HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u w Tingley, Connie S Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Friday, August 23, 2002 12:40 PM Fahey, Joyce D; Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S Hollibaugh, Mike P; Oobosiewicz, Jon C; Lawrence, Kelli A; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B Docket No. Assignment: PrimeLife Enrichment (V-152-02) From: Sent: To: Cc: The following Docket No. has been assigned to the Development Standards Variance petition filed by Sandy Stewart of PrirneLife Enrichment, Inc. (formerly Hamilton County Senior Services), for property located at 1078 Third Avenue Southwest. Docket No. V-152-02 ZO 25.7.02-8(b)two (2) identification signs The Total Filing Fee for these petitions is $630.00. $630.00 . This Item will not appear on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. . Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, August 29, 2002. PLEASE NOTE THAT BZA NOTICE IS TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, September 20,2002. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, October 28, 2002, agenda of the BZA. . Eight (8) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than noon, Friday, September 13, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, October 28, 2002, agenda of the BZA. . This Item will appear on the Monday, September 23, 2002, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. . The petitioner will need to provide seven (7) fully filled out Findings-of-Fact sheets for the Special Use the night of the meeting for the Board's use. Petitioner must also remember to fill out the Docket No. and date on each Ballot Sheet for the Board. The Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheets must be collated. Connie, please contact Jeffrey R Bischoff of BSA Design at 317/819-7878 (fax: 317/819-7288) with this information. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Comm unity Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ff1 ~~p 6r 317/571-2417 fax: 317/571-2426 lli llig@ci.carmel.in.us 1 ~ ~," I!.~,.' I " I ~ ~ ;,1 ~111 ~ " ;~ ,~ Ii ~ ~Il! \1 ~ ~ i~ (" I ~i ~ ~ ;Ii II IiI ,:\ ~ il ~ , " <".~7r7.~c<'~'-"'~ ~,\. >-- - --~'- /^ / ..,.'.~~;" .;/ -./ ""'-</. . '\ .... '% -:;(l :,.."\ '0 rTJ ,-' S ~~~ ,_: C? (1'] !......../ II Cfl ~ 1:::)' _./ ,,'. '~.\ ~ . I DEVELOPMENTAL STANDAR~~ VARIANCE REQUEST \\>)':'.1' ~ . _ \' :~;/' $630.00 for the first plus $70.00 for eachaddltlonaf section of the ordinance being Y~ie'd.-C~ u " "'0 CITY OF CARMEL- CLAY TOWNSHIP HAMILTONCOUNTY,- INDIANA APPLlCA TIONFOR BOARD OF ZONING APP,EALS ACTION FEE: DOCKET NO. V -152-02 DATE RECEIVED: August 9,2002 1) Applicant: PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. Address: 13450 North Meridian Street, Suite 380, Carmel, In 46032 2) Project Name: PrimeLife Enrichment Center Engineer/Architect: BSA Design Phone: 317-815-1542 Phone: 317-819-7878 Attorney: 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) ': ~ \J) ~ (a) The applicant's name is on the deed tothe'property . ' 0() "" ~ \ t/ (b) The applicant is the contraCt purchaseroflhe property '-J ~ ~ (e) Other: 4) If Item 3} (c) is checked, please complete the following: Owner of the