HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact Docket No . C;ARt\<1EUCI,AY ADVISORY BOARD QFZONII'JG APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA 08050030V. 080S0031 V Petitioner: Indiana Association of Seventh-cia" Adventists, Donald N. Hawlev FINDINGS OF FACT . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE The approval ofthls variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because . Churches bring a general uplift to communit'y standard.s and morals. Provisions for traffidpedestr,ian flqw have been addressed in setback requctions previouslY approved. 2 The use and value of the area adjacent to. the. property in91uded in the vari~nce will not be affected in a substantiallyqdlJerse manner because: Church~s lack the deg(ading aspect usually associated with commercial structures such as convenience stores, gas stations, etc. 3 HIe strict ap:plicat!on of'the ter,rns of:the Zoning Ordinance to. the pro.perty will result'in practical difficulti~s in th~ use of the property bepause: Without. requested variances, the building's appearanc,e WQuld be compromised on the northwest corner of the property" and the building size would be reduced substantially. 8ECISION ,IT IS THERE:FORE' the decision of th.e Carmel/Glay f.!oard of Zoning Appealsthat Development .standards Var'iar;fce Docket N0.is:gcanted, subject to. any conditions stated int(oeminutes of this Beard, which are incorporated herein by reference an.d made a par;! hereo.f ~c dtOls ~~~ CHAIR' RSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appep,ls ~ SECF:CET ARY. Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals'. /:11 /1 ,..~ Conditions ,of ,he, a""'af' IIst,ed 0" 'he back, (petl'ibr;(~f~~"iY~ Pa~2 8 0(8 - ':::~\S""'.,]it!tMcr";l'i\.r:z:.. :ippllC'3ll0'r.s\. 8e...e![ipr.;H~r:I:S~a!'(~ar~-ls \jari,]-r;{~~ ~fPlh::atioh f~", (l1/f lfZCC.a GARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OFZONING APPEALS C'armel, Indiana Ooc.ket No,: 080.50030V 080S0031V Petition er: lnc.jiana Associalionof Seventh-day Adventists'. Donald N. I-Iawkv FIND'INGS OF FACT - DEVELOpMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS. z,y 11"4 DAY OF JIA......e- ,,20 a ~~ B~ Member pag.a '7 of 8 - .t\si';1a~2d\larrr,5',8Z.A ,appf1c<:II.1cos\ De...~!.oc:mE!111 Stancar-~s 'lananca ,.l,f,plication rev_ Q1i1ll/2008 C,lI.RMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OFZONINGAPPEALS Carme.l, Indiana 0805003 DV.0805 0031 V Docket No.: Petitioner: I~!i'lna Association at' Seventh -da," AdventIsts. Donald N. Hawlev FINDINGS QF fACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (8allot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. ,20 tI~' DATED THIS DAY OF ~oardMer:nbe ,..~ Pagei 7 af 8 - !:\sh~{ed\Jo~?'BZ.~\';;JPIJIlC:a1jon~l, De....elqprnenl SI~U'lJr)rC'5'Variance Appl.i_ca~:)11 rev, O~r';I.'?ooa O.ocket ~,lo.: CARMEUCLAY AD\l:ISGRY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA 08050030V.,OS0S003fV Petitioner Indiana Association of Seventh-dRv Adventists. Donald M. Hawky FINDII'JGSOF FACT- OEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS VARIANCE 1. " The approval of this variance will notbe injlJriQus to th.e public health, safe\y, morals and general welfare of the community because Churches bring a general uplift, to community standards and morals. Provisions for trafficlp~des!j:ian flow have been addressed in setback reductions previouslyapprov.ed. 2, The use and value of the, area adjacent to: the 'prgpeily included in, the vari.