HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication LJ u Tingley, Connie S From: Sent: 'To: Cc: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Friday, October 25, 2002 12:26 PM Fahey, Joyce D; Morrissey, Phyllis G; pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S Hollibaugh, Mike P; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lawrence, Kelli A; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B Docket No. Assignment: Clay Terrace pu~ (V-185-02 thru V-187-02) The following Docket No. has been assigned to the Development Standards Variance petition filed by W.H. Mark Jang of Lauth Property Group for signage to be located at Clay Terrace PUD: Docket No. V-185-02 Docket No. V-186-02 Docket No. V-187-02 ZO 25.7.03-3(c)(2)(ii) ZO 25.7.03-3(d)(2) ZO 25.7.03-3(h) 128-square-foot real estate sign $630.00 1 O-foot tall real estate sign $70.00 illuminated real estate sjgn $70.00 The Total Filing Fee for these petitions is $770.00. . These Items will not appear on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. . Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, October 31,2002. PLEASE NOTE THAT BZA NOTICE IS TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, November 15,2002. Failure to submit Proof ot Notice by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, January 27, 2003, agenda of the BZA . Eight (8) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than noon, Friday, November 15, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, January 27,2003, agenda of the BZA. . This Item will appear on the Monday, November 25, 2002, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. . The petitioner will need to provide seven (7) fully filled-out Findings-at-Fact sheets (DSV application, Sheet 8) the night of the meeting for the Board's use. Petitioner must also remember to fill out only the Docket No., Petitioner, and date on each Ballol Sheet (DSV application, Sheet 7) for the Board. The Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheets must be collated. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Connie, please contact Mark Jang of Lauth Property Group at 317/575-3088 with this information. 0AX ~g-(,$I! ,5'(0 <f- 3oe-Ef .V~~ /OpS/ocA lj;('tjO~ 317/571-2417 fax: 317/571-2426 11 iIb g@ci.carmel.in. us 1 u o City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 31 7 ~5 71-2 417 Fax: 317-571-2426 FACSIMILE TELECOPY COVER LETTER DATE: October 24,2002 TO: Mark Jang Lauth Property Group FAX: 564-3088 FROM: Connie Attached hereto are 2. pages, including this cover letter, for facsimile transmission. Should you experience any problem in the receipt of these pages, please call 317/571/2419 and ask for Connie. NOTES: Attached is the information for the docket numbers, deadlines and filing fees for the November 25,2002 BZA meeting for Clay Terrace PUD. Please call if you have any questions. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The materials enclosed with Ihis facsimile transmission are private and confidential and are the property of the sender. The information contained in the material is privl1eged and is Intended only for the use of the indlvidual(s) or entity(ies) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this lelecopled information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile transmission in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to arrange for return of the forwarded documents to us. I I i I / CITY'QF CARMEL ;0 CLAY TOWNSHIP U HAMilTON COUNTY, INDIANA APPLlCATI0N 'FOR.BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. ACTION w DOCKET NG. DATE RECEIVED: DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST FEE: $930.00 for the first pll.ls$70.00 for each additional s.ection of the ordihance b. . . 1) Appli~ant: _L..A\J-rH- f>~cra.."""" &,Q.t;'u~ Address:. 1777 /f.!. LOU:.Gb1ti: Avl!:". ,htJIMdiP(lI-IS Project Name: {~;7 1'e:(U2.~ (.+t=h..: MAIe.'L :JA111h) EngineerfArchitect:1"e-Pr W77'O""/ //1-?G . . ./~ , Lf6"Le>O 2) Phone: 3/'7 - S"'7.