HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket City Council 07-15-02 u u 1. CARMEL CITY COUNCIL July 15, 2002 0:~'l::' " ~ This set of amendments to the Zoning Ordinance encompasses a number of urn-elated topics: ~/ ':?' r:l irst, sa amends a scrivener's error in Chapter 20E: C - J ICity Center District regarding the ~f?1J maximum height requirement for structures adjacent to residential uses and zones. The \l maximum height requirement is intended to be forty-five (45) feet. Second, Sb eliminates the clause in Chapter 23B: US Highway 311Meridian Street Overlay Zone District that cUlTently allows office and hotel uses regardless of underlying zoning. 382-02, endments to the Zoning Ordinance (New pr isions & corrective amendments) . PC cket No. 38-02 OA (Text Amendment) The petitioner seeks to add new provisions and make several corrective amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Filed by the Department of Community Services. Third, SC, d & f, extend the build-to line and building height requirements of Chapter 23B.' US ighway 311lvferidian Street Overlay Zone District to properties along 1-465, Pennsylvania Parkway and Meridian Comers Boulevard. Fourth, se makes a structural amendment to the setback language of Chapter 23B: US Highway 31/Meridian Street Overlay Zone District that does not affect content. 1-'~ Finally, Sg clarifies language in Section 26.2.7 originally adopted as part of Ordinance Nos. Z- 327 and Z-329 (ROSO ll). The language addresses fayade offset requirements for residential structures on lots taking advantage of the relaxed front yard setbacks allowed under the Residential Open Space Ordinance. In SUtIuuary, the amendments move pem1itted uses originally identified as permitted into the Special Use category and add Schools to the list of Special Uses. These changes have been reviewed by the Annexation and Land Use Committee of the City Council and meet with their approval. The CarmellClay Plan Conimission forwards this ordinance to the Common Council with a unanimous (10-0) Favorable Recommendation (see attached certification). The Department recommends that this item be forwarded to the Annexation and Land Use Committee for review and that the Council adopt the Ordinance upon receiving a recommendation from the committee. Council Report 2002-7-02 u u Sponsor(s): Councilor Wayne Wilson ORDINANCE NO. Z-382-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA An Ordinance Amending the Maximum Height Requirement in the C-11City Center District; Repealing the US 31lMeridian Street Corridor Overlay Zone exemption/rom underlying zoning for Office Buildings andPul1 Service Hotels; Extending the US 311Meridian Street Corridor Overlay Zone yard, bidld...,to; and height requirements to include 1-465, Pennsylvania Parkvvay, and Meridian Corners Boulevard; and Clarifying the front yard requirement reduction for Open Space Subdivisions. VVHEREAS, a Scrivener's Error has misstated the Maximum Height limitation in the C- lICity Center District; and WHEREAS, the Common Council finds that it is reasonable and necessary to promote and accommodate the orderly growth and development of the City of Carmel and Clay Township by requiring all development within the US 31!Meridian Street Corridor Overlay Zone to adhere more closely to the limitations of the underlying zoning district with respect to use; and WHEREAS, the Common Council [mds that it is reasonable and necess.ary to promote and accommodate the orderly growth and development of the City of Cannel and Clay Township . by requiring all development within the US 31IMeridian Street Corridor Overlay Zone OCCUlTing along 1-465, PelIDsylvania Parkway, and Meridian Corners Boulevard to adhere to the lllliform standards of the district with respect to yard, build-to, and height; and WHEREAS, the Common Council finds that it is reasonable and necessary to promote and accommodate the orderly growth and development of the City of Cannel and Clay Township by clarifying the language of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to allowed reductions in the front yard requirements for Open Space Subdivisions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDArnED by the Connon Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana, as follows: Section I: a. Amend Section 20E.4.1 (1) to read as follows: 20EA Height and Area Requirements. (See Chapter 26 for additional requirements.) 