property involved: Owner's address: 5) Record of Ownership: ,.. Deed :B6okNo./lnstr'ument No. Page: " Purchase date: 6) :CdmmonaddressQf the 'property involved: l07803rd'Avenue SW, Carmel, IN 46032 Legal de~cription: ,See Exhibi("A" otax'Map Parcel No.: ,16-09~36"'OO~OO-035,OOO ~ IX) ~,'" ~" 'State'~xplan'ationof requestedODeveloprrrentaIStaii'qards.,variance:(state what you want to do and cite the section ,num,ber(S),OflheCarmelfClaY,zoiiingordfnancewhich'apPlies"and/or creates the need for this request). 'The applic<lntis'i:equesting a DevelopmentStanclards Variance for Section 25.7.02-8-Single TemlntBuildings~to,allow tl1e use oftwosigns fl1stead oqhe one sign allocated by the , 6rdiriari.C~; for tro's'property. 7) Pase 1 of a '- OevelQpmen1a1 SlaM.rds Variance Applicatien Ii 'I ~ '~ q 1~ !il ~ 1 ~;n ,;1 ~ ~ t1 ~ :.~ I !~ U', 8} · :Stati;tre~~6~s;~~~P?~in~th~:'seV~I?PrTi~rit<l'I~~~n2a.rdl,\,:~rian.Ce:(AdditiOtiaIlY, campi etethe attached question ,Sheetentlt~ed ,Fmdrngs pf ~i3~h~~velo~mental~t~?d~rdsVa~rancen).. . " .'. SAgnQllaritity~Thepr.op.osednVrriber of'signs,ih~luded ..one m.oretha~ the .ordinance allows. , , A total.oftwo signs are pr9P'os~cifor the sit~~ar(~xisting ground sign and a new wall , , 1110unteci sign. , , 9) ";Presi:!'nftoning .oHhep;opedY(giv~.exa~tda~~ifj:cation):, J~l... '. 10) :<',:~iZ~:6fl~y'pa;cel_,i~:~~u~'sti~~:::':(59:Acn~s--:',;' '_, acres 11) 12) . ,"Pfe~~nfus. eof th~pr,operty::"-War~house/mami#chiiing . --'-- .' . . . ,,' . . . - . ~ . . , .., ...",' '. ... '::'De~6~i:b~::the:pr()P6~e~'use'dfthe'pr6perty:; ;Sen,ior'.9ttizens:health and recreati.on center . ......--.. - .-. ...., -" . . ,. . . . L 13) ':ls,th€Fproperty:O~~(octupi~d' ': Rehter.'Occ;upied' :. ~ ~ :1 !,~ 1 J l j '1 ~ i .i'.... , ;1 ~ It ~ ,'l '! 11 ,I :1 1 !l :r1 r . - . . - . . ,. . "., ,-. . 'CitherOcb"llP{ed:i)V Cilstom'Cist, Storie, Jnc; " 14) ,:'Ne,t~ere :(3~yr~$tdCtidciS;I~Wl),'.cciy~rl'a~fsi,~,atiarqq~s;:;~pecii~lLi~~s,:ora'ppea[s ifiledinconnection wilh this '\p'~opertythatwcl\jl~:;r;3l~t~:?r"jii~ecHt~.l.Jsefor)ti'~,~p~oiflppurpose'of this application? If yes,give date and docket . '.' :':i;luhibe~;deciSid~:r~n~~red~h{F pertinenf explarlation:).' .":No.1 .~ <~-';,. .: -' - ' .15} .' ':,+-ia,s.york'for'WhiCh't~lsap-p~,ic$tiorils-'bein~VI~cl~lte~'Aystarted1If'~nSWer is Yes, give details: '-':::,.,_c . )~uildir1g'petri1it N!.friib~r:'.' . ;'-'l3iJi1deir.:' .". '.' .. ". . .... r _, '16) ..- :;: IfProb:~s~d"appe~iis~igi"~'h~e-d,.:whe8'~ilitliew6rk'~om~~nce:? X. ..~ -' .: :: " -',' . .' :. -: .- . - ,::. :'. - '~,. 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'\.,:,:.,., -"'-,-' -' '-"'-,:.'.:~n,". .... .: ..:- ...,,:.,,~,:..-, ~:,~;. ~.".::..'. :.:',';:' .'.......,..,. p. .-:. . ,... ,: " 1) CERtIFI'ED':MAIL'~'RET~RN'-RECEIPT REQUESTED senno i3djoining property owners. (The white receipt , , ,'should be:stamped'by the Post 9ffi~~ at' least, t\1\1t:mtY-fiv~ (25) days prior to the public hearing date.) . ;'..,"-: " , . '"., -", Pall" 201 e ,;. D"vel;'pm~n(~ ,~i~/lda'~sVarlanee Appll~llon ' '.'l,,:,,"''"~''!r!!'\i~-I,'It'I:!IIIitI!U'l'' . " .,.....'. ',~ if ,. a: If ij ~.",.,. ~ !Ii ~ ;~ M I '~ j~ ~ [~ ~,~ ~i ;~ ~ I [ ~ "l ,~ .l J 1 1 ,J I Ij ~ I ~ ~ ~ J ij ~ ~ ~ :1 'J 1 l I ] . i'l .u. '~"""""--;--.r:o-~'..u."