HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Report: Oct 2005 - ~ F i Drainage Report OPUS LANDMARK AT MERIDIAN Opus North Corporation Cannel. Indiana September 2005 tszg"". Ce~eqiZ., ~5' oliO ~' -- TABLE OF CONTENTS DRAINAGE SUMMARY & SITE MAPS ....................... ..... ....... .......................... ............. ....... SECTION 1 DEVELOPED SITE DRAINAGE PlAN ..... ............. ..... ................................................ ........... SECTION 2 STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS .. .................... ............ ............. ......... .............. ........... ...... SECTION 3 Woolpert July 2005 Opus laiilJiriarft at Melldlan Opus North Corporation DRAINAGE REPORT Existing Conditions The existing 23.M-acre ,site is located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of West Cannel Drive and Pennsylvania Street in the City of Cannel, Hamihon County. Indiana. At present, the site is an open grassy meadow with a line of trees and bushes along the west side of the property. There is one existing pond located on the south end of the site that has been designated as existing wetlands. Soil types present onsite include Crosby silt loam and Bmokston silt loam. The site currently drains south into the existing pond and then continues south through twin 21" corrogated metal pipes. The allowable release rate from the twin 21" CMP's into the existing manhole south of West Carmel Drive is 5.0cfs. This release rate was set forth in the drainage study <<Addendum to Stonnwater Management Design Calculations on Hamilton Crossing" dated June I, 1989 prepared by Paul I. Cripe and Associates. Release rate restrictions were placed on this site, the Duke property to the south. the Meijer property to the east, and Meridian Crossing to the west across U.S. 3 I. This was due to historical accounts of Pennsylvania Street overtopping during intense rainfall events. According to the FEMA Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, Community Panel1800S1 0007 C, the site does not lie in a floodplain. Proposed Conditions The proposed improvements include two multi-story office buildings. parking areas. expansion of the existing detention pond, stonn and sanitary sewers, and other associated utilities. This construction will take place on the northern portion of the overall site. Therefore, the proposed detention will be for this portion of the development as well as the existing building on the north side of the property. The release rate from the proposed pond will be held to 2.95cfs or less which is 59%, 13.95 Acres. of the allowable 5.0cfs for the overall site. This corresponds to the percent of the property that is being disturbed with this current development and the existing north building. The majority ofthe site will drain to the proposed detention pond, located on the west side of the property. through a storm sewer network. A small portion of yard area, approximately 0.4 acres, south of the pond will direct discharge into the temporary channel. Pond A will outlet into a temporary channel that flows south to the existing twin 21-inch pipes under Carmel Drive. A 7- inch orifice plate will be placed on the outlet pipe from the pond to control the flow into the temporary channel to 2.35cfs. The total flow to the temporary channel is 2.92cfs. This is less than the allowable 2.95cfs descnDed above. In order to prevent flooding, due to the orifice being clogged, an emergency overflow weir will be placed at the lOO-year pond elevation of 867.86 ft. A proposed watershed map for this site can be found in Section 2 oftbis report WooIpetl Octobaf 2005 Opus Landmark at MeIfdlan Opus NDI1b Coq:loration .- The ponds were analyzed using the SCS Method and the Advanced Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing (AdICPR) program version 3.02. The pond is designed to regulate the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall event to 2.92cfs into the temporary channel that flows to the existing twin 21" C:MP culverts at the south end of the site. This is 0.03cfs less than the 2.9Scfs restrictive release rate described above. Normal Pool Pond A 864.00 Aerea e 0.67 Release Rate cfs 2.35 Time of concentration calculations and runoff values for the overall basin can be found in Section 2 of this report. The time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes for all stom sewer calculations and the runofJvalue was taken as 0.85. Conclusion The development of this property includes two multi. story office building, parking areas, the extension of all necessary utilities, and the reduction of the storm water outflow to help reduce flooding of pennsylv3.nia Street. The proposed development of Opus Landmark at Meridian has been designed in accordance with the Drainage Report for the Hamilton Crossing East development dated November 1998. The post-developed release rate of 2.92cfs, for the north portion ofthe site is less than 2.95 cfs, the percent of the allowable release rate of 5.0cfs set forth in the drainage study "Addendum to Stormwater Management Design Calculations on Hamilton Crossing" dated June I, ]989 prepared by Paul I. Cripe and Associates. Therefore. no adverse impacts are anticipated from this development. Woolpert OcIober 2005 Opus Landmark at Meridian Opus North Cetporation ," ~_~~t. :~~r '~~-~i6i: \. ~- HAMILTON COUNTY INDIANA - SHEET NUMBER 50 .' I i I I J ~ APPR.OXIMATE SCALE 400 0 ......-.-...... ~- 400 FEET , : -1 ',j . IATloNAl FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM fLOO'DW AY FLOOD BOUNDARY AND FlOODWAY MAP C1TY 0 F CARMEL, INDIANA HAM IL TON COUNTY PANEL 7 OF 14 ISH. MA~ I~OEX FOR ~ANELS NPi' PRINTEO} " COMMUNITY.PANEl NUMBER , 180081 0007 C EFFECTIVE DATE: MAY 19, 1981 federal emergency management agency federal insurance administration I ; i ,~ ~ '! " , .~- . , .' w I- <{ 0::.>- 01- 11.- a:0 o o 14- o V,).,J I- W - :2: ~ a: .,Jc:( u 1 L? I- ::E ....J en I- ::E ....J w I- oe( a: o 11. a: o u w I- oe( a: o 0- 0:: o U , I <( z <( :> ). z I' a: w' ~ Date: 91912005 Project: Opus Landmark at Meridian Location: Carmel, IN Prepared By: JRS Proposed N.BLDG Grass Grass Grass 0.15 0.15 0.15 20 0 0 2.64 2.64 2.64 0.020 0.000 0.000 Grass Grass 0.15 0.15 o 0 2.64 2.64 0.000 0.000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Total Time of Concentration: Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt.....hr atershed or subarea Tc or Tl....min ...... All Time of Concentration values are assumed to be a minimum of 5 minutes. Project Opus Landmark @ Meridian Location: Carmel, Indiana Prepared by Stacey Paul Proposed North - (N-BLDGS) Area or % Soil TeeN 1m lVlous Grass Grass Pond 8.58 1.67 B 1.8 C 0.B5 Tot I- 1S'~~~~tf.1I a .'