HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence - TAC Conn. Angelina V From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Duncan, Gary R Thursday, August 02,20078:08 AM 'charlie@nf-Iaw.com' Conn, Angelina V; Foley, Amanda J; Hill, Dick B; McBride, Mike T; Redden, Nick 96th Street Crossing PUD Mr. Frankenberger, Thank you for your submission for the June TAC meeting. Per the letter dated June 22, 2007, Engineering has no issues with the rezone. Even though the area. is currently out of the jurisdiction of the Department of Engineering, we requested a draft of the PUD ordinance be provided for review and comment when it is developed. While the Department understands that the projects was tabled or withdrawn from the TAC, if Nelson and Frankenberger continues to be retained by the petitioner as legal counsel, the Department requests a pre-submittal meeting prior to the next application should the petitioner decide to move forward with re-zoning and developing the property. At the meeting, the Department would like to review the following items: 1. Proposed Access points to the development from the perimeter streets. 2. The need for auxiliary lanes and passing blisters or provision for left turns for any proposed commercial drive cuts, 3. Auxiliary lanes, passing blisters or provision for left turns and design and construction standards for any proposed public streets. 4. Any existing commitments or agreements related to the right-of-way acquisition associated with the recent 96th Street and Springmill Road project. 5. Possible improvements to 96th Street and Springmill Road including widening of the side of the roadway controlled by the petitioner and milling and resurfacing of the full width of the existing pavement across the frontage, beyond the limits of the recent road project. 6. Provide a formal request for a traffic study. 7. Compliance with the Alternative Transportation Plan. 8. Compliance with the 20-Year Thoroughfare Plan to include: a. Dedication of Right-of-Way to satisfy the widths stipulated in the Thoroughfare Plan for the 96th Street and Springmill Road frontages. b, Construction of those improvements prescribed by the Thoroughfare Plan (or commitments equal to the value to construct the improvements) along all frontages. 9. Any utility relocation required for this project in the existing or proposed right-of- way shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner. 10. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments as more detailed development plans are submitted. Thanks so much, Gary Gary R Duncan Jr., P.E. Assistant City Engineer City of Carmel Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 (317) 571-2441 (317) 571-2439 (fax) gduncan@carmel.in.gov 1 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT CARMEL T.A.C. AGENDA Date: June 20, 2007 From: David Lucas - HCHD 9:00 a.m. Docket No. 07040024 SP: Westmont, Section 1. This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction. 9:15 a.m. Docket No. 07050005 SU: Pet Angel Memorial Center Crematorium. This project is located outside HCHO jurisdiction. 9:25 a.m. Docket No. 07050012 DP/ADLS: House Investments Office. This project is located outside HCHO jurisdiction. 9:35 a.m. Docket No. 07050012 PP: Forestal Estates Minor Subdivision. This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction. Docket No. 07050019 SW: Access to Collector Roads. This project is located outside HCHO juris'diction. Docket No. 07050014 SP: Forestal Estates Minor Subdivision. This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction. 9:50 a.m. Docket No. 07050016 Z: 116th Street Crossing PUD This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction. 10:05 a.m. Docket No. 07050017 Z: 96th Street Crossing PUD. This department does not have any objections to the rezone. We will proceed with plan review until a decision is reached in the pending annexation. Comments letter attached. 10:20 a.m. Docket No. 07060003 T AC: Opus Landmark at Meridian-Generator. This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction. 10:30 a.m. Docket No. 07060004 TAC: Midwest ISO-701 Building. This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction. Docket No. 07060005 TAC: Midwest ISO-720 Building. This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction. 