HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice :" Ordinance Z-512-07 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS CARl'1EL, INDIANA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE CARMEL ZONING ORDli~ANCE Z-512-07 Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers of the City of Camlel will meet at their regular meeting place, Council Chaillbers, Carmel City Hall, OIle Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, at 6:00 p.m. on Monday the 191h day of November, 2007, to consider the following: Petition to Amend Chapter 23B: US Highway 31 Corridor Overlay Zone of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to limit hotel and other culturaVentcrtainrnent Land uses, pursuant to the application filed by the City of Carmel Department of Community Services and identified as Carmel Advisory Plan Commission Docket No. 07090002 OA. Taxpayers appearing. at the meeting shall have the right to be heard. Diana L Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer November 9. 2007 2007-1109; 2-512-07; Council Notice .~- Page 1 of 1 Keeling, Adrienne M From: Amanda..Dolph@indystar.com on behalf of publicnotices@TheNoblesvilleLedger.com Serit: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 8:49 AM To: Keeling, Adrienne M Subject: Re: Council Hearings: Z-512-07, Z513-07 Both are now ordered to publish 1 x on 11/09 in the Noblesville Ledger. Thank you, Amanda Dolph Legal Advertising Coordinator pu bl icnotices@TheNoblesvilleLedger.com 317A44-7163 Our offices will be closed on Thursday, November 22 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. NORMAL DEADLINES: 12 Noon three (3) business days prior to the date of publication. Exceptions: Large files that will need to be typeset or created by an artist should be sent at least a week and a half in advance to allow time for processing. 11/8/2007 Form Prescribed by State Board of ACCOLlIlts CITY tw CARMEL COUNTY, INDIANA LINE COUNT 81923-4958002 General Foml No 9lJ P (Rev. ] 987) To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST - PO BOX 145 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-0145 PUBLISHER'S CLAfM Display Matter - (Mllst not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total mOl'e than tour solid lines of the type in whieh the body of the advertisement lS set). Number of eqll1valent I mes Head - Number oflilles Body - Number of lines Tail - Number of hnes Total number of I ines in notice COMPUTATION OF CHARGES $ $ $ :5 $ 79.0 lines --LQ columns wide equals 79.0 equivalent lines at .393 cellts per line $ 31.05 Additional charge for notices containing rule and figure work (50 per cent of above amount) Charges for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 tor each proof in excess of two) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Number of insertions ~ Width of single column 7.83 ems Size of type 5.7 point 31.05 $ $ 00 s 00 $ $ $ $ $ Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts (1/953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account isjust and correct, that the amount claimed IS legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. DocketNo. tl7[]900~2"ijA NOnCE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PCAt'>I COMMISSION . T~rT1e'a-nd Plhce:A .publit.,~~~r- ing to C-O-llsiQer. cl pt'o'p'oseg' I Arilendmel1r to the-cZonlng Or.-o fliilarll:e regar<Hr'l9 the: WS. High'~,8Y:3.1:q,~erlayZo.n.et ~t:s- !Qnated as' D()ckel_ No~ 61090DOZ QA will . .1d. by the.' Carmel Pia.... ISSlon at -~:QP PM ion /~~p"~ tember 18,i20()! _,;cha,n;- bets. of the C()mmon Council. Carrn;e.t" City H.ail,_ One,Clvic Squar~, C.armel, Ind!anGt 46032. .. . sutijectM~,tter: The,; pr~.ose~ airY~n_~rlll:Ulfto th,~ ,?:~mn,90r_,;' dinan"ce 'w-olJld u!]~ate Sectio~ 23B.05 of the U.S. ~ig!'.way. Overlay Zanel placing h~''Uts'Co}' .~I.lItuial_. .3:nd. E[lterta~Dmenl US~ '\JI/itnirl the zone, Includ- ing, ~ut l"Iot li.rnited t~ r~l?Stau- rarit'and,'hotel uses. Th'~- fJlJr:po,~ of'lhe'U.'_S. High~ way 319verl?rZorni'1~" tq'prl?_. mote and-Drote<<::t' - tile, -pu,bchq health! ,safety. comfort;. CO~~ .....eriience ,and _~~r'ietaL ~.e-lfarE b:lprovldin9":fgr'cotlsistent i'l nd_, cODrdillated. treatment of thE tlr9pe'rtie:'s 'i:lOrclerj~'=i: _ 'u.?: Hlghw~y' 31,irrea rm,?