HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice 80375-2468180 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT u /;;"'\, \ \:'k:i State of Indiana SS: U ~({).,~.~,-- ~- '<~ MARION County - !:.// \/ -. R ~~ Personally appcaled before me, a notary public In and for said cOf!!J{Y andf~>>vfCIF1V[D y.-~ . l~ . sf 2002 ':';1 the undersigned SUSAN FLODDER who, bcing duly swo;'n.~aYs;th~t S~E iJu~S j:; . oftl1e INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR neWSP~Of'gCrit~'ral cireulati~~;/ . . 'l<.[ ~;... " ---":;;', ",./ printed and published in the English languagc in the city of INDIANAPGrJS-in=statn (~>/ .... , . -........i-! ~~l-~.>... and county aforesaid, and that the printed mattcr attached hereto is a truc copy, NonCE OF,PUBLK HEARING BEFORE TIciE CARMEL/CLAY BOA1'lD OF,ZDNING:APPEAL5 D.o.cket No,,\j~-185~02. V-1B6,D2.y-!87'Q2. . NOtice ~~, bBreb~. giveE' U,at. the_ GiJrm-~l!C'iiy Board "of ZOlling Ap,peals _ n1,~retin~]' rin the .2ti.th )fay of NO'Jempe'r. 20,02 at 7~,~,~ p'.rr" 111 the,Glt)' Hall ((Junel!. ClnnnlJers, l~CIV- ic 'square."Carj.,.u~l. lrirJiarl;~ 4603-2 will hold' a. hJblic ,H~-:clr-.i'_lg ~~lJll a'Deo.:e,IOPi}len-- tal Standar~s'V.iij--i<9l1,ce';a~iJ)li- cation to:;InstaH 81"l1igh~,161 ~~,icle illuminated>sLgn. itS Car- "meI!Zoning~ Ordinance Se(~ ti~n'.25.7,0,'3~~-c;cl. & h p:r.,DPertY ." benib ~ KI'1.9wn CI~J.'reri"C~ce'_. _- TILe "qJpllc;atlon IS. identiHed <3S Dnckel,"No.,.V,-lB5-02. V- IM .02 & V.-IB 7-.02 Afl iilter,gsi}~Hpi~rSQll5)deslr:- frfg to p~ese:i;tthejr 'ijews,u'l the ,a~ove;applic a~jn'~ Je~tll er in-writing or -,ier:bally~;-'v\HII 'b"e g.l'~'eI1cm _ opportl'mity to be h~~"LrrJ, al the' abo"e~metl~ tio'neu tr~e'arld ,place, Lauth "PrClP~rty Gruup. P.e(i~ tior~efS' .,,"' . , (5-11'2.- 2468!801 which was duly published in said paper for J time(s), between the datcs of: 1110212002 and 11102/2002 ,~ wf~~ CI"k Tille ~ Form G5-REY ]-88 My commission expires: i"JRA iViiGHELlE ,I\LGER NOt::llY puriiie, StatG oj In(JianiJ r~nl H~t\l n'r ~\!1~rinn MIl c(]mrni~sion l:xPif8S Aug, 27, 2010 ) STATE PRESCRIBED FORMULA RATE PER LINE . j'" 7.83 PICA COLUMN - 94 POINT 94POTNTS/5.7PTTYFE-16.49' ,,". -.,- 16.49 EMS /250 - ,06596 SQUARE.~." .I,.-,!,.' . .06596 SQUARES x $4.67 - .308 CENTS PER LINE , I 't ~ , PUBLISHED 1 TIME = .308 PUBLISHED 2 TIME'S= .462 I.': PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .6L6 PUBLisHED 4 TIME:S= .770 COlete iterhh 1U2)an~!i Alsblddmpl~t~ i i.' ,f f item 4 if Restricted Defivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that We can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or On the front if space permits. ;;;=O~r- ~ ~I/~ dj!:<. ~ ~Jt. ~c:(of 2. Artk' "Number (Copy from service labe~ D. Is delivery address different from item If YES. enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type t;lif Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes i ;r?SFbrm 3tt1hi, July 1999 , ! ,; ; 1 , 160/ /9 Yo crz;z; .z <3 01 SJli I' , Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-17S9 . ,C"of[; o Agenl____ O':i.