HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRC-08-16-05CRC Minutes, August 16, 2005
CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Meeting, Tuesday, August 16, 2005
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by President Ron Carter. Commission
members Bill Hammer, Rick Sharp and Bob Battreall were present constituting a
quorum. Also present were Mayor Brainard, Les Olds, Karl Haas, Dan Moriarity, Lesley
Rogers Barrett, Kelli Lawrence, Craig P. Williams, David Schwarz, Chris McComas,
David Stirsman, Evan Lurie and Tim Campbell. Phyllis Morrissey as support staff.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Hammer moved for approval of the minutes of July 19, 2005. Following a second by
Mr. Battreall, the minutes were approved with three in favor. Mr. Sharp abstained.
Bid Openings
Two bids ($2,455,000 each) were received for Parcel 12: One from Hearthview and one
from Pedcor.
Two bids ($890,000 each) were received for Parcel 16: One from Mayer Najem and one
from Pedcor.
One bid was received for Parcel 21 from Lurie, LLC for $50,101.
Mr. Carter asked the bidders on Parcels 12 and 16 to return to the next CRC meeting on
September 20 to present their bid and give their overall proposal to the Commission.
Motion made to this effect by Mr. Sharp. Following a second by Mr. Hammer, the motion
was unanimously approved.
The bids will be taken under advisement.
For Parcel 21 the bid will be taken under advisement and be reviewed at a special
meeting on September 6.
Mr. Carter thanked the bidders. Questions should be directed to Mr. Olds.
Discussion with Architects
Mayor Brainard reported that architects on a “short list” were considered for the
Performing Arts Center. He noted there has been very few concert halls built in the
United States in the past two decades. From that short list, Mr. David Schwarz and Mr.
Craig Williams [both from David Schwarz Architects] were invited to tonight’s meeting.
Mr. Schwarz described his education, professional background and various projects he
had completed. He distributed a book about his work to commission members. He noted
the work his firm has done with historical preservation and the importance of creating a
sense of place in existing neighborhoods and promoting pedestrianism and a sense of
Mr. Schwarz said he would like to “design the best possible building for this community
in this year at your budget. That’s what the process would be with us. We are really
CRC Minutes, August 16, 2005
excited about this. This is a great project.” He commended the group for the work done
so far and said it is very exciting to have the opportunity to possibly be part of that.
During the question period, Mr. Sharp asked Mr. Schwarz if he thought the building
should blend or “pop”. Mr. Schwarz said the commission had an important decision to
make: “as to what makes a landmark and how much of a landmark do you want this
building to be.” He said this is a really complicated question and that it is a community
decision, not an architect’s decision.
Mr. Williams showed photos of the Nashville project, Severance Hall. He noted it has no
back, which is what Carmel’s PAC will also be like. Iconography was explained, using
symbols meaningful to Carmel and donors. Nashville’s time length from date of hire to
date of substantial completion is four and a half years, which took a lot of discipline from
a people, spreading out the risk and the responsibility of meeting that schedule among the
design team, the client, the contractor. There will be a three month period from
substantial completion to the first public concert at Severance Hall.
Mr. Schwarz said for the completion goal to be attained, “you would have to be amongst
the best disciplined clients we’ve ever had.” He also strongly recommended that the
“client spend some time in other concert halls to become better educated because it’s a
lot easier to talk if you’ve seen them. There are also a lot of choices to be made, which
are best not made by us, but by you. They aren’t better or worse, they’re just different.”
Mr. Williams pointed out the number of options presented on different projects.
Mr. Schwarz invited the commissioners to see Severance Hall, “Nothing speaks like
seeing a building in person. I am in Nashville at least twice a month.”
Mr. Schwarz and Mr. Williams were thanked for their presentation.
[Mayor Brainard out at 7:55 p.m. and returned at 9:01 p.m.]
Mr. Sharp moved the CRC authorize the Executive Director to pursue preliminary
contract negotiations with the David Schwarz firm. Seconded by Mr. Hammer. Brief
discussion followed. Call for the question. The motion was unanimously approved.