__~C'" . _. . . "U . 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DepartrrJ~lJt!9fic.g(l'lmUrrty $e,IVI~~s,.at~,adYJ,~gr.y:pnIY'~rJ~lthat~heapPJIC?ntshould. rely on .8 ppropnata subd IVISlon and ibnlngor4!6ari.ce~and/orthel~g';jjI'adVice;.ofnis/hef~ttorn~y:- :',' ,......., . :', . .' " ... ,.. .. . .- '. '" '..' -.. . . . . . "I,: . .';:Aydi.ti:lr'ofHamiltoH"CoUritY,hidiema" certify that the attached ':.', '. ,', (Please, Print)' ' , ":"" " ,", - '.'.".-,'" " affidavit 'is -a',tili~ and' 6Omplete'1i~ting :of ,ttie:.a'dJoinfn,g l!lnd adjaceDt 'prope~:ty:owners of the property described herewith, . '.' J . J ~ . .. . ~.. . I , _ \. ., . ADDR.ESS. ... . $~;~~b#:~;;t3':,'", . . ,- . ... " , .--' ", . . ~ ,'-':/. - . , . ~. , ,. I' -'- " . _.' ',~, '~',','. .-. ' ,." ."-;' . '~'" ::-" . , .;,;.::.;":,::: ;.'.,': .-., ~':.':>._' . . ;-.~,>.:: .' "'.'." ..' ;-..'...,' :.,...-:",: " ..' . '::', , ,'." i', . ~.~ '.':.-.' . " ., '-",~ ,~':'.- ~",:;~,-;: -' ". "--':"" ...~ ,.' ., . ".. ," ,:,-,.:. ,,;..,"-.. :,. ':...,: "'" ; ':'" '., :' , '~." 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I, her~bi sWear.tha~lam~.h e..o~De.r/f9P~~a~t,p:u rCha's'er}6(prpperty'i nYOlv~d: in:this~pplication ahdthat th e .foregoing signatures,.staterrJe.n"t~ arid a.hsw.er~ h~re.i,n :cont~ined aqdt)1ejhformation nerewitnsubmit1ed are in all resj::l"9ctstrue.and corredtothe best 'O{myknow1"edgeand:be.rle{ :OI.theui1dersigiied,'aulhorize.thel3pplicani to' act on my behalf with regard . _ _ _ '. """..'" , _ ~ '_ ' _ , ,,_ _ .' _ . _ _'" _,," ,u. __ " ,,',:) !" ' ~ _' ' . ,,_ __ _ ,," _ _ ," _,," ."'" , " :J' ,,: _ :"".. . to th!s:appllcation;artd suqseqiJe.nIHe~rjrlgs'ancnestimohY..:'" '. . ..'" '. .... ..' ..... .... :. .. ". ':' .. . . .' . -' i. 'elL Date ::?:/h-;fJ)'l" .. '$:Tc~rtfi f tpleaseprrrlt).:. .:. .~:. . . . . . .. :STATEDF,IND'IANA' . '8S: ... : .', BefOre:hietheunder~igried,i:;{ Notary Public CountY()f " '." .m..............:;.:..:.:.. ..:....;.~/:.:<';.:>.. '.( C&untyin':which :hbt~riiati6~take spl~lt,e)', . :-!, . . . . .. . for', .'0 0J";--6~:',, ." . . (N olary p U blic;scountY.()f.f~'srdet)r:;el:' .. ':c'qqhiy, 'Staie'6fJn'diaha;pers()fi~lly appeared: . .Sex. a.d' <.{'. ..8' 'f'~ 0 oc'tr: 'v .':'.'~ ." .. (pr6per'tYOwrierrJ\ttOrney;~r.;PbiArer-6fJ.l.tti:irneYl:. ',. ....... - .:-."' . "'." '.' '.' .... ,... '. '-', . '"":':', - ":'.' ,...... .~-'- " '-.. -' . .and:a.c~nowledgetheexecutionofthe foregoingdnstrument this ~ . ' .. : -'- ' , . ' . --, ". ..........~ . - .' ~ ' - . " , . " . - , -' . "'- .' -.', ' , =',' :.,---' ; ". -.'",.....,,',:":'-' .:" "-.,,:. _ " . " '_. " .. '... .'.. ." .....m. ,.,"" _._." .~. : :'d' "f" .alk'" ',' ..... .... ...::;. .l))...:.., ay.o.. ..' .'. '. .... '0' " ..; ,". . -" ,"...' :' "-, ;.-,':-;.. ',: .," -' . . , -' - . - -.. , . : . ~.. . i' -, - -.,' . " .: : - :., '.- . " - - ....." - .., '. . '. .... .-', ' ,,-" ,-' . -- - . ., ., . _. ," c -,' _ " .', 266::)4::, . ~ -c. ... '(SEAL) ... 'B'.p'. ~;i) A.';'J d' h rL S '. " . Notary Public-.-P'!ease Print .:::-: .., . c':',. . ~.: " '," .... . '.::- ." . c'> '. " - . '..-.-,"'" . My commission eXPires:();)1':' . .'. ~. .']