\ddressee I I I - ervice Type I ):ftertified Mail 0 Express Mail I o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4_ Restdcted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes I i ' "'". Nom':'; :,py ,'iT :~'~; :b;', (( ,,!,I , , :I f1 ~ ; R" ~ ,0PO(. I i IRs Fbnn1j$H, """ 1'999 ,; I; It ; i>JJ,":", R"om R~,,,, ''''''~'M. "''' I 1_ Article Addressed to: ~-(~ S~O~ ~~~ ~/. ' II -- I Y0..:Jd.(,I lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, X or on the front if space permits. '}:AddJ.';~ . 1~~3~:;f~~ ~(dl1/(.03~ 2. Arti,,'~ Nym~~r (~opy fro'T':ss';"'ice l~b~O , : . i :; ;';:.t. II! I 3. Service Type ~ertitied Mail o Registered o Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) i DYes 'itWV il9,Vo! ~~,c2 ilJPlJ/( SPO/' PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99.M-' 789 I' u u NOTICE'0.F PUBLIC HEARING BEfClRETHE CARMELlCLA Y BOARO Of ZONING APPEALS Docket No. Notice is' hereby given that the, Carmel/Olay Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the M~lP/6~ _ 2#1- day of ,200 '"2-- at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public' Hearing upon a Developmental Standards Variance application to: (explain'your request-osee questipn numbered seven (7)) h.,s~~ 20/1) /Af)f.7 f1; I ~n:>b. 'f... \ I ,\ 'b l.j: Ae , c..W1l11...u;4'7GJ1 G\, (\ II 5.. fAM.t~kL,4-1 c- ,d.a.. h. (Jf.Lj)dv A4Jr: G- 5~( c;,J ?-S: /). [) ~ 3 property being known as {/.-..At. The application is identified as pocket No. I~ "Ihe real ,estate affec:;ted by said application is described as .follows: 7~ A7;7AC1-!@ ~'Y-rflSI1 ftg IJ (In~p.rt Legal DCGcriptlol'1) All interested persons desiring to preset'lt th'eir views on the above application" either in writing or verbally, wi,11. be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Lttv1tf YefPc.,.t:11 Gf2tJ 11~ PETITIONERS Page ,5 of,8.. D,evelopmental'Slancards.Varjance Applicalion , I?-, SENT BY: 8ENCHMARK SURVEYING; c- 317 841 1507; ( ) t='lCIt/~J7 "A" eJ Hamil tOll County, IndJall3 - Y eJr~O 1 p(lrce!l<.eport OCT-17-02.1:45PM; U \~2- Hamilton County, Indiana - Yeltr 2001 Parcel Report This information has been derived from public records that are COnst undergoing change and is not warranted for content or aCCuracy. It the current information pertaining to this parcel. Parcel No: 16092.40000012000 Property A<Jdress: 101 146TH ST W CARMEL, IN 45032 Subdivision: Lot Number: Block: Section: 24 Township: 18 Range: 03 Tax District: Carmel City School Distrlct: Carmel Clay Library: Carme1jClay Library 002315 Corporation: Carmel Corp 016711 TIF District: Book: Page: Deeded Acres: 0.96 Use Category: RES-l FAM 0-9.99 Mortgage Exemption: $0.00 Veteran Exemption: $0.00 Blind Exemption: $0.00 Over 65 Exemption: $0.00 Improvement: $0.00 Non Tax Deduction: $0.00 Homestead Deduction: $2,000.00 Geothermal Deduction: $0.00 ERA Deduction: $0.00 Rehab Exemption: $0.00 Primary Taxpayer Mailing Address: THORNBERRY/VIRGIL V JR /3. THELMA L 101 146TH ST W CARMEL, IN 46032 http://W\\i\v.co.hamilton.ll1W;/gh/IlJtpal.cc1200 I detai ls.asp?OBJ _ KEYS='7423 t PAGE 3 Page 1 of 2 1/2512002 SENT BY: BENCHMARK SURVEYING; 317 841 1507; OCT.17.02 1 :45P~; PAGE 4 - _Tbi&.doc:cmvnt~f;lrre<JU_ to in :Iloamumt No. <;12;.1':-5-.