HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication u u Tingley, Connie S From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Monday, October 28, 2002 2:23 PM Fahey, Joyce D; Morrissey, Phyllis G; pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S Hollibaugh, Mike P; DObosiewicz, Jon C; Lawrence, Kelli A; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Steven B. Granner AICP (E-mail) Docket No. Assignment: Meridian Technology Center, ph? (V-188-02 thru V-190-02) CORRECTION The following Docket Nos. have been assigned to the Development Standards Variance petitions filed by John Smeltzer of Bose McKinney & Evans for signage to be located in the Meridian Technology Center at 501 Congressional Boulevard: Docket No. V-188-02 Docket No. V-189-02 Docket No. V -190-02 ZO 25.7.02-10(b) ZO 25.7.02-10(c) ZO 25.7.02-10(e) 3 identification signs $630.00 1 05-sq ua~e-foot non-frontage-oriented identification signs $70.00 identification signs not oriented toward street frontage $70.00 The Total Filing Fee for these petitions is $770.00. . These Items will not appear on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. . Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, October 31,2002. PLEASE NOTE THAT BZA NOTICE IS TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, November 15, 2002. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, January 27, 2003, agenda of the BZA. . Eight (8) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than noon, Friday, November 15, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, January 27, 2003, agenda of the BZA. . This Item will appear on the Monday, November 25, 2002, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. . The petitioner will need to provide seven (7) fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheets (DSV application, Sheet 8) the night of the meeting far the Board's use; Petitioner must also remember to fill out only the Docket No., Petitioner, and date on each Ballot Sheet (DSV application, Sheet 7) for the Board. The Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheets must be collated. Connie, please contact John Smeltzer of Bose McKinney & Evans at 317/684-5317 with this information. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ~ c;;<;;:3~iJ3i7 1/; /~;;<~ ~() 2- d.,' ~()~ cr 317/571-2417 fax: 317/571-2426 llillig@ci.carmel.in. us u u City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317-571-~417 Fax: 317-571-2426 FACSIMILE TELECOPY COVER LETTER DATE: October 24, 2002 TO: John Smeltzer Bose McKinney & Evans FAX: 223-031 7 FROM: Connie Attached hereto are 2 pages, including this cover letter, for facsimile transmission. Should you experience any problem in the receipt of these pages, please call 317/571/2419 and ask for Connie. NOTES: Attached is the corrected information for the docket numbers, deadlines and filing fees for the November 25,2002 BZA meeting for the Meridian Technology Center. Please call if you have any questions. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The materials enclosed with this facsimile transmission are private and confidential and are the property of the sender. The information contained in the material is privileged and is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) named above, If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any unauthorized disclosure, COPYing; distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this telecopied information is strictly prohibited. If you have received tllis facsimile transmission in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to arrange for return of the forwarded documents to us. u Tingley, Connie 5 From: Sent: To: Cc: u Lillig, Laurence M Monday, October 28, 2002 9:54 AM Fahey, Joyce D; Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S Hollibaugh, Mike P; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lawrence, Kelli A; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Steven B. Granner AICP (E-mail) Docket No. Assignment: Meridian Technology Center, ph? (V-188-02 thru V-190-02) Subject: The following Docket Nos. have been assigned to the Development Standards Variance petitions filed by John Smeltzer of Bose McKinney & Evans for signage to be located in the Meridian Technology Center at501 Congressional Boulevard: Docket No. V-188-02 Docket No. V-189-02 Docket No. V-190-02 ZO 25.7.02-10(b) ZO 25.7.02-10(c) ZO 25.7.02-10(e) 128-square-foot real estate sign $630.00 1 O-foot tall real estate sign $70.00 illuminated real estate sign $70.00 The Total Filing Fee for these petitions is $770.00. . These Items will not appear on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. . Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, October 31,2002. PLEASE NOTE THAT BZA NOTICE IS TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, November 15, 2002. