HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 08-26-02
Department Report
Board of Zoning Appeals
August 26, 2002
Page 3 of 16
14j. Tabled indefinitely at request of petitioner.
Burton Accessory Building (V-92-02)
Petitioner seeks approval of a Developmental Standards Variance of Section 25.1.1(B)(l): Maximum
Height in order to construct a 19' 10" accessory building.
The site is located at 3227 East 136th Street. The site is zoned R-IlResidence.
The petition was filed April 12. 2002. The Public Hearing for this Item was 011 the June 24. 2002. agenda.
but had to be tabled for the following reasons: The petitioner has not responded to the comments of the Technical
Advisory Committee made at theMav 22.2002. meeting (see Exhibit At The petitioner has not filed Informational
Packets as required per Article IV, Section 8, of the Board's Rules. The petition'er has not paid the filing fee.
FinaJly. the petitioner has not provided Proof of Notice. These circumstances remain.
At the Monday, July 22, 2002, meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals, the petitioner appeared to request
that the BZA not dismiss the petition for lack of prosecution per Article VII, Section 5, of the Board's Rules as the
Department had recommended. The petitioner explained that he was working with the neighbors to resolve issues
related to Covenants & Restrictions in the area. The Depmirnent reversed the recommendation based on the
petitioner's explanation of the circumstances, and the Board granted the petitioner's request to Table the Item
indefinitely while he worked toward resolution. The petitioner was directed to contact the Department when he is
ready to proceed. As of this writing rhepetitioner has not contacted the Department indicating that he is prepared to
move forward. nor have the information and materials cited in the fIrst paragraph of this rcoort been received.
This Item remains Tabled.
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