-I~t'aml.l- I. ..to.n.,c.o ..u.....n...ly......l~!:Iia. ri ".'T.I.'.". .P....I".". Commis'slon.. i,,:- ,estabHshill{l this~zone, IS c..36~ t:.l'-etf^5,Q-Q,.;r lS:trict is '1Ikewise. i serVe a~id["()1 for I og the "-deveI6.~m~elll' poli-ciesancl '9ufdellnes's~t foFtti~, c-qrriOtlr I In the'COIr!l?renensiveJ~lal1. I Av,ailabi_lity"(jf t:op~;~O.PI.eS of ~h.efpmp(JsE!d a~efld_I}'ie.ntare 'on filet_fit th~r(Jlh;lWmg loca. Itions:o'-" ,- <... . . ww.~}~cari"l1~ti~.90v -Departmenf_ of" Community Serv~ ~C5~- ~rmE!!'gityHa1!t_ f?flE! 'Civlc- SQuare. MOl)oay ~hl'-,ollgll Frida-yJ)etVJeenthe - hours. I)' B~OOAMafld 5;00 PM '~6~'~:'~~i~rO~~:~~trol;;[Jt:~~ , 'pr^OPOsa,l.shO,!.d~ b,e ftIe(l,,',wit~ I '~~e:.~ecretary of the ~Iar'l Com~ 1 mi.~si6n'o'ri()r tu~fore.the~.dati! I of'the Public,.He~ring. Atlwrit- I ten comments _and. abjections I wi!1 be,preselitecl to 'the ~om" I ST'A 1~E.~~~O/~in:'!lrh:r~~O~~~~_e~m fRJ\I]lJl~A be_hear.j'_b'l the Commi~ipn ,031 tne__'heanng.. aca~r_~l1')g to. .Its 7.83 PI< ~~b~\hoJ ::,~~ftgu!i.~/te a~:~: 0 INT -tinued frorrftime,t(qime!'r !h~ 94 POUCornrn.iSSion as it rnav'findnec' ,- 16.49 E!~ry. .' I 16.49 E~~j:"ni~"pj!,rnnc~~;"1~~rJ.;ary 'QUARES .06596 )~Vll{7r~~%~26 ~ .339 CENTS PER LINE ('Itifed:-Sepiembe-",,'7: 2007 ./S - 09/07' 49SB002) DATE: 09/07/2007 81923-4958002 Form 65-REV 1"88 ~ /JfL/~-,L~"k Title PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana MARION County SS: Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said cOllnty and state, the undersigned Karen Mullins who, beIllg dllly sworn, says that SHE is clerk of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general CIrculation printed and published in the English language in the city of INDIANAPOLlS in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper fm 1 time(s), between the dates of: Q't.-- ~I' \lo 09/07/2007 ""d 09l07n007 Ou\. ~ Ma,.c, . . ~Clerk Title Subscribed and sworn to before me on 09/0712007 ;Xl.!tU~:J L ~ Notary Public My cOtllmission expires: Dlfl.NA R. SUMMERS Notary Public. State of Indiana COI:tnty uf Melli lirlulI IViv Commission Expires Dec. 17, 2008 RATE PER LINE PUBLISHED 1 TIME = .339 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .509 PUBLISHED 3 TIMES=679 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= .848 ~ Time and Place: Subject Matter: A vaiIability of copy: Public Testimony: Docket No. 07090002 OA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION A public hearing to consider a Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the U.S. Highway 31 Overlay Zone, designated as Docket No. 07090002 OA will be held by the Carmel Plan Commission at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, September 18,2007 in the chambers of the Common Council, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032. The proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance would update Section 23B.05 of the U.S. Highway Overlay Zone, placing limits on Cultural and Entertainment uses within the zone, including, but not limited to restaurant and hotel uses. The purpose of the U.S. Highway 31 Overlay Zone is to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare by providing for consistent and coordinated treatment of the properties bordering U.S. Highway 31 in Cannel, Hamilton County, Indiana. The Plan Commission, in establislllng this zone, is relying on LC. 36-1-1 et seq. This zoning district is, likewise, intended to serve as a tool for implementing the development policies and guidelines set for the corridor in the Comprehensive Plan. Copies of the proposed amendment are on file at the following locations: III www.carmel.in.gov III Department of Conmmnity Services, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 :00 AlYf and 5 :00 PM Any written conmlents or objections to the proposal should be filed with the Secretary ofthe Plan Commission 011 or before the date of the Public Hearing. All written connnents and objections will be presented to the Commission. Any oral conmlents conceming the proposal will be heard by the Commission at the hearing according to its Rules of Procedure. In addition, the hearing may be continued from time to time by the Commission as it may find necessary. Ramona Hancock, Secretary Carmel Plan Commission (317) 571-2417 FAX (317) 571-2426 Dated: September 7, 2007