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, January 27,2003, agenda of the BZA. . Eight (8) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than noon, Friday, November 15, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, January 27, 2003, agenda of the.BZA. . This Item will appear on the Monday, November 25, 2002, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. . The petitioner will need to provide seven (7) fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheets (DSV application, Sheet 8) the night of the meeting for the Board's use. Petitioner must also remember to fill out only the Docket No., Petitioner, and date on each Ba]lot Sheet (DSV application, Sheet 7) for the Board. The Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheets must be collated. Connie, please contact John Smeltzer of Bose McKinney & Evans at 317/684-5317 with this information. /,' N 08"1.{ - ~ 31 (:;, /D -;;2.. (f- 0 Z- /tJ./ trt) ~ c;;r Laurence M. Lillig, JT. Planning & Zoning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Community Services City of CaTmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 - -t:f0U ~ ~'?l-? ~j~ 317/571-2417 fax: 317/571-2426 llillig@ci.carmel.in.us ..-.. ..4 ~ 1'''/ /0 -;2 OC-tJ 2- ~ /7t/~ or- 1 ; .... . u u Tingley, Connie S From: Sent: To: Cc: lillig, Laurence M Monday, October 28,20022:23 PM Fahey, Joyce D; Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S Hollibaugh, Mike P; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Lawrence, Kelli A; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Steven B. Granner AICP (E-mail) Docket No. Assignment: Meridian Technology Center, ph? (V-188-02 thru V-190-02) CORRECTION Subject: The following Docket Nos. have been assigned to the Development Standards Variance petitions filed by John Smeltzer of Bose McKinney & Evans for signage to be located in the Meridian Technology Center at 501 Congressional Boulevard: Docket No. V-188-02 Docket No. V-189-02 Docket No. V-190-02 ZO 25.7.02-10(b) ZO 25.7.02-10(c) ZO 25.7.02-10(e} 3 identification signs $630.00 1 05-square-foot non-frontage-oriented identification signs $70.00 identification signs not oriented toward street frontage $70.00 The Total Filing Fee far these petitions is $770.00. . These Items will not appear on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. . Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, October 31, 2002. PLEASE NOTE THAT BZA NOTICE IS TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, November 15,2002. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, January 27, 2003, agenda of the BZA. . Eight (8) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than noon, Friday, November 15, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday. January 27, 2003, agenda of the BZA. . This Item will appear on the Monday, November 25, 2002, agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. . The petitioner will need to provide seven (7) fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheets (DSV application, Sheet 8) the night of the meeting for the Board's use. Petitioner must also remember to flll out only the Docket No., Petitioner, and date on each Ballot Sheet (OS V application, Sheet 7) for the Board. The Findings-of-Fact and Ballot Sheets must be collated. Connie, please contact John Smeltzer of Bose McKinney & Evans at 317/684-5317 with this information. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Comm unity Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 D~O# b~ \o\'r 317/571-2417 fax: 317/571-2426 llilliG@ci.carmel.in.us f1 /.....)~~. /. \ ! 'I,y \/'b / ..'1 0}1 (y'1 1JO~ r CS{l) -::~ FEE: /<:,:0}J 'Z.D?:", ", / ',.' ". /" F ,: 1." /~, APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION /:,:' SbpR[CEl~'[D ''.~~\ \:-:1 24 2002 I~:I DOC (I /l V ':J $630.00 for the first plus $70.00 for each additional section of the ordinance being, varied. ..' "':; '\ ,:' .' -\' \ . " .--- u CITY OF CARMEL - CLAY TOWNSHIP . . . c.J HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST DOCKET NO. DATE RECEIVED: 1) Applicant: Duke Realty Limited Partnership Address: c/o Bose McKinney & Evans LLP, 600 E. 96th Street, Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46240 2) Project Name: Sign Program for 501 Cong;ressional Blvd. Phone: 808-6179 Engineer/Architect: Blair Carmosino Phone: 808-6179 Attorney: John K. Smeltzer, Bose McKinney & Evans LLP Phone: 684-5317 (c) Other: ~ 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) x (a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property (b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the pro pert 4) If Item 3) (c) is checked. please complete the following: Owner of the property involved: ~~~ ~Og- 4/.?7',.. r" \', ( - '"I'U \1 (W<M-, ~A ) V- (/-6et-'s3/fi . Owner's address: 5) Record of Ownership: Deed Book No./lnstrument No. 2002-00054371 Page: N/ A Purchase date: July 25. 