10:40 a.m. Docket No. 07060006 TAC: Village of West Clay. This project ,is located outside HCHD jurisdiction. G\USERS\del\TAC\Carmel TAClJune 2007 1700 South 10'h Street Noblesville, In. 46060 www.co.hamiltonoin.us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 Date: Place: Time: 9:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:25 a.m. 9:35 a.m. 9:45 a.m. CARMEL TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA REVISED July 18, 2007 Depal.tment of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor. Carmel City Hall 9:00 AlVi TABLED: Docket No. 07050017 z: 96th Street Crossing PUD The applicant :;eeks approval to reZORe 16.99 ncre::; from S 2/Rosidence to PUO/Planncd Ur:it Dcvelopme,nt [araR office/retail/kotol do"clopmellt. The ~;itc is located l1t tho RorthwestcorRcr of 96*' St.and SpriFlg Mill Rd. Filed Charlie Frankenberger of Nolson& Fmnkonber;or for Jennifer Burk of Duke R0alt)' Umitcd Partnership. Docket No. 07070003 Z: 146th & Gray Rezone (J46th St Office Complex) The applicant seeks approval to rezone 11.6 acres from S-l/Residence to B-1/Business for an office development. The site is located at the southeast comer of I 461h St. and Gray Rd. Filed by Kel1i Lawrence of l-learthview Residential, LLC. - Not within the Disttict's sewer service area. Docket No. 07070004 PP: 146th St Office Complex The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 5 lots on ] 1.6 acres. The site is located at the southeast corner of 146th St. and Gray Rd. and is zoned S- lIResidence, pending a B-1 IBusiness rezone. Filed by Kell i Lawrence of Hearth view Residential, LLC. -Not within the District's sewer service area. Docket No. 07070005 DP/ADLS: Old Meridian Professional Village The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 7 buildings on 6.25 acres. The site is located at 12346 Old Meridian S1. and is zoned OMIO - Old Meridian District, Office. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose McKinney & Evans for AL T A Business Communities, LLC. - Not within the District's sewer service area. Docket No. 07070006 DP/ADLS: Weston Park, Blocl\ A (L A Fitness) The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 3 buildings on 10.14 acres. The site is located southwest of 106LII S1. and Michigan Rd. andis zoned I-IIIndustrial within the US 421 Overlay. Filed by John Turck of L A Fitness Intell1ational, LLC. _ Currently under review, please provide sewer application to finish review. Applications can be found at www.ctrwd.org. Docket No. 07070007 DP Amend/ADLS: Weston Poi'nte.. Outlot 3 The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a multi-tenant retail building. The site is located at 11145 N Michigan Rd. and is zoned B-2/Business within the US 421 Overlay. Filed by Darci Pellom of Civil Designs, LLP. _ Currently under review, please provide sewer application to finish review. Applications can be found at www.ctrwd.org. Page 1 of 2 Page 1 0 f 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Wood, Mark A. [Mark.Wood@SUG.com] Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 1 :45 PM To: Conn, Angelina V Subject: RE: July 18 T AC agenda Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company has no conflicts with the items listed on this agenda. Thanks -----Original Message---h From: Conn, Angelina V [mailto:Aconn@carmel.in.gov] Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 1:11 PM To: Akers, William P; Blanchard, Jim E; Boone, Rachel M.; Brewer, Scott I; Brook Gajownik; Carter, Ronald E; Chuck Shupperd; Dale Sparks; David Lucas; Malone, David G,; DeVore, Laura B; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; Duffy, John M; Duncan, Gary R; Fogarty, Michael D; Foley, Amanda J; Foster, Jim P; Greg Hayes; Greg llko; Hancock, Ramona B; Hill, Dick B; Hohlt, William G; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Holmes, Christine B; Hoyt, Gary A; Jason Kirkman; Jason LeMaster; Jennifer Bruner; Jennifer Marlett; Joel Thurman; Keeling, Adrienne M; Klingensmith, David W; Krueskamp, Theresa A; Larry Castetter; Lillard, Sarah N; Littlejohn, David W; Marilyn Anderson; Wood, Mark A.; McBride, Mike T; Pace, Paul V; Redden, Nick; Richard Heck; Ron Farrand; Ron Morris; Ryan Hartman; Schmiesing, Rebecca; Shirley Hunter; Snyder, M Todd; Stewart, Lisa M; Tingley, Connie 5; Westermeier, Mark Cc: Charlie Frankenberger; Kelli Lawrence; jthomas@hearthview.com; Reis, Paul; John