>- 30a:-cP Attorney: l(,t'II ~/J}/.wl ')j//~ Phone: 3/fJ- S.tr?- SG""Po PhonE:!: 3/'1-63'7 - blS- L 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) (a) Thra applicant's name is on the..deed to the property ~b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property (c) Otl1er: 4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, pleasecbmplete the following: Owneroflhe property involved: O'wner's,adc;lress: . Phone: 5) R~coJd at Owne"rship: Deed Book No.llnstroment No. Z8~ Page: G>7b Purchase date: Oc..to,her I 'f'6~ 5t 2.1, I '71> W. ~E'=\-. , (2. Pfj'2..) /Ai '16032, Q) Common address of the property involved: 10 I Legal description: G:~ AnAufeo ~~HII317 "11" Tax Map Parc.el No.: l (;OOj '24'CY:J (;)QO \ 2000 7) state explanation of requested Developmental Standards Variance: (State what you want to do and cite the section number(s) of the CarmelfClay Zoning Ordinance which appliesand/or creates the Deed for this request). !t17A<!A:fG{J ., I B \,~..~~ ,(. 1 6 W"tJp 8'7"- HI 1317 If 13 (I ') I LL( !/1I/..v..eJ?t?V -5,lb/IJ (?~ LIS. 2..5'. t.O'3 .- 3 - 1:, do $- h iN f. "7 A, L.L- Page,l of 8 - Deyelopmental Standards Variance Application I ' I, / 8) State reasons s(jpportin~ Elevelopmental Standards Varial.lce: (Ad~naIIY, complete the attached question sheet. entitled "Findings of Fact-Developmental Standards Variance"). ft;f2.. -n+- CQo'7J/ ..v61 9) Present zoning of the property (give exact classification): PM 1') O:e\~~c.G M,. 'Z' -"':396 - oz- 10) 11) Size of lot/parcel in question: 1. Z , Present use of the property: A 6 / K acres 12) Describe the proposed use of the property: PI A D OG-\ Ol?JlJltrOCG d&. Z - 366 -07 13) Is the property: Ownerocctlpied Renter occupied Other ~1ttJ11'lJT 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with 'this property that would relate oraffecrits use for the:specific purpose of this,applicatio,n? If yes, give date.and docket number, decision rel'lderecl and (ilertinent explanatitm. . AlO 15) Has work for which this applicCltion is beil1g filed already started? If answer is yes, give.details~ AlO Buiidihg PermitNumber; Builtler: 16) If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work,commence? As.. SOD/{) ~ r&2:/lJ /7 /:3> /55 v6t:J 17) If the proposed variance, is granted, who will operateand/or use 1M proposed improvement for whi~h this application has been filed? 1-AtrrH P/Z0REr2-"11 6, l20 () P' NOTE: lEGAL NOT18Eshall be PLJbli~hed io the Noblesville Dailv Ledqera MANDATORY twenty-fiVe (25) da)(s Wior to the pu.blic h~aring date.1"he certified "Proof of Publication" affidavitfor the newspaper must be available for'inspection the night ofthe hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining anti ,,!butting property owners is also MANDATORY; two methods ofnotice"are recommendecl: 1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sentlo adjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the' Post Office at leasttwenty-five (25) days 'prior to the publicheatihg date.) Page'2.of8 - Developmenldl.Slandards Variance Application u u 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and aputtingproperiyowners.(A receipt signed by the adjoini09 al)dabutting property owner ;q,ckriowledging the twenty-five (25) day notice should be kept for verification" that the r;lOtice was complet~d) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES, 1$ THE RESPONSIBiliTY OF THE APPLICANT AGAIN, T)1IS TASK MUST BEeOMPlETED AT lEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLlC'HEARING DATE, The applicant understands that docket numbers will not be assiQned until all supportinqinformation has been submitted tbtheDepartment of Community. Services. The applicant certifies by signing this application that he/she has, been advised that all repres.entations of the Department of' Community Services are advisory only and that the ,applicant should rely on appropriate sub,division and zoning ordinance"and/or .the legal advice of his/her attorney. I, , Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana, certifythalthe attached (Please Print) affidavit is 'a true and complete listing of the adjoining and adjacent property' owners Qf the property de,scribed herewith. OWNER ADDRESS ~TH 1,\ 1i11-1rJ1L--roAJ. C&U,{} "7/ /1:1 JI)/7'oe A nil Af PAr( P~--t2--r;l ;ZeLr~ <<?;1' Cbf 72... 