. . ....,... . & . '. , ~, ..' . ~. - -' . . ~OOI 'r M ~i ~j ~ (Ii ~ ~ ~ ~~.. I :), ] .'$ .~ '.;AI ~ i11 ,;:~~ ~ ,~ }! ~ ~ r\~ ~ ll: Il~ ~ kH i1 ~ ~t ~ Iv ~ !Ii ~ ~ r;: ~ !~ @ ~1 Ii u ......'0...,.. 'CARMEUCLAYBOARD.OF ZONING APPEALS ." . CARMEt.;:'''fNDIANA : Docket No.: Petitioner: . PrimeLifeEnrichmerit, Inc. .' '.FINbrNGs'CiFFACT-D'EVE'u:jPME'~.h;AL sTANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approVal of this variance' will n6tb'einjurio~'stathe pUblic he'81th, safety,morals and general welfare of the commuriity because: .' , The proposed11lUrib~tof signs \Vil~'provid~abetter meims'6f locatjng the property by Seni.or Citizen~thatwiil be..visitingthe c~nter. . . -. . " . 2. .The u'se and value bf theareaa'djacent tCi:the,property included'in the variance will not be affected in a sUbstantially adverse ma~ner'betause: . . .' . . The additional pr6pos~d'waU siginvil(adhere to the ordinanc.c standards, for wall signs, and will not advers~ly.affeCt sllIToundingproperties, ,"1 ~ ~ I :[, ~ ~ ~f' ~. ~ t ~ f ~ , ii .. .. 3. Thestrictapplication~f,theteriris' cifth~ZOhir{!d.o'rd[0~ncet(Hhe property-will result in practical difficulties in the .' use of the 'property'because:. . . ... . The applidant w~Uh.aveciifficultyidendfYi.ngiisprQPerty which may confuse visitors, . . -~.' '. . . DEC1Sio'N' ' IT IS THEREFORE ,thEfdecifi'';nofthe 6a~rrlel/Clay B1ar.d',ofi9nirig:'App~alsthat Developmental Standards Variance Docket No. " ' .'.. " ....." " is:grarileid,.5ubject:tbany conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, whic.h.i3te incbrporall'ldherein by,refererice andri1ade :apart hereof ,Adopt13dthis , . . '.;'day'ofAughst' .': .' .20 .02, " . . '.. SECRET ARY,.CatmeI/ClaY' Board dfZortlrigAppe?,ls, . .... : -.' . .'. ... .... ..... ..>:.",':Co.ndiHons~Clqhe13o~td.ar~ii5t~do~thebacki:{petitioner or his representative to sign). S:\carmelplayltmd~seregs\checklist~devslandapp: . .. . . , .. '-.', '. Revised 1 O{17 {20DO_ ' ' . . '.': .' PageS"of 8:" beveloPm~n'lai Standard{Va'~nceAp'~iicallori ... ~ ~ -~ o II 2 .:; / ., ! i 1 ~""'>;;1 / ,"->"'11: i ;' : ,if / i : 1:1 ,o' \I!: ilj] i ~i; m; Ii: :11. '~i[ [ "'I :",'; j' i( ~! ' 'n i /",0: i ~ !',:: Ii " i I' i I t,ll:l! I! / ~ \, , g;I~\I/ "'2 lil/ €.," ili. "/ 1 I '. I', !i !I 'I I .Jl I \ i' '\ ":. ~ ..; I \. 1 t ji It;, i 1\)1 t, \j ~ 1 ~ ,ii', I J I,"''' ~ \ '1t" I !~ ~,:!\ . ~//i : ~i\ \ '\ I,." 1,1, I "m"_ f \ P, ' , " .1'1 . ,., I ' II il i'l I Ii,. I \ \' ~ t'll ! '''l::r' \ I 1 ~ ' , ~I i 11! /" "~+ I., Ii I J i.' i,\ll \1 / 'v'!' \\UI ~" Ii) :' "It L: 'P{"'~""~;EF.:..,::~:,:2~=..:.~",,"'~"~"'.".':'".......:~~ 1,1 I, \ "I ''I ~I I , _.._ 1\\1\',\1:: !WiJ'U1...i' '., ,. 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Q) 8 .~ +-1 ~ ~ ;...: ~ ..,2 ~;2 ~ :3 'A;: C ~~.~~U - ~ ';:: :..i3 c.... -----..1\ T-, :;-" ,.< \ -, ...:!- r~ ' \... ~f.... .~ "1-" t )(~ ' ~ :7lf Jlearf and Jkme:\~' 'i18'? ,J \ ~ / A Campaign to Fund the PrimeLife Enrichment Center ,..~ ~ '> '~.~~ I .~ i PrimeLife .r\\ Enrichment, Inc. f'njoyment and Independence for Age 55 wul Ileyond .-'~;;~ ~"~~ _ -~ t:J ~0" II::' tl' ~-- I 1078 Third Avenue SW · Carmel, Indi<lll<l 46032 Phone: 317.815.7000. fax: 317.815.7007 www.primelifeenrichment.org " ;-~ , .