HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication -c uu UU DEVELOPMENTAL PLAN APPLICA TION Fee: $500.00 plus $25.00 per acre DATE: DOCKET NO.: Preliminary Public Hearing Required x Final Received By/Date Amended or Changed Checked By . Ii>.'" I?, . ~ ;~~\ }f; cC'~. .S~ 6> .! 'tt/) - t'OCS ~tP /~~ ': .<"/ , ~.. /" '"e.' '~.l/"" __~./, ''/ "",' r: . \~". "-~__ t:J. Name of Project: Parkwood East Crossing Project Address: North East Corner of College A venue and 96(h Street Legal Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached) - See Exhibit "A" Name of Applicant: Duke Realty Corporation Address: 600 E. 96th Street, Indianapolis. IN 46240 Contact Person: Blair Carmosino Telephone: (317) 808-6179 Name of Landowner: Duke Realty Corporation Telephone: (317) 808-6179 Address: 600 E. 961h Street. Indianapolis. IN 46240 Zoning Classification: PUD District Plot Size: 20 Acres :!:: Present Use of Property: Vacant residential Proposed Use of Property: Oflice use , .' uw UU NOTE: this application must be tiled in duplicate and accompanied by: (a) two (2) copies of the development plan which the applicant will be responsible for distribution among T AC members; (b) all necessary supporting materials. The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structures, or any change in the use ofland or structures requested by this application will comply with, and confonn to, all applicable Jaws of the State ofIndiana, and the zoning ordinance of Carmel, Indiana, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979 Public Law 178, Sec. I et seq, General Assembly of the state of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Signed: flO~ O~ner ,6t.IJiq fJ. CAteMtJitlJ1J PU~6 !tt;JJt.fr I DUKE REALTY CORPORA nON By: !J:AIi'U (JllmTl)ifllP STATE OF INDIANA ) )SS: COUNTY OF rULlA-uUJ ) The undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personaUy acknowledged execution of the foregoing by , the of Duke Realty Corporation.. WITNESSETH this dtJ-d: day of ~002. My Commission Expires: -~ t.- ;(]A . J - ;(- 1Jf1 Notary Pub c /' '- - /~ - Residing in "lJ!tJ.A;/JA,...-lCounty AMV Printed Na'me OJUtJd , /' - --- ., __ I' '- - .-~. /: H:\Janet\Gerslumm\Development I'ian App We Ue BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA RESOLUTION NO. 10-22-01-1 'WHEREAS, Ie 36-7-25-4 authorizes Hamilton County and the Carmel Redevelopment Commission ('cCity Redevelopment Commission') to jointly undertake economic development projects in contiguous areas YVithin each unit's jurisdiction; and VlHEREAS~ the City Redevelopment Commission did on January 10, 2001, adopt a declaratory resolution,. which Declaratory Resolution was confirmed by a resolution adopted on March 14, 2001, designating an Mea known as the parkwood EconaII1ic Development Area ("Parkwood EDAll) as an economic development area under Ie 36-7-14 and Ie 36-7-25; and WHEREAS, the City Redevelopment Commission now desires to expand the Parkwood EDA; and WHEREAS, the portion of the proposed expansion to the Parkvlood' EDA within the jurisdiction of the Hamiltop. County Redevelopment Commission ("'County Area") is contiguous with the portion of the proposed expansion within the jurisdiction of the City Redevelopment Commission as shown in Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE BOARD OF C011MISSIONERS OF HAMJLTON COUNTY, INDIANA; Section 1. The Board of Commissioners hereby assigns the County Area to the City Redevelopment Commission for the pUIpQ$e of economic development and the allo,f"~tion of- incremental property tax proceeds. - Section 2. The City Redevelopment Commission may take all action in the assigned 3I'ea tuat would be taken by a redevelopment commission in an allocation area in the manner and to the extent provided in Ie 36-7-25-4. Section 3. This Resolution shall be effective upon passage. P'~ectO !:'/(; 3:J\:Id 'or '1-10<'13 IE'!! (,;O-v1-N'<i ;- u_ .,., Ue Approved this ~ ~ day of O~ober, 2001. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HA:MIL TON COUNTY,~IANA. , .?1f. (l - r!lLr . Steven C. Dillinger Steven A. Holt ~~. Sharon R Clark A TIEST; fui.n M.. ~t..U . drnC!. Robin M. Mills, Auditor PerfectO -2- b/E 3:J'o'd 'or 'HO<:J3 tE'tl C:0-td-r<' ; l,/V 3~\/d , (] I , }[ 0 C'!.'1 1 L ' 1 I <:' \'1 - !7 I - N \1!