Report from Developer
Chris McComas gave a brief history of his project [the parcel between Shapiro’s and
Flagstar Bank]. He stated they have received an offer from a group represented by
Midland Atlantic who is requesting a new sign. They are co-listing it with Ross Reller.
The group is made up of two local individuals who are very committed to the project.
“We are in the middle of their 90 due diligence period so the end of September we will
look to begin that closing.” The purchasers have engaged Advocati [Chris’s architecture
firm] to continue with the project to make sure it is built per the original documents. This
will provide a consistent point of contact and there won’t be any disconnect about what
the commitments were or how the design is supposed to go forward.
CRC Minutes, August 16, 2005
The wall has been painted the same color as the bricks. Engledow has been engaged to
maintain the building pad.
Mr. McComas confirmed they have a buyer for the property. He has not been given an
okay to release the names of the tenants at this point. He said he did not know when
construction would begin.
Discussion followed. Mr. Haas pointed out the different options for the CRC if the
project does not go forward.
Mr. McComas will return to the September CRC meeting.
Report from Architects and Engineers
Dan Moriarity reported the majority of the underground piping has been installed on both
the lot adjacent to the fire department and the area where the future Monon Green road
will go.
Questions had been raised about the construction and design for the underground
detention. Russell E. Spiars, a professional engineer from Woolpert, sent a letter assuring
the CRC of the design.
Mr. Sharp noted the importance of getting our City professional staff involved in the
Commission’s function, particularly on projects the City will end up owning. Mr. Olds
will begin meeting on a regular basis with Mike Hollibaugh and Mike McBride to discuss
and get input on projects.
Mr. Moriarity stated he is also available via phone or email at any time for questions or
Anticipated completion of the stormwater detention area is the next two weeks, excluding
the area Cinergy is using.
Streetscape and Veterans Plaza
The punch list is now in Gilliatte’s hands. CSO is working with them to get it done. One
area of concern is the ponding. “They’ve told us they’ll comply with the punch list to get
that completed.”
Mr. Carter explained to Lesley Rogers Barrett, reporter from the Star, the frustrations the
CRC and other City agencies have in dealing with Cinergy and their lack of cooperation
on any and all City projects, as far as moving their utility lines. He gave some particular
instances. Brief discussion followed.
Parcel 13
Foundations have been started. An old diesel tank was discovered and removed from the
site. Environmental Forensics removed surrounding dirt and it was tested and pronounced
clean. Cost of this clean-up will be around $16,000.00.
CRC Minutes, August 16, 2005
Parcel 16
There was asbestos in some of the houses. Permission has been received from IDEM for
removal and this will be done. 31 E. Main has been demolished. Demolition will start
August 24 on 41 E. Main. On 40 First Avenue SE, papers have been filed with IDEM in
case there is asbestos.
Parcel 12
G & S Excavating was the low bidder and they are waiting to start demolition as soon as
the City gets ownership.
Parcel 5
Cinergy relocation has been delayed because of the easement problem with Mohawk
Place. Staking is expected to take place in the next few weeks. Asphalt removed from the
parking lot will be reused.
Deeper borings, up to 80’, are being taken to determine what Pedcor’s support piles need
to be.
Parcel 21
There is a roof leak on the old Arts Council building. This is being checked and will be
fixed. CAC has requested corbels be added on the west side of the building. The quote
for making these is $7600. [These two sides are more visible since the building was
moved.] Discussion followed. No action was taken on this request.
Parcel 19
Gateway punch list has been received. Power has been connected.
Old Town
A map of suggested placement for seventeen arts district signs was distributed.
Discussion followed. These signs will be installed and then a decision will be made
whether more need to be ordered.
Performing Arts Center
Mr. Moriarity assured the commission that if CSO gets the opportunity to help and
support Mr. Schwarz with the PAC process, his personal role would be to make sure it
goes well with the commission, noting what an important project it is for the community
and his firm. The architect from CSO who would be assigned the project was the lead on
the Historical Society building in Indianapolis and one of the lead architects on Circle
Center and on the Ball State Music Building.