2002 6) Common address of the property involved: 501 Congressional Boulevard Legal description: (See attached description.) Tax Map Parcel No.: 16-09-35-00-':)1-003.000; 16-09-35-00-01-004.00; 16-09-35-00-01-018.000 and 16-09-35-GO-01-0019.000 7) State explanatton of requested Developmental Standards Variance: (State what you want to do and cite the section number(s) of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance which applies and/or creates the need for this request). Petitioner requests a variance of Section 25.7.02-10(b) to allow up to two of the three permitted wall signs to be transferred to another frontage with the total square footage allowed for the two signs to be located on the south facade to be averaged between the two signs. , '7.A~f\ jj O. J~ \r- C. ldS--}1 ~- Page 1 of 8 - Developmental Slandards Variance Application . '. 8) W State reasons supporting the Developmental Standards Variance: (Ad~naIIY, complete the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of Fact-Developmental Standards Variance"). (See attached description of request.) 9) Present zoning of the property (give exact classification): B-6 10) Size of lot/parcel in question: 18.284 acres 11) Present use of the property: Commercial 12) Describe the proposed use of the property: 3-story steel and masonry building 13) Is the property: Owner occupied Renter occupied Yes Other 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation, A companion ADLS Amend, petition for this sign program has been filed. 15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details: Building Permit Number: N/ A Builder: N / A 16) If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work commence? as leasing conditions dictate 17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this application has been filed? Duke Realty Limited Partnership and major tenants in the building NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Noblesville Dailv Ledqer a MANDATORY twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the night of the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of noUce are recommended: 1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.) Page 2 of 8.- Developmental Standards Variance Application ". :' u u 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owner acknowledging the twenty-five (25) day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was completed) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. AGAIN, THIS TASK MUST BE COMPLETED AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING DATE. The app[[cant understands that docket numbers will not be assiQned until all supportinq information has been submitted to the Department of Community Services. The applicant certifies by signing this application that he/she has been advised that all representations of the Department of Community Services are advisory only and that the applicant should rely on appropriate subdivision and zoning ordinance and/or the legal advice of hisfher attorney. I, Robin I>1ills , Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana, certify that the attached (Please Print) affidavit is a true and complete listing of the adjoining and adjacent property owners of the property described herewith. OWNER ADDRESS (See list to be filed.) September 24, 2002 Date Auditor of Hamilton County, Indianac-Signature Page 3 of B - Developmental Slandards Vanance Application -. ,.. u u AFFIDAVIT I, hereby swear that I am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. STATE OF INDIANA ss: Signed: ( County of Hamilton (County in which notarization takes place) for Hamilton . (Notary Public's county of residence) John K. Smeltzer (W~<8l~ Attorney{C~(S"*~~) 24th day of September (SEAL) Date John K. Smeltzer (Please Print) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public County, State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this ,200 2 '-f)~~~iJ/?f Molly A. Stuckey Notary Public--Please Print My commission expires: 10-19-2009 Page 4 of 9 - Developmental SLano;;:Jrds Vafii3n~e Appliealion u u DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST Petitioner requests a variance of development standards of the Sign Ordinance Section 25.7.02-1 O(b) to allow for a wall sign program to be approved for the three story office building located at 501 Congressional Boulevard. The building has frontage on 116th Street, 11 ih Street, and Congressional Boulevard. The standards of the Sign Ordinance allow for a 115 square foot sign along 116th Street, a 100 square foot sign along 1171h Street, and a 105 