2 to 14: 12. Shed roofs are permilled only when the ridge is attaChed to an eXterior wall of a building. and shall conform to pitch between 14: 12 and 4: 12. Flat roofs are permiued when consistent with the historic style of architecture, if edged by a railing or parapet. and if rooftop mechanical equipment is either camout1aged on all sides or visually integrated into the overall design of the building. In no caSe shall rooftop mechanical equipment be visible from adjoining ~residential Zones Or uses. Modulation of the roof and/or roof line will he reauired in order to eliminate box-shaDed buildin"s. Paranets must he fullv inteQrated into the architectural desi"n of the huilding and nroyide seamless desilln transitions. includinl! exterior materials. between the main buildinll mass. mechanical nenthouses and other roof structures. Should the v be used. nartial naranets shall have a return that extends inward to at lea~t the first structural bav. or twentv-five (25) feet whichever is greater Pitched roofs shall be clad in wood shingles, slate, composition asphalt shingle or standing-seam metal panels. Asphalt shingles shall be colored to resemble gray slate; standing-seam panels may be either gray, black, dark blue, dark green or barn red. Dormers shall be designed with the correct details. proportion and style consistent with the overall building composition, and roofed with symmetrical gable, hip or barrel roofs. Belvederes, cupolas, and pergolas are permitted if appropriate to the style, well proportioned, and fully detailed. All vents, attie ventilators, turbines, flues and others roof penetrations must be painted to match the color of the roof or flat black, except those made of metal which may be left natural. Gullers and downspouts shall he appropriate to or visually integrated with the architectural style of the structure. Entrances. Building entrances shall be defined and articulated by architectural elements such as ]intels, pediments, pilasters, columns, and other design elements appropriate to the architectural style and details of the building as a whole. The location, orientation. proportion and style of doors mustlaithfully reflect the chosen style of the building. Building fac;ades for industrial and warehouse uses shall he designed with a main entrance and at least two (2) window openings associated with this doorway. Ordinance Z-'i 11-07 4 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 1\ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 J7 IR 19 G. H. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 0912112007 I. Windows. All window design shall he (;ompatible with the style, materials, color. details and proportion of the building. The numper of panes, the way it opens, the trim around it and whether it is embellished with shutters must be consistent with the architectural style of the structure. Awnin!!s. Fixed or n::traetable awnings are permitted if they <.:ornplcmenl a building's archite<.:tural style. material. colors, and details; do not conceal arc:hitectural features (such as cornices, columns. pilasters. or decorative details); do not impair fa~ade composition; and are designed as an inh::gral part of the fa~ade. Metal or aluminum awnings are prohibited. Storefronts. Storefronts shall be integrally designed with overall fa~ade character. Ground floor retail, service and restaurant uses should generally have large pane display windows, however, they shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of Ihe total ground level (lirst Hoar) far;ade area. Buildings with multiple ston:fronts shall be of unified design, through the use of common materials. architectural details. signage and lighting consistent with the overall huilding style. Drive-thm windows. Drive-thru windows shall be designed as a related. integrated architectural element and part of the overall design composition of the building. Suitabilitv of building material~. Unless otherwise approved by the Commission. huilding materials shall he consistent with and/or complementary to those which replicate Federal, Georgian, ltalianate and Greek Revival Periods of American architecture, as l'allows: J. K. I. Exposed foundation shall be constructed of one or more of the followi ng: a. Red hrick; h. Stone (limestone, granite, fieldstone, etc.): Split-face hloek or architectural pre-cast concrete, if surface looks like brick or stone. c. 2. Fa~ade walls shall he constructed af aAY c8m13iRatioR ot~ red brick or stone. The followinl! materials Olav also he aoolied a~ trim details. hut shall not exceed ten nercent (10%) of the overall non-window facade area: 3. Red bri<.:k or stone of a contrastinl! color; Smooth cut cedar shingles: Wood clapboard siding: Wood beaded siding; Stucco with smooth finish. or ~EIFS(or eqHivweRt)., Rot te exeeea twel'lty f'flr-eeRt (:!Q%) ef tli6 everall HeR ';:iAde\'.' farratle area. Warehouse facilities, including self-storage and mini-warehouse uses, shall have a high- quality fac;ade treatment on all sides visible rrElm U.S. Higkway 421 consistent with the following: a. b. c. d. e. a. Red brick fa~ades trimmed with split-faced aggregate hlock (of a color and texture resembling Indiana limestone), provided that it also includes red brick aCl'ents (such as windowsills, lintels ahove windows and doorways, huilding corners, parapet coping, etc.). Split-face