HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 11-26-07
November 26, 2007
3-41. North Meridian Medical Pavilion - Signage
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
Docket No. 07080011 V Section 25.07.02-10 Number of signs facing ROW - Bldg. A.
Docket No. 07080012 V Section 25.07.02-10 Number of signs facing RO\V - Bldg. B.
The site is located at 12188 N. Meridian St., and is zoned B-6.
Filed by Doug Staley, Jr. of Staley Signs.
General Info: The variances requested are for two additional tenant signs on the west fal(ade of both
Building A and B (under construction). The signs will each be 115 sq. ft. in area, have white faces that
illuminate white at night and they may have logos that arc no more than 25% of the total sign arca but are
not restricted in color. The Sign Ordinance permits one sign per building per street frontage. However, the
applicant had previously requested a variance in 2004 (04110022 V) to relocate the SibJIlage that would be
allowed for lllinois St. to face US 31. This request was approved. The applicant would now like to have
the same amount of signage for Illinois St., thus doubling their allotted signage for the two buildings.
Analysis: There has been much debate over the appropriateness of these signs between the applicant,
the neighbors aT]d the City of CanneL The appl ieant feels this additional signage is necessary for both
tenant identification and patient wayfinding. The site has been approved for two ground monument signs
stating "North Meridian Medical Pavilion" and the address of both buildings. These signs are installed at
the n1ain entrances on both the N. Frontage Rd. and Illinois S1. At the same time, the applicant was also
approved tor three incidental directional signs to be placed at the other entrances to the site. However,
these signs have not yet been installed due to construction of the second building. The construction of
Illinois St. is now complete and patients may easily access thc site fi'om 1Ilinois S1. and the N. Frontage
Rd. Because the site is a multi-tenant, multi-level building complex, each building is also pennitted a 20
sq. f1.directory sign to be placed in front of the entrance to each building. Drawings have been submitted
for these signs; howeverthey have not been reviewed by the Plan Commission at the request of the
applicant. That would make the total potential number of pennitted signs for this site 11. Four more signs
would put the total at 15 and the Department feels that is too many signs for this site.
.Instead of having an additional two tenant signs on both Building A and B to face Illinois St., the
Department suggested the applicant consider a larger ground sign with tenant panels at the main entrance
on Illinois St. We feel it would satisfy both needs ofthe applicant for tenant identification and patient
wayfinding. The buildings are set back around 400 f1. fi'om Illinois St. The Department believes a patient
driving either north or south along Illinois S1. would first see a large monument sign before they look
back at the buildings to see their doctor's name on it. The Department was willing to support this request,
however the applicant feels wall signage will better suit their needs.
HO\vever, four 115 sq. ft. wall signs would not be appropriate immediately adjacent to the residential
neighborhoods along f11inois St. The Department is concerned about light pollution for the nearby
residents. It has also come to our attention that agreements were made with the residents that signage
would be kept to a minimum: if at all on the western fayade when the project was first introduced. This
proposal would violate those agreements.
There is also the issue of preserving the vision and intent of the US 3] Corridor. What the applicant is
proposing for the two medical buildings appears to be more retail in nature. The Sign Ordinancc allows
for one sign per building per frontage. The US 31 Coni dol' Overlay Zone \vas established to provide a set
of guidelines for development that are some\vhat "sterile" in naturc. Retail uses are allowed, but only a
certain percentage of any site within the corridor may be retail. This site is not permitted any retail use;
therefore the "need" to identify a majority of the tenants is not there.
The Department has considered all options both for and against additional signage for the applicant. We
have offered different signage scenarios to the applicant and all were rejected. Therefore, we have
concluded that we are not able to suppOli the variance requests as submitted.
Findings of Fact: Number of signs facing right-of-way - Bldg. A & B
]. The approval of this variance ,'viii be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and
general welfare of the community because: the proposed signs go against the al10wablc number
of signs that the Sign Ordinance permits for this type of building/complex and compromises the
intent and aesthetic quality of the US 31 Overlay Zone.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will be
affected in a substantially adverse manner because: there are residential properties to the west
that will look directly at the building:; where the signage is proposed.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will not result in
practical difficulties in the use of the property because: by law, the site is currently allowed I]
signs that will help direct patients to and throughout the site, as well as to identifY where their
doctor's oftice is located.
Recommendation: The Dept. of Community Services recommends negative consideration of Docket
Nos. 07080011 - 07080012 V.