HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter of Grant '. u u CITY OF CARMEL 'II(/~ . !il/WI' of Gq ~~~ \\\\!.c:.t../,,""-'--'-- f?A': ~ \~ """, ~,~~ @ (j/ Jr!~ '~("~ ~. !'-, ~ .....\. '0. ~ flt.J 1\ .' c..\ ~ ~ !OJ ,,\ f ' '!',i ~ ~ "!~ ({j,\ f/ml ~.l'" ~ ~ 1."- I L.----1J'J.J ! N '0 ,(' ') J @ ~ ~<~-_//-P\~~ - Itt,I '_."-: "'\\\\\ %t..'J:ON" GO. ('I!jl. ~/Jf;J. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Division of Planning & Zoning Willam E. Wendling, JT. Campbell Kyle Proffitt 650 East Cannel Drive, Suite 400 Carmel, IN 46032 LET T E R of G R ~ (f ~ RECFIVED EED 27 J 2003' DOCS Re: University High School at 2925 West 116th Street Special Use Amendment and Development Standards Variances (SUA-212-02; V-213-02; V-214-02) Via US Mail &fax (317/843-8097) Dear Mr. Wendling, At the meeting held Monday, January 27,2003, the Cannel/Clay Advisory Board of Zoning Appeals took the following action regarding the Special Use Amendment and Development Standards Variance petitions filed by you on behalf of University High School: APPROVED with Conditions: Docket No. SUA-212-02, a petition under Section 5.02: Special Uses in order to construct an addition to the existing high school and install twelve (12) modular classrooms. The Board voted five (5) in favor, zero (0) opposed, thereby approving the petition with the following Conditions of Approval: 1. That the 70-foot half right-of-way for West 1161h Street shall be dedjcated across the entire frontage of the several properties and tbat recorded copies of the right-of-way dedication sball be filed with the Division of Planning & Zoning prior to the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit for this project; 2. That the modular classrooms have the approval for three (3) years, at which time they must either be removed or return to the Board for re-approval; 3. That the ten~foot, asphalt, multi-use paths must be installed within three (3) years; 4. That all Technical Advisory Committee comments shall be satisfactorily addressed prior to the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit. ONE eI\TIC SQUARE CAR1VIEL,INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 Page 2 0 Docket Nos. SUA-212-02; V~213-02; V-214-02 o APPROVED: Docket No. V-213-02., a petition to vary Seclion 25,07.02-05(c)(i) in order to establish a 11 O.5-square- foot institutional ground sign on site. The Board voted five (5) in favor, zero (0) opposed, thereby approving the petition. APPROVED: Docket No. V-214-02, a petition to vary Section 25.07.02-05(d) in order to establish an eight-foot, six-inch (8' 6") institutional ground sign on site. The Board voted five (5) in favor, zero (0) opposed, the;reby approving the petition. . Please be :advised that per Section 21.02.07: Time Limit of the Zoning Ordinance, the aforementioned Special Use Arllendment approval is valid for one (1) year. By that time, either continuous construction of siteimprovelllents must be underway, or a written request for a one- time, six-month extensionZQfThe apP.f9Val must have been received and approval granted by this Department. The .expiration date of this approval is Tuesday, January 27, 2004. Please be advised that by virtue of the Board's Condition of Approval, the aforementioned Special Use approval Jor the twelve additional modular classrooms expires in thee (3) years. By that time, either the modular classrooms must be removed, or ~ new Special Use Amendment approval must be granted by the Board. The expiration date of the approval of the modular classrooms is Friday, January 27,2006. Please be advised that per Section 25.07.07: Sign Permits of the Zoning Ordinance, the sign approved pursuant to the aforementioned Development Standards Variances must be established within one (1) year. The expiration date of the approvals is Tuesday, January 27, 2004. *\Vhen applying for Improvement Location Permits for this site, you will need to submit a set of Construction Plans to the Division of Planning & Zoning for confirmation review. *When applying for the Sign Permit for this structure, please include a copy of this letter with your application materials in order to assist the Department's review. If! can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 317.571.2417. Sincerely, - <;2. c . Lillig, Jr. PI . g & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services ONE CIVIC SQUARE Ci\RlvfEL, INDHNA 46032 317/571-2417 Page 3 U Docket Nos. SUA-212-02; V-213~02; V-214-02 Cc: Connie Tingley, BZA Secretary Jeff Kendall, DOCS, Building Commissioner Dawn Pattyn, DOCS, Sign Permit Review ONE Cl\i1C SQUARE CAR.I\1ffiL, INDL'\NA. 46032 u 317/571-2417