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Dobosiewicz, Jon C
Dobosiewicz, Jon C
Monday, March 11, 2002 5:37 PM
Johnson, Sue E
Lillig, Laurence M; Hahn, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P
Docket Number Assignment - Secondary Plat; Lakes at Hayden Run, Section 1
Sue Ellen,
Please issue the necessary Docket Number for Lakes at Hayden Run, Section 1 Secondary Plat application. It
will be the following:
Lakes at Hayde Run, Section 1 (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans)
The site is locate on the north side of West 131>( Street approximately one-quarter mile west of Towne Road. TI1e site is
zoned S-lIResidential- Very Low Density. .
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes.
d. 8..02 SP
Total Fee:
The petition has been placed on the March 20th T AC agenda.
Please contact Dennis at 849-5935 with this information. Once the docket is assigned please retum the file to
my office.
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DATE: March 5, 20D2
Ft!e: $500.00 OJ" ($400.00)
MtlR 5 2002
TIle undersigned agrees that any constructioo, reconstruction, enlargemen1f rekJcation or attetaWn' Of 'structure, or
allY change in the use of land Of' structures requested by this application will comply wtth, and confonn to, ait arm/bible laws
of the state of Indiana, and the Zoning Otdinaoce of Cannel, Indiana - 1980, adopred under the authority of AdS of 1979,
Public Law 178f Sec. 1, et. se(l. General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory tlleretc.
Name of Applicant:
Centex Homes
Phone # (317) 915-2200.
A<<tress of Appbnt:
6602 East 75th street, Suite 100, Indianapolis. Indiana 46250
Name of Owner:
Centex Homes
Name of Subdivision:
The Lakes at Havden Run, Section, 1
Legal Description (To be typewritten on ~ $hect and at1:ached).
Area (in aae;): 14.625:t
Number of Lots:
length in miles of new street'; to be dedicated to public use;
Surveyor certifying plat:
Dennis D. Olmstead
Signature Of Applirant:
(Print) Thomas L. l<utz
Land Development ~1a...'1ager
lUlliI~~~t:1 If! ~ '****III;fllI(.fl..i::4LI~I'YI:" t II II ~l.A~' t, t f ur:r:A4lu.,
I fit' , ! I&I~. I r ,+-M. S'iATE OF mDl'ANA
County of
Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for Hamil ton
Thomas L. Kutz and acknowledge the
March . ~ 2002 .
My Commission Expi~
County, State of Indiana,ptnOnal~ appeared
-. foregoing instrument this 5 t day of
5.1.1Q.ApD1ic.ation fur Se:ondarv Plat. Two (2) COpies; or more if net:eSSa1)l. of the secandary piat and tl1e cmlstr't.1dlM
plans, t.ogetfle". with supporting documents, shan be submitted to the Buitding Commissioner with this ;:tpplic:atlol1 and the
application fee as indicated in Settloo 29.6 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Additional plans to be distributed to necessary auttJorities by applicant.
Received By:
ot~\fnrm!:lc\~nl$tt ~nn
r~vt'i!llIo1 OQtrl~IQ"
A part ofthe Northeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East,
Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Quarter Section; thence North 00 degrees 05
minutes 51 seconds West along the West line of said Quarter Section 1,628.97 feet;
thence North 89 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds East 233.52 feet; thence North 53
degrees 53 minutes 57 seconds East 76.17 feet; thence North 82 degrees 32 minutes 49
seconds East 115.33 feet; thence South 68 degrees 48 minutes 18 seconds East 105.36
feet; thence South 28 degrees 24 minutes 52 seconds East 97.21 feet; thence South 13
degrees 53 minutes 52 seconds East 90.82 feet; thence North 56 degrees 55 minutes 25
seconds East 38.27 feet; thence South 49 degrees 51 minutes 37 seconds East 140.00
feet to a point on a curve concave northwesterly, the radius point of said curve being
North 49 degrees 51 minutes 37 seconds West 215.00 feet from said point; thence
northeasterly along said curve 23.51 feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said
point being South 56 degrees 07 minutes 34 seconds East 215.00 feet from the radius
point of said curve; thence South 56 degrees 07 minutes 33 seconds East 71.57 feet to a
point on a curve concave easterly, the radius point of said curve being South 79 degrees
43 minutes 24 seconds East 20.00 feet from said point; thence southerly along said
curve 20.74 feet to the point of tangency of said curve, said point being South 40
degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds West 20.00 feet from the radius point of said curve;
thence South 49 degrees 08 minutes 44 seconds East 174.35 feet; thence North 40
degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds East 140.00 feet; thence South 49 degrees 08 minutes 44
seconds East 417.28 feet to a point on the East line of the West Half of the said
Northeast Quarter Section; thence South 00 degrees 10 minutes 03 seconds West along
said East line 1,081.33 feet to the Southeast comer of said Half Quarter Section; thence
South 89 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds West along the South line of the said
Northeast Quarter Section 1,328.12 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 44.412
acres, more or less, subject to all legal highways, rights-of-ways, easements, and
restrictions of record.