<Jr]ce will not be ,,!,ffected !n a su,bstantially adverse manner because: Churches lack the degrading aspect usually associated with commerdal structures such as convenience stores, gas stations, etc, 3 The'strict application of the terh15 aT the Zoning Ordina[1ce to the property will r.?sult if] practical difficulties in the use of the property bec.3use: Without requested variances, the building's al'lpearance would be: compromised on the northwest cornerpfihe property, and the building size would be reduced substantfally. ElECJS ION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of lheCarmelic;lay Board of Zoning App.eals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject toany,coneitjons stated in the minutes of this Board, which8re incorporated herein by r,eference and made a part hereof. AdcpteQ this . day of ,20 CHAIRPERSON, CarrnellClay Bo::ird ofZonlilg Appeals h~i!A SEeR ET ARY, CarmeliClay Board of Zonihg ,A.ppeals . Conditions of the Board ar,e listed on the back. (petitioner orhi$ representative to sign) Pag>:, 8 or;8, - z:l,sl'..r~c.:'dO:jffi;J\[2Z.; ~~ylic:}~[}r-.s:, [).~verQPf>;I!'lr;~S:a"j.l~arGs \fari_;IncC'-~Jn:llciltiol1 fc:..r.Dll,lli"lqP.8 CARMEUCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING. .APPEALS Docket No.': Carmel, Indian'! 08050030Y. 0805003 LV ()~asuo s~ Petitioner: Indiana ASS0ciatiol1 ofSeventh-dav Adventists. Dmlald N. Hawlev. FINDINGS 'OF FACT -.DEXfELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sneet) . 1. 2 3. D~ TED THIS r1r~ DAY OF ~)M ,20~ 7~-) Page 7 cf 8,- c'sh.are-d\Jorm,s.1,8z.-\,arlJlic:.ation5~ c;feYelopmef';t.Stand~r'~5r".an:ance Application r!!.....Ojf11I2008 CARMEUCLA Y ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana DocketNo.,: 080j0030V. 08050031 Vj () tc s ao 32 .5u. 4 Petitioner: Indiana .Assoc iati011 of Seventh~dav Adventists. Donald N. Hawlev FINDINGS OF FACT. DEVELOPMENT STANDAR'DS VARIANCE (BalloLSheet) 1. 2, 3,. DATED THIS :2 '3 to:J DAY OF ~'.A:1 ~ ,.20 J2L. . ~;Ju~ Board Jem1 r Page 7 0(8 ~ z:Jsh.ared\forfr.S'8ZAfappl.i_c,]ii_on5~ Devel.o-pment St,a,..,oat:::s '/ariarice-,e.,pp'licauon re.....01-/nn008 CARMELiCLAY BOARD OFZpNING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: 08050032SUA Petitioner; Indiana Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Donald N. f--Ia~vkv FINDINGS OF FA:CT . SPECIAL USE 1. The premises irl question is particularly physicallY$uitable for the proposed Special Use beca\:Js.e: structure parking and plantinas will make the best use of available. space. Roads will adequately handle the intermittent traffic a small church will create. 2. The Spe.cial Use will Qot illjuriQusiy or adversely affect economic factors, such as cost/benefit to the community and I.ts apticipated effed Of) .s,urrou,ndiog pr.op~rty values because: a church facilitv is typically viewed as awe.!come neiqhbor. The ",hurch's. size and desiQn will be compatibie with surrounding single-family homes. 3. The.Special Use will becor;lsistentWith social/neighbormood factors,. such a,s compatibility \^1i.th existing uses and t~ose .perm.itted under curren.t zQning in the vicinity oUhe premises L:Jn.der consider-atiGn and how the proposed Special Use will affect neighborhOo0 int!:!gritybecausei our mission is to seNe the commUnity's spiritual needs while being an integral part of the neighborhood. Structure design will blend nicely with surrounding homes. 4. The special Use will not injuriously or adversely affe8t the adequacy and availability of water, sewage and storm drainage faGilities and polieeand fire protedio[J beca.use: ,al/ utilities and storm drainage are in place. 5. The Special Use, will not advers.ely affect veni!,=ular and pedestrian traffic in ahd around the premises upon which the Special Use is proposed beGause: cur.rent roads will easily accommodate the church's traffic (typically weekend and off~.peak weekday times). 