HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 04/23/02 14:07 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DDeD III 001/007 HAMIL TON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT , - I ~ ~~tre1\'fg:~ APR 23 2002 DOCS FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET NUMBER. OF PAGES (~NCLUOING THIS COVER); 7 \ - \ "-.,: / ~'-. - TO: Charlie Frankenberaer DATE: COMPANY: Nelson &. FrankenbefCler FAX#: FROM: Steve Broermann _ 75f; FAX#: SUBJECT: Western Hills Subdivision 4123/2002 ,. \ \ --/'" 846-8782 (317) 776-9814 COMMENTS: Charlie; , have reviewed the road improvement commitments for the Western Hills Subdivision that were presented in a fax dated April 19. 2002. It appears that all of the appropriate items in the commitments have been properly addressed. I haveanached a copy of the commitments and the letter from the Highway Department dated February 1 B, 2002, for your use. Thanks. cc: Jon Dobosiewi~ 1700 South tOlb Strec:t NoblesvilJe, Indi.aIia 46060 WW'W.harniltonjn.us Office (317) 773-7770 fax (317) 776-9814 04./23/02 14.:07 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD 141 002/007 APR-\g-ZCOZ 04:10PM FROM-NELSON , F~A~~ENee~GER il7mii6Z T~7BS P.002/005 F-5~' - i -----_ \ 1 ,. , I' . ... .- >". HELSOI'1 & FRANKEN BERCiER A PROFESSIONAL-CORPORATION ATTORNEYS ^T LAW ~ A;~(Q~1rf~o W 23 2002 DOcS '. -.,t'/ \ I \ ~ .. ':. I, '; - \ CI 1(' I . i I' /..... " Jp#p J. NELSON CHAFlI.eS D. ~KENBERCiER JAMES E. SHll'lAVtR LAI2~Y J. I(EMP~ JOHt'l B; FLATT FRED Rle: lAwREI"tCE OF COUNSfL .IN'tE a. MERRIIJ.. . ~. /.. . . I \_~ - 3021-!tAST9STH STREET Sr.J ITl! 220 II"IDlANAPOl.lS. Il'lDlAM 40280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 April 19, 2002 VIA FACSIMILE: 176.9814 Steven J. BroermaIm Hamilton County Highway Department 1700 Soutl~ 1 Qln Sneer Noblesvillc. IN 46060 Re: Platitlum Propertit!$, L.t.C. . WeSlern Hills Primary PIal Approval- Docket No. 19-02 PP Road Imptoven1~mt Commitment Dear Steve: 'Enclosed is the commitment. I have: revised the definition in paragraph l(e). Please call Jon Dobosiewicz and me with any further concerns you may have. Again: thanks tor your help. Very truly YOUlS, NELSON &: FRANKENBERGER ~L Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosure H'-Ju~\I'I..^'I'tII,.,\W"~I~r~ Nllhil13r.:.:rmnnn hro4IQ02.\I/lId. {!~ 04/23/02 14:08 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~7 Carmel DOCD 141 003/007 AP~-19-ZOOZ D4;10PM FROM-NELSON & FRANKENBER'ER 3IiB4SS7B2 T-196 P,003/Q05 F-5SI COMMITMENTS CONCERNING THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ES'fA T.; The undersigned, Platinum Properties. LLC (hereafter "Platinum"). the contra,ct purchaser of the real estate toemed in Hamilton County. Indiana. and more panicularly described in what is attached hereto and incorporated berein by :reference as Exhibit <. A" (the "Real Estate"). makes the following commitments ("Commitments") to the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission (the ..Commission") of the City of Carmel, Indiana. concerning the use alld development of the Real E$tate. Prima.ry plat apptoval granted under the Docket Number (~teinafter defined) is subject to and conditioned llpc:m compliance; with these Comnutmtnts: 1. Definitiomi. The following additional definitions shall apply throughr;n,l.t these CommitmerUs: (a) "Bridge" shall mean and refer to tbe Bridge which ison West Road over Lion Creek and which is located adjacent to the southern ponion of the Real Estate. (b) "Docket Number;' shall mean and refer to Docket Nwnber t 9-02-PP under which Platinum has fiJed an application for primary plat approval pertaining to the Real B:nate. (c) The "Applicable Segmem of West Road" shall mean iind rcfC'r to that s=gmcznt of West Road which is (i) contiguous will... the we$t~rn boundaIy of the Real Estate, and (ii) north of the Bridge. (d) The "Applicable Segment of 14111 StTeet" shall mean and refer 10 rhar segment of141 st Street which is contiguous with the northern boundaI)' onile R~aJ Estate. (c) "Drainage Srrutt\lre I" shall mean and refer to the structure under 141'1 Street. located about S20 'feeL east of West Road. "Drainage Structure 2" shall mean and refer to the structU1'e under West Road. located abolll290 feet south of 141.1 Street. .'Orainage Structure J" shall "'I'lcan and r~fer to the structure under West Road located about 1,300 feet south of 141"' Street, being near the center of the west boundary line of the Real Estate. s:f(s 04/23/02 14:08 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DO CD iii 004/007 A~~~lg.20C2 04:1np~ FRO~NE~SON' FRANKENBERGE~ 3179468782 T-m P.DD4IDOS HBl ...,:-..... 2. Statement of Commitment. Platinum c:ommi1$ to do the following; (a) The conversion of the Applicable Segment of West Road from chip and seal [0 asphalt paving. per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department; (b) The widening of the Applicable Segment of West Road with 6 feet of pavelnenl and a 3 foot stone shoulder per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department; (c) The widening of the Applicable Segment of 14Ft Street by 3 feet of asphalt pavement and 3 fecl of stone shoulder, per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department; and (d) Th~ replacement of Drainage Structure 2, and tne cx~~nsiol' of Drailliilgl: Srructure 1 and Drainage Structure J with the attendant ~rad.i\lg offlow \ices, pCt the lel'ms of th~ letter from the Han,Uton County Highway Department dated Fabruary 19,2002, a. copy of which isattaehed hereto and incorporated herein by refel'c:tnce as Exhibit "En, 3. Bilidin~on Successors Dnd Asgiens., These Commitments are binding upon Platinum and its successors t1nd assigns. These Commitments may be modified Or tenninated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the Rules of the Conuni.ssion. The foregoing notwithstanding, these Comminn~nts shall rennin ate upon tbe rtCof.~.;it.ti.on of a. sct;;ondary plat ~ to the p~ of the Real Estate described herein. 4- Effective Date; The comminnents contained herein shaH be of no foree and effect until the occurrence of all of the foUowing: (a) The approval of the plat request Ullder Docket Number 19..02-PP; 9-t10 (b) The ac::quisitionoftitle La the Real Estate by (i) Platinwn, (ii) by PlatiI1um'S grantees., succc:ssors or assigns; and/or (Hi) by any person or entity who COI1UIlcnces development of the Real Estate purstlant to approvals under Docket #19-02-PP; and (c::) The conunl!lncement of the development of the Real Est<lte pursuant 1,0 approvals obtained t.mdc:r DOl;ket #19-02-PP. -2- S-1'() 04/23/02 14:08 FAX A~R-19~ZDD2 04:11PM FiOM-NELSON & FRANKiNSiRGiR HAMILTON CO BWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD 141 005/007 3l7B46B792 1-195 p.DDS/a05 F-SSl 5. Recording. The UJ1dersigned shall record these Commionents in the Office aime Recorder ofHamihon County. Indiana. UpOI~ the grMling ofpritniil')' plat approval under the Docket Number J 9-02 PP. EXECUTED this day of ,2002. 'LA TINUM PROPEJ~TIESJ LLC An Indiana limited IJability company By: Paul Riollx. Pr"id~nt -,- '.' ST A IE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMIL TON ) BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for said County and State. personally appeared Paul Rioux,'who aeknowledged the execution of the foregoillg Commitments. WlTNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this _ day of ,2002. My Commission Expires: Notary Public - Signature Residing in County Printed Name Prepared By: Charles D. Frankenberger. Nelson & Frankenberger, 302 J East 98th Street. Suite 220, Jl~djanapolis., Indiana 46204. H:I!QIII:I""~^TN""'Wtncl'll Hilll\CDml1lj~l1o.c...RI D.l1~,~ .~. -3- ).1\3 04/.23/02 14:09 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD 141 006/007 '- HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT February 19, 2002 Mr. DCDDis D. Olmstead StoeppeLwerth & Associate, Inc. 9940 Allis~vjne Road Fishe:J:!l, Indiana 46038-2005 RE: Western Hills PrimaIy Plat East of West Road I North of East 136m Street Clay TOWD3hip Iil FlU COPY Dl:ar Dennis D. Olmstead: This letter Bllrves to acknowledge receipt of a t.Tammittal containing the plans for "Western Hills". After reviewing the plans, the Hlghway Departtriml has the following comments: 1. An AppUcRJionfof P"oject, Review needs to be completed and the appropriate review fees for a Primary Plat paid, before any a.pprovals will be granted from this office. 1 WtVe enclosed a blank fonn for your U8C_ Secondary Plat 2. Please note that decorative signs, Sprinkler system>, trees, landscaping mounds, light polllS, utilities, Dr other suoh amt:ttities are not permitted iJl the Right-o[.Way. 3. Before any approvals are granted for the Secondary Plat, all ~l1gmeers Estimate broken inro the following calegories will need to be submitted, along with a Performance Bond or Lenll1' ofCredil in the amount of 100% of the estimate: .. Stone Base .. HAC Binder e HAC Surface · Concrete Curbs .. Street Nome and Rc::gqlatQfjf Signs Constructioll Plans 4. Counl}' will require developer ro convert We:;t Road ti-om 141" Street to South end of the property limit from chip and sea.l road to asphalt pavement me-eling section 402 requirements. The minimum. thickness for pavemenahall be~ HMA Surface;;:; 1 ~inch; HlVlA Intermediate = 2-inch; Wedge ilnd Level.. As directed by tbe engineer. 'Theso requirements shall be itIcluded as the fust phase of the:construction. 5. The county will require Wejl Road 10 be widened on YOtl1' property frontage by 6 feel with 3 feet of slone sAoulder meeting Hamilton County Standards for Construction of Road Improvements. These requirements sMllbe included as the firsl pnase oftheeonsl'.rUcrion. 6. County will also requiu: widening 141$1 Street from West Road 10 Easrcnd. of the property by 3 feet with 3 feet Df stone shoulder. These requirements shalt be included as ilie flrS[ phase of the consnuction. 7. The County will require rcpl~cemen1of Small SIn/Clure J J 08.9-290 feel SOuth of 141 <I Street. B. The County will require l;:;ttalsion of Sinall Srrucrure J j 0.37-520 feet East of West Road and Small SlructLlre J 1090-.2925 feet North of 1:3 I!' Street. Flow line of Ji.1llll1l s4uctuTe It 037 shall be adjusted for proper drainage and there shall be no standing wate!'. Extension of'sman structure 11090 will require grade slop around the structure to be 3: I. This will eliminate the need fot guatdtlliI On the Eastside of this structure. These requirements shall be included as the first phase of the comttuction and all proposed improvement ro small sl1"UciUres must be &pproved by Hamilton County Highway Deparlnu:nt. 9. County wi.n require removal of all trees along the right-of-way that are considered hazardous EO mororist. 1700 South 10'h Street Nobll!Sville, In. 46060 www.co.hllmiltnn.in.us Office (3 t 7) 773.1770 Fax (317) 776-9814 04/23/02 14:09 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD ~ 007/007 10. The COlmty will require txte:mion of all property frontage pipes to be extended. 11. PleWili! notli!, sub-divisjon SO\lth entrance on West Road needs to meet or exceed minimum 450 fer;t Sight Distance criteria. based on speed limits between 48-55 mph. Currently, sight dUtauce to yom proposed sub- division entrance is 286 feet. 12. Ple3.$e refer to INDOT Driveway Permit Manual 1996 for minimum Pilssing Blister design criteria.. This roay reqltlre acquisition ofadditioIlal Right~of- Way on Wes.t R.oad and 141" Street.. 13. The dl!:c/ll!el1ltion Lane s.hould consist ofminimwn 100 feet taper, 150 feet Lane and be 12 reet in width. The acccleratioIl taper should be'IIlinimum of 100 feet. 14. Please iudude tlQrizoutal eurv",t\1.fc; Tl'Ibli;: amI indicate clearly all CUtVes on the primary plan. 15. Intersection off-set distance needs to meet or exCeed 200 feet, tbetefore, l\ll ptoposed public roads pllIll.lId to West Road need to meet this requiteJneDt 16. Please correct the proposed public street widths parallel to West Road and 141st Street to meet the minimwn 28'-0. width. from the back of curb to the back of curb,. as required by HamiltOD County Highway Department (HCHD) Standards. Also, please make the necessary corrections to the street cross-section l'lIl the sheet, die in4ivi.;!uaL lanes need to be 12'-0" wi.;!e. 17. All offsite utility work will need to be pla.ced beyond the Ri~t-of~Way. Road cuts will not be permitted for utilities to cross either WestRoad or 141" Street. Pusl:l/bQres must be usea. I g. The private street statement on the plat needs to read, Platinum Properties Inc" lItld any and all successors and 8ssigmhemby waive all rights to petition the fillmilton County Higll.way DeplU1ment, the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, Or Hamilton County, or the successor unit of gOVErnment tn bl! responsible for the maintenance of the ingTeS-!:..t:gress easerttt:nt, I'lr to hiI"Je the t::!U;emLffit comidl:red a public road necessi-eatltlg; xnalrttCnDnct by' 1l.Il.)" unit of govermnellt The following also needs to be included On me plat: Where common drives are shoW'll on this plat, those lot owners abutting such drives shall own equal and undivided interest in such drives H1l tenants W. common, and it shall be the Obligation of each owner in common with the other lot owners abutting such :t drive to contribute ntJ equal share of the COSI ofthc: pUiinknance of such drives. V>/here a majority of lot 09mers served by a private drive elect to repair the private drive :md !;1m Of more lot owners fails to pay their allocable share: of such repair, them the owners paying such cost may file 1$ lien fOT the reasonable value of labor performed and materials tumished as prescnoed by the lien laws of the State of Indiana against any such lot and the o\Vner thereof and recover the full assessment owed together with interest from due date and (ea:>onablc attorney's feell. The private drive may contain utilities to serve said lots in whi"h i;:ven{ the seveml pmperty owneT$$b:.\l maintain the utilities not otherwiie maintained by the respective utility in the same manner as Sel 001 for drives. All private drives shall a!