8/41848S liLegaIJPlatLGL
March 5,2002
Electric service will be provided by Cinergy. The development will be served by existing
power service within the area of the subject site along 131 sl Street.
Telephone service will be provided by Ameritech. The development will be serviced by
existing telephone facilities along 131 5t Street.
Water service will be provided by Carmel Utilities. A watermain must be brought to the
site from approximately 1315t Street and Towne Road. The exact route and size will be
determined by Carmel Utilities.
Sanitaty Sewer
Sanitary sewer service will be provided by the Clay Township Regional Waste District
(CTRWD). CTRWD has proposed to construct a new lift station on school owned
property on the South side of 1 26th Street and extend a gravity line northerly from the lift
station along l.W. Brendle Drain to 131 st Street. From that point, the gravity sewer will
extend North within the boundary of this project located near the West property line. This
project can connect directly into that interceptor sewer.
The pre-developed drainage follows basically a sOl.!-theastwardly pattern across this site to
the eastern arm ofthe J.W. Brendle Drain and continues southeasterly through the l.W.
Brendle Drain. Post-developed conditions will generally follow that same path through a
series of swales and pipes directing storm water to retention ponds located along the East
and South sides of the project. The ponds will ultimately outlet to a pond located at the
Southwest corner of the project and will discharge into a pipe which will cross 131 sl
Street, where it will outfall into a pond located in the proposed Hayden Ridge
Subdivision, where it will flow through that system and ultimately outlet into the open
portion of the 1. W. Brendle Drain.
Natural gas service will be provided by Vectren Energy. A gas main must be extended to
the site from approximately 131 sl and Towne Road. The exact route and size will be
determined by Vectren Energy.
October 19, 200 I
Tne fo.l1-mnng agreement shall be included as a submittal with the
final plot application.
The developer shall be responsible for any drainage problems includ-
ing standing water, flooding and erosion control, which arise or
bE;lcbme evident at any time duriug the 3 year maint.enance period after
,release of subdivision bonds, and which is attributable to a
deficiency in subdivision drainage qeslgn or construction of drain-
age improvements. This shall inclu,de all pipes, structures. swales,
ditches and ponds which are pertinent features to the prope'r drain-
age of the subdivision.
This rosponsibility of the developer shall not, however, include
problems which a~e create~, '~JUbBequent to ,the completion of the
subdivision imp~ovements by the improper grading by.indlvidual
builders, or structures and. improper grading lnstalled'or accom-
plished by individual homeowhers. . '
It is the intent of this requirements, that the ,developer shall,
, ,
specifically, provide such sup-surface drains, or storm sewers or
ditches as are required to prope'rly rectify any drainage problem
or sub~5urface wat.er problem which ,was not contemplated in 'the
o~iginal approved'subdivision design, including, but not'restricted
to, disposal of sub-surface water from footing drains of individual
{WAD IMPROVEMENTS: 'The" .typical agreement for existing contig'uolls
Hamilton County Roads which are subliltandard, with Hamilton County
The developer will put in 12 inch stone base to the required width
at thel road, and grade the shoulders to q minimum of 6 feet width
and cons truct proper side-ditches', or, provide storm sewers and
curbs. This will be the black top grade during construction of
Bubdivlaion. Then the county wilL come in and cut out 3 inches
and put in 3 inch binder asphalt after which the developer will be
responsi~le fo~ 1 inch bf asphalt topping. This is being done as
joint projeots between ,county and deiJeloper. An agreeme,nt shall be
e)(ecuted, in writing,' between the 'developer and ~amilton 'County
specifically detailing the exact work to be accomplished by the
developer and that to be accomplished by the County, and shall also
state the road or roadB or portions thereof which are included.
If the subdivisibn is co~templated to be annexed to. the City of
CaI:'mel, then the agreement sha.ll include ,the City of Carmel Board
of Public WO,rks'as a signatory, which shall be for the purpose of
the City of Carmel agreeing to accept for maintenance and 'operation,
the improved road 'facility upon completion of said improvements
and completion' ol annexation. ' ,
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