( 'I' " .~, '1-ig"''1:i. Recorded ,},;; !? day oj G"lC'rt\ 'Go\ I. 'I A" ?~.~.I:):!:U -rJ Hrrord .,\'(1 .. PilJ[r:T 19 at o'dock M R:c[J~J(.,. liilIutrttl1ty 1Erro mro~84 ~HZS_",_, D-ns INDEJ.....TlJRE W1TK'ESSETI'I, Thal MARCOS L l<:ENDr\LL and EVELYN E. KE.0JDft.LL, husband a-nd wife1 400,9 of Com'ey :t.hd Warrant to Hamilton Co:r"",~. '" /f.e S"" of Indiana "I VIRGIL V. THORNBERRY, JR, and THEL,MA L. THOfDi3ERR.Y, husband <lnd wife, Hamiltun Cou n f)', [.")" the ,~l:J~~ oj Indiana !OI 'frc jum oj ...?~~.??~~~~.~r'lD C)Tll~r:.~r\~l!f.BLE.CONSlD~RATION--:---:---uDu!l,;n ,A, foliow'"K 6c/(f/!r"d Real Estate in ".... Ha,~~ilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CQnnty. in th~ S:~ir of lru!;"{1t::-. fO~'~I/r: A part. of the Ea~t half of the Northeast Quarter of Section l4, Township 13 KOrt.h, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, more partlc1Harly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the s;'\irl half Quarter Spetion, said point being _~ fe...t West of th.. Northt>ast Corner 'of. said half Quarter Section. Continue thence Westwardly along and with the uforesaid North line 170.00 feet; thence- Southwardl.y parallel to the East line oI said East half Quarter Section 310.00 fed; thence Eastwardly parallel to tbe North line of aforesaid Half quar-ter Section 170.00 feet; thence Northvi01.rdly 31U. 00 Ie"t to th", p1ac", of beginning, containing 1. 200 acres. mOte or lesS. Subject to taxes becoming due and payable in !I.~y, \976, ,,-nd thp.re"frer. Subject to all re:itriction"s, €,a.9erno:-nts, OCT 311975 and t:oning of record, ffis r:,~f~lrr!rl p'~:,?,?I1.-.fl1d.:J I TIT ;7.S- )~i'iE r.'.KrHS, R~CC~CfP., i;M,\f~TGr< t:O~';TY, ~;iJ. .J Our:r eNTl:~ED FOB p., - TJ ",. J . /J ~~r. ~" " dQ7-.U4~' ~. ~t2 3: . . ;L G ~---;;,-k ". ~., ~ -L<'~~Jh~;I' . i:lClfiJto.:1.r;;,r&)~ REGaV~O FOR RECUK!.? c., 4:c.s O'CI.OCK_X-r.,\ ....,.J:i..~ PAGE"" . l'j~-?>.7 ~-V~~~./ Y..;tt'~~1. H.Ui-P.~'Wt tfN1iITt. 'abWl,l. IN WIThES$ WHEREOF. Th< '9;,1 MARCUS E. KENDALL and EV EL Y N E. KENOJ.\LL. husband and wife, H3 "e Ir~rrrr.[o,rel their han.d S "",; ,','d S 11':1} ., <s <:!'. ....... Jay of October. '9 75. Ma.i-cus'E:' KenJaH"" ( S~cl) Evely~'E~ 'l<c~da:ii""', .:; -,(<t' ~_ L. +.~. /,-~. .._(.:,~~ ~ l,~'!~ tt_ {i~ . (~=.I ) 1",:" .~' . . ("..,1) (SMl) (Sol) . ..(Seal) ST.\ TE OF I0'OI.\ ".\, HAMILTON CntjxTY, ,,: 'B.rfor~ ml', r),~ llndl'nigr:.i'd. /:J ,VOI(f.~)' Pt~bl~(' in i1_.,J fe.,- j{;irf C(Wri!} r:r;;;" SUl!i', p.erJQ,'.r.ify \Jp/1riu.-d IAr :l":;:~:" r:(Jrr;~d IvlJ\P.CUS E. KEl'iDALL ;wd r::VELYN E. KEND.\LL, husband and ::,.iC,.,;, <) '.t' w/;o ~cknr)HIIc.r1~C'(1 (he c~rcU(;'fm (If flu: jQr(g(lin::: D~(""d H) .[1(' thci r ; h1rUr101"J ,;.-1 ~trd d"",d. \\'IT:':F.SS, my i;und ,];,d Not...rjal (r;al ,I:~'~. --;:/~ "" ~.,} "J J 0 -;t';"r, '7{Z/i/<:;.d.,.l .