HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication L -. W CITY OF CARMEL- CLAYTOW'NSHJ;-~ Y HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, '" ".\ i' r I ./' " FE;E: /:-- . . .APPLlCATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION I ~ /) ~!@. . DEVELOPMENtAL StANDARDS V~RIANCE REQUEST (8 4pl~~ $630.00forthe.fifst plus $70.00 for each additionalse9tion oJ th4e.,ordinanCe\~~~~ varPrlCS 'l? ~ o~'-- /'" -......! .1.>-....._ _.; \ ~' '~!j~ ~..:;/ 1) Applicant: J., DATE RECEIVED: $G~ tst..tK-\~.~ E. ~~!CV ~'':''l 6 CA'f?;..N\ e.l- DOCKET NO. 2) Project Name; (.., ~~M~E- P!1Pne: :r:N. 41.00:53 5~'~" L105\ ex . -r\ 04-20 Address: 3>2Z- 'l El1gineer/Architect: ~i3 \ '~'J\ 1.-(1)..11..:\ c:;,. LBU'<O (OO~) Phone: Phone: (b) The,applicant is the contract purchaser of'the prop~rty . (c) other: 4) Ifltem 3) (c) i$: checked, please cornplete the following: Own~r af the property involved: Owne(s address: Phone: 5) ReGQrd of Ownership: Deeq BOOkNo.~en~ Page: 2.000 - 5 ~ 1 "L.. Purchase. date: 1,'3\ . 00 f'~ 5A~E. y 'Rr,,,,, ~:D . (AJ2M E:L I II\{ 4"()3~ , . . 6) Common address of the property involved: 32:2-1 Legal description: Tax Map Parcel No.: \() - 2-9 ,- ()\.- 0\ - OO~ - 60\ 7) State explanati.oq of requested Developmental StandardsVariance: (Statey.,.-hC!tyou want to do and cite the..section number(s) of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance which applies and/or creates the need for this request). I /:>..~ \2.5&\";';;'50 Tl N' ~ ~ . ""I.. ~It- A-Ll-O'".tf-!:>. \0 "B\J\Li') A. 6.t..:l2cK.E- //.).,'-LE.~Sr:;~4 'BVI ~I ~ <:1 '\1..\ATE'f..-c..:EZO S 'T\~ , .f\\..t.o"-N(I;> '"'b'l -See- ~"'H) I ~'-f CiZCI';)~'g~F{.~tN(_E.; f.l\y ~R~l'O hl)ILbitJ~ W\\..L MeA'5:.U~t.. AR~e.()X. t}~ "i1-\:~ F-<'rtA:CHLD pLAt-.i~. 2:5-, (. I (oX() \ CO (fA"'",. i-\H~ biT ~'-' , ~~ s t.-c. - , -er;rJ.s..- mi, " of U 0 f!..,:> -SHOWN Page 1 of 8 - Developmenlal'Standards Vartance Application .' . 8) :9) 10) 11) 12) 13) w U State re.asons supporting the Developmental Standards Variance: (Addifiohi3l1y; comPlete tile ,attached question sheet entitled "Findjngs of Fact-Developmental Standards Variance"). Se~ /1 . I " ..y'tk\J>1 Nl<<~ ~ F pA-.cr ~ 'be", ':;"'~,bp..lZ-i:>S. Vf~;eJ..A'M~ p:"{r Ac.t"loED ~'eW\ Present zoning of the property (give exacJ classification): R-\ Size Of lot/parcel in question: 2..19 acre.s Present use onhe property: ~h.L D tMTl p<:'.L- U oS IDE, .uTllA. L-- Describe the proposed use ofthe property.: Is the property: Owner occupied /' Renteroccupied Other 14) Are there any restrictions" laws, covenants, VariaRces, special uses, or .appeals filed in cOI'}h.ection With this property that would relate or affect its use for the'$peclfic purpose of this application.? If yes, give date qrld docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation. Nh 1S} Has work forwhichthis .applic"!tion is beihg .filed already started? If answ,er is yes, give details: @ Building Permit Number: Builder: 16) Ifproposed appeal is grant~q, when will the work commence? \MM,er:>1 A-rEvLf I 17) If the proposed variance is granted! who will operate and/or Lise the proposed improvement for which this application I)as been file'd? O~~N E:iZ- NOTE: LEGA'L NOTII3E shalL be published in the Noblesville Dailv Ledqer a. MANdATORY ly.1enty,.tive (25) days prior to the public hearil'1gdafe. The certified "Proof of Publication"affidaviffor the newspapermusf pe available for inspection the nighlofthe hearing. LEGAL NOTICEto all adjoining and abutting property oWMrsis also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are r,ecommendeq: 1) GERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. Cfhe white-receipt shoLild be stamped by the Post Office !