square foot sign along Congressional Boulevard, for a total of 320 square feet of wall signs. Petitioner requests that the 105 square foot Congressional Boulevard wall sign be permitted to be located at anyone of the four locations shown on the Sign Location Diagram Exhibit, two potential locations being on the north fayade and two potential locations being on the east fayade for this one sign. Because of the curve in the roadway, both the north and west facades are oriented to Congressional Boulevard. Petitioner requests that the wall sign for the 11 ih Street frontage be allowed to be transferred to the 116th Street frontage as a second wall sign on that frontage, as shown on the Sign Location Diagram Exhibit. The maximum size of each of these signs shall be 105 square feet. The maximum total square feet of these three wall signs with this proposal is 315 square feet, or 105 square feet each. 49205_1.DOC u u CARMEUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: Petitioner: Duke Realty Limited Partnership FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety. morals and general welfare of the community because: this three-story office building is located on an IS acre site which has three street frontages, which permits three wall signs for this building. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: the property to the north is zoned B-2, to the east and west is zoned B-6 and to the south across 116th Street is zoned R-l. The centerline of 116th Street is almost 500 feet south of the building with a 4+ acre lake inbetween. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: although this building site has three street frontages, it is located on an 18 acre site. The 117th Street frontage is of little value for sign location purposes. The 212 foot facade of the building which faces. 1-l6th Street is the most appropriate location for this sign. The Congressional Boulevard frontage slgn 1S orlented to Congressional Blvd. whether it DECISION is located on the north or west facades. IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Developmental Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this 25th day of November ,20 02 CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Cray Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). S:\carmelclaylanduseregs\checklisl\devslandapp Revised 10/1712000 Page B 01 B - Developmental Standards Variance Application (j U :\J C7: ': Duke u CONSTRUCTION ~ 501 CONGRESSIONAL BLVD. ~~~fQ) WALL SIGN CRITERIA NOV 25 2002 (Revised per Special Studies Meeting of 11-\2'-02) DOCS W ALL SIGNS A. Number and Location: Three total wall signs shall be allowed on the entire building, excluding permitted address signs for the building. 1. South Faqade - Two walls signs maximum, each being 105 square feet maximum 11. North Fa9ade and West Fa<;ade - One sign maximum on either of these two facades (not one per fa<;ade) with a maximum area of 105 square feet. B. Material and Specifications: Wall mounted SIgnS shall meet the requirements outlined below. Deviation from the below criteria shall require approval of the Landlord and City of Carmel. City of Carmel reserves the right to determine the ability of the signs to be approved administratively or t1rrough a petition process In no case shall a tenant pursue a petition that would affect more than the copy, size of logo or color of the individual wall sign. Only the Landlord has the right to petition to vary the total square footage, locations or overall application of the signs on the building. 1. Lighting: If desired, walls signs can be illuminated. If illuminated, wall signs shall be backlit and not internally illuminated with opaque copy. Signs are not required to be illuminated. 11. Returns: Sign returns shall match the window mullions of the building and are generally described as stainless steel. Slight deviations from this will be allowed for material differences but the intent is for a uniform appearance. ILL Colors: Colors of copy or text shall be uniform and shall be limited to stainless steel, black and white. Variation 01' the copy color shall be aIlowed provided the text color is uniform and consistent throughout each individual sign, Logos shall be allowed different colors but shall be designed to conform to the Sign Ordinance requirements. 600 East 96" Street Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317,808.6000 www.dukel"ealty.com Atlanta Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dallas Indianapolis Minneapolis Nashville Orlando Raleigh St Louis Tampa " , Duk~ u :" CONSTRUCTION ~ RECEIVED ,,.. ., ') A ' ~" ::1' l.