~<;ic""":'~"_. = _ Use eN: I~\;;~~~~~;;~I ,.J.............;.;:~". , Dale: 717/2005 Max Time Max w.rnlag Max Delta ~ S\l.1'l: Max '1'1me MaX Miuc Tll111l ~x Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Al'ea lnne,", In flew Outflow Out flolo' hI's ft ft it it:! bra efa hI's efB CHlINNEL TEMP NORTH~HASE I&III00yr 14.58 864.660 6'~.000 -0.0040 3l2~ 12.02 2.923 12.1; 5.191 Jet WETLAND!; NORTH~HASE I&IIl00yr 12.27 81;0. 088 861.000 0.0051 1790' l2 .05 :24.:216 1:2 .1.7 14.729 Mln NORTH~HASE I&IIIOoyr 12.32 859.950 861.000 -0.0062 S3liS 12.13 19.UO 12.32 15.532 poN[l- A NORTH PHASE I&III00yr H.19 867.658 869.000 0.0081 55639 12.03 61.280 13.09 <!.J47 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page] of] MaX Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Tilll8 Max Max Til1lll Max Name GrQUp Sinula1:ion Stage st:age stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hra ft ft ft ft2 bra efs hra efs CHANNEL TEMP IlIORTHPWlSIl UIl 10yr a.os U4.589 8...!l.OOO 0.0031 :ze70 12.7' 1.8...8 12.44 2.035 6lI. WBTLI\NOS I!IORTIlFHASE rUI 10yr 12.44 959.572 S61.000 o .00.!i 16100 1..07 11.107 12 .47 ".4113 NIU NOR1'HPHASE lloII 10yr 1:2.54 85!11.1113 661.000 -0.00112 3070 12.47 6.514 12.54 6.405 PONll-A NORTKPHASE u.n 10yr a.49 666.569 669.000 0.005L 46656 12.05 la.en 1<l. SO 1. 810 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ro2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of l Max 'time Max Wa rnipg Max Del!;.. Max SUrf Max 'time ~ Male Time Max Name G~oup Simulatio<l stage Stage Stage Stage Area. Inflow Inflow OutflQw OUtflow hre tt ft tt tt2 nre cf. brB cfs CJUlIINli:l. TEMP NORTH PHASl:: I"II 2yr 14.D5 "64.496 669.00Q 0.0024 2S~S 14.00 1.298 14 .05 1.~97 EX WBTLAN1JS NORm PHASE IUI 2yr 13.13 "59. loa 861.000 0.0010 144"6 12.07 3.27' 13 .3' D.5'4 l'IH ) NORTH PHASE 1"1 I 2yr 1).52 858.759 661.00Q -0.0062 un 13.43 1.852 "1) .52 1.850 POllD-A NOaTH PHASE 1"1 I 2yr 14.12 a&S.4U 669.000 0.0028 39131 12.05 21 . 951 H.lJ 1.282 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) Cl2002 Streawline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Name. N-BLOOS Croup. NORTH Unit. Hydrograph. UH2S6 Rainfall File. SCSII-24 ~infall Amountlin). 2.640 Area (ac) . 13.550 CUrve Number. !lO.DO OCIAll). 0.00 Name: N-YAllD Group, NORTH Unit Hydrograpbl UH;!56 Rainfall File. SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount (in) , 2.640 Arealacl. 0.400 Curve Number, 68.00 OCIA(1l), 0.00 Name, .!i-sLOG Group' NORTH Unit Hydzographl UH256 Rainfall File. SCSI1-24 Rainfall Amount(in). 2.640 Area(ac), 9.470 CUrve Number, 68.00 DeIA(').O.OO Node, PONll-A Type: ses Unit liydrograpl'I Statu... Onuite 'Peaking Factor: 256.0 Storm Durat.ion(bre)' 24.00 Time of Cone [min) , 10.00 Time Sbift(hrs), 0.00 Max Allowable O/efa). 999999.000 Node: CllANNSL TEMP Type: ses Unit Iiydzograph St.atue, Oneite peaking Faat.or. 256.0 Storm DuratioaCbrsl: 24.00 Time of ConcCmin): 5.00 Time Shift(nrs). 0.00 Max Allow~le a Cafe) . 999999.000 Node' EX WETLANDS Type' SCS Unit Hy<1rograpb Peaking Vaacor Storm Puratlon[hrs) Time of Conc[min) Time Shlftthrs) MAX Allowa~le Qtcfa) Status, Onaite 256.0 24.00 lO.OO 0.00 9999911.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 ofl NAme. CHANNEL "IEMi' Group. NOR'!'K Type. Staga/A~ea Base Flow(cfG) , 0.000 Init Stagelft): $63.9.0 Warn Stagelft): 869.000 SCage(fcl Area'acl [J Name. FOND-A GrOup. NOHTJ; Typal SCage/Area sase plcw(cfsl, 0.000 Inlt Stage(ftl. 8H.000 warn Stage(ft), e69.000 HORn! t'ONO Stage(ftl Area'acl <164.000 0.6400 B69.00a 1..100 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of! Nam... 1.10 Group: NOaTH UPSTREl>J1 GeQmet~YI Ci~cular Spanlin): 7.00 Rill" (in): 7.00 Invert 1ft): 664 ;000 Manning's N: 0.01~000 Top Cllp!in), 0.000 Bot Cliplin): 0.000 From NodE. POND-~ TO Node, CHANNEl.. DOHNSTREAM Cj. rculaar 12.00 12.aO 66;.820 0.013000 0.000 0.000 Upstr86m ~HWA Inlet Edge DeGcripcion: Ci~cular Concrete: Square edge wI headwall TEMPORAaY OUTLET PIPE Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge D.ecrlption' Ci~o~lar C~ncrete. &quare edge wI headwall Loengch l tt.1 : TEMP Count. Priction Equation. Sol~tion Algorithm. FloWI ~ntr.nce ~oeG Coe': Exit I.oss Coat, Send 1.o..s Coe f , OUtlet Ctrl Spec: tnle~ Ct~l Spec: Stabiliier Option: JJ .00 1 Average Conveyance Automat '0 80th 0.50 0.00 0.00 Use de or cw USE de None Page I of L IntercoMected ChaIUlel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. tlam". L~ llroup. NORTH t..nscn i fC I, lUll, 00 Count:: U"STREAH Geometry. Trapezoida! Invert (ftl. 1163.8::10 TClplnitZ (ftl. 9999.000 ~nin9'S N. 0.030000 Tap l:Up(ftl' 0.000 Bot Clip(ftl, 0.000 Ka.:Ln X$e<:' I /l.w<SlcvllfCI , Aux XSeC:l, A\lXElev;<(ftl, Au,. XSec:2, Top Width (ftl , Oepth{ftl' 80t Widthfftl, 0.000 LtSdSlp(h/vl: 3.00 RtSdSlpih/vl. 3.00 TEM1>OII.AR Y C ITCH FOR PH/l.SS From Node, CHAHi'lEL TEMP To t<Qde, MIl) CQWNSTIl:1':AM Trape.oldal lIos.soa 9999,000 0,030000 0.000 0.000 Fri~tion Equation: Aver~se Convey~nce Sol~~ion Algo~ithm: Auto~acie flow, 1I0th ConCrac:tion Coe!. 0,000 sxpAnsion Coet, 0.000 ~ntran~e Loas Coef, 0.500 Exit LOae Coer, 0.000 Outlet Ctrl Spec, Uee de Or tw Inlet Ctrl Sp"c:, Use dn S~abllize~ Option. None 0.000 3.00 .. 00 OjNSTliUCTIOH Intcrco~ected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) <<:12002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of 1 Name, P~$B 1.11 P'11enamQ, QI \~\P:rQja..:t.\619.. Si\Eng.in.eet'in9\Det.e:ntion\.pHAS.E:'~,"I!\P"'J.S.5I.s.I!. R3 2: OVC!I.&'"'rid.e De:[a.ult:.aJ No Timelhrsl Print rnc(rnin~ :14.000 1.00 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) e2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Pagt: 1 of I ~ame, ~HASE t~II Hydrology Sim, PHASE 1.11 Filename: G,\SC'Proj.cts\61~46\Engin~ering\Det.ntion\PKASEI~!t'PHASEI&[I.I32 Execute: Yea Aloernat.iv.., No Rest-a.rt; NO patch, No Max Celta ~lttl, Time Step Optimizer: Start Time (brs) , Min Calc Tirnetsecl. <Io1,1ndary Sta.ge.. l.00 0.000 0.000 0.5000 Celta Z Fact"cr,' 0.01000 Bnd Time (hrs) . 30.00 Max Calc Time(secl. 60.0000 BOl,ln<3arl' Flows: ~EL MEDICAL - PHASE I Time.ihn I l'r int Inc (min) 30..000 l. 000 '~roup Run . BASE NOllTll !res Yea Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) <Q2002 Strea.mline Teclu101ogies, Inc. Page I of I \ \ I 111 i ! I , . I ,\ I " " ,1 " , , , \ I r \ i I \, f I ~ ~ , , ',1 " , " , " ' '" ',' '" , , , '-- , , . , , , , , , . , , , , , , " " . ' " , ' It .,' ", ", 'I' I,' "I ." .,' ", " , " / ;: / " " ., " " " " " " " " " " ,I " " .' " .' 