(~.../!_{~p~u:;( ( J\'{}fr:;.ry P&II.JI,~ : ' iHto!"t'<!Y' 58 I ~i. Fangr: Lir If 75. Tf:i, jo7~ . Cf2"'2ttd'~I..1 ,.(. c~prrcs "/...".. ..-. ./". ..r.c::;: prrfiluOJ by 1\1an5on .E. -;1,. . l1 ~ v Church Chl ,_1, C~rmel. I .'of)' (omm:-frio-n , u w " ,,-: -\ -I ,-"., - , ... \ ' ; -- . '. I ~, <"- ~ ., <.,>\ 1'-----' ~ v./ , i41Vo:tJ7V[/) , ~'I ~, 1'1 lOt?tJ ,- : \~~\ /.JOe (I" ! ',' PETITIONER'S APF,IDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PIJ~L1C HEARI~G(;\ , :5'<:)1' CARMEL/CLAY BOARDQF ZQNING APPEALS "0-2:'J-r::r:.s$S/ 'I (WE) IV. J/. ~'IY/he.V-" ~f1 ~() &KAt..4= c.f LwTtf P~61]' 6ef)"'~ 00 I-'lE,REBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF (petitioner's Nam~) PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZClNING APPEALS OONSIDERING Docket Number v- \~S'.02. iht\.( V. \9<<'1. 0 (.. , was registered and mailed at leasHwentycfive.(25) days priotto the date ofthe public hearing Ie;)' IDe below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER 6\4...\;011 -r E. tCl.. \ L'\e IQ, ~V SAck ~. ~ (,.T-eil'riA-NI ~ L. \~OL.D/A.1 &\ ~D LANa tom'fJIMJ'i / LLG. 6t..e'('l-\fl'?AJ(\ VUr}A Ass.a:IA7e5 I Lv ADDRESS 55"60 BCUJ~wl\t //lJJJI-'WIIPO/.-l>. /~ ~6 z..w lifbO?:-. SIol.40Cc.tr lA-'t!:ES S)r. IAlolltllJ/1fJfJlA5. ./~ 96D"?;.2 2~ ~. 9 61:h. s.:n,~ JitJ/JJlwAPtJL.l. s. / A) 1f62-l.fo 20 ~ .. >>()Q..:7tt 11.t..1 iU()J S $-\tI..C,-G-"1; z.~ to! F'-OoL INtJ/.+nJAPt:'l./s.. /AI 46Z() Lf STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigoed, having been duly sworn upon oath says that the i!;i informed and believes. . 4~;::~~ . Notary Publ[c--Signature '~T";("M/A" ~<<5 NO, la,. ry PUbliC".-~s~r nt\ . My commiss.ionexpires: ~ ~" 9 r / County of JlA1J1Ct.--1 t)/fJ (County in which notarif:ation takes place) for LA v. "'( tt ~c) flG/Z..-( 6e.:oiJ"l? (Notary Public's COl!n1Y of residence) (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) .dayof 0(~~ /.2 ff: ~.' ISE~L)~ 5~::"''' ;.- ..1 ---- - ~ % 7:.~--~- _ ~ ":0-...,........... ..... .,-. ......~.. ~_ "-."'~~.,,~u,,!4"1~ ...." 1;-(" f..../ -. - "" ,'" ".i:'';: ~~~:~,.,,__:.. ~::"-... _ -tl" Before me the un~ersigr:ted, q Notary Public County, State. of Indiarla, personally appeared qnd t')cknovyledge the, execution of the foregoing instrument thIS ~ Page 6'01, 8 -- Developmental St"ndards Variance Application U") l:r ["'- U") r-9 Postage $ CJ <Q fT1 Certified Fee ru Return Re<:elpl Fee CJ (Endcrsement Required) CJ Res!rlcled Delivery Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) CJ Total Poslllge & Fees ~ l:r ...-=I ...-=I CJ o ["'- Postmark HeR! .\.<.,,'. ;.. ...:-- , l~,.IBkl~~~L~ ~.~~~ ~~fjlf1lJ@.U$IlJ:iJ~~~ t:(J .-=i ,P) t:(J Lrl 1:b.. .-=i Postage $ D c:() Certified Fee fTl Poslmark ru Return Receipt Fee Here CI (EndOJSement Required) CI Restricted Delivery Fee CI (EndOJSemenl Required) CI Talal Postage a Fees $ .::r IT' r-'I ...-=I CI CI r'- ~ ~~ D~~ "n ~,~,@iIilJ@iJf$~~~,~ U') ru co Uj r-'l D co fT1 u ~ =>.