aggregate block (of a color and texture resembling Indiana limestone) provided that it also incorporates red brick accents. Pre-cast concrete wall panels of a color and It:xturc resembling either red brick or Indiana limestone. provided the building design also incorporates architecturally appropriate details of eontra,ting color and material, as noted pn:viously in Subparagraphs K( I) and K(2). h. c. Ordinance Z.511-07 5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 d. 9 10 23C.14 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:\ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 J 32 ::1:\ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 09/21/2007 d. Stone or synthetic stone. orovided the buildin<.Y desi!!n also incomorates architecturally annronriate details of contrastinQ color and material. as noted oreviouslv in SUbDaraf!raDhs K( I) and K(21 L. Design in relation to topography of the site; M. Design of proposed landscaping in relation to structures; and N. Overall aesthetics of the proposed building. including color. Amend Section 23C.14: Other Requirements to read: Other ReQuirements. 23C.14.0 I Outside Storage. Outside storage areas shall be allowed as shown on the DP and shall be architecturally compatible with the principal building(s) with which they are associated. Storage an:as shall be completely screened from view and subject to Commission approval. Trash collection areas shall be enclosed and screened. nc.14.02 Loading Berths. Loading berths and trash collection areas shall be permiUed per the needs of the business establishments and shall be identified on the DP. Loading berths and overhead doors shall face to the rear of all buildings. Should a loading berth be located adjacent to or visible from a public right-of-way, or established on the side of a building through any circumstance, it shall be screened per Commission approval. nc.14.03 Emer2cncv Access. All emergency access areas and racili ties shall be shown on the Site Plan and reviewed by the Carmel Fire Chief. 23C.I.t04 Signs. A Sign Plan for the proposed development shall be submitted to the Commission for its approval as part of the ADLS application. Signs for each proposed use shall be uniform in character as to color and architectural design as approved by the Commission. Should an ADLS- approved Sign Plan be replaced with a new design. the amended Sign Plan must go before the Commission for ADLS review and approval. individual signs which conrorm to both the Sign Ordinance and to the approved Sign Plan shall not require further ADLS approval, however, such signs shall require a sign permit. 23C.14.05 Conforming Uses. A DP shall be submiued to the Commission for its approval when a legal non-conforming use is changed to a conforming use and when either: I. Any new building is to be constructed; or 2. Any existing building or site development (including addition of parking lot) is expanded by more than thirty percent (30%). 23C.14.06 Non-Conforming Uses. A DP shall be submitted to the Commission for its approval when a legal non-conforming use is altered as follows: I. A building has been more than sixty percent (60%) destroyed. 2. Any expansion of a building or site development (including addition of parking lot). Normal maintenance and repair is exempt from the DP approval requirement. 3. If property or building is vacated for more than one (]) year. 23C 1407 Perimeter Fences. Perimeter Fences shall be oermitted for nrivacv huffering and ~reening oumoses and shall be identified on the DF. When used. oerimeter fences shall be constructed of wood and masonrv materials be solid as viewed from any angle and shall he at least ei2.ht feet (8') in height. Primarilv cedar fences are oermitted: however. twentv-four inch (24") v,;de red brick or stone columns shall be incomorated into the fence desi2.n at least every twenty-six feet (26') Alternativelv. metal fenein<.Y with land,caning is nermitted such that 100% landscanin2. screen is achieved within three n) Years. All fences shall be orooerlv maintained and renaired. as necessarY. Ordinance Z-511-07 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Section II: All prior Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any provIsIOn of this Ordinance arc hereby repealed. Section III: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and signing by the Mayor. 10 Ordinance Z-511-07 PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana thjs ~ day of ,2007, by a vote of ayes and nays. II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 01' CARMEL Presiding Officer Kevin Kirby Joseph C. Griffiths, President Pro Tempore Mark Rattermann Ronald E. Carter W. Eric Seidensticker Fredrick J. Glaser Richard L. Sharp ATTEST: Diana L. Cordray, lAMC, Clerk-Treasurer 09/2112007 Ordinance Z-511-07 7 I Ordinance. Z-511-07 Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana this 2 _dayof ,2007, at .M. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer ]0 day of II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 .M. Ordinance Z-511-07 Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this _ ,2007, at ATTEST: Diana L. Cordray, lAMe, Clerk-Treasurer Prepared by: John R. Molitor Carmel Plan Commission Attorney One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 09121/2007 Ordinance Z-511-07 8 James Brainard, Mayor