CRC-11-15-05CRC Minutes, November 15, 2005 1 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Meeting, Tuesday, November 15, 2005 President Ron Carter called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Commission members Bill Hammer, Rick Sharp and Jerry Heniser were present, constituting a quorum. Also present were Mayor Brainard, Karl Haas, Darrell Norris, Dan Moriarity, Steve Sturtz and Lesley Rogers Barrett. Phyllis Morrissey as support staff. Approval of Minutes Mr. Hammer moved for approval of the October 18, 2005, minutes. Following a second by Mr. Sharp, the motion was unanimously approved. Resolution 12-2005 Mr. Sharp moved for approval of Resolution 12-2005 of the CRC authorizing the transfer of land to the City of Carmel Redevelopment Authority in connection with the Performing Arts Center project. Following a second by Mr. Hammer, the motion was unanimously approved. Presentations Mr. Olds presented the Parcel 16 master plan showing phase II, the schematic design for the block. This second phase consists of four buildings. The first building is anticipated to be for the Hamilton County Convention and Visitors Bureau, the second building is for the developer to purchase. Buildings three and four are live/work units for sale. Mr. Olds was looking for the CRC to approve the schematic design. Mr. Sturtz was present to answer any questions. Individual units have restrooms. The restrooms on the first floor are for the public. Mr. Hammer moved the CRC accept the design as presented. Following a second by Mr. Sharp, the motion was unanimously approved. Reports from Architects/Engineers and Update on Properties Mr. Sharp asked Mr. Moriarity to report only on anything not already in the Commissioners’ Notes. Mr. Olds explained that the only thing Mr. Moriarity needed to report on was any extraneous issues that are news to the Commission. In response to a question, Mr. Olds reported Cinergy work is ahead of schedule. They have their underground work complete and are getting ready to pull cable. The last easement along Mohawk Place still needs to be signed. If that is not signed when work needs to be done there, the work site will be moved to the south. Demolition bids will be taken on the Payless Liquors building as well as some other buildings at the November 22 meeting. Earth removal will begin on Parcel 5. The City Engineer has asked for 60,000 cubic yards of fill for the Gray Road project. Mr. Carter suggested we keep track of the value of CRC Minutes, November 15, 2005 2 the fill dirt so it can be traded for parcels of land, etc. Mr. Olds confirmed records are being kept for all of it. For Parcel 10, an elevation of Range Line Road for Parcel 5 is needed. Then this will be shown to Mr. Shapiro and his architect so they know what is being done. This will be “good neighbor” policy. SOM has a proposed closing date of December for Parcel 10 with no extension beyond that time. Payments have been made for due diligence extensions. Mr. Haas stated there has been a closing into escrow on Payless Liquors. They will be allowed to operate through New Year’s Eve and have a month after that to remove their fixtures and inventory from the premises. At that point we will close out of escrow. Parcel 13 construction is moving forward and plans are to have the building enclosed by mid or late December. At that point the purchasers could start some of their interior tenant finish. Financial Matters Mr. Olds explained some details on the Financial Report. Some of the land sales on Parcel 5 will be moved to next year. The final land sales yet this year are Parcels 4, 11 and 16. Approval of Invoices Invoices totaling $1,057,961.78 were presented for payment. Mr. Hammer moved the CRC approve the invoices as presented. Following a second by Mr. Sharp, the motion was unanimously approved. A 2006 Budget will be presented at the December 20 meeting for the Commission’s review and comment. Old Business Arts District Signs Mayor Brainard requested the Commission consider purchasing another 36 of the Arts District signs. Twelve of the original fifteen purchased have been installed at this time. Merchants’ responses have been very favorable. Some sign locations will be moved once construction in the area is more complete. The approximate cost of additional signs would be $15,000. Mr. Sharp moved the CRC purchase 36 more signs. Following a second by Mr. Heniser, the motion was unanimously approved. Sculpture Plaza Mr. Olds distributed a site plan for the sculpture plaza which will be west of Bazbeaux’s outside dining area along the Monon. The site includes underground conduit blanks for future communications and a junction box for future lighting. A security camera will be installed nearby. The sculpture is called “First Ride” and depicts a father releasing a young daughter for her first bike ride. The planned unveiling is December 10. Some of the landscaping might have to wait till spring. CRC Minutes, November 15, 2005 3 Mr. Carter expressed concern about the area not being skateboarder proof. Discussion followed. Old Town Renovation Grants Mr. Olds said he still gets requests occasionally. The issue about business owners turning their parking lots into public parking still presents a problem. Discussion followed and the importance of marketing the Arts District and its parking. New Business Mr. Olds reported there are constant inquiries but nothing concrete at this time. Next Meeting November 22, 2005, 8 a.m. for bid opening. Next regular meeting is Tuesday, December 20, 2005, with the Executive Session at 6 p.m. and the public meeting at 7 p.m. Adjournment Mr. Sharp moved the meeting be adjourned. Following a second by Mr. Hammer the motion was unanimously approved and the meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.