$o be a utility easement If you haye any comments or questions ~egarding this lettc~ or project, please feel free to contact me ~n any tilTK!. TIlIl.nk you fOT ygur iluention and cooperation. Sincerely, ~~ Faraz J. Khan Enginc~r Technician FJ1<.:fjk cc: Steve Cash Jon Dobl'lsicwicz John South C:\USOSIl')<\SllI>div~i'n aO\'iew\O,.'9-0~w.~I"''' Hi" ttinmy fl.t.d(x: ""'.' APR 23 '02 11:07AM P.1/3 u :KenTon c. 'Ward) Stm'(yor '"I'fioll/' (P7) 776"'{4~15 '7~rl.r t.F?) 77L'-9b1<'1 Snitl'lSg 0',., :Hamll!"1I CQUllty Sqlw(' ,h'obh'.willt, ),lIlill1//J 46060-;I,],jo April 23, 2002 Douglas Westlund Stoeppelwerth & Assoc. Re.;, Westem.,HillsSubdivision On March ISl I submitted a comment letter pursuant to the review of the Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision. Per your response on Aprill) you indicated that you will address the Comments during preparation of the construction plans, I would agree that some of the items may be addressed at that time. Howeverl some of the items are appropriate to address in conjunction with the Primary Plat. The items of immediate concern.) especially to the developer, should be those items that could potentially affect the lot layout of the site. Comments #4,8 & 14 should be considered in this c1a.,s. Of most concern to this office ~ and therefore of concern to you - are those items that address the overall drainage of the site, such as comment #2. This is especially important if you are developing this subdivision in phases. If built in phases, we will expect that the submittals for each phase will integrate the overall design. Therefore, an overall general summary is appropriate. If the site is being built as one phase. then) the overall drainage report could be submitted with the construction plans. However. I have not received any indication as to which will be done, either in multiple phases or as one phase (conunent #1.3). If you have any question~ or comments, please feel free to contact this office at (3 J 7)776- 8495. Sin~Y' ___ ----' r.:- ., ':. ./. ."" ,....... .. -,< .<,~;F.~4-- ~-:::;..- Steven T. Cash , Plan Reviewer Cc: Carmel Eng. Carmel DOCS Co. Hwy. SCS . '. . \ -, -I_~ ~'" , " ~ ft&~~~ A.~ "'(~,~?,IiV:~ JD .,j" J." ~"i1 If 2 "''-'if.,!! ~ ?u;~ Docs - , , -., I ; ~ " , APR 23 '02 11:07AM P.2/3 X"nf(llI C. 'Ward, SurFeyar (j'fiolle (3I'{) 7"16-.'14-95 'Ta.r (H7) 7?6-9c5J.S" ,~[litL' 1<'1$ OT/e :Hami/lol) COllnty Sljlum Y.iob{~svilk 11Idiana 4-bociCl-2230 March 15,2002 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & AssOc. Re: Western Hills - Primary Plat I bave reviewed the primary plat for this project and have the following comments. 1, The storm sewers for this project will need to become Hamilton County Regulated Drain. All standard eornments for projects under the jurisdic.tion of the County Surveyor apply to this project. 2. Please provide an overallpreHmin.ary drainage summary for this project that details such things as offsite upstream watershed, discharge rates) outlets) etc. 3. This primary plat shows three main points of discharge for storm water runof~, Lion Creek along the south, the culvert near lot 51 and the culvert near the NW corner of the site. 4. The downstream conditions from the two culverts in comment #3 need to be investigated for their appropriateness as outlets (Le., capacity, erosion, etc.) 5. The southiltn most portion of the site shows a direct discharge from the street to Lion Creek. If direct Ultdetained discharge is proposed for this area, then, the detention areas must detain to compensate for this water. 6. Pipes must be extended to the flowline of the creek or gabion I reno mattress lined channels will be installed. 7. There rs. are section ~ comers located on this site. Weare interested in preserving the comers integrity. 8. Show a 20'perimeter easement on Lots 15 & 25; 30' if SSD is present. 9. What improvements will occur to the culvert over Lion Creek? Will the road be widened at this iocation? 10. I have receivedcornments that the culvert under 141s1 need to be replac;:ed. 11. What is the condition of the berm for the existing Jake located east of the site? 12. The plans show a stonnseWer crossing the gas pipeline. Has this crossing been approved7 Are there any potential conflicts due to elevation? ,t ~ ir&iiSlf':> '<)tS l"'..@'~fi~fu 4 pp II~ "",y /I 23 2002 DocS \ \ \ :. , ), -.... / ',. ", ,", ./ ~.""~/""~.-- .-;\ ~/ "<2l~~Y ; APR 23 '1212 11:1218AM W P :"373.... ...... J'.~.. ..-.. .... v 13. Will this subdivision be built in phases? If so, then we would like to see detention built with the f1tst phase. 14. Lots 1 & .2 appear to be $howing flU in the flood plane. If they are located within the floodplain, you will nt:ed to reconsider to relocate those lots to another part of the site. For your information, the compensated storage variance to the ordinance i::; no longer allowed due to Phase II require.tnents. If you have any questions~ please feel free to contact this office at 776-8495. ".t... -- Steven T. Cash Plan Reviewer Cc: Carmel DOCS SCS Co. Hwy Platinum Properties U WE.:s.T ~f\ H\LW \4 -~6L fP _.<'...~_.------- -~. i? ~I N1Va.::____ a\C~~ - t~_~ \M~ Pa:VL l) ~. ~~~' --,L~~~~d~~.L~u-- C-p1'Yth-l '~ . ___ 1 . Lbl\-<.g:,./S.~L~. l' _~1\DP ---~ I~-- ~b~-'2~f-h/I.~- 'Ii y~~: ~iL :_ '3> _M;l~ : _~______. \2- _4___ ---~~~. _._~~~j .______ '.~__-_- ___ ,,_'u.. _.., __ . II ---"'-::1 ------i ----.. . - ~ I. I' j --_... - i I'i --4 '0Y04 Ji.---------- I ~t-- City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES April 22, 2002 Jon Dobosiewlcz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Landscape plans for Western Hills Subdivision Jon: I tinally had opportunity today to review the landscape plans for Western Hills Subdivision. My major concern was number ot plants. After subtracting the buffering requirements for areas where the developer is retaining the existing woodlands and tencerows, there was still 5,850 feet to be buffered with a total of 644 trees required. The proposed plans only show 330 trees in place. I spoke with Paul Rio this afternoon by phone, and we discussed the issues. Paul has agreed to commit to planting two "street" trees outside the right-ot-way on each lot (101 lots), and adding 25 more trees to shade a walking path through the subdivision, which would begin the number of trees up to 557. That is within 86% at the requirement, and almost the entire existing woodlands is preserved as common area. I believe this arrangement will benefit Carmel from the landscaping and Urban Forestry perspectives, and provide the residents with a good design. Exact placement and species of the added trees, plus a few other requirements (planting notes and details, tree preservation details, ete) can be specified during the secondary platting process. .......-:7 '--__s'~ ~ Scott Brewer Urban Forester CC File ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3J7/571-2417 . . APR=22-ZOOZ 08 :I SAM FROM-NELSON & FRANKENBERGER 31TS4SSTSZ T-T90 P.003/005 r-SOS COMMITMENTs CONCERNING IHE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned. Platinwn Properties, LLC (hereafter "Plotinum "), the con""et purchase. of the teal estate loeated in Hamilton County, Indi.... and more p...icularly described in what is a_hed hereto and incorpOrated herein by reference as Exhibit "A" (the "R,ea] Estat.'1. makes the folloWiog COmmitments ("Commitments") to the Carn.eYClay Plan Crnnmis.sion (the "Commission") of the City of Carmel, Indiana, eoneemingthe "'"' and developmen, of the !l,eaJ Es""", Primary plat approval granted under lhe Docket Number (!Jereinaller defined) i$ subject to and conditioned upon compliance with these Commitments: I. Defmitions. The fOllowing additional definitions shall apply throughout these ComnUtments; (a) l'Bridge" shall mean and rcferto tbe'Bridge whichi:; on West Road over Lion Creek and which is located adjacent to the southern portion of the Rea] Estate. (b) "Docket Number" shaH mean and refer to Docket Number: 1 ~-02-PP.under_ whichPlatihum has filed an application for primary plat approval pertaining to the Real Estate. (c) The ~'Applicable Segment of West Road" shall .!llean and refer to that segment of West Road which is (i) contiguous with the western boundary of the Real Estate, and Oi) north of the Bridge. (d) The "Applicable Segment of 14P' Street" shall mean and refer to that segment of 141 ~ Street which is contiguous with the northern boundary of the Real Estate. . (e) "Drainage Structure I" shall mean and refer to the structure WIder 141st StreeT. located about 520 feet east of West Road. 'lDrainage Structure 2" shalf mean and refer to the structure under West R.oad. located about 290 feet south of 14p. Street. "Drainage Structure 3" shall mean and refer to the struCture under West Road located about 1,300 feet south of I4P Street, being near the center of the west boundary line oflhe Real Estate. ; APR~22-2002 08:16AM FROM-NELSON & FRANKENBERGER 3178488782 T-m P;,004/005 F-e06 ~...~-'" . 2. Statement of CODYll;bnellt. Platinum colllJ.llits to do the following: (a) The con""",ion of the Applicable Segment of West R.oad lTom chip and 'eal to asphalt paving, per the requirements of the Hwnilton County Highway Department; (b) The widening of tUc Applic.b!e Segment of West Road with 6 feet of pavement and a 3 foot stone shoulder pet the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department; (c) The widening of lbe Applicable Segment of 141" Street by J feet of "'PI>aIt paVement and 3 feet of stone shoulder, per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department; and (d) The replacemoot of Drainage Structure 2, and the "",ension of Drainage StructUre 1 and Draini'lge Structure 3 whh tho attendant grading offlow lines, per the terms of the letter from the Hamilton County Highway Department dated February 19,2002. a copy of which is attached. hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "B". J. Binding On Snccesso", and Assigns. These Commitmetlls are blnding UpOn PI.thrum and its suec.,.o", and ....ism. The.. Co>nmltments may be modified or terminated only hy a decision of the Commission made at a pub!k hearing after notice as proVided by the Rules of the Commission. The foregOing nOtwithstandiog, these Commibnents ,ball terminate upoo the reco!~tion of a secondarypJat ~to the parts of the Real Estate described herein. 4. Effective Date. The Coltlmitment.$ contained herein shall be Of110 force and effect until the OCCurrence of all of the foIJOwing: (a) The approval of the plat request under'Docket Number 19-02-PP; and (b) The acquisition of title to the Real ~state by (i) Platinum, (ii) by Platinum's grantees, successors or assigns; and/or (iii) by any person or entity who commences development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals under Docket # 19-02-PP; and ( c) The commencement of the development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals obtained under Docker #19-02-PP. -2- :' . APR-22-2002 08:16AM FROM-NELSON & FRANKENSERGER S 1 mSSTS2 T-790 p. 005/005 HOS 5. Recordine-. The undersigned shall record tJIese CommitmentS in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. upon the granting of primary plat approval under the DoCket Number 19-02 PP. EXECUTED this day of ,2002. PLATINUM PROPERTIESt LLC An Indiana limited liability company By: Paul Rioux, President " ~.." STA TE OF INDIANA ) )8S: COUNTY OF HAMIL TON ) BEFORE ME, aNotary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Paul Rioux. who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Commitments. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this _ day of ,2002. My Commission Expires: Notary Public - Signature Residing in County Printed Name Prepared By: Charles D. Frankenberger, Nelson & Frankenberger, 3021 East 981h Street, Suite 220, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. H:\la.IoI"'LA TNMlWllIIom HiII~\C""lInhmenl&-kr\J4I9D1.'wpd - ..-0;.- -3- :' , APR:'Z2-2002 08: 14At.! FROId-HELSON & FRANKENBERGER 31'/'8468782 T-T90 P,OOI/005 F-606 NELSON & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENElERGER JAMES E. SHINAYER lJIIRRY J. KF;NWER JOHN B. f1.A TT op <:OUNSEL JANE a MERRILL 3021 EJ\ST 98TH STR~ sarra 220 INDIANAPOLIS. !NDIANA45280 317-844.0106 FAX: 317-84U7B2 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: April 22, 2002 To: .Jon DobosiewiC2: !?;;)fO?, ~ U'",I/ir::!I~i'1,,"&.-, i J)a ~ "2ic;;'1(1f/7;>, J{rJ[ 22' .,,-,19 r. loa? - . tJocs 'I: , _ i '\:'//'. {)//(,../ '</ ~. '\'~ , "'-';,--!. T IT, " ' " ,\.~ - ~~ Company: Cannel Departmem of Services Fax: 571-2426 From: Charles D. Frankenberger Phone: 3] 7-844-0106 Pages; 5 (including cover- sheet) Comments: Re: Platinum Properties/Western HiBs - Revised Road Improvement Commitment ~f.***.***.*.****~*..******.*****.***.*.************.********..*.,~..*~**..***.~ The informa.tion contained in this facsimile message is Imended only for the use ohhe individual or entity named above. If the reader 01' recipient ofthi~ message is not the imended recipient aI' an employee or agent of the intended recipient who is respoMible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination. distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication rn errOr, plr:ase notify us by telephone (collect) and I'Cturn the original message to us at the above indicated address via the U.S. Postal Service. ReceipL by anyone mher than the inLended recipiEnt is nor a waiver of an attorney-client or work product privilege. .' , 'APR:'ZZ-200Z OS: 1 SAM FROM-NElSON & FRANKENBERGER 3178468782 T-790 P,Q02/00S F-606 NELSON & FRANKENBERGeR A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORI'IEYSATLAW JAMES J, NSLsON CHi\RLES D. FRANKCN5ERQER JAMES E. SHINP,VER LARRY J. KEMPER JOHN B. FlAir FRED RIC LA\.VRENC'E OF COUNSEL JANE B. MERRILL 3021 ~ 98TH STReET saliE 220 INDIANAPoLIS, INDIANA 46.280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317'84e-8782 April 19, 2002 Li' e '~ Riff;' A '_ ~1fi!;{l)~i!r'/lI~"~ API? -'I t/I~,f" 22 200; Docs VIA FACSIMILE: 776..9814 Steven J. Broennann Hamilton County Highway DepanmerJt ] 700 Sou.th ] Ou, Street NobIesviUe. IN 46060 1-- , ... /... ',/ I - " ' "'-.......,<, Re; Platinum Properties, L.L.C. - Western Hills Primm)' P.lat ApprovaJ ~ Docket No. 19~02 Pp Road Improvement Commitment Dear Steve: Enclosed is the COmmitment. I have revised the definition in paragraph ] (e). Please call Jon Dobosiewicz and me with any funher concerns you may have. Again. thanks for your help. Very truly yours, NELSON & FR.ANK.ENBERGER cL CDF/jJw Enclosure Charles D. Frankenberger H;lJa"at\~I.A TNM\W~~rn l~ill~\arv<irrooJ1n hr O~ 1 ~02.wpd APR-03-2002 03:52PM FROM-NELSON & FR~NKENBERGER W'.' 