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CarmeVClay Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals
January 27, 2003
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22-24j. Hamilton Crossing West, Building 6 0'-215-02; V-216-02; V-217-02)
Petitioner seeks approval of the following Development Standards Variances:
V-215-02 923B.08.01(c) 545' from build-to line
V-216-02 S23B.12(A) parking forward of principal building
V-217-02 925.01.02(B)(3) accessory building forward of principal building
The site is located at 13085 Hamilton Crossing Boulevard. The site is zonedB-5/Business within
the US 31!Meridian Street Overlay Zone.
923B.08 Height and Yard Requirements.
S23B.08.01 Build-To Lines:
C. Dimensional requirements for Build-to-lines shall be measured from the highway
or street Right~of-way line:
(1) US. 31 Corridor and I-465: Ninety (90) feet
(2) pennsylVania Street, Pennsylvania Parkway, Meridian Corners
Boulevard, and lllinoisCorridors: Twenty (20) feet.
Parking Requirements.
Except as proVided in Paragraph B, there shall be no (0) parking between the U.S.
31 right-of-way and the front build~to line of the building.
Business. Industrial. and. Manufacturing Districts.
Height and Area Requirements.
3. Minimum Lot Standards.
a. Minimum Front Yard Setback.
1. When detached from the Principal Building, Accessory
Buildings shall be set back a minimum of the greater of the
On January 21, 2003, the Plan
Amend/ADLS for this site.
twenty-five (25) feet behind the FrontLine of Building;
twenty. five (25) feet behind the Building Setback Line.
Commission approved Docket No. 157-02 DP
The Department recommends favorable consideration of Docket No. V-215-02 through
Z-217-02 consistent with the Plan Commission's approval of 157-02 DP Arnend/ADLS.
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Department Report
Carmel/Clay Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals
January 27, 2003
Page 27 of36
Items 22'-24j.
exhibit A
Hamilton Crossing West,Building 6
Technical AdYisory Committee
November 20, 2002
Hamilton Crossing Building #6 (Development Plan) Docket No. 157-02 DP Amend
The applicant seeks approval to construct an office building. The site is generally located on the
south side of 13lst St. between U.S. 31 and Meridian Comers Blvd. Filed by Blair D. Carmosino
of Duke Realty Corporation.
Blair Carmosino gave an overview of the project and introduced Lany Longman, Alan Tucker, and Joe Rogers.
This is a five-story office building with approximately 180,000 SF with structured parking (ratio 4 per 1,000). It is
designed in a similar fashion withs~nsitivity to the proposed right-of-ways at theinterchange at 131 stStreet. We
believe everyone has received plans. There are extra copies today forthose who might need them. Comments from
TAC members have been received and the early responses are greatly appreciated. We have already sent a follow-
up to the Fire Department and the Department of Community Services.
Alan confirms 1he building will be sprinkled. A message from Gary Hoyt asked that a meeting be set to discuss
access and location. Gary would also like a set of plans showing height ofbuildingand parkingstl1lcture (Blair will
send a copy of the elevation to Gary). !tis noted the parking garage is equipped with dry standpipe. There are DO
subterranean levels and no basement in the main structure. A Knox box will be at the front entrance. We have had
some discussions regarding a standard policy on .location of a Knox box. If there were a large distance (this building
would qualify), then you would have one at the sprinkler room also. This buildIng,wIll require two. A remote alarm
panel at the front entrance \viiI be needed. The two additional frre hydrants will be discussed with Gary Hoyt.
Joe Rogers comments on the fIre hydrants. They are checking with the civil engineer to get additional water taps.
This would be somewhat of a long di~tance water service coming ill. The one we already know about. is in the
northwest corner of the garage. We will be' permitted to make another tap at that location. The one you requested at
the driveway bet\Veen Hamilton Building 5 and 6 is still being investigated.
Chuck states tIris is a mUlti-story total electric building.
Scott would like to know when Phase Two landscaping is going in?
Blair jokingly asks if Scott knows when the ramp wilL go in. We wilUeaveitopenuntil then. Some of the screen
around the dock area will have a row of trees on the west i:nid~section. This will help faciiitate the screening of the
Scott will meet with Blair on that later. One of my species comments ;is' about fiilding a substitute for the pears.