~t least twenty-five (26) days prior to'the public he~rihg date.) Page:2 oIB.. Developmental Stand.~rds Vari~nce Application u u 2}HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signect py the adjoinHlg and abutting property owner acknowledging the twenty-five (25) day notic.e should be kept for verification ttlatthe notice was completed) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THE RESPONSIS.ILlTY OF THE APPlIGANT. AGAIN, THIS TASK MUST BE.COMPLETED AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TQ PUBLIC HEARING DATE. The,applicant understands that docketnumbets will not be assiqned until all supportinq information has been submitted to the Department-of Community Services. The applicant certifies by signing this application ,that he/she, has been advised that'all representatiQnsofthe PepartmentofCommunity servic,es are advisory only and that the applicant should rely on appropriates.ubdivisiolJ and zeming ordinance and/or the, legal advice of hi~/Der attorney, (Please, Print) affidaVit is a true. and complete listing .of the ~dj9iilingand adjacent property owners of the property described h~rewith. I" , Auditor of, Hamilton County! Indiana, certify that the attached ClWN ER l'5EE- i'.i"\1\ ecteb -S ~b-rS ~ ADDRESS Aud,itor of. Haniilton 6ounty. Indiaria--Signature' Date Page 3 of 8,"" Developmental Slandard. VarianG~ Applicali()n ; u u AFFIDAVIT I., hereby swear that I am thQCOri~rpct' purchaser of property involved in thisapplicatlbn and that the,foregoing sJg:natures, ,statements and. an sWers1lerein contaiQecl and the information herewith submitlecLare in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief I, the LJI]qersigned, authorize'the applicant to act on my behalf with regard tq this application and subsequent hearings and testimonY. 4. i z-'-(;lZ-- ey, or Power of Attorney) Date J. ~.~ou.-- ~l2--~tJ (p,lease Print) STATE OF INDIANA 58:' County of #ami I/?;/( ..' (Gounty in whiqh notarizqijoll takes place) Before me the undersigned"a Notary Public for ,Jlztmf If;; 1 (Notary Public's county of residence) County, State or Indiana, personally appeared J.. Seof-f Bue+/'J11 (property'Owner, Attorney'. or PoWer of Attorney) and acknowledge the execution oHhe foregoing instrument this /'2 day of ~ .2oQ02_ <,<;~_/' ~;'~'j-~ E : =: ~~: '~ ,- --"'" - :.. ,-- <';(S~f\L),. "'\ ~_. c ~ ';';' - .-- . ~.f ~~... ~4J..-h Notary Public-~Signature ' - - . :; ~,'. --;, . ~ Cr :':- ,/ !"...... C& fl;1 i e S;. 7(rJ~/e 'I- Notary Public--Please P" t My' CO~ 'SS.ion expires: 0--- . . d c:<. OZJd '.. I Page. 4'01 B. --' Developmenlal Stand~rd$ V~IiaQce Applicalio.n .