3178468782 T-290 P.002/005 F~777 \..J I NELSON I .I ~ FRAiiKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS AT LAW . .f'~= * ,f l)) ~{F~~~ # ~t ~~/~'?..,__ l' -If'/~ ..<, <i;V} a ,,:? '<Y' v~ 'c:z~ ' JI <' , ~ JAMG:S J. NELSON CHAAL.ES D. FRANKENBERGER JNo1ES E. SI'IINAVER U\RRY J. KEMPER JOHN B FI.ATT FRED RIC LAWRENCE OF COUNSEL JANE B. MERRilL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET S(.IITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX; 317.846-8762 April 3,2002 VIA FACSIMILE: 776-9814 Sleven .I. Broerrnann Hamilton County Highway Department 1700 South 10th Street. Noblesville. IN 46060 Re: P1a1inum Properties. L.L.C. - Westem Hills Primary Plat Approval - Docket No. 19-02 PP Dear Steve: Jon Dobosiewicz asked me to forward to you for your r~view and commem a copy of the proposed commitments regarding road improvements for the above project. I will call you when 1 return from Spring break on Monday, April 8,2002 to discuss the commirments. Vel)' truly yours, Nt.LSON & FRANKENBERGER CL Charles D, Frankenberger CDFZ11w Enclosure l'i;\)an<.:I\I'L^TNM\We<l"rn Hill,II"rot:fO\lann Ilr ()4tJ3112."rd APR-OS-2002 03:52PM FROM-NELSON & FRANKENBERGER U 3178468782 T-Z90 P.003/00S F-777 u 1 f&J/~~C;:, U)J~\.l;I.~1 liP, .J~,~f~@ . W 12 2002 DoCS COMMITMENTS CONCERNING THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Platinum Propenies. LLC (hereafter "PlatillLnn"), th: contract pun::haser of the real estate located in Hamilton COLmty, [ndiana, and more particularly described in what is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A" (the uReal Esrate"). makes the following commitments ('"Commitments") to tbe Cannel/Clay Plan Commission (the. "Commission") of the City of Carmel. Indiana, concerningtbe use and development of the Real Estate. Primary plat approval granted under the Docket Number (hereinafter defined) is subject to and conditioned upon compliance with these Commitments: 1. Definitions. The following additional definitions shaH apply throughout these Commitments: Ui.JI)"{Q. (a) "Bridge" shalt mean and refer to the Bridge ~ West Road which is located adjacent to the southem portion of the Real Estate. (b) "Docket Nnmber" shall mean 8l1d refer to Docket Number 19-02-PP under which Platinum has filed all application for primary plat approval pertaining to the Real Estate. (c) Th~ "Applicable Segment of West Road" shall me~m and refer to that segment of West Road which 1S i contiguous with the westem boundary of the Real Estate ~m;l~frfTt:\-~Elw&he Arid!?:;) gCh\.C,../r;: (d) The "Applicable Segment of 14P' StreeC shall mean and refer to that segment of 141" Street which is contiguous with the norrhem boundary of the Real Estate. (e) .'Drainage Structure 1" shall mean and refer to the structure under 141.'1. Street.loeated east of West Road. near the center of the north boundary iine of the Real Estate. "Drainage Structure 2" shal! mean and refer to the structure under West Road, located just SOlith of the intersection of 14F\ Street and West Road. "Drainage Structure J" shall mean and refer to the' structure under West Road located about 1 )00. feer south of the intersection, of West Road and 141 " Street. being near the center of the west boundary line of the Real Estate. 3 - It"~ CMP J~-\DC:~ lJ 64.f 1'-D. ~ e:Eb5 t;;<- It NS iu~' I ~ HOvt.D D::;:: t..iC..\E N DE D _> PI (:'~ VNPt9-' 'L\\<;T Sr. " KCP(.,Al.61) ..> S,.,\.A;L\.. S1l2-vcrv9-E Scun-i o~ \4\:7"1 j U:.T 1- il / 3178468782 T~Z90 P,OD4/00S F~777 APR~D3~2002 D3:5~PM FROM~NELSON & FRANKF,NSERGER U u 2. Statement of Commitment. Platinum commits to do the following: (a) OIL... (b) OiL (c) OIL The conversion of the Applicable Segment of West Road from chip and seal to asphalt paving, per the requiremems of the 1-larni Iton County Highway DepaI1ment~ The widening of the Applicable Segmenr of West Road with 6 feet of paV,'ement and a 3 fOOL stone shoulder per the requirements of the Hamihon County Highway Deparrment: The widening of the Applicable Segment of 141 s, Street by 3 fcet of asphaLt pavement and 3 feet of stone shoulder. per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department: and 1!. Cd) The replacement of Drainage Structure t: and the extension of Drainage ._ 1 \ ~. Structure1andDrainage Structure 3 with the attendant grading offlow lines, -<j...-':<."LTV,'- per the tems of the letter from the Hamilton County Highway Department dated February 19,2002, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated Ilt;~rein by reference as Exhibit aB", p~ ........ ..., I . la --.... " ,. . .;t 3. Binding on Successors andA"signs. These Commitments are binding upon Platinum and its successors and assigns. These Commitments may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the Commission made aT a public hearing after noti ce as provided by the Ru Ies of the Commission. The foregoing notwithstanding. these Commitments shall terminate upon the recordation of a secondary plat as to me parts of d1e Real Estate described herein. 4. Effective Date. T1w commitments contained herein shall be of no force and effect until the occurrence oCal1 of the following: (a) The approval of the plat request under Docket Number 19-02-PP; and (b) The acquisition of title to the Real Estate by (i) Platinum, (ii) by Platimun's granTees, successors or assigns; and/or (iii) by any person or entity who commences development ofrhe Real Estate pursuant to approvats under Docket #19-02-PP; and (c) The commencement of the development of the Real ESlale pursuanr to approvals obtained under Docket #19-02-PP. ~2~ APR-03~2002 03:53PM FROM-NELSON 8. FRJ"'<\ENBERGER U 3178468782 T-290 P.OOS/OOS F-777 u 5. Recol'din~. Th~ undersigned shall record these Commitments in the Office of the Recorder of Hamil 1011 County. Indiana. upon the granting ofprimary plat approval under the Docket Number. EXEC UTED this day of .2002. PLATINUM PROPERTIES, LLC An Indiana limited HabUity 4;:ompany By; Paul Rioux, President 5T A TE OF INDIANA ) }SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME. a Notary Public in and for said County and State. personally appeared Paul Rioux, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Commitments. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this _ day of ,2002. My Commission Expires: Notary Public - Signature Residing in County Printed Name Prepared By: Charles D. Frankenberger, Nelson & Frankenberger, 3021 East 981h Street, Suite 220. Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. l-l:\Jnnc~\r'I.^TNM\WCf'I('m l"lill.,',C'ClIlIlIljllT]CIII...-RI a:118iJ~.""prl -3- ! w u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4SJ32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: ~,":> aV\p.,~~.o 84O,-S'l4o:L, From: ~')u.. ~ 3 4-'l-Q~ Fax: Pages: Phone: Re: ~I.. p....,) ~ '" ~,....cw o~ ~ 4""'QJ\. cc: 4-olQ-P~ o For' Review 0 Please Comment Date: o Urgent D Please Reply o PJease Reeycle \ 1-0 d- \?P -, u HAMILTON COUNTY - -.. HIGHWAY DEPARTMEfYT /," /-. i,;>' ./.... .... I- FAX TRANSMITIAL SHEET r~-: t1:,; I'" :o~) I:). , ' <., ------------------------------------~' . .. l.t.,~ ";' ~?< ;. -"'" u -\ \ Llo..., L.S #PAGES (lNCLUOlNGCOVER S'HEET): C b,) </r-,-;.~- ~. DATE: '1- /1 r 2001 'TO: t:~A21,.16 hl1-MlortJ 8CR-lla. COMPANY: 3'iIP -!7!2 TITLE: FROM: -)f$V& 9tot:'t-tn.4,v1--' FAX.#: FAf.#: (317) ;'776-9814 TITLE: SUBJECT: tlMl!-/../E I Jll171-tifi7.iJ h Ttu ;J!41Z.;!' !/f7 ()FP" , ('(' & /11/H-I11 nttr/;5 '/i; /l Tr.ft t! f}fJt}.i Mus I~()${J. I rYl'". AkJD $,.1/. ~v !tel""-> So !tJ~ pju tM fj,; ;? 6,4P. -3Jp ? t : J() /J D, g '() {If; LV / i 1-- n,T:_,, (1;1"11773.7710 04/11/02 09:21 FAX ; APR~03-2002 03:52PM FROM-NELSON ~~NKENBERGER HAMILTON CO HWY. +.H Carmel DOCD 141002/006 3118468782 ~ T-ZSO P.D02/COS F-77r NELSON C. FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL. CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW JAMESJ. NELSON CHAALES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. S~rrNAvER I.l\RRY J. KEMpER JOHN B. FlATT FRED Flit LAWRENCE OF COLJNSE.L JANE B. MERRJU. 3021 EAST ggTH STREET SUITE 220 1I'1DIANAr>OU5. INDIANA 46280 31'1.844-0106 FAX: 317-846.8782. April 3, 2002 VIA FACSIMILE: 7'i6-!l814 Steven J. Broermann Hamilton County Highway Department 1 700 South 10'h Street NoblesviUe. IN 46060 Re: PlatinUll1 Properties. LL.C. - Western Hills Primary Plat:Approval - Docket No. 19-02 PP Dear Steve: Jon Dobosic::wjcz asked me to forward to you for your review and comment a copy of the proposed commitments regarding road improvements fer the above project. I will call you when 1 return from Spring break on Monday, April 8, 2002 to discuss the commitments. Very truly yours, NELSON &. FRANKENBERGER a Charles D. Frankenberger CDFJjlw Enclosure Ib.J.""I\I>I,^rNM\W"~I"rn Hill;\Arocn"~"n IIr O'UJU2,"'f"'I ~ D4/11/02 09:21 FAX A~R~D3v20C2 C3:SZP~ FROM~NELSON ~lANKENBERGER HAMILTON CO HWY. +H Carmel DoeD 19jo03/006 3178468782 ~ T-Z90 p.~D3/aaS F-T77 COMMITMENTS CONCERNING THE USE ANDDEVELOPMWT OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Platinum Propenies. LLC (hereafter "Platinwll"). the contract purchaser of the l'cal estate located in Hamilton County, Illdiana, and more particularly described in what is allached hereto and incorporaled herein by reference as Exhibil "A" (the uReal Estate"). makes the following cornmitmclits ("Commitments") 10 tbe Carmel/CIa)' Plan Commission (the "Commission") of the City of Carmel. Indiana. cuncerning the use and development of the Real ESlare. Primary plat approval granted under the Docket Number (hereinafter defIned) is subject to and conditioned upon compliance with these Commitments: 1. DefinitioT1S. The following additional definitions shall apply throughout these Commitm.ents: VNI)iffi.. (a) "Bridge" shall mean and refer to the Bridge o:w:r West Road which is located adjacent to the sQuthem portion of the Real Estate. (b) "Docket Number" shaH mean and refer to Docket NUJJ:lber 19-02.PP under which Platinum has filed an application fOT primary plat approval pertaining to the Real Estate. (c) The "Applicable Sei\lmem of West Road"shall mean and refer to that segment of Wesl Road which is i contiguou~ with the weSlem boundary of tl1.e Real Estate an dr(;;) L......:m oftl'GBri"B~. l?("'\.~"l> . (d) The "Applicable Segment of 141" Street'. shall mean and refer to that segment ofl41 ~I Street which is comiguous with the no.n:hem boundaI)' of the Real Estate, (e) .'Drainage Structure \" shall mean and refer to the structure under 141"(' Street. located east of West Road. near lhe center of the north boundary lille of the Rea! Estate. "Drainage Stl'Ucture 2" shall mean and refer to t)1e SLTucture under West Road, localed just south of [he intersection of 14P' Street and Wl!:st Road. "Drainage Structure 3" shall mean and refer to the' structure under Wesl Road located about] ,300 teet south of the totersc::ction. of West Road and 141 ~1 Street. being near the center of the west boundary line of the Real Estate. 3 - It' CMt=' UM~it. LJ 6~-r 1=c-. N t:€l:>~ t:; J<. i€" t-I ~ \ () t-I ' I ~#i)Vl-l> D&- t)(~NDE D _> 'PI Pc V~Dtfl-. \l.\l"" Sr. 7... l. " Ktf'l..Al.€ I) -:> ?MA;\..\.. S1"JL.v(.'fl)\<-E SOV'l"~ of \4\ 5T j US'T .' 94/11/02 09:22 FAX APR-Q3-200, 03:53PM FRDM-N~LSO~~)ANKENBERGER HAMILTON CO HWY. 444 Carmel nOCD 3178468782 U T-290 p. 004/005 ~ 004/006 HH 2. Statement of Commitment. Platinum commits to do the following: The Widening of the Applicable Segment of 141'1 Street by 3 feet of asphalt pavement and 3 feet of stone shoulder, per the requirements of the Hamilton Coun\y Highway Depanment: and Z (d) The replacement of Drainage StrUcture t and the extension of Drainage .:e::-" Stru'tuTe~and Drainage Structure 3 with the attendant grading offlow lines, per the tenns of the letter from the Hamiltol1 County Highway Departmel1t dated February 19,2002, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "B". ~ . u\~ .... ..,.. 3. Bindil1~ on Successors and A~si{!:ns. These CommitmentS are bi1'tding upon Platinum and its succeSSors and assigns. These Commitments may be modified OT terminuted only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after ~otlce as provided by the Rules of the Commission. The foregoing notwithstanding. these Comn,itments shall terminate upon the recordation of a secondaty plat as to the parts of the Real Estate described herein. (a) 0/(. (b) OIL QJ'. "S-:"r4- LI v.2. \ .... TIll: conversion of the Applicable Segment of West Road from Chip and seal to asphalt paving, per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department; The widening of the Applicable Segment of West Road with 6 ,:eet of pavement and a 3 foot stone shoulder per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Depanment; (e) 4. Effective Date. The commitments contained herein shaH be of no force and effect until the occurrence of all of the following; (a) The approval of the plat request under Docket Number 19-02-PP; and (b) The acquisition oftirle to the Real Estate by (i) Platinum. (ii) by Platinum's grantees, successors or assigns; and/or (iii) by any person or entity who commences development of the Real EState pmsuant to approvals under Docket #19.02-PP; and (c) The commencement of the development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals obtained under Docket #19-02-PP, ..2. i. P4/11/02 09:22 FAX ~PR-03-Z00Z 03:53PM FROM-NELSON~AN~ENBERGER HAMILTON CO HlVY. I"'_H Carmel DOCD @ 005/006 mB468782 u T-290 P.OOS/OOS F-77r 5. RecQl'din!;!. The undersigned shall record these Commitments in the OffIce of the Recorder of Hamil tOn County. Indiana. upon the granting of primary plat approval under the Docket Number. EXECUTED this day of . 