20EA.1 Maximum Height - Residential Uses: 1. Adjacent to any residential use or zone: Forty-five (45) feet, fifty five (55) feet if adjacent to an Ol~isting 0r plattod sin.;le family Tcsideneo or .T8side:atial stffidivision. Ordinance No. 2-382-02 1 t _ " u u b. Amend Section 23B.3: Permitted Uses to read as follows: 23B.3 Pemlitted Uses: All uses which are permitted in the underlying primary zoning district(s), except the uses expressly excluded by Section 23B.5, are permitted in the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone. In additiIJn, Offioe Buildinge and Full SOfyiIJI;) Hotels are permitted in the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone benveen the :c.orth light of ',va.)' line of I 465 and 136m Street, whether or not---theyarc pGrn1ittea m the ul1dorl)~.Ilg primary zenin; district(s). C. Amend Section '23B.8: Height and Yard Requirements to read as follows: 23B.8 HeiQ;ht and Yard Requirements. The pmpose of this Section is to provide site design requirements that align buildings along the edges ofaparcel, towa.rds the public right-of-way of the U.S. 31 Corridor, and, where applicable, the 1-465, Pennsylvania Street, Pennsylvania Parkway, Meridian Corners Boulevard, and tlllinois Street Corridors. It is the intent of these regulations to orient new buildings with their longest axis parallel to the adjoining highway or street to create a sense of enclosure along the streets, with parking located to the rear, and, if necessary, to the side of a building, d. Amend Section 23B.8:1: Build-to Lines to read as follows: 23B.8.1 Build-To Lines: A. Except as allowed in Paragraph B below, all Principal Buildings shall be located on the U.S. 31 Corridor Build-to Line, defIned in Paragraph C below. B. For Development Plans on Through Lots with two or more Principal Buildings (buildings), up to one-half (Yz) of the buildings may be placed on the Pennsylvania Street, Pennsylvania Parkway, Meridian Comers Boulevard, and fIllinois Corridor Build-to-line instead of the U.S. 31 Build-to Line. C. Dimensional requirements for Build-to-lines shaH be measured from the highway or street Right-of-way line: (1) U.S. 31 COlTidor and 1-465: Ninety (90) feet (2) Pennsylvania Street, Pennsylvania Parkway, Meridian Corners Boulevard, and ,LIllinois Corridors: Twenty (20) feet D. Principal Buildings that are also located adjacent to any arterial or parkway (e.g. 96lh Street or I 161h Street) shall be sited consistent with the Building Setback Line of the underlying zoning. e. Amend Section 23B.8.2: Minimum Side and Rear Yards to read as follows: 23.B.8.2 Minimum Side and Rear Yards: A. AdjacenUo any residential use or zone: Forty-fIve (45) feet when located adjacent to any residential u~e or zone. Ordinance No 2-382-02 2 -. u u B. Adjacentto business use or business zone: Fifteen (15) feet ,,;hen lo6a-tea adjacent to business use or business Zone. f. Amend Section 23B.8.3: Building Height to read as follows: 238.8.3 Building Height: As specified ill the underlying primary zoning district(s), except as follows: A. Minimum Building Heights: (1) All uses along U.S. 31 and 1-465: Thirty-eight (38) feet. (2) All uses along Pennsylvania Street, Pennsylvania Parkway, l'I'leridian Corners Boulevard, and,lIllinois Corridors, or adjoining arteriaVparkway: Twenty-six (26) feet. B. Maximum Building Heights: As specified in the underlying primary zoning district(s), except as follows: (1) B-5 District - Between 1-465 and 131 SI Street: Eighty (80) feet, except that the maximum height may not exceed forty percent (40%) of the distance from any residential use or zone. (2) B-6 District - All uses, between 1-465 and 131 st Street: One hundred fifty (150) feet, except that the maximum height may not exceed forty percent (40%) of the distance from any residential use or zone. (3) Maximum height. for all buildings along Pennsylvania Street, Pennsylvania