HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommitments Attendant to Approval of Rezoning Petition Z-389-02 (signed) 07/11/03 11:20 FAX 317 633 4972 HALL, RENDER I€1002 ..- ----'-'"'- - -- u-- u "i: Connnitments Attendant to Approval of Rezoning Petition Z-389-02 Rt'/l ~ uZi .:/ I/I{IJ Ii ", I"l .,.,:, uccs..y St. Vincent HOBpital and Health Care Center, Inc. (hereafter, "Petitioner") makes the folloVling Commitments to the City of Carmel & Clay Township Plan Commission: 1. Description of Real Estate: (See Exhibit A - Legal Description of Property) 2. Statement of Commitments; (a). Petitioner hereby agrees to dedicate right of way necessary pursuant to the Cannel/Cla.y Thoroughfare Plan along the north side of 1315t St., the west side of Guilford Road. and the east side of Old Meridian Street. (b). Petitioner hereby agrees to dedicate right of way necessary for the COD51IUctiOD of a roundabout at the intersection of Guilford Road and Old Meridian Street subject to approval of the City Engineer consistent with the area id~tified in Exhibit IIB.I. The foregoing commitment (b) is subject to the CitYs obligation to mitigate to Petitioner's reasonable satisfaction any adverse affect on Petitioner's improvements located within or impacted by such right of way dedication area., including, bnt not limited to the storm water detention pond. (c). After July 1, 2003, Petitioner will contribute to the City an amount not to exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) to be used for the cost oflabor and materials necessary to continue the construction of that certain multi~use path that commences at the easternmost existing trail in Meadowlark Park directly east to the Monoo Trail. Petitioner shall have the right to Dame or identify such multi-use path with identifying signs or other markings reasonably acceptable to Petitioner and City. The specific tenos, conditions, rights and obligations of Petitioner and City regarding this commitment ( c) shall be cont~ed in a definitive agreement reasonably acceptable to Petitioner and City. 3. Binding on Heirs, Successors and Assigns. These commitments are binding on the owner of the Real Estate, each subsequent owner of the real estate, and each person acquiring any interest in the Real Estate, unless modified or tenninated by the governmrotal authority authorized to Il1odify- 4. Effectiveness. These commitments shall be effective upon the approval by the Carmel City CouncilofZ-389-02. 5. Recording. The undersigned agrees to record these commitments in the Office of the Recorder ofHaxnilton County, Indiana. upon grantiug of the approval of the project. 07/11/03 11:21 FAX 317 633 4972 -'--~~'--CJ-- HALL. RENDER III 003 u 'i: ;f~$ J(~ "91//'l.:;/J ./ l, L), ,; 6. Enforcement. These commitments may be enforced by the CanneVClay Plan Commissi~.:s' I~;: and/or the City of Carmel, Indhma. Executed this iJ1 dayof.52 ;77L#.BJi--t .2002. ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CA.RE CENTER~ INC. By: a&~ Title, /)!J( tlU'M' /11/)(1"/'<"4#7/'-"> op.t'!t$P " printed tJNHd..tJf.5 I.; - 7]7E~r~ STATE OF INDIANA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) B>fore me, a Notary public ~9f1. d for said coun. ~and State, pe<sonally appeared C/u..,'.v. L .:1 ~~ -' the ..u\~ I~ MIIA~,," ~(,'~ofSt Vincent Hospital and Health Care Center. Inc.. who acknowledged the execution ofllie foregoing Conurotments. '3~ \VITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the day of . 2002. t A-. rhc,,"; County of Residence: H~~ My Commission Ex Prepared in accordance with the Cannel/Clay plan Commission's approval of Docket No's. 33- 02Z, 12-02 OA llDd 31-02 CPA. Prepared by Robert A. Hicks, Esq., Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.S.C., One American Square, Suite 2000, Indianapolis, Indiarut. 46282 Q4)27dfT,doc o 8/1.S/02 --.---- -u- HALL, RENDER 14]001 07/11/0:1 11:20 FA.l 317 63:1 4972 u " HALL, RENDER,- KILLIAN, HEATH~AN Attorneys at La '" l"to!essionlll Services CDlporuliOll SUM ZLlOO, Box 62064 OM Amencan SQl,.IBrB lndianapolis, IN 0162.82- Phone: (317) 6J;jo4AM Fa:>:: (~'71633-457a TELECOPIER TRANSl\fiSSION COVER SHEET TO: LaUTence Lillig FAX NO: 571 ~2426 COMPANY: DATE: 7/11/2003 TIME: FROM: Robert A. Hicks PAGES (including this page)~ 3 ACCOUNT CODE: 8611 VC93004 ." COMMENTS: ;)>/1 .~ tI~ C';. i!/L" /; l../) tlOCS ;6;?, In case of transmission problems. please contact: No111.!J!. at (317) 633-4884. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE '1'heclo(lIment.t accompanyinll this '~lecopY ItllllSmisAioD contain cOl1lideutllll intonnatWD- The inlorlWltlon i. in11mded fur the use of the indlvidual(~) or .11e1ty named Q.tx>VI!. IfYOII are Dot the ID~Dd<<lredplenl, you lire notified that lUIydiaclo5ure, wpying, dhrtribllElon or the taldng or any actiUII iJl rellaDcc 011 tbe (C)ntcDb ortb'l~ t2lcoopled information Is not permissible- If}'<lu bave receivri lhis telecopY'iD Cl'l'6r, pltllSelmmll1iiultly notll')" Uti by telephone It tbe number abov~ M arnnge for rctufll of the oril:i.at documeatL Thank you. AIItltnlrt La "I' CoIISmll:rioD &; EownceI'inll Low Corpllrate" B,wuIlSS Law Defenxe or l'rovlden in Fabe CbUm5 A11eg..tion~ . Employee Bcnclits Eovironmeptal La'" . btate PllIDWug " ~dmiDl8tl'lltlo" EIle-culive Compensation Governmcat Relations Dc.ultll Law rntegl'llted Deliver)' SySlt1l19 [nuUettual Prllpt'!'tY Labor .& Employment Law . Long Term Care Law ManllgM Care Law Mediation McdlC21 M:a.lpnctiee DefeDae _ McdiclU't &. Medi~ Reill'll)nl'''''mllAt 8:. Appeals Mergen &: Acqlll5ition~ ttrodllds Liability Defense ProVider PllIyment Ipun . Public Fi DaDa: Real ~'la[C LQw TuL,,'" Worlqllllce Violence INDIANAPOLIS, lNDL\NA . LOUISViLLE, KENTUCK'( <It TROY. MICf,lIGAN