Turek; dpellom@civil- designs.com; dolmstead@stoeppelwerth.com; Dave Coots; Sawbuilder@aol.com; justinmoffett@aol.com Subject: July 18 TAC agenda Good morning, Please see attached agenda for the July 18 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Let me know if you did not receive plans for an item. {Petitioners, please distribute necessary plans to all TAC members (list attached) if you have not already done so.) If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me. Thanks, Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Dept. of Community Services - Planning & Zoning 1 Civic Square, 3rd Floor City of Carmel, IN 46032 p.317-571-2417 f,317-571-2426 aconn@carmel.in.gov Private and confidential as detailed here. If you cannot access hyperlink, please e-mail sender. 7/6/2007 EL ~ lifCEIVfD JU/IJ 2 f 2007 DOCS June 22. 2007 Mr. CharlesD. Frankenberger Nelson and Frankenberger, PC 3105 East 8S111 Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 RE: ~ Stll'1let CrosslDg PlJD..proJed Review #1 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR Dear Mr. Frankenberger: The City bas received your existing conditiDDS aerial photo and diagram delineating two separate areas and the acreage of each area. These items were submitted with the rezone request presented at the lune 20, 2007 T AC meeting. The Department of Engineering bas Do.commcnts regarding the rezone, but the Department of Engineering Jequests the opportunity to review and comment on the PUD ordinance, Ihe ADLS plan, end the construction plans as each is developed. If you have questions, please CODtaC:t me at 571-2441. Sincerely, NicbQWl.~P.;) ~ Plan Review Coordinator Department of Engineering cc: Angie ConD. Department of Community Services lohn Duffy, Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Oumel Utilities Paul Arnone, Carmel Utilities Greg.Hoyes, Hamilton Calmty Surveyor's Office Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers, PC Department ReviewlFile Copy \\Apps2'iusc:r daIa\eng\sban:d\DHiJI\PROJREV07\1161HSTREETCROSSlNGPUD# I.doc DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.57L2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering@carmeLin.gov 05/13/2007 12:07 317775'3528 HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR PAGE Ell/01 June 13, 2007 :1<elltOll C. 'Ward, (:(-JYf SIIrl!eyor of :Hami{toTT COUl1tp <pliorJc (.F7.J 776-$1;'35 'Fax (F7) i(6"'96.!$ SIIitc 1 tt. Om: ':Hamilton C"II/lly SqlJar~ JVllblr.,1L~{(e, Indiana 46ot~O-,H30 Simmons Architects, LLC A TTN: Carla Cartwright 305 East New York Street Indianapolis. IN 46204 VIA FACSIMILE: 656~3S01 RE: Midwest ISO Dear Mrs. Cartwright: We have reviewed the ADLS Amendments submjtted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on June 6, 2007 for this project and have the following comments: 1. This project falls within the incorporated area and MS4 jurisdiction of'the City of Cannel. 2. This proposed project falls in the W.R. Fertig Regulated Drain Watershed. 3. This proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Area. 4. Hamilton County Surveyor's Offic~ ha.s no comments or concerns with these ADLS amendments. 5. Please note the additional comments may be warranted at a later date. Should you ha.ve any questions, I can be reached at317.776-8495. Sincerely, ~~ Greg Hoyes, AC, eFM Plan Reviewer cc: Christine Barton-Holmes - Carmel DOeD Dick Hill - Cannel Engineering, Amanda Foley - Cannel Engineering Greg nko - Crossroad Engineers Page 1 of] Conn, Angelina V From: Wood, Mark A. [Mark.wood@SUG.com] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 8: 12 AM To: Conn, Angelina V Cc: Malone, David G. Subject: RE: June 20 T AC agenda Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company has no conflicts with the items listed on this monH,'s agenda. Thank You -----Origi na I Message---n From: Conn, Angelina V [mailto:Aconn@carmel.in.gov] Sent: Friday, June OB{ 2007 11:54 AM To: Akers, William P; Blanchard, Jim E; Boone, Rachel M.; Brewer, Scott I; Brook Gajownik; Carter, Ronald E; Chuck Shupperd; Dale Sparks; David Lucas; Malone, David G.; DeVore, Laura B; Donahue- Wold, Alexia K; Duffy, John M; Duncan, Gary R; Fogarty, Michael D; Foley, Amanda J; Foster{ Jim P; Greg Hoyes; Greg llko; Hancock, Ramona B; Hill, Dick B; Hohlt, William G; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Holmes, Christine