HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Z u u Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Friday, February 08,200212:15 PM Johnson, Sue E Sorry for the Mistake - Village of West Clay Docket Number / Agenda Items Sue Ellen, I made some changes to the database because I caught some mistakes I made to the following three agenda Items for March. Could you please forward these to Jose at Brenwick to make sure they do the notice correctly. . ,0 ~ Docket No. I&W-02 Z; Village of West Cia Rezone . The petitioner seeks approval to rezone an area on t e est side of Towne Road (\Vithin the existing PUD) from Secondary Area to Primary Area. The site is generally located at the southwest corner of West 131 st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUDIPlanned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Kreutz of Brenwick TND Communities, LLC. I called the one above a Primary Plat Amendment instead of a Rezone as noted above in the title line. t t Docket No. *02 OA; Village oeWest Clay pun - Text Amendment Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a text amendment to a PUD/planned unit development district. The site is generally located at the southeast comer of West 131 st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUDlPlanned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Kreutz ofBrenwick TND Communities, LLC. No Change for the one above 16'- ~ Docket No. mt-02(fP Ame~ Village of West Clay pun - Primary Plat Amendment Petitioner seeks approva of an amendment to the Primary Plat for an area ofthe Village of West Clay on the west side of Towne Road. The site is generally located at the southwest corner of West 13 t;t Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUDlPlanned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Kreutz of Brenwick TND Communities, LLC. I changed the Docket number from OA to PP Amend for the one above. Thanks and sorry for the mistake. I Jose has a question please ask him to call. Jon 1 ., h I A' ~. Johnson, Sue E n () From: Sent; To: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Friday. February 01,200211 :11 AM Johnson, Sue E ' FW: Docket Number Assignment - OA; Village of West Clay - Village of West Clay PUD - Rezone of Secondary Area to Primary Area, Text Amendment, & Primary Plat Amendment Sue Ellen, (Please use this revised e-mail) Please issue the necessary Docket NumberJor Village of West Clay pun ~ Rezone of Secondary Area to Primary Area. It wijIrbe the following: 1D -:Ii# - 02 Z $700 + $35/acre * 54.283 acres Total Fee: $2599.91 / 10 Docket No. -Mf--02 Z; Village of West Clay - Primary Plat Amendment The petitioner seeks approval to rezone an area on the West side of Towne Road (within the existing PUD) from Secondary Area to Primary Area. The site is generally located at the southwest corner of West 131 st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUDlPlanned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Kreutz of Brenwick TND Communities, LLC. Please set up a file and issue the necessary Docket ~umber for Village of West Clay POO - Text Amendment It will be the following: 1( /) #Jr:. 02 Z /"$((/ Total Fee: ,I / $ ~_// Docket No. 4t#-02-0A; Village of West Clay pun N Text Amendment Petitioner seeks favorable reconunendation of a text amendment to a PUD/planned unit development district. The site is generally located at the southeast comer of West 131 sl Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUD!Planned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Kreutz ofBrenwick ThTD Conununities, LLC. Please issue the necessary Docket Number for Village of West Clay - Primary Plat Amendment. It will be the following: Id-. 11# - 02 PP Amend $560 Total Fee: $560 161. Docket No. _-020A; Village of West Clay PUD - Primary Plat Amendment Petitioner seeks approval of an amendment to the Primary Plat for an area of the Village of West Clay on the west side of Towne Road. The site is generally located at the southwest corner of West 131st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUDlPlanned Unit Development. Filed by Jose Kreutz ofBrenwick TND Communities, LLC. Grand total of fees: $3, 1 59.91 1 n n -w: The above mentioned petitions will be placed on the February 20th T AC agenda. They will also be placed on the March 19,2002, Plan Commission agenda under Public Hearings_ Notice for the Rezone and Primary Plat Amendment need to be made by February 22nd in the newspaper and by certified notice to adjoiners per rules of procedure. Notice for the Text Amendment (legal description of entire area ofPUD) needs to be made by February 22nd in the newspaper only (no certified notice required). Packets for the commission members need to be in our office by March 8 for mailing. We have received a check for $9,844.91. This check needs to be returned and a check in the amount of $3,859.91 needs to be submitted. Please contact Jose Kreutz with this information. Once the dockets are assigned please return the files to my office. Thanks, Jon 2 u ."" u : ~~>O{ 1'>4. T} :..