HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u u Johnson, Sue. E From: Sent: To: Cc: Lillig, Laurence M Monday, May 06,200212:05 PM Johnson, Sue E; Morrissey, Phyllis G; pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S Hollibaugh, Mike P; DObosiewicz, Jon C; Lawrence, Kelli A; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B Docket No. Assignment: Little Farms, Lot 46 (V-89-02; V-90-02) Subject: The following Docket Nos. have been assigned to the Developmental Standards Variance petitions filed by Timothy & Melissa Brower for property located at 10401 Ethel Drive. f\'~\";; Docket No. V-89-02 ZO 25.9 $630.00 Docket No. V-90-02 ZO 25.1.1 (B)(3)(b)(i)(b) $70.00 The Total Filing Fee for these petitions is $700.00. . These Items appeared on the Wednesday, April 17, 2002, agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. . Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, May 3, 2002. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, May 24, 2002. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, June 24, 2002, agenda of the BZA. . Ten (10) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, May 17, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, June 24, 2002, agenda of the BZA . This lIem will appear on the Tuesday, May 28, 2002, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. . The petitioner will need to provide seven (7) fully filled out Findings-of-Fact sheets for the Special Use the night of the meeting for the Board's use. Petitioner must also remember to fill out the Docket No. and date on each Ballot Sheet for the Board. The Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheets must be collated. su.e Ellen, please contact the Brow~r at 317/658-2120 with this in~mation. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. ~ -- \' ~ Q ~ Lo G" ~ I ~ ') <.0 Planning & Zoning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning ~. \ Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 s - er, -~ d. 1'. a.<::::::, , 317/571-2417 fax: 317/571-2426 ~ \,0.1/ I 0'(T 0f llillig@ci.carmel.in. us u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€032 (31 T) 57; -2417 Fax: (31 T) 571-2426 To: ~ 1'} ~, 1l'0 n-,~,--~-vL- Fax: 5&&~ /9 '7 Lp Phone: ~ From: ~~ L~ Pages: ~ Date: ~-Lo-O~ Re~ t a ~ 6 I /.- l-t\ €"<- ~. cc: o Please Recycle o Urgent o For' Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply ~ .. I ~ ~~ w CITY OF CARMEL. CLAY TOWNS~( ) - i"!: HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA ...<-. ~-I-"'-: . . . . ,.(". APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION {-.. > A.. I. " 'T DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST (~/ IlleCgiFJ $630.00 for th~ firstpll:ls$70.00Tor each additiohalsectionofthe ordinancie bei~~Rva~i~iOD2 . \--, DOCS FEE: DOCKET NO. \/'~ ~1- 01-, V - go - 0 L DATE RECEIVED: t) Appiicant: 'Tj'ffi o+h l' L1" d fVl e ltt I'\t"e is YVw'e r I.B4 0 I 12 me 11 A V( /~1d( ~Jt1dfO }/J, IN \" ;. " ' Address: t.j&J-80 2) Project Name: Phone: Ehgineer/Archite,ct: Phone: Attorney: Ph,one,: 3) Applicant's Status: (Check theapp[opriate response) ~ (a) The applicanJ's name is on the deed to the property (b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property (c) Other: 4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, pleasecortlplete the following: OWr;Jer of the property involved: Owner's address: Phone,: 5) Record of Own~rship: D,e.ed Book ,No.flnstrLime!lt No. 1i 5ep1 ~OOI \ 040 \S+lrteA Legal descri(?tion': Lot ~Lr i'iIl Lf/le M\vtv''U' A-JJi"fi'oVl tc +he -futAl'V1 of- l-\-OvY\-<2. el<<(.