~ ~ . II...".., . J j ~~. r ~. ; I 7/1 ) hat au,hm and new.< an~~: Tom Brokaw chamcte,;,ed as W "The Greatest Generation" in a recent bestseller is far more diverse than any title or grouping might suggest. The population comprising "senior citizens" encompasses a vast age range; more than at any other time in history, people are living independently well into their 80s and beyond. Seniors also have widely varying levels of energy and resources - their needs arc as individual as their own unique life experiences. Families and communities must provide pragmatic help to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of this rapidly growing segment of our population. Toward this goal, PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. envisions a new multiservice center at the heart of useful programs and services for individuals aged 55 and older throughout Hamilton County, Indiana. The PrimeLife Enrichment Center will be home to seniors who come to leam, work and enjoy the company of others. And it will be a home base for the outreach of staff and volunteers. Prime Life .r. Enrichment, (ne. Enjoyment and Independence for ~, 5.5 and &-Y01ld Hamilton County Senior Services, Inc. has changed its name and logo to hetter reflecr rhe philosophy of the agency and the spirit of the clients it serves The new name of the agency is PyimeLife Enrichment. Inc. The 7Ulme of the facility we are develoPing is the PrimeLife Enrichment Center. t. 7he Cczmpa/~/l ( IJrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. is launching a $2.6-million campaign J to fund its new headquarters and multiservice center. Campaign funds will purchase and renovate a 20,OOO-square-foot building at 1078 Third Avenue SW in Carmel. Our vision extends br beyond a "typical" senior center. Two revenue-generating operations - a recycling plant and a Craft & Resale Shop - will support the new building while they create meaningful volunteer opportunities. The comlllunity will be encouraged to use the recycling center and to donate gently used clothing and household items to supplement the original art, crafts and needlework that will be available for sale. The building is large enough to meet current and future needs. In addition to greatly improved office and activity space, it will house an indoor aquatic exercise pool and walking track - the two components that clients requested most in a planning survey. And at last, PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. will have a garage for protected storage of some of its vehicles. The facility is located in Carmel's revitalized city center, near the intersection of two major thoroughfares - Cannel Drive and Rangeline Road. It is two-tenths of a mile from the Manon Tmil, an abandoned railroad bed that has been converted to a popular linear park and walking path. The building's centrallocatioll will increase PrimeLife Enrichment Inc.'s visibility to the public and facilitate community support of the recycling and thrift shop operations. Required zoning is in pbce. Undergirding the Heart and Home campaign is assistance from the United Way of Centtallndiana's Capital Projects Fund. Funding from this source accounts for 60 percent of the campaign