~ DOCS . land Description Parcel 1 (Instrument Number 9302049) Port of the Southeast Ouarter or SeclionJ5. Township 18 North, Range J East of the Seconds Principal Meridian in Ham~ton County, Indtona, being mOl'e particularly described os follows: Commencing at tha Southeast comer of the' said Ouarter Section; thence South sa degre~ 46 minutes 54 seconds West (As5tlmed' Bearing) along the South line of the said Ouarter Section 1445.16 ref~ thetlce North 01 degrees 13 minutes 06 seconds West 445.M feet to th~ Begronlng Paint; thence North 01 degrees 13 minutes 06 seconds West 470.33 ree~ thence North 71 degre~ 16 minutes 54 seconds East 17.J1 feet to a CUM ho.,;nq arad'lUs of 969;00 feet. the redlu, pail'lt of which beaf's South 18 dfl9/'ees 43 mfnutes 06 seconds EQst~ thence Northeasterly along the said ClJI'Ve 214.82 feet to 0 pelot \!If1ich beors North 02 degrees 28 m~utes 06 seconds West from said rad'rul point: thence North 87 d.~ 31 minutes M, second. Eoat 150.71 reet to 0 CUM having c rod1us .of 331.00 feet. the radius point of \1i'h1~ beers North 02 degree; 28 minutes 06 -secoods Wes~ thence Northeosterly a1Ot1g lhl said CUM 8.85 'eet to a point which beers South .04 de9l'HI 00 minutes 00 seconds East from sold radtus point: thence South 11 dtg(en 47 mrnytes JO seconds Wett 291.02 feet: thence South 01 ~ees 13 minulnOO seconds East 11.0.00 feet; th6tlCl South .70 d~ 00 'minutes 28tC01tda West 277.78 feet: thence SoYth 69 degrm J9 mlnutes 05 seconds Wast. 1'24.68 feet to thflBeglnoing Point. 600 Easl 96'" Street Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317,808.6000 www.dukerealty.com Atlanta Chicago Cincinnati Cle~eland Columbus Dallas Indianapolis Minneapoli, Nashville Or:ando Raleigh St. Louis Tampa '7 . ~ Du~ u ,~ CONSTRUCTION ',"'.'. ; Land DMrp tlon Porcel.2 (fnatrument Number 9302049) Pl1ft.<<~f the Southeast Quarter'ot Section 3S. Tovmship 18 North. Range .rEa,t of the SiCond Principal Nerid1an At HamUon County. Indiooc, bei1q more pottlculorly descn'bed os 'oIlo~" . Commenoog at the SoutheQstcamer, of tilt. laid Ouarter Seclion; thence South 88 dagrees.' 48. minutes M>secondS' YkSt.(Assumed, e~9) GIang the s<<tth line 0' the: said QJoner Seet~ 1445.16.- feet;. thence NorUt.Ot degretS 13 mi11utes 06 seeantht West 55.00.. feet .ta ~.' .Beginnlng Point: thei1et, N<<tn' 01 degrees 13 minutes 0& ~ West 390.84fet; thenct NOrth '6~ degrees 39 mfnutes 05 seconda.EO$t 124.6& fef~ then~ HotUl70 degrea,O()'mittut." 58 S<<OndI East 277.~8 r~: thenc<<:NOftft 01 diit. '1~ mlnut.s~: ~cf1~Jlo.00 reet; tftencg.~arth:u. degrees 4-ltninu(a.3O Sec~cb East. ~t.Of. teoat. ta CJ curve hcq 4J.~..of-JJtOOJ~ thtnce. mcfiyfl:pchfoflhfdt beors North 04 degras.. oa mTnutes.CO seeOl'Kfl Wat;. th6ftCQ ftSter1,a!~ the said curve 8.85 fed; to'@J2~~ iftfd(~SoUttf.ot 4~ 28 tTifnuta08'aecondt East from aalct rcidiu!i ~t;.'trt,n~ ~ttt' 81' dfgtstl' 31 rninut~.5-t seconds West 150.71 feet to-at WtW. h~9 ct'rodLa-'.-Of 969.OQ.feelt. the radfUI: palflt of which bears South 02~ ~-28minu(eS oa secondt.East:' thence'~westerllG1onq said a,lfW274.8%,feet..to.o poJnt.wh~~ Notth-:1.~.cdegrtles'U:.mimJtes ~ seconds West: from lJarct fCIdfus: polnt'thtnce ~/1t'~, U. mfnutes 5+ seconds West 17~~. feet;- th~~~. Of #l~'13'~t~ ~seeon.West 32.51' feet; . . thClflCft Kerth '1l deqreu 1 &.:m~ut~ ~ .lJeco41U Eaat'. 7.M feet. to' 0 CUM h0Yll19 . a rCJdfUS of: ~ooo.OO J"t., ~ radiUg pdilt of~whk:tt. bm SouUr 100'degrees 43 - minute$: oe..(Qst;. th~ NGrltt~erty c1Gflf the ~ curve- 281.62 reet to a paint lllIhicff.~Korth: 02 degrees: a minutes: QI,~di W from said radUs point; tttmarJfortlj P:d.. 31. mhIt1fr 54 seeonctl- Eait..l50.n. feet to &f curve hcvirig-: lIt.rocfua. at 300.Q(): tH~' the malUm poirit' 0" ~tck. beats North 02. 'degrees 28 m~iI 04 iecOnds ~. thlflCl.Ncrtheasterly a1on9the: said c:tIfW 217.08 feet tel. a pofnt 'lIhldf btori. South 43 cf~ 55 mitlut~ 37 seconds East from SGict.f~'pcint;:thenee SOuth -12: ~ '4 minutes. 31' secan@West 41O.J9 feet; ~,~ ot degrees. 1~. minutes 06. sUcon~' East 56&.36' feet; thence. . South 8ft' Mgtees'4& minUtes s.t seconds. Westt porallef with the sold South IIna. 520.00 feet to the Begi1ning Poinl j ,<Ol i ;1 600 Ea,t Q6,hStreet Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317.808.6000 'MNW,dukerealty,com Atlanta Chicago Cincinnati Cleveiand Columbus Dallas Indianapoli, Minneapolis Nashyille Orlando Raleigh 51. Louis Tampa '. . D1ik~ .~ CON STR U CTlON land Oeg,erlpllori 'Porce! J (Instrument Number 93020351) u , , Porl of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35. Township 18 Norlh. Range J East of the sec<R1dll Principal Meddlan In Homilton Couoly.lndiano. being more portlculany described ,0' rollo\lf~ ' , Commencing at the Soolhwest COtner of lhe said Southeost Quart,at Section; , thence NOflh 00 degrees 05minules 40 seconds West (As5UmedBei:lring) olong tnti West line of the sold Soulheast Ouorter SecUon 0 dlstonce o'f 728.45 teet; thence Narth'sa degrees ~6 minutes 54 seconds East. parallel with the South Une 0' lhe sdd Southeo'st Quarter Sectioo. G distance of 387.75 (eet to 0 curve ha~n9 . a radlus:Jf 7~.OO feet, the radius point of VIillch bears North 01 degrlles 13 minutes U8 seconds West;. thence EOSler1y along, said curve 011 orc dIstance at 229.07 filet ta 0 point mtlch bears South 18 degrees 4J minutes Q6 seconds Eost from 90lel radlu*.P9ll!