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UeIidian STORM FllEO.l6<CY DESIGN YEAR DESCRJPTION LOCA lION FROM TO 17 16 15 14 13 u t1 10 8 .. J z s :Ie Z5 :u 23 22 i6 IS 14 n 12 11 10 8 4 z 5 ~ 2.4 23 22 21 91IV2OO' II:"AM INI.ET ACflf5 AREA SIl8 17 16 15 14 13 12 u 10 9 4 7 f 28 25 24 n 22 10 OEvcLOPED COmllTlONS 0.21 0.21 0.17 0.07 0.07 0.51 0.46 0.33 0.57 0.63 0.13 0.13 0.47 0.41 0.30 0.44 0.24 0.34 0.26 0.26 0.20 COEfF. TOTAL 'C' 0.21 0.42 0.59 D.66 0.73 1.24 1.70 2.00 2.21 :l.IlO 3.03 3.16 0.47 0.88 us 1.82 0.24 O.sa 0.90 1.74 1.22 3.22 0.36 3.7& 0.86 Q.86 0.95 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.95 0.95 0.65 0.65 O.LlI; 0.85 0.85 0.Q5 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 CA SUM TIME CONe. (minI INTER CA IIILET DfWN TOl AI. '1' 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.1l6 0.06 0.43 0.39 0.28 1/.48 1/.54 0.11 0.11 1/.40 0.35 0.26 0.37 0.20 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.'0 0.36 0.50 0.56 0.62 1.05 1.45 1.73 1.93 1.38 3.84 3.95 4.06 0.40 0.75. 1.00 1.38 0.20 0049 0.77 1.48 1.04 2,74 0.31 3.21 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.05 5.00 5.80 5.00 5.88 5.00 6.07 5.00 7.02 5.00 7.08 5.00 7.115 5.00 7.9& 5.00 8.BO 5.00 9.16 5.00 9.41 5.00 5.00 MI/ 5.49 5.00 5.75 5.00 6.23 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.05 5.00 5.79 5.00 6.12 5.00 7.23 1/.05 0.74 0.08 0.20 0.95 0.05 0.98 0.05 0.84 0.37 0.25 0.37 0.49 0.26 0.48 0.03 0.05 0.74 0.93 0.51 0.41 5.00 5.05 5.00 5.80 5.00 5.68 5.00 6.07 5.00 .7.02 5.00 7.00 5.00 7.95 5.00 8.00 5.00 6.IlO 5.00 9.1& 5.00 9.41 5.00 9.78 5.00 5.49 5.00 5.75 SJlO 6.23 5.00 6.26 5.00 5.05 5.00 5.79 5.00 6.72 5.00 7.23 5.00 7.64 PROJECT~. 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.96 6.98 6.68 6.se 6.66 6.85 6.59 6.98 6.27 6.99 6.26 6.98 6.00 6.98 6.00 6.SS 5.71 6.98 5.63 6.98 5.62 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.90 6.98 6.70 6.98 6.53 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.96 6.98 6.69 &.S8 6.37 6.98 6.21 P"IlD I .f2 CALCULATED 'C' . PIPE (ioU) CLlI SIZE $J)PE 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.49 1.01 3.35 0.4~ 3.73 0.42 4.09 3.03 5.61 2.73 9.04 tOO 10.35 3.38 11.51 3.14 22.17 o.n 22.45 0.77 22.83 2.79 2.79 2.43 5.06 1.78 6.72 2.51 8.99 1.42 1.42 2.02 3.43 1.54 9.69 1.54 17.43 1.19 19.95 12 15 15 15 IS 21 21 24 24 30 30 30 l2 15 18 18 12 15 24 24 30 1).12 0.15 0.27 Q.33 Q.18 0.17 0.32 0.21 0.26 0.29 0.30 0.32 0.61 0.62 . 0.41 0.73 0.16 0.28' 0.19 0.59 0.24 61946 CO/lfPUTEl> BY: CHiCKEO BY; GSS WT n. VEL. DESIGN 0.013 PIPE Idai<.Q lo!ai<.Va.. IlELIARKS MIl00p1h LOC.I.TION LGTH $LoPE till ;OW ill now INV. OUT !NV. !N RlMIOUT FROM TO 1.59 2.03 2.73 3.D4 2.31 2.75 3.76 3.29 168 4.52 4"7 4.65 3.S5 4.14 3.80 5.09 l.81 2-80 3.15 5.55 4.06 8 113 13 38 144 9 198 9 186 99 611 104 105 64' 110 9 124 176 170 99 0.31 0.23 .021 0.33 0.18 0.17 0.32 0.21 Q.26 D.29 0.30 o.J2 0.61 0-62 0.41 0.13 0.31 0.28 0.19 0.59 0.24 1.99 3.11 3.35 3.73 4.41 6.61 9.04 10.35 11.51 2117 22.45 23.19 2.79 5.08 6.12 8.99 t.99 3,43 9.89 17.43 19.95 2.53 2.53 2.73 3.04 2.53 2.75 3.76 3.29 3.86 4.52 4"7 4.73. 3.55 '.14 3.80 5.09 2.53 2.80 3.15 !i.55 4.06 TCa 866.30 TCD 866.28 TC" 866.02 TCa 686.98 TC. 865.86 TC- B65.6D TC- 865.SS TCa 564.84 TCa 864.93 TC. 684.44 TC. 864.15 TC. 863.95 $9.30 866.28 869.05 1lG6.o2 870.38 8Ii$.99 869.86 866.e1i 869.88 B65.6Q 669.05 685.59 869.30 864.94 869.5lI 864.93 869.30 864.44 869.05 864.15 869.60 863.95 869.10 863.62 3.00 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 n 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 TCa 866.05 lC. 865.41 TC. 1165.D2 TC. 864.51 869.30 865.41 869.50 865.02 Il69.3O 864.57 869.06 864.50 117 4.36 3.90 4.02 3.45 3.71 4.56 4.37 4.61 5.35 5.15 3.25 B B 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 TC. 866.05 TC. 866.00 Tea 1165.64 TC- 865.31 TCa 864.30 869.os 866.03 869.15 865.68 86a.05 B65.31 869.05 864.30 869.05 864.07 '.09 4.28 H8 3.00 26 26 '.' 25' 25 25 24 24 24 13 n 23 Z2 22 22 2\ 3.12 3.41 3.74 4.75 !ila!1D Pipa s:J.i"ll'i'hua I ond 2 - Op......... STORM DRAIN FlOWT AIlUlJ.TION FOAM PRO.lECT NAIdf 0pl1 ~.MeIidiIn I'ROJECT No. 819<lG COUPUTED BY: GSS STORU fReQUENCY DESIGN YEAP. lQ CHECKED Il't. MJT DESCRIPTION DEl/ELOPEO CONOlTlOHS CALCULA T ED DESIGN lOCloTION INLET ACRES COEfF. SUW ru; CCtIC. (mini INTEN. .all; PIPE (fulll n- 0.013 PIPE UalQ Uu va. REUARKS lIHD~ LOCATION FROM TO AREA $US TOTAl .C" CA CA INI.ET llflAIli TOTAl. 'I" CIA SIZE SLOPE IJEL I.GTlI Sl.OPE 1dI11ow U11lGo1 INV. 0lJT INY.IN RIMiOVT FROM TO 31 0.12 OM 0.10 UJO 5.00 8.98 0.71 l4:. 869.30 5.23 21 21 20 3.90 3.32 7.64 0.1l4 7.68 6.09 20.18 30 0.24 4.11 11 Il.24 20.18 4.11 864.01 864.04 21 20 ZO 0.11 O.as 0.14 5.00 5.00 6.98 1.01 lC" 116ltBO 5.76 20 20 1& 4.01 M6 7.68 0.29 7.96 8.00 21.02 30 0.26 4.28 75 0.26 21.02 4.28 664.04 863.85 20 11 19 D.ll7 0.35 0.02 ~ 5.00 5.98 0.11 lC. B69.DO 5.15 18 18 1. U4 3.48 1.98 0.47 &.45 5.99 20.00 30 0,26 4J5 120 0.26 20.88 4.2!i 863.85 863.54 18 1. 29 0.21 0.85 0.24 5.00 5.00 8.98 1.68 Tea 669.05 3.00 28 29 24 0.28 0.24 5.00 0.05 5;OS 6.98 1.66 12 0.22 2.12 & 0.31 1.99 2.53 666.05 866.03 29 U 33 0.32 0.85 0.21 5.00 5.00 6.98 1.90 TC" 869.05 3.00 33 33 ~ 0.32 0.21 5.00 0.05 5.05 6.98 1.90 12 0.31 2.42 8 Q.31 1.99 2.03 856.06 666,03 33 32 32 0.30 0.85 0.26 5.00 5.00 6.98 1.18 Tea 669.05 3.02 ::g 32 24 0.62 Il.53 5.05 0.62 5.68 6.96 3.61 18 0.31 2.06 124 0.31 5.86 3.32 866.03 865.6' 32 24 31 0.27 0,85 0.23 5.00 5.00 6.98 1.60 TC. 889.30 3.00 31 31 3G 0.21 0.23 5.00 0.05 5.05 6.98 1.60 12 0.20 2.1l4 8 0.31 \,99 2.53 866.30 866.28 31 30 :ill 0.36 0.85 0.31 5.00 5.00 6.98 2.14 rea 869.30 102 3G 30 23 0.&3 o.s. 5.05 0.61 5.12 6.96 3.73 15 0.33 3.04 122 0.33 3.73 3.04 866.28 86S-81 3G 2J 28 0.59 0.85 0.50 5.00 5.00 6.98 3.50 TCa 869.10 3.00 2B 21 23 0.59 0.50 5.00 0.03 5.03 6.98 3.50 12 0.98 4,46 9 0.96 3.50 4.46 86a.l0 8611.0' 2$ 23 V 0.36 0.85 0.31 5.00 6.00 6.98 ~.14 TC- 869.05 2.95 n 27 22 0.36 0.31 5.00 0.01 5.07 6.sa 2.14 12 0.36 2.72 11 0.36 2.14 :2.72 86a.10 ~os 27 22 " . . ,,' 9/12I2OlI} 11:19 AM Pl\1l0 2 on S1<>IIlllipa ~"ll.oN> I ",d 2 . O......xb Opua ~andmark at Meridian 10 Year Storm Sewer Analyeiu Max T:L1I\8 Max warning Max Delta Ma.. S\lrt Max Tillie Max Max T:L1I\e Max N"me Group s:Lmul"tlon Stage Stage St.age Stage Area Inflow Inn ow Outflow OUtflQ'" hrll tt ft ft ft2 hn .::t8 hZ's et8 O"UTPALL BASE 100yzo-lhZ' 0.00 0.000 6!l3.500 -689.4698 Q 3.06 o .IJJ C.OO G.OOO OuTFALL BASE 10yr-05hZ' 1.00 8U.a4 865/.000 0.3800 95 0.32 L4 .366 0.00 0.000 OUTPALL BASE IOyr-12hr 24.00 866.500 869.000 0.3600 7 3.61 2.73) 0.00 0.000 OUTFALL BASE 10yr.lhr :I .00 864.208 869.000 0.3800 103 0.52 12.990 0.00 0.000 01.lTf'ALL BASE 10yr-:14hr 24.00 866.500 869.000 0.3600 7 10.81 2.196 0.00 0.000 OUTJilALt. BIliE 10yr-2hr 3.00. 8li4..3U 869.000 O. 3800 110 0.82 9.140 O.OG 0.000 OUTFALL BAS2 10yr-lhr 4.00 864.417 869.000 0.1800 116 1.05 7.GOO 0.00 0.000 OUTPALL BASE 10yzo-6hr 12.00 865.250 869.000 0.3800 125 1.87 4.542 0.00 0.000 STR 10 BASE: 10yr-OShr 0.32 866.736 869.500 -0.0050 162 0.25 5.559 C.38 5.630 STR 10 BASE 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.496 869.500 -0.OG49 245 20.55 :1.277 3.60 1.097 STIl 10 B1IS&: 10yr.lhr 0.51 866.525 869.500 -0.0050 218 0.50 5.115 0.51 5.117 STil 10 BASE 10yr-24hr 24.02 1366.503 869.500 -0.0048 244 20.51 1.545 . 