2002. PLATINUM PROPERTIES, LLC An Indiana limited liability company By: Pa.uI Rioux, Pr~sident STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMIL TON ) BEFORE ME. a No~ary Public in and for said County and State. personally appeared Paul Rioux, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Commitments. WITNE:SS my hand and Notarial Seal this _ day of , 2002. My Commission Expires: Notary Public - Signature Residing in County Printed Name: Prepared By: Charles O. Frankenberger, Nelson & Frankenberger. 3021 East 981h Street. Suite 220. Indianapolis. Indiana 46204. H:\j.~a'rLI\T/IIl'ol\\IIdQ<rPlI'''II,,\C".mmjjl''<lIl,.1l1 OlUlj~'''II" -3- .04111/02 09: 23 FAX HAMILTON CO DOCD ~ 006/006 u HAMILTON CO HWY. 777 Carmel DOCD V I$Z]OO1l006 ,,04/11102 09:20 FAX HAMILTON. COUNTY .~":~ HfGHWAYDEPARTMElYT #PAGES (INCLUDING COVER S'HEET): ( ,. 1 'TO: C:~1i4(,'~ fil.WK.~tJ sa4E7l COMPANY: DATE: ,/-11 3'11,-1712 \ ~ ~,~~~ {B _' 1t-~'~~l'J.. ',"',.~ ~f&,([J \\. ~\l ;- ~~ &';CO ,~ \ "'\)CS .<' " ')I" \., .. ,J;........ ''10-02--- -' .<<\-)? '~~ FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET ----~~~--------------_.------------~- FAX#: , TlTLE: FROM: 5tn't gl1)~"t,MItP /oJ FAX#: (317) ':'776-9814. TITLE: SUBJECT: eAA~tif I Atf1I.(.iI-t!~ Is 7d.e .414-e~' III' /Jpp f{Jl-G &I11/11-lf'I/1I.t'Wt'5 h~ Tt4-6 tfJeff1!f-AJ Mus /ip#t.f. / WIt.(.-' At-sl) lith'- ~v !l{)P/~J ~ !Hi pj,., P &h/ . 13lf f{ 6,4P. 5~~ ttt: J6A.1 D~g,()(IIJ"AI/i.1- nffil"" (317) 77J-7770 4/q /0 '2.. ~:._w~~~ k LU . I . ~~ - ~~-:~ -"'- ----- --~-~~ -->~,.... ---,---...- -- --='=--"--'-'-~~~~""'------- - -- >'-ct> :rr~~''fP:!- . _~c_~s'~-1.~..s.:~-~ . - - -- -- - ---~-.~ - - - -- "",-~---_............... - _..~i-r__'--'- - --- - _....' ------ - - : I - -_.._---~~_:~---- I ,=h~ .....'-'~~.~~ -=--{;?~~..s " .~- -~------ I ,. ,< ( - ;,~~-....---. w" '""""'''---~- - --- ~ 1 - - y- -- fu ~l-\ . L;l-b ~ S'\, c:.- . -- . ~v b\~ 4~ . . - - -,.....-,..--::----...-.-- - ~ - - - I - ~~----~--------~-=-~.- ------------ -_. "' ; ------~ -- '----- ----~""'- ""'"------~~ - - - ~~'i---6~~--.S'l't ~OP~ ~ 'E'Pt>f'~ T'J: ,-- -.< ._.~"""""""" -- --. - - p--~ -----~-- :e~ID.I.~~ ~~u~~_______ , l" ----- , ~o~_~_.G..~~L_ - _~__~__t:-} C?l.sL_'ecL!-l:n(:lt~ . S:/t"jO - 6 , ; . ~ ___-.0-- ----......--- --_.-.0- I -- -'-- ---... _....~ - -- .- -- - ._-~................ -- --. --- --- -. -- ---- - - --.. - ...-..-- ~~_ y~~~~ :t'b~. h:1:.._fM'I ---,~...-.----- - --- - - ~ . __~~"h - _~Q..." -~-- . - '.- - - ,_...--- "- - - --- - .---.-... - , I - - -~- ~_~ -~__~_~__~~.Uft b~ - ~ .. .- -"-- - ".- 1 -. _.----~- --- .. .------~ -- 'L.. ,...,-- - - ------, -- _.--- -- -" ~-,----,-=---_..._- -- - i - - -~- ~ . -~~... -=----. "---~.--. - .- -- - -- --;<<".,---- -"~- ~ " q -. -- . . -- ---- - -- -- -- , ~- --- - _.- - .-.", . - -------:-..---- - ~ .~--- --~-,---.... -"'~....-&~- - - . - ~ . - - - -- I ---.--- - - .- - -. ------.-----...- ..._-..--u. - .- ~- -- - - ---- -~ ......~... - - ~- - ------- ----. .----- -..---.--- .-- ._----------- --~----- -- - -- ~O___ - '. ----..... - - --.- -~--~ . - . -~ - - ----- ,- ----- I i I . I --~- - ----- ....,- --"'+ - - -~ - - -- - .-,--- - - ---..----- - - - _. - ~ - .- - - .. - - - - ----. ..----- -- -- . - - .-- - .--.- - - - - - . - ~ ~-- --~.- -- - ~ . , , ! \~ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: /\0;\LIn?;) STOEPPELWE. RTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. I~~'" I:!~:Z~~\ 9940 Allisonville Road .~y ~'/\ Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 g":/. :, ~~~fi!a., ~ Phone (317) 849-5935 _. "If J "lY~lJJ '::c" . FAX '(317) 849-5942 I'_:J D.~.? J.::- . DeS ;(> ~~)~'" ../<1 Aprill,2002 JOB NUMBER: 42705 (<". .-:-TT --:. :>' - -_I TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Jon Dobosiewicz RE: Western Hills WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ I Courier I ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 20 Western Hills Information Packet 20 Primary .Plats 1 Each Copy of correspondence THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ X I For Approval J As Requested [ X] For Review and Comment [ X I For Your Use REMARKS: Douglas J. Westlund -(0 N S U'L"T I N..6 1 N 6 I NEE R S LAN. D S' U R V. E Y, 0 R S Department of Corrimunity serVices One Civic Square. . Cannel, Indiana 46032 R:M.Sloeppelwerth PE PlS CI Duvid J. Stoe'ppelwerln PE, PLS It Curtis C. Huff, PLS~~n;~~Sfeadr PLS' CI Jeffory W. Dorling, PLS . , r ,.., , . ,/',\,/'. .'-1 . ~. . . . j";-,J.> ~ :..r' , I .....01/ ~. ~ "', . ~., ~/ It. \ ~ ",;)~ . ff!~ ,,' , \::... 8.' .APii' i~!Jf!t[9J \~: Aprill,2002'J - DOc.~ lool !J~; \ ) .' ~ ~- ("\. /:.. '\: ~ );...., " .,--'\--\,4; ~:ILJ~Y Attn:' Jon Dobosiewicz Re: Western Hills TA€ Comments Dear Mr., Ddbosiewicz: I have reviewed. all the'comments for Westem,Hms ahqgo'ne over them with the developer ofthis project: 'Each comment has been addressed by revisions made to tbe . Primary:Plat'or by a, le.tteraddressirig the comments. Note,you will tind. attached a.copy . . of the commentletter addressed to Steve Cash with the Hamilton CoUIl1Y Suiveyor's Office and Faraz Khan with the Hamilton County High.way Department. . . If you have anyql1;es~()n..s, please contact me at (317) 577-3400,.e'xt. 35. Very truly yours, STOEP'PEL:W:eRTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. fr~f.~7. Dougla.s J. Westlund ~:\42705\Agency J '. 9940.Allisonville Rood. Fishers, li1di~illl,4603B~2005 .d'll) B49.59350 "1.80'072B~6917 0 FAX: (3m 849.5942 W myded p~pel CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS Hamilton County Highway Department 1700 South lOth Street. . Nobl~Ville~ Indiana R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS · David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS · Curtis C. Huff, PlS 0 Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS III Jeffory W. Darling, PlS . 4\"..~~I~\'... .. /f ' '-.:. /:;Y . -<:y /.>1 .. ~~ ~ \;), April 1 , 2.q'~ 'PH <<;~~ ~~~ . . \cJ ,,?a7? r:. \ 1./008 :::(.) /.~ /...../ " A.. Y .J". .<:,...-."'" ' . --< .." /' G'l \ \ Attn: Faraz J. Khan . Re: Western. Hills '. . Primaiy Plat Comments Dear Mr. Khan: . i have read your comment lett~.datedFebruary 19, 2002 and reviewed it with the developer of West em Hills. Comments 6, 13', and 14 have bee~addre~sed ~t this time and the revised Primary Plat reflects these changes. Comments 15 and 16 req~est street standards that cOntradict that set forth by Cannel's De-ye1opment StaJidards. Jon . . Dobosiewicz has requested' the streets to cO:mPly with the.standards set-forth by Cannel's' Development Standards. Tb,edeveloper has taken not of Comments'. 2-5., 7-12, 17, and 18 and will address them appropriately at the time: of preparation of construction plans. If you have any questions, please contact me at(3'17) 577-3400; ext. 35. . . ~ ..- Very truly yours, JJ:4iJ;ZrATES, fNe. Doug'J..Ltlund . _Cc: JonDobosiewicz S':\42705\Ag~y . 9940 Allis?nville Road G, Fishers,lndiolla 4603n005 . (317) 849-5935 01-800-7-28-6917-" FAX: (317) 849-5942 tX:t \6<9 recycled pupcr ( 0 N S U l TIN G E N GIN. E E R S lAND SURVEYORS R.M. S1oeppelwerln, PE, PLS It David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS .. Curtis CH~H, PlS .. Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS-" Jeffory W. Dorling, PLS HaririltQu County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square Suite 188. . . Noblesville,' Indiana 460.60 April! 200~~:;I~~~., , , ,,1- \:\ A t9l~({';~!!Wrg(Q) \;:e. PH .1.2002 );; DOCS .,., ./..-....... I '" ./. ~ ~\\) <0, _ ~~i_~'Y' Attn: Steve Cash, Re: Western' Hills priIDary Plat Comments Dear Mr. Cash: The developer of Western Hills and myselfhave reviewed,yourcommerit letter dated March 15,2002. Each of these comments will be addresses duriJig the preparation o:fconst::ri:1ction plans.. " , ~f you have any questions, please contact me at (3 j 7) 577.:-34QO,ext. 35. ' Very truly yours,' . . ~jjW;;:IATES'WC. DOU~- J.~ estlurid . Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz. S :\42705\Agency 9940 Allisonville Rood' 0 Fishers,lndianD 46038-2005 .. (317)849.5935 .. 1.800:728.6917 .. FAX:.(3171849.S942 . W r~cyded popel LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL " ! STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: April!, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 4~J05 TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 c 1- 1csJ1~ -Rlfc:' . A;;;l:;I'~Ic;,JW~1tJ 1 2{}(j2 DocS \. '1'.~ ~ \ r-- .'. /--/ ATTENTION: Jon Dobosiewicz I. .' ... /- ,~~-~.// - - ~-",< \ ~~/' . - < RE: Western Hills WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ I CQurier l J Other: COPIES . SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 2 Landscape Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 1 For Approval x I As Requested ] For Review and Comment x J For Your Use REMARKS: Douglas J. Westlund u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46J32 (317) 571..2411 Fax: (317) 571-2.426 To: ~t-\\ '"':;. o. 8~q-JS~4d- 1 I ,c-::.. _i J Re:20u~\",~, e~e- "'11.~ O~ Fax:: Pages: ~~ ~ S-~~rO~ From: Phone: Date: eel o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comltlent 0 f:llease Reply o Please Recycle ~L. 10:.~~ ~~~. ... t::5t. ~~. - 15 ,-0\ yf> ~W\~C> ~",...H.o ~\.t~ E....."{-~,~S<L. \ ~ '1. - t ~ ...C) ~ ~ p \,.:j ~..:. · \ ~, L.'-- ~ ~\3 ta. . \. ' "IYJ "RR 28 ' 02 03:02PM NELSON~ .... -lRNKENBERGER ~ U NELSON 6- FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AITORNEYS AT LAW u P.l/5 JAMES J. NELSON OiARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LARRY J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT OF COUNSEL JANE B. MERRILL 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDINiAPOUS, INDIANA 46260 317.844-0106 FAX; 317.846-67B2 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: March 28, 2002 To: .Jon Dobo:siewia Company: Carmel Department of Services Fax: 571-2426 Prom: Charles D. Frankenberger Phone: 317-844.0 I 06 Pages: 5 (including cover sheet) Comments: Re: Platinum Propertiesl\Vestern Hills Docket No. 19-02 PP ******************************************************************************** The informatiOll contained in this facsimile message is intended only far the use of the individual or entity named above. I fthe reader Or recipient ofthis message is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent ofrhe intended recipient who is responsible for delivering it to theimended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Ifyoll have received [his communication in error, please notifY us by telephone (collect) and return the original message to us at the above indicated address via the u.s. Postal Service. Receipt by anyone other than the intended recipient is not a waiver of an attorney-client or work product privi lege. i . ii I'JAR 28 '02 03: 02PM I'IELSQ~RANKENBERGER NELSON & FRANKENBERG~ A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AlTORNEYS.AT.LAW u P.2/5 JAMESJ. NBI.80N CBAl'(UtS.n. nANlmNBm.GEIl JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCEJ, ~ JOHN B. FIAlT of counsel JANED.~ 3(01 EAsr fl81h SnmKr Sc;m :uo Jlo.IDWIAJ'OU&, lHJ)W(.A 461.60 317..s44-010Ci FAXl317~ March 28, 2002 Jon Dobosiewicz Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Platinum Properties, L.L.C. - Westem Hills Primary Plat Approval - Docket No. t 9-02 PP Dear Jon: Enclosed are proposed commitments regarding road improvements. Please give me your thoughts. Thanks. Very truly yours. NELSON & FRANKENBERGER ~/-- Charles D. Frankenberger CDF/jlw Enclosw-e MAR 28 '02 03:02PM NELS~RANKENBERGER u P.3/5 ... COMMITMENTS CONCERNING THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Platinum Properties, LLC (hereafter "Platinum"), the contract purchaser of the real estate located inH:amilton County, Indiana, and more particularly described in what is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A" (the "Real Estate"), makes the following commitments ("Commitments") to the CarmeL/Clay Plan Commission (the HCommission") of the City ofCarrnel, Indiana, concerning the use and development of the Real Estate, Primary plat approval granted Urtde"( the Docket Number (hereinafter defined) is subject to and conditioned upon compliance with these Commitments: 1. Definitions. The following additional defmitions shall apply throughout these Commitments: (a) "Bridge" shall mean and refer to the Bridge over West Road which is located adjacent to the southern portion of the Real Estate. (b) "Docket Number" shall mean and refer to Docket Number 19.02-PP under which Platinum has filed an application for primary plat approval pertaining to the Real Est<lte. (c) The "Applicable Segment of West Road" shall mean and refer to that segment of West Road which is (i) contiguous with the western boundary of the Real Estate, and (ii) north of the Bridge. (d) The "Applicable Segment of 14 pi Street" shall mean and refer to that segment ofl41 sl Street which is contiguous with the northern boundary ofthe Real Estate. (e) "Drainage Structure 1" shall mean and refer to the structure under 14P' Street, located east of West Road, near the center of the north boundary line of the Real Estate, ~'Drainage Structure 2" shall mean and refer to the structure under West Road, located just south of the intersection of 141 >l Street and West Road. "Drainage Stnlcture 3" shall mean and refer to the structure under West Road located about 1,300 feet south of the intersection of West Road and 141 n Street, being near the center oftbe west boundary line ofthe Real Estate. MAR 28 '02 03:02PM NELSO~l.)ANKENBERGER u P.4/5 2, Statement Qf Commitment. Platinum commits to do the following: (a) The conversion of the Applicable Segment of West Road from chip and seal to asphalt paving, per the requirements of tbe Hamilton County Highway Department; (b) The widening of the Applicable Segment of West Road with 6 feet of pavement and a 3 foot stOne shoulder per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department; (c) The Widenillg of the Applicable Segment of 141 sl Street by 3 feet of asphalt pavement and 3 feet of stone shoulder! per the requirements of the Hamilton County Highway Department; and Cd) The replacement of Drainage Structure t, and the extension of Drainage Structure 2 and Drainage Structure 3 with the attendant grading offlow lines, per the terms of the letter from the Hamilton County Highway Department dated February 19,\ 2002, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "B". 