2Gb 2-) /sstJ<<<?:.. 7 C(s'l/NG7 ~ tQ;I1//I,)Gr. tJl'Jc:e rHk- (41G-'; /':C4? -;(-;r: ~/i7C" CLa:2-7/P/i'?/J PA);?I Cr/ P/17G ;;:'l//s Auditor of HarHiltdn County, Indiana--Signature Date ?age 3'01 8 - Developmental Standard, VilrianceAppllcetion '. w (j AFFIDAVIT I, hereby s.Wear that I am the owner/conhact purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing sigl);3tures, statemel1ts8nd answers. herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the beslofmy knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard tothis application and subsequent hearings and testimony. . . Signed: CPr erty Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) Date {;,'gEb 6rWtz.h\,\ '? (Please Print) ST.ATE OF INDIANA SS: County of 1;/!?/Ilifi;? ..J 7 (County in which noiarizatibh takes place) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for !ftfnY1t.;rC? "J '(Notary Public's county of residence) County, State of Indiana, personally afJpeared 0/2e:-n 6 utUz///L (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing if"lstrument this I g :tf1 day of (/vlobp r ,200 2- , ~~~ Notary Public-~Signature (SEAL) Notary Public--Please Print e Marianne Brtnson SEAL . . #425435 . Hamitton Cou ..,,~. My Commission EXPiresiar.21,2008 My commission expires: Page 4 of e.. DevelopmentarSlandardsVariance AppliClltion "- \ ,r \, 00 CCCCl ~B ElEltJElEJEJElEl 00 o D rnrnrn rnrnrn rn rn c Back Sign Panel (~ All windows ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ EEEB EffEl 88 88 BS cut out to emit backlighting Clom C1C! !::lD !::::II:] DO DO DO 0 C'- 0000 DWrnW 00 00 DO U 0 D OBBJ E1EJElEjElEl DO DO OJ Front Sign Panel -.' b YflI1317 'f E" - "2 ~~~ ~ c. r Cu'-out 10 shape All windows cut out to emit backlighting Painted 3/4" Plywood CLAY TERRACE RETAIL EXPERIENCE Co 3 Can lights ~ I f-} ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ,I .ill (I 1 I,......'~ I \ J'l .' I .. I I I., I I' t' I · , ," ~I'" "\ I J ,I I, I . --, . '" ~ \...... _ 1 __ ... U _ .......... ~ ~ . \,. - ..J- -. ,,1 f j - ..... t:::::""" ""::-_::J LAUTH www.c1ayterrace.com PROPERTY GROUP c. Painted 4 x 4 posts Painted 3/4" Plywood C\J Painted 4 x 4 posts I. 16' ~ I CLAY TERRACE TEMPORARY SIGNAGE CARMEL. INDIANA SCALE: 1/2" '" l' ..aapel.'" "..our . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . rl1 4-- '" '19 ~ ~ ~ " ... F. fl -<: ~ iJ ;;::: 2 ~ .- 2 ~ ~ 'r, =:: ..... ~ d - ... t'- ~ ~ ~ ? :J .... -, @~ ~ =' ~ =:r: z ....- ~2 :;;:~ ~ ~ ... :: . . =~ - .- f.. ::-: -:-:- ~~ 1J \ \ .r \ .~: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _1- \rli u .~ ::~~ LAUTH w ~.~th ANNIVERSARY .f ....I October 18, 2002 Ms. Dawn Patton Department of Zoning and Planning City of Cannel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Clay Ten3ceRetail Development (PUD Ordinance No. Z-386-02) SW corner of 146\h & US3 J Temporary Signage Variance Application Ms. Patton As required, we are submitting the Valiance Application as stated above in order 10 be on the Docket for the Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting on November 25, 2002. Enclosed are as follows: 1. Origimll and One (1) cy of the application forms. 2. Two (2) sets of location map (See Exhibit "C" - 3pgs). 3. Two (2) copies of the signage document (See Exhibit "B" ~ 2pgs). 4. S630 Check As we had discussed on October 16, 2002, I have sllbmitted to the Hamilton County Auditor's office a request for the "Certitled Adjacent Property Owner's Listing" on October 16, 2002. Accordingly, they will have 3~5 days to process the request. I will forward this document as soon as it is released to us. Thank you for all of your assislance in understanding and preparing the above stated documents. Sincerely .H. 'Mark' J~~ Senior Project Manager CC: File Joe Downs Gary Shelton