You bave two at the parking stl1lcture. I would like to discourage the pears, because long term they become a
maintenance problem Is there a path on the western edge? Blair states there should be a sidewalk installed. Scott
notes there are some Washington Hawthorns on the edge and should be replaced with something without thorns. It
appears you do not meet the buffer yard guidelines on the west side. With the residential area and with the parking
strucmre going in, you will want to meet the guidelines especially on the side. There is a mound shown on the south
side. We are short the slnubs entry as well. Regarding the grasses at the parking structme, you need as much height
as possible. The maidenhair grass might not be the best selection. You will need one with more height for the
structure. A grass or upright ornamental would give the sense of scale. I need a graphi.c planting detail. Scott will
send a letter explaining the root flare and bmlap binding as well as other information.
Jenny bas not yet sent a letter. You will need an outlet permit and that will be explained in my letter.
Dick notes Kate Weese has not looked at the plans. I would suggest you set a meeting with the engineering
department. Typically we do not have many comments in this area because Hamilton Crossing is a private street.
I'm sure you'll want to talk with Kate about the right-of-way issues in particular the roundabout at 131 st Street and
Meridian Corners Blvd. In your plans it seems no allowance has been made for this. In your future meeting, you
can discuss whether more right-of-way is needed. The thoroughfare plan calls for more than is cllnel1tly there.
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Department Report
Carmel/Clay Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals
January 27,2003
Page 28 of36
Bill has talked with Blair about the address of the building. Bill will send a letter to confIrm the address as 13085
Hamilton Crossing Blvd. Bill notes it is a t'ive-story building. Later we can talk about the suite layout and numbers
for the suites. On the site plan, it should read Meridian Comers Blvd.
Dean has concerns about the easements. There are no platted easements along Meridian Comers Blvd. I have
power cable along 131 st Street that was originallyplalliled to come in to feed your transformer, and thlitis still valid.
I have a concem regarding the new ramp system. We could use some of that but we will need some easements
eventually on the north side to get our equipment in and out of the road right-of7way. We know that Meridian
Comers Blvdisa public right~of-way.
Blair has looked at the status of Hamilton Crossing. It is an ingress/egress easement but not a utility easement.
Within two days we should have the draft. Your concerns should be addressed at that time.
Jon received Blair's letter of November 6th. We have hadleilgthy discussions about the right-of-way at 131 ,t Street
and Meridian Corners Blvd. I know the city has the intention to construct a roundabout at that comer.. The city is in
the pfoc.ess of.designing a roundabout at Lnst Street and Spring Mill Road. I believe we will address that from a
comprehensive standpoint and decide what happens at US3lbarring what the state decides about how that works.
My suggestion, and it may take Plan Commission action, not to comply with the thoroughfare plan. The setback
from Meridian Comers is 15'. There is a IS' lands.cape buffer along 131 st Street. If you dedicate the right-of-way
pursuantto the thoroughfare plan the parking spaces would still be outside the proposed right-of-way, It's the buffe.r
that would be reduced and/or eliminated.. Perhaps an ea~ement or something that would get us the necessary right-
of-way at tbe center section to accolTlt'ilodate the roundabout. This would accommodate the parking spaces without
removal or relocation, Again, reserve the area until the state makes a decision (as early as next February) on their
alignment. We will try to answer this before we get to the Plan Commission so the)' don't have to worry with that
discussion. I still need to .talk with Kate about this and the roundaboutissues. The 10' (or 8'). landscaping around the
parking plaza needs to be iaentifIed on the site as areas that are not considered as required landscaping. If you can
come up with the same aJea, I believe that will be acceptable. Some edges fall outside, the 25' requirement. Follow
Scott's comments about species and materials iinhat area. It affords us the ability to come'up with a solution, We
meet the intent by providing a screen around the accessory building. Hopefully the site is not so tight that we can't
get 4 or 5 more feet east to west. The parking island, according to the ordinance, requires that there are a certain
number of shrubs. Your plan needs to be amended. The area on the plans says that future parking is lict apart of
this approval. I would like a note added to have that defined as a limitation of 300' from the building on parking
spaces. It should be noted on the set what area parking is required. If you decide in the future, that the layout is
different, you would be required to seek a variance, The insta.llation of an asphalt path south of this site at Meridian
Comers (there is a segment between Hamilton Crossing Blvd as you come off US3l) has not been completed. I
have not researched it back to see if it was on the 'plans before. We would like that gap filled. It is als9 my
lmderstanding, outside TAC issues and in conjunction with. road improvements; there is some grant money the city
has co rnmirte d to arid/or through the Hamilton County Alliance for improvements. I don't know what the dollar
amount is, but we want to make sure those are used and we are not loosing out. This might be state incentive
Sharon confIrms petitioner has received their coriunents.
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Department RepOli
CarmeVClayAdvisory Board of Zoning Appeals
January 27,2003
Page 29 of 36
Items 22-24j.
exhibit B
Hamilton Crossing West, Building 6
Location Map
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