goal. '. I . ~ :7}'7ryrczDls ~ is PrimeLife Enrichment lne.'s belief that the senior years do J n~t signal an end, but rather the begmning of the second half of the circle of life. Though this time can certainly bring challenges and losses, PrimeLife Enrichment, Ine. offers a variety of programs and services that help lessen the negative impact of these trials, allowing its clients to focus on the joy that rhis rime of life can also offer. . Information and Referral: PrimeLife Enrichment, lne. is 3 resource for cle3r and accurate information. · Transportation: Reliable drivers mmsport seniors ro impommt destinmions - medical appointments, PrimeLife Enrichment Center, grocery, h3nk, or pl3ce of employment - in vehicles that accommodate wheelch3irs, when needed. · Community Outreach: Seniors receive one-an-one help to obtain such vital services as energy assistance, housing or medical attention. · Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP): Volunteer counselors help evaluate policies and file claims. · Assistance to Homebound: Trained volunteers offer support, companionship and assistance to those who are alone or in need of help. · Homemakers: Homemakers roll up their sleeves for house c1e~1l1- ing, Immdry, me31 prepamtion and other household tasks. · Respite and Attendant Care: Aides relieve the full-time caregiver or provide non-medical assistance to those who live alone but need some help with the activities of daily living. · PrimeLife Enrichment Center: A hive of positive activity - exercise, line dancing, computer instruction, art and other classes, games and social events, seminars and health screenings. The focus is on wellness, productivity and friendship. ~. Y;Z;racks :/lmony ~ ~~s rL. rom 1990 to 2000, the number of clients that PrimeLife Jnrichment, Inc. served increased 169 percent, with an additional 25-percent increase in 2001. The staff and board first identified the need for a new site in a long-range strategic plan completed in 1999. In the early-morning hours of Jan. 24, 2002, flames sparked by a space heater raced through the PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. facility. The $600,000 fire might have been catastrophic. But while furnish- ings and property were destroyed, no one was hurt, and the heart of PrimeLife Enrichment, [nc. scarcely skipped 8 beat. So r8ther thm1 dwelling on m8teri811oss, st8ff 8re looking 8he8d with optimism 8nd determin8tion. They h8ve to - even without permanent headquar- ters, the need for PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. progr8ms and services continues unabated. XCll12i.l?1 ()pporlunilies I~r Your ,911 Community Areas A) $400,000 - Multi-Purpose Room R) $100,000 - G,nnc Room C) $100,000 - Computer Lab D) $75,000 - Kitchen E) $50,000 - Conference/ClassroolIl Public Spaces r) $200,000 - Craft & Resale Shop G) $125,000 - Recycling H) $100,000 - Reception/Waiting 1) $25,000 - Outdoor patio Physical Activity J) $500,000 - Swimming Pool K) $200,000 - D:mcc/Excrcisl~ L) $125,000 - Gym (workout room) M) $300,000 - Indoor Track Administrative Areas N) $50,000 - Board room 0) $50,000. Volunteer office P) $50,000 - Friendly visitor (ahb) office Q) $50,000. Activities office R) $50,000 - Transportation office ~ 0 0 '" 'l! 0 <0 0 0 0 0 ., W' ~ uY~ \\ C00~'i '\ \\~\;rj:' ~ \be ~:~~~~~::"d~S of life,",~ Juhn Donne c1aimed,the ~ Jc;Lizens of Hamilton County, Indiana, are highly decorated indeed. ~ The first wave of baby boomers began turning 55 last year. The number of \\ Hamilton County residents age 55 and older grew by 57.4 percent from the \. 