~~ Postage' $ Certlfied Fee rtJ Retum ReceIpt Fee D (Endorsement RequIred) D Restricted DeIJvery Fee D (Endcifsement Required) TataI Postage a Fees, Postmark Here p~:=~ .: .." 1_. -' ifMQ@I4r;fJ~~~'~, , I ......... . r-'l 0 c(J Ul r-'I Postage $ 0 .c:(J Certified Fee lT1 Postmark ru Return Receipt Fee Here CJ (Endorsement Required) CI Restricted Delivery Fee CJ (Endorsement Required) CJ Total Postage & FeElS $ /.f. '1P- ~ []""' r-'l r-'I 0 0 r- : II . 1f,,~MIL TON COUNTY AUDITD I, ROBIN MillS, AUDITOR OF HAMilTON COUNTY, INDIANA, u CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE All OF THE ADJOINING AND ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO lOCAL ORDINANCE ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY .b.;r:;h;;'i<\~V 10.- 1'7- ok 9~ ~ '</\ Ot7l"C[j/ltD ~\ 23 20a? DOCS ROBIN MillS, HAMilTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED ~ ::::7 Thursday. October 1 i. 2002 P.--,ge 1 of 1 ~,~~AMI[ION COUNTY NOIlFICA 1I0NOT PREPARIII BY TIlE HAMlION COUNTY AlDTORS OffiCE. DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING USTED BELOW ARE SUBJfCl PROPERnIS [ SUB.lCT MARKED IN YEllOw] SUBJECT 16 09-24-00-00-012-000 Thornberry. Virgil V Jr & Thelma L 1 01 146th St W Carmel IN 46032 u ~ ./ A '<tJ, T \,- RECEIVED ' aCT 23 2002 DOCS .j~;AMlrfONCOUNJY NOJlFICA liON OJ PREPARm BY THI HAMlTDN COUNTY AUDITORS OmCL DMSION DHAX MAPPING u Indianapolis IN 46204 PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 9 09-13-00-00-015-000 Greyhound Plaza Associates LP 201 Illinois N 23rd FIr 8 09-13-00-02-013-000 Jack S & Stephanie C Holding 14603 Shadow Lakes Dr Carmel IN 46032 16 09-24-00-00-010-001 W & 0 Land Company Lie 2850 96th St E Indianapolis IN 46240 16 09-24-00-00-013-000 Elliott T Etal Liebtag 5560 Broadway Indianapolis IN 46220 ~ " 05 02..1 023 Q25 11:'1 116.J l1-4l ol .z::/'''' \ "'~ \ \ (17) ,';'" \\ ; Q2D \/ t ~ ' \ I10J \ \ 013 "", iS2i \ \,." 1,1> \ .!-" ROSE MILL 12)'< ~ ~ OJ ~.. /:>;~/( ~,"i ~:; (\2 ~iQU'2eJ ;;s\.~ :; OJ] G. 6 7 Ac \ "'" \ ~~,:~/~'" -;'00: ~,~ ( <l IlC!.9 '\..... '" /// \1 C:'l// Q2J ) 01' / liS, //' "1, / / v?- QJD DR~ \ \ ~~ \ OJ] \ \ ~---- \ I D.JB ) 120' I (<''''J I Q22 Olfi QlS (221 1201 CllA C?:) - i'll,; 005 3 0:)1 3 UEJ 03-l '.l-O.~ .., ~ Qj)2 S Q.!9 U9 ).,(, , 006 (3<l1 ['I'~; 1.l"~,'\. ~ OOJ I US) 0 r~~ ~'!> ... C-J-' ~ i 006.001 i 0084 (321 1,37) . 010_001 , ,~(I,Q '''~,Q 1 5,)2 ...~ . > 007 ; i DOS ~ '5-2, US) ~u. WHI 'Ir~"~ 008 QQf> i~l, i39l ,II. '~.I 0 Q.!9 007 I~O) (-4 0 ~ ".\parcel\claywest1_p_dgn 10/17/0202,22.01 PM OJJ I..!J 012 m ~ ~ Q!1 ~ ~V ~--l 01? ;95,o.,c (~ \~ II '''AI: I \ j \ - \ n \ --' o.rlfiJlllJ \ I. ~ a t.,~ , \ , \ , \ 0l:Ll12 , \ , , \ '.C4 N: , \ I , \ , \ , \ , , \ , \ \ C14.G04 (j, J~ ~c ~lli..QQ2; "",lei "'C , " .'....... u U. ~ C::?~ c:=J<- ~ @ LAUTH PROPERTY GROUP 0 o I ---_~~ November 14, 2002 /.___1 ~ v\ " f- . ':>. RECF/VED NDV 14 2002 ' . DOCS ~/ jv /,-"''-/' ...