(..cu fe.r pia+- 0+:. s'Lt.ido.dcL-h\?l:' j (fL.o~~J i,~ be~J ('Cu"nf 10'1 Tax Map Parcel No.: p@. 9 ..e. $'I) ~.r J ! i^ .11A e. ot+,LL c-r- 1" h --l.. (e tAlr'd.er ct fl~f1\(6L v '1.... 1:5.- 1.'1., .~. 0 J .. ,0"3 ~() 0 ~.. ODD ' , CoI..'i1~ ,1"J,'Q~ State explanahon of request(3d Developmental Standards Variance: (State what you want to do and cite thesecbon riumber(s) ofthe CarmellClC\y,Zoning ordinance which applies and/or creates the need for this request). 104 Page: 50 Purchase dale: 6) Common address of the property involved: Ave 7) ~ .!s-. q : V;f'~/Xj-49E 25". \. \ (fSJ(~)(b)6)(b) Page 1 of 8 _."DevelopmentahStandardsVaria~ca.Application ." ~ 8) 9) 10) 11 ) 12) 13) ,ir' ^' ' U u state reasons ~upporti[1g ttie Developmental Stan'dards Variance: (Additionally, complete the attached que,stion she,etentitled "Findings qf Fact-Devel0pmental Standards Variance"). --=rhc ----=Dill if.t. _iwb b \.o{,'j J('J1 j I 1'\ o..V:l. {wI> 0+ kw \'VO p o5('"~' frofcr-h-r;.5 1'\ at' ; VI h / ",'-{- d. v 6-' --1 .;, dE'. a f1: ".J' he ~c e -t' ~ 9ver+[OVl does ",c1 , u'-\fc ({~ ,~ ~-, (~+ (\. Co ~+~ (.'r'/C. 5"~ Presentzoning of-the property (give exact classification): Size of lot/parcel in qUe:stibn: O. to "7) 0... c.. ('t S Present use 'ofthe property: , R e ~ ; ~ e t1-k6.. \ D,escribe the proposed use of the propertY: 5' C\ I'Y\ e acres' Isthe property:Ow.ner occupied x Re,nter occl!pied Other 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, cGVehahts, Variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this, property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose ofthis application? If yes, give date an,d docket number,decision rendered and pertinent explanation, (\0 Y\. e, C\;c.J o.r-e f::, { +kaf w<- ~ 15) Has work for Which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details: Building Permit Number: [VIA I ' Builder: 16) If'proposedappeal is granted. when will the work commence? N/A- 17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will, operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this application has been filed? . . fiLA- NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published'in the NobleSVille Dailv Ledqer a MANDATORY twenty"five (25) days prior tq the public hearing date, The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper mustbe available for inspection the night.of the hearing. ~. .. <,.\EGAL NOTICE to all adjoinill9 am;! abutting property owners is also. MANDATORY, two methods of notice are recommended: 1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED senttoadjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at leasttwenty~five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.) . Page 2,of e ,. Developm,,~l<ll Standa,ds V<lrjiince,Appl!calion .' .. w u i.!.. AFFIDAVIT I, hereby swear that I am the owner/contract.. pLirchaser of property involved in tHis application and that the, foregoing signatures, s.tatements and alJswers ilereir'1:conta,ined and the information herewlth$Libmitted are in all respects true arid torrect to the best of my knowledge,and belief. I, .the unders.igned, authorize the applicant to .act on rny behalf with regard fo this application and subsequent hearihgs and testi[TloflY. ~A .f r ..A J ~" p'. ~ / 1'L.