3. Binding on Successors and Assigns. These Commitments are binding upon Platinum and its successors and assigns, These Commitments may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the Rules of the Commission. The foregoing notwithstanding. these Commitments shall terminate upon the recordation of a secondary plat as: to the parts of the Real Estate described herein. 4. Effective Date. The commitments contained herein shall be of no force and effect until the occurrence of all ofthe following: (a) The approval of the plat request under Docket Nmnber 19-02-PP; and (b) The acquisition of title to the Real Estate by (i) Platinum, (ii) by Platinum' s grantees, successors or assigns; and/or (iii) by any person or entity who commences development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals under Docket # 19-02-PP; and (c) The commencement of the development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals obtained under Docket #19-02-PP. -2- <. ~ '\ '0 MAR 28 '02 03:03PM NELS~~-RANKENBERGER u P.5/5 5. Recording. The undersigned shall record these Commitments 10 the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, India.na, upon the granting of primary plat approval under the Docket Number. EXECUTED this day of ,2002, PLATINUM PROPERTIES, LLC AD Indiana limited liability company By: Paul Rioux, President STATE OF INDIANA ) ) 58: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME, a. Notary PUblic in and for said County and State, personally appeared Paul Rioux, who acknowledged the'execution of the foregoing Commitments. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this _ day of ,2002. My Commission Expires: Notary Public - Signature Residing in County Printed Name Prepared By: Charles D. Frankenberger, Nelson & Frankenberger, 3021 East 98111 Street, Suite 220, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. H:VlblCl\I'LA TN MlWell"'" Hill,\C~'"'ailmCllll;-RI 0' 1802. wpd -3- ~ --_.-~ [~. "1\ ,.- ". ._W~ t\.~~..s f v~ o '\1\'--'--'---" 0/1'1/ D2. ---..:..~ --- - -.--..... _............ -_. .--.... ..-.. -.-.--.- Ctf~\..J& F~K.~~ ?~h _tLto~_/~~~~tlTl'f I;~~ lot oc>,.._D.ot::::> ~_ffl).@.._~~M~ - .- _d.____ ~~~-=-P!t,..~Eiil:' f''-~__~_~_--._- --.-- _u._, . ------- _~-.\~-e~~~--(~~~1~.d---- ---- .--.- -------. .. -. ...'-_._--~--- ----- - _.---.-- .-.--..- - --~.- -~- I :,r ?u6u '- - .. .-~ ~ -.-..-~------- ---- ~'I!.....L~ Oi_t_oSJ~.~ !b-J:.----. ----, .. .. -- .--.----..-..- : J ~J~f~~ ~'__@:'-E:2.~K..-~w~~-~....- --~-j~.,.. ., . ---- ..,J- _l:>> ....::<:_.\.<Q_L..._~_ ~-,---~ sr . J -- - -- --- - . ~.-~~~__-K.&.~b~~"---. ._.____ _!:il. --~-- .. ~~--- ..- - ----- ~ . , ' - ~ "O.k' ~ _ .,"I,.~= ~~..::,.._ _ _. \5:::-_L, ~e._~M=S_ . - - --- ,.__ __-.. ~c~::;___=_L'b_o~.Y._fe.~-.JJE\1ii.~.e~E'toJ'1:::--- - --- --.- -~t-~ . :-:: 'JJ.f';!: pF jib/h~ J~#"l~ .J.;<M.r.__~. ____._i.\3_':__TD~__~:;;;~....~ _ __. 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'< .- i f ..- . _.,".._o__-_________=_ rro i ~~.:;. - - '-""-0' ~.-,,- :c-::........ ~::...-""'-'- . ~............ - ~ , , .. -- c_ -...--- --=--=---- ~ , ..., ~- -~_.c_._ ----~.--_~-------........... ..........:-.;. .- . - - -- .~_._.c______ 1-- ........-" --- , -_. -- ....-, --- --- --- _c -.P....."- ,__,'"" ~ ~-<_ - .-- --------= ... -,-,,~_r .- II -----".-, --_." --""--~ -- - - - -. - _.c"'", '. ~--- -~- ~~ -- .. - ~--....-.- . <--.- - -----..... .- .- -- -- .- --- -' ... -- ~ ~ - . .. - - - - -. - ;..---.. - -. . '" .. -. - ~ ~/r)j6,- kl~~~._~~" \ ~ -:~o~~ p ~---_..~ - ~ --------- -~ __~~'!'-I:r!':-.~- _~.tt_c~ ...'Yl7'J~___--.~-._ ~f'l~C-..--~~~.- L~t=-r> ~ ~t.fVD m::~-<_ ._,.__ 7 ~~t;y~.s:'-~~.~_~~LU ~___ ---- --------..--- - .- -..--------,-- -: -- u u JAMES J..NELSON PlARLES'D.J?RANKENBERGER JAMES'E;..SHINAVER ~~CE J;R:EI\.fl$R JOHN n.FIATf' of,counsel JANEB. MERRILL ~ELSON & FRANKENBERGER ArROFESSIONAL eORPORATION , A:rrO~EYS"AT-LAW' March 15,2002 VIA HANl) DIi:LlVERY Jon Dobo~ie,&'icz CaitheL Departl11entof COlillllllllit:y S'el'vices One,Ciyit ~qu<lre Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Platinum Prop~llies, L: LC - Prim~ry Plat Application l\1Iai'ch 19,.2'M2 Ca rmcl man Comm ission Hearing Docket No. I 9-0;2 PI> Dear Jon: EIlclosed you I.viTlfinc! tHe foili:i,wilig: ~ \ \ I 3021 EAsr98tbSl'REl"r sllI'ffi-'220 . INllW,AI'OUS, INDIANA 4628\ 317"844-0106 FAX:3J'7-s46~878,2 .t W4~t\e.~~\Q) ~\~R 15 2002 DOCS ' A,,% /'0. ~' , 'l . L Nejrite o(Public 'fead1rg; 2, Afl1davj't of Mailing: 3;, Proo f of PlI,bJication; 4 List fronl lhe Hamilton Cl'Hlllty AlIditcir regarding' surrounding prOpcl;ty l)\vncfs; and 5, Cel'tilJed, ret9n1 receipt recjlle.stec!cards which~vere returned by the surro,unding property owners, The ab0ve~j'eterenc'ed docket Imitters arc to be pl'csenLed to tilt: C~lnnel Vlan Cq1ll11l ission on Monday, March r9~ 2002. Please call with any question;;. Very truly youi's, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER Ct-- Charle5 D, Frallkel1be~ger COr/jlw Enclosures Il:\J""Cl\PLATNMI.WeSlcrh 1'liIl51f)ob6~kwli:",1",llllr OJ I 502'''1'<1 '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \' \\ MAR 15 '02 04:09PM ,'7(ellfoll C. '1t1nrd, SllIveyo/' (NimH' (J.1.7) 77i5-IJ'tJ5 'T/L,( (} 17] 776-:)6:z.8 Sllile 11M One ,Hamilll'" CvmIly '~Lluun' .:NtJbI~$llillc, '"din/w 4L,(1G(~-:z.:z.Jo March 15, 2002 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth &: Assoc. Re: Western. Hills - Primary Plat I have revi.ewed the printery plat for this prqject and have the following comments. I. The storm sewers for this project will need to become Hamilton County Regulated Drain. All standard comments for projects under the jurisdiction of the County Surveyor apply to thjs project. 2. PIl:ase provide an overall preliminary drainage summary for this project that details s\.lch things as off site upstream watershed, discharge rates, outlets, etc. 3. Thi!l primary plat shows three main points of discharge for storm water runoff, Lion Creek along the south, the culvert near lot 51 and the culvert near the NW comer of the :site. 4. The dovv'tlstream conditions from the two culverts in comment #3 need to be investigated for their appropriateness a50 outlets (i.e., capacity, erosion, etc.) 5. The southern most portion of the site shows a direct discharge nom the street to Lion Creek. If directundetained discharge is proposed for this area, then, the detention areas must detain to compensate for this water. 6. Pipes must be extended to the flowline of the creek or gabioD I reno mattress lined ch.aw1els will be installed. 7. There is are section Y<,' corners located on this site. We are interested in preserving the corners integrity. 8. Show a 20'perimet~r easen'ient on lots IS & 25; 30' if SSD is present. 9. What improvements will occur to the cuI Vert over Lion Creek? Will the road be widened at this location? 10. I have received comments that the culvert under 141 S! need to be replaced. 11. What is the condition of the berm for the existing lake located east of the site? 12. The plans show a storm sewer cro~sing the gas pipeline, Has this crossing been approved? Are there any potential conflIcts due to elevation? :- MAR 15 '02 04:09PM U u P.2/2 13. Will this subdivision be built in phases? If so, then we would like to see detention built with the firstphase. 14. Lots 1 & 2 appear to be showing fill in thetlood plane. If they are located within the floodplain, you will need to reconsider to relocate those lots to another part of the site. For your information, the compensated storage variance to the ordinance is no longer allowed due to Phase II requirements. (f you have any questions, plea.qe feel free to contact this office at 776-8495. Si~rely, c') & ,._-~_....--o ,,' . ,~~-,. t--" ~- "J - . 4... A':...... -:'..,,',.. .~~~ ~ '--.,.... . Steven T. Cash Plan Reviewer Cc: Carmel DOCS SCS Co. Hwy Platinum Properties u u JAMESj'.,NEISON' ci{ARiiS D..FRANR;ENBERGER JAMES E. SHlNAVER . JAWRENCEJ: KEMPER JOlIN D, FLATT o'fcounsel JANE ni MERRILL NELSON & 'FRANKENBERGEF. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION '. ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW '" . 30Il'EAsT 98tIJ ~Ef Surrn220 INDi.\NAFQ~ INDIANA -ki280' .317-844-0106 FAX:>"317-1l46-8782 March 8, 2002 ta ... ~ ,~ 1IAJt,~ IDea QJt}2 VIA HAND DELlyF.HY R.amona Hancock Cannel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Ca.r!l1el IN 4603} Rei Platinum Properties/Western HiIl~ - Docket No. 19-Q2,PP Dear Ramona:, Enclosed for distribution to Plan Commission nientbcl's are, 20 infori11atianal brochure.s. Plea~t; pate' that: 1 taped an, aerial photograph to the 'inside of the first page., We look forwa.rd to presenting 'this matter Jo the, Plan Commission during the: public hearing scheduled to occur ort Mai'ch 19, 2002, As.always, I appreciate youi' goqcrlielp. Should you hav.e any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me. ThaFlk yon. Very truly yOllr~, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER e~ Charles'D. Frankenberger JES/j hv H :\J anet \, P,L ..\:r:N M\ \V,e51.l~nL)-lills\HfUlc:o~K O_~()~H2;w,)d u u One CivioSC{l.lara Carmel, IN 4SJ32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (31 T) 571~2426 ,.o~ Q..~~'I-'~ Frcnu ~........,..~~ Froc <$"1- ~1"')~'" &~("-~""i "J.1~g:es: ~ Phot1~ Da~e! a - ~ - C:::;0l-., . Ra~ %~~ \ <4., 1 C aYCL~M~ cc~ Cl Urgertt tl For Rsv'iew 0 P.Iease c.orruTlent 0 PIEl3Se Reply cr Pleas a ~eeycle ~~~ ~ ;t:l:: · ~ .&; d::::bL"t"',Ga'\ . I ~s..D 1 2 ~ c:-:.~ ~~.. ~& tolo )h~~ i>.:>D !~~...,,~ ~h. . l,\._D;t1>.P ~ i u u One Civic S'C[l.lara Carmel, IN 4&)32 (317) 571-24H Fax: (317) 511..2426 ,Fax To~ ~ ~...~ O. Fax: ~qq... "'S CIf tf ~ Fhone:: Fram~ ~~~ ~^- P~g6S: ~ Datel a-~ -<::)~ ReI Ml\~ \ ~.. \ ' c do yel.. .~~~ CC~ tJ Urgent 0 For Re.view tl FJease COll1ment D P(ea.se N.eply D Please Recycle ~L-~ ~ &f; ~L~__\ .P;:: 5 h ,.' .1 ~ -Q ~ . ~ ~ ~...~~<-~~~~, 02/19/02 10:10 FAX u --.l!AM.IP'Q~_CO--.!:lWY. ~ ~ CARMEL ENGINEER U ---'- --.- ~002/003 ~~ . HAMILTON COUNJ}'w-> H/GHWA Y DEPARTME1/f/r Rr. 1 ( -.' / {,tl"l ~ r !::;//f.-,'l ::..' <.L' 1 'f .. ~ !) .?OOl ,! February 19, 2002 \:, \ DOCS / \: / :/ Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead \.(: " . . " Stoeppelwerth & Associate, Inc. ~) j' I :'1-\ ':r J./'/ 9940 Allisonville Road .-.J....~_J--.?" Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 RE: Western Hills Prinwy Plat EILSt of West Road I North of East 13~ Street Clay Township . Dear Dennis D. Olmstead: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt ofa transITrittal containing the plans, for "Western HiUs". After reviewing the plans, the Highway Department has Ihe following comments: I. An Application for Project Review needs to be completed and the appropriate review fees for a Primary Plat paid, before any approvals will be gmnted from this office. I have enclosed a blank fonn for your use. SecondaTV Plm 2. Please note. that decorative signs, sprinkler systems, trees, landscaping mounds, light poles, utilities, or other such amenities are notpemritted in the Right-of-Way. 3. Before any approvals are granted fot the Secondary Plat, an Engineers Estimate broken into the following categories will need to be submitted, along with a Perfonnance Bond or Letter of Credit in the amount of 100% of the estimate: .. Stone Base .. HAC Binder .. HAC Surface .. Concr~te Curbs .. Street Name and Regulatory Signs CDnstruction Plans 4. County will require developer 10 convert West Road from 14]~ Street to South end of the property limit from chip and seal road to asphalt pavement meeting section 402 requirements. The minimum thickness for pavement shall be: HMA Surface'" I Vi-inch; HMA Intermediate = 2-inch; Wedge and Level = As directed by the engineer. These requirementsshaUbe included as the first phase of the construction. S. The COWlty will require West Road to be widened on your property frontage by 6 feet with 3 feet of slone shoulder meeting Hamilton County Standards for Construction of Road Improvements. These requirements shall be included as the first phase of the construction. 6. County win also require widening 14111 Street from West Road to East end of the property by 3 feet with 3 feet of stone shoulder. These requirements shall be included as the first phase ofthl: construction. 7. The County will require replacement of Small Structure J 1089-290 feet South of 14111 Street. 8. The County wilL require extension of Small Structure /1037-520 feel EastofWest Road and Small Strllctllre J J 090-2925 feet North of BI" Street. Flow line of small structure 11037 shall be adjusted for proper drainage and there shall be no standing water. Extension of small structure 1] 090 wHl require grade slop around the Structure to be 3: I. This will eliminate the need for guardrail on' the East side of this strUCture. These requirements shall be included as the first phase of the construction and all proposed improvement to small structures must be approved by Hamilton County Highway Department. 9. County will require removal of all trees along the right-or-way that are considered hazardous to motorist. 1700 South] O'h Street Noblesvillc. In. 46060 WWW.ClI.hllmil to".i" .IIS Office (317} 773- 7770 Fax (317\ 77h_l)1l14 02119/02 10: 11 FAX u HAMILTON CO HWY .-' -.. CARMEL ENGINEER @003/003 (,.,I-- ,--- " 10. The County will require extension of aU property frontage pipes to be ex.tended. 