B; Hoyt, Gary A; Jason Kirkman; Jason LeMaster; JenniFer Bruner; Jennifer Marlett; Joel Thurman; Keeiing, Adrienne M; Klingensmith, David W; Krueskamp{ Theresa A; Larry Castetter; Lillard, Sarah N; Littlejohn, David W; Marilyn Anderson; Wood, Mark A.; McBride, Mike T; Pace, Paul V; Redden, Nick; Richard Heck; Ron Farrand; Ron Morris; Ryan Hartman; Schmiesing, Rebecca; Shirley Hunter; Snyder, M Todd; Stewart, Lisa M; Tingley, Connie S; Westermeier, Mark Cc: Steve Broermann; coleen_ellis@petangelmemorialcenter.com; Mike HoFf; staceyf@deboyland.com; miked@deboyland.com; Jennifer.Burk@Dukerealty.com; Laystrom, Chris; Fred Simmons; Brandon Burke; Keeling, Adt'ienne M; Richard Heck (E-mail) Subject: June 20 TAC agenda Good morning, Please see attached agenda for the June 20 Technical Advisory Committee meeting Let me know if you did not receive plans for an item (Petitioners. please distribute necessary plans to all TAC members (list attached) if you have not already done so.) If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me. Thanks, Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Dept. of CornrTIUllity SCI.vices - Planning & Zoning 1 Civic Square. 3rd Floor City of Carmel, IN 46032 p.317-571-2417 f.317-571"-2426 acorln@canncl.in.gov The information in this e-mail, and any files transmitted with it, is intended for the exclusive LIse of the recipient(s) to which it is addressed and may contain conl~dential, proprietary or privileged information. [fyou are not an intended recipient, you have received this transmission in error and any use, review, di ssem ination, distribution, printi ng or copying of this informati on is strictly prohibi ted. If YOll have received this e-mail inerror.pl.ease notify the sender immediately ofthe erroneous transmission by reply e~mail, immediately delete this e-mail and all electronic copies of it from your system and destroy any hard copies of it that you may have made. Thank you. 6/1.1/2007 .' ",- City of Carmel June 11,2007 r-C. eS~ Mr. Ch " "'. 'enberger Nelson' ankenberger 3105 East 98th St. ste 170 fudianapotis, IN 46280 RE: 96th Street Crossin~ PUD Dear Mr. Frankenberger, The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative transportation. I have reviewed the drawings submitted for the June 20, 2007 Technical Advisory Committee meeting and offer the following comments: ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORT A TION REVIEW COMMENTS 1) Please include language in your PUD ordinance regarding sidewalk and sidepath requirements for all uses in the development. This language should include a minimum of 5' sidewalk throughout the site, and 10' asphalt paths along all perimeter streets. 2) Please include language in your POO ordinance regarding bicycle parking requirements for the development. Please see the City of Carmel's Parking Ordinance for reference. 3) Please consider including a section in your POO pertaining to long tenn covered bicycle parking and shower and locker room facilities within buildings in the development. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay of the review process. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings. Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 l The Department of Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If youhave questions, please contact me at 571-2417. Sincerely, 9/~ David Littlejolm Transportation Systems Coordinator Department of Community Services cc: Angie Conn, Department of Community Services Engineering Department Review Project File Page 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARlYlEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 .,. City of Carmel Via email: knmfer.Burk@Dukerealty.com Original by mail June 10,2007 Jennifer Burk Duke Realty 600 East 96th Street, Suite 100 indianapolis, IN 46240 RE: 961h Street Crossing pun (#07050017 Z) - Review Letter #2 Dear Ms. Burk: ThIS additional letter is in response to your Rezone Application for 96th Street Crossing pun after further review from Staff. Members at the TAC Meeting will make additional comments on June 20. Please address the following additional connnents from Staff: PUD Text 1. Chapter 2.2.B - will the hotel use be full service? If so, please specify. 2. Chapter 2.2.B - what will be the nature of the attached dwelling: flats? Tow'll homes? Please specify. 