-c:- "" >' Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning and Zoning Administrator Division of Zoning and Planning City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ;:-- ->-- Re: Clay Terrace Retail Development (PUD Ordinance No. Z-386-02) SW corner of 146lh & US31 Temporary Signage Valiance Proof of Notice Circumstance behind Indy Star's publication of Notice on November 2, 2002 Docket No. V-185-02 thm V-187-02 Mr. Lillig Per our conversation on November 13, 2002, itemized below is sequence of events associated with Indianapolis Star's publication of the Public Notice on November 2,2002 in lieu of required publication date of October 31, 2002: 1. Sent e-mail to Judy Martinez wI Indianapohs Star October 29,2002 requesting publication of the Public Hearing Notice for the above stated subject. 2. Ms. Martinez called on October 31,2002 and notified us that she cannot open our e-mail attachments. We immediately faxed the documents. 3. Published on November 2,2002. Sincerely ~~~ W.H 'Mark' Jang Senior Project Manager CC: File Joe Downs Robert Rydell Gary Shelton 9777 N. College Avenue Indianapolis. IN 46280 ph 317.848.6500 fx 317.848.6511 www.laulhproperLy.com Building Real Estate Solutions'" Since 1977 u ~~ u ~@ LAUTH PROPERTY GROUP 0 .. November 14, 2002 ~, ~ ./"\ RECFIVED 10 r NOV 14 2002 F-\~!~ \' '. DOCS li: \;, > !: " ',<, I> _~~~ .,~~ Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning and Zoning Administrator Division of Zoning and Planning Ci ty of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Clay Terrace Retail Development (PUD Ordinance No. Z-386-02) SW corner of 146th & US31 Temporary 5i gnage Variance Proof of Notice Docket No. V-185-02 thru V-187-02 Mr. Lillig As required, we are submitting following: 1. Petitioner's Affidavit of Notice of Hearing 2. Public Notice as published by the Indianapolis Star Please call me at (317) 575-3088 with any questions and/or deficiencies to the packet for immediate response. Sincerely W.H. 'Mark' Jang Senior Project Manager ?~~/l CC: File Joe Downs Robert Rydell Gary Shelton 9777 N. College Avenue Indianapolis. IN 46280 ph 317,848.6500 fx 317.848.6511 wW'N.lauthproperty.com Building Real Estate Solutions'" Since 1977 u .--... ~~ - . ... ~ LAUTH u Al~lIfRS:;{ty jo,;3'D~ J .....I ~~ - ()JJ:JL I> B J h;u;.L- ~ t~ Ms, Dawn Patton f )e C) t~7. , /VI Department of Zoning and Planning DC R.r'f~~ve mVt 7 f/ A ".Hl vJ:tJ, City of Cannel L.V 2a ...A.A-- -(}v.r f'lA//~~ , (j One Civic Square DOCS l d....,. --Uul1'J.LcL (l.. ~ Cannel, rN 46032 ~ -rfVV'"" {~-~ -tIu- ~ ~ ~ tJ1t.-. I-k .. . . JJ J M>>L tML- Re: Clay Terrace Retail Development (PUD Or 'J-[ an@G ~ ~ U5 31 ~~L.- SW comer of 146th & US31 IJ..)'..,(JfI.. m;..Jr. ~cl.td..nU- ' C\ Temporary Signage Valiance Application ~. 'jd1flJ"" Ms. Patton, October 23, 2002 As stated in my original submission letter dated October 18, 2002, enclosed are two (2) sets of the Hamilton County Auditor's "Certified Adjacent Property Owner's Listing" dated October 17, 2002. Thank you for all of your (Issistance in understanding and preparing the above stated documents. Sincerely, W.E. 'Mark' lung Senior Project Manager cc: File Joe Downs Gary Shelton