Parkway, Meridian Corners Boulevard, and Illinois Street frontages: shalt--ee Fifty-five (55) feet. g. Amend Section 26.2.7 to read: 26.2.7 Required Front Yards in residential districts shall be devoted entirely to landscaped area except for Frontage Places, guest parking and the necessary paving of driveways and sidewalks to reach parking or loading areas in the Side or Rear Yard. The Minimum Front Yard of any Lot in a Qualifying Subdivision utilizing relaxed Front Yard standards per Section 7.0.1 of tbe Subdivision Control Ordinance, p'Jrcuant to Chapter 7 of the Subdivision Regubtians shall be as follows: A. Dwelling with attached, front-loading garage: Twenty (20) feet for structures with front londing g3I'nges, with a minim'lfm fiye (5) foot garago offset. Garage must be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet. B. D"l-yeIling with attached, side-loading garage: Fifteen (15) feet for structures with side lO:J.ding g:J.rage, or li':ing ama fanvard Clf ;;arago .,,,ith minimum ci;ht (8) foot off:;et. Garage must be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet. C. Dwelling with attached: rear-loading; or detached, alley-access garage: Ten (10) feet for :;1lUctures with rear loading ar alley access garages. Ordinance No. 2-382-02 3 . . . . u u Section II: All prior Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section.Ill: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and signing by the Mayor. Ordinance N o. Z~382-02 PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana this _ day of , 2002, by a vote of ayes and nays. COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL Presiding Officer Kevin Kirby WaYlle Wilson, Presid'ent Pro Tempore John R. Koven Ro bert Battreall N. L. Rundle Ronald E. Carter Luci Snyder Ordinance No. Z-382-02 4 ;' . ~ -I}, ATTEST: u Diana L. Cordray, IAlv1C, Clerk-Treasmer u Ordinance No. Z-382-02 Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana this day of , 2002, at .M. Diana L. Cordray, TAMC, Clerk-Treasurer Ordinance No. Z-382-02 Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this day of , 2002, at .M. ATTEST: Diana L. Cordray, lAMe, Cletk- Treasurer Prepared by: Jolm R. Molitor Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Attorney One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 J ames Brainard, Mayor Ordinance No. 2-382-02 5 u u CERTIFICATION OF'TIlE CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMJSSION'S RECOMMENDAT10N ON THE PETITION OF THE CITY OF' CA.RJ.\1EL DEPARTMENT ,OF COl\11Vf(}NITY SERVICES TO AMEND THE G~IEL/CLAY ZONING ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO INDL\NA CODE 36-1-4-605 ORDINANCE No. Z.,382-02 Patch In Amendment 'To: The Honorable Common Council Of the City of Carmel Hamilton County, Indiana Dear Members: The Carmel/Clay Plan COl1lrnissionoffers you the following report on the application of the DepartmeI).t of Community Services (Docket No. 38"02 OA) the Commission to. amend section 20E.4: Height and Area Requil'errJt:iUs; 1: Ma.:"(imWn Height - R~sidential Uses; (1); Section 23B.3:' PerMitted Uses;" Section. 23B.8: Height 'al!,d yqrd Requirements;, Section 23B.8,.1: Build-to Lille~; Section, 2;3B.8,,2: Minilnum Side and Rear Yards; Section 2}B,8d,~ Building Height; and Section 26.2: 7: the Cafln.el/Clay Plan Commis.sioI).:s reco,mmendation on t:Qe petition ofthe Departmento.fComml,lnity Services is FAVORABLE. At its.regularly schedtlledIIleetingofMa1{ 21,2002, the Carl11el/Cla)iPlan Cornmi'ssibll voted ten (10) in Favor,zero (0) Opposed, zero (0), {\.bstainipg, to forward to ,the COD1llQll.Couneil the:proposed Ordinance.No. Z-382-02 i,Yith a Favorable Recommendation.. Please he advised that by virtue of the Plan Cbmnllsslbil'S Favorable RecoIllmendation, pursuant to Ie 36"7-4~ 607(e.}(3), the Council has ninety (90) days to act . on this petitjon before it becomes effective as eettified by the Commiss.ion" Ninety days from the ciate ofthi~ Cernfj.cation is Thwsday; August 29,2002. '%i '. Ra ona Hancock, S cte'tary Garme,IICl,aY PIalJ COI11mission R0ceived D~te.d:Friday, May 31, 2002 :l' .1 Carmel Ckrk-Treasur~r 05-31-02All'4,6 RCVD \ ,. I ro \J \ '