11. Please note, sub-division South entrance on West Road needs to meet or exceed minimum 450 feet Sight Distance criteria based on speed limits between 48.55 mph. Currently, sight distance to your proposed sub- division entrance is 286feet. 12. Please refer to INDOT Driveway Permit Manual 1996 for minimum Passing Blister design criteria. This may require acquisition of additional Right-of- Way on West Road and 141 SI Street. 13. The deceleration lane shouldconsistofnrinimum 100 feet taper, 150 feet lane and be 12 feet in width. The acceLeration taper, should be minimum of 100 feet. 14. Please include Horizontal Curvature Table and indicate clearly all curves on the primary plan. 15. Intersection off-set distance needs to meet or exceed 200 feet, therefor:e, aU proposed. public roads parallel to West Road need to meet this requirement. . 16. Please, corre.ctthe prQposedpublicstreet widths paraDel to West Road and 14151 Street to meet the minimum 28'-0" widtb from the Clack of curb to the back of curb, as required'by Hamilton County Highway Department (HeRD) Standards. Also, please make the necessary corrections to the street cross-section on the sheet, the individual lanes need to be 12'-0" wide. 17. AU off site utility work will need to be placed beyond the Right-of-Way. Road cuts will not be pennitted for utilities to cross either West Road or 141" Street Pushlbores must be used. 18. The private street statement on the plat needs to read, Platinum Properties Inc., and any and aU successors and Ilssigm hereby waive aU rights to petition the Hamilton County Highway Department, the Hamilton County Boar:d of COnunissioners, or Hamilton County, Or the successor unit of government to be responsible for the maintenance ofthe ingress-egress easement; or to have the easement considered a public road necessitating maintenance by any unit of government. The following also needs:to be included on the plat: Where common drives are shown on this plat, those lot owners abutting such drives shall own equal and undivided interest in such drives as tenants in common, and it shall be the obligalionof each owner in common with the other lot owners abutting such a drive to contribute an equal share of the cost of the maintenance ofsucb drives. Where a majority ofIot owners served by a private drive elect 10 repair the private drive and one or more lot owners fails to pay their allocable share of such repair, then the owners paying such cost mayfile a li.en for the reasonable value of labor perfonned and ma"tcnalsfumished as prescribed by the lien laws of the State ofIndiana against any such lot and the owner thereofand recover the full assessment owed together with interest from due dale and reasonable attorney's fees. Theprivate drive may contain utilities to serve said lots in which event the several property owners shaH maintain the utilities not otherwise maintained by the respective utility in the same manner as set out for drives. All private drives shall also be a utiliry easement. If you have any comments or questions regarding this letter or project, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Sincerely, ~t-L Faraz J. Khan ' Engineer Technician FJK:fjk CC: Steve Cash Ion Dobosiewicz Iohn South G:\USEJlS\FjklSub4l.ision a..kw\D2.19.0J_W......, lIill ","",ry Pl.l.doo 02/19/02 10:09 FAX u HAMILTON CO HWY. 0 CARMEL ENGINEER I4J 0011003 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWA Y DEPART;t1E!?}J;F~ /:.;/ ...c~........ 0\ ,"t .' <2> ~(J YT \-- 1~-c1 ~ \9 FAX TRANSMIlTAL SHEET r~::.. a ~ ~ I~ ~< ~ ~/~ \/ ).. ..~,b ,""/ ---------~--------------~------------ "< ~.;~, - /:. :/ ',t~.. I~)z-n~ ~ \ 'y ,. It \ 1"/ ~~ #PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): ( 3,) DATE:~, 2002 TO: .T~n \)FJ)oo:;ie...u.il~ COMPANY: FAX#: ( L FAX#: (317) 776.9814 SUBJECT: 51.)~) - J \ y; ~~ (W\ --fpo- West" (y"\ 11 ~ \l s \Jr"tN'\^ry iJ\C\+ 1700 South 10'11 Str eel Nnhl"<vill.' In. ~"()"fl WWw.I.f).h;m.iltnn.i n. "" Ofiice (317) 773-7770 1(......... f"1:''''''''''''~ .OQ1/1 r - u u Johnson, Sue E Cc: Subject: Jay Alley[Jay@ctrwd,org] Friday, February 15, 200211:18 AM rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; DHill@ci.carmel.in.us; DJenkins@ci.carmel.in,us; Ghoyt@cLcarmel.in.us; JKendall@cLcarmel.in.us; JLester@ci.carmel.in.us; JPFoster@ci.carmel.in.us; MBrisco@ci,carmel.in.us; MFogarty@ci.carmel.in.us; ParksPrograms@cLcarmel.in,us; PPace@cLcarmeLin.us; PWilliams@ci.carmel.in.us; RAuler@ci.carmel.in.us; SJohnson@ci.carmel.in.us; WAkers@ci.carmel.in.us; rmcclain@cinergy.com; thomas.ordway@cinergy.com; sprater@cmsenergy.com; sjb@co.hamilton.in.us; stc@co,hamilton.in.us;john-south@iaswcd .org; rahendricks@in-hc- lepc.org; tina.alexander@IWCR.com; jeff.s.rice@msg.amerilech.com; tony. holmes@twcable.com; cshupperd@vectren.com josek@brenwick,com; Candy Feltner; rlauritsen@slmaco.com CTRWD February TAC Comments From: Sent: To: Hello everyone: Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service area for the February 20 TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this email or attach it to your meeting minutes. Western Hills Subdivision \ '\ - O't.. pP The District has not been provided with a copy of the plat and we will need to review the construction drawings when they become available. Sewer service to the area of this project is dependent on the completion of the 126th Street Interceptor which has not yet been constructed by the District but is under design. Village of West Clay, Rezone & Primary Plat Amendment lO - D'l.. 'Z., 1'2.. - b'l.. ,,, A-.e;~ Copies should be provided to the District as it is not clear from the agenda which sections are effected. Village of West Clay, Section 5001 17-0"1... 5P The plans received by the District have been reviewed and approved py the District's engineering consultant and are ready for submittal to IDEM for stale construction permits. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Claybourne Estates Section 1 (Secondary Plat & Construction PlanS)1L.-:!. - D't. Sf' The plans received by the District have been reviewed and approved by the District's engineering consultant and have been submitted to IDEM for state construction permits. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. In addition, sewer service will come from the 131 st Street Interceptor which has not been constructed as yet; a joint right-of-way and easement acquisition process is underway subject to an ag reement between the District and Hamilton County. Please remind all TAC applicants to prOVide plans directly to the District at our main office addressat: 10701 N. College Avenue, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098. If there are questions about the District's requirements, then please refer to our website for current information on the District's construction specification and permit standards. We are a member of the \UPPS underground locate network so call1-800-382~5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks! Jay W. Alley, Utility Manager Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwd.org/ 1 u u Urban Forester comments T AC Agenda for Feb. 20, 2002 Pier One Imports - Property is zoned B-8 and is the 431 Overlay district. No landscape plans received. elUTent ordinance requires buffering requirements ofD on the Keystone and Carmel Drive perimeters, B 011 the west side, and A on the south side. Several changes to the landscape areas have been made since the 1987 approval, including removal of some landscaping areas in front for parking. Though there is some landscaping in place that needs to be preserved, but it does not meet current requirements. Areas of concern: lack of trees in the 30' greenbelt along Keystone Miller Auto Care - No landscape plans received. Property is zoned I-I and B-1. Current ordinance requires side yards of at least 5 feet and buffering requirements of A or B (3 shade trees, 3 or 2 ornamental trees, and 9 or 15 shrubs, per hundred linear feet). If existing streets are to be disturbed by construction, a plan for their movement or replacement must be submitted. Forest Dale Elementary School- Surrounding properties zoned S-2 residential. Current ordinance requires perimeter buffering standard D (5 shade trees, 5 ornamental trees, and 27 shrubs or 9 evergreens per 100 linear feet). There are no planting "notes" or specifications on the plans. They must be submitted, including items such as the removal of the stakes and wires within one year. Planting details must specify that the root flare . (not root ball) is to be planted at or slightly higher than grtlde. Root ball should not be covered or mounded over with clay "topsoil". Crabapple variety ..Snowdrift" should not be used, approved alternative. should be chosen. Along the north perimeter between the property line and the parking lot, there is a storm sewer and an lUlderground gas line running parallel to the drainage swale. This may present a conflict to planting Ash trees along the parking lot. Existing plants to remain should be marked on the plans as such. Danbury Estates Plat vacation - No comments at this time. Western Hills Subdivision - Have not received landscape nor open space plans yet. Village of West Clay and Se.ction 5001- Have been meeting with Park Pifer, landscape director for Brenwick, on plans and comments Claybourne Estates, Section 1 - Have not received secondary plat and construction landscape plans yet for review \ \\ \\ \\\ , \ u I" U One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4S032 (317) 57t.2417 Fax: (317) S71-2426 To~ 0Cri'N\&:. O~ Fax: ~~~.. <5q4 at From: ~~ Pages: ~ Phone= Date~ ~"'Ir-O~ Re~ O}-;).o, Od.. '~~~Gh-\~ cc: o Urgent D For-Review 0 Pleas~ Comment D Please Reply o Please R.ecycle VL~~ ~ \ () '. ~ ~. N\.. w~ ~.~, ~!tO U\.~, c3.~ u u.... - . .,' ~ r-/RECE'VED \'.' CARMEL/CLA Y TECBNICALADVISORY (EORMITTEE AGENDA DOCS ~- Date: Febru~ry 20, 2002 Place: Department of Commullity Services Conference Room 3nl moor - Carmel City Hall 9'00 a m 9'20 a m Q'4011m 10'00 a m lO'iOJ.lm 11'00 l'l m 11 '20 a m 11'40Rm Pier 1 Imports (Building Modifications) Petitioner seeks to alter the architectural design approved as part of Docket No. 111~87 ADLS. The site is located at 715 East Cannel Drive. The site is zoned B-8/business and is located within the SR 43lJKeystone Avenue Overlay Zone. Filed by Glenn Golson, Jr., of Architecture + for Pier 1 Imports. Miller Auto Care (Building Expansion & 'Site Improvements) The applicant seeks approval to construct an addition to an existing building. The site is located at 434 South'Rangellile Road. The site is zoned I-llIndustrial (part) and B-lIBusiness (part). Filed by Ryan McNeely ofDesigo & Build Corp. for Miller Auto Care. ForestDale Elementary (Building Expansion & Site Improvements) The applicant seeks approval to construct additions to an existing building and site improvements. The site is located at 10721 Lakeshore Drive West The site is zoned S- 2IResidnetial. Filed by JeffBoliilger ofFanningIHowey Associates, Inc. for CarmeVClay Schools. Danbury Estates Plat Vacation (plat Vacation) Petitioner seeks to vacate a portion of the Danbury Estates Subdivision including Lots 24 through 32, and a portion of the right-of-way of Durham Drive and Dublin Drive. The site is generally located a the southweSt comer of the Danbury Estates Subdivision in the City of Carmel. The site is zoned PUDandR-4 / Residence. Filed by the Board ofConunissioners of Hamilton County. Western lIills Subdivision (Primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 101-10t residential subdivision on 80::1: acres. The site is located on the southeast corner of West 14151 Street and West Road. The site is zoned S- IlResidential. Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoep pel werth & Associates, Inc. for Platinum Properties L.L.C. Village ofWestClay (Rezone and Primary Plat Amendment) The site is located within the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUDIPlanned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Krutz ofBrenwick TND Communities, LLC. Village of WestClay, Section 5001 (Secondary Plat & Revised Area Layout) The site is locate.d at the southeast comer of 131 Sf Street and Towne Road within the Village of West Clay. The site is zonedPUDlPlanned Unit Development. Filed by Keith Lash ofthe Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities, LLC. Claybourne Estates, Section 1 (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans) The site is generally located at the northwest comer of Shelbome Road and West t 31 st Street and on the south side of 131"" Street 1,4 mile west ofShelborne Road. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - Estate. ~:J,?~nhan(:ll[~ .EP,.8"~.f.~rn ~~~p'8Hnf~ {,~;i:l ,'\::'!~3 no cornpany radiiti~:!s hVo!'."69Jl\thiS [~Oji3Gt _ /I-OJ.... SJ.~_ ._...J..."...... s;an~ -..-..... D~l!"':' 4a- 4e- {e- 9~ 1c ~L 1L ~t-. u u City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2600 Dennis D. Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Rd. Fishers, IN 46038-2005 RE: Western Hills l'1- D'L tP LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Western Hills and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. We are requesting a set of plans indicating fire hydrant placement for this project. 2. We are requesting that emergency turn arounds be placed at the end of the dead end streets by lots 15 and 16 and 25 and 26. 3. Will this project include an amenity center? If so we would request a Knox box on the building for emergency access. 4. 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting far this project. Date: January 29, 2002 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property B1(29/2~B2 16:4~ " :,>: .:j.,~..,.. ,. . '. ,",', 31 7-77'- ~11 81 """'U' . ' , PAGE 01/87 :AMILToN co U5~ ~ , , 3i7~7'J3~2ilJJ.. ,,\'::,.:, Fa:t: 1i'7~71.6.;1101',,' , ~,j::i~SW!~'~~Y.ijl~fs, nl~:J:ilt~1: ' llj)8 South 91~ Street · Nob,le,sville .. IN -,4'{j:06'O<H45,:: , , ,:', JalnMry 29, i002 1 . . . /~-\i ;'-~ ,:" '" , d.-'~- "i, ..~><" ,",': . \)~,' ,,.., ~,.@ ;~~'", ',:";,,, ')r ~.~~~....\ ' \", ': ":, " e1 ~r$3~ ~, "!)'.