~ Jh~cen NQrth ,71 "degreu J6. mllJut~~ 54 seconds East a dIstance of 226.51 'feet to a P.K. noR and' the BEGlNNIN(rpOItm thence South ,18 degren 4J minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 7&76 feet to an existing , "S.E.c. Q copped:r'ebQf and 0 cu~ haviflq a ',adlus of 150.00 feet, the roolUs ' 'point of which bear~ South 71 degrees 16 minutes 54 Wes~ thence Southerfy along said CUM on ere distance of 45.82 feet to on existIng Ds.E.C" copped rroar which bears NOI1h 88:d~ees 4tl minutes 54 IlElCOfIda East fromS4ld radius pointj thence South Otdegree, 13 minutes 06 second. East a dIstanci of 374.15 feet to o 5/8- rOOM with cop; thencG North 71 degrees 15 minutes 26 S8<:oods East a distancl of J~4.16 feet to a 5/B. rebar' with cop: thence North 69 d~ees .39 minutes O~ se@tlds East a distance of 35.00 (eet to (151ft rebar with cop: thence HMth 01 degrees 13 minutes 06 seconds West 0 alltance of ,502.64 feet 'to Q PJ<. naB; thence South 71 d~ees 16 minutas 54' setOl1dsWest (] distance of 390.90 feet to lheBegfMlng Point. 600 East 96" Street Suite 100 Indianapoli'i, IN 46240 317,808,6000 www.dukerealty.com Atlanta Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dallas Indianapolis Minneapolis Nashville Orlando Raleigh St. Loui'i Tampa , .. . , D:..r..1;~ ul'.e u CONSTRUCTION Lend Dasafptloo Porcel 4 (Instrument Number 9322365) Port ot t"6 Southecst Quorter 0' section JS. Townshlp 18 North. Rongfl .3 Ecst of the seconds PrItldpcl Meridian in HamBten' County. InalOOo. be1ng more portieulorly dSiaibed as fo1l6W!: Commencing oe: thlSouthwest Comer of. the said Southeast Ouarter ,lIection; thence N~th 8<'cdegtees 46 minute! 54 seconds Ecst (Assumed Bearing) along the South Un. ,Of the, said Southeast Ouarter Seetloft CI d'lStOl1Ol ,ot 874.21 fee~ thenct North Ct, <Iegrees 13 minutes 06 seconds West a distance of '55.00 feet to an elllstlng 5/4 Inth, rebat with cap artd (hI BEGlNNlNq PaNT (soid poh1t being on the nor~ right~of-woy lin. of East 116th Stteat~ lh6ftct continue. North 01 degrees 13 minUtes 0& seconds West cr distonce of 281076 feet to CII existIng 5/6 inch reb<< wiUt cop: thence North 71 degrees ,15 minutes, 26' seconds .Em a ' dfstqnct of 321--16 feet to an ufstlng 5/8 Inch'rm with ccp;thence North <<i9 degrea' 39 m~uteiJ 05 seeondsEast c... dis,tcnce of ~OO feel to on ftisUnq 5/8 inch rebClt' with, ~P: thence South Ot degrees 13 minutes 06 seconds East 0 distance of 390.84 feet to. en "eJistrtlg 5/8 lneh rebor. wiUt cap .end the said ~orth rlght-ot-way li(ie of East 116th street; thene4 South 88'deg'ees 46 minutes ~ seconds ~t ~ongsaid nett" ""9hl-(If-way line Gtld porctlel with- the SoUth line 01 the said SCltftheast Ouarter Se~tton 0 diston~ ./ '\42.18 feet to the Beginning Point. \ . . ' "--,1 ElCCeptkln framJhe chow ~ceIs that real estatt dedicated 01 CongressiOl1ol Boulevard .by ~CQtlon ofStteet Right.."of-WGyrectlt'~ed Sfptembel' 9. 1981, as Instrumtf\t NUftlber 87...42050. and CltCepted by tile Clty of Carmel by Acknowteclgem,*t cf. Dedicatlon end Acceptance recorded Septec:nber 9; 1987, os Instrument 81';';42051. p, '.' ~ , 600 East 96'" Street Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 317.808.6000 www.dukerealty.com Atlanta Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dallas Indianapolis Minneapolis Nashville Orlando Raleigh St. Louis Tampa I _ W 146TH ST ~ - I .,.....;.. , . '. l : iM'. ,,~ r."~ ,..;--v W II --1,1 ~--.... I ~': ." ~lil';'. ~~ M .mE '~<l!J - I ~ "," ' ~ "",.kIll\.< 1~1 ~ ,,' ~~ .~~ :~I ~~~~>;, 61 1,!kIl ~ ~ ~ ~-i:j.. ~ - ,~ ~ "- ~ W~~ I ~~ ~R \:I ~ ",;;" =':'.. ~ ~ ~ '" w '- lIV' v p;t; , ' ,~'- g i';! ~ gOO B: ,,' K Jf. ~ tJ1.L' .~:r: "'ftqW RI :::I 1 ~"I u.J _, '~n '[, f- "--'" ' ffilRl" ~It _ ~ ,--0 ;;::. /1 "l ~. .'~'''' . WL..- . .... IJ ~'~"'~'"l''' ~ /,,:,~... ," , r-- I .' - " , -, . I' "d' i:I'. 'r<""' ' ,~Ll!lJ ' " ' 1151 '~' , -I T "u "" .~ "'- ,=~. ~ ~', '" \.-N L .wJ. I- "f /~~ Jo.:..,,~ ~ tf'.,ti<>-'* - ,v ~t- -.( ~ ~~~ '<If.. ~71n:;> :: I ...... ~ y 'f ~J r-. q:: L.;.. .~ ~.,) r- VI ~..... l..J~ ~ . L- " ,~~ifl 1:U \ ~fr( . l-CiJ . . --.: " [[7 ~ Qi~ ]" f! ffigf l~ ; ~U L,JJ ; ."~ .........h e ~r-I, ~ T I - I ~ I ( I' e .t>jrf' 11 I c: rd'" f- I V ~ . .' [. ',:.r-,I" ,-:-'....J = T .\.~i7'~' ; =~:=::1~I'~ :~.~ c ~ t \.)~ ; >-c-:-v' R ~ ~ 1 [ '" pr ~' ~L.J." T.' ~ ~ \, ~ c-;' JA -~ $=TT~~ I~~A' ~ .:.. ~ ", L hl-V ~... ;r l.