HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter of Grant u u ,t'1j/J~ 'Ill));!/! Of CA~ ~\\\t.~"'-_."-~%-~ ~(jl m '\~~ ~ !: /~\J~$ ~\ ~ ~.u I~ ~ kt\. ~j i, ~ ~ \"" IL. III >, ~ ~ \( . 1/ @ ~ -5-\ "'-. /;"{~)"'l~ ~'1&---- ..... ~.\l\\\ ~'7IJ .__.~' O. '111\11 ~~fON C ill'lJI ~11f//IM CITY OF CARMEL James LNelson Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 DEP ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Division of Planning & Zoning L~\',)'>- LET T E R of G~'R AtN T~\ RECEIVED '0 afJ JUl 23 2002 t~) 23 July 2002 DOCS /!; A);~ . '/ /.-.f. ' <, Re: Pilgrim Lutheran Church (SU-140-02; V-141-02) Via Us. Mail & Facsimile (317/846-8782) Dear Mr, Nelson, At the meeting held Monday, July 22, 2002, the Cannel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals took the following action regarding the Special Use and Development Standards Variance petitions filed by you for a 20.6:1: acre property located northwest of the intersection of West 106th Street and Shelbo:me Road: APPROVED with Conditions: Docket No. SU-140-02, petItIOn for a Special Use under Section 5.2: Special Uses in order to establish the Conceptual Plan for Pilgrim Lutheran Church. The Board voted four (4) in favor, zero (0) opposed, thereby approving the petition with the following Condition agreed to by the petitioner's representative: 1) That the right-of-way for West 106th Street be dedicated consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan. APPROVED: Docket No. V-141-02, a Development Standards Variance of Section 21.2.7: Time Limit in order to extend the deadline for commencement of continuous construction from one (1) year to five (5) years. The Board voted four (4) in favor, zero (0) opposed, thereby approving the petition. ONE Clv'IC SQUi\RE CARivIEL, INDli\NA 46032 317 /571-2417 Page 2 Docket Nos. SU-140-02; V-141-02 o o \ Please be advised that pursuant to the approval of Docket No. V-141-02, the aforementioned Special Use approval is valid for five (5) years. By that time, either continuous construction of site improvements must be underway, or a written request for a one-time, six- month extension of the approval must have been received and approval granted by this Department prior to the expiration date. The expiration date ofthese approvals is J ul Y 22, 2007. If! can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 317/571-2417. .:.. r' {:,; f.:'...: 2 .'] Cc: Comrie Tingley, BZA Secretary J effKendall, Building Commissioner, DOCS Steve Broermann, Hamilton County Highway Department ONE crVIC SQUARE CAIUvIEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417