He invited the CRC to visit the new building at Ball State, noting its acoustical
Update on Properties
In addition to the report as mailed by Mr. Olds, the following questions were raised:
Mr. Hammer asked if Mr. McComas’ group sells to another group at a substantially
higher price than what they paid the CRC for the property, is there recapture. Mr. Haas
said no.
CRC Minutes, August 16, 2005
Monon Trail
Mr. Sharp asked if the central core was still open on the Monon while the detour is in
place. It is at this time, but will not be much longer. Safety is an issue, but it was noted it
would be beneficial for the public to see what is going on during the construction phase.
Discussion followed.
Parcel 5B west and Parcel 5C west
Mr. Haas reported conforming bids were received for these two parcels from Pedcor. Mr.
Hammer moved the CRC accept the bids. Following a second by Mr. Sharp, the motion
was unanimously approved.
Financial Matters
Revised Budget
At last meeting a forecast sheet was distributed. Mr. Olds presented a revised budget. At
the end of the next quarter, a review will again be made. Discussion followed. Mr. Sharp
moved the CRC accept the budget revision dated July 19, 2005. Following a second by
Mr. Hammer, the motion was unanimously approved.
Approval of Invoices
Total invoices submitted is $1,311,506.91. Mr. Sharp moved for approval of the invoices
in this amount. Seconded by Mr. Hammer. Mr. Sharp asked if expenses for the PAC were
being tracked so that those expenses can be recaptured. Mr. Olds assured the CRC this
was being done. The motion was then unanimously approved.
TIF Paperwork
Mr. Carter said he had received papers for his signature which verified the Council’s
desire to remove the TIF replacement amount off of the property taxes.
Other Business
Mr. Carter stated he felt it was time for members of the commission to be assigned to
work with boards and other commissions to be their point of contact, to be the person
they know they can go to with specific questions, or CRC members can come to them
and make presentations.
Mr. Carter will continue to be the liaison with the Parks Board. He recommended the
following assignments:
Rick Sharp, Plan Commission
Jerry Heniser, Clerk-Treasurer
Bob Battreall, Council (when in town)
Bill Hammer, BZA (overall spokesperson as it involves the BZA)
Old Business
Bike Racks
Mr. Olds reported that on behalf of the commission, twenty bike racks have been ordered
to be placed in the Arts District and some in the City Center area.
CRC Minutes, August 16, 2005
Old Town Grants
Parking agreements must be in place before grants can be awarded. This is being
pursued. Signs will need to be placed around the area. Mr. Hammer recommended
employees be required to park in more remote areas. Agreed.
Veterans Way Street
Mr. Olds asked for comments on the layout of the proposed street which would be
between the fire department and the police department buildings. This layout has been
given to Mike McBride, Mike Hollibaugh, Chief Callahan and Chief Fogarty for their
comments and criticisms.
Mayor Brainard asked about the turning radius, noting it does away with the geometry of
our Georgian Colonial square. Mr. Olds replied that this was done to prevent people
going straight south rather than around the fountain. Mayor Brainard said he didn’t think
the Board of Works would approve it like this. Mr. Olds said that is why he is asking for
everyone’s input. Discussion followed. The other question is whether it is a CRC project
or a City road project.
Fire Buffs Fire Station
After a study was done about the accessibility of the old Fire Station, it was determined it
would cost $40,000 to make it ADA compliant. This would include construction of a
handicapped restroom. The Fire Buffs will be asked for more information regarding
hours of opening, number of volunteers, and how they propose to make it part of the Arts
District. Mr. Olds will ask them to have a presentation at the next CRC meeting.
Arts District
Mr. Olds reported he gets calls daily about the units on Parcel 13. Meetings are being
held with each of the interested parties.
Next Meeting will be Tuesday, September 6, 7:30 a.m. Next regularly scheduled meeting
will be Tuesday, September 20, 6:30 and 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Sharp asked about the preliminary parking studies sent in the packets. Mr. Olds said
it was an initial study and just information at this point.
Mr. Sharp moved for adjournment. Following a second by Mr. Hammer, the motion was
unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 9:23 p.m.