- <;, '", ~' TI~i lL~~ 1.I'IIT;:;,i"n ~ E=t~ ~I .~, ,'~ L._II...._ I~_] . ~, '" -Ii , j: CJr .... - - .. ..:1.. ,I t~ ~ ~...... ar .' 1.....llI(;'. &:i"j m,' llo" ~ ..:l 1'lV.;.\.j' - " ., 51",1 i. , .. - , II - - - - - - - ..- ..... ....... 'II; t! ...,~. ~ITE E tt1TH ST " Ijjt::t II n, ~ '." ~ t ... ,. ;.... Io.,l'C ~ 'I ~ ..., I-J' ~ ; .~ >....'., ...~ .,'." ~ .. ,...." H'i;. ~ ~ I I :!: ,,~ j - lL .,,11..... '"" 'i1; J,.I ,.~ 5 ..,.,f.JUl T r ' I- ~ I i LJ I ,jL.,;:;, · . I ~~ ! . I I f ~ J A,. \t Ii ;-, :h ~ ~ ,.b I ;in ~ liT _~~ w=n ~ 'it.;] .lilL~~ LEOF''''lU::'O .III!IlIUI"'''''''' $ !I!IlI1lIlOGl .-- <l> ""'" ClMll \!I ......_ . 1a1Ull ilYIKU 0""""" ~r "....""" ~ UllIfrl"CUlIlIfcur-r .<{VIUlT_nllS!> -...s ,/LlC PW' 0...",,_ ",'lIII/1'f "'""'.. "c nmD:lIlD 8 1lEW:~ E1CCM'1'W1cw:1.J .......U1lJfl' ......'" """"""'" .au ........VJI.'4 0" .... lI<IU _lMII_. <\ ... IIfIIII ....."". ..- e: IItt ""!D .' . ll~ ".::: UI ...-.-....-...-- O'dIHUOVlIln' IJlCI , ..........' TV - IIIIlIailv '-!\lI1al ~ '\-:"-/' (/ I -~ :!~ I R'~ "V./ ~,-__.... , . ...... MI" k~ r-a-_....uc ~ .... I .,- /J 1--...-_......... -~ .___-,."'---t ---::.;;..-.' \ a: / I ::-. -....... ,...... ~----.. ... \ v r-~-....m~IRJDi__ \ II ~..~r.J1II /' J ouu__u.__lIl1Il ~~-f>~~'i' ---E:- ....-..... f':: ,";: .~'> --"\' \,':.... ~~~ .... ""I{ ,", .' \I. 1:1 Q.Q3 1:llItA~ (lSMtIKlft R ~ 33l.llI1 =:-_6 '\ =~-~ I " ~~~. ;! !! I I / I ~ / t I J SIGN LOCATION DIAGRAM EXHIBIT i:J " 5t~ 'q,,'I:' , 2;/'10 ':(~. T I) "'-{ $- ..../ '~~/t(': ' 7~~" J/Ll r " ':--...... IIi ". " ,~~;" ":,, 11 ~ .",1 H.~=~" l '''~b fr! " o ;'Y~, (\ ";"'" , t~-j jJ1 ~ g~/ t;E,:j:=:y t;:: . ( ..J ',~ _~ro ~J~ i I " ~; . .J.., ' . II ~ 'J~~'.'j\ '~~' ~ij~"'''; ~ ~I) , ,'-I, b.{j '.6 ~ ~ r::.: ~ Im!h .!.\ 1 ' mu OOlllllllllliT HQn:$ F'(Vl ~1MDlT HUIlWtlOlU11 ' ITElI,Ilg' - ~ilRtl.EHT FOIl, ~ENIOO(t/jEHI or ni W./l. rtllna ~CAl f.lI.\IN 9Y MiOB[1YTI.EH TECHHCloor CCNTEl! ASSOI'J~n:S.lro.. IJlD Ill!; ~AI.Ilt.M ~~ ~AI;t ~O/.RQ PER u.sE\lENf ,REOORD 4,' P~GES 14-30 IS SHCI\II I!Ell flU - Ill,. SlJ8lECT lllAC11i .w &lSIECI to 'AN AC'lE(I(!HI f'tIl HOH-EllICllCamn rE 11!1; IiJl. /'ERno LEG.\LmWH Co.~C!JWNa CtiiSIR\IC1I(H . I:f A SIClIlII S(\I(R BY,AND'B[T'nID! n:omClOGY lDtJrR.ISSQCIAltS, LID..'N!lI l1<<: ~AliII.TO/I CC<.1HTY DfWIl~ ~1MRlI PrR 111$1(1 187-11519:' '. lrot 121 - iHr SlJllJECT iRAC,TIS mOJtcT TO !IDI~Wf ~wmR .- UECI.AIt\no..l.,(l' CllIDWIIS AH~E.\S[J<EHI3 PERloIlSC B~ Iso. PACl 40! Nio . W$TR IBHJ!l!1l; 1IO'ItIDl'1lifll[ All~'HD MITAIIlJ: LISEll!IITOESClUPnOlis. !HE S\!Fl.(C! OOCI,IS SV8JECr. TO !HE :itCClNn ~mlf1C.l,MN rI U[tLlR.noo ~~,~S~,1Il4-/58. HllwiER 1HEACt:ESS~ENT'DE.\CllPn(\'l Oo<s NO' , L)Oc,s II .. .-~ . ....t1 I " --"'il- I_C NOn:S fOR e-~ 1il'(IIIC PER !H[ ZINnO OfIliWllC!: fGI CAAI.!U AND ClAY IO~, H!.lIlUOIi croHTY. WlJIAN.\ o.n:o HOItllB!llII~l ' PAlOOll~ SPACE: COUHI ~MW. FRONI 1m SEmAO($ - IlO FEET, ~QL\Jl P_C ll'AIEl '10 H.\NOJC/.P PNll<IHC 5I'1.C[S , ~1H1l\IJj ~O[YfD SUll.lO($ - IO.,ftEf lIItl111JN AG\lR[~AII SIllE ~NIIl SElll.O($ "JlO 1m WNlllU~ ~EAR r'!'fiD sm~ - eo Fm roTAl r_ SPACES ,a :.:r:AAA BEll lY: :..,lJ,MO. BEll. 01' IHCIIoNAI'OUS lI'A 1!R "" '" DIRECTORY SIGN LOCA TION Olt r:I, WJNltrWlct ow lION ).I~l81'A1lIl~ ~ ~r~ I.ft ~itJm 1\ , ra.....1'It"!'UJ.llW !,,~ ~ ~ , ~.... ~, ;.-1+-, 1-~~ AllEAMAP CALE I" = ,2000~ "'.....,..,.. , or_ .. , ,_I', ':'''_..;:'' . or, ~ ~~. ..~~g5nS,~~cation ~~ tr'~_____~ '. -:..-111 jllll -~:::.' (Opt. 2of4) J] IIII r ~--""" '..... ~1U""JI1W'" m ~ -:"\'="' 'IO~.Y:""'~ --y \ .m+JIII l "'Y 1'1 I " I , ~l'~~.' ilf :1I11,.t~ ~r). ~MIII.~ I1II , I @f1Ir 1058FT Il IJJ I I~<<: rtHil1llUIIIII T111, I L" 45.8t Sign Location "'t. "\~ .' ~ R;'ffO II'll (opt. 3 of 4) ...~. ~ 1111\~ h; ; 111e.1~1 ~e-I U~'m I ~llln - 'l t: IT.J.'I ~ ....:i!t" ~ ----:0--- -- 11<- ,... .~- ./ ~ , "ii, II ~ \ i I II L,' !;I , <<ItcDI;' l8e } " : Iltlllllllllllllllll1: ~ : 105 SFT _T ~ "'laG 1. @, Sign Location ~\' ~ ). .J91 if r (opt. 4 of 4) '71"-..' k".. II~ / ~ 1;'t: ~~ r\" \51:~ ~ [~etaMi~ 22 _..-- ~ " 1_- ~ ~- -..- \';f>~ "L~'1iO ..- \ '" ~~~~~~~~ "-"-~A-- .' i-..... ..........- ~ :::s ~~p 105 SFT Sign Location (opt.lo,.f4) I ~ t ) " :0- f mm;~O:mrll'l!DllDrrm """"'r"Pllu-J!l~ ...... n.....;.....- , ... 1 JO" ,. 1 / F; I nit I I f/~ ' I . I ~ '. I I ~ ~. :==" ,,/ ' /. i~.D"'ST",,"~.....-- ~ / "'~" ,..--,.. ....--- I 1-"" .'" - '/ t,..-, _- , -.... _" ...I ,....r-"" .,- --..- ~ : .~ .,;.."."" --/ .,. .".,. ..- --' ~ ....'" -- ,..- - -- ,..- -- ... LAKE -, 'J I - '--~ If .. I 'l1l~ l" ~ ~ 11 PARW 3 ilANKERS NAlIOIIAlUfE INS1.IRANCE COMi'A1jY . 1NSl1l. #9322J64(IJERGER ~1) 1/lS1ll. #9JQ2049 (WARRANTY Drnl) J.llsa ACllESi I ~'l.",,-,: otr..............oo.'JJ "'" STI.llIW 'mKIa aatll~liEaJ~ '~ :s " -105 8FT Sign Location 105 SFT Sign Location \\1\~4 ~ ....otr..... '_OEHI ... .., ~ ---~......