-~~f~k~~~;.~~'::; ~~~.~~~ ~~_ _'~ _w~.~\ .:<~.). ~.~ ~-;i =GI~~',Of~OJmMEILi' " '. '. . '. ...., .-t:::r.:- e :::;."r:.:"" ',,~"II .-~ :;:.: ","~'i"jii'>-= :-~ ~ ~ \ ...,.,,,,,:~" "0 ' ,. .q~IRt"~~!'l~Of,~~~~1.triifY:,Se!"lices;~" ~ o~~~;.:'"~ J .~,'J 'e;,!:~t.l/'!': ,";~.' -~:~~l~..~ ~:;;~:~'" :'f;;~;~_ - : ./~:;~~$' i..jt;.:~ .t- \ ,J? " ./" One Cil/le Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (31 Ti 571-24'1 7 Fax: (317) 571-2426 \, C-;? " D~ r( ;r7 lAP? ~ V y\VI -::-0' . r / q-D vY q From~ ~ ~ 5 ~~ (- ~' '.( ?C-;l cr t'\ l^-e" . v,) ~ " i~ - 'Fax To: jo~E. 5 7~- 3c.. (~ Pages: F:uc Phone: Date: Reo ~,""-~" of W.....c~ = o Urgent 0 Far Review 0 Please Comment bl..- I -O~. D Please Reply D Please Recycle ~ . \) L- r.; r>..~ ~ 1.Jb"' ~ c:::... ~ ~""""".t:::J '~~~. ~~ ~. ~- 0.-, ~ (L..f-.) "\. (S:) "-l t/L-- ~~~, c=--~\.L- ~IL ~~, ~~fq I ~.c.. . ~ JAN-18-2002 FRI 01:35 PM CARMEL COMMUNITY SVCS -- U" '. FAX NO. 31] 571 2426 (j P. 09 ~~~ ~ \$\~ _'!i!7 ~r <</&, n . ~"50 . PETITION TO CHANGE THE OFFICIAL ~O~ ~~ INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO THE CARMEL/CLA y~O~ ORDINANCE (REZONE APPLICATION) r $700 plus $35.00 per acre Date: Docket No.~ Name of Owner: Brenwick Dev. Co., Inc. Phone No.: 57-4-3400 Address of Owner: l ?R?l F.;"Ic:.... l\lp~,1 MrJrkp.... c:.... c:"i ....~ 200 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Instrument. No ~ \?O'1O~ Record of Ownership: ~0~: P.g'~/ Legal Description (Use additional page[s] if necessary): ;::';pp i'lTTrJ....hpfl Purchase Date:_ Common Address of Property Involved (or General Description if no Address Exists): Sublect real estate is located on north side of 126th street, west of Towne Road Proposed Zoning Change: Frem the _ District te the __ DiBti"iGt, f8f the property shown outlined in red on the map attached hereto, which is made a part of this petition. Amendment to P.U.D. zoning ordinance Z-330 Statement of compllimce with the CatmeUClay Comprebensive Plan (use additional pages if necessary): S"""" rltt-rlrhpn ,- u u AFFIDA VIT I, being duly sworn, depose and say that, BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC., an Indiana corporation, whose address is 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 200, Carmel, Indiana 46032, on the 20tl1 day August, 1997, executed a first and exclusi ve Option Agreement to purchase, in accordance with the tenns and conditions contained in said agreement, the real estate located in Hamilton County, Indiana depicted on Exhibit A. Said agreement grants BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC., the specific right to apply for rezone of the real estate or obtain valiances with respect thereto to permit development thereof. The foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the infonnation herewith submjtted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. BY~ \}lice President of Operations State of Indiana ) ) SS: Hamilton County ) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for Hendricks County, State of Indiana, personally appeared Jose Kreutz and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this 18th day of January. 2002. '-m~ }11, L~ Marie M. Urick My Commission Expires: Mav 24. 2007 I 6 .- u u The Village of WestClay . Real Estate West of Towne Road Legal Description A part of the Southeast Quatter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, of the Second Ptincipal Meridian, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of said Southeast Quat1er Section; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 59 seconds East (assumed bearing) along the east line of said Southeast Quarter Section a distance of 2624.58 feet to the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter Section; thence South 88 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds West along the south line of said Southeast Qual1cr Section a distance of 1351.40 feet to the southeaster] y corner of a tract of land as described in a Quitclaim Deed to Wendy M. FOl1une recorded as Instrument Number 8915090 in the Office of the Recorder