HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCM-02-18-08Ciq of Carmel Office of the Clerk-Treasurer COMMON COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, FEBRUARY t8,2008 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS/CTTY HALL/ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND OUTSTANDING CITIZENS 4. APPROVAL OF MINTUTES a. February 4, 2008 Executive Session Meeting b. February 4, 2008 Regular Meeting 5. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL 6. COUNCIL. MAYORAL AND CLERK-TREASURER COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS 7. ACTION ON MAYORAL VETOES 8. CLAIMS Payroll • General Claims e Retirement 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Finance, Administration and Rules Committee b. Land Use, Annexation and Economic Development Committee c. Parks, Recreation and Arts Committee d. Utilities, Transportation and Public Safety Committee ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2414 10. OLD BUSINESS a. Second Reading of Ordinance D-1883-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Chapter 8, Article 6, Sections 8-56 and 8-58, of the Carmel City Code (Imposition of Weight Limits on Keystone Avenue (rid Certain Other Roadivcivs); Sponsor. Councilor Carter (Remains in the Utilities, "transportation and Public Safety Committee). b. Second Reading of Ordinance D-1884-08; An Ordinance of the Conunon Council ofthe City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending City Code Section 8-23(a)(14) Establishing a 35 MPH Speed Limit on Part of 116 h Street (College Avenue to Rarrgeline Road); Sponsor: Councilor Sharp. Fifth Readinu of Ordinance Z-515-07; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Adopting Chapter 231-1: Motion Greemvay Overlay Zone; Sponsor: Councilor Carter. 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Second Reading of Ordinance Z-514-07; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Rezoning Lot 5 and A Part of Vacated 107'h Street in Dixie Highway Addition (Rezone 0.41 Acres located at 10696 N. College Avenue, from R-31Residence to B-1/Business within the Home Place Business District); Sponsor_ Councilor Snyder. 12. NEW BUSINESS a. First Reading of Ordinance D-1885-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel; Indiana, Enacting and Adopting A Supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Carmel, Indiana (41h Quarter 2007 Codification); Sponsor: Councilor Snyder. b. Resolution CC-02-1'8-08-01; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving Certain Matters in Connection with the West Clay Economic Development Area (Designating West Clay as an Economic Development Area); Sponsors: Carter and Sharp. 13. OTHER BUSINESS Notice of Cancellation of Outstanding Warrants for fiscal year 2007 - Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS 15. EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS 16. ADJOURNINTENT 02118708 CC Meeting Agenda COMMON COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2008 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS/CITY HALL/ONE CIViC SQUARE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor James Brainard, Council President Richard L. Sharp, Council Members W. Eric Seidensticker, John V: Accetturo, Joseph C. Griffiths, Luci Snyder, Ronald E. Carter, Kevin Rider, Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Lois Fine. Mayor Brainard opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Pastor George Ferch, Bethleham Lutheran Church of Carmel, pronounced the invocation. Mayor Brainard led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Brainard presented a Proclamation to Debbie Gangstad, proclaiming Tuesday, February 19, 2008 through Thursday, February 21, 2008, Carmel Clay Educational Foundation Telethon week. 1 RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND OUTSTANDING CITIZENS: There were none. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilor Griffiths made a motion to approve the Minutes from the February 4, 2008 Executive Session Meeting. Councilor Snyder seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. The Minutes were approved 7-0. Councilor Griffiths made a motion to approve the Minutes from the February 4, 2008 Regular Meeting. Councilor Snyder seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. The Minutes were approved 7-0. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS WHO ?VISIi TO ADDRESS TILE COUNCIL: Angie Molt, 740 Aunran Drive ff,est, Cannel, IN, addresser) the Council regarding opposition to Resolution CC-02-18-08-01 (West Clay Economic Development Area). Rebecca Swedo, 13031 Brighton Lane, Carmel, IN., addressed the Council regarding opposition to Ordinance D-1883-08 (Weight Limits on Keystone Avenue). Jeff Bunt, 10333 N. Meridian Street, Carmel, IN., President of the Hamilton Count), Alliance, addressed the Council regarding the Hamilton County Entrepreneurship initiative program. tlh•. "Bia-t introduced Joy Law, teacher at Carmel High School. Ms. Law introduced Cannel fligh School students Tony Lazara, Allison Kehoe and Carolyn Gaskill who gave a brief overview of their projects. COUNCIL, MAYORAL AND CLERK-TREASURER COMMENTS/Oi1SERVA1IONS: Councilor Snyder reminded the citizens of Carmel of a program that sends packages to our troops overseas. The email address to send a package to a soldier is: anysoldier.com. Councilor Snyder also informed the citizens that the City's web site has links to this and other programs. Councilor Carter recognized the tragedy that took place in Kirkwood, Missouri. ACTION ON MAYORAL VETOES: There were none. CLAIMS: Councilor Rider made a motion to approve the Claims in the amount of 52,450,884.70. Councilor Seidensticker seconded. There was no Council discussion. Claims were approved 7-0. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilor Snyder reported Ilia[ the Finance, Administration and Rules Committee had not met. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 17, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. Councilor Griffiths reported that the Land Use, Annexation and Economic Development Committee had met and discussed Ordinance Z-514-07 and Ordinance Z-515-07 which were both referred to the full Council with a 4-0 favorable recommendation. Councilor Carter reported that the Parks, Recreation and Arts Committee had met and discussed the status of the Monon Center. Councilor Seidensticker reported that the Utilities, Transportation and Public Safety Committee met and discussed Ordinance D-1883-08 which will remain in Committee. They also discussed Ordinance D-1884-08 which was forwarded to the fill Council with a 2-0 favorable recommendation. OLD BUSINESS Council President Sharp announced the Second Reading of Ordinance D-1883-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Chapter 8, Article 6, Sections 8-56 and 8-58, of the Carmel City Code (Imposition of Weight Limits on Keystone Avenue and Certain Other Roadways); Sponsor: Councilor Carter (Remains in the Utilities, Transportation and Public Safety Committee). This item was not discussed. Council President Sharp announced the Second Reading or Ordinance D-1884-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending City Code Section 8-23(a)(14) Establishing a 35 MPH Speed Limit on Part of 116 1h Street (College Avenue to RongelineRoad). Councilor Rider made a motion to amend Ordinance D-1884-08 to extend the area from US 31 to Hazel Dell Parkway. Councilor Griffiths seconded. There was brief Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. The motion to amend line 20 to read "116't' Street fn•on US 31 to Hazel Dell Parkway" was approved 6-1 (Councilor Accetturo opposed). There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. Ordinance D-1884-08, As Amended, was adopted 6-1 (Councilor .Accetturo opposed). Council President Sharp announced the Fifth ]Reading of Ordinance Z-515-07; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana,. Adopting Chapter 23I-I: Monon Greenway Overlay Zone. Councilor Griffiths made a motion to amend Ordinance Z-515-07 and accept VERSION A 02/18/2008 for discussion. Councilor Carter seconded. There was extensive Council discussion. Mayor Brainard addressed the Council. Council President Sharp called for the question. The motion to amend Ordinance Z-515-07 and accept VERSION A 02/18/2008 was approved 5-2 (Councilors Accetturo and Seidensticker opposed). There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. Ordinance Z-515-07, As Amended was adopted 5-2 (Councilors Accetturo and Seidensticker opposed). PUBLIC HEARINGS Council President Sharp announced the Second Reading of Ordinance 7,514-07; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Rezoning Lot 5 and A Part of Vacated 107`h Street in Dixie Highway Addition (Rezone 0.41 Acres located at 10696N. College Avenue, from R-311?esidence to B-I/Business within the Hone Place Business District). Council President Sharp announced there would not be a Public Hearing on this item. Certification from the Plan Commission will expire on February 25, 2008. The petitioner provided the Council with a statement voluntarily waiving their statutory compliance with IC 36-7-4-606(f)(4). This ordinance will have a Public Hearing on Monday, March 17, 2008. NEW BUSINESS Council President Sharp announced the First Reading of Ordinance D-1885-08; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Enacting and Adopting A Supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Carmel, Indiana (4'n Quarter 2007 Codification). Councilor Snyder made a motion to move this item into business. Councilor Seidensticker seconded. Councilor Snyder presented this item to Council. City Attorney, Doug Haney, addressed the Council. Councilor Seidensticker made a motion to suspend the rules and not send this item to committee and vote this evening. Councilor Snyder seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. The motion was approved 7-0. There was no Council discussion. Council President Sharp called for the question. Ordinance D-1885-08 was adopted 7-0. Council President Sharp announced Resolution CC-02-18-08-01; A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving Certain Matters in Connection with the West Clay Economic Development Area (Designating [Vest Clay cis an Economic.Dei?elopment Area). Councilor Carter made a motion to move this item into business. Councilor Griffiths seconded. Councilor Carter presented this item to Council. Mike Shaver, Wabash Scientific, addressed the Council. There was extensive Council discussion. Mayor Brainard addressed the Council. Council President Sharp called for the question. Resolution CC-02-18-08-01 was adopted 4-3 (Councilors Accetturo, Seidensticker and Snyder opposed). 3 OTHER BUSINESS 1 Notice of Cancellation of Outstanding Warrants for fiscal year 2007; Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray informed the Council that the Clerk-Treasurer is only required to notify Council of this information at a public meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were none. EXECUTION Or DOCUMENTS ADJOURNMENT Mayor Brainard adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m. ATTEST: Respectfully submitted, Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordray, I C Approved, *,or James Brainard 02"IS108 CC vIecting Minutes 4