1990 census to the 2000 census. This compares to an average increase of 1..\ 24.5 percent in the seven surrounding counties. 'The national."age wave" will rapidly accelerate, as medical,ad.vances ~ promote longevity and the baby boomers continue to come of age, The ~astest-growing segment of the U.S. population is age 85 and o!der- " the group most likely to be frail, impoverished and in need of ,1" \ assistance. ~,,11" Many seniors living in Hamilton County's highly mobile communities have relocated to be near their children. These indi- vidu"ls, isolated from longtime friends in unfamiliar surroundings, need activities and socialization with peers. Demand for agency services reflecrs this demugraphic shift. As nuted, the number of clients that PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. served increased by 169 percent from 1990 to 2000; units of service increased by 258 percent. The origin,,1 decision to locate the Senior Activity Center in Clay Township in 1996 was predicated on the 1990 census, which revealed that nearly 40 percent of Hamilton County's senior residents lived in Clay Township. By the 2000 census, 41.7 percent of the county's population age 55 and older resided in Clay Township (most closely followed by Noblesville Townsbip "t 21.2 percen t) . The demographics clearly indicate that Carmel/Clay Township rem<lins the best location for PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. Although the planning survey generated excitement among seniors about a larger, better-equipped facility, it also created anxiety over the possibility of PrimeLife Enrich- ment, Inc. leaving Carmel. Those who benefit from its programs were extremely concerned that PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc. stay in the same area. In 2001, 60 percent of senior center participants were from Clay Township; 40 percent came from other meas. Quality programming and outreach efforts will continue to draw seniors from throughout Hamilton County. r...... ci"" . ~o~ ... .... \~.;. .o:,<:.\c;:,..... -i.\D"i' ... S\C"'~~\,,-~\ dJv"O-\"_ ~(. ~\\ :"='- "" f\~ \..\\\~\)~... ;:,'", ~\.I.C~ ~f;, :\.,,\\\.;..,,-~6. '\)-; ~..s f,\b\l>;\\,,~~. ,&-\il..[:,,'t.oO~;:.~"':"" t\ 'S-~\ (,0.....<;.1:.1, ,~,;>o~o~ ~ \'(\~-'~~\:;.:{\\ \\'$- ':{\"'~_ c-e\~\"c.' ~.. ~?>.., -$-c.\ ~;,l\'-~ '-~C\"''''(>>.\''y;.' .j.\O~'" \\;00\"'-' ",(i-\'\C'j ~\~\.. ~\'iuJ'Q~~~~c.,t.(>I-"f't't;~e.~ts\ -<<v?':.....1 ~\-...(,~:"3.S~' ~ _ (P' ..fi'-O (o.'{.- Co\..\ ",,'U.... ~;; c~ ~~I,J)VO' ~\V-- \v,;fsc,t :':,{l(\\"iI 6....\~~~"\e-r..~..:~\"'e\" \\,,':.y...~ ~\VJ \e~-O:~,-u~~ ,\\,,,,; ~L. ; 'NV e.c,y.'>t(,\\\" tr;;t<$>'3- b-:"~'i. ",""v'fJ\ ~(..~..:(>. r,C~"'~' '{~,~".__",..,e.;J. ...;\\(1 \:NG{; eo....\\t(, ......,10: ~.t:-e.$':o .' e.. v\C~\~'C t C'\~ ':lo \0 (.0 ~ _~'i\C\\ ~. 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