HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties. L.L.C. Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. 4- I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I, ,(~ h j", C <?. P ~ I. p, it e (/ <L "? Y' fJ C-&-;n1/7 t' rlc).,c/' f., y p~ ,{) v Y ~e4 Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: l. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. ~/~/~~ Com IS on Member s:\plancom m \appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev, 11/7/2000 H:\Jalle-I\PLATN~1\\Vcs(i:rn HiIl5\F of F PI.aLwpd u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Cannel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties. L.L.C. _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards ofthe Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. // I hereby 'approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agl'eed to by the petitioner. Condition!. /' ~A"''''r fi~ ~ s: 8~ cond;I;OI1.~ ~~~::::'77:::j Condition 3. -~ I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. s:\plancoln In \appl ictn. pc\prim plat.apx Rev, 11/7/2000 fL\jnm:(~PLATNr-....1\Wt:s.lern Ilill<;\F of F r*IH1.wfl(\ u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties, L.L.C. _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. ::!f~Z:;( ~ ~T-~ J} /l-L~ _ /~JAMtl.df~d _ . ...~ Condition 2. -9~.k-'7'-' ,~ ~ .., Sa-tr ~ Condition 3. [ hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following t"easons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23 RD DAY OF APRI L, 2002. AlLUJ-IZ~ I Commission Member .s:\plancom m \appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 fl:'LJalld\PLATNI\-1\Wcslcm Ilills\F of r PI.!Lwpd u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties. L.L.C. Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Suhdh'ision Control Ordinance. ~ hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Cond ition I. Os. ~11f1tllc1J by t)COS kma~apL~) dpP~ ~~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disa(Jprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. Ul~~JlW.sa1 Commission Member s: \p Ian com m \app Ii ctn. pc \pri III p lat.apx Rev. 1117/2000 II,Vall<tI,PlA TNMIWe,lem l-liI1,\1' "r F Plnl.wpd w u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Cannel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties. L.L.C. Based upon all the evidence presented by tbe petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. :L. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. ~...D ~ -- - CJ' - cY (iT' ~r- Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. ~..,- .~~ . Commission Member s:\pJ ancomm\appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev. 1117/2000 H:\J""etIPLA TNM\Westen1 HiIL".F of F I'I"twlld u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties. L.L.C. _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat compl.ies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. -----t-...- I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner, . Cond;t;onl. Pfs, t'M~e~-o ~ ~< Cond ition 2. Cond ition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. ~- - s:\plancomm \appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev. 1117/2000 H';'netIPlA TNM\Wcstem HilMF nfF PIAI.wp<l u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties. L.L.C. _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ./: hereby "approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition 1. tf!a ~Jd ~ -/IlL frjJ~ Concl ition 2. Condition 3. 1 he.'eby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the follo"t'ing reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. ~t?o~ I' ommission Member s:\p lancomm\appl ictn.pc\prirnplat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 ~1:\Jallel\PL^ TN.\-1\WeSTt."rn Hills\F of F PI:u. wpcl l..) u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties, L.L.C. Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. 1 I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Conditioll 1. fJ-O It~~ 1- _b () G c:: Cond ition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. s:\plancom m \appl ictn. pc\pri m p I at.ap.'\. Rev. 11/7/2000 1-I:\Jal1d\PLAT)\I1\:I\Wl'SI~rll l-fills\F of F Plru.wpd u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commi.ssion Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western I-lills Platinum Properties. L.L.C. Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, [ determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. .,. > ~ I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Con,!;';o" L .R::Y. ~:1;:1- ilo ~ ,) Condition 2. Cond ition 3. I hereby disaDprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. ~ " C~mmission Member .. s:\plancom 111 \appl ictn. pc\prim plat.apx Rev. 11/7/2000 H:\JauctWLA TNM'Wc,le", lIill,\F of F rliU.wpd u u FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Call11el, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties, L.L.C. Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with ndards of the Carmel Clay Su bdivision Control Ordinance. I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Cond ttion I. -:2or> Ii. ~~ d~ --U",,,n-zog ..,.,.<L-A~ 0/ ~ N CS Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. !J1~on~~"'-- s :\plancollll11 \appl ictn. pc\primplat.apx Rev. ] 117/2000 H:\Janel\PLt\ TNM\\.V'e;:-sle-rn fliHsl,F nr F PlllLw!,d u u flNDmGSOFFACTFORMFOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Carmel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills PETITIONER: Platinum Properties, L.L.C. ~ased upon all .he evidenee preseuted by the petitioner, I determ i De that the plat eom pli", -w.:'ith standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. ~ I hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with tbe following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. Condition I. ~~.j~ Condition 2. Cand itian 3. I hereby disapprove of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. , ~ ----- --- - - :m-m;SSiO;;-Membcr ~ s :\plancom 111\app I ietn. pc\prim p lat.apx Rev. ] 1/7/2000 H:\J."ct\I'lA T;o,;1.1 \WCSlern lilli_IF of F rl.rwl"j u ~,J FINDINGS OF FACT FORM FOR PRIMARY PLAT CONSIDERATION Cannel Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana DOCKET NO. PETITIONER: 19-02 PP NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Western Hills Platinum Properties. L.L.C. _ Based upon all the evidence presented by the petitioner, I determine that the plat complies with standards of the Carmel Clay Subdivision Control Ordinance. V; hereby approve of the primary plat as submitted with the following specific conditions as agreed to by the petitioner. . J Condition 1. ~ ~,~. t~ Lf2r~ Condition 2. Condition 3. I hereby disapI}rOVe of the primary plat as submitted for the following reasons: I. 2. 3. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 2002. COlllm issioll Mem ber s:\plnncomm \appl ictll. pc\prim p lat.a px Rev. 1117/2000 H:\J'"eIWLlI TNMIWcSlOrl1 Ilills\F "rF Plal.wjld