HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication ~" J Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Wednesday, February 27, 2002 10:06 AM Johnson, Sue E; Morrissey, Phyllis G Lillig, Laurence M; Hahn, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment - ADLS Amend; Long Branch Estates, Subdivision Sign, ADLS Amendment Sue Ellen, I have issued the necessary Docket Number for the Long Branch Estates, Subdivision Sign, ADLS Amendment. It will be the following: 26-02 ADLS Amend $350 Total Fee: $350 Docket No. 26-02 ADLS - Long Branch Estates Subdivision, Subdivision Sign Petitioner seeks approval to amend their Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage for a subdivision sign. The site is located at the intersection of 116th Street and Long Branch Lane. The site is zoned 8-1 / Residential. Filed by Northside Investments, LLC. The petition will be placed on the March 5th Subdivision Committee agenda. I will contact Mr. Tim Walter with Platinum Properties at 590-8817 with this information. The file is in my office under March PC Subdivision Committees. When you return could you please review it to see that it is set=up the way you normally have it. Thanks, Jon 31~ )~~ -:--. ~ I \^ - -\-=.t:.- \, .....--. L--'~ v- . 1 ..fJ~ ~~S-G hs u u Date . . . DOCKET ~O'. .. . #\f':- Apphcatnon for Architectural DesIgn, Llflhting and SI'!J"age R[ i1 @~. FE9 CElV[D ADLS 25 I)q" 1\.0 DO ~1Ji)? AMENDMENT ~~)' Cs Fee $350.00 ~''r-.., :' 0J;~'/ Name of Project: _Lo......,~ ~c.u. ~..;;.TATe.6 , "'5 Ec. TI oN ( Address: (i>J t~,I),,!'..lt~ ""0 L.:lN.q "B~ll\N.c.u. E..,rA'l';;; "7 eN. WGi:,'!' lib' \.I Sr. Type of Project: "5 ..., e. P,v \ ~ IoN E ~-rPA..I'-l.c.e:.. ~ I b..J .... Applicant: "lo!2:'n-l5106. IN\JGb'fMe;~"f? l..-LC. Phone No. GfJf!,.-21oo MAN(l.4..., B'1'~' fl'...An...,..."Yl 4lZofleStTle-; u,L., I Contact Person: -r; H1 tJ,t},-'ra- Phone No.S1o ~:B81 7- Address: 95~1 i)et.-Gr.?.4-rE5 14;vJ INOf1.~. IN. 4t,zL/o f I I Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet N.fA AIea (in acres) fJ II~ Zoning N fA Owner of Real Estate: "SA.ME. ~-;;, Ai'1?L-IL A,,\lr Carmel: Clay Township: .x Annexation: Y o(ti) Other Approvals Needed: A/; I Parking No. of Spaces Provided: tJlA f No. Spaces Required: f'J /A. , Design Information Type of Building: /oJ. / lit f Square Footage: N I iii. Height: I Exterior Materials: #.IrA I Maximum No. of Tenants: ,.dA I No. of Buildings: Nf~ I {oJ fA No. of Stories 1/}/4 ( Colors: N fA , Type of Uses: Nlit / Water by: j-.J.!A ! Sewer by: fIJ fA , 1 ~ u u LIGHTING ~/a ( No. of Fixtures: IJ J~ Additional Lighting: N /~ * Plans to be submitted ~howing Footcandle spreads at property 'lines per the ordinance. Height of Fixture: Nllt I Type of Fixture: SIGNAGE No. of Signs: \ Type of Signs: L'to1~-;;,~<.:>r..;)~ Jr1J6'DNRY I Location(s): ~..t"T~,p.Nc..e.. ISi.-~N[> F~"- /...cr..l6- B~A:l\.lcr4 iSSrA'TE.JS. Dimensions of each sign: 2'.. sit ~ ':f l ,- Z Ii Square Footage of each sign: I '1 ,3 7>1' .11. Total Height of each sign: COL.\J'~N.= B~c.'( 'yJ~u-= ll_crl Sl~rt =. 5"-5 II . I LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types. sizes. and locations ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information aszrue . d corre.ct. Signature ,of . (,,,I (J. I /, /.J () Applicant. , 7l-~ Title: l' {?o:Tf'C-, /v/1/"'4t!lt$: ---r:;;,CFT Jf..,J: u1 L-rd-. Date: 2/zZ /0 Z (Print) f I ************************** *********** ""n"",... OFFICIAL SEAL ,., ",'I Pt,;.'" }'d:>........~r2<;. KENNETH R. BRASSEUR lr<.r SEAL;ol Notary PUbll. c, Stale of Ind!c::- :..... / JResldsnt of Hamll10n cC ......~y.~C;,~~,...,. My CommIssIon ExPIres 05~' ~...--..~.-...,,-, State of Indiana, ss: County of /Y? ~ /f?,1 t? --V Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for 1/'1)'71/ /.. T~ County, State of Indiana, personally appeared -r; motf v: 1tJ/I/kr and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this d ~ ..,II'.. day of lfiit..h-..?rq 200~ L / My 3o~ssion Expires: II/If /"0"" 7 ~Il~ Notary Public 2 '(J' '0 u .. ~ . ,... 'I I'. . I 0 I , 10 -z I) ~, B 4 Co ct 0 .,... '. f'. w .~ ..J < Z 0 j: .< UJ ~ c ..J -l CL w .. t- . . .\() :1 o. ( 0 , I i U ~ ~ .. f F ) r' .. S' ...) c!' . "t;.. ~ " '.T-.~ j)- 2- i <r. f Ji_ I' II .1 I I :1 \ II II .L, > l \ - I \ a: .1 . I ''\ 10. .~ I 0 ...--t \ . \ :I~ - 16 1\ I \ 101 \ \ I -::z.. <:!"V.-, <;'1 ~ . . .J..'rj 9i1l"") d'....l IUI"". "'.1.'. '1~ ::::!<:> ~.,.,C", u '" -0 .". ~ -J... t) ;,0. ~ <t ~ (j ,,'\ \~ t( ~1 W -:r. .J' ~ j 4- ~ ~ )- ...0- ~ ..... ''1 "1 0 -.J \~ /":" ~ 1- "( 41 \.1. ;:) w Ci 'If) $ ,.{ 1.lJ '""z {) t:;t. 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"- \ t 2- [:>..pf'{JQ.Jc;.P (~'N'jI,r.!.-4:.., ,cr-i 'SEC.,'OIU . . . ._ . t'lIV..IS F~ fV\A.T6'~ iAi- /...-lS (r ~ATINUM PROPERTIES, ~C. 9551 Delegate's Row Indianapolis, IN 46240 Phone: 818-2900 Fax: 818-2910 Letter of Transmittal To: City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Date: February 22, 2002 ATTN: John Dobosiewicz Project: Long Branch Estates Section 1 RE: Entry Wall Signage From: Tim Walter, P.E. We are sending you [2;] attached D under separate cover via personal delivery the documents as listed: COPIES 2 2 ADLS Amendment S Permit DESCRIPTION ication these are transmitted for your action as indicated below: l'SJ for your use and/or file D for review & comment l'SJ as requested D approved as noted D returned for corrections D please sign & return original and D Retain one copy for your file D coples REMARKS: As we discussed, please submit this as part of the signage application filed for the models. Please call me if you need any additional information. ~~~o -B8 (-:j- copy to File. signed If ,"do.'"''' '" "01 0' ",,,d, kh,dly ""iii' 1,"'=d'O'd' ~~