~, ,. "i u u CARMElICLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: Petitioner: ~. ~cOTl 6u'~~h.l FINDINGS OF FACT -DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The/approval ofthis variance will n.ot be injllriousto the public health, safety, marais and general welfare af the car;1munity because: \-\- ~u \:::.lL 0-. \JellY oA-\-vnc..~l^ve \o:,\cLiv'\5 ~~v...;\ll v\lflC\CL C\.,,., D\d ~~dQ.A-w"'co\r"-~'Y"\5 Jtl\-V7.-\~l'_.. Mon...o-J'''-'rl ~* ~\ n I. VI. 0.. MDc.""","-r cO....~ :'~~ve\- ..,..;[-~.t~,~'ck.v&J uSi'-- -- \-t. ....,;A j 0... :J'-~ fh:> \ , eo..V'"" r ''Q.Q.. 0's ~~ 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property inclLJded in th.e variance will not b.eaffected ir:l a sU.bstantiallY adverse manner because: ,...;..tl b,f.. s...k'$*"--""~t\Hr c.)> ov- S'6~ ~er C\U 6v-\- -+'-00 ~ o""vUr> G.V\: w~Ll b.e.. 0. \J!l.:.v" OI.+tv-o..c.t1 V L -s\-V'..Jl-tv'.i'L ..~tf\o..c~ "'5 ~'.. ~vJ-v~ ~~ .~~") "W'Ov-'L, ~~.W\.. ~D ~YJAv-S o\~. M~,'1i-ove.{""} '\\ \5 bl-.II\Gl v~ ....... C'I. ",^1>\V',.,"~'.r (<:li'"1'">I"'~~ l"",f-k... irtO;I~.JLv&IW ~ \f-. - t:\5o...VO\.~. The strict application of the'terms of the Zoning Ordinance tathe property will result in pfactical difficul,ties In the u.se ofthe property becquse: 3. \JL~"'-V"e... ~ ckJJy.e.v-- \V~ love b"'~,,~+6,,",l\ €A...J \.1.)rL u.A~ - CK)'V"5tA.V7?c1Q -\0, 'at ~ lI~VIOV-J l,-.. ~ ClLCbVoAO,d...k 0. ~1..)l",-~u" o f 6,..sk+-~lI CC'-\' i,.Q. ~ ciltY\ (' ~~"l' l(;k (0.", "tot- b~ 'M~!L htcJ~ Q_V\OJjl.r-. v~\(5~ ^" vW~~j,,~Ai 1DEl;~N V'~ .~;I~~~{C!-:~V\~:f~~vn~~ .~\::l:~. IT IS THEREFORE the oecision of the. Ca.r:meI/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Developm~ntal Stanqards Variance Docket No. is grant~d; sutlject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorpor:;:tted herein by reference and ma.de a part mereof. Adopted this day of ,20 CHAIRPERSON,. Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY; Carmel/Clay Board Of Zoning Appeals Conditions of'the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). 5,\carmelclaylandlJseregs\checklist\devstandapp Revised 10/17/2000 Page Bol 8 -Developmental Standards Variance Application :ft, "4:.. " . u FLOOR PLAN: SCOTT BURTON 30W X 40L X 16' CLEAR --.- b , 'oj- ---L-- ~ ~ b , ~ ~,J~ FAKE HAY MOW DOOR IN GABLE WI 2X2 FIXED WINDOWS ON EACH SIDE i----~. .~u ......n..._.._. ----......----: ____n____~~4tL____"...........1 10X100HD FRAME OUT 10 X 10 OHD FRAME OUT ; __._____.n.___n.nnn~'\I'I&S~1j FLYING OVeRHANG 3'W x APPRO*. 4' EACH SIDE OF PEAK ~ 6/12 ROO:F PITCH WI SHI~GLES, 2/12 SOTT~OI CHORD PITCH "'. " /><,... " . , . INTERIOR OSS CEILING LINER WI R-38 BLOWN CEILING INSUL, INTERIOR OSS WALL LINER WI R-19 BATT INSUL (j-- .1 N . w E ....n.m..._.n...____.._n . Co . ( 01 .....--- I ,- f) - 0" I)o! I I- 30'-0" i 1 ~s lD 01 ,- b , 1- 3WX4H --.- b , 1- --Y-.... 3WX4H ~ b , f... 3WX4H 1 @l2001 FBi Buildings, Inc. Disclaimer. This draft drowlng may noj be 10 scole, ond may not be representative of lhe fanal drowlng. , / / II II u u '\.., ~. ELEVATIONS: SCOTT BURTON 30W X 40L X 16' CLEAR ! T ! 1 z :'f o 11l ::i: 1:1 ~ , (n - WEST NORTH .~ u u ELEVATIONS: SCOTT BURTON 30W X 40L X 16' CLEAR t / , " , ~__m I r- ii Em [~~~1 .. EAST @ 2001 fBi Building', Inc, Disclaim.".: This draft drawing moy not be 10 lcole, end may not be repre,el1tatlve 01 the final drawing,