3. Chapter 2.B.B.3 -please clarify the filness center hours of operation and ifit is accessible to the public. 4. Chapter 3.2 - 6 stones and 92 feet do not quite match up. Please correct the ratio. 5. Chapter 3.4 - is it ten or (14)? Both are printed. 6. Chapter 3.3 - add the phrase "same or complimentary materials" to primary structures, screened, etc. 7. Chapter 3.6 - Please add to the last sentence of the paragraph... shall be constructed within 266.5 feet [or West Section Line- abutting residential].. . 8. Chapter 3.6 - add some text about providing pedestrian paths that connect bUIldings to parking areas. 9. Chapter 4.1 - Amend the intent to also apply to all access01J1 structures also, not just offices and a hotel. 10. Chapter 4.2 - amend text to use EIFSabove the first floor only or use only for trim on first floor. 11. Chapter 4.3 suggestion: incorporate some elements of Green Design in the building design requirements. 12. Chapter 4.3 - make sure the exhibits building elevations reflect the 8 external comer requirement. 13. Chapter 4.5 - Add "H V AC shall he fully screened. Allparapets shall be fully extended. " 14. Chapter 4.6 - add the phrase "and materials" to the sentence, after the word architectural features. 15. Chapter 5.5 - consider amending text to read approximately 1 tree per 13 parking spaces (fur adequate shading). 16. Chapter 6.3 - please amend the spelling of the word Institute. 17. Chapter 8.1 - the number of uppcr levcl signs may be excessive. Please refer to the Carmel Sign ordinance as a guide (chapter 25.07 of the zonmg ordinance). 18. Chapters 8.1 & 8.2 = add color requirements. And possibly add the requirement of day/night plex (color by day and white at night). 19. Chapters 9.2- remove the word "unobstructed". 20. Chapter 9.3- please add the pmase "and will be fully screened" to thee end of the last sentence. 21. Chapter 9.3 - possibly provide for recycling on site, and incorporate this in to the PUD text. 22. Chapterl 0.2.B - the CDP is too conceptual with no building/parking layout, etc. Please provide Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE C\RMEL, IND1J\NA 46032 317/571-2417 something with a little more certainty. If you have any questions or if I may be of assistance, please feel free to call or email me at aconn@carmel.in.gov. Sincerely, kC- Angelina Conn Planning Administrator File: 07050017 Z-96thStCrossingPUD-2.doc CC: File Charlie Frankenberger (ChaTlie@nf-lawcom) Page 2 ONE ClVlC SQUARE Cil.R1\1EL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 NELSON & FRANKENBERGER " A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW ~ :.... ,- i.!"' ~,. .', JAMES 1. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENRERGER JAMES E. SHINA VER LAWRENCE.I. KEMPER JOHN B. FLA IT 3105 EAST 98TH STREET, SUITE 170 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 PHONE: 317-844-0106 FACSIMILE: 317-846-8782 www.nf-Iaw.com FREDRIC vA WRENCE DA VIO.l. LICHTENBERGER JESSICA S. OWENS Of Counsel .lANE B. MERRlLL June 4, 2007 RE: 96th Street Crossing PUD Docket No.: 07050017 Z Dear Member of the Technical Advisory Committee, Duke Realty has filed a request to change the zoning of approximately 15 acres located south of and adjacent to 1-465, west of and adjacent to Springmill Road and north of and adjacent to 96th Street. An aerial photograph, outlining the perimeter of the 15 acres is enclosed, along with a concept plan, allocating the real estate into Area A and Area B. The 96th Street Crossing PUD Ordinance will permit the development of offices and a hotel on the real estate. Offices are permitted in both Area A and Area B and a hotel is permitted in Area B, only. We look forward to presenting this matter to you during the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee occurring on June 20, 2007. In the interim, should you have any questions or comments, plea<;e do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, PC C? . L./o__ Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/kat Enclosure H:\Becky\Zoning & Real Eslate Mallers\Duke\96th Street\TAC ItLdoc 96th Street Crossing Road Construction 2006 2006 Paving Projects Roads Interstate US Highway State Road Major Roads Minor Roads Subdivision Roads New Subdivision Roads Private Road or Drive [---l Parcels: April 2006 IS! Color Ortho Photo 2006 I Zoning DD SCALE 1 : 4,814 N ~'"'" 200 0 200 400 FEET I 600 A http://gis.carmel.in.gov/map/carmel.mwf Wednesday, November 22,200612:45 PM EXHIBIT 2 - CONCEPT PLAN SCAlE: NOT TO SCALE 06/01/2007 Interstate 465 i I - j I I t , r----~~- ~ - I 1-0 10 10 let:: I I :-= ::2 I : [J1 Ie 1'- , L :CL lU) ! I I I I I I I 1 I i \ ~ " ,.. ."" ~.