20.51 0.906 STR 10 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.81 866.041 869.500 0.OQ50 250 0.76 4.342 0.79 3.711 8m 10 BASE lOl'r-lhr 1. 03 865. a03 869.500 0.0050 293 0.99 3.509 1.02 ::1. 83 7 STR 10 BASE: lOl'r-6hr 1.83 865.582 869. SOD -0.0050 2a6 I.u 2.246 1.u 1.aU STR 11 BllSE: 10yr-OShr 0.33 866.912 86!1. 300 0.0050 234 0.25 5.059 0.38 4.728 STil 11 BASE 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.U6 S69.300 0.0050 278 3.58 0.920 20.55 2.277 STR 11 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.52 866.672 869.100 0.00 so .272 0.50 4.313 0.53 4,.265 STH 11 BASE 10yr-24hr 24.02 866.504 869.300 0.0050 277 7.14 0.539 20.51 1.516 S'l'R 11 BASE 10yr-2b.r 0.89 866.299 869.300 0,0050 290 0.73 3.081 0.89 3.752 STR 11 BASE 10yr- lb.r 1.04 866.226 869.300 0.0050 289 1.02 :L360 1.04 3.057 STIl 11 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.83 866.095 869.300 0.0050 280 1.83 1.527 1.84 1.951 STll 12 BASE 10yr-OshZ' 0.33 866.940 869.050 0.0043 193 0.25 3.718 0.3S 3.467 STIl 12 BASE: 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.495 86!1. 050 O. 0020 227 3.58 0.665 3.60 0.673 5T1I 12 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.52 866.713 869.050 O. 0044 218 0.50 3.141 0.53 3.110 STR 12 BASE 10yr-24hr 24.03 866.504 869.050 0.0035 227 7.10 O. la7 7.14 0.396 STR 12 BASli: 10yr.2hr 0.76 866.377 869.050 0.0042 228 0.74 :1.238 0.76 2.249 STR 12 BASE 10yr-3hr 0.99 866.281 869.050 0.0042 '2.27 0.91 1. 722 1.02 1.731 STIl 12 BASE: 10yr-.nr 1.84 866,145 869.050 0.0033 222 1.83 1.105 1.83 1.116 STR U BASE 10yr-05hr 0.33 866.952 869.880 0.0029 213 0.26 2.156 0.40 2.160 STR U BAS&: 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.495 869.880 0.0035 242 3.59 0.391 3.61 0.3!!1 STR 13 BASE 10yr.lb.r 0.52 866.781 869.880 O.OOll 236 0.50 1.836 0.56 1.887 STll 13 BASE 10yr-24b.r 24.02 866.505 869.8130 0.0047 242 7.L7 0.228 19.17 0.251 5T1I 13 BASE 10yr.2hr 0.77 866.482 869. B80 0.0037 242 0.75 1.319 0.18 1.318 STll 11 BASE 10yr- 3b.r 0.lI9 866.385 869.880 o.oon 239 0.97 1.019 1.00 1.016 STR U BASE 10yr-6hr 1.85 866.245 869.880 0.0036 230 1.. B3 0.652 1.86 0.651 STR 14 BASE 10yr-OShr C.34 867.029 .861.880 0.0020 135 O.lI~ 2.061 0.3~ 1.891 STR 14 BASE 10yr-12hr H.OO 866 .495 869.880 0.0015 143 3.58 0.354 3.S0 0.354 STR 14 BASE 10yr,.lhr 0.52 866.827 869.880 -0.0017 141 O.U 1.695 0.52 1.653 STR 14 BASE 10yr-2.hr 24.02 866.505 869.880 0.0019 143 7.18 0.205 7.17 0.206 STR 14 IIASE 10yr-2hr 0.76 866.555 869.asO 0.0019 1440 0.14 1.1940 0.75 1.192 STR 14 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.99 866.461 869.6s0 0,0016 143 0.96 0.925 0.9a 0.922 STR 14 BASE: 10yr-6hr 1. 84 866.340 869.680 0,0016 141 1.83 0.589 1.84 0.589 STR 15 . BASE 10yr-05hr C.34 867 . 051 870.380 -0.0019 176 0.26 :1.026 0.26 1,816 STR 15 BASE 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.495 870.3ao 0.0013 la6 3.56 0.317 3.59 0.ll6 5TR 15 BASE lCyr-lhr 0.52 866.859 870.380 -0.0017 laa 0.43 1.567 o.n 1.501 STlI 15 BASE 10yr-24hr 24.02 866.505 670.380 0.0015 186 23.64 0..253 7.18 0.184 STlI IS BASE 10yr-2hr 0.76 866.605 670.310 -0.0022 191 0.71 1.071 0.74 1.067 STR 15 BASE 10yr-3hr 0.98 86~L 513 870.380 "0.0021 189 0.94 0.634 0.97 0.627 5TB 15 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.84 866.395 870.380 0.0015 183 1.83 0.527 1.14 0.527 sm 16 BASE 10yr-CShr 0.34 867.09.2 669.050 0.0024- 180 0.25 1. 535 0.26 1.378 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ~2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of3 Opua wndmark at Meridian 10 Year Storm sew~r AnalVsi$ M4X 'rill1.ll Max Narnin';j Max Delta MaX Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Nllme Group !lilD1.llation Sta.ge Stage Sta';j& Stllge Area. Inflow Inflow O\1tfl "'w OUt flow hra ft ft ft ft2 hre cfB hra cfB sn 16 BASI1: 10yr-12hr 2<1.00 866.496 869.050 0.002.3 173 3.68 0.226 .3.59 0.226 8m 16 BASI1: 10yr-lhr 0.51 8U.920 869 .050 0.002\ U6 0.'l2 1.139 0.43 1.097 STR 16 BASE 10yr-24hr 24.02 866.505 869.050 0.0021 174 7.17 0.131 23.64 0.241 STR 16 BASE 10yr-zhr 0.74 B66.711 SU.050 0.0024 U5 0.68 0.76' 0.73 0.761 STR 11> BASE 10yr-lhr 0.96 866 .1>37 Sn.050 0.0024 182 0.92 0.598 0.95 0.5n S'l'R 16 BASE 10yr-ohr 1.82 . 866.545 8U.060 0.0024 176 1.83 0.)"7S 1.81 0..375 STR 17 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.3. 867.099' 8'9.300 -0.0200 116 0.25 0.826 0.26 0.718 sn 17 BAaE 10yr-12hr 3.59 866.U6 869. lOO -0.0200 116 3.58 0.113 3.59 0.113 STR 17 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.51 866.9ll S6ll. lOO -0.0200 117 0.42 0.584 0.43 0.667 STR 17 llASS 10yr-24hr 24.02 866.505 869,.300 -0.0200 116 7.17 0.0610 7.17 0.065 BTR 17 BASE 10)'r-2hr 0.'74 866.727 So!l. 300 -0.0200 117 0.67 0.387 0.71 0.381 S'l'R 17 BASE 10yr. ~hr 0.95 866.656 86... JOO -0.0200 117 0.'2 0.304 . 0.'4 0.2"7 S'I'R 17 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.S3 866.504 809.300 -0.0200 117 J..75 o . U8 1.81 0.188 STa 2 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.32 666.066 B69.J.00 0.0050 276 0.32 14.3810 0.32 14.3GG 8TH 2 BABE 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.494 669.100 -0.0050 133 23.sa 3.206 3.61 2.133 STR 2 6ASE 10yr-lhr 0.5~ "6.9:17 869.100 0.0050 293 0.51 13.002 0.52 12. ~90 STa 2 BASE 10yr-Hhr 24.02 866.U6 8....100 0.0050 1]3 24.02 3.601 10.81 2.196 8TH 2 llASE 10)'r- 2hr 0.82 865.526 869.100 0.0049 321 0.82 9.142 0.82 9.140 STR :2 BASE 10yr-3hr 1.06 865.286 S69 .100 0.0047 326 1.04 7.001 1.05 7.000 STa 2 BASI1: 10yr-Gh.r 12.00 865.251 809.100 0.0050 326 1.85 4.5lJ 1.87 4.542 STil3 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.32 866.346 869.500 -0.00409 254 0.31 14.055 0.32 14.004 GTR 3 BASE 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.502 469.500 -0.0050 212 3.59 2.674 23.58 3.208 8Ta 3 BASE 10yr-1hr 0.51 866.186 8U.SOO -0.0048 279 0.50 12.705 0.51 12.669 8Ta 3 BASE 10yr-24hr 2..02 8U.506 869.500 -0.0050 210 6.49 1.582 2..02 3."2 8TR 3 BME 10yr-zhr 0.S2 865.741 869.500 -0.0042 llS 0.60 8.'13 0.82 8.nO STH 3 BASE: 1 Oyr- 3hr 1.05 665.481 859.500 0.0037 321 1.03 6.1126 1.05 6.823 9'1'R 3 BASE 10yr-Ghr 12.00 865.245 8U.500 0.0050 118 1.84 4.422 1.85 4.418 STll 4 BASS 10yr-OShr 0.32 866.503 869.050 0.0050 241 0.30 13. 760 0.31 13.661 eTa 4 BASE 10yr-I2hr 24.00 866.496 859.050 0.0050 244 3.58 2.664 ),59 2.604 STR 4 BASE 10yr-1hr 0.51 866 .328 869.060 0.0050 320 0.50 12.418 0.51 12.364 STR 4 BASE 10yr-24hr 24.02 866.501 869.050 0.0050 243 1.3 . 