HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCM-02-04-08Carmel Office of the Clerk•Treasurer COMMON COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4,2008 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS/CITY HALL/ONL CIVIC SQUARE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE Of ALLEGIANCE 3. RECOGNITION 'OF CITY EMPLOYEES.AND'OUTSTANTDING CITIZENS' 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. January 23, 2007 Special Meeting 5. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS WHO WISH TO.ADDRESS THE COUNCIL 6. COUNCIL, MAYORAL AND CLERK-TREASURER COMMENI.TS/013SERVATIONS 7. ACTION ON MAYORAL VETOES 8. CLAIMS • Payroll • General Claims O Retirement 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Finance, Administration and Rules Committee b. Land Use, Annexation, and, Economic Development Committee c. Parks, Rcereatiorl and Arts Committee d. Utilities, Transportation and Public Safety Committee ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, INDIANA 460.3? 3171571-2414 10. OLD BUSINESS a. Fourth Reading of Ordinance Z-515-07; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Adopting Chapter 231-1: Moron Greenway Overlay Zone; Sponsor: Councilor Carter (Remains in the Lund Use, Annexation and Economic Development Committee 2113108). 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS 12. NEW BUSINESS a. First Reading of Ordinance D-1883-08; Ali Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Chapter 8, Article 6, Sections 8-56 and 8-58, of the Carmel City Code (Imposition of Weight Limits on Keystone Avenue and Certain Other Roadways); Sponsor: Councilor Carter. First Reading of Ordinance D-1884-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana, .Amending City Code Section 8-23(x)(14) Establishing a 35 MPH Speed Limit on Part of 116"' Street (College Avenue to Rangeline Road); Sponsor: Councilor Sharp. c. First Reading of Ordinance Z-514-07; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Rezoning Lot 5 and A Part of Vacated 107'h Street in Dixie Highway Addition (Rezone 0.41 Acres located at 10696 N. College Avenue, fironn R-3/Residence to B-1/Business within the Monte Place Business District); Sponsor: Councilor Snyder. d. Resolution CC-02-04-08-01; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel,. Indiana, In Support of an Independent Carmel Clay Public Library; Sponsor's: Councilors Sharp, Accetturo, Carter, Griffiths, Rider, Seidensticker and Snyder. 13. OTHER BUSINESS 14. AINNNOUNCENIENTS 15. EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS 16. ADJOURNNIENT 02100)1 CC Meeting Agenda COMMON COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2008 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS/CITY HALL/ONE CIVIC SQUARE MENIBERS PRESENT: Mayor James Brainard, Council President Richard L. Sharp, Council Members W. Eric Seidensticker, John V. Accetturo, Joseph C. Griffiths, Ronald E. Carter, Luci Snyder, Kevin Rider, Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Lois Fine: Mayor Brainard called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Pastor Paul Swartz, King of Glory Lutheran Church, Pronounced the Invocation. Mayor Brainard led the Pledge of Allegiance. RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND OUTSTANDING CITIZENS: 1 There were none. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilor Snyder made a motion to approve the Minutes of the January 23, 2007 Special Meeting. Councilor Seidensticker seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. The Minutes were approved 7-0. RECOGN`TTION OF PERSONS WHO LAVISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: Roger Conn, 12487 Shadow Cove Way, Carmel, IN 46032, addressed the Council in favor of Ordinance D-1883-08 (Imposition of Weight Limits on Keystone Avenue). COUNCIL MAYORAL AND CLERK-TREASURER COMNIENTS/OBSERVATIONS: Councilor Snyder informed the citizens of Carmel of a program that sends packages to our troops overseas. The email address to send a package to a soldier is: anysoldiencom. Councilor Accetturo announced he had attended the City Court as an observer and wanted to recognize Judge Paul Felix and his staff. Council President Sharp explained the procedure for filling out the Request to Speak blue cards. Council President Sharp also recognized Boy Scout Troop 152 which was in the audience. Council President Sharp announced that the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada has presented Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray and her staff with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental ' accounting and financial reporting. The certificate program advocates that recipients be formally recognized for this outstanding accomplishment. ACTION ON MAYORAL: VETOES: There were none. CLAIMS: Councilor Griffiths made a motion to.approve the Claims in the amount of $3,654,716.89. Councilor Rider seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. Claims were approved 7-0. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilor Snyder reported that the Finance, Administration and Rules Committee had not.met. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 18, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. Councilor Griffiths reported that the Land Use, Annexation and Economic Development committee had not met. Councilor Griffiths stated that the next meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 14'h would be cancelled and a Special Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 5`.30 p.m. 1 Councilor Carter reported that the Parks, Recreation and Arts Committee had not met. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. Councilor Seidensticker reported that the Utilities, Transportation and Public Safety Committee had not met. The next meeting will beheld on Monday, February 11, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. OLD BUSINESS Council President Sharp announced the Fourth Reading of Ordinance Z-515-07; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Adopting Chapter 23H: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone; Sponsor: Councilor Carter (Remains in the Land Use, Annexation and Economic Development Committee 2113108). This item was not discussed. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were none. NEW BUSINESS Council President Sharp announced the First Reading of Ordinance D-1883-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Chapter 8, Article 6, Sections 8-56 and 8-58, 1 of the Carmel City Code (Imposition of Weight Limits on Keystone Avenue and Certain Other Roadways). Councilor Griffiths made a motion to move this item into business. Councilor Carter seconded and presented this item to Council. There was no Council' discussion. Council President Sharp refenfed 1 Ordinance, D-1883-09 to the Utilities, Transpoi-tatioi and Public.Safety Comrittee for further review and consideration. Council 'President Sharp announced the•FirstReading of Ordinance D-1884-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Cannel,.Indiana, Amending'City.Codc Secti6n-S-23(a)(14) Establishing a 35 MPH Speed Limit on:Partof'1 16`1' Street (College,AVenxe 1o RangetinerRoad). Councilor Snyder made a.motion. to move this item into. business: Councilor Griffiths seconded. Council President Sharp passed the gavel to Councilor.Snyder.to present-this item-to Council. There was no Council discussion. Councilor Snyder referred Ordinance. D-1884-08 to the Utilities; TrahspoftMion and Public Safety Committee for futlher review and consideration. Council President Sharp reclaimed the gave? fronr,Councilor.Snyder. Council President Sharp announced,the First Reading of Ordinance Z-514-07; An Ordinance of the. Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Rezoning Lot?5=and A Part of Vacated 1071h Street in Dixie Highway Addition (Rezone 0.41 Acres located atT0696 N. College Avenue, flool R-RResidence 10 B-1/7Jusihess within the Home Place.Business District). Councilor.Sayder made a motion to move this item into business. Councilor Griffiths seconded. Councilor Sn,yder_presented this item-to Council and referred to Dave Coots, Attorney, Coots Henke Wheeler, 255 B. Carmel Drive, Carmel, N to address the Council. There was brief Council discussion. Council President Sharp referred Ordinance Z-514-07 to the Land Use, Annexation and Economic-Development Committee for further-review and consideration. Council President Sharp announced Resolution CC-02-04-08-01; A Resolutionof the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, In Support of an Independent Cannel Clay.Public Library. Councilor Seidensticker made a .motion to prove this item into business. Councilor Snyder seconded. Councilor Carter read the entire resolution and presented this item to.Council. Council PresidentSIharp referred to Wendy Philips, Director, Carmel Clay Public Library and Jim Hehner, Vice President, Carmel Clay Public Library Board of Trustees, to address the Council. There was brief Council discussion. Mayor Brainard addressed the Council. Council President Sharp called-for the-question, Resolution CC-02A4-08-01 was adopted'7-0. OTHER BUSINESS There was none. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were none. EXECUTION OF DOCUMEPn`.TS ADJOURNMENT I Mayor Brainard adjourned the.meeting at 6`48 p:m. 3. u i I`,I ATTEST: Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray,, U2 NM CC MLCIMLI A1inoLeS Respcctfully submitted; k-??w ?- Cleik-Treasurer Diana L. Cor a . IAMC Approved, ?A lr yor,Janies Brainerd