{..{.{J"'r VV'- k-I v- ..). '1 lip ( tlbl- erof Attorney) Date 'TrlA,.tk fv{, ~(o-'Lf~ Me.-\ Cv\.~i~ p--. lStv~-r (Please Print) STATE OF INDIANA 5S: COqhfy of Iftlt'M' 1+(111 (County ih whjch, notarization takes place) Befor,e me the undersigned, a Notary Public for !/z:lo/1/If-(j i1 , (Notary Public's county of residence) .Me IQvde1?8~tVeit. h (,cJ e. ropertY 0 fJer, Attorney, or PoWer of Attorney) County, State of Indiana,. personally appeared .and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this --tic. ;:; C/'day of !.I/;,IlJ I , 200 :l- ~"i.'I.' .....; ~ R' ~ ...<!..~-'" . #.~>:::.~ 1'SEAL) f:{ ~ <'~ :~ ::,~~,""- :';'f- ~ -... '/ ".... ~ ,0~~~ C' ___40 ~.. /~ /)"/ "'~..-. ""1'- .j...., J My ~iO" 'ire'.: . . + . d ,n;.6' ,~. . i PageA of.8-- [)evelol2C1JenIaI,S\8l\dards lIarlance Application ~~ ~, ! """'\ = " '" LaJ -.J .....J o .... , I ~~ ~"'. 'loJ ,\1 I~-- .~ ...._. . m ,'Jlt " l) . ... r~/' ....__ E ~ t U -1 !k- ~ f u ~ ~~e~~1!1~!Q) APR 29 2002 DOCS ;/ """'J'.,.."........', .~:oWf'....,,,;".~ 111TH ~rT -.. ~T. ':~) ~ ~ y r '11--' ,..,..._ ~ - c =rs.-. "'-' ,f: .#~ ,w re -:~ ILL ~ _ ~ "~- . t\' ~-- 1 L.~ ~- ~ r~/- \"~: 1~ I~t_ .. ' - "I ..,~~~ -C' . . I ~... -.J "'yr 1/ _ "_ -"""""i () Jt~ >;; 'V/l ~ : _~ ~~~~ ., ~-'''''''~.'-- C,.. '~ 0 "_"_.""; ;}".c.., ~ ~ <( ,-.-.- \.,,., "l ~ . . --.""""""."'.'''=:J -~. '. ~ r-" ~ II LlII'". ~s:. ! . ..~ II tG"'~~ 1 JII~ r/rA, ~. i I' 't , 6 ; ~ I pJ-J+ A.'-- 01 1 ~~ ~~ ~~. % -z .J.~ \ J ~~rl~ ':.J"" -. ,.,. "1 9P" ~_ -. r~~ ~ ~. :,.- ...~ 1'-...... -i€ ~ \ t .",. r ..... 4~/ t~ .. '~, .- ~ r.--' -:t~"". tJ ....:,00.<;10\,';." ..J- I~ .,~. ." ~ J~ i~ ~ \)1 ~.~!I l,.' ~~I - ;> ,-.. r "- ~ ' '\ ~'" II 'r- .._7 Sblrveyor U Location Report This report is designed for use by a Title Insurance Company with residential loan policies. No corner markers have been set and the location data herein is based on limited accuracy measurements. Therefore, no liability will be assumed for any use of this data for the construction of new improvements or fences. F'lood Note: By graphic plotting only. the subject property apparently I does not I lie within Special li'lood Hazard Zone "A" of Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel 180081 0013 C effective date 5-19-Bl Property address: 10401 North Ethel Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 Prepared for: First Title of Indiana # HPlO0500 Proposed Buyer: Charles R. Steinheiser Proposed Lender: Irwin Mortgage Corp, Property description: Lot 46 in Little Farms Addition to Home Place, the plat of which is recorded in Deed Record 109 J Page 50 in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana 104th Street / \ \ 8~-.-~;;:: l~:: ~ u ._ ; 1 =.'~U OJ =:J C Q) > <( 183.00' ..~ / ! Q) ...c +-' W / SuI:, jed F;::n cc Apporen tl y On Or l~eC\r Lc.l Lines ~ '.......... ...... {Q N .;......1.""..1. "'. "0" I . ~..:...stone Drive";~~' R ..,;....;.... ;....,. .......; :.'t..:o,.:'" I ~ One Story Block House With Garage - .'