11 ~ .257 6.49 1.542 8TH 4 BASE 10yr- 2hr O.Bl 665.856 B69.050 0.0050 <11:2 0.78 8.694 0.80 8.661 SrR 4 BASI1: 10yr-lhr 1.05 866 . S9:2 869.050 0.0050 <126 0.98 6.661 1.01 6.648 8TH 4 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.85 865.266 869.050 0.0050 416 1.67 4.378 1.84 4.]07 6TH 5 BASE: 10yr-05hr 0.32 866.633 869.050 -0.0101 117 0.24 6.719 0.26 5.270 9TR 5 BASE 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.49' 869.050 0.0076 122 20.71 4.112 20.72 1.162 5Ta 10 EASE 101'~-1hr 0.51 866.430 869.050 -0.0079 125 0.39 6.085 0.40 4.868 STR 5 IIASE 10yr-:ahr 24.02 8G6.506 8651.050 0.0077 121 20.64 ..156 20.70 1.2l) STR 5 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.81 S65.885 869.050 0.0038 177 0.13 2.~U 0.78 2.903 5TR 5 BASE 10yr-3h:r 1.04 865.614 8651.050 0.0018 197 o .51S 2.265 0.97 2.231 STlt 5 BlUlI1: 10y.--6hr 1.85 865.285 86!f.OSO 0.0038 201 1.SJ 1.445 1.81 1.518 8TR 6 BASE lOyr- OShr O. Jl 866.094 869. JOO 0.0061 119 0.21 4.506 0.2. 5.075 9Ta 6 BASE 10yr-1:2hr 24.00 866.UG 869. JOO -0.0051 13S 18.67 O. ~81 20.71 4.112 5Ta 6 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.51 866.456 869. JOO -0.00S2 146 0.40 3.716 0.39 ..864 BTH 6 BASE 10yr-24hr 24.02 866. S03 869.300 -0.0051 135 18.60 1.046 20.64 4.118 9TH 6 BABE 10yr-2hr 0.81 866.036 869.300 -0.0040 224 0.69 2. L61 0.75 2.123 STa 6 BASE 10yr-3hr 0.98 865.798 869.300 0.0034 233 0.~6 1.802 0.96 1.644 8n Ii BASE 10yr-6hr 1.84 865.561 869.100 0.00]6 2]2 1.83 1.054 1.84 1.052 S'I'R7 BASE 10yr-05hr O.ll 8G6.86S 869.500 -0.0050 117 0.21 3.542 0.21 3.570 STR7 BASE 10yr-12hr 24.00 866.497 869.500 o . DOll 149 3.58 Q.n3 18.67 O. ~81 STR 7 BASI1: 10yr-1hr 0.51 866.552 B69.500 0..0046 182 .0. .J8 1.241 0.40 2.895 Interconnected CbaJmel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 102002 Streamline Technologies. Inc. Page 2 on Opus LaDdmark at Meri<iian ~o Yeax Storm Sewer Analysis Max Time Max Naming Max Celta Max SUrt I1;Ix T I. me Max Max T1lM! M;lx Name 3roup Simulation Stage Scage Stage Stage Area In! low Inflow OuUlow Outflo.. hn it it it ft2 hre oto MS ois ST.Il 7 BASB 1 Oyr.- 24hr 24.02 866.505 869.500 0.003.5 U8 23.11 0.4<<9 la.60 1. 011 STll 7 BASE: 10yr-2br 0.70 866.115 869.500 0.0035 204 0.68 1.615 0.69 1.612 BTR '1 BASE: 10yr-)hr 0.99 866.056 869.500 0.0035 203 0.92 1. 260 0.98 1.384 STR 7 BASE: 10yr-6hr 1.83 865.883 869.500 0.0035 199 1.62 0.787 1.83 0.786 STlI 8 BASB 10yr-OShr 0.32 861.066 869.300 -0.0001.4 116 0.25 1.849 0.20 :I .149 STa 8 BAS B 10yr-12hr 24.\10 866.497 869.300 0.0037 153 3.Sa 0.253 3.57 0.252 STll 8 BASE lOl'r-1hr 0.50 866.705 869.300 0.00"-3 151 0.42 1.306 0.35 2.U8 STll 8 BASB 10yr- 24hr 24.02 8&6.50S 8&9.300 O.OOU 153 7.17 0.146 :U.ll 0.430 STR 8. BASE 10yr-2hr 0.69 866.592 869.300 0.0041 165 0.67 0.867 0.68 0.862 STll 8 BASE 10l'r-,hr 0.94 866.521 8&9.300 155 0.92 0.679 0.94 0.672 STH 8 BASE lOl'r-6hr 1.82 866.411 8U.300 O. DOn 162 1.75 0.420 1.82 0.420 STR 9 BASE: 10yr-OShr 0.32 866.704 869.300 0.0048 209 0.28 7.134 0.38 7.122 STll 9 BASE: 10Y"-12hr 24;00 866.497 869. JOO 0.0050 238 3.58 1.~03 3.59 1.440 BTR 9 IlASE 10yr-lhr 0.51 866.489 8&9.300 0.0050 257 0.50 6.576 0.5<1 6.550 STa 9 BASB 10yr-24hr 24 .O~ 866.505 869.300 0.0050 237 20.51 0.956 13 .11 1. 830 STa !I BASS 10yr- 2l1r 0.81 865.990 8651.300 0.0050 303 0.77 ;1.734 0,80 4.665 STll 9 BASi: 10yr- ;br 1.0) 86S.7U ai9.300 0.0050 305 1.02 3.61l> 1.01 3.577 STlI 9 BASE 101'''- 6hr 1.87 665.462 869.300 0.0050 290 1.83 2.329 1.8? 2.US .:.... lntercomected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) lCl2002 Streamline Teclmologies. Inc. Page 3 of3 Opus Landmark at Meridian 10 Year Sto~ Sewer AnalysiS Max Time Max Naming Ma.x Delta Max5urf Max '1'ime Max Max TiM Max Nbll\e Group SilDUlation Stag.. Stag.. Stag.. Stage Area InelQW [Ana,", Outflow Outflow hra n. ft n. ft2 hr" erG hr. eta OIlrFALL BASE 100yr- Eihr 0.00 0.000 Ei~3.500 -669.4696 0 6.02 0.137 0.00 0.000 OUTFAL~ BASE 10yr-05hr 1.00 863.620 869.000 0.0000 41554585 0.33 12 . 329 0.00 0.000 OIlrFALL &ASE 10yr-12hr :n.88 863.621 8U.000 0.0000 41554571 3.82 2..2840 0.00 0.000 OIlrFAL~ &ME 10yr-1hr :I.DO 863.6U 86'.000 0.0000 41554568 0.52 10.n<l 0.00 0.000 OIlrFAL~ BASE 10yr-:l4hr 29.90 863.6:U 869.000 0.0000 4155457;1 7.17 1.285 0.00 Q.OOO OU'l'Ii'ALL BASE 10yr-2hr 3.00 863.621 869.000 0.0000 U$5456' 0.82 7.427 0.00 0.000 Or.nFALL BASE 10yr- 3hr 4.00 863.621 869.000 0.0000 41554570 1.03 5.'64 0.00 0.000 OIlrFlU.l. &ASE 1 Oyr- Eihr 11.40 863.621 869.000 0.0000 41554570 1.80 3.945 0.00 0.000 STR U BASE 10yr-05hr 0.33 86S.8U 859.000 0.0050 318 0.34 12.617 0.13 12.3<19 S'I1/. 19 BASB 10yr-12hr 3.8<1 864.572 869.000 0.0050 329 3.80 2.307 3.82 2 .284 STR 111 BASE 10yr-1hr 0.52 1165.657 1I01I.000 0.0050 ]35 0.51 10.740 0.52 10.792 STR 111 SASE 10yr-Hhr 7.19 864.377 S69.pOO 0.0050 307 7.17 1.2S5. . 7.19 1.285 STR U BASE 10yr-2hr 0.8;1 865.284 059.000 0.0050 353 O.al 7.741 0.82 7.4~7 STR 19 BASE 10yr-3hr 1.03 865.081 8n.000 0.0001.9 354 1.10 5.794 1.03 5.764 STR 19 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.80 864.834 86Y.000 0.0050 34'1 1.78 3.976 1.80 3.946 STR 20 8ME 10yr-05hr 0.32 866.065 869.800 -0.0042 1~8 0.31 12.199 0.14 12 .4~9 5TR 20 BASB 10yr-12ltr 3.81 864.717 on.ooo 0.0050 209 3.79 2.298 3.80 2.273 S1'R. :10 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.51 865.878 869.800 -0.0050 208 0.50 10.827 0.51 10.561 S'l'R .2 0 BASE 10YJe-24hr '1.19 864 .517 8G9.80.0 0.0050 198 7.18 1.264 7.19 1.263 SIR 20 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.81 865.476 869.800 0.0050 219 0.93 7.510 0.81 7.616 STR 20 IlASE 10yr-3hr 1.01 865 .253 869.800 0.0050 2:10 0.97 5.894 1.10 5.699 STR 20 SASB 10yr-6hr 1.79 864 .9ag 669.800 0.0050 218 1.77 3.964 1.78 3.913 STR 21 llI'ISB 10yr-05hr 0.32 8li6.272 869.300 -0.0047 204 0.30 11.755 O.ll 11 .688 STR 21 BASE 10yr-12hr 3.79 864.831 869.300 -0.0042 238 3.78 2.264 3.79 2.:US STR 21 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.52 866.063 869.300 -0.0048 225 0.51 10.170 0.50 10.371 STR 21 BASB 10yr-:l<..hr 7.18 864 .613 OU.300 0.0045 224 7.15 1.211 7.19 1.211 S'l'R 21 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.81 865.624 869.300 0.0044 247 0.81 7.0U 0.93 7.213 sn 21 aASli: 10yr-3hr 1.03 865.39:1 069.300 -0.004.0 250 0.98 S.432 0.97 5.656 S'I'R 21 &ASE 10yr- Eihr 1.78 665.118 869.300 -0.0042 248 1.76 3.892 1.77 3.812 STR <12 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.32 866.4511 869.050 O.OOU 231 0.27 11.597 0.31 11.384 STR 22 BASE 10y:<-12hr ]. 7B 864.955 869.050 -0.0050 334 .L76 2.520 3.78 2.205 sn 22 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.52 866.22:1 869.050 -0.0050 305 0.50 9.912 0.51 9.860 STR 22 BASil 10yr-24hr 7.18 864.742 869.050 -0.0050 306 7.17 1.177 7.15 1.174 STR 22 BASil 10yr-2hr 0.81 1165.7U 869.050 -0.0046 365 0.77 6.79B 0.81 6.810 STR 23 lIAS E 10yr- 3hr 1.00 865.508 859.050 -0.0050 :>64. 