- .... 96th Street I - I -- ! c:--:- ..- "" \. -,. -- 96th Street Crossing Carmel, IN . Dlike REALn' DCJRPORATD\I IlJOEcIoI__ WO'OO ~"4I2<<1 -,- r.. ,~ , (- / \ ,{ f 1 1 ~ NORTH ~- \\~\II~'-.l.Oi' A..;>~. &~V"" !~(' @ ,:; " ~ I~l~ (0) ~~" ~ \ ,-'[~ ~ ~~0-~j/j Q/@' % "'.f,o :---::::: ,..- ~\\\\ ~/(rON cO;rlllll\ ~J//Jl/fI1. City of Carmel Via email: Jennifer.Burk@Dukerealty.com Original by mail May 31,2007 Jennifer Burk Duke Realty 600 East 96th Street, Suite 100 Jndianapolis,1N 46240 RE: 961h Street Crossing pun (#07050017 Z) - Rezone Application Dear Ms. Burk: This letter is in response to your Rezone Application for 961h Street Crossing PUD. Members at the T AC Meeting will make additional comments on June 20. Please complete the following items: Rezone Application 1. Please meet with residents of the adjacent residential neighborhoods to gather their comments/concerns. 2. Provlde the filled out and notarized affidavit of notice of public hearing page. 3. Provide the filled out and notarized Public Notice Sign Placement affidavit. 4. Provide the filled out Notice of Public Hearing page. 5. Provide a copy of the official list of adjacent properties from the Hami Iton County Auditor's Office. f\ _ J') Q/lAj C\ \0 INn.J/V, - !\ \0 ~~ L()'''c~t ~\6'{t-~ PUD Text F~ < . 6. Please label each exhibit. 7. Provide and explanation and/or photo example of attached dwellings within a hotel building. 8. If possible, parking structures should have a green screen or green walls with plantings that screen the cars and structure. Please provide photo examples of this type of parking structure. 9. In Chapter 2.3.A or in definitions #52, differentiate fast food use from restaurant use. 10. In Chapter 3SA, add 'pavement' to the statement, in addition to building and structure coverage. 11. In Chapter 4.2, specify that ElF'S is not to be used on the ground floor of building exteriors. 12. Chapter 3.5 addresses Floor Area Ratio. Also address minimum gross floor area (GF A)? 13. In the text of Chapter 5.1, include road rights of way as one of the requirements of the Landscape Plan. 14. Chapter 5.7.B.I- specify a minimum berm height. IS. Chapter 5.7 .B.I - sidewalks shall extend the entire length of the road frontages, not just 500 feet. 16. Chapter 5.3.A - remove the .1 when citing Section 5.7.C. 17. Within Chapter SA.A, change Section 5.7.C.2 to 5.7.D. 1 R. Within Chapter 5A.A, change 5-ft in depth to 20~tt in depth, to more closely match the US 31 Overlay requirements. 19. Chapter 5.7.E.1 - Change the 2-inch DBH to 2.5 inch, to more closely match the US 31 Overlay requirements. 20. Chapter 5.7.E.5 ~ Change the evergreen ShlUb spread from 18 inches to 24 inches, to more closely match the US 31 Overlay requirements. 21. Chapter 6.2 - also include "parking areas" where pedestrian access is provided from. Page I ONE CIVIC SQUARE CAR1VIEL, INDL\N.-\. 46032 317/571-2417 22. Chapter 6.3 - will there be enough parki ng? The current zoning ordinance requires I parking space for every 250 sq ft.of tloor area. YOll propose O.8Tparking spaces for every 250 sq ft. 23. Chapter 6.3 - please provide a copy of the standards you reference from the Orban Land Institute, or add the text/standards within the PUD. 24. Chapter 7.4 - add the term 'tlat lens' to reference the type of bulb used .in each lighting fi xture. 25. Chapter 7.4 - what wi II be the foot-candle limit at the right of way of 1-4657 26. Chapter 8.0 - address how sign logos will be regulated, either by percent of total sign area, color, etc. 27. Chapter 8.0 -limit the number of sign colors within the whole development, and/or specify the colors. 28. Chapter II.B - add INDOT (Indiana Depal1ment of Transportation) to the terms defined. If you have any questions or if I lllay be of assistance, please feel free to call or email me at aconn@carmel.in.gov. Sincerely, Angelina Conn Planning Administrator File: 070500 j 7 Z-96thStCrossingPUD.doc CC: File Charlie Frankenherger (Charlie@nf-law.com) Page 2 ONE CIviC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417