of said County; (the following six courses being along the easterly line of said tract of land) (1) thence North 01 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 8.00 feet; (2) thence North 52 degrees 30 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 14.45 feet; (3) thence North 22 degrees 52 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 27.27 feet; (4) thence North 00 degrees 36 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 1453.10 feet; (5) thence South 89 degrees 13 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 107.69 feet; (6) thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 53 seconds West a distance of 1138.44 feet to the north line of said Southeast Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 13 minutes 03 seconds East along the north line of said Southeast Quarter Section a distance of 1443.58 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 83.433 acres, more or less_ Also: A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, of the Second Principal Meridian, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Southeast QuaI1er Section; thence South 88 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds West along the south line of said Southeast Quarter Section a distance of 1978.63 feet to the Point of Beginning at the southwesterly corner of a tract of land as described in a Quitclaim Deed to Wendy M. FOttune recorded as Instrument Number 8915090 in the Office of the Recorder of said County; thence continuing South 88 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds West along said south line a distance of 668.05 feet to the Southwest comer of said Southeast Quarter Section; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 33 seconds West along the west line of said Southeast Quarter Section a distance of 1437.39 feet to the southwesterly comer of a tract ofland as described in a Quitclaim Deed to John A. Smith and Donna L. Anderson recorded as Instrument Number 9360403; thence North 88 degrees 29 minutes 35 seconds East along the southerly line of said Smith-Anderson tract and the extension thereof a distance of 658.94 feet to a northwesterly corner of the aforesaid Fortune tract; thence South 00 degrees 46 minutes 26 seconds East along the westerly line of said Fortune tract a distance of 1441.43 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 21.923 acres, more or less. J:\ 1238\001 \DOCS\legals\Fortunc_parccklioc kdk Olll Rf02 I. ',., :~ Village of WestClay Summary of lot Density I. SinClle Famitv Homes Plats Recorded Recorded Primary Plat 10005 14 14 10006 27 27 1 0009 8 8 12001 31 31 7501 B 15 15 3004 Village Center, Part 1 0 12 3001 Village Center, Part 2 0 25 3001 8 24 24 3001 C 30 30 Provost Park 0 0 10001 38 38 Amendment to Provost Park 0 0 7501 C (5004) 9 9 6501-A 2 2 OP01 A (lots 637, 656) 2 2 Replat of 7501 A 17 14 8501 24 14 10011 5 5 Block J 40 0 5006 A 27 29 5006 B 13 13 6501 8 6 6 6502 10 11 1- !'------=-=- ----~~~ ~ io)~''''':!e~\!'~\\J.l 1r1'"""''dl - n"" "I "'j' 18 ""i,. oJ!:..\". - DOCS ----_--=:.::.-- . t"a~ Des![ned --~~ 8002 TOTAL 342 329 Se_cond.,!'lat Primary Plat - - 11 ~ ..I, - - - ~ 8 ~ '- ~---- ~-- -- ;'"- ~-~.........::....~~~~~ AG 01 18 AG02 23 15003 4 V 02A 8 V 01, 02 B 21 12002 36 TOTAL 121 New Plat 202 Conceptual North Piece (North of 131 st Street) South Piece (Szynal Ground) 108 Perez Estate 24 Block C Townhomes 39 New Plat TOTAL 373 New Plat West Piece (West of Towne Road) 187 Northwest (SE Comer 131 stITowne) 112 Section 10010 Q TOTAL 299 Total Single Family Homes II 1135 1/. MultI-FamilY Homes Two-FamilY villas 18 24 4 8 21 ~ 119 Primary Plat 202 108 24 o 334 Primary Plat 137 146 29 312 .c:J -S-econd.~la1 IVrlmarv Plat 30 28 I SeconD. Pia Wnmarv Plat 186 225 3 0 189 225 1354 1347 DP01 B IMlilli-Family Apartments (Spanos) Apartments (Comm. Bldgs.) TOTAL Total Homes: Note: 2-330 limits the total number of dw 01 which no more than 225 units may be remainder, or 1137 homes, is to be done based on the permitted uses. u u '1 I 0 [I~ z 0 ~ > W ....J W ~ ~ 0 ~ <;( I ::..... W II ~" __4~__ -_ ~ - . - - -r- 00- ~o -.L. "- CIJ I- -< <( 0 ::> w 0 -1 <J: 00 U l/) EID z 0 J= <( > ~ W ....J ~ W 0 m if.J I- -< 0 (f.) ~ 0 <( I ::..... W II . I 00 " b: - w 0 -1 <r: Z u VJ EID o ~[o f/ I~ ~ 0 ~ ( = tt= / ( ~ EEE8 ( If ~ (~ ~ 0 if.J -< ( 0 ~ EEE8 ( '-. ~t= ~ = \c II~ E;':[= o z 0 ~ > W ....J W r ~ . w 0 1 ~ ::..... II . .J: CO " I- .--l ::> W 0 -1 <J: 00 U V) EID J:J[J 'V\lrl C;C; 117 Tll f.llll7.;' vll /ql-' ':'1M n 7.11 Iii \ ~iln I Ii\ nil Ii :'1\ ~~lM n\ I nll\ P(~.;-I \ : t\1