0.84 11.294 0.99 5.266 SIR 22 BASB 10yr-Eihr 1.77 865.:218 069.050 -0.0050 ~5S 1.74 4.266 1.7& 3.784 STR 23 BASil 10y:<-05hr 0.31 667 .155 a&9.0S0 0.0050 30Ei 0.36 10.097 0.11 9.692 STR 23 BASE 10yr-12hr 3.61 656.055 8U.050 0.0050 487 3.54 1:745 3.76 2.247 STR 23 BASE loyr-1h~ 0.51 866.910 869.050 0.0050 442 0.50 8.459 0.51 8.413 STll. 23 BASE 10yr-24hr 1.19 865.781 869.050 0.0050 439 7.07 1.010 7.14 1.002 STR 23 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.78 8066.547 869.050 0.0050 517 0.76 5.793 0.71 5.788 STR 23 BASE 10yr-~hr 0.84 8U..lB3 869.050 0.0050 520 0.'5 4.511 0.84 4.564 STR 23 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.74 8&6.273 8611.050 0.0050 512 1.76 3.171 1.14 3.768 STR 24 BASE 10yr-oShr o.n 867.296 869.050 0.0042 259 0.27 5.4lB 0.32 5.227 sn 24 BASE 10yr-12hr 3.60 866.132 869.050 -0.00.0.& 4.:16 3.60 1.165 3.78 O. 9!l9 STR 24 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.51 867.0J7 B69.050 -0.0044 342 0.50 4.574 0.51 4.540 S'I'R 24. BASE 10yr-24hr 7.12 8&5.921 B69.050 -0.0050 .l73 7.17 0.661 7.07 0.551 STR 24 IlA$Ii: 10yr-::hr 0.78 866.556 8U.050 -0.0049 447 O. ." 3.125 O.SO i..124 STR 24 ElASIi: 10yr-3nr 0.'6 866.484 8U.050 -0.0048 457 0.93 2.431 0.99 2.421 S'rll 24 &ASE 10yr-6h.r 1.74 856.347 869.050 0.0043 452 1. 74 2.057 1.76 1.887 STR 25 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.31 067 ....31i 869.150 -0.0045 117 0.25 1.977 O. ~9 1."68 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 102002 Streamline Technologies, ~. Page 1 of3 o,pus Landmark at Mer;~ian 10 Year Storm Sewer Analysis Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max SUrf Max T1_ MaX M;u Ti,.. Mu: Name Group SilllUlation Stage ieage seage St.age Area Inflold Inflow OUtflow oueUow hrs ft ft ft ft2 hn cfa hE'll cis STR 25 BASE ~(lyr- ~2hr 3.60 866.322 869.150 -(1.0050 18 oil 3.5~ 0.3"2 1.60 0.5n STR 25 BASi; 10yr-Lhr 0.51 867.124 869.150 0.00t4 ~53 0.4$ 1.S"6 0.50 L .518 STR 25 BASt: 10yr-24b.r 6.21 866.200 869.l50 0.0036 171 7.17 0.181 7.15 0.184 sra 25 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.78 866. ?l5 869.l50 0.0049 191 0.70 1.048 0.78 1.041 STR 25 BASE 10yr.3hr 0.'8 866.543 869.150 -O.OOSO 193 0.92 0.824 0.96 0.80'1 STR 25 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.75 866.383 869. l50 -0.0049 189 1.'17 0.540 1.1l8 0.658 S"I'R 26 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.31 867.455 869.050 -0.0034 113 0.25 0.944 0.31 0.7H STR 26 BASE 10yr-12hr 3.60 866.329 869.(150 0.0025 1l'1 3.58 0.129 3.54 0.160 S'I'R 2':; BASE 10yr- Lhr 0.51 867.137 869.(150 0.0032 113 0.42 0.667 0.50 0.628 STR 26 BASB lOyr-24hr 6.21 866.214 869.050 -0,0019 116 7.17 0.075 7.18 0.075 S'l'R 26 BASI! 10yr-2hr 0.78 9".722 969.050 0.003L 117 0.67 0.441 0.77 0.411 STR 26 BASE 10yr-3hr 0.98 866.552 869.050 -0.003'1 Il7 0.92 0.34'1 . 0.95 0.335 STR 26 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.16 866.n4 869.050 0.0026 117 1. 75 0.215 1.77 0.236 5TR 27 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.26 666.911 869.050 0.0033 118 0.25 1.U6 0.26 1.371 SI'R 27 8ASE ~Oyr-12hr 3.59 966.)41 869.(150 0.0036 U6 3.58 0.194 3.59 0.19) STR 27 BAS i; 10yr-lhr o.n 866.692 869.050 0.0036 118 0.42 1.000 0.43 0.996 S'rl'\ 27 BASE ~Oyr- 2.4hr 7.17 66...293 869.050 -0.0021 117 7.11 0.112 7.17 0.112 S'I'R 27 BAllI! 10yr-2hr 0'.68 8&6.571 869.050 0.0037 US 0.67 0.664 0.68 0.661 Sl'R 27 BASI! 10yr-3hr 0.93 866.511 869.050 0.0035 U8 0.92 0.520 0.93 0.511. STR 27 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.81 866.419 869.050 0.0035 118 L .75 0.)22 1.8L 0.322 STR 26 BASS 10yr-05hr 0.30 667.276 669.100 0.0050 113 0.25 2.321 0.23 2.377 STR 28 BAlli; 10yr-12hr 3.59 866.415 869.l00 0.0050 117 3.58 0.)18 3.58 0.3l7 SI'R 29 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.50 866. '" 869.100 0.0050 116 0.42 1.64Cl 0.45 1.650 S'l"R .6 BASE 10yr-24hr 7.17 866.336 869.~00 -0.0033 117 7.17 0.1-114 7.15 0.184 STa 28 BASil: 10yr-2hr 0.68 B66.726 6&9. LOO 0.0050 117 0.67 1.088 0.68 1.014 STR 28 BASi; 10yr-3hr 0.93 866.642 869.100 O.OOliO 117 0.92 0.853 0.113 o .8Ui STR 28 BASE 10yr-Ghr 1.90 S66.516 869.100 O.OOQi 117 1. 75 0.528 1.78 0.526 STR 29 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.31 867.321 869.050 -0.0033 U3 0.25 L .1(11 0.:17 0.890 S'1'R 29 BASE 10yr-12hr 3.59 866.274 869.050 0.0032 116 J.58 0.151 3.59 0.150 5TH a BASi; 10yr-lhr 0.51 867 .049 869.050 0.0032 113 0.42 0.778 0.50 0.736 STR 2iil BASE 10yr:-24hr 7.17 966.221 86iil.050 -0.0020 116 7.17 0.087 7.17 0.087 STR 29 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.78 666.670 869.050 0.0011 117 0.67 0.5L6 0.76 0.503 STR 2iil BASi; 10ye- 3hr o.n 666.502 869.Q50 0.0031 117 0.92 0.405 0.112 o . J!il 5TH 29 BASE: 10yr-6hr 1.75 866 .366 869.050 o.oon U7 1.7S 0.250 1.76 0.282 STR 30 BASE 10yr'OShr 0.31 867.291 869.300 -0.0045 159 0.:05 2.100 0.26 2.066 8TR 30 BASE lOyr-12hr 3.59 866.568 8651.300 0.0038 179 3.58 0.339 3.59 0.336 STH 30 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.50 661 . 015 869.JOO 0.0034 167 0.42 1.720 0.42 1.686 S'l'R 30 PIISE: 10yr-24hr 7.1'1 866.500 669.300 0.0025 173 7.17 0,196 7.17 0.196 STR 30 BASE 10yc'2hr 0.71 SU.7S5 869.300 0.0035 192 0.6S 1.154 0.70 1.150 S'l'R 30 BASE 10yr-Shr 0.94 866.691 869.300 0.0035 La9 0.92 0.6119 0.95 o .8U S'I'R 30 BASE 10ye-6hr 1.87 666.649 869.300 0.0036 165 1.7. 0.563 1.7.. 0.567 STR II BASE 10yr-OShr 0.31 867.306 869.300 0.0033 lU 0.25 1.062 0.26 0.1l01 STR 31 BASE 10yr-12hr 3.59 966.579 869.300 0.00:18 117 3.58 0.145 3.59 0.145 8TR Jl BASE 10ye-lhr 0.50 867.052 869.300 0.0034 116 0.42 0.750 0.42 0.722 STR Jl BASE lOyr-24hr 7.17 866.508 869.300 -0.0022 LL6 7.17 0.084 ?17 0.084 SI'R 31 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.71 966.761 869.300 0.0032 117 0.67 0.U8 0.70 0.493 ..-., SI'R 31 BASE 10yr-3hr 0.1l4 866.715 869. JOO -0.0032 117 0.92 0.390 0.95 0.385 S'l'R 31 II,UlE 10y"-6hr 1.8'1 866.660 869.300 0.0026 117 1.75 0.241 1.74 0.242 STII 32 BASE 10yr-05hr 0.31 867.366 869.050 0.0033 ~58 0.25 2.155 0.27 1.887 STII 32 1!ASi; lOyr-12hr 3.59 866.321 869.050 -0.0047 194 3.58 0.333 3.04 0.455 8T1I 12 BASE 10yr-lhr 0.51 1167.069 869.050 0.0041 L89 0.42 L .662 0.50 1.623 Interconnected Cbarmel and Pond Routing Model (Ic:PR) Cl2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 2 on Opus L..ndmark ..C Merid1an 10 Year SCorm Sewer Analysis Ma.x Time Max Warning Max Delca Max SUrf Max Time MaX Max Time MAX Name Group Simulation Stase Stage Stage Stage Are" InflOw Inflow ov.etlow OUtrlow bra ft ft ft fe2 bra cts hra cIs STR :12 BASE 10yr-24hr 7.19 866.238 869.050 -0.0050 162 1.12 0.201 1.19 0.:112 STA 32 lIASE 10yr-2hr 0.18 866.103 869.050 0.0044- 208 0.69 1.U2 0.78 1.111 STA 32 BASE 10yr-3hr 0.97 866.532 869.050 0.0050 206 0.92 O. aez 0.73 1.083 S'I'i>. 