-.: - -~-- ;.,..- .;,.;..-~~-- -~- - --- , ..... ---:..-'" ---.,... . ~ ,.. , -.-' -- ~ 1, PAAoo. 2 BANKERS N now.!. UFE INSURAIlCE: CO/JPNlY IN,SIll 193: ~rnGffi I)mOFr:iD!~.T11 INSlll. f9:iti20+9 (WAAllA/m' DEED) 7518 ACllCil: WlPPI:PtII'ID,.,.",_ - ,..,."., - -- t- --- t 1<> r S '" P.IllCEl. . BANKERS HAilC.WiJ. utF.:: 1liStIRANCE' Ct:Jl?N{'( . iNS1ll1'3-2m5 2.638 ACllW: LAKE ~ .., .- lii '1' I!l ';;1' ~ i is z \ _---1---________--- :c ~1/I.~OI1lllt1l CII'-S1.A11.11(g~ llOQlelW'_ ," ,'- ~) , ; ..\ 1mIO:IMI_ ......IQ, LlI .,...........ltUDD _......1 W itUftO~ ----..om .......11 -:" S[ (XlUQ S[ 1/4 $EClI(Jj _,.__ .nMoft:ltNOIlMWllilfMC !ll1II_" (lft'WClIIl "'- SlII'41'~'W ' . mll,ll' ~ "" -------- PaNT Of eCGlIlMNG PIJ!crI.l V ~/8' R[!WI FOONO emr .... '\'"~ d , '~U11 &1l!JW1lXl a'~"" \1;... --------- /11. R/IIU'It C( l1SIH mm 342.111' 'SllS'46'M'\ll 520.00' S88'olll'5-!'W I , 11m 8I'mr_.._j....J... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ~~fW - - iill,50' - I , / " I : , .. , " ,J , I / , I / / f I I I I - I , -Ni- I ASSUMED ,",ORTH SCALE 1~ - 150' ~___ W Schneider 1llE SCHNallER lXlIlPI)!A1ioN Hlal",1o Fort H_ BaDI QUo 'A__ IndlonapoIlo, '" ~218-10J1 tOIl_v; J17:826.7I00 r"" J17.1121.72OO .--.odlt\oloI~ ..IrRNtoc:bra C1\11~ =:"1oI~-9 1;0$ . us Horno Buld..- SonIc.. In 1_ 0aIsr1 Lond ~ I..ood_ An:nlt..lunI T_ortollan ~oorr.g s >- .. S'" ~" e>-E5; --~ tJ'J ~ -- eJ, g; ~ ~ ~I , ~ CIJ E3 I &i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f 51 ~:s oil tJ'J U j ~Il ~ ~~ &JJ m ~:! ~, U!i! :z; .::::.. 8 18 ~!iHi Q~ ==i! I I! :5 ~ :;/18101 1121"t010 ~c , fMCoa n RI:\'IS\JlS: \............w-.....__~:~ 1~~Il1,_ a\m'~.IlI1l I....' ...~ Jl .... ~~.~~ _,;v..',- '-' '- AHCHITECTUP.,!,L PRECAST PANEL. LIGHT So'JOSU,sT rIW$H (liGHT GR~Y) .. . . . . " ... . " I -. .... . . .. : , " .. . . . '\ ... .... r--J-------- --~ I [ I : I I I L______________~ c c 4'-0' .' BtACK 1 LmERING '" . . (ADI-EREn) .5oa OONGRESSlIONAl ,.x ~. RE'v~ , ~' GRANITE (;:.Sr ~ INiO PR€CASr 4' BlACK LETTERING (.:.cr'€Rf..D) AHC:iiTECTUR..\L PREOST PAIlEl. UG:-T $t\NCBlASi' F;:USH (UCHT G~A':'} SIDE ELEVATION , Duke fAI rv CORNllllrlDN r---------------------------------~- I 1 1 I I I L___________________________________ FRONT ELEVATION I . f <rri , l I =:: t- o i t i ( I I 4" I 1: b ~-.J I d :,-, -;..,.' j ~ i i I ! I I I I - '- t . . ""I , AACrlITECl\JRAL PRECAST ?)\NEl. LIGHT SAN )3u..5T F!WSH (UGH! CR,!,'() .. . . .. .. .' . r_ I '. ." . . ~ .. . : 4" BLACK LETIERING ('\D~ffiED) ,":< ~" REV""~ 1 ~. CP#UTE C:.$T INTC PR€CASi 4' Bt.o\CK u:nERING (t.Ct-EREO) ;..~CHI rECTUP.A!. PREc.\ST PAlIEl, UCf- T S.'.}~C6lAST F\'IISH (LIGHT GR.AY) SIDE BLEV ATION , '\ . . .. '\ .. ,,-. . " I I _-----______L__, 501 CONGRESSIONAL .I ....-0. I I .sdn OO~()NAl ( " ,4 I I r _1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _L -. 1 I I I I I L___________________________________ BACK ELEVATION ~ ....c ,';\\4 t.v " t~ D\JGS -, . ! c-: i ! __".. I- f I I ! ! i 4" o i--.l I _, I :,-, ~! f I i I , i i I I ~ . :T 'D. I Monument Sign - Congressional Blvd. Carmel, Indiana - September 20, 2002 ~ eso .:....,:....'..:,;:,\~"':......"..~:...!/. ~ ';':"_~l":'~~~ ;~~.;~~~~t~j .~~.~..:/.. ( ~ I ( '\, Future sign not to exceed 105 S.F. Hylant sig'n not toe x c e e d 105 S.F. " - '.\ ~~... ~..~ ~ ~ .. ~ ....... . . ...... . ."'. " .~'<i, - .... "" ,.1/ ~..... J .".,. (~4 .. I!I ~'... -1__... '4' _ r...... -, . :. ...:~ '.,:'... ( ... ..,. ~'~ - 1 . . ,~. ~.~ .' L -= .... .J4____'" ... ---..-.:-. ~l""'" .3~~r ___" JI ~ "lI,>,. _ .1 rJ ... ..... 'f" \.. .. .' '1. 'iii' 'J'! - . ' "7'",. ~.' 11,__ 'fr"'"ll_"" .. "... .._~=....JL.!l.-1 ... - ~ . ~..-.. ..... ..1'I:f:......... .- ~'...'-~~. .....-..,.......~.J-.....' ..~.................-- ~-' , ~ --.r . - ---..... -_ .A........o:_ '. ~~.......,......_:_ _" .-........__. J......_...._ .. .... _.,. ~.........". -_........_ -.- ~ ., - "'" .,."....~. l""-' ... ....-.......,~ . ;" -,: I , ~ , 't" ;,' ""4,.",, - " . ."". :\ . ~ .f' 4- f'" ~ t, .., ~.~,,: 'I~":: , :' . r t ' . ~<ll. <iJ':.: ':" ~' ... 'I - . :, tr'''TY (OR"OIl,UION South Facade -116th Street Carn1el, Indiana - September 20, 2002 ~ RECEIVED I l ;. ~ eso , Duke 501 CONGRESSIONAL nnr~ , c ~ Future sign not to exceed 105 S.F. in one of these four locations only =-~ ~ ......;:... "'- -~-= . ~....;;: """'- - ..""......... -~;- .. ==-. - ..,~ ------or- - _.. _ -:-- ~ .. II - - ~ ..,...;; _ 1_~---- -- ~~ _...,.-.- ~ "~~:..... ..,. ~ ' ..:...----1 ~r- ~'-- - --. A. ~ __0 -..... ........ __ ~ .. 1: . ~ L -... -~...-.-- -- -..- - ,4:.-..... - - ~ -~ --- - . _ _ _... ...r " .. "--... , Duke 501 CONGRESSIONAL ~ .~ RECEIVED ') .At f41 TV COll~OA.a.rIIl'" North & West Facade - Congressional Blvd. Carmel, Indiana - September 20. 2002 DOCS ~ CSO --