HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u lJ Morrissey, Phyllis G Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Friday, July 19, 2002 4: 17 PM Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S; Fahey, Joyce 0 Hollibaugh, Mike P; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lawrence, Kelli A; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B Docket No. Assignment: Lakes at Hayden Run, Section 1, Block A (SU-147 -02) From: Sent: To: Cc: Docket No. SU-147-02 has been assigned to the Special Use petition filed by Tom Kutz of Centex Homes for property located at 13174 Roma Bend - Lakes at Hayden Run, Section 1, Block A. The Filing Fee for this petition is $630.00. The Filing Fee must be received no later than noon, Friday, August 23, 2002. Failure to pay the Filing Fee by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, September 23, 2002, agenda of the azA. . This Item appeared on the Wednesday, July 17, 2002, agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. . Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, August 1, 2002. PLEASE NOTE THAT BZA NOTICE IS TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, August 23, 2002. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, September 23, 2002, agenda of the BZA. . Eight (8) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than noon, Friday, August 16, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, September 23, 2002, agenda of the BZA. . This Item will appear on the Monday, August 26,2002, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. . The petitioner will need to provide seven (7) fully filled out Findings-af-Fact sheets for the Use Variance the afternoon of the meeting for the Board's use. Petitioner must also remember to fill out the Docket No. and date on each Ballot Sheet for the Board. The Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheets must be collated. The petitioner needs to submit the following materials: . A completed Special Use application. . A revised Landscape Plan addressing the comments raised at the July 1 7, 2002, T AC meeting. Connie, please contact Mr. Kutz at 317/915-2200 (fax: 317/915-2201) with this information. ~/ AnA.--' 1 (I tl 0 ;. 50 Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. /'" I . ! Planning & Zoning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Community Services City of Cannel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317/571-2417 fax: 317/571-2426 llillig@ci.carmel.in.us \. \\ 1 u u One Civic S'quare Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (31 TJ 571-2426 TQ: ~ffk?S /fJfz. Fax: 9' /.:;r ~i!? / Phane= 91.5"" e2~o Re: A:ti?/lh/ 7- /7-- o~ cc: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please. COll1ment 0 prease Reply o Please Recycle ~'&'J' a;' #"'Yd~ ~rJ --I' . :::>~t"'"~/ Vse- ~~/ BA,cRA / (\ ~ u ( ) CITY OF CARMEL - CLAY TOWNSli'rF' HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA ~ c\) c\,0~\.- (\I't ~\,; 1. 1I:J\J \..~~ \)\)\,S APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION f -., [.- ; \.',. \ 1--. \ -,', ';:....';\ \, ;, \' / "'" ~/.. I........... .'<::--1 ~ ~ '_ _ SPECIAL USE APPROVAL REQUEST Fee $630.00 DOCKET NO. SU-147-02 DATE RECEIVED: Julv 25. 2002 1) Applicant: Centex Homes Address: 6602 East 75th Street, Suite 100, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 2) Project Name: Tl1e'2I,akesAt' Hayden Run; Section 1 . Block APhone: (31 7) 915-2200 Engineer/Architect: Stoeppelwerth & Associates r rnc. Phone: (317) 849-5935 Attorney: NA Phone: 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) x {a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property (b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property (c) Other: 4} If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following: Owner of the property involved: Owner's address: Phone: 5) Record of Ownership: Deed book No./lnstrument No. 2002 00026697 Page: Purchase Date: 6) Common address of the properly Involved: 2600:1: West 1 31 st street ,I -:-- ....... -- ,.::~~, , _r.';'\ .' \ '~-~\ ,-I !-J ,/', ,(',/ '- "/ Legal description: Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 18N, Range 3E Tax Map Parcel No.: 09-29-00.007 7) State explanation of requested Special For the Amenity area of The Lakes At Havden Run Subdivision. 8) State reasons supporting the Special Use: (Additionally. complete the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of Fact-Special Use"). To construct a bath hom~E' and pool f.or ThQ Lakec 7\.t Haydon Run Subdivicion. u ~ u Present zoning of the property (give exact classification): S-l/Residential 9} 10) 11 ) Present use of the property: Farm Field Size of lot/parcel in question: 1 . 249 Ac.:t acres 12) Describe the proposed use of the property: Amenity area with bath house and pool with 16 parkinq spaces. 13) Is the property: Owner occupied Renter occupied Other Homeowners Association owned facility. 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this property that would relate or affect itS use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation. NiS- 15) Has work for which this. application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details: Building Permit Number: Builder: 16) If proposed special use is granted, when wifl the work commence? September 2002 17) If the proposed special use is granted. who will operate and/or use the proposed Improvement for which this application has been filed? The Homeowners Association will ooerate and the residents in the subdivision will use. NOTE: LEGAL NOTiCE shall be published in the Noblesville Dailv ledqer a MANDATORY twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.:. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the night of the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY. two methods of notice are recommended: 1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.