HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 01-27-03 Department Report Cannel/Clay Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals January 27, 2003 Page 30 of36 25-26j. Northview Christian Life Church (SUA-218-02; V-219-02) The petitioner seeks Special Use approval in order to construct additions to the existing church and erect a new youth center. Petitioner also seeks approval of a Development Standards Variance of 35.04.01 in order to allow the addition to be 40' 6" in height. The site is located at 5535 East 131 st Street. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - Low Density. The Department recommends favorable conSIderation of these petitions with the Condition that all TAC issues be resolved satisfactorily, Page 30 Department Report Cannel/Ctay Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals January 27, 2003 Page 31 of 36 Items 25-26j. exhibit A Northview Christian Life Technical Advisory Committee December 18, 2002 Northview Christian Life (Special Use) SUA 218-02, V219-02 The applicant seeks to construct an addition to the existing church and a new youth center. The site is located on the southwest comer of East 13151 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - Low Density. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for Northview Christian Life. Jim Nelson for the petitioner along with David Huffman, Dan Ware, arid William Cooper. Cluistian Life Cburch has filed an application for Special Use approval. TIlis would permit certain improvements to the existing church facility. Copies were disseminated to ali meinbers of the Technical Advisory Committee that I felt would have jurisdictional interest in the matter. .I.have had a nice response. John South faxed a letter and also has a copy today for the petitioner. It appears the project is 5 acres in size. I think you can probably eliminate the silt fence as shown on the erosion control plan. If you wanted some overall protection and inlet protection at the dry basin that would be an appropriate place to put in a stop gap measure. TIle erosion control blanket downstream at structure number one, to the east of the youth building, we would reqmre a 2%+ grade. David Huffman has more questions about the existing sttucture and John refers to his letter. Jim Blanchard, will there be any bluldiugs to be removed, wells capped, or septics closed on the property? I understand you are adding modulars. A presubmittal meeting for pennits will be scheduled. I will give you a checklist and procedures list for you to follow. In these additions, if we have any exits in the back, we will needta have a walkway to a public way. The h,!rd surface should be 44" and is required by DOCS Building and Code Enforcement for fIre as well as for the American Disabilities Act. The NFP life safety code is in the UnifOlID Building Code regarding egress. David, the barn that is currently sewed by a well and septic is not to be disturbed. Jim Nelson had approval sometime ago for the modular classrooms. Gary handed the petitioner a letter. The gymnasium/youth center is going to be a sprinkled building. We would like to set up a meeting to discuss where we will put the flre department connection. It might be a wall mount unless cars will be parked in front of it. If there will be cars, we ask that it be marked off so no cars will park there when we need clear access. We would also need to discuss an exterior entrance door to the riser room instead of having to go inside the building. 1 would like to request a Knox Box on all freestanding buildings, which would be the gymnasium/youth center and maintenance/garage area. The buildings that are sprinkled should participate in a Keybox System. They have also devised a fue department Siamese cap, which we ask that you pm-chase and we will install on the connections. It makes the connection safe. I'm sure the. building will have a fire alarm system, if not, we request an enunciator panel (or at least a remote panel at the front door). Dan Ware sent a letter to Gary. In the letter we suggested rather than at the. main entrance, and a little more remote, there was a better more convenient entrance to where your truck might pull up that the fue alaml enunciator could be located. Gary, typically how our department works is, the chief goes to Knox Box gets the key and makes entry. We like to have that close to where he makes entry. If there is a door more conducive for us to go right in, we can look at that. Dick Hill will mail his comments today. We have not reviewed the drainage calculations but will try to get our responses to you in the comment letter. We did review the water usage for the church and we don't foresee any additional fees. You need to ideritify 131't Street on the plans regarding the right-of-way. I noticed you bave a couple of temporary construction entrances but they are internal. \Vhere will you access your main entrance to the church off 131 ,t Street? David, notes the temporary 50' will be just stone. Page 31 Department Report Carmel/Clay Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals January 27,2003 Page 32 of 36 William Cooper comments it is a long way to 131 sl Street. David, also there are substantial speed bumps at the diive off of HazeLDell Parkway. Dick, the gravel driveway at the entrance off of 131 st Street ~ did that receive Board of Works approval? David conflITIlS that was left over from the original farm. Itis not quite a gravel drive as it is unusedand.overgrown. It is a little more defmed on the survey than it actually is. There are some samtalY manholes. The driveway fades off once it gets to the hill, It is a visible curb cut, but once you get outside the driveway it tums into overgrown stone. It was used for a while for the youth center. When the chw:ch was built, they put in a new entrance. It is not used currently. Dick, Sheet C 1.1 is a little confusing. In Item #13 notes, the anows point to remove water lines. The petitioner has since corrected this and it is not now pointing to the sidewalk. Duct line pipe was used for future expansion. David, the church is big, but they do have bigger plans; They did not want to redo it if they expanded in the future. Dick would like to see existing buildings on the plans and whether they have water and sewer service. David, the barn is served by a well and septic. At the main building, we tried to show the routings. The chapel is not connected. The other small building is just a cover of the shed. The water lines 'will tap off at 131 SI Street and the sanitary line for the new building is pumped through a duplex from Hazel Dell to the north side. Jon, going past the existing bam, the lateral to the barn now is not practical. Dick, the septic seems to be in good condition. I can'tspeak for the utility department. David, we have not heard any complaints. There are no visible signs of the septic failing. It was put in sometime in the late 80's. We will provide more information on the location, Jon passes letters from Scott Brewer and Chuck Shupperd to the petitioner. Scott and Chuck had previously scheduled meetings that prevented them from being at this portion of T AC. Laurence asks the petitioner: how much of the pavement is new? It is confIrmed that the service drive is new. I did not see a note on curbing. Will you file a variance? That is an element of the parking lot. The petitioner will put in the curb. At our last meeting we talked about the elevation of the building that shows the overall height. These plans still do not show what we talked about. Dan will get the changes to Law:ence by the end of the week. Laurence, there is still some question a'pout the youth facility. I need an exhibit that I can take to my Director to get a determination or be exempted under the language. I would like to get Docket Numbers assigned Friday. 1 will meet with Jim if he brings that information in tomOlTOW. We also discussed the need for sidewalks on 131 st Street. I requested that any documentation with respect to that be provided and it has not been received. Dan checked with the church yesterday. They were not able to fmd the documentation they thought they had. Laurence, then either the 10' asphalt path needs to be shoviIl or a request will need to be made on that as well. Jim will cover that also. The right"of-way along 13151 Stl'eet is not apparent. You have copies of the dedication. Those need to be in the fmal plans and confirmed as existing or for the dedication to be made. Dick has a copy of the dedication and will forward it to Lalirence. Jim and I found the dedication. Laurence will meet with Jim on Thursday. David received JelUlY Chapman's letter. The site is in city limits and in the initial letter she stated it would require an outlet permit. I called her and she said she misunderstood because she thought we were putting in a detention pond. She said an outletpem1it to Mitchner's Ditch is not required. Jon, to save you some time in front of the~oard of Zoning Appeals, if you could have color elevations of the proposed and compare that with the existing it will help them understand. Jim, we can have a sample board of materials. Also, we can show different models, materials, and colors. Page 32 Department Report Carmel/Clay Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals January 27, 2003 Page 33 of 36 Items 25-26j. exhibit B Northview Christian Life Technical Advisory Committee Page 33