HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u u J.ohnsonf Sue E - From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Friday, March 22,200212:43 PM Johnson, Sue E Lillig, Laurence M; Hahn, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment - ADLS Amend; West Carmel Retail Center - 106th Street Grill Sue Ellen, Please issue the necessary Docket Number for the West Carmel Retail Center - l06th Street Grill, ADLS Amendment. It will be the following: ~~ ~-02 ADLS Amend $350 Total Fee: $350 Docket No. ##-02 ADLS Amend; West Carmel Retail Center - 106th Street Grill Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage Amendment approval in order to construct a fence to enclose an outdoor dining area. The site is located at 4335 West 1 o 6th Street. The site is zoned B-3/business. Filed by Robert Garcia of 106th Street Grill. The petition will be placed on the April 9th Special Studies Committee agenda. We will need 10 information packets in our office no later than March 28th to be mailed out to Commission members with the Special Studies Committee Agenda. Please contact Me Garcia at 570-0127 with this information. Once the docket is assigned please return the file to my office. A.<,<~, ~ r~\~~ 3 - ::;l.~ c::,::L. Q~"Ir=- <=', J \F' \fIo\ . Thanks, Jon Ji / ;Y ~;26'Ou .~~ . \\ ~ u u i ~ * One CiVio Square Carmel. IN 4E032 {'317) 571-2417 Fax: t3i n 571.242S To: Co~CL.\~ r:rom~ ~~~~ l'age.s: OL Date! 5- "J- ~~ f;DC Pl1cne~ Re~ ~.~ L... ~ ~L ," cc: . o Urgsnt 0 For Rsvie.w D P,le:ase COrTunent tJ Plea.se Re.ply a Please ~ecyole ~~L"$. ~ \ ~ ~~ l~ ~ +.. ~\k. ~\,. ...~.... ~~~ <s] \ -? t.\ I f") u u Date DOCKET NO. Application for Architectural Design, Lighting and Si~", P/y ~ '~\ ADLS .' r ii1"~~ ?\ AMENDMENT I' -i MAR 18 2002 ti1 Fee $350.00 . " DOCS Ii ~:e'::;f -w ~ 5, C~d-I Wtsr L'A.eme! -fef,t,I-C:f'!i_~/ Address: 4335 W 10& z S~lre 1300 ev4"lwlel,rN 4ft03~ . Type of () 1 . Project: lOWllN1~en4 ~N'NItN'T 5,ovTtC Applicant: I 0" s -r G /2- / t ( Contact Person: 7? 0 i3 ~/ & /I-7ZC- r 'a.... Phone No. fJ'7lr1'2D3 Phone No. 510-D\2.1 I ~'(... g,~. C\;;).o~ Address: Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 3.!3 3 AC- Zoning Ct1ff1ffJ, Ke/cU'I Owner of Real Estate: 6/eaclale ;JM:I/}~5 ~ /t./c:s/ C~e/ ..9l~?/-eS/ &C.G Carmel: V Clay Township: V Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: Parkin!! No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required: Desi2ll Information Type of Building: No. of Buildings: Square Footage: Height: No. of Stories Exterior Materials: Colors: Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses: Water by: Sewer by: 1 u u LIGHTING Type of Fixture: ;U!;f-- Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: }/ I f/-' Type of Signs: Location(s): Dimensions of each sign: Square Footage of each sign: Total Height of each sign: LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations )J I-A- ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Applicant: Title: Date: (Print) ******************************************** State of Indiana, ss: County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for State of Indiana, personally appeared execution of the foregoing instrument this 2000 My County, and acknowledged the day of Commission Expires: Notary Public 2 ( \ Mar. 1216 21302 1219: 33AM Pi V . 11~;:;il AMERlSTARtt PHONE NO. : 317 736 5596 FROM: DOUG'S WELDING &. Gi=lTE SH[)~ , AEGISTM V MAJESTIC -- , - -.,.-- (',\.Fa NlIMnEItICOLOR , rn:1\'I nf:~Ct(WnON :I"ENCI'; WI" o.LACr< lUIONZE WIIITE DESEHT i lIT S,\ ND tvh)~::;Ii( Pimtls IZ-Hail) MU234 MN2J.:I MW234 MS2J4 J ~t) M 8240 MN'240 (N/S) MW240 MS240 (N1S) 3-112 44 M 8246 MN2.i.l6 MW146 MS24(o 4 47 MB2SSlIo MN2S8" MW;1sS'" MS258" , 5 54 1';ll1rl~ pack:.L)1cLl ill ",m\I,oll""" 0"" ran,,1 P,'I rH'" Pall'" len",1I .., 1)-l..'/S" tli\~I'\lk~'''''~'1 'I'a.'ill~ lo'w ~'. I-~/K" 1l.C,1,1'l';,,,'I1I,,,,,,'111",' ~l rl"~"" 'n;:) II'. I.S/ll" o,e, ('4.3/H" ~\'1l1cr~Scc I'.'j;l' '.'<~ "Ii '~'I(~lil Wa}~ (ial,' l\J[,"f,.rr":Ilill" :\'tDj('slic l':md~ (~.Rail.) M1l334 MN334 M W.'34 MS}3~ tN/S) .\ 5U MB340 MN340 (N/S) MW340 MS~40 (N/S) I 3.1/2 54 M 6346 MN34f, M W~'4(i MS,'.lf, -4 S7 - MU358" MN35S. M W35S" MS3$S* S (,4 MD370. MN~nU. !'vI WJ7U. MSJ"7(l* . 0 7\1 Panel, IHICk,,~(:(llll (OJl1lkll1CIH'. 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In no way would this obstruct any of the sidewalks landscape areas or roadways within my restaurant being 106 ST Grill located at 4335 W 106 St Carmel. Your Cooperation is Greately Appreciated, ~ ~"",'.:.." ~~:~: \. J-.- __.,. /"y' '., 11c'~> A 'Y' T ~t ~~~~~I(1~[Ql i~'; MAR 18 2002 :'. :~. DOCS \~: .... I '" I/ .<-<~.;-:";--~ ,_, -. , /.J ....".- _' '...J...:';'-" ~ MARSH SUPERMARKET () ~ \i' --\ :, III , '0 t r ")> z ~ ~ __! 6 -r-L -. j .-/ .. i I I Ii I "]>1 1- ~I{J ~ ~ I "'I =- '- €I "'I <;> [I~ '- ~ I I I @ ~ I- e;:;> I a 1 ~ ~ 1 C?J ~ -u Q @] Ii ~Ig " ... @ ~ E I t='l ~I~ l@ ~ ~i:1 = ~ ro @ @ 119 ~ G19 ~ o l"J ~Ig I @ 9. ~ ~ }> 'il< ~ 00 ~ ~.- ~ en 1,1 ~ ." .. .... I 0 iii /l0J ::I WC8ton J3hoppc8 Iff We.!Jl Carmel Center CI\RIoti.. INDIANII de <<loped q: Clcndolc ].JarlneeM 'I . I I ~ l! ,: . . .. .1 .1. i ~ I II ;:; I ,I ji r I M ! ., "" [5] l...I!IDI-tEIDl..nNl:)fTECr.;- o nw\("I"'~'-"""~ t.Wfl<1'Ql "'~"...m~ I I r . ..~ ..... 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