} 2} HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owner acknowledging the twenty-five (25) day notice should be kept for verification that the notfce was completed) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. AGAIN, THIS TASK MUST BE COMPLETED AT LEASTTIVENTY.FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING DATE. u u AFFIDAVIT I, hereby swear that I am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith subm[tled are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. Signed: ~' (Property Owner, Property Owner's Attorney or Property Owner's Power of Attorney) (Date) STATE OF INDIANA Thomas L. Kutz - Centex Homes (Please Print) A Nevada General Partnership By: Centex Real Estate Corporation A Nevada Corporation Its: Managing General pa'rtner , S8: County of Hamilton (County in which notarization takes place) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for Hamil ton (Notary Public's county of residence) County, State of Indiana, personally appeared Thomas L. Kutz (Property Owner, Attomey, or Power of Attorney) and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this 25th day of lQD..-.-. (SEAL) Mary E. Bredlau Notary Public..Please Print My commission expires: 09/09/2006 #.. "-iJ.!>~ ,;/fJutli~t~l~ . THE SUBDIVIDER ~.. . LI~~Jt.h/ fullowing agreement ,hall be included .. . ,nlnnittal with Ill. final plat application. <>>r>.~ A~REEMENT "-_I~ CJ u The developer shall be responsible for any drainage problems including standing water, flooding and erosion control, which arise or become evident at any time during the 3 year maintenance period after release of subdivision bonds, and which is attributable to a deficiency ih subdivision drainage design or construction of drainage improvements. This shall include aU pipes, structures. swales, ditches and ponds which are pertinent features to the proper drainage of the subdivision. This responsibility of the developer shall not, however, include problems which are created, subsequent to the completion of the subdivision improvements by the improper grading by individual builders, or structures and improper grading installed or accomplished by individual homeowners. It is the intent ofthis requirements, that the developer shall, specifically, provide such sub-surface drains, or storm sewers or ditches as are required to properly rectifY any drainage problem or sub-surface water problem which was not contemplated in the original approved subdivision desi~ including~ but not restricted to, disposal of sub~ surface water from footing drains of individual lots. ROAD IMPROVEMENTS: The typical agreement for existing contiguous Hamilton County Roads which ate substandard, with Hamilton County is: The developer will put in 12 inch, stone base to the required width of the road; and grade the shoulders to a minimum of 6 feet width and construct proper side-ditches. or, provide sto~ sewers and curbs. This will be the black top grade during construction of subdivision. Then the county will come in and cut out 3 inches and put in 3 inch binder asphalt after which the developer wiU be responsible for 1 inch of asphalt topping. This is being done as joint projects between COWlty and developer. An agreement shall be executed, in writing~ between the: developer and Hamilton County specifically detailing the exact work to be accomplished by the developer and that to be accomplished by the County, aud shall also state the road or roads or portions theroofwhich are included. If the subdivision is contemplated to be annexed to the City of Carmel, then the agreement shall include the City of Cannel ,Board of Public Works as a signatory, which shall be for the purpose of the City of Cannel agreeing to accept for maintenance and operation, the improved road facility upon completion of said improvements and completion of annexation. ~~o~ WITNESS July 2, 2002 DATE .-.u. --"~ u O? DOCS /~)j /S-....... okTE:,,- Jul Yf,(\"'~.002 ~ The undersigned agrees that any construd:ian, reconstrudiQn,. enlargement, relocation or atb!ratiOn.of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requ~ by this application wiH comply with, and ronfonn to, aD ~ieabfe laws of tile state of Indiana, Clod the Zoning Ordinance of Cannel, Indiana. 1980, adopted under the authority of Ads of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et seq. General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory ttrereto. Name of Applicant Centex Homes Phone #: . (317) 915-2200 APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY PLAT OR ~PL@ File: S5OO.00 or (S400.00) DOCKET # Mdress of Appficant: 6602 East 75th Street, Suite 100, Indianapolis, " Indiana 46250 J 1 ~ 1 t=,-:;"" .S~~c. ~_.,:i ~ Name of Owner: Centex Homes Name of Subdivision; The Lakes At Havden Run, Amenity Area ~~~ ,.f'-.<..L--. ~<?L "V\~ l.egal Description (To be ty~itten on separab!;l $heet and atbiIched). Area (in acres): 1 .249 Ac. Number of Lots: length In mUes of new streets to be dedicated to public use: -0- L.L- cyCJ'2- Surveyor c:ertifylng plat: Dennis D. olmstead Signature of AppliCant; ishers Indiana 46038 (Print) Thomas L. Kutz l'TI1E: Land Development Manaqer - ~ I >. I I; ,1'**1C"I:I:fI*;PlC..~1 t f , ~ f<#~t1lll11lllL:~lU ~ ~~ If I t rtT1 , l--t I~~ ~ ..,,.- I ttttf t VI 1 ~~ I ~ i U I~- STATE OF ThIDl'ANA Countyof' 55 Hamilton My Commission Expires: 09/09/2006 CoUntyl State at Indiana, persona1ly appeared of the foregoing instrument this 2nd . day of Before me.. the l,mder.signEd, a Notary- Public for l'h9rnas L. Kutz and aden Julv .U 2002 ~ .. J.Q~ 5.1.10 Aoolication fur Secondatv Plat. Two (2) OlPies, or lTICfe if necessary~ of tf1e seccndary plat and tt1e cons.1rUdlon plans, together with supporting documen13, shan be submitted to the Building Commissioner with this applicatiot1 and the application fee as indicated in Se:tioo 29.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Additional plans to be distributed to necessary authorities by applicant. F&: Received Bv~ ~~\fnnnll\~nh," ~nn ,C1viaAri (,\Q(I"'t~/Q" .,