~:,I""", ,:, ~ ~~\.JS , ,.,. '. ,:,:M'r. penilis 0lmst~d . , , :' ':' ", Sto,~pelwerth &, Associates , ,.",:" , :; 994U AllisQn-rille ,road :",,,',:, : '~::Fishyrs, iN 4:60~,8~~005 ' ;";RE';~W es~em Hllls'iJrintaxycP:lat, :/ ~~ \ 4\-0 :, ::;,':,:'Dear Dermis:,' .iha~e reyi~w:c:d. th~ plans for thls primary plat " d have the following comments: " , Soil.Conditions orisite ~s mapped bithe "Soil S' rv~y of Hamilton County", ' , I)'" '13rookSton,~iltY. .i;;layloam- this soil is d~ colored, silty in textUre and on , depression:il uplands. It is deep and very~ oorly drained with moderate .' p'ermeabiliry. It ha$,higliavailable water" or plant growth .and high organic mattet conten.t-.Ithas corhpact till starting at ad pili of40 to 60 inches. The mairi'soii ' feafur~s tb,a~ affeCt the urban developme: uses are seasonat high water tabie, high 'c p~ten-q.aI frost at.tio~ moderate sh;tink-s :.ell potential, moderate' permeab~li:ty and~ pondeqsurface water,; " , , '~' Ct-osby silt lo~> O~3 percent slopes- thi ~ soil is light colored, silty in texture and. , \':' on sloping,upland,s.'lt is deep 'and some 1 at poorly drained with slow . .t, ., ,p~nn~bi,Hty. It~aShigh,lilVaii'able wat~r ~ar ~lan, i,growth an"dmedium organic " " "matt~r:co:Q.tent The' soil has compact till ~tartlllg,at a depth between 20-40 .. '.m.ches: Th~"inain 's()il features that affect l ban developmen~ uses are seasonal' high Watertabl~, moderate shrink-swell ote:ntial, high potential frost action and, .. . slo~ penri~abiIity. ,.,: . ,.' MiamisHtloaro" 2~6 perqent'slopes- this f oil is light color~d, silty in texture and onsloping'1,),plailds-:lt is deep and well d1j . ed with moderate permeability. It ha$: " n19derate. avaib, ~,le W,' a~r, for 'plant gro'1/- and a med~um orgam, '," c ma,tier r::ontent. , " It has compact t~ll startmg at a depth b~een 20- 40 mches. The mam SOlI , . , feature~ thlit adversely affect'urban clevd pment uses are moderate potential frost ac.tionfilloderate shrink~.swellpotentia1, : oderately slow permeability> low strength and, erosion-during construction,! , ~, Mianii:..silUoam,6~12 p,erccnt, slopes, er: ed. this soil is light colored,silty in, , '..,':: te~e: and,on slopwg uplands. It is dee .' and well drained with moderate .' . ~eB:billty. It-has nloderate'available r ter for plant growth and amediilm '. , organit. matter C:Ol1te.nt I'ihas compact tiltstarting at a depth between 20- 40 'mche,s:'The m~ so11 feli,tures that adverirlY affect urban development uses are, "'CO,~S~RVA~ION ~~EVELOPMEN~; ~SELF-GOVBRNMENT , " "At' ~<:iIJAJ.. On'Ql<l\jN!H J; ~O':J:W I' ~ I.,' ." '. : . , ."., , ,'. ' .. , ',' " ,,', ", :'1', "::; ..J .,1 ; ',", .' 01(Jg/~002. 16:4~ 1AMILTDN CD USD~ PAGE 02/07 , " ~ I , I .: . .' . . . r , "'. ,0' :~'his. ,~r(jJect should maihtain. six tllches of to! soil on all areas to be vegetated. This wiil . , help maintain.the cl,Uretit hydto1ogic balance and reduce the amount of fertilizer ~d' Waterneed~d :t~: grow ~Urf, ~reesand bushes. r . .: Lot ih is located 1n'the Shoals ;floodplain. e Lot will need to be extensively filled to , :; ,', ".' ,.bringit above.the highw~y grade., Excessive:' ees will be cleared for'the earth filling.' ..L6.cating t;his L6t further:sou~hon the upland ~s rec.ommended. ' , ..A dr~age outlet for the significant w:atersh9d to the north needs to be addressed. ' '.' ,'. ',S:oilcpndiiion,s ,are poorly suited for pond # l A dry basin might be more compatible. ',:' · Flood rou9,ng tor the p.ond t9 the, east needs fp be completed and any. adjustments made to ..' '. "~cc~Qrlnoq,ate the potential flow. The rear of;~ots 96 and 91. may need. ~ ~arger dr~age ., ',: easement to aCl;"OrnJ:I)odate the flow from therFIDergency spIllway. AddltlOna:l gradmg :f!iay be ne~e~5~ to corifine,'the flow from t~e emergency spillway. , ' '. ':Ill'The .common ~ea #1 would make a g-ood dr~ detention basin. ' II . 'the ~xist:i,tig W:atert;.i~ys, on tlle fahn may ha~.e been enrolled in the USDA Conservation.,' ,Reserve Progfl:ltn. If thl;::;le waterways are eli&inated prior to their expected life spap the . '" ,g(}:e~ent funds nee~to b~ retume~. rj.. . ' .. :.', , ":~ ~rhis 1'Ian~oes,:.~ g'QodJob q~preservmg the 1fostmgnatural areas' and dramage ways; .:~'p.ould :You bavequestions:com::emmg these comme ts. please contact me. ' .. . .' ,: ',,- ! :,:,317~nU1B,1 'Ai:', OJ ,., ;.' ;,",' ;, . ~rno.derate:pqtlWtial.:frost action"moderate S~;ink.swen potential, moderately sloW, '. . permeability and si</ere erb~i()n during cons ruction. '. · ' '. MiamlsHt loarb., 12~ 18, percent slopes, erodi d. this soil isJightcolored, silty in textur$l . .and~n sl6ping '\lplandsdt is.deep and well 'ained with moderate penneability. It has' ~o~ernteavaihlblewatr-f~t plan1 groWth ! d a medium organic matter, content. It 'has , , compact ti,U starting at a depth between 20-0 inches. The main soil features that, ad~e't~eIY <iffect urb:aIi development uses are; oderatepotential frQst actipn, ~odetate ,:Shr~-swell J?()tential, moderately slow per, eability and severe erosion during , ,. construction. ',": , Q'.S,':hO~IS,. Silt.'l. O..,;".thi.....S'S,O~I,iSI. i.gh:,COlored, IO~: y in te~.t;u~ an. d, o. n ?ottom~at1d. s. It isdeePc" . , ,.and somewhat poorlY dtaified Wl'th mode:rat 'penneabllity. It has hlgh aVaI.lable water{or . .planlgroWtp, and a '.r:nediun1 organic matter c' ntent. The main soil features that adversely. , :~ffe~t w:ban dl=velopinentofthis soil are a s'~ sona! high water table, high potentiai ft05t. " aCti6.~,'fl~odiii~ and underlying sand and gr~ rei. ' " ,'. '." " ... ~ . >. . t '. . ,. I ~ ., . , 'l, " "," ,'. . / .~, " Proj~ct COImnents.: ,.r .~. .1 :. I , : ,',S4icetely, JOhrt'B:South P.E, . , ' .. Gerrit'i~d ErOS10li'll.nd Scdim~nt Control Sj:l!:Cialist . 'Cc: JQllpQbosi~wi,:~, Cannel DOCS SteveCll$n, Surveyor Steve Btoemiann, CountY Highway v File. ' . . ;,1.. .' '" " . ,,1.:'/ . ,,.. , ""1 : ,'I,' " < I:' u u Mr. Dennis D. Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 '" ,I 1-17);' /V-"- .l/ ' . \, )::/ :";,i"~ .s? .... ";':/ / -....y'l ~ \~ ~ ~ :::2 "E! \ ~\ tloes ,Z./ \ /\ ". ' \ ... ~.. ...' " "'~~'~ ~~. ;- ~-r,'{;~;)/ -.~-- January 25, 2002 ,RE: Western Hills, 8-1 Primary Plat ,~- O't. PP Dear Mr, Olmstead: I have received and reviewed the plans submitted for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law en- forcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfu Ily, /1uC1tttd)) . +4 Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police M OF :vb ! cc: {Dept. of Community ServIces (317) 571-2500 A Nationally Accredit Agency Fax (iI 17) 571-2512 u w Carmel Clay Schools - Continuing Excellence in Education ,/~~' I~ ~C~_, \ /0;' .~ ~ f.' FJ ~~ : January 23, 2002 ~, bOD.$' ~~ ..:... '<~ 4;~ \/ -&'. <~~ "<lJrrI ~.~ RE: Western Hills, S-1 Primary Plat \ ~ - C>~ pp ~~ O~ o Dennis D. Olmstead Stoepplewerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonvllle Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 Dear Mr. Olmstead; I have received and reviewed the drawings you submitted for the above referenced project. I have the following comments: 1. Sidewalks should be provided on all streets and cul-de-sacs to permit school age children to walk to bus stop locations without walking in streets. Sincerely, Ron Farrand, RA Director, Facilities and Transportation c: Lawrence Ullig CityP!anning Dept. 1 Civic Square - 3rd Floor Carmel, IN 46032 Facilities & Transportation Department - 5185 East 13t" Street, Cannel, IN 46033 317/815-3962 - Fax 317/571-4089 u (j. ( ,0 N'S U 1 II N G I'N ..6 I, NEE R S . LAN 0 S' U R V E Y 0 RS Atteiltion: Jon Dobosiewicz . . .. ,R.M.5t6eppelwerth; PE,. PLS . D~vid J, Stoeppelwerth, PE, PJSlIi Curtis, c. Huff, PLS · Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS '. Jeffory W. Darling, PLS Januarv 18.2'00.2.' , . If;/kG..:i~ J ~ ,).-'/""~' '. , ':j/' .~ . \/': --.:; '" .\,' '~ . r ~~~~~ffJ t \ . ] JAM 18. 2002 L.) DOCS' 1-) .;:..../ . .' :c; h . ~., /..~\~,)/ Re: WesterriI-lills,S-l Primaiy'Pl~t ~. Department OfCOl~1111lU1ity Serv.ices 01'1e Civic S,quan~ . ' Cfu'rriel, Indiana.46032 ... - Dear.Mr. Dobosiewicz: . ' Enclosed are the:fol}~)\.vilJg items regarding the fi ling .fo)":PriTI:Jary Plat appr~val for : 'Western Hills. . .' . " Ptimar.yPlat(2.copies) " . . Primaiy Plat Applicati'on and Legal Desciiptioq Sub&vi'ger Agreement Form . . Letters to Agencies and Utilities (1. copy each). . . Oped. space .cons.ervation plan (2" copi~s) . Open Space C~:msetvati.on Report"(2: copie~'Y' . . . ,- The project is!oc;1tfd on .tl}e S.outheast corner of l'41st Street and West Road and will cOllsi~t of i'o 1. sii1.gle~fan1ily~hOltles on 8,6 ~lcres ::t, . . Platiuuni,Propertie.s'L:l-:.e. 'Wiil be th,e develdp~"rfw this.sits:anciplan to d~velop this' site under the, existi1i~ S-1 Zoning l1tilizing the Open~Space' Option fo'i' ~.ensity incentive. . . . The LandscapiQgP.lan will be :delivered under. aseparat~ transmittal., Bestregards, . STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~'~'J)'@.$tb ' Dennis.D. Olms.tead - EnClQsures. Si4270si Agency 9940 AllisonvilleRood .fis~ers. Indionc 46038.2005. (3) 7)849.5935'. j'.8pO.128.691T. :FAX: (311) 849'5942 .@ myded,p~per, . u ~ u CONSUlTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS 0 David J. Stoeppelwerln, PE, PlS .. Curti, C. Huff, PlS /) Dennis D. Olmstead, PlS " Jeffory W. Durling, PlS January 18,2002 , .-" . ,/ ~ I .... / '/ 1'1 1:J' ~~CC~~~[Q) L,.~i.., 'JAN 18 2002 ;:) DOCS . "/' II';:; .' \ ~1 .,-' >....... /:' ;/' V /""" ,.../ ";- .....::. ( fr--r=""--(' ./ ~" .LE ;~I.--I.-/ Indianapolis Water Company 1220 Waterway Boulevard Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Attention: Tina Alexander Re: Western Hills, 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Ms. Alexander: Enclosed pl,ease fin,d one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast' corner of ] 4] st Street and West Road and will consist of 101 single-family homes on 80 acres -to Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve tlus development. Thank you for your c'ooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. :b?~ 1). EQ) \-0 DelUlis D. 01mstead Cc: Department of Community Services Pal1lRioux Enclosures S/427 051 App I ications 9940 Allisonville Road" Fishers, Indiana 46038.2005 .. (317) 849-5m <> 1-80Q.728-b917 <II FAX: (317) 849-5942 ,IN. \:j& recyded paper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelweri~, PE, PLS e David J. Sioeppelwerth, PE, PLS e Curtis C. Huff, PlS e Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS I) Jelfory W. Darling, PlS January] 8, 2002 ~ , 1?6~t~rw~[Q) JAM 18 2002 DOCS Vectren Energy 15900 Allisonville Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Chuck Shupperd "- Re: Western Hills, 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Shupperd: Enclosed you will fmd one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hills. Subdivision. Western Hills is IQcated on the Southeast corner of 141 st Street ami West Road arid will consist of 10 Isingle'- family homes on 80 acres :to Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. . Thank you for your cooperation. . Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~" CV.GR>\~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: -Department of Community Services Paul Rioux Enclosures 5/427051 Applications 9940 Allisonville Rood ~ Fishe~, Indiol1o 46038-2005 " (317) 849-5935 It 1.800-723-6917 0 FAX: (317) 849-5942 0'0. "\52 recycled paper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Sloeppelwerth, PE, PLS & David 1. Staeppelwerth, PE, PLS I> Curtis C. Huff, PLS " Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS .. Jeffory W. Darling, PLS January] 8, 2002 Carmel Clay Parks Department 1015 Third Avenue SW . Cannel, Indiana 46032 Attention: John Lester. Re: Western Hills, S-] Primary Plat Dear Mr. Lester: . ~ ~~cc~r#~~ JAN 18 2002 DOCS , ; - \ Enclosed you will find a~le (1) copy afthe Primary Pl<:tt for Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hins is located on the Southeast coiner of ]41st Street and West Road and 'will consist of 10 I single:-family homes on 80 acres :to Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you' for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. .~,,~.~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of CommunitY Services Paul Rloux Enelasures 5/42705/ Applications 9940 Allisonville Road.. Fishers; Indiana 46038-2005 .. (317) 849.5935 .. l-800.728-6917 .. FAX: (3]7) 849-5942 @ rc()'dcd po~cr u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwertnr PE, PLS " David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS " Curtis C. Hull, PlS oil Dennis D. Olmstead, PlS Q Jeffory W. Darling, PlS January 18,2002 Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Dick Hill Re: Western Hills, S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Hill: Enclosed you will find.one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hills S ubdi vision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast corner of 141st Street and West Road and will consist of 101 single-family homes on 80 acres::t. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility' to serve this development. . Thank you for your cooperation. Best iegards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~"Y.~>~ Dennis D. Olnistead Cc: Department of Community Services PaufRioux Enclosures 3/42705/ AppiicatiollS 9940 Allisa~ville Rood a Fisheri, Indiomi 46038-2005 I) (317) 849-5935 o. .1-800-728-6917 I) FAX: (3171 849-5942 ~~ reryded paper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stceppelwerth, PE, PLS " David J Staeppelwerth, PE, PLS 0 Curtis C. Huff, PLS " Dennis D. Olmstead, PlS Ii> Jeffary W. Darling, PLS January 18, 2002 , ~$:0 ^<~ JJ AI l\,>~l1f'.0. '.'fly 19 '~i[p bOo ?t7t?; Vs Carmel Clay School Administration Director, Facilities and Transportation 5185 East 131 st Street Carmel, Indiana 46033 ", Attention: Ron Fan-and . Re: Western Hills, 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Farrand: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat ~or Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast corner of 141 st Street and West Road and will consist of 101 siilgle-family homes on 80 acres':!:: Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWEI~.TH & ASSOCIATES, INe. (t;)~ V'~I-D Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Depmiment of Community Services Paul Rioux. Enclosures S/427051 Applications \. 