6. The Board has reviewed the requirements ofOrdinan.ce Z-160. Se:ction'21.G3 (1-26).a5 they r.elate to this..Special Use, and does riot find that those criteria prevent the gri3Qting of the special Use: as submitted and reviewed.. Sidewalks as addressediR 21.3-4 will be installed during final phase bfconstrtlr:tion DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Sp~cial U.se DacketNumber is granted. subject to ahY-conditions stated in the minutes of this 8()cmJ, which.are incorporated her,ein by r;eference and made a part hereof;: Jb.1~ . lv .v(/]?b ~ Conditi ns DOhe Board are listed on the back. (petitjonerw t1i.s rep,resentative t9 sign). c .SECRETARY, CarmelJC.ray Board of Zoning Appeals Pa~o:! 3 uf,:! - l;~:snaiE!.d'darms~8Z.~' applicalions\,Sp-eclal USI3'Aoglic.ation r~': O'iIrlj.2Cp8 C.ARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING AP,PEALS Carmel,lndi'l1"13 Dockei No.: 080S0032SUA Petitionen InpJiana Associati':m ofSev,ellth-dav' Advenfists. Donald N Hawl~y FINDINGS OF FACT "SPECIAL USE (BallotSheetl 1 . 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. DAY OF JlA~' .2Q~ rZ~' Boa~ DATED THIS' '&3 Page 1. ot:8 - i-\snarei:lifDrrns\BZ..1. 3p~litEWCn5\ Spedal Use Ap~fICaliof1 r~,-:, 91If1/4008 CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Doclse\ No.: o.S0500nSUA Petilion~r: l}ldiana ~ssociation of Seventh,dav Adventists,Donald N. H,~w:kv FINDINGS OF, FACT - SPECIAL USE 1. The premi~?s in q~eslio!l is particularly physically suitable for the propGsed Special Use because: st'ructure. parking and plantings will make the best use of availablespac8. Roads will adequately handletl'te intermittenttraffic.a snlall Church will create. 2. The Special Use will not injuriously or adv.ersely affect economic factors" such as cost/.benefit to the community and its anticipi'lted effect on ?urroun.9ir:]g property ~alues becal.Jse: a churdl facility is typically viewed as a welcome neiahbor, The ch'urch'ssize and design _ will be com patible with .surrounding ,single,famijy hom.es. 3. The.SpecialUse.will be.consistentwithsGcial/neighborhood factors, such as compaHbility with existing uses and those penriitted under current zoning in the vit;init,y of the premises under cansiderat.ion, and how the proposed ,Special Use will affect neighborhood integrity because: . our mission is,to seNe the community's sbiritual needswhHe being M integral' part of the neighborhood. Structure design will ble.nd nicely with surrounding homes. 4. TheSpecia.llJse will noUnjuriously or adversely affectthe adequacy and aV,ailability of'water, sew;3,ge and storm drairFlge facilities and police and fire protection because: . all utilities and storm drain8as are in place. 5. The Special Use will no.t adversely affect vehicul.ar and. pe,destrian tr.affic in and 'ar9Ljnd, the premises upon whichthe Special U S8 is proposed because: current road'swill easilv accommodate the church's traffic (typically weekend and pff-peak,week.day times) 6. TheB'oard has.reviewed the requirements of Ordinance Z-160, Section 21 .03( 1-2Ei') as they relateto this special Use, a nd does. not find .thatthose criteria prevent the gra nlin,g. of the Special Use: as submitted and reviewed. Sidewalks as addressed in 21.3-4 will be installed duringrinal phase of constfIJr.tion DECISION IT [S TH.EREFORE th.e d~cisionofthe Ci3rmel/Clay Bo.arq of Zoning A\ppeals that Special Use DOGket Number is granted, subject toany conditions' stated in the minutes o(this Board, which areincorp0rated herein by reference. imd maqea. part hereof. < AodopJed thi.s . dCly of ,20 CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of ZOflipg Appeals SEGREl'ARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals P..aseS of.a -zJshared\forms\BV. applicallons\ Sp'e.,;isl Us's Ap;Jlication 'r~'J~ Dll11:;20G8 CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana Docket No. : 08050032SUA Petiti oner: lndiana Association of Seventh-day Advelltists. Donald N.Hawle" FINDINGS OF FACT- SPECIAL U.SE (Ballo.tSheet), 1 . 2... 3. 4. 5. 6. zrJ- OAYOF J.,~( '20:?-, ~ . ~. Board rvlemti r . ' DATED THIS, P3ge 7 of a - z:\'shar€OUati1.15\.8ZA ;lp-p'lC3tJon:;;\"Soe'..::ial '1.:.1503' .A.pplicaliorl re'; 0'11.1'11"2008