>J C'~J rTJ to ..J: U k o Q. 6' f' ({) Concrete Patio 51':f: 24' 15' ~ -OlD Block N .- Shed 183.00' I hereby certify to the parties named above that the real estate described herein WfiS inspected under my supervision on the date indicfited find that, to the best of my knowledge, this report conforms with. the requirements contained in sections 27 through 29 of 856 lAC 1-12 for a Surveyor Location Report. The accuracy of any flood hazard data herein is subject to map scale uncertainty and to any other uncertainty in location of elevation on the referenced flood insurance rate map. _.-::___ Witness my hand and Registered Land Surveyors seal \,,\ t IllUJI1J ,,\ 0 PE '" -" :\ . .,. J:- ....; ,.... '5<.t<:t-- ~.I"".j'l ';p......... ~... 9:J ,,'{GISTERe"', is' ...-:. :: 0 ..,~ NO'" 0 -;. :::0::.:" 0 \~:: ~ ~ 9600005 ~ ~ -*; :--k- ::: \ STATE OF,,-: ~ -s. (" "'<:1\,.-01 A\'I..r.:." ~ ~ ......... '""9"--1--: "'.U."....o.O '-{A ....... "~'" "0 S UR\)'t. ",,- II/Iii, 1111' .\\\\\ 10b N'umbel": UGOO!lBl Robert D. Peterson S Polaris Land Surveying 10130 E. 96th St. Fishers, IN. 46036 Tel: (317) 849-4877 Fax: (317) 849-4926 SURVEYOR LOCATION REPORT THIS REPORT IS DESIGNED FOR ~ BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY M RESIDENTIAL LOAN POLICIES. , NO CORNER MARKERS WERE SET AND THE LOCATION DATA HEREIN IS BASED ON LiMITED ACCURACY MEASUREMENTS. THEREFORE, NO LIABILITY WILL BE ASSUMED FOR ANY USE OF THIS DATA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS OR FENCES. This is to certify that the subject property does _ does not K lie within that Special Flood Hazard Area Zone "A" The accuracy is subject to map scale uncertainty and to any other uncertainty in location or elevation on Community Panel'Number /8008\ 00 I ~ c. of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, effective date 5" Ii 9 /8 r f I PROPERTY ADDRESS: 10401 Ethel Street PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 46 in LITTLE FARMS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF HOME PLACE the plat of which is recorded in Deed Record 1'09, Pages 50-51, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. 183' 1Z5 MIAJ. (pQ\ W\"Dnl N LOT 46 Q(l.ll1- . ~qv.~ ~ J) \ ~. iPqpv tZ-1 t-1ltJ. 100' WI'Q-r-H h C"J OJ m (Q ..- (Q ';r -+-' N 24' 1:-4' Cl) 0 Stone Drive l]) r- \.... +-' ..- 11 (f) - .-6 III lD :) co ~~ o c l]) :r: ... c... >.~ ..c ~, +-' I 6' tn ~. 8' W ';r (,,)..I ':ot [15' 1A'~ Cell or 54' c 24' Entry .... ~ 0') 42" -.;t C"J 183' 11L40\ ~ -~ ~ ~ TITLE COMPANY: CORBIN TITLE SERVICES LENDER: SHELBY MORTGAGE COMPANY --..- f -....... /~, _1- '."'<::6' ..', .' /,', ~ ' o P (J iJ HmJD ~/;~? RECEIVED '<.~~ 0' -=-_ /{A-r' 2Ei MAR 5 2002 ~7) <7 C::F <.-. t-Z:.J .,.e;.u n? / . (.r~&V-/? DOCS Lf 'j,2/ea,//4AA U ~ / l 5&t..c - /9"1& / l/J I hereby certify to the parties named above that the real estate described herein was inspected under my supervision on the date indicated and that to the best of my knowledge, this report conforms with the requirements contained in Sections 27 through 29 of 865 IAAC1-1-12 for a SURVEYOR LOCATION REPORT. BORROWERS(S): Timothy M. Brower NOTE: This report is not intended to represent a survey, nor is It intended to be used by, and/or benefit, the the borrowers. CLIENT NO: 01-2-1431AW CERTIFIED: Engineers & Surveyors 2850 E, 96th Slreel' Indianapolis, IN 46240-3715 f:J17~ ~lilE;~ 119 j F/,X' S32.0GG2 \\\\\\\111111111111 . ~,\\ ~O A. Q. III/~ ~" "0-~ ........ Sf'. ~ ..:j ~ ....G\STE:.:..:r~ ~ O. III ()"#.. _ f t:k-.:'.",<<; 'r<=,O"'~ % l<t1/..a.J.f' ~ == i No. .:-~ RICHARD A. O'BRIAN == e : 8800' 77 ~ ... ~ REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR~: l == INDIANA #8800177 ~ .... STATE OF . ~ ~(' '. / \>--..' Q-.$ ~/-1~":'\'.D I p..r......{>'.$' /'i/II 0 S'U R'-l x.. \,,-x':-" II/I/II! III \' \ \ \ \\ \\\ JOB NO: 2001091121 HAHN & ASSOCIATES. INC. ,\-~: SURVEYOR LOCATION REPORT THIS REPORT IS DESIGNED FOR ~ BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ~ RESIDENTIAL LOAN POLICIES. . NO CORNER MARKERS WERE SET AND THE LOCATION DATA HEREIN 'IS BASED ON LIMITED ACCURACY MEASUREMENTS. THEREFORE, NO LIABILITY WILL BE ASSUMED FOR ANY USE OF THIS DATA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS OR FENCES. This is to certify that the subject property does _ does not X. lie within that Special Flood Hazard Area Zone "A" The accuracy is subject to map scale uncertainty and to any Other uncertainty in location or elevation on Community Panel Number ,600&\ 0013 c. of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, effective date 5"}, 1/6 r . . , , PROPERTY ADDRESS: 10401 Ethel Street PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 46 in LITTLE FARMS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF HOME PLACE the plat of which is recorded in Deed Record 109, Pages 50-51, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County I Indiana. 183' R5 M I "". {pO I W l"D Tl-/ N LOT 46 ~~6~' ~ q/i' ~ ~~ \ ~. 1P~v fZ- , MllJ. 100 I WI 011-1 ('.I OJ m to ..- ~ (Q ~ C'i 24" +J stone Drive 1:4' (l) 0 Q) r- L.... +J ..- C) en - "fi III D :::101 ~~ C D :J: L- a> a.. ~& ..c +J 6' ...., B' +-25' [t) it W ~ C:}I Vo! o."u. \f- i15' 'A.'~ Cellar 54' 0 24" Entry ... - 42" ':q- m N 1'b40' :r -~ ~ 183' , pP /I ~e1Jb eYe., (24q- /YJ -, -. r-::'J.)t.-~;) '7 ' I'? {;..et.?! UL \L7 r ~5lp{P - A 7{P TITLE COMPANY: CORBIN TITLE SERVICES LENDER: SHELBY MORTGAGE COMPANY + RECEIVED MAR 5 2002 DOCS \ \ \ I hereby certify to the parties named above that the real estate described herein was inspected under my supervision on the date indicated and that to the best of my knowledge, this report conforms with the requirements contained in Sections 27 through 29 of 865 IMC 1-1-12 for a SURVEYOR LOCATION REPORT. . BORROWERS~}: Timothy M. Brower NOTE: This report is not intended to represent a survey. nor is it Intended to be used by, and/or benefit, the the borrowers. CLIENT NO: 01-2-1431AW CERTIFIED: 09/10/01 \\\\\\\\\I 1J/1I111111 '. , ~,,\ RO A. Q. :l11,z ~ "'~ ........ <91> ~ ~ ~...;..~\.STf~....~ ~ 17~~ "" 4.# -I -II 1. ()'A . ~ ~....~v ~a"'':t- % ~t: ~ ==: No, := AI ARD A. O'BRIAN == · : 8800177 : e = REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR.~ . - INDIANA #8800177 ~ ". STAn OF . ~ .... /. 'f'\....' ~\ ".( lit ~ h" "$ /'i -91/1 . - . P. ! .f>:.. ..' ..J.. 0 ....~ ///11 D SUR 'I ~ \\~' Ill/I 1/ 1/ 1111 \\ \\\\\\ JOB NO: 2001 091121 HAHN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineers & Surveyors 2850 E. 96th Street . Indianapolis. IN 46240-3715 '~1- ~ 'r.,1119/ FAX. <;fJ?(\I;O- ".4.