9940 Allisonville Road ~ Fisners, Indiana 46038-2005 " (311) 849-5935 "1.800-728-6917 03 FAX: (317) 849-5942 fll) 6v recycled paper ..' u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS Q David J. Stoeppelwerlh, PE, PLS (I Curtis C. Hull, PLS a Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS 0 Jeffory W. Dorling, PLS January 18, 2002 Hamilton County Loc;:ll Emergency Planning Depm1ment 18] 00 C LLmberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 . Attention: Robert Hendricks Re: Westem Hills, S-l Primary Plat Dear M1'. Hendticks: ~ I lR1~~~J\lfgJij1 JAN 18 2002 DOCS Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast comer of 141st Street and West Road and will consist of 101 single-family homes on 80 acres :to Please review and send me a letter acknowledgillg your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you far your ~ooperation.. Best regards, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES. INC. ~<1'l).Q2\D . DelU1is D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Paul Rioux Enclosures S/42705/ Applications I t 9940 Allisonville Roods Fishers, Indiana 46038-2.005 .. (317) 849-5935 .. 1-800-728.6917 " FAX: (317) 849-5942 (J0. <:6<9 recyded paper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS Q Dovid J. Stoeppelwerth, PEt PLS Q Curti, C. Huff, PlS III Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS a Jeffory W. Darling, PlS January 18, 2002 Carmel City Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Paul Pace Re: Western Hills, S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Pace: , ~~f)~~ JAIl >;<~~f[p {)o~: lt70p Enclosed you vviII find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision: Western Hjlls is located on the Sou1l1east corner of 141st Street and West Road . . and'will consist of 101 ~ingle-family homeson 80 acres :to Please r~viewand send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of tills plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development.' Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~l).~\-D OennisD. Olmstead Cc.: . Department of Community Services Paul Rioux Enclosures 5/42705/ Applications 9940 Allisonville Rood" Fishers, Indiona 46038-2005 " (3l7) 849-5935 " ].800.728-6917 '" FAX: (317) 849-5942 w' \629 recycled poper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SU'RVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS .. Dovid J. Stoeppelwerlh, PE, PlS III Curtis C. Huff, PlS Q Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS 0 Jeffary W. Darling, PLS January 18,2002 ~ . ~~t3"' 0f;r'7it1?@ /),. ltltp uCs Hamilton County Sberiff Department 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Lt. Joe Cook. Re: Western Hills, .S-1 Primary Plat Dear Lt. Cook: ' Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast corner of 141st Street and West Road .' . and will consist of 101 single-family homes on 80 acres :1::. Please review and serid me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the . ability of your utility to serve tIus development. Thank you for your cooperation. . Best regards, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe." <:~)/7)Q>~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Paul Rioux Enclosures S/42705! Appl ic3tions 9940 Allisonville Rood.. Fishers, Indiana 46038.20115 a "(317) 849.5935 G ].8110.728-6917 '., FAX: (317) 849-5942 @ re<yded po~er u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LA N D SUR VE Y 0 R S R.M. 5toeppelwerthr PE, Pl5 " David J. Sloeppelwerlh, PEr PlS .. Curtis CHuff, PLS 0 Dennis D. Olmstead, PlS olt Jeffory W. Darling, PlS Jcll1uary 18, 2002 Carmel COlmnunications 31 First Avenue NW Carmel. Indiana 46032 Attention: Bill Akers Re: Western Hills. 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr.. Akers: A%i~= ~ th '~.r~;".. Itlyt "'i.(c::'.r,~ "i) -.,JJ)''J/'':.-;; ., f) . '/""'011 .to ">;tfJ ~bC'S ~o/ Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hi 11 s Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast corner of 141st Street and West Road and will consist of 101 single-family homes on 80 acres :1:. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL WERT~ & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~-'") J Dem:iis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Paul Rioux Enclosures 5/42705/ Application, 9940 Alliscn~ille Romj " Fislters..lndiana 460382005 G (317) 849-5935.. 1-800-728-6917 .. FAX: (317) 349-5942 w <:6<;1 lClyded peper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R,M, Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS Q David J. Sloeppelwertn, PE, PlS 0 Curtis C. Huff, PLS " Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS G Jeffory W. Darling, PlS January 18, 2002 4Z~}"V ~ ~// "'<!o~~) /If ~/IkJ;;~ 1'& ~<t~ t'bcJ' ~ Office of Fire Chief Fire Station No.1 Two Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Gary Hoyt Re: Western Hills, 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Hoyt: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast corner of 141st Street and West Road and will consist of 101 singh~-family homes on 80 acres :t. Please review mid send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you foryour cooperation. Best regards, , STOEPPEL WERTH ~ ASSOCIATES, INC. 8~ j)@~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: "Department of Community Services Paul RioUx Enclosures 5/42705/ Appl ications 9940 Allisonville Rood.. Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 " (317) 849-5935 G 1-800-7286917 .. FAX: (317) 849-5942 r::z ~(9 ,",yded poper ' u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS <l> Dovid 1. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS /) Curtis C. Huff, PL5 " Dennis D Olmstead, PLS <l> Jeffory W. Durling, PLS January 18, 2002 ft~{}~~ J4.AI S'JI~~7)).. If 19 " ~!S), Docs ltJt7; Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Attention: David Crawford Re: Western Hills, 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Crawford: Enclosed you wilrfind one (1) copy of the PrimaryPlatfor Western Hills Subdivision. \Vestern Hills is located 011 the' Southeast corner of 141st Street and West Road and will consist of lOl'single:-family homes on' 80 acres:t. Pleas~ review and send me aletter acknowledging your rec.eipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve t.his development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, ' . . STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ L).fW~.\-.Q Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Paul Rioux, Enclosures S/4?705! Applications 9940 Allisonville Rood a Fi~hm, Indiona 46038'2005 /) (317) 349-5935 G 1-800-728-6917 i)' fAX: (31 il 849.5942 CE:;., \6<;Y ,rocyded p.pel u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwertn} PE, PlS " David J. Slaeppelwerlh, PE, PLS 0 Curlis C. Huff} PLS <P Dennis D. Olmstead, PlS G Jeffory W. Darling, PlS January 18, 2002 ff3>,~ ~ IIJh~-'~~ (4, ~ (!~?f;~ll;~, wJ AI J, - ',' '''''"In If '{j ""'/1,.:; Do. .?tJtl; Cs Timewarner Cable 3030 Roosevelt A venue Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 Attention: Tony Holmes Re: Western HilIs, S -1 Primary PI at Dear Mr. Holmes: . ' Enclosed y<?u'will find o:ne (1) copy oftbe Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast comer of 141stStreet and West Road and will consist of 101 'single-famiiy homes 011 80 acres :t. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. . Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEtWERTH&ASSOCIATES, INC. , .' ~V~ Dermis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community SeI;'vices Paul Rioux ' Enclosures . . 5/427051 Applications 9940 Alli;onvilie Roed ~ R;~ers, Indien'a 46038-2005 " (3111 849-5935 <P 1-300,72S-lJ917 .. FAX: (3171'8495942 TJi_a:f, '0\7 mydeD'poper u u CONSULTING ENGINEJRS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Sloeppelwerth, PE, m 0 Dovid J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS lJ Curtis C. Huff, PLS /) Dennis D. Olmslead, PLS <> Jeffory W. Dorling, PLS January 18, 2002 + ~~(t)~~~~ JAM 18 2002 DOCS City of Carmel Office of Police Chief . Three Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Michael Fogarty Re: Westem Hills, S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Foga11y: Enclosed you wiU fInd one' (1) copy ofthe Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision., Western Hills is 10cated'on the Southeast corner of 141st Street and West Road and wi II consist of 101 single~family homes on 80 acres :t. Please review and send me a letter acknowle'dging your'receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development: ' , Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH &ASSOCIATES, INC. V'} 'J) s3Z..1 -..Y Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Depart1?-lent of Cbmmunity Services' Paul Rioux Enclosures S/42705/Appl icatiol1s " 9940 Allisonville Road" Fishers, Indiano 46038-2005 .. (317) 849-5935 " 1-800-728.6917 " FAX: !3171 849-5942 {Xi6 rEIV' recyiled poper t' u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerlh, PEl PlSG David J. Sloeppelwertnl PE, PLS a Curtis C. Huff, PLS El Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS l') Jeffory W. Darling, PLS January 18, 2002 * [qj~((;r~!~[t[DJ JAN 18 2002 DOCS Hamilton County Soil & Water 1108 South Ninth Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: John South Re: W est~rn Hills, S-IPrimary Plat Dear Mr. South: . . Enclosed you \vHl find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is 10~ated on the Southeast corner of 141stStreet and West Road and will consist of 101 single-family homes on 80 acres ::t. Please review and send me 'a letter acknowledging you'r receipt ofthis plat and the ability of your utilityto,serve this development. Thank you for YOUT' coope~ation. Best regards, , STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~P~\9 Dennis D. OI!TIstead , , Cc: Dep'artment of Commun~ty Services Paul Rioux " , Enclosures' 5/4270'5/ Appl icutiolls 9940 AllisollvilleRoad " Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 " [317) 849.5935 "]-800-728-6917 .. FAX: (317JB49-5942 w , <.6G' ' recyded poper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS 9 David J. Sloeppelwerth,. PEr PLS II Curtis C. Huff, PLS 0 Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS e Jeffory W. Dorling, PLS January 18,2002 ~ f9i1~/0Jrr- iJ~;(I!;IGlf/iJ1.f/~ITIo JAN Jt "",{) 18 2002 Docs . Hamilton County Highway Department 1700 South 10lh Street NoblesvilLe, Indiana 46060 Attention: Steve Broermann Re: Westem Hills, S-l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Broermann: Ei1closed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary PI~t for. Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast corner of 141stStreet and West Road. and will consist of 101 single-family homes on 80 acres :to . Please review and send.mea.letter acknowledging your receipt 'of this plat and the . ability of your utility to serve this development. . Thank you f9r your cooperation. Best regards, . STOEPPEL "WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. '~VrW)'-\ Q Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services' Paul Rioux' Enclosures 5/42705/ Appl ications 9940 Allisonville Rood ., Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 '" (3'17) 849-5935 '" _ 1-300}28-6917 to FAX: (317)849-5942 hon '0(,7 re(ycled paper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS <> David J. Stoeppelwerthr PEi PlS 011 Curtis C. Huff, PlS g Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS oJ> Jeffory W. Darling, PLS January 18, 2002 l!fj/~:Ab-~ /iI ~0,,;'/2;/')ilp,~ vI/IV ,; v'lf;?QJ D 18 lOOp Des Hamilton County Health Department One Hamilton County Square Suite 30 N oblesville. Indiana 46060 Attention: Ban-y McNulty Re: Westem Hills, S-lPrimary Plat Dear Mr. McNulty: Eli.closed you will ~nd one (l)copy of the Primary Plat for Westem Hills Subdivision. Western Hills is located on the Southeast corner Of 1418t Street and West Road and will consist of 101 singl~~fa:mily homes on 80 acres:t. . . Please-reviewand send me.a letter acknowledging, your receipt of this plat and the ability of your uti lity to serve this development. Thankyou for your cooper:ation. Best regards, . . 'STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. d;<? v~Cdl\-9 DelUiis D: Olm~tead Cc: Depmili1ent of Community Services Pmil Rioux Enclosures 5/42705/ Applicatiuns 9940 Allisonville Rood" Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 .. (317)849-5935 .. 1-800-728-6911 .. FAX: (317l 849-5942 IT.'h 'U<.;7 '''yded:poper .t ( , u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS lAND SURVEYORS R.M. 5toeppelwerfh] PE, PL5 .. David J 5toeppelwerth, PE, PLS It Curtis C. Huff, PLS ;) Dennis D. Olmsfend, PLS <:> Jeffory W. Dorling, PLS January 18, 2002 ffl@:iF'~'!: - j L----b.,r.~/I'I,.'1!?:: . lAM ~:JL~t;:t); w'IV 1Q "'" 2002 DOCS Hamilton County Surveyor's Office 1 Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Steve Cash . ' Re: Western Hill's, S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Cash: , Enclosed you willfind one (1) copy ofthePl~imary P'lat for Western Hills Subdivision. Western Hills' is located on the Southeast corner C!f 1A1st Street and West Road and will consist of 101 single~familyhomes on SO. acres :to Storm water to be collected by a series of swales and storm sewer, \vhich will discharge into retention ponds and outletting into legal dr3;ins. - , Please 'review the pla~ and supporting data'and send'me a letter acknowledging your _ receipt of this plat and addressing any questions or .comments regarding this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWER!H & ASSOCIATES, INe. ~Qq).Ci2~\ Q Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Paul Rioux Enclosures S/42705/Ap'plicatiom 9940 Allisonville Rood " fisher" Indiona 46038-2005 .. [317l 349.5935 t) 1-800-728-6917 .. FAX: (317) 849-5942 @, re<yded p~per