32 BASE 10yr-6hr 1.14- 866.449 869.050 .0.0049 203 1.14 0.6S2 1.74 1.095 STIl. 33 BME 10yr-OShr 0.31 861.399 869.050 -0.0032 113 0.25 1.:159 0.;11 1.018 STR 33 8MB 10yr-12hr 3.59 866.335 869.050 0.0033 117 3.58 0.17:1 3.59 0.172 S'I'R 31 BASB 10yr-lhr 0.51 867.109 869.050 O.OOH 113 0.42 0.B89 0.50 o . B4.2 S'l'R 33 BASE 10yr-:il4.hr 7.12 866.250 869.050 -0.0021 116 7.17 0.100 7.n 0.108 S'I'R 33 BASE 10yr-2hr 0.78 B66.711 869.050 0.0034 117 0.67 0.590 0.75 0.575 STR ]J BASE 10yr-3hr 0." 866.550 869.050 0.0032 111 0.92 0.463 0.93 0.450 an 3l BASE 10yr- 6hr 1.74. B6';.4.60 869.050 0.0032 117 1..15 0.286 1.74 0.384 " ~.: Interconnected Channel and Pond Rou.ting Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 3 of3 ~ Return Period - Rainfall Intensity.{in/hr) Hours Minutes 2 5 10 25 50 100 0.08 5 4.75 6.14 6.99 B.08 8.B3 9.69 : 0.17 10 3.63 4.75 5.48 6.40 7.07 7.77 0...25 15 2.97 3.92 4.55 5.34 5.94 6.53 0.5 30 1.98 2.64 3.09 3.65 4.10 4.50 1 60 1.25 1.67 1.96 2.31 2.62 2.88 2 120 0.76 1.02 1.20 1.40 i.59 I 1.75 3 180 0.56 0.75 0.88 1.03 1.17 1.29 6 360 0.33 0.44 0.52 0.60 0.68 0.75 12 720 0.20 0.26 0.30 0.35 0.39 0.43 24 1440 0.11 0."'15 0.17 0.20 0.22 0.25 - " ". ~~ ;:'~.g ;. ~ i i ~ ; ,- r. I; . t-lE6 NkH STi.A6TlAP.,c. S ' ' ,- - 10 9 8 Discharge vs Depth On G'rate , 7 .~ 6 100 5 90 80 70 10 60 9 <4 -8 w 50 7 ~ U -(. 40 w 6 V) z ~ ~3 30 w Q.. 0 . t- ...: u.. u.. .. w . 20' :> 3.... 0 u <c fJ (/) 0::: , C> W 2<< .-2 -< w ~ W > "c) t- o -c( u.. ~ J: 0 .~ t- ~ -C(' 1 w w 0 0::: -- .," .< - ---.. .8 ~ . ~. -....... . 7 t- .-c( 4 w "'- .6,~ 1 "\\ - C> .5 \ 0:: 3 -c( .9 J: (;} V) - .8 0 .3' K - ~z..~~- ~v 2 .7 .' I ":". .6 ..' . 1 -. ea. IIItt:at. 'U_..... .e-.......L..r. p.................. October 12. 2005 2nd submittal Mr. Ryan McCroskey Woolpert, Inc. 7140 Waldemar Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46268-4192 Via FAX 317-291-5805 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian Tec:hnieal Advisorv Committee Emrlneerin2: Review Checklist for Development Drainae:e Desif!]]ls Dear Mr. McCroskey: The stonnwateneview ofthe pr~posed construction plans and drainage calculations for . the above referenced project has been completed. The submittal is in need of additional information in order to be in compliance with "the guidelines as set forth by the City of Carmel. Please revise the plans in accordance with the comments below. 1. The drainage report refers to "Addendum to Stormwater Management Design Calculations on Hamilton Crossing " dated June 1, 1989, prepared by Paul I. Cripe. Please provide a copy. of this document to confii'1n release rate 0/5.0 cft for the twin 11-inch stormpipes under West Carmen Drive. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 1. The construction plans show ~'FUIiJRElPOSSlBLE INDOT RlGlfF-OF-WAY" for us. 31 along the west side of the site, which includes approximately two- thirds of the proposed detention area. Please add a note to the construction plans stating that detention is for Phase I & II only and that Phase III shall be handled separately, and include with this note that in the event INDOT obtains this right- of-way, the owner of the property shall be responsible for maintaining adequate detention storage. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 3. Sheer C602 provides a Lake Section detail. Please confirm that this detail confOrms to the minimum requirements of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office as shown in Standard Plans D-6. D-7 or D-8, "Lake Cross-Sections". Per your response letter dated September 13, 2005; the 1 OO-year flood elevation changes as well as the lOO-year discharge rate. Although your plans reflect this change, the drainage narrative has not been revised. To avoid confusion, please review and revise the drainage narrative information accordingly. 4. Please provide calculations for the post-developed time of concentration. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 5. Please provide peak runoff calculations for the 2-year and the 10-year storm events. This issue has been addressedsatisfactori/y. Opus Landmark at Meridian Woolpcrt, 1m:. October 12. 200S , _ Puc I of4 34175uuth!!i!ltenmlnDr. II Beec:hlliruve. IN461D7 II Tel 317B780-1555 . FEU[ 317B7BD-S5"i!l5 - ,- 6. The drainage calculations refer to the detention area as Pond A,' whereas the constrociion plam reftr to the detention area as Pond B. Please revise accordingly. This issu.e has been addressed satisfactorily. 7. The End Cap Detail 'on sheet C601 shows a 4-inch diameter orifice an a J 2-inch diameter pipe. The drainage report states and the drainage calculations corroborate the orifice being a 7-inch diameter with no pipe diameter specified Please revise this detail accordingly. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 8. There is some concern regarding the outlet swale and it's considerably flat slope (0.40%) combined with its length (13 J 8 feet). The minimum slape for a grass- lined swale shall be 1.0 percent, and the minimum slope for a grass~lined swale with a sub-surface drain is one~half percent. Drainage swales shall not exceed 400 fiet. Please investigate methods of reducing standing water within the swale. The City a/Carmel may comment on this as well and offer measures typically implemented - This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 9. Please delineate the drainage basins on the drainage basin map provided. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 10. It appears that basin 24 has been mislabeled on the drainage basin map as basin 29. Please review and revise accordingly. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 11. Please include the rainfall intensity table/chart used in the drainage calculations with the drainage report support documentation. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 12. Based on the velocities provided in the drainage calculations, Structures 13, 16, 17,26, 29, 31,32 and 33 do not meet minimumfullflow velocity requirements. Minimum storm drain flowing velocity for fu/lpipe flow shall be 2.5 feet per second This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 13. Please provide hydraulic grade line calculations with the drainage report. Hydraulic grade line calculations are to be included as a part of the storm calculations submittal. The hydraulic grade line calculations should be provided to demonstrate that the maximum hydraulic grade line stays below inlet/manhole rim elevationsfor a JO~year storm event. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 14. It appears that there is direct runoffwest of building 2, south of the detention area. Direct runoff from the site needs to be accommodated fOr appropriately. The direct runoffrates need to be added to the release rates developedfor the post 1 aO-year and 10-year storms to determine the total peak runoff rate leaving the site. It appears that the plans have been prepared/or Phase I o/this project only. The detention pond, which has been designed to accommodate Phase 1 and- Phase 11, must be constructed as a part 0/ Phase 1 for acceptance. The release rate/or the detention pond has been deslgned to include the acreage/or both Phase 1 and 11. There is approximately 1 acre of the 12.9- acre tract in the southwest corner of Phase 11 that is not being detained and is directly Opus Landmark at Meridian Wool pert. Inc. October ] 2, 2005 Pagelof4 ~' Ii discharging south along the proposed outlet swale. This discharge needs to be accountedfor in the overall discharge rate for the 12.9-aere tract. The discharge rate at the point the proposed outlet swale leaves the south line of Phase 11 should not exceed the 2.73 eft release rale. 15. For any 101(s) adjacent to any 100-year local or regional flood area, a minimum flood protection grade (MF.P. G.) is required for the pad grade. Please define the MFPG in the construction plans with a stalement such as.~ ItFinishedfloor elevations of all structures shall be no less than 2 feet above any adjacent 100-yr local or regional flood elevation (whichever is greater). This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 16. Drainage arrows shall be provided indicatingjlow direction. Please review and revise accordingly. This Issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 17. Normal pool,. 2-year. 10-year and lOO-year critical flood elevations shall be provided on the drainage plans. The drainage calculations show the 100-year criticalflood elevation as 867.95 whereas the plans show this elevation as 867.69. Please review and revise accordingly. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 18. There is no structure data information provided in the construction plans. Please incorporate this information in the construction plans. Please include on sheet C400 structure information to include rim and invert elevations. length, diameter, type and slope of each pipe strocture. to include Structure 35. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. . 19. The constroction plans do not show the location of the spillway/emergency overflow weir, which should be clearly marked on the drainage plans. The flood route shall be clearly marked on the plans and should be addressed in the drainage report for clarification. Assurances should be made that overflow is conveyed to an adjacent road ditch or water body in the event that a storm in excess of a 100-year event occurs or the outlet structure becomes clogged and the pond backs up to a level where the spillway becomesfunctional. Please review and revise. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 20. The Overflow Weir Section on Sheet C602 shows a top of bank elevation of937.5. Please review and revise. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 21. The minimumfreeboard elevation for the detention area is 2-feet above the 100- year critical flood elevation. Please include in the construction plans proposed spot elevations and include/revise the details in Items 3 and 20 above to show this elevation. This issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 22. The invert elevations for Structures 1, 2. J 8 and 19 are below the normal pool elevation of 864.0 for the detention area. Please review and revise as necessary. This Issue has been addressed satisfactorily. 23. Sheet C301 shows a typical cross-section labeled "SECT/ON A-A >t. with no reference to what this cross section represents. Please review and revise. This Issue has been addressed satisfactorily. Opus l..andmlll1\ at Meridian WooJpert. Inc. OctOber 12, 200S !'ago 3 of4 '. " , ~ . .._':. 24. There is a discrepancy with the rim elevations shown on Sheets C300 and C301 and the rIm elevations provided on the 'Storm Drain Flow Tabulation Form" in the drainage calculationsfor Structures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 11, 12 and 13. Please review and revise. This issue has been addrened satisfactorily. 25. Structures 16, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30 and 32 fail to meet minimum cover requirements. The cover requirements for these structures is where the invert elevation of the largest pipe diameter is less that the difference between the rim elevation and 2- feet plus the largest pipe diameter infeet. Please review and revise. In reviewing the structures in. question, Structure 27 is not constructible based on the given elevations and the dill1lleter o/pipe specifuuL Please review this structure an.d revise as necessary. The balance of the structures in question do not ~et the City of Carmel storm design requirements for minimum construetability for cover; however, due to the constraints hfthe outlet elevadon. this design is acceptable-It is recommended, but not a condi;lkmfol' approval. that Class V pipe and jlowable fill be used for these struciul'es per the City of Carmel storm design, requirements. Please inelude witb your submittal, one (1) copy of tbe comments indicating the action taken or a written explanation for action not taken. ConStruction plans and drainage calculations are not to be re-submitted without implementing changes with respect to any and an review comments from the City of Carmel and the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. The comments and plans may be submitted to my attention at the following address: CrossRoad Engineers, P.C. 3417 South Shennan Drive. Beech Grove, IN 46107 Please contact me at (317) 780-1555 ext. 12 with any questions. Sincerely t copy: Gary Duncan, City of Cannel Assistant Engineer Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyors OfficeyFile \Opu$l....,...~lO'12.OS1IaII Opus Landmark aI Meridian Woolpert, Inc. Oc;toblll' 12, ZOOS Page4of4 ., ~ October 26, 2005 Mr. Ryan McCroskey Woolpert, Inc. 7140 Waldemar Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46268-4192 Via FAX 317-291-5805 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian Dear Mr. McCroskey: The revised construction plans and drainage calculations dated Oc~ober 19,2005, have sufficiently addressed all comments from our initial revieVlf dated, September 1,2005. There is no need for any additional drainage review by this office for this project unless the current plans are revised. This letter does not exonerate your firm from implementing changes with respect to any and all review conunents from the City of Carmel and/or the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. Thank you, cc: Gary Duncan, City of Carmel Assistant Engineer Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyors Office File lOpo, landnr.lllo at M~an\acceplaJlcQ ~tterlo. 21HJ5'laII 3417SoutlllSherllllllillnilJl'. IIl